On the way to your transformation. Secrets of forgotten dishes of antiquity. Food of the gods

What was used to prepare the drink of immortality - ambrosia - for the celestial inhabitants of Olympus? What was called the food of the gods? It turns out that this rare and incredibly expensive product, which was called liquid gold, was honey.

One medieval culinary recipe has survived to this day, called “prince’s pie.” Judging by the name, it was once eaten by royalty. But if you look at the composition of the products that were required to prepare this “royal” delicacy, you can only shrug your shoulders - from our point of view, everything is so simple, ordinary and unpretentious. A pie is like a pie, without any frills or culinary tricks; a modern housewife can prepare one in literally an hour.

So why was this simple sweet pastry called “prince’s pie” several hundred years ago? Because it contained honey - liquid gold, an analogue of international currency, a rare and incredibly expensive product. In Europe in the Middle Ages, only high-born persons were allowed to eat honey. And in even more ancient times, honey was called the drink of immortality, highly valued for its extraordinary healing properties and there was no doubt about its divine origin. Many myths indicate that wonderful honey is a gift from the gods. And judging by the fact that all the amazing properties of honey have not yet been revealed by modern science, it may turn out that honey is indeed not just a generous gift from nature.

Since time immemorial, where there were gods, there was honey, and vice versa - where there was honey, there were gods. Ancient Indian manuscripts say that bees were brought to Earth from higher planets so that people would always remain healthy, young and beautiful. The Indian sun god Vishnu was often depicted as a small bee resting in the bowl of a lotus flower, and it was said that honey would flow where he stepped.

The celestials of ancient Greek Olympus ate the drink of immortality - ambrosia, which included honey. The eagle and the bee were considered the emblems of the ruler of the Olympian gods Zeus.

Scandinavian Odin was forced to work for the giants in order to taste the “honey of poetry”, which was made from the blood of the greatest sage. And the ancient Vikings, who fearlessly went into battle, believed that in the heavenly palace of Valhalla the inexhaustible honey milk of the goat Heidrun was waiting for them and that at the table of the father of heroes - Odin-Wotan - the chosen ones would receive from the hands of the Valkyrie a horn with wondrous honey.

In ancient Roman mythology, the god of wine, Bacchus, was the first to engage in beekeeping: “One day, Bacchus, accompanied by satyrs, was walking in the flower-covered Rhodope Valley, when unknown insects began to flock to the sound made by the satyrs’ cymbals. It was bees. The bees flew to the sound of copper, and Bacchus, gathering them into a swarm, locked them in a hollow.”

In America, the Mayan tribe had a god of bees, Ah-musekab, whose images are found on the wall decorations of architectural monuments. The Mayans also worshiped other gods who were considered the patrons of bees.

Where there is honey, there has always been magic. From time immemorial, honey was considered a talisman that brought prosperity to the home. In order for wealth to never leave him, there should always be honey in the house.

It was also believed that honey could destroy any evil witchcraft. Perhaps the following sign is connected with this: if recently purchased liquid honey is candied within a few days, then one of the family members is under the influence of a hostile spell.

In some parts of Greece, such as the island of Rhodes, it was a custom to dip the bride's fingers in honey and cross her before introducing her into a new home.

With the help of honey, you can reconcile quarreling household members and more. This ancient ritual is like this. If a quarrel breaks out at home, then you need to brew fresh green or black tea, put one spoon of honey in it at the rate of one spoon of honey for one glass of tea, and say the following words: “Honey, soften the ardor of the angry, pacify, take away the offense.” Every family member or people who have quarreled should drink this tea.

Marina Sotnikova
Continuation in No. 8/2017 of the magazine “Miracles and Adventures”, pp. 78 - 81

The food of the gods is specific food items, not specific dishes. Modern man received information about the “food of the gods” from various mythological, religious, historical sources, which mentioned this or that information about what exactly the gods ate.

Food of the gods: what is it?

So, let's list a number of products:

Ambrosia is the traditional food of the ancient Greek gods, allowing them to stay healthy, strong and forever young.

Another product that was called “food of the gods” for its remarkable properties and thousand-year history of existence.

Walnut - in some sources you can find this name.

Chocolate. Translated from ancient Greek, the botanical name of cocoa fruit is translated as “food of the gods.”

Dates are the bread of the desert, food of the gods, food of the pharaohs. Known for many millennia. They are valued for their high nutritional properties not only in the East, but throughout the world. Thanks to rock paintings, it is known that dates were held in high esteem by the ancient pharaohs, who were often identified with gods.

Nectar and honey - this gift of nature is considered truly divine. After all, the process of collecting nectar, the vital activity of bees, and the subsequent creation of honey is so complex that only the gods could have a hand in it.

Ayurveda believes that or ghee , also refers to the food of the gods. This concentrate, unique in its properties, is another gift and food of the gods.

Important: the listed food products belong to the designated category. If we talk about drinks, then this is, of course, wine. It was drunk by the gods of all continents and mythologies.

Important: as you can see, modern people can try all the food options of the gods even now.

Secrets of forgotten dishes of antiquity. Food of the gods. Documentary

The documentary film “Secrets of Forgotten Dishes of Antiquity. Food of the Gods” talks about the healing and delicious recipes of our ancestors.

What ancient recipe helped Russian men increase their strength?

Shitty kvass is Russian Viagra. Why did the beauties of ancient Greece consider ordinary barley a gift from the goddess of beauty? They applied the thickened mass to the face and body, thereby prolonging the youth of their skin. How to prepare healing dishes from ancient times today?

A unique historical investigation that reveals the secrets of forgotten dishes of antiquity.

Every year in Russia they celebrate an ancient family holiday, the symbol of which is the matrimonial one. But this family union might not have happened.

Jur and the legend of Peter of Murom and Fevronia

According to an ancient legend, Prince Peter of Murom did not want to marry an ordinary peasant woman. However, he promised to become her legal husband in exchange for healing.

The fact is that the prince suffered from an unknown illness. His skin was covered with numerous wounds, and he could not heal. Until the girl herself prepared medicine for the prince. The Slavic beauty ordered him to anoint his skin with a thick elixir. And taste the same healing mixture. Peter did just that. The next morning, the prince saw that he was healed, only one small wound remained on his skin, which he did not anoint at the behest of the peasant woman.

When the prince realized that he was cured, he went to Murom, failing to keep his promise to marry Fevronia. But on the way, the illness again consumed the prince. Legend has it that the prince realized his guilt towards the girl and returned to her with gifts. The beauty answered the prince with consent and soon completely cured his illness. But what kind of miracle cure did the peasant woman offer the prince?

Jhur is a forgotten recipe, made from oatmeal. The product itself has unique healing properties. It maintains acid balance in the stomach. Initially, for Russian people, the environment is not fungal, but acidic.

But is it possible today to prepare a dish that can heal any ailment?

In search of an answer, researchers conducted a real historical investigation. Only in the 21st century were scientists able to determine that any product, in addition to indicators such as energy value, protein, fat and carbohydrate content, has another important criterion that directly affects our health. This is the acid load of food.

Research by scientists has shown that in order to process food, the body needs a certain amount of acid and alkali. How healthy a person will be depends on how much of these substances is in the body.

But where did our distant ancestors get the knowledge that modern scientists obtained based on long scientific research? After all, hundreds of years ago, the Slavs already understood which products were good for them, and which, on the contrary, were harmful.

People who lived then usually did not mix foods. Mushrooms were mushrooms, meat was meat, fish was fish. The surprising fact was that they did not like to chop the products. It was believed that if you crushed the food, others might think that you might have put something in it.

Forgotten recipes

Historical chronicles indicate that the cuisine of the ancient Slavs mainly consisted of cereals and naturally fermented products, such as kvass and bread. Mead and even soups were prepared using natural sourdough. Why the Russians liked the sour taste so much, scientists cannot answer. However, studies have shown that as a result of such centuries-old culinary traditions, the ancient Slavs developed a certain acidic environment in the body.

As the classics of that time write, “I would give anything for a piece of sour rye bread than for this filthy Turkish baguette.”

Such observations allowed historians to put forward a version according to which the ulcers on the body of Prince Peter, which Fevronia managed to cure with the help of dzhur, appeared due to an imbalance in the acid balance in the body. After all, dzhur, as historians have established, is a special naturally fermented bread leaven. Its use helps maintain the acidic environment of the body.

How to cook djur - researchers had to look for a recipe for a long time, but there was no mention of such a dish in the Slavic chronicles. The answer unexpectedly turned up in Byzantine records. They said that the great Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh loved to have djur served at the table at feasts. Not a drink or food, but a wonderful delicacy that has no equal. This is exactly how overseas guests described the food of the ancient Rus.

For example, in the concept of the Earth as the mother who gives life-giving force to everything, and as an explanation for agricultural innovation.

In the culture of countries and peoples, we see that the growth of plants, their maturation and death resemble the cycle of human life - the rebirth of the Universe. The opposition of life and death, fertility and infertility, order and chaos are intertwined with the ideas of salvation and rebirth, in which a woman is the symbol and embodiment of the beginning and fertility. For example, the Aztecs believed that the earth was a woman and called her the fertility goddess Tlazolteotl, Mother Earth. Also in other nationalities: the Celtic goddesses Aine and Anu (Danu, Dana), the Greek Demeter, the Hindu goddess Devi, the deity of the Australian aborigines Kunapipi, who was called Mother.

In Egyptian myths about the eternal forces of nature, the center is the male deity Osiris. His death at the hands of his brother Seth and resurrection with the help of his wife Isis and sister Nephthys are very reminiscent of the vegetation cycle of plants and cereals: after the harvest they are preserved, but as if dead, but with the arrival of spring after sowing they are regenerated. The snake goddess Renenet helps protect the crops during harvesting and storage.

In ancient mythology, everything a person has is a generous gift from the gods, even the knowledge necessary to improve food growing technologies. Examples appear in various cultures: the Sumerian god Enlil makes a hoe and gives it to man so that he can work the land; The Chinese teach how the Divine Farmer cultivated the land - the Chinese Emperor Shen-nung, who was the first to plow the land and sow grain that fell from the sky or was brought by the phoenix bird. Hindus who sincerely worship Goddess Devi are rewarded with rice from the divine abode - Mount Annapurna; Indian bees make honey thanks to the divine intervention of the Ashwin twin brothers; The Greek goddess Athena creates an olive tree from the depths of the barren land of Attica. A short poem in honor of Ninkasi, the goddess responsible for spirits and beer in Mesopotamia, relates that it was Ninkasi who caused the dough to rise after the addition of leaven, and that it was she who inspired bakers to add sesame seeds and herbs to bread.

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, the goddess Ishtar asks her father, the god Anu, whether to use the bull of heaven to punish Gilgamesh. When Anu replies that the bull will not leave a single grain of wheat on earth for people, the goddess assures him that the reserves of grain stored in the bins of Uruk are enough so that both people and cattle can survive during a crop failure for seven consecutive years.

Favorite food of the gods

In mythology, each deity preferred certain types of food and drink.

The union of humans and gods endows food with sacred qualities. Mystically, man is inseparable from plants and animals. When people consume consecrated food, they are convinced that in some sense they are consuming part of the divine nature. Food sacrifice is a common practice in mythology. So, in order to prevent the wrath of the gods, the priests were obliged to get food for the sanctuaries.

Each deity preferred a certain food. For example, lettuce was the favorite vegetable of the Egyptian god Set. In Hindu mythology, the god Dharma Thakur accepted only white food (rice, milk, poultry), while the demonic and semi-divine Dakini became stronger thanks to raw meat. As a child, Krishna, coming to peasant houses, took butter from them, because he loved it very much. Hindus sacrifice boiled rice mixed with sesame seeds, ghee and honey to their mystical ancestors living in the other world.

Before making any decision or taking any action, the Greeks sought the support of the gods by performing sacrifices. If a person could not afford to buy a sacrificial animal, he baked a cake in the shape of a bull, cow or sheep. Such offerings could be accepted by the gods if cities were under siege or if meat was in short supply.

- a product most often mentioned in the mythology of Mesopotamia, Egypt and Scandinavia. The mythology of Mesopotamia in particular is replete with episodes involving this alcoholic drink. The goddess Inanna made the god Enki drunk with beer in order to steal heavenly secrets from him. In turn, in Greek mythology, wine plays the most important role. On a holiday celebrated in December, when new wine was placed in storage, the Greeks killed a goat and watered the grape roots with its blood. Alcoholic drinks, it was believed, could even make being in the afterlife more pleasant. For example, in the Welsh underworld there is a spring from which wine flows.

After a grueling journey in search of the herb of life, Gilgamesh falls into a deep sleep that lasts seven days. The owner of this place, Utnapishtim, says to his wife: “Start baking bread, and every day place one loaf next to his head. Make a sign on the wall so you know how many times you baked.” The ritual food in praise of the Aboriginal deity Jangawula consisted exclusively of fresh bread made from sago. By consuming it, the participants of the holiday tied themselves with sacred bonds of friendship.

In Greek mythology, ambrosia is the food that gives the Olympian gods eternal youth and beauty. Unlike nectar, which is a drink, ambrosia appears to be a dish. It was believed that even an ordinary person would become immortal by consuming it. Indian versions of ambrosia amrita - nectar found at the bottom of the ocean, and soma - a heavenly elixir that gives immortality on earth. Australian aborigines talked about elixirs of immortality, although this elixir has no name.

Tea and coffee in mythology

Tea and coffee are the stuff of legends.

In Chinese and Japanese cultures, it is a frequent subject of legends. This plant was created from the eyelids of a Buddhist monk, or sage, who, wishing to punish himself for sleeping during meditation, cut them off and threw them away with contempt. Each century yielded one tea bush. According to the Japanese version of this legend, the eyelids belong to Bodhidharma, who cuts them as a preventative measure because he does not want to ever be able to close his eyes.

The discovery of coffee is sometimes credited to goats. Coptic monks, who are forced to follow a strict religious order and pray all night, noticed that goats that ate the leaves and fruits of wild coffee bushes became very agitated and could not sleep at night. Therefore, the monks followed the example of the goats, and although they did not really like the taste of the leaves and beans, they were pleased with the unusual effect of their use. Another, more poetic legend has Arabic roots: the first cup of this drink was served to Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. The drink had an amazing effect. Muhammad immediately mounted his stallion, defeated forty knights in the tournament, and also allowed forty Arab ladies to taste the sweetness of love.

As you can see, many food products have a rich, interesting and very ancient history, which is worth getting acquainted with in order to better understand the culture and traditions of different countries and peoples.

At all times people dreamed of finding elixir of immortality to live for a long, long time, to become like the gods (although most of these dreamers do not know what to do with themselves even in the next weekend, let alone for many years). They were inspired by their examples centenarians, of which there are many in ancient sources (for example, Methuselah - the record holder among the biblical patriarchs - lived 969 years).

What is the secret of the longevity of our distant ancestors? “A man is what he eats,” the ancients said. In other words, the substances that enter our body model and modify us, our body and consciousness. Therefore, in order to be like the gods, you need to take the “food of the gods.”

Aredian eyelids

Other biblical patriarchs were also super-long-livers (by modern standards). For example, his own grandfather Jared (Ared) lived only seven years less than Methuselah. Therefore, in the 17th-19th centuries, speaking about the age of venerable elders, they used the term “Aredian centuries”. In general, according to the Old Testament, people before the Flood lived much longer than modern people: the first man on Earth Adam - 930 years, his son Seth - 912, his grandson Enos - 905, his great-grandson Cainan -910, Cainan's son Maleleel - 895 years. Methuselah's grandson Noah, who survived the Flood, died at the age of 950.

On the other side of the Ecumene (part of the world conquered by humanity), in Ancient China, the descendants of the Heavenly Lord were also distinguished by their extreme longevity. Tradition says that a certain man named Jian and nicknamed Keng lived more than 800 years, but he nevertheless complained before his death that his life was too short.

Sculpture of Peng Zu

And Peng Zu by the end of the Yin Dynasty was already 767 years old, but he did not look old and frail. People were at a loss as to the secret of his longevity. Some believed that he took medicine from the cinnamon tree mushroom; others saw the secret of his longevity in the ability to breathe correctly. But in fact, Peng Zu knew how to cook wonderful pheasant soup. He presented this dish to the Heavenly Lord.

God liked the soup so much that he granted the skilled cook 800 years of life. However, this was not enough for Peng Zu: before his death, he regretted that he had not lived to his fullest, that his life was cut short in its prime. During his long life, Peng Zu buried 49 wives and lost 54 sons.

But the Sumerians outdid everyone. The clay tablets of the Sumerian state show the reigns of eight kings: Alulim reigned for 28,000 years, Dumu-zu for 36,000 years, and Ibartutu for 18,000 years.

Divide by ten?!

Of course, it is difficult to trust fairy tales and myths. Most likely, the above figures are greatly exaggerated. But one can also doubt the veracity of Holy Scripture! Therefore, some modern commentators on the Bible believe that the age of the Old Testament patriarchs could be measured according to the ancient Egyptian custom - at the rate of one month per year, or according to the custom of the ancient Jews - two months per year. Then there is nothing supernatural about the age of the biblical patriarchs.

As they say, divide by ten. Another version is that the age of the biblical patriarchs was calculated by Moses when writing the Book of Genesis not as their absolute age, but as the sum of the years they lived and the years lived by their descendants.

But the Sumerian tablets do not fit into any version. We can only assume that they were either incorrectly decrypted or...

Gods who descended to Earth

What if people were ruled by gods in ancient times? Or rather, representatives of highly developed space civilizations? One day they landed on Earth and began to explore it. This first generation of gods did not need ordinary food. They were fueled by the energy of the Sun, the ocean, and the surrounding space.

And then, using a genetic program, they created living organisms to feed on their energy and emotions. According to this theory, we are all biorobots with the inherent ability for self-development and self-improvement. In ancient times, the gods constantly descended from heaven, came into contact with people, showed them how to make fire, and taught them agriculture and crafts.

And even, if you believe the Book of Genesis, they came into contact with their creatures:

“Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took [them] to be their wives, whichever one chose.<...>At that time there were giants on earth, especially since the time when the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong people, glorious people from ancient times.”

In this case, these space aliens and the first generations of their descendants could really live for millennia.

Stone delicacies

For the next generation of gods, mainly consisting of “mestizo” - children of space aliens from earthly wives, solar energy was no longer enough. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece tell that the Olympian gods ate ambrosia and drank nectar. This food gave strength and eternal youth. But the rulers of Olympus were not immortal.

For example, the king of the gods Zeus, although he lived a long and stormy life in health, still died and was buried on the northern African coast, in the El-Akhdar mountains, opposite the island of Crete. And the grave of his father, the god Kron, is located on Bely Island near Yamal.

So what is ambrosia and nectar? Nobody really knows this. These divine and magical substances were kept secret from mere mortals. Legends say that birds brought ambrosia and nectar to the gods of Olympus. From Greek sources it is impossible to understand the characteristics of ambrosia and nectar, the place, method of obtaining (harvesting) and using them. For modern science, this “food of the gods” remains unknown and is perceived as a beautiful invention, fantasy.

However, the rulers and rulers of nations at all times have made great efforts to search for these and similar substances. Currently, many countries are sending scientific expeditions to different parts of the planet to search for forgotten knowledge. Many years of research have shown that the legends are partly true.

The gods of Olympus were brought ambrosia and nectar from Africa, where they were mined in underground deposits. Similar deposits (deposits) exist in a number of places on the planet, including Antarctica, China, Japan, America, Cuba, in the territories of the former USSR, etc.

From the preliminary information received about these substances, it became known that ambrosia is light crystals among black rocks. Their color at different deposits has some differences in tone.

This is due to the difference in the types of rocks themselves. Nectar is growths (stalactites) formed by deposits of thick oily juice from dark rocks of the earth. These growths are yellowish-orange in color. In different deposits there are purple and other shades in the main color. The growth of these stalactites occurs in the spring and summer during the secretion of sap.

According to ancient Indian knowledge, mountains on Earth are born, grow, age and die (destroy) like plants. They have a root system, thanks to which they reproduce throughout the planet and even have their own “gene structure,” a life support system with energy flows and fluid circulating in various directions.

Mountains are like a biological object. It can be assumed that inside them, at the roots, various products of their vital activity (including nectar and ambrosia), valuable in their composition and properties for humans, can be produced and deposited.

In terms of the magnitude of their vital energy, ambrosia and nectar surpass all nutritious minerals and liquids on Earth; they have a large energy shell and vitality. And the multi-layered inner part of their aura is strongly elongated towards the center of the Earth.

Obviously, the Olympian gods knew how to soften these “stone delicacies” and obtain from them tasty and healing foods and drinks that gave them strength and longevity. These secrets are unknown to mere mortals. Although in South America back in the 20th century there were jewelers who knew the secret of softening stones, passed down from their ancestors, but they did not know how to create “food of the gods”. Perhaps science in the future will still be able to solve this riddle, and the age-old dream of mankind will come true.

"Sun Eaters"

By the way, these days there are “sun eaters” - people who feed on the energy of the Sun. For example, on the eve of 2001, the Times of India newspaper published a sensational fact: a 64-year-old mechanic named Manek had been going without food for a year! During all this time he did not swallow a single crumb, he only drank boiled water. He fed exclusively on the energy of the Sun...

According to Manek, all we need to live without food is to learn to absorb solar energy directly, from its original source. And a whole group of doctors from the Institute of Multipurpose Therapy at the International Health Center (Ahmedabad), as well as specialists from the Jain Doctors Association, who conducted long-term observations of the health of the “sun eater,” were forced to confirm his words. And there are dozens, or even hundreds, of similar people on Earth.

Geneticist Mikhail Borodachev assesses the phenomenon of “sun eaters” this way:

Thought forms have material embodiment. These people are able, using the power of thought, to organize a matrix structure and create a protein molecule, without even thinking about how it is structured. Simply evoke an image of a protein molecule in your subconscious, and the lack of protein in their body is replenished due to this matrix structure.