Where did the countdown of the new era begin? History and ethnology

why is there Common Era and BC

    1. Our era, AD e. (alternative decoding new era, English Common Era, English CE) period of time starting from 1 year according to the Gregorian calendar, current era. The period of time ending before the beginning of the first year of the Gregorian calendar BC, BC. e. ; alternative form Before the Nativity of Christ.

      According to most scientists, when calculating the year of the Nativity of Christ in the 6th century by the Roman abbot Dionysius the Lesser, a small mistake was made (several years).
    1. “Our era” begins with the birth of Jesus Christ. Before that - BC. The date is provisional - the exact date has not been found.
    1. In 284 from the beginning of the reign of the Roman Emperor Diocletian, the monk Dionysius the Small calculated, as it seemed to him, the date of birth of Jesus Christ and took it as the starting point of a new era. Dionysius established, according to the text of the New Testament, that Christ was born 525 years before he began his calculations. This event marks the beginning of our era. Then, in the early Middle Ages, they still used the Roman system, when counting was carried out from the date of the emperor’s accession. Dionysius determined the date by calculating the dates of Easter. For Dionysius the Lesser, the Emperor Diocletian was a pagan and a persecutor of Christians, therefore, as it seemed to him, it would not be very worthy to calculate these sacred dates from the time of the pagan emperor. His system of counting was made popular in 731 by another monk, the chronicler of Anglo-Saxon history Bede the Venerable in his work About the six ages of the world. It was Bede who introduced the countdown in the opposite direction BC. After this, the new frame of reference began to spread throughout all the then European countries. The last country in Western Europe to switch to the new chronology was Portugal in 1422. In Russia, a new era was introduced by Peter I in 1699.

      In view of the event from which the countdown is made, they also say: after the Nativity of Christ, before the Nativity of Christ. Modern researchers of the New Testament say that Dionysius the Small was slightly mistaken in his calculations by about four years. Despite this, the designation of our era and BC in the modern world has become detached from its religious roots and already exists regardless of the fact that, in fact, there is inaccuracy in the calculations. Briefly denoted n. e., BC e.

    1. This is how it happened historically.
      That is, initially there was no our or non-our era; time was counted in each country in its own way, often dividing time according to the periods of the reign of kings. But with the advent of Christianity, Christian leaders decided that a new era had now arrived, since “the Lord made a new covenant with people,” and therefore it was necessary to tie the account of time to this event. Well, and only then, to designate events that occurred before the birth of Christ, they began to use the wording “before our era.” Our era, AD e. (alternative decoding new era, English Common Era, English CE) period of time starting from 1 year according to the Gregorian calendar, current era. The period of time ending before the beginning of the first year of the Gregorian calendar BC, BC. e. ; alternative form Before the Nativity of Christ.
      The name is often used in religious form from the Nativity of Christ, an abbreviation of R.H. This entry is chronologically equivalent (no conversion or year zero required).
      The zero year is not used in either secular or religious notation; this was introduced by the Venerable Bede at the beginning of the 8th century (zero was not widespread in culture at that time). However, year zero is used in Astronomical year numbering and in the ISO 8601 standard.
      According to most scientists, when calculating the year of the Nativity of Christ in the 6th century by the Roman abbot Dionysius the Lesser, a small mistake was made (several years).

      The era “from the Nativity of Christ” was introduced by Dionysius the Lesser in 525, and already at the beginning of the 7th century it was approved by Pope Boniface IV. It is also found in the documents of Pope John XIII (965 - 972). But only since the time of Eugene IV, since 1431, has this era been regularly used in the documents of the Vatican Chancery. At the same time, the year from the creation of the world had to be indicated.
      Soon after its introduction, the era was also used by some Western historians and writers, in particular by a contemporary of the papal archivist Marcus Aurelius Cassiodorus, a century later by Julian of Toledo, then by Bede the Venerable.
      During the 8th - 9th centuries, the new era became widespread in many countries of Western Europe.
      In Russia, Christian chronology and the January New Year, as already mentioned, were introduced at the end of 1699 by decree of Peter I, according to which (for the sake of agreement with European peoples in contracts and treatises (the year beginning after December 31, 7208 from the creation of the world, began to be considered 1700 AD.
      By now, the era “from the Nativity of Christ,” created by Dionysius the Small more than a millennium and a half ago, “has become, as it were, an absolute scale for recording historical events in time” (E. I. Kamentseva. Chronology. - M.: “Higher School”, 1967 . - P. 24).

    2. BC is like before the Nativity of Christ, our era in Russia is considered 1700 AD
  1. Who can confirm the zero reference point on Earth??? What is it based on? The Muslims have theirs, the Orthodox have theirs, the peoples of Africa have theirs, Tomba-mba, theirs. It is defined by the Jews, who first kill the Son of God, then celebrate his resurrection, attributing credit to themselves. This is complete nonsense!
You will see that the Bible clearly says that the above statement is false. Firstly: The Adventist Church, like many others, teaches that the order to rebuild Jerusalem was received by Ezra in the 7th year of the government of Artaxerxes I in 457 BC. From this year, ignoring the principle of biblical time (see page 2), the church begins to count the 69 weeks as 483 years (we will discuss these 69 weeks later) and gets the 27th year in which they believe Jesus was baptized (457 BC - 483 years +1=27 years). However, this point of view does not have a reliable basis. Luke said quite clearly (3:1) that John the Baptist began his baptismal mission in the 15th year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar. Tiberius became Caesar in 14, which means his 15th year was 29. This means that Jesus could not have been baptized before the age of 29. The Bible says that John the Baptist began his mission in the year 29, it does not say that Jesus was baptized in the same year - the 29th year. In fact, when Jesus came to be baptized, John was well known to “Jerusalem and all Judea and all the region around Jordan” (Matt. 3:5; Mark 1:5), so he most likely preached for more than a few months (no one knows which day Luke considered the beginning of the year. At that time, according to several calendars, the year began with the birth of Augustus (September 23 link). And if this were so, 29 would have just begun). Adventists teach that the year 27 was the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius, as he stood in for Emperor Augustus for the last two years before his death. Thus, they teach, his 15th year of reign was actually the 27th year. However, a careful study of the reign of Augustus clearly shows that that short time (less than two years) when Tiberius was openly recognized by Augustus as his successor and was admitted to meetings of the Senate, was not actually the time of his co-rule: he did not issue laws, did not take take responsibility for the empire. Tiberius was not a leader; he did not know how to speak either with the people or with the Senate. Augustus brought him closer to himself because Tiberius was not his competitor; Augustus was not afraid that Tiberius would attract the respect and honor of his subordinates. Until his death, Augustus remained of a strong mind and sound memory; in the year of his death, he wrote down all his victories that he accomplished during his life (“Acts of the Divine Augustus”). Augustus did not need helpers. Being a selfish and proud ruler, well aware of his merits in strengthening the empire, he liked it when people saw the contrast between him, albeit an old but wise leader, a bright personality, and the future ruler, a wild, aloof, suspicious person, like Tiberius. At that time, no one perceived Tiberius as the ruler of the empire. Even after the death of Augustus, Tiberius was not ready to accept responsibility for the empire. According to the Chronicle of Tacitus, he very hesitantly asked the Senate if he could assume control of only some part of the state. The Senate answered him that the empire could not be divided and must be ruled by one mind. The successor of Caesar, not by blood, but by Caesar's own choice, Augustus perfectly satisfied the expectations of the Romans. As the first Roman emperor, Augustus organized the local government and army, restored Rome, and patronized culture and the arts. With his reign, endless wars ceased, and 200 years of peace began, which went down in history under the name Pax Augustus ( or Pax Romana). What he did for the empire was so great and seemed impossible for a man that many considered him a god and worshiped him even after his death. While Augustus was alive, Tiberius was only a shadow of a leader. The Senate, and especially the masses, never accepted him as the ruler of the empire while Augustus was alive. Luke could not attribute the last two years of Augustus to the reign of Tiberius in any way. That is why in the 29th year, and not in the 27th year, John began to preach, and Jesus could come to him in the 29th year or later. 1. Link. 2. Link. 3. Link. 4. Link. 5. Link. 6. Link. 7. Link. Second: In the traditional explanation of the prophecy there is no logic in the order of the specified events. See for yourself: first the temple was built, then the city, then the city wall. From the above books we know that the Jews were surrounded by enemies who were constantly trying to prevent the restoration of the temple. The neighboring tribes were aggressive and dangerous to the Jews. The Jews could not build the temple and the city without first rebuilding the city walls. The city wall had far from aesthetic purposes, but protective ones. She had to be restored first. Let's start studying these books step by step. From history we know that in 539 BC. Cyrus II (559-521 BC) defeated Babylon and ordered the rebuilding of the temple (Ezra 1:1-3). In the government of Cyrus, in 539-8. BC, the first Jews left Babylonian captivity to Jerusalem and other Jewish cities with Sheshbazzar (Ezra 1:8,11), the governor (Ezra 5:14), who first laid the foundations of the temple (Ezra 5:16) . It was Sheshbazzar, not Zerubbabel, who received the silver and gold from Cyrus (Ezra 1:8). Sheshbazzar's name was not mentioned in the list of people who went out with Zerubbabel, because Sheshbazzar led another group - the very first one. The second exodus took place later, with Zerubbabel (Ezra 2:2), the governor of the province (Haggai 1:14). When they came and began to build the city of Jerusalem, the neighboring nations wrote a letter to King Artaxerxes I complaining about the Jews, in the letter they said: “Let it be known to the king that the Jews who came out from you, they came to us - to Jerusalem, they are building this rebellious and worthless city, and they are making walls, and they have already laid their foundations” (Ezra 4:12). So when did the exodus with Zoroabel take place? During the government of Artaxerxes I (465-424 BC). What did Zerubbabel’s people do immediately upon arrival? They began to repair the walls and install foundations. The Bible says that in the second year after their return (Ezra 3:8) the foundations of the temple were laid (Ezra 3:10). As we know, Sheshbazzar had already laid the foundations of the temple (Ezra 5:16). This only means that too many years have passed since Sheshbazzar laid the foundations, and they were already partially destroyed, and probably were not even finished: “Then that Sheshbazzar came and laid the foundations of the house of God in Jerusalem; and ever since then it has been under construction until now, and is not yet finished” (Ezra 5:16) because of the strong opposition that the Jews experienced from their neighbors. Nehemiah (or Tirshatha 1:1; 10:1) was a very wealthy and respected man (Neh. 7:70). He first came to Jerusalem with the group of Zerubbabel (Neh. 7:7; Ezra 2:2) and together with the priest Ezra he participated in the Feast of Tabernacles (Neh. 8:9,17), which they had not had “since the days of Jesus the son Joshua” (Neh. 8:1,17). The festival was held in the seventh month (Ezra 3:4,6), in the first year after Zerubbabel's group returned to Jerusalem (Ezra 3:6,8). After this, Nehemiah returned to Babylon to continue his work as a cupbearer in the court of Artaxerxes I. About 10 years later (we will discuss this time period later), while he was in Susa (Neh. 1:1, indicates that Nehemiah did not remain on one place all these years), he heard that the people who went to Jerusalem were “in great distress and humiliation; and the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are burned with fire” (Neh. 1:3). Nehemiah was very annoyed (1:3) because he was with Zerubbabel's men when they were repairing the walls. Probably neighboring tribes who were against the restoration of Jerusalem burned the gates. In the 20th year of the reign of King Artaxerxes I (reigned from 465 to 424 BC), Nehemiah asked the king for permission to go to the city of his ancestors and build it up. The king sent Nehemiah to build the city (Neh. 2:1,5,6) and gave him wood for construction city ​​wall and gate Jerusalem (2:8). Nehemiah did not say that this was a decree to rebuild the city, most likely it was simply the king's response to his request. “On the day that your walls are built, on that day the decree will be removed,” said the prophet (Mic. 7:11). The wall was built despite all odds (Neh. 4:16,17), despite threats to kill Nehemiah (6:10) in 52 days (6:15). Only after the wall was completed was it possible to build anything inside Jerusalem without the threat of death from the surrounding tribes. Nehemiah said, “You see the trouble we are in; Jerusalem is empty and its gates were burned with fire; let's go to, let's build the wall of Jerusalem and will not be in such humiliation in the future"(2:17). Consequently, Jerusalem was empty until the wall was built. Construction of the city walls was a priority. At the time of Nehemiah, Jerusalem “was spacious and great: but the people therein were few, and no houses were built” (Neh. 7:4). The decree on the restoration of Jerusalem was given by Nehemiah, as governor (Neh. 5:14), after the completion of the construction of the city walls. Thus, the order to rebuild the city of Jerusalem was given by Nehemiah in the same 20th year of the reign of King Artaxerxes I, in 446 BC. If it were Ezra, who received the order to rebuild Jerusalem 14 years earlier Nehemiah (as is commonly believed), then some buildings would have already been built in the city. The incorrect conclusion that Nehemiah's time came after the time of Ezra, and the city and temple had already been rebuilt before Nehemiah arrived, was probably made because the Bible reports that in Nehemiah's time there was a temple of God in Jerusalem (Neh. 6:10) . However, at that time, even the place where the temple was before was called the house of God. Thus, the altar was built in the first year after the arrival of Zerubbabel’s group (Ezra 3:1,2,6,8), in the seventh month. In that same seventh month (Neh. 9:1) they “cast lots for the wood to be brought to to the house of our God” (10:34). This means that there was only an altar, but the place was already called the house of God. Ezra said: “In the second year after he came to the house of God in Jerusalem, in the second month, Zerubbabel... and Joshua... and the rest of their brothers, the priests and Levites... laid foundation of the temple of the Lord ”(3:8,11). Thus, the place was called the house of God even when the house had no foundation. At the time of Nehemiah there was no temple in Jerusalem. The Bible says that Artaxerxes I stopped all work on the temple and work did not continue until the second year of Darius' reign (Ezra 4:24). If the temple had already been built when Nehemiah came, how would Artaxers have stopped work on the temple? In addition to Artaxerxes' order to stop work on the temple, Ezra also mentions Artaxerxes I's assistance in the construction of the temple (Ezra 6:14). This leads to a misunderstanding: did he stop the work or help with the work? The king stopped work on the temple, but allowed Nehemiah to complete the fortress at the house of God (Neh. 2:8; 13:7). It was a fortress where there was an altar, on the site of a temple, and it was called the house of God. The temple had not yet been built. The Temple was rebuilt when all the people of Jerusalem already had their own houses (Haggai 1:4,9), and in the time of Nehemiah there were no houses yet (Nehemiah 7:4). Thus, contrary to traditional claims, the temple could not have been built before Nehemiah. In chapter 4, Ezra described the difficulties of rebuilding the temple that the Jews went through from the beginning of the exodus from Babylon to the time of Ezra. Read this chapter carefully. The neighboring nations were hostile to the Jews (Ezra 4:5): “all the days of Cyrus (Cyrus II, from the exodus from Babylon in 538 BC to 521 BC) ... and until the reign of Darius ( Darius I 521-486 BC)". During the reign of Darius I's son Achashverosh (486-465 BC), an accusation was brought against the Jews (Ezra 4:6), which occurred at the same time when the king issued a decree for the extermination of all Jews in his kingdom (Esther 3:7,13. In Russian translations of the book of Esther, the name of Artaxerxes is sometimes used instead of the name Ahasuerus. This is an incorrect translation). After this, Artaxerxes (Artaxerxes I reigned 465-424 BC) stopped all work in the temple and “this stop continued until the second year of the reign of Darius” (Ezra 4:7,21,24). This was Darius II, he reigned from 424 to 404 BC. Thus, in the second year of the reign of Darius II (Ezra 5:5), in 423 BC. “The Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel… and the spirit of Jesus… and they came and began to work in the house of the Lord…. in the second year of King Darius” (Haggai 1:14-15). Zechariah (4:9) said: “The hands of Zerubbabel laid the foundation of this House, and his hands will finish it” (the Jews actually believed that Zerubbabel, not Sheshbatzar, laid the foundation of the temple, because almost nothing remained of the first foundation and it was not even finished: “and from then on it was built until the village, and was not yet finished” (Ezra 5:16). As we see, if Zerubbabel came to Jerusalem in 538 BC, as is commonly believed, then by the time of Darius II, i.e. 116 years later, he would have long been dead. When King Darius II was informed that the Jews had begun to build the temple by order of King Cyrus, he first ordered that this order be found in the book depository (Ezra 5:17,6:1). And only after making sure that such an order from Cyrus really existed, he issued a decree to continue the construction of the temple. Cyrus II the Great was the legendary king of Persia, and all his decrees were authoritative for every subsequent king. Therefore, the Jews boldly referred to the decree of Cyrus even at a time when other kings were in power. This is how Zerubbabel's people told their neighbors about Cyrus' order during the reign of Artaxerxes I (Ezra 4:3). In the 6th year of Darius II (Ezra 6:15) the temple of God was completed. So, the temple was rebuilt in 419 BC.

Ancient calendars

Archeology cannot pinpoint exactly when an event occurred. She gives only an approximate date. The exact dates are given to historians only by written sources, and even then Not all. How to be? They help calendars and chronology .

Stone calendar of American Indians

Chronology is the measurement of time. We measure length in meters, weight in kilograms. Time can be measured in days from one morning to the next. Ancient people noticed that summer came at regular intervals, and began to count the years from summer to summer. We calculated how many days pass from summer to summer. It turned out that 365 days. This is what they called “summer”. Even now we will not say: “I am twelve years old,” but we will say: “I am twelve years old.” The word "year" appeared later. At the beginning of the year, New Year's holidays were usually held. Some peoples celebrated the New Year in the fall, while others celebrated it in the spring or winter.

When people came up with letters and numbers, they decided to write calendar . It was necessary to select some important event in the past and count the years from it.

1. 2.

1. The calendar of our Slavic ancestors drawn on a jug 2. A calendar built in ancient times from stone (England)

The year when such an event occurred was agreed to be considered the first year. The following years were called the second, third, and so on.

Attention: an additional task for the most hardworking, inquisitive and quick-witted: try to explain why these drawings are placed here . If you answer the question, perhaps the teacher will give you not one, but two A's!

But in different countries they counted time from different events.

This was very inconvenient, because the calendars of different countries and peoples did not coincide. For example, when the inhabitants of Italy and Greece meant the same year, they called it differently.

The ruler of the ancient Roman state, Julius Caesar, introduced the modern calendar. Ancient image

In Greece they could say: “We are in the third year of the twenty-ninth Olympiad,” and in Italy they said: “This is the ninety-sixth year from the founding of Rome.” There was confusion. A single calendar for the whole world was needed.

Modern calendar

A faith appeared on Earth, which is called Christian . Christian legends say that God once lived under the guise of a man. Jesus Christ . Scientists believe that Christ did not exist at all, and the stories about him are made up. But many people pray to Christ even today. One Christian priest managed to “calculate the date of birth” of Christ. And Christians began to count years “from the year of birth” of their god. Gradually, this counting of years became stronger in most countries of the world. Emperor Peter the Great introduced such a calendar in our country.

Of course, educated people do not believe the stories about Christ. And the calendar turned out to be complicated and not very successful. But they continue to use the calendar because different countries have become accustomed to it. When Russians write that Tsar Peter the Great died in 1725, this is understandable to an American, a Pole, or a Brazilian, because these countries have the same calendars.

Remember: in the modern calendar, the time from the first year to the present day is called our era, or new era (abbreviated AD). And the time from ancient times to the first year of our era is called time before our era (BC).

One hundred years is called a century, and ten centuries a millennium. Two millennia, twenty centuries have passed since the beginning of our era, and on January 1, 2001, the twenty-first century began.

Counting the years BC

How to count years BC? First of all, note that the years are numbered in reverse order. That is, it used to be 59 BC. e., after it - 58 BC. e., then - 57 BC. e. and so on. The larger the date, the older it is and the further from our time.

A schoolchild in 2000 counts how many years ago some event occurred. Let's say something happened in 104 BC. e. This means that 2000 years AD and another 104 years BC have passed since then. The total is 2000 years + 104 years = 2104 years ago.

Counting years is not at all difficult. It is only important to understand the rules of counting and practice properly. The “Time Line” table will help you with this, don’t forget about it!

What is the new era?

You have probably come across such expressions more than once: “it was in such and such a year BC,” or the phrase: “it was in such and such a year AD.” Remember? The city of Pompeii perished in 79 AD, and Gaius Julius Caesar introduced his calendar in 45 BC. Perhaps it's time to explain what this means. The calendar is the counting of time according to the movement of heavenly forces. But the heavenly bodies tell us how long a year lasts, but where to start it - they remain silent about this. Wherever you want, start from there! People did just that. After all, different nations have their own chronology, their own starting day, or, as they say, the starting date. Even in our time, not like in ancient times!
In Ancient Egypt, the count of time began from the accession of the pharaoh, the founder of the new dynasty. In Ancient Greece - from the first Olympics, this was the name of the sports activities of the ancient Greeks; in Ancient Rome - from the foundation of the city, and in Rus' in ancient times, chronology was calculated from the biblical creation of the world - it came to us along with the Julian calendar from Byzantium.

The Bible is the oldest book of the Jews, as they say, the oldest literary monument. Different peoples have their own monuments - they are called myths, eddas, sagas - and the ancient Jews have biblical tales. This is a very interesting book; in many historical tales, its scientists find echoes of historical events that once took place in the Ancient East. But there are also just fairy tales in the Bible, including the legend of the creation of the world, which is very naive and very poetic. Other nations also had such fairy tales, because people really wanted to explain to themselves how it all happened, that there is earth and sky, and forests grow, and all sorts of animals live in them. Where did it all come from? Where did the man himself come from? But even now, not all these questions can be answered by modern scientists, who know a lot - what can we say about the people of antiquity!

But be that as it may, the biblical story of the creation of the world was accepted by the Christian Church; it did not look for another explanation and made it the basis of a new chronology.
In Rus', chroniclers always began their records of various important events with the date and year; “In the summer of 6612 there was a sign in the sun” or: “In the summer of 6553 the Church of Hagia Sophia burned down.” This meant that the event took place in such and such a year from the creation of the world; the word “summer” itself meant the year.
Meanwhile, the Pope approved another starting date - from the birth of Christ, the founder of a new religious teaching - Christianity.
There are no mentions of Jesus Christ in history - apparently, he lives only in legends created by the people. Of course, no one can say exactly when, on what day, in what year a person was born who never existed. But they came up with such a date because they did not want to recognize the old calendar of Julius Caesar. And so the church came up with the idea that Christ was born on December 25 and counting starts from that day. And they say: “Such and such a year before the birth of Christ” or: “After the birth of Christ.”
This new starting date in Russia was introduced by Tsar Peter I after December 31, 7208 from the biblical creation of the world, January 1, 1700 after the birth of Christ.
We still adhere to this calendar - do not create something new! But we just call it the new era or our era, that is, the date from which a new count of time is carried out.

The starting point is considered to be the Nativity of Jesus Christ. True, many researchers name other dates of the Savior’s birth, and some refuse to believe in his existence at all, but the conventional calendar reference point exists, and there is no point in changing it. In order not to offend adherents of other religions and atheists, this conventional date, from which years are counted, is called “our era.”

Beginning of our era

According to the Gregorian calendar, the Common Era began with its first year. In other words, first year BC comes first, and then immediately the first year AD. There is no additional zero year that could become a “reference point” between these years.

A century is a time period of 100 years. Precisely in 100, and not in 99. Consequently, if the first year of the first century was the first year AD, then its last year was the hundredth year. Thus, the next - second century began not from the hundredth year, but from the 101st. If the beginning of our era were year zero, then the period would cover the time from it to the 99th year inclusive, and the second century would begin from the 100th year, but there is no zero year in the Gregorian calendar.

All subsequent centuries ended and began in exactly the same way. It was not the 99s that ended them, but the subsequent “round” dates with two zeros. Centuries begin not with round dates, but with the first year. The 17th century began in 1601, the 19th century in 1801. Accordingly, the first year of the 21st century was not 2000, as many thought in a hurry to celebrate, but 2001. The third millennium began then. The year two thousand did not begin the 21st century, but ended the 20th century.

Astronomical time

A slightly different calculation of time is used in astronomical science. This is due to the fact that the change of days, and years, on Earth occurs gradually, hour by hour, and astronomers need a specific reference point that would be common for the entire Earth, for any part of it. As such, the moment was chosen when the average longitude of the Sun, if reduced by 20.496 arc seconds, is exactly 280 degrees. From this point in time, an astronomical unit of time is counted, which is the tropical year, or Bessel year - named after the German astronomer and F.W. Bessel.

The Bessel year begins a day earlier than the calendar year - December 31. In the same way, astronomers count years, so there is a zero year, which is considered to be 1 year BC. In such a system, the last year of the century actually turns out to be 99, and the next century begins with a “round date”.

But historians still count years and centuries not according to the astronomical calendar, but according to the Gregorian calendar, therefore, each century should begin from the first year, and not from the previous “zero”.