Youth subcultures in the modern world. youth subculture

A subculture is a community of people whose beliefs, views on life and behavior are different from the generally accepted ones or are simply hidden from the general public, which distinguishes them from the broader concept of the culture of which they are an offshoot. The youth subculture appeared in science in the mid-50s of the 20th century. Since traditional societies develop gradually, at a slow pace, relying mainly on the experience of older generations, the phenomenon youth culture refers primarily to dynamic societies, and has been seen in connection with "technogenic civilization". If earlier culture was not so clearly divided into “adult” and “youth” (regardless of age, everyone sang the same songs, listened to the same music, danced the same dances, etc.), but now “fathers” and “children” have serious differences in their value orientations, in fashion, in methods of communication, and even in their lifestyle in general. As a specific phenomenon, youth culture also arises due to the fact that the physiological acceleration of young people is accompanied by a sharp increase in the duration of their socialization period (sometimes up to 30 years), which is caused by the need to increase time for education and professional training that meets the requirements of the era. Today, a young man early ceases to be a child (in terms of his psychophysiological development), but in terms of social status, he does not belong to the world of adults for a long time. Adolescence is a time when economic activity and independence have not yet been fully achieved. Psychologically, youth belongs to the world of adults, and sociologically to the world of adolescence. If in the sense of saturation with knowledge a person matures much earlier, then in the sense of position in society, the opportunity to say his word, his maturity is delayed. “Youth” as a phenomenon and sociological category born of industrial society is characterized by psychological maturity in the absence of significant participation in adult institutions.

The emergence of youth culture is associated with the uncertainty of the social roles of young people and uncertainty about their own social status. In the ontogenetic aspect, the youth subculture is presented as a developmental phase that everyone must go through. Its essence is the search for social status. Through it, the young man “practices” in playing the roles that he will later have to play in the world of adults. The most accessible social platforms for specific youth activities are leisure, where you can show your own independence: the ability to make decisions and lead, organize and organize. Leisure is not only communication, but also a kind of social game; the lack of skills in such games in youth leads to the fact that a person considers himself free from obligations even in adulthood. In dynamic societies, the family partially or completely loses its function as an instance of socialization of the individual, since the pace of change in social life gives rise to a historical discrepancy between the older generation and the changing tasks of modern times. As he enters adolescence, a young man turns away from his family and seeks those social connections that should protect him from a still alien society. Between a lost family and a society that has not yet been found, the young man strives to join his own kind. Thus formed informal groups provide the young person with a certain social status. The price for this is often the abandonment of individuality and complete submission to the norms, values ​​and interests of the group. These informal groups produce their own subculture, which differs from the culture of adults. It is characterized by internal uniformity and external protest against generally accepted institutions. Due to the presence of their own culture, these groups are marginal in relation to society, and therefore always contain elements of social disorganization and potentially gravitate toward behavior deviating from generally accepted norms.

Quite often, everything is limited only by eccentric behavior and violation of the norms of generally accepted morality, interests around sex, “parties,” music and drugs. However, this same environment forms a countercultural value orientation, the highest principle of which is the principle of pleasure, enjoyment, which serves as the incentive and goal of all behavior. The entire value grid of the youth counterculture is associated with irrationalism, which is dictated by the recognition of the truly human only in the natural, that is, the dissociation of the “human” from the “social” that arose as a result of the “monopoly of the head.” The consistent implementation of irrationalism defines hedonism as the leading value orientation of the youth counterculture. Hence the morality of permissiveness, which is the most important and organic element of the counterculture. Since the existence of the counterculture is concentrated on “today”, “now”, then hedonistic aspiration is a direct consequence of this.

Subcultures may differ in age, race, ethnicity and/or class, and gender. The traits that define a subculture may be aesthetic, religious, political, sexual, or any other nature, or a combination of these. Subcultures usually arise as an opposition to the values ​​of the broader cultural movement to which they belong, but theorists do not always agree with this opinion. Fans of a subculture can demonstrate their unity by using a different style of clothing or behavior, as well as specific symbols. That is why the study of subcultures is usually understood as one of the stages of the study of symbolism, regarding clothing, music and other external preferences of fans of the subculture, as well as ways of interpreting the same symbols, only in the dominant culture. If a subculture is characterized by systematic opposition to the dominant culture, then it is defined as a counterculture. Currently, in the youth environment of our country, three leading categories of subculture can be distinguished, the first of which is formed by young people engaged in small business (majors). They are focused on “easy” money making and a “beautiful life.” They are characterized by business acumen, quite well developed sense corporatism. They are characterized by moral relativism, as a result of which the activities of such groups are quite often associated with illegal business and crimes.

The second category consists of “lubers”, “gopniks”, etc. They are distinguished by strict discipline and organization, aggressiveness, professing a “cult of physical strength,” a pronounced criminal orientation, and in many cases, connections with the criminal world. Their “ideology” is based on primitivized socialist ideals, colored by “criminal romance.” The basis of the activities of such groups is petty racketeering and speculation. Groups of this kind, as a rule, are well armed, not only with chains, knives, brass knuckles, but also with firearms. The youth criminal associations described above in conditions of political instability pose a significant danger, since they are quite flexible material, and at any moment they can become a tool for the activities of political organizations of radical and extremist orientation.

Modern youth, however, consists not only of informals. The third category consists of the so-called "yuppies" and "non-yuppies." These are people from middle- and low-income families, distinguished by purposefulness, seriousness, pragmatism, independence of judgment, assessment and activity. They are focused on ensuring material wealth in the future and moving up the social and career ladder. Their interests are concentrated in the field of education, as a necessary springboard for successful advancement in life. Their dressing style is distinguished by a classic business style and emphasized neatness. “Yuppies,” as a rule, do not have bad habits and take care of their health by playing prestigious sports. They are characterized by the desire to “make money” and a successful career as businessmen, bankers, and lawyers.

Hippies are a specific subgroup of a subculture that emerged in the United States in the early sixties of the twentieth century, which quickly spread throughout all countries of the world, and practically disappeared by the mid-seventies. In the original, hippies were part of a youth movement made up almost entirely of white teenagers and fairly young adults between the ages of fifteen and twenty-five who inherited the cultural rebellion of the bohemians and beatniks. Hippies disdained established concepts, criticized the values ​​of the middle class and acted as a radical opposition to the use of nuclear weapons and the Vietnam War. They made popular and illuminated aspects of religions other than Judaism and Christianity that were practically unknown at that time. Hippies literally pushed through the sexual revolution; they encouraged the use of psychedelic drugs in order to expand human consciousness. Hippies created unique communes where their values ​​were cultivated.

Punk is a subculture, the basis of which is musical passion to punk rock. Since breaking away from the broader rock 'n' roll movement in the mid-to-late seventies, the punk movement has spread across the globe and evolved in a myriad of forms. Any subculture arises only on the ruins of the previous movement, this is what happened in the seventies with the change of hippie-punk. The touching, almost ethereal, ideals of the hippies were swept away by the unbridled energy of destruction represented by punk. Punk culture is distinguished by its own style of music, ideology and fashion. It is reflected in the visual arts, dance, literature and cinema. Punk itself consists of many smaller subcultures, such as street punk, heavy punk and others. Punk maintains a close relationship with other subcultures such as gothic and psychobilities; supporters of this movement oppose commercialization, which is one of the main mechanisms of capitalism.

Tales about goths, jokes about emo and fear of skinheads

Now these are all hipsters and angry townspeople, or at least Russian nationalists, but before, at school and in the first years, all social life was determined by belonging to one or another subculture. Trancers, skaters, punks and rappers, hard and not hard goths, emo or posers. The turn of the 1990s and 2000s was a golden age for youth subcultures: they were talked about on TV, notebooks were published for them, and the newly appeared Internet helped everyone find their place in the world of youth culture. W→O→S decided to remember what it was like to live surrounded by subcultures.

In Russia, goths - people in black, adherents of dark aesthetics and professing a gloomy outlook on life - turned out to be perhaps the most integrated subculture into online life, which took shape in 1999. At the same time, based on thematic conferences, was portal created , whose overage creator Andrei Coroner Narkevich taught the new arrivals about life. On the site they found out who was a worker and who was not a worker and received bans for asking questions like “Are blacks goths?” (actually yes). The site still operates today and catalogs species diversity is ready.

Second-rate goths hung out in the open air: in St. Petersburg - at the House of Cinema, and in Moscow - at Chistye Prudy along with others. Goths in style, observing subcultural rituals and having some musical pretensions - in Red Club and Tochka, respectively. For people interested in dark aesthetics, it was a glorious time in terms of the arrival of bands like Deine Lakaien or Diary of Dreams, but the actual gothic masses still listened mainly to Lacrimosa and HIM, although they carefully hid it.

The brightest and most comical were the local cyber goths - they braided wires into their already Kanekalon dreadlocks, wore gas welder glasses, danced to electro music ranging from Wumpscut to Infected Mushroom and at the same time, as a rule, were completely devoid of musical taste and, Despite the morphological similarity with trancers, they were terrified of taking substances.


Severe guys with shaved temples, tattoos, dressed in camouflage trousers and KMFDM T-shirts, loved goths - at the “gotop dances” you could pick up a “gothic sucker” and feel like a superman next to the twitching cybergoths. The refuge of industrialists on the Internet became the portal, a manual created by the late Saratov figure Dmitry Tolmatsky (DMT project). Despite the formidable ceremonial paraphernalia such as chemical protective suits and the political radicalism and craving for the occult often inherent in industrialists, they treated themselves with a fair amount of self-irony. In local folklore, there were jokes like “You move your sound equipment into the bathroom because the acoustics are great and the electrical shocks keep you from relaxing” and “The truck is also your music equipment.” Among the industrial industrialists, it was considered a sign of good manners to fall asleep to Throbbing Gristle or How to Destroy Angels Coil, to despise NIN and the later Ministry (the girls were given concessions), to collect the products of the Wax Trax label on cassettes and to organize sessions on abandoned construction sites with sessions of sound production using sleepers, fittings and guardrail from dad's SUV.


In the Russian consciousness, emos have remained incomprehensible creatures in striped tights, with soft toys pinned to pink backpacks, piercings and long bangs. Emos were supposed to walk around depressed and express their emotions as openly as possible. Their main musical idols seemed to be the infamous German band Tokio Hotel and the Russian group Amatory. In reality, it was a fairly solid subculture, rooted in American hardcore of the 80s, with beliefs mixed from veganism, youth protest and straight age (a complex system of abstaining from alcohol, drugs and other doping products). In the ranks of emo there were constant debates about whether you were a real emo (if you listen to emotional hardcore and know the origins of the subculture) or a poser (you don’t know anything). The controversial emo culture disappeared almost completely at one point and has only recently experienced a renaissance thanks to a series of nostalgia parties with names like “Give Me Back My 2007.”


Alternative point of view

It was not easy for Russian guys who loved hip-hop. Now hip-hop is mainstream and virtually a universal language that everyone understands. At the same time, many questions arose: why the performers are black and behave like gangsters in the videos, and whether this is pop music (the situation worsened after Timati appeared), whether white guys, especially from school, can rap just like the great masters. There were even problems with self-designation: it was believed that rappers were gangstas, and those who did not want to associate themselves with them called themselves “hoppers.” Rappers supposedly fought with skinheads because they were against black music. Decl even had a song for this topic. In reality, the proximity of skinheads was not so fatal. Many skins also liked hip-hop, and they listened to Salt-n-Pepa mixed with Kolovrat. Due to poor knowledge of the language, the perception of Western hip-hop music was mainly musical and rhythmic. And the heroes of real Russian hip-hop were only Bad Balance, and then Mikhey. Well, finally decide for yourself: “Onyx is a sucker” or “Onyx is a god.”

Rappers or hoppers

Tolkienists and hippies

The freest people in this country. Future programmers and promising Russian scientists were often hippies and role players (not necessarily at the same time). Important attributes include the culture of hitchhiking as a universal way to travel around the country, an almost obligatory passion for fantasy literature, and color-coded baubles. The coding was complicated, so I had to look up explanations of all the colors on the Internet and print them out so as not to get confused. True, different lists contradicted each other. Red and black are worn by those who are suicidal or fans of the group "Alice", red and white baubles are worn by supporters of free love, which was so important at the time of puberty. Baubles had to be woven by hand and given as a gift (you couldn’t buy them). If all the baubles disappeared somewhere (they could have been cut off by the police or at home by evil parents), then you could come to any hippie gathering, even a completely unfamiliar one, and receive a bauble from everyone who was there. The places where Moscow hippies (who did not call themselves that) gathered were the clubs “Forpost” and “Living Corner”, for quite a long time “Bilingua”, and among public spaces - Chistye Prudy.

Tolkienism was a separate phenomenon, which has now almost completely degenerated or turned into a more serious and aggressive re-enactor movement. Key places In order to wave wooden (and then duralumin) swords, there were Tsaritsyno and Filevsky Park. Belonging to the subculture presupposed knowledge of the Elvish language, which led to the fact that in Russia there are still tens of thousands of people who can sing excerpts of songs from The Silmarillion from memory. Important events there were Hobbit games, where for several days in a row you could remain an orc or an elven princess (but always in ankle boots). Tolkienists called musicians “minstrels.” The most popular of them are Tam Greenhill, Chancellor Guy, Illet and the Temple rock order. During the time of the Tolkienists, the order became famous for the epic opera “Finrod-zong” based on Tolkien’s “The Silmarillion”.

A subculture that did not have any special prerequisites for development in Russia. But there was his own Christ. First-grade boys in the mid-1990s chose their friends from those who could correctly answer the question “Who killed Kurt Cobain?” The grungers did not profess a specific ideology, and the only clothing that stood out was their hoodies with the cover of Nevermind. There was no place left in their hearts for other grunge bands (maybe with the rare exception of Pearl Jam), but they had one important advantage: the Onyx logo on the fence could very easily and effectively be converted into the Nirvana logo.


Now, teenage electronic engineers of the turn of the 1990s and 2000s seem to be the most intelligent, creative and at the same time hermetic subculture. Tech students, computer scientists and just slightly autistic music nerds didn’t really hang out, but gathered in Internet threads a la “How to solder a pocket theremin?” and carefully attended deliveries from promoters like “Light Music” and related parties. Russian center electronic movement there was the city of Izhevsk - not only were progressive local IDM projects born there, but all world fashion first came there, and only then reached the capitals: it turned out to be a journey from Bristol through Izhevsk. Guys in glasses and hoods sat closely on the products of Warp Records, the indisputable authorities were Amon Tobin, Aphex Twin and Autechre. The movement gave birth to its own labels like Lagunamuch or Zvezda, where almost teenage enthusiasts learned to plow the unfertile garden of the domestic music business.

Electronics engineers

A subculture with a difficult fate, which actually repeated the situation with emo. The shaven-headed guys in grinders themselves could profess a wide range of beliefs: the original English subculture did not necessarily imply racism and nationalism (and the music of skins was reggae for a long time), but the stereotype about a dangerous street subculture of racists, ready to start a fight for any reason, took root in society. And since there were still few people to fight with (the influx of migrants began much later), they looked for enemies among the white brothers who were fans of rap and other black music. In the early 2000s, the subculture began to develop: a Russian analogue of mods appeared, another British subculture, which combined aggression with a love of good clothes, as well as antifa as fighters against racism and any manifestations of skinheads, and simply a large number of skinheads who have nothing to do with national hatred. Then all these games ended and the pogroms of vegetable warehouses and the film “Okolofutbola” began. But that's a completely different story.

Chkalovskaya secondary school No. 1

North Kazakhstan region

Yaroshinskaya Svetlana Edmundovna

History and Social Studies Teacher

“The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth”


2. Features of youth subcultures, conflict of youth subcultures.

3. The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth.

6. Interview with representatives of youth subcultures, a youth affairs specialist.

List of usedliterature.

1. What is a youth subculture? Main features.

The increased role of youth subcultures in modern society can be explained by understanding the role that subculture plays.

youth subculture is a culture of a certain younger generation having a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, and lifestyles. Created by groups of youth, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve contradictions associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation; on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated in the general socio-cultural context. Entering adolescence, an individual moves away from his family and looks for a new company that allows him to undergo socialization. Official youth organizations group teenagers of the same age, but often claim only a “social (public) life”, without affecting personal life. That is why young people prefer not the official structure, but the youth subculture, where they have the opportunity to realize themselves at the level of social communications in their social environment. Participation in a subculture is“a game of adulthood”, where young people construct some semblance of life situations and learn how to behave in them.

Subculture is a system of values, behavior patterns, and lifestyle of a social group, which is an independent holistic education within the dominant culture.

Subcultures change so quickly and are so diverse in one single period of time within one large space that sometimes it is not even possible to name them.

In fact, the main thing in the concept of subculture is the prefix sub-, which denotes a naked structural confrontation directed against the phenomena of the larger culture

Representatives of a subculture have their own culture, their own so much so that, having something in common with great culture spoken language, they put other sensations, other concepts into the same words, behind all this there is a fundamentally different symbolism.

Under subculture should be understood Main characteristics social values, norms and preferences of adolescents, reflected in the social position and other forms of self-realization of the individual. Thus, any subculture is a way of expressing the individuality of young people.

According to modern point vision subculture is a special area of ​​culture . Let's just say this education within culture, which is distinguished by its own values ​​and customs. This is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, and group norms. If a young man develops an unusual style of clothing, behavior, or statements - all of these may be signs of belonging to a certain subculture. Of course, each subculture keeps its own “secret”, hidden, intended exclusively for initiates. In many of its features, the youth subculture simply repeats the television subculture, which molds a convenient viewer for itself.

2. Features of youth subcultures, conflict between them.

There are features that characterize the youth subculture as a whole. Scientists characterize one of these features as alienation from the older generation, its cultural values ​​and ideals. It did not arise today and looks like a lack of meaning in life. Against this background, it is increasingly obvious that the youth subculture is turning into a counterculture with its own ideals, fashion, language and art.

Leisure increasingly becoming the main sphere of life activity of young people. True life for her begins beyond the threshold of school. Young people go into leisure as if into a protective shell, where they are truly free. The main elements of leisure are: rest, active physical activity, entertainment, self-education, creativity, reflection, celebration. The communicative, aesthetic, emotional, cognitive, and entertainment functions of culture and leisure are most fully realized.

One of specific features youth subculture is " Westernization" (Americanization) of cultural needs and interests. The values ​​of national culture are being replaced by examples of Western mass culture. Accordingly, the value palette of teenage consciousness changes, where the main roles are played by pragmatism, cruelty, and an immoderate desire for material success. Accordingly, highly revered values, such as politeness and respect for others, are squeezed out of the value set of young people. In choosing cultural idols, modern youth often follows the requirements of a group environment (party) and fashion trends, rather than their own choice or the advice of their parents. Those who disagree with the group risk joining the ranks of “outcasts,” “not interesting,” and “not prestigious” people.
Thus, youth subculture- this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes.

The subculture, to which mostly young people belong, is a certain choice about what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what values ​​to believe in, and, above all, what group to belong to. In a big city, young people can choose from many such groups. They arise even within national communities.
The huge variety of youth associations entails certain conflicts, which are mainly personal in nature and result in confrontation between young people who consider themselves to be different subcultural associations.
Any youth subculture has certain rules, sometimes “unwritten” traditions, values, even views on the same situations or incidents of several subcultures can differ radically, and each subculture considers its opinion the most correct, accurate and relevant. The main difference between conflicts in youth subcultures and conflicts occurring among adults is that older generation knows how to treat outside opinions more tolerantly and correctly, or at least only verbally respond to the identification of any obvious contradictions or differences in views (to argue and seek a compromise). Young people react more temperamentally to such manifestations of “otherness” of someone directly from their social group and try with all their might to change this, but, encountering opposition and the reluctance of the opposite side to submit, they try, again thanks to youthful egocentrism, to solve such a problem with physical force . It is from such situations that youth conflicts, intergroup showdowns, determination of right, wrong, guilty and victims arise.
Conflict within a culture always has a subordinate place, since it destroys the traditional mechanisms of its self-preservation and sustainable development. There is also a possible conflict here between the cultural and civilizational foundations of society, represented by different social groups. In particular, between different subcultures.
3. The influence of subcultures on the spiritual and moral development of youth.

Adolescence, especially from 13-15 years old, is the age of formation of moral beliefs, principles that a teenager begins to guide his behavior. At this age, interest in ideological issues appears, such as the emergence of life on Earth, the origin of man, and the meaning of life. Forming in a teenager a correct attitude to reality and stable beliefs must be given paramount importance, because It is at this age that the foundations of conscious, principled behavior in society are laid, which make themselves felt in the future.

A teenager’s moral beliefs are formed under the influence of the surrounding reality. They may be erroneous, incorrect, distorted. This occurs in cases where they develop under the influence of random circumstances, the bad influence of the street, and unseemly actions.

In close connection with the formation of moral convictions of young people, their moral ideals are formed. This makes them significantly different from younger schoolchildren. Research has shown that adolescents' ideals come in two main forms. For a younger teenager, the ideal is the image of a specific person, in whom he sees the embodiment of qualities that he highly values. With age, a young person experiences a noticeable “movement” from images of close people to images of people with whom he does not directly communicate. Older teenagers begin to make higher demands on their ideal. In this regard, they begin to realize that those around them, even those who are very loved and respected by them, are, for the most part, the most ordinary people, good and worthy of respect, but are not the ideal embodiment of the human personality.

In the development of young people’s knowledge of the surrounding reality, a moment comes when the object of knowledge becomes a person, his inner world. Exactly at adolescence There is a focus on knowing and assessing the moral and psychological qualities of others.

Along with the growth of such interest in other people, adolescents begin to form and develop self-awareness, the need to understand and evaluate their personal qualities.

By analyzing, we can generalize and identify the following age-related features characteristic of adolescence:

The need for energy discharge;

The need for self-education; active search for an ideal;

Lack of emotional adaptation;

Susceptibility to emotional contagion;



Need for autonomy;

Aversion to care;

The importance of independence as such;

Sharp fluctuations in character and level of self-esteem;

Interest in personality traits;

The need to be;

The need to mean something;

The need for popularity.

Teenagers have a desire to study their “I”, to understand what they are capable of. During this period, they strive to assert themselves, especially in the eyes of their peers, and to get away from everything childish. They are less and less family oriented and turn to them. Teenagers who have lost their bearings and have no support from adults try to find an ideal or role model. Thus, teenagers join one or another informal organization. A feature of informal associations is the voluntariness of joining them and a stable interest in a specific goal or idea. The second feature of these groups is rivalry, which is based on the need for self-affirmation. A young man strives to do something better than others, to get ahead of even the people closest to him in something. This leads to the fact that within youth groups they are heterogeneous and consist of large number microgroups united on the basis of likes and dislikes. It is in the space of informal communication that a teenager’s primary, independent choice of his social environment and partner is possible. It is generally accepted that the main thing for teenagers in informal groups is the opportunity to relax and spend free time. From a sociological point of view, this is wrong: “bullshit” is one of the last places on the list of what attracts young people to informal associations - only a little more than 7% say this. About 5% find an opportunity to communicate with like-minded people in an informal environment. For 11%, the most important thing is the conditions for developing their abilities that arise in informal groups.

4.Acquaintance with types of subcultures.

The study of youth subcultures has long been an important area of ​​sociology of youth. Youth movements can be divided into the following groups:
- Music-related, music fans, followers of the culture of musical styles: rockers, metalheads, punks, goths, rappers, trance culture.
- Distinguished by a certain worldview and way of life: goths, hippies, Indianists, punks, Rastafarians.
- Related to sports: sports fans, roller skaters, skaters, street bikers, bikers.
- Associated with games, escape into another reality: role-players, Tolkienists, gamers.
- Connected with computer technologies: hackers, users, gamers.
- Hostile or antisocial groups: punks, skinheads, RNE, Gopniks, Lubers, Nazis, periodically: football fans and metalheads.
- Religious associations: Satanists, sects, Hare Krishnas, Indianists.
- Contemporary art groups: graffiti artists, break dancers, contemporary artists, sculptors, musical groups.
- Elite: majors, ravers.
- Antique subcultures: beatniks, rockabilly.
- Subculture of the masses or counterculture: gopniks, rednecks.
- Socially active: societies for the protection of history and the environment, pacifists.

.Emo.Recently, the emo movement has become very popular among young people. But not everyone knows what it is! If we talk about emo as a concept, then we can say that emo is not just a direction, but special image life and thinking of people. The word emo comes from the word emotion. Emo people live only by emotions, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. For people in this category, expressing feelings through emotions is not a sign of weakness, but a completely natural state. Emo kids in a crowd are as easy to spot as goths. To fully express their emotions and feelings, emo kids write poetry and songs, and enjoy photography and drawing. Who is this emo kid? If we literally translate each word, it turns out that emo is emotions, and kid is a child. Together we get an emotional child. But in the Emovian direction this is
teaches that each of us remains a child at heart. Emo kids, how children perceive the world. They find joy in some little things, and even the most insignificant loss or failure can greatly upset them. But there is another type of emo kid. E then those who do not hide their emotions and perceive the world in a special way only because they simply want to join the company of emo people. Such a peculiar shell is just an image, or just an empty picture with nothing behind it. Basically, the emo craze among emo kids goes away very quickly. They are not afraid of the opinions of others and easily demonstrate their feelings. Emo kids often rush from one emotional extreme to another: from grief to happiness, from sadness to joy, etc. These are the features that make emo stand out from other subcultures. There is a stereotypical idea of ​​emo as whiny boys and girls. First of all, for representatives of this subculture, the main values ​​are: reason, feelings, emotions. The ability to combine these 3 components is the main essence of emo. The emo kid is a vulnerable, depressed person who really dreams of pure and happy love. Representatives of this movement, as a rule, wear black or pink hair, oblique bangs covering half of the face (a symbol of the fact that the emo kid is only half open to the world), and short hair sticking out in different directions at the back. Girls can have childish, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails, bright hairpins on the sides, bows and hearts. Black and pink clothes mean mixed feelings (i.e. black means depression, and pink means joy and other positive emotions.) Also, emo kids heavily line their eyes with black pencil and paint their nails with black polish, regardless of gender. Another distinctive feature of an emo is piercing, which means there is no fear of pain. It is mainly done on the face. Also the presence of bright badges and multi-colored bracelets and beads. Typical emo shoes are sneakers. Emo music appeared in the 80s of the twentieth century in the USA - as one of the branches of hard rock. Love and death is the favorite scenario of emo musicians, who are also characterized by romanticism, sophistication and feelings and pure, children's perception peace.

2. Goths.

Also, there is such a movement as goths. They replaced the punks in 1979 in the UK. This subculture has outlived many of its peers and continues to develop. Her figurative system and cultural preferences clearly demonstrate a connection with the ideals of Gothic literature dating back to the nineteenth century.

G It is common for fathers to wear black clothes, as well as hair color and makeup. Clothing styles can range from punk to medieval. In addition, here you can find outfits victorian era. Girls wear corsets, leather skirts or Long Dresses, and Gothic men prefer black cloaks or camisoles with a black raised collar. The general tendency is towards sad, sometimes even mournful, mystical motives and appearance. The Goths have a strange attraction to everything dark and mysterious. Their style is distinguished by dark colors, mourning, sometimes combined with eroticism. The typical Goth look includes black hair, black nails, and bright black eyeliner. Hairstyle plays a huge role. Basically it is long straight hair, or a large bun, lifted up with gel. The Goths prefer jewelry made of silver, in the form of various symbols of death. Decorations with skulls, coffins, crosses, etc. The Goths also have a love for cemeteries, tombstones and crypts. Purely Gothic symbols include bats, vampires and similar images.

3. Rockers.

E Other representatives of the black color are rockers. The word rockers originally served to define British youth in Britain in the sixties of the last century. They allowed themselves to cross the roads on motorcycles in a very disrespectful manner. Their movement appeared in the fifties, during the era of rock and roll. However, the first rockers were united by only one principle - the manner of riding a motorcycle, and only then the concept of style appeared. These guys could drive at 160 kilometers per hour on London's ring roads.

The rocker style was born out of necessity and practicality. Rockers wear leather motorcycle jackets, abundantly decorated with buttons, patches, stripes and pins. The rocker's hairstyle can, in principle, depend on personal preference, but it is often described as a smoothed or, on the contrary, enhanced pompadour hairstyle that characterizes the representatives of rock and roll of the fifties.

The main segment of the rocker subculture in the USSR was music. But besides the positive attitude towards music, there is another side to rocker culture. This is the abuse of drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Unlike other subcultures, this particular subculture tends to promote things that destroy health. Ideally, a rocker is a well-read person who understands the social situation, knows how to think independently and draw conclusions, which he sets out in appropriate lyrics set to music. We associate Viktor Tsoi, Vyacheslav Butusov, Andrey Makarevich and others with such rock legends. Russian rock is a separate concept that has no analogues, but is very respected in the rest of the world.

4. Skinheads.

I would also like to talk about the skinhead subculture, which has spread in the last decade throughout Europe, North America and other continents. Skinheads got their name from their appearance: namely, their spherical and shaved heads. These are representatives of the working class, whose subculture was founded in Great Britain in the sixties of the last century.

The main external sign of skinheads is their hairstyle. The hair is cut very short, or some areas of the head are shaved. Skinheads are dressed in thick leather jackets in black or green. The feet are wearing heavy military-style boots, often with titanium plates. Representatives of this trend hold tattoos in high esteem. Just like all subcultures, skinheads have their own music, for example ska, reggae.

5. Gopniks. Gopnik is a representative of a subculture that was formed as a result of the infiltration of criminal aesthetics into the working environment. Close to the hooligans. Gopnikov is distinguished by the use of thieves' jargon, a very low level of intellectual and spiritual development, a penchant for violence, and a disdainful attitude towards law and order in general, as well as towards the police and law-abiding citizens. Unlike most informal groups and youth associations, Gopniks did not assign any names to the rest of the population and did not identify themselves as a separate group relative to the entire population. Thus, Gopniks do not recognize themselves as a subculture. Gopniks themselves do not call themselves gopniks, they call each other “boys.” They spend most of their time outside, with favorite places including parks, squares, bus stops, garages and courtyards at kindergartens. Gopniks, as a rule, are children from disadvantaged families. Also, our state contributes to the cultivation of gopniks, a means mass media and popular culture in general. For example, watching television series about bandits, films with violence and cruelty, and much, much more. They are usually dressed in tracksuits, a cap or baseball cap, and cheap sneakers.

The following main features of subcultures are identified:

1) Informal groups do not have official status.

2) Weakly defined internal structure.

3) Most associations have weakly expressed interests.

4) Weak internal connections.

5) It is very difficult to identify a leader.

6) They do not have a program of activities.

7) They act on the initiative of a small group from the outside.

8) They represent an alternative to government structures.

9) Very difficult to classify in an orderly manner.

Young people name the following reasons for “going underground”:

1) Challenge to society, protest.

2) Challenge to the family, misunderstanding in the family.

3) Reluctance to be like everyone else.

4) The desire will establish itself in the new environment.

5) Attract attention to yourself.

6) The area of ​​organizing leisure time for young people in the country is underdeveloped.

7) Copying Western structures, trends, culture.

8) Religious ideological beliefs.

9) Tribute to fashion.

10) Lack of purpose in life.

11) Influence of criminal structures, hooliganism.

12) Age hobbies.

While working on the project, we found material that provides the necessary conditions for the success of social and pedagogical assistance to high school students - representatives of unofficial youth subcultures: the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the high school student; constructive dialogue presupposes:

- the presence of an agreement as a cultural mechanism regulating the relationship between a teacher and a high school student,

- communication is based on the unconditional acceptance of the student, no matter what ideas he shares or promotes,

- consulting the pupil about the possibilities of the social environment and institutions in resolving socialization problems;

- emotional support for both the act itself and the principle of freedom of choice.

- equipping pupils with the missing means of self-understanding.

An important condition for the effectiveness of social and pedagogical assistance to high school students - representatives of youth subcultures is the creation of a club community based on youth subcultural practices, which promotes:

- emancipation, self-acceptance by the pupil,

- the student’s mastery of various options for self-presentation in socially acceptable forms,

- the student’s mastery of ways to solve communicative problems (including constructive dialogue with adults and representatives of other subcultures).

The organization of experimentation and self-expression in the sphere of youth subculture is carried out through the construction of unique “carnival” platforms, where, during various kinds of fun, games, competitions, processions, participants can experiment with their appearance, try on the attributes of representatives of a particular subculture. At carnival sites, an important role is played by the socio-psychological atmosphere of looseness, which is ensured by the protection of schoolchildren from sanctions from subjects of social education and agents of subcultures. For full experimentation and self-expression of students in the field of youth subculture, the teacher must accept the style of the subculture as a model of students’ self-realization.

The methodology for providing social and pedagogical assistance to high school students - representatives of youth subcultures requires a combination of group and individual forms of work.

The appearance of the teacher should correspond to the main fashion trends in order to attract and win over students, however, elements of clothing should not express a preferential attitude towards any of the subcultures. The ability to attune a person to oneself through words and actions is an important component of the image.

The teacher’s activities in providing social and pedagogical assistance in group work can be revealed through a list pedagogical tasks, aimed at:

- creating a positive emotional climate in the group;

- the teenager gaining experience of constructive interaction with others;

- expanding knowledge about ways and options for expressing and presenting oneself to others;

- gaining experience of self-expression in this group;

- mastering ways of discussing, comprehending and understanding the meanings of symbols and meanings inherent in various subcultures, awareness of one’s individual characteristics.

Creating a positive emotional climate in the group is important so that schoolchildren feel comfortable, treat each other tolerantly, are not afraid to talk about themselves, and do not hesitate to experiment.

A young man needs to determine the boundaries of his real capabilities, find out what he is capable of, and establish himself in society. This can be confirmed by the following quote from Erikson: “The young man must, like an acrobat on a trapeze, in one powerful movement, lower the bar of childhood, jump over and grab the next bar of maturity. He must do this in a very short period of time, relying on the reliability of those he must let go and those who will receive him on the other side."

6. Interview with representatives of youth subcultures, a youth policy specialist.

Interview with representatives of the “emo” youth subculture.

Samigatova Galia:
“My name is Samigatova Galia. I study in 9th "A" grade. When I became interested in the Emo subculture, I was 14 years old.

What I liked most about this subculture was the brightness and style of clothing. They are very emotional, but secretive, somewhere alone. I was just tired of this monotony and wanted to change something. And suddenly my friend became emo. This is what pushed me to become emo.

Of course, every subculture influences moral values each person.

At first I didn’t even look like an emo, then I started getting into it. In the summer, when I went to Astana, I went to gatherings and was not even different.

Then I became sadder, my thoughts darker. I felt lonely. I was constantly haunted by the feeling that life would soon end. I started swearing obscenely, I wanted to die. Even now there are such moments in life, but it’s still not like that.

I am most attracted to the Anime subculture at the moment. I watch animated series such as “Vampik”, “Death Note” and others.”

Mordas Alina:

“My name is Alina Mordas. I study in the 9th "A" class of Chkalovsk secondary school No. 1. I became emo at the age of 13.

What attracted me to this subculture was the clothing style, isolation, pink and black colors.

I joined Emo because of life circumstances. In all areas of my life I was surrounded by problems. Constant quarrels with friends, with parents. Studying at that time didn’t make me happy either. I wanted to close myself off from everyone, withdraw into myself, but not hold back my emotions. I wanted to create my own little universe where no one would bother me. I just wanted to hide from everyone in my inner, spiritual corner and not leave it, as my crystal, pink dreams were shattered against the cast-iron forehead of reality.

The Emo subculture has long attracted my attention. I couldn’t plunge into it headlong: “Emo is not only bright clothes, tears and disheveled hair. Emo is a state of mind."

After I became a representative of this subculture, my friend followed me. This outraged me. I still hold a grudge against her. It hurt me. It was as if she had invaded my life without my consent. small world, which I came up with just for myself.

Emo definitely influenced me. I became withdrawn. I was haunted by strange thoughts that I don’t want to remember. I'm spoiled. Do I regret being an emo... Maybe to some extent, “yes.” But the subculture has not only a negative, but also a positive impact on a person. As they say: “I learn from mistakes!” I learned to appreciate everything I have, everyone who is near me. I found out who is mine a true friend and learned to appreciate life.

Now I am a representative of the “Ulzzang” subculture. This Japanese subculture welcomes positive emotions, bows and rosy cheeks.

Here, my little story about how I was Emo."

Interview with a goth (who did not want to give his name):

-When did you decide to become a goth? At what age and why?

It started for me in 7th grade, now I’m in 11th. I really love the color black, I love something extraordinary, and the movie “Daddy’s Daughters”! In this film, my idol was Nastya Sivaeva, who played the role of Daria. I saw myself in her, we have a little similar characters. And I decided to become like her. I started reading a lot about goths and changed my wardrobe.

-What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?

- Gothic, gothic metal, classic. Specifically: “Lacrimosa”, “To Die For”, “Death Stars”, “The 69 Eyes”Andmuchother.

-What are your ideals of spiritual morality?

Many people believe that Goths are “non-humans”. That we love death and so on. The essence of our ideology is savoring pain and suffering, so death must still be suffered. The Goth enjoys reveling in his misfortune, real or imagined. I consider myself an ordinary goth who looks at life simply (we are all mortal), does not look into the past, and loves dark colors in clothes. I also love my family and wish them happiness. I just want them to accept me for who I am.

- Do Goths often get together?

In everyday life - no, more often in chats. In general, Goths are loners.

- Why would they even meet in real life then?

Goths are just ordinary people, and they, like everyone else, need communication (at least occasionally). And they are looking for “their kind.”

Interview with youth policy specialist Satymgaliyeva Almagul Islambekovna:

The nature of our research determined the method of studying the problem; we interviewed a specialist in the youth policy department

-How do you assess the general cultural development of our youth?

- In my opinion, our level of cultural development is very low. I would like to immediately cite statistics: the majority of teenagers of high school age consider all types of bad habits acceptable, and in combination with sports. Nowadays, it has become popular to take as an example the main characters of the series: “Brigade”, “Boomer”, set them as ideals and try to imitate them. Also, many young people are susceptible to this opinion: “Everything will be decided for us and they will do without our opinion.” I would like to clarify. It means that modern teenager is passive and adheres to this opinion because he believes that his view on any problem or task is not interesting to anyone and is absolutely invaluable. This is what everyone thinks, and as a result, our youth practically do not participate in the life of the city at all.

-What are the main goals of youth policy in the village of Chkalovo?

First of all this:

Improvement legal framework in the field youth policy;

Creating conditions for the effective involvement of youth in the socio-economic and socio-political development of the city, region and country as a whole;

Instilling in young people the ideals of citizenship and patriotism;

Prevention of socially negative phenomena and creation of conditions for successful social adaptation of young people.

Formation among youth of a respectful attitude towards traditional family values, support for a young family.

Thus, in this work I examined the concept of youth subculture, the history of the term and concept itself, as well as the origins of the emergence of youth subcultures, and the significance for the modern functioning of society. In general, the phenomenon of subcultures has now become firmly established in everyday life. Due to the peculiarities of telecommunications, it is currently creating a stratification of our society according to interests.

The majority of students in the village of Chkalovo view modern youth as kind, sympathetic and positive people. These young people believe that charity, spirituality, and love for family and friends occupy a central place in their souls. Main reasons for joining groups– this is loneliness and misunderstanding of parents, as well as indirect ones: isolation, imitation, grouping, freedom, emotional richness of communication, the desire to compensate for shortcomings in the family and school. Character Traits They Like in Gang Teens – this is the ability to stand up for oneself, courage and independence.

Today we need to help people who are striving, albeit in an unusual way, to demonstrate their civic position, to declare own opinion. In order to judge whether a group or association is acting for the benefit or harm of its members and society as a whole, you need to study their activities and make contact with them.

List of used literature

1. Abulkhanova-Slavskaya K.A. "Life Strategy". M., 1996.

2. Gatskova E.I. Youth and modernity. M. "Infra". 2001.

3. Levikova, S. I. Youth subculture: textbook. allowance / S. I. Levikova. – Moscow: Grand: Fair Press, 2004

4. Olshansky D.V. “Informals: group portrait in the interior” - M: Pedagogy, 1990.

5. Rakovskaya O.A. Social guidelines for youth: trends, problems, prospects / M.: “Nauka”. – 1993.

6. Nikolsky D. Sociology of youth (Youth extremism and youth subculture)/
7. Yaroshevsky M.G. “Social education”. M. 1997.

Electronic resource

Electronic resource


Questionnaire for surveying youth and students.

Topic: “Attitude of young people and students to youth subcultures, including informal ones”

Dear friends!

This sociological questionnaire is devoted to studying the attitudes and awareness of young people about various youth subcultures. Your answers will help identify possible risks when joining various youth organizations, and determine the reasons that encourage young people to join the ranks of adherents of informal movements.

    Floor:  M

     F

    2. In your opinion, the youth subculture is ( 1 answer option):

     form of leisure;

     temporary hobby;

     lifestyle of modern youth.

    3. What do you think is an informal youth association? ( 1 answer option)

     a group of people who violate public order, living contrary to the rules of behavior and morality accepted in society;

     a group of young people united by common non-standard hobbies and interests;

     a group of young people protesting society with their unusual behavior, appearance and specific outlook on life;

    4. Have you had experience communicating with representatives of informal subcultures?

     Yes

     No

    5. How do you feel about different youth subcultures?

     negative;

     I don’t care, I’ve never thought about it;

     positive.

    6. Do you agree that the existence of youth subcultures poses a threat to the public?

     yes;

     I believe that NOT all youth subcultures pose a danger to society;

     no.

    7. Are any areas of youth subcultures interesting to you?

     No;

     I don’t care;

     Yes;

     I don’t know anything about them.

    8. Are there any youth movements whose views, ideas and hobbies you like?

     No;

     Yes.

    9. What do you think motivates young people to join various youth organizations? ( 1 answer option)

     the desire to stand out from the crowd and express your protest against the established foundations and orders;

     common non-standard interests and views;

     desire for self-realization.

    10. Do you think that joining youth organizations is fraught with negative consequences?

     of course (drugs, physical injuries, psychological problems);

     I don’t think that all youth associations are so dangerous;

     no, I’m sure it’s completely harmless.

    11. How would you feel if one of your loved ones (relatives, friends) joined representatives of the youth subculture?

     sharply negative;

     I have nothing against youth associations, but I would not like my loved ones to join them;

     I think it all depends on which youth movement they decide to join;

     I don’t care, it’s their business;

     positive.

    12. Should the state exercise any control over youth organizations and movements?

    Appendix 3.

youth subculture - this is the culture of a certain young generation that has a common lifestyle, behavior, group norms, values ​​and stereotypes. Youth subcultures can be defined as a system of meanings, means of expression, and lifestyles. Created by groups of youth, subcultures reflect attempts to resolve contradictions associated with a broader social context. Subcultures are not some kind of foreign formation; on the contrary, they are deeply accelerated in the general socio-cultural context.

The core of any youth subculture is street style. Slang is one of the main distinguishing features of the subculture. Knowledge of a specific language is a pass to the group.

Entering adolescence, an individual moves away from his family and looks for a new company that allows him to undergo socialization. Official youth organizations group teenagers of the same age, but often claim only a “social (public) life”, without affecting personal life. That is why young people prefer not the official structure, but the youth subculture, where they have the opportunity to realize themselves at the level of social communications in their social environment.

Conflict of youth subcultures

The subculture, to which mostly young people belong, is a certain choice about what clothes to wear, what music to listen to, what values ​​to believe in, and, above all, what group to belong to. In a big city, young people can choose from many such groups. They arise even within national communities.

The huge variety of youth associations entails certain conflicts, which are mainly personal in nature and result in confrontation between young people who consider themselves to be different subcultural associations.

Any youth subculture has certain rules, sometimes “unwritten” traditions, values, even views on the same situations or incidents of several subcultures can differ radically, and each subculture considers its opinion the most correct, accurate and relevant. The main difference between conflicts in youth subcultures and conflicts occurring among adults is that the older generation is able to be more tolerant and correct in their attitude towards outside opinions, or at least only respond verbally to the identification of any obvious contradictions or differences in views (controversy and seek compromise). Young people react more temperamentally to such manifestations of “otherness” of someone directly from their social group and try with all their might to change this, but, encountering opposition and the reluctance of the opposite side to submit, they try, again thanks to youthful egocentrism, to solve such a problem with physical force . It is from such situations that youth conflicts, intergroup showdowns, determination of right, wrong, guilty and victims arise.

Conflict within a culture always has a subordinate place, since it destroys the traditional mechanisms of its self-preservation and sustainable development. There is also a possible conflict here between the cultural and civilizational foundations of society, represented by different social groups. In particular, between different subcultures.

Our society consists of various social groups, differing both in the number of individuals included in it and in the nature of the group orientation.

Football fans

Communities of football fans are one of the most common forms of subcultural youth activity, which has a long origin. The specificity of this subcultural form is that identification is situational, which requires a minimum of effort from participants and does not deeply affect the way of life. The game itself on the football field inspires them, but more significant are the moments of general emotional release, the opportunity to “break away”, to express their feelings to the fullest (yell, rowdy).

The compensatory purpose of rioting at the stadium and vandalism after the match is obvious. But the subcultural meaning of football fan communities, of course, does not end there. Young fans get the opportunity, among their peers, to model their behavior as a group and, at the same time, not experiencing pressure from the main social control authorities (parents, school, etc.).

Football fans are a complex community to organize. Among Dynamo Brest fans, a group that stands out is the informal organization “Blue-White Devils”, numbering about 300 people.

Within the framework of the fan movement, different attitudes and lifestyles are combined. "Devils" are guided by the philosophy of "clean living." Physically well developed, its members avoid fights, but protect the “little ones” - the youngest part of the fans, the newcomers.

In a certain sense, communities of football fans make up for the shortcomings of social experience of intergroup interaction, including the experience of large-scale confrontation. Recently, such communities, under different teams, are increasingly entering into agreements on “non-aggression” and joint actions against other communities:

Friends: fans of BATE (Borisov), Dynamo Minsk;

enemies: fans of Dnepr (Mogilev), Gomel, Shakhtar (Soligorsk), Slavia (Mozyr), Belshina (Bobruisk), Vedrich (Rechitsa), Vitebsk Lokomotiv;

neutrality: Torpedo Minsk fans.

Fans can receive personalized cards to purchase tickets to their team's matches at a discount .

Bikers versus motorcyclists

In Russia, it is mainly wealthy people who can imitate Western bikers. Having special motorcycles (in Russia - unaffordable even for the “middle class”) and other iconic signs of bikerism, Russian bikers are most often just consumers of a certain cultural assortment. According to expert estimates, most of them are not able to fix even simple breakdowns in a motorcycle; for any reason they turn to a service station.

The lifestyle associated with a motorcycle is different. Young people who adhere to it do not have any ideological platform; identification occurs within small communities that do not have a sign system or even a self-name. They adhere to a special lifestyle: these motorcyclists create their own motorcycle: they buy an old motorcycle very cheaply (usually in the village), which they supplement with parts from motorcycles, cars, and various types of industrial waste thrown into a landfill. Such an updated motorcycle with an original design, which is not capable of developing too much speed, costs about 10 times less than a motorcycle in a store. When the work is finished, small groups (friends) ride quite calmly (without breaking the rules) on motorcycles along the roads. They do not set any special travel goals - “they just go.”

This undefined movement is being formed among young people from families with little income. The opportunity to freely ride on equipment made with your own hands creates the basis for self-affirmation and a creative attitude to life. It should also be taken into account that in Russia, with its roads, the motorcycle has long become one of the main (along with bicycle) means of transportation in small towns and villages, much more important and often more prestigious than a car. In this regard, the practice of the said movement of motorcyclists is very old, not at all biker, still weakly fixing its symbolic space, but, undoubtedly, associated with a special subjective construction of social reality.


“Rave” (from the English rave - to rave, nonsense, incoherent speech, also: to rage, roar, howl, rage, speak with enthusiasm) is interpreted in T. Thorne’s Dictionary of Modern Slang as “a wild party, dancing or situation of desperate behavior » The source of life guidelines for ravers was the musical style, or more precisely, the examples of the life style of the most popular musicians who act in the charismatic role of idols - carriers (creators) of the corresponding sociocultural models. Breaking away from its source, rave acquired international features, which are also characteristic of our followers among young people. Ravers basically borrow the behavior model of nightclub regulars. According to this model, the raver's lifestyle is nocturnal. The idea of ​​man’s departure from nature is realized in the appearance of ravers and their style of behavior. Industrial rhythms, characteristic of the musical style of ravers, are a kind of alternative to rock music.

Hip-hop culture

Hip-hop - " street culture", which became widespread since the mid-1970s in the USA, and then in many countries of the world as one of the subcultural forms of youth mastering social subjectivity through the creation, mastery, dissemination, and development of four main areas: breakdancing, rap, graffiti and DJing. The elements of hip-hop culture are also considered streetball(street football), rolling(certain roller skating technique), etc.

When supporting events in the field of hip-hop culture, it is taken into account that, by origin, hip-hop is associated with the selfless interest of urban youth in self-expression and mastery of the surrounding world in unique subcultural forms. Since the features of hip-hop culture are associated with actions in open areas, in parks, on sports grounds, it has become a kind of alternative to criminal youth gangs.

Brakedance (English: Breakdance - “broken dance”) is a type of “dance in a circle” associated with hip-hop culture. The words “breaking”, “rocking” (the original name of breakdancing), and “b-boying” are also used to designate it. It emerged in the late 1950s in New York as a youth "street culture" phenomenon in immigrant neighborhoods. Dissemination of new dance style was directly related to the activity of youth groups and to the division of the territory of large cities into zones controlled by teams of breakers. The competition of groups gave rise to the complication of breaking as a dance and its growing importance as a value among young people. In this part, breakdancing became a compensatory means of teenagers’ aggressiveness (“dance battles”: one of the hip-hop leaders Afrika Bambaataa suggested that street youth groups “fight not with guns, but with dances: whoever danced worse loses”).

Rap (or recitative). The meaning of the text in rap is crucial, since it was originally formed as a protest subculture, so rap took slogan forms. In fact, rap can be called melodic recitation. The main thing in rap is the rhythm of words and text. With skillful selection of sounds in rap, the effect of melody in the simple pronunciation (reading) of texts is achieved. Despite the apparent simplicity of the approach, becoming a master is very difficult, since reading texts should not be monotonous, but memorable, so it is of great importance correct selection rhymes, intonations, the principle of - _ftn4.

Graffiti (Italian graffito - “scratched”) - a type of artistic art, symbolic wall painting, giving text information a certain figurative form. In this sense, the term graffiti is a phenomenon of hip-hop culture. This is a unique direction of art design, which has become widespread among young people and has become a fact of counterculture, which has grown into a sustainable social and artistic practice.

Initially, the passion for graffiti was formed not only in opposition to social norms and public decency, but also as a competition with “one’s own,” where it was important to draw one’s “tag” in a more visible, most unexpected place. Developing from street culture, graffiti changed in the manner of execution and the technique used. If initially the main tool for writers were homemade markers, and shades were added with paints for shoes and stamps, then later aerosols for painting cars appeared, and “tags” became colored everywhere. Peculiarity artistic image depended on the steadiness of the hand, since the image could not be corrected, and on the selection of sprayers, often stolen from stores.

DJing(the term comes from the English “disk jockey”) - type creative activity, the main components of which are:

- Mixing(Mixing). This is the name for the process of smoothly mixing, combining, mixing, connecting, blending or transitioning one musical composition to another using a DJ console (mixer) and music players. This, in fact, is what the DJ does, trying to provide the highest quality of work in order to keep the audience on the dance floor for as long as possible.

- Scratching(Scratching, from the English word “scratch” - scratch; associated with scratching a record with a turntable needle.) This is the name of the process of creating individual rhythmic sound patterns using a special performance technique using music players and a mixer.

The highest, final and only goal of a DJ is to encourage people to dance. A good DJ is not at all the one who has good gramophone records, and not the one who knows how to put them together into a long gut, but the one who is able to control the mood of the dancers, turn on the audience, bring them to a state of ecstasy.


Diggers are researchers of underground communications. The dangers of being in underground passages, the closed nature of digger communities, the mystery of the dungeon world, devoid of everyday life - these properties of diggerism determine the internal motives for the interest of a certain part of young people in such forms of activity. Diggers, as a rule, have no desire to advertise their activities. Only some groups allow representatives of the media. In many cases, diggers cooperate with the executive branch and local governments when they discover life-threatening phenomena in underground communications (subsidence of building foundations, leaks in the water supply system, various environmental violations, etc.). In this aspect, diggers manifest themselves as part of environmentally oriented youth movements.


The connection between the Tolkienists and a foreign source is obvious - the images of John Ronald Rowell Tolkien’s books “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Silmarilion”, the plots of which were used as the basis role playing games, which gave rise to a kind of social movement. Tolkienists are mostly young people, 13-17 years old, but there are also mastodons among them.

There are many things that distinguish a true Tolkienist from all other fantasy lovers:

· These people are very well aware of their difference from their other fellow citizens, so that for compatriots who are not part of the system (and this is all normative society) it is sometimes not easy to understand and integrate into it;

· Careful attitude towards the game, towards fantasy literature, up to a philological interest in the study of Elvish languages, a great interest in history, mainly early Middle Ages, martial arts, fencing, etc.

· A vital worldview combined with a very humorous assessment of his own activities (a person is capable of heatedly, passionately and in all seriousness arguing about the genealogies of hobbits, but a minute later the same hobbits will become the object of his ridicule - in general, a Tolkienist who always takes himself seriously is bad) ;

· A significant part is characterized by symbols of an amazing willingness to believe with a minimum of reasons for belief (belief in magic, etc.). For example, there are those who consider themselves atheists, but do not doubt the existence of elves.

Tolkienists themselves identify in the structure of their crowd several types of people who came here, in accordance with the reasons that led to Tolkienism.

1. Firstly, these are people who, for whatever reason, have not been able to establish themselves in the big world, or have managed to, but they don’t like what they did. They hold on to the new world like polar explorers hold on to a radio station, since loss means the final collapse of life. Over time, such people constitute the elite of Tolkienism; they close themselves in their narrow circle, and here religion actually grows, but it is directed inward - therefore, the influx of new flock is extremely undesirable, because the system is hermetic, fresh blood can destroy it.

2. Another part of Tolkienists are those who simply like to play. Role-playing allows a person to find himself in the shoes of another, while remaining himself at the same time - and this is a most interesting emotional experience. Unlike theater, play provides virtually unlimited opportunity for action. For the most part, such individuals lead a normal “civilized” life, and consider games as a hobby, a means of relaxation from the harshness of everyday life.

3. The third category is those who need to feel their otherness. In fact, the Tolkienist with his fancy costumes, swords under his arm, and medieval style of behavior really attracts attention. As a rule, such individuals are carried away by a lot of other things at the same time and, in general, do not stay long in Tolkien society.


Participation in a subculture is a “game of adulthood”, where young people construct some semblance of life situations and learn how to behave in them. The only thing worth considering is that subcultures are often influenced by commercial companies that dictate fashion and consumer behavior patterns to them. At the moment, sociologists, marketers and social psychologists face an urgent problem - the replacement of the social model among young people with consumer behavior.

Youth subcultures create their own culture, which helps young people adapt to life, takes on some of the functions of socialization of individuals that family, school, formal youth organizations and the state cannot cope with.

In conclusion, I would like to note the positive consequences of youth subcultures:

The overall aggressiveness of fights between street gangs decreased, the negative energy of confrontation was realized in a different form;

Young people who were passionate about hip-hop were distracted from drugs and alcohol, since breaking requires athletic training;

The situation in the criminal, disadvantaged neighborhoods of large cities in America and Europe and other regions of the world has noticeably improved;

In its non-profit forms, the subculture does not require large financial investments from young people;

It makes it possible to organize active leisure for a certain part of young people, focused on the values ​​of a particular subcultural construct.

Societies are characterized by their own special rules and have their own development trends. Teenagers are very different in their worldview, behavior and habits. In the process of self-discovery, they try to find their place in life, decide on goals and understand themselves. Quite often such searches lead to such quite serious problems, like teenage alcoholism and early drug addiction. Therefore, the influence of subcultures on teenagers is one of the most pressing problems that worries all parents without exception.

Positive and negative aspects of the influence of subcultures

Recent sociological studies have shown that many teenagers identify themselves as representatives of one or another subculture. At the same time, some young people are subject to the strong influence of subcultures, which can be both positive and negative. In the first case, teenagers receive what they need to live in social society skills, and in the second - they acquire qualities with which society is all accessible ways tries to fight.

Teenage subcultures help young people realize their desires and adapt to adulthood and independent life. But there are also negative aspects, such as cruelty towards certain groups of people. For example, skinheads are racist and, according to their ideology, can commit criminal acts against persons of other nationalities. For them, there is nothing illegal in such behavior, and therefore they do not understand that they are responsible for the actions they have committed. In this case, adolescent subcultures negatively affect their worldview, pitting the younger generation against others

Varieties of subcultures

All teenage communities have not only their own laws of behavior, but also rules that require a certain appearance. Certain youth movements can shock adult society with numerous piercings, unusual color hair, strange style in clothes, accessories. Quite often, disagreements between parents and teenagers arise precisely on this basis. Young people do not like it when their personal lives are interfered with, and parents want their child not to stand out from the crowd.

Subculture of working youth - teddy boys

The social youth group Teddy Boys formed back in the early 50s due to the relative improvement of the working class. This youth subculture, which became widespread in the post-war period, consisted of working-class people with incomplete higher education and no highly paid profession. Their style was copied from the clothing and behavior of members of the upper classes. IN classic version"Tedd" looked like this: pipe trousers, a loose jacket with a velvet collar, a lace tie and boots with rubber platforms. The image was typically masculine, despite its elegance.

Representatives of the Teddy Boys tried their best to maintain the “high” status they had created, which became the cause of conflicts that arose with representatives of other sectors of society. For example, there were clashes with wealthier teenagers and attacks on elite youth clubs. There were also attacks on immigrants.

Subculture of the skilled working class - fashion

The group of mods included teenagers who, after graduating from school, mastered working professions that required a high level of preparedness. In fact, a fashionist, in the ideal sense, was supposed to live luxuriously, visit prestigious and expensive clubs, restaurants and shops, and dress in extremely expensive things. But for many such pleasures were unavailable, so all that was left was to try to recreate the ideal image. There are four types of mods:

  1. Aggressive type in jeans and rough shoes.
  2. Owners of scooters, also in jeans and jackets with a hood.
  3. Mods in suits and polished shoes made up the majority of this subculture. The list is completed by fashion girls, exemplary in appearance and with short hair.
  4. Students art schools, students and so on.

Subculture - rockers

Rockers appeared in the mid-60s. This group consisted mainly of teenagers without education or from single-parent families. The main attributes of the people of this subculture were a leather jacket, worn jeans, large rough shoes, long hair combed back and tattoos. Of course, what is a rocker without such an important element as a motorcycle. Rock music occupies a special place in the rocker subculture.

Skinheads or skinheads

The members of this group, like the rockers, predominantly came from working class backgrounds low level qualifications. Among them, many were unemployed, poorly educated and with a low cultural level. Skinheads wore jeans rolled up at the bottom, large, rough shoes, and shaved their heads. Football hooligans are closely associated with the skinheads. These types of subcultures are largely similar in social composition. They are also united by aggressive behavior, for example, associated with football matches.

Punk subculture

This group predominantly included young people from unskilled and low-paid segments of the population. The critical situation of young people led to the emergence of this subculture. The list of associations consisting of poorly educated members of society was supplemented by punks. The stereotypes of this group were closely intertwined with aggressive self-affirmation, but, in addition, it was largely based on views opposed to traditional moral principles and values. Initially, the punk subculture used appearance to provoke society: unusual hair coloring, strange hairstyles, shocking behavior and different style in clothing, but over time they began to use more strong techniques impact through themes of violence and death.

Hippie movement

This subculture appeared in the USA in the 60s and very quickly spread throughout the world. At one time, hippies evolved from the beatniks, representatives of the middle class, who for a long time influenced the people of their group. These American subcultures have one common distinctive feature - an ideology clearly expressed in words. The main elements of the hippie style or worldview were the following:

  1. Peacefulness and non-violence. Pacifism was the main hippie ideology. That is why representatives of this group were distinguished by their disregard for power and apoliticality, since it is the rulers who incite wars and force people to fight.
  2. Self-development and individualism. These elements were a reaction to the dullness of mass society.
  3. Conscious simplification, that is, the transition from a prosperous life to poverty, the rejection of material wealth.
  4. Drugs, sexual experiments, travel, festivals, communes - all these are the most striking features of the hippie subculture.
  5. Living together is a distinctive feature of hippies, as other subcultures did not adhere to this form of behavior.


This youth subculture arose in the USSR in the late 40s of the 20th century. In this way, Soviet youth protested against the stereotypes of society. The main direction of the dudes was blind copying of the style of the West and the USA. At that time, dudes looked more like a caricature: wide pants bright colors, baggy double breasted jackets, boots with thick soles and, of course, socks of bright colors, peeking out from under the trousers. The image was very original and bright, no one worried about the combination of colors.

But over time, closer to the 50s, the dudes changed their image a little. They began to wear tight trousers and elegant cut jackets with wide shoulders, a thin tie around the neck and, of course, a greased “cook”. It is worth noting that only guys had a certain look; stylish girls wore curvy bright dresses or tapered skirts, pointed shoes and bright makeup. Society did not allow the development of this subculture in the USSR and in every possible way condemned and persecuted representatives of this vibrant group.

Social subcultures

The process of socialization of adolescents in the subcultures of society occurs much faster. Examples of subcultures such as “green” or “animal defenders” teach the younger generation to help nature and take care of the environment. But theoretical information alone is not always enough to teach teenagers responsibility. It is necessary to demonstrate in practice the work of “positive subcultures”. it needs not only theorems and axioms, but their consolidation by actions and results, otherwise it does not realize the need for good deeds.

Subcultures popular in modern society

The criminal subculture (rockers, punks, emo, skinheads, etc.) in Russia is already losing its position. Negativity and aggression are gradually going out of fashion. In search of new directions, he comes up with his own modern image. For example, the footing subculture does not carry any negative manifestations, therefore it is very well perceived by society. Members of this youth group do not wear shoes in any weather.

Due to the widespread use of the Internet, the subculture of gamers is gaining increasing momentum. Modern youth are increasingly hiding from reality in the virtual world. Many young children already confidently operate tablets, e-readers and mobile phones. But this is basically a false substitute for real hobbies that their parents impose on them to save money. own strength and time. After all, when a child is busy playing computer games, he does not require so much attention and care. In fact, the problem of this subculture is very deep, and parents must take certain measures if their child has a gaming or computer addiction.

Distinctive features of modern youth trends

The youth subcultures of the modern world are characterized by an increase in the number of active associations. In addition, today's youth are increasingly immersed in the Internet. They look for like-minded people online, organize meetings, and hold promotions. Three social and value orientations of modern subcultures can be distinguished:

  1. Prosocial trends: the rapper subculture and the role-playing game movement.
  2. Asocial movements: punks, metalheads, emo and hippies.
  3. Antisocial groups similar to the adult criminal subculture: skinheads in their radical form.

Youth subcultures can also be classified as the group’s activities are included in the young person’s lifestyle. There are behavioral groups and active ones. In the first case, adolescents adhere to the style of clothing, behavior and communication characteristic of the selected group. Such areas are not characterized by engaging in any activity. This includes emo, hipsters and goths. In other words, the younger generation will only change external image and behavior style.

Active types of subcultures are those communities that are based on a passion for specific activities that require one or another activity. This group can include parkourists, graffists, and role-players.

What attracts young people to subcultures

Youth subcultures on a personal level are a way to achieve self-esteem and compensate for the negative attitude of others towards oneself. Dissatisfaction with one’s own style of behavior, body, inconsistency with the standards of femininity or masculinity. Subcultures, the list of which is huge and varied, allow teenagers to give themselves an aura of specialness and bright individuality.

Social and psychological reasons are considered attractiveness informal image life, which does not require responsibility, focus and dedication, in contrast to the generally accepted requirements in society. There are three possible consequences of the influence of the subculture on the socialization of youth:

  1. A positive orientation, which manifests itself in social and cultural self-determination, creative self-realization and experimentation with images, behavioral style, and so on.
  2. Socially negative orientation, which is found in joining subcultures of a criminal, extremist nature, drugs and alcohol.
  3. An individually negative tendency manifests itself in escaping reality, justifying one’s infantile behavior, and avoiding cultural and social self-determination.

It is quite difficult to determine which trends predominate in a particular subculture. It is even more difficult to notice how it affects a person’s lifestyle. Modern trends attract young people with their diversity and defiant appearance and behavior. But it is worth noting that belonging to a certain social group is, as a rule, a short-term phenomenon. Basically, the passion for subcultures begins at the age of 13 and goes away by the age of 19. By this age, a person changes his hobbies or rethinks. But there are exceptions within the age range, for example, the rocker subculture has no time limits. Among the representatives of this community you can also find mature people, and sometimes even elderly people. They have remained true to their teenage hobbies and still listen to rock or play music groups. As a rule, the rocker subculture includes those people who mature life are not ready for a responsible and independent life.

The characteristics of adolescent subcultures include their inconstancy in behavior. Many teenagers have an unstable psyche, which largely depends on how their relationship with their parents develops. If there is distance in relationships with close people, then the chances that the child will come under outside influence increase. After all, a teenager needs communication, advice and understanding. If he does not receive all this in his family, then he will seek support among people who are close in spirit and moral state. Very often, a child’s deviant behavior in adolescence is associated with a bad example from the outside. This could be television, bad actions of comrades in the company, etc. To prevent negative influence on the child, parents need to establish contact with him or attract older youth for this purpose.

Sources of the emergence of subcultures in Russia

In the Russian youth environment, the emergence of subcultures is due to a number of reasons. In the last 15-20 years, the daily life of adults and children has undergone dramatic changes. The openness of Western and Eastern cultures greatly influenced people’s worldviews and dissolved many traditions, stable relationships, and values ​​of Russian citizens. The new scientific and technological revolution, which is primarily associated with the emergence of phenomena such as computers, mobile phones, and the Internet, has had an equally strong impact on people’s lives.

Basically, youth subcultures spread spontaneously. Although quite often parties, trendsetters, and so on contribute to this spread. There is another way - commercial and youth organizations take as a basis forms of youth leisure that exist spontaneously and create organized directions. An example is street dancing. But this process also requires a special approach. Experts believe that interaction with potentially positive informals should be carried out according to three rules: it is necessary to coordinate your actions with the leaders, provide them with everything they need to carry out events, and agree on restrictions on behavior and activity during the actions.

Strategies for youth activities

If we consider youth activities from the perspective of social education, then we can distinguish three main pedagogical strategies. Do not pay attention, do not exclude spontaneous penetration into social life, and only after that work or analyze the potential of youth subcultures from the point of view of additional educational methods and use them in the interests of the personal development of adolescents and children.

The potential of youth subcultures from the point of view of education is that the types and forms of activity of adolescents and young people, which arose independently of the pedagogical sphere, in an environment of free communication among young people, are socially positive in nature. But at the same time it is necessary to apply appropriate pedagogical tools.

In fact, modern educational methods have virtually no contact with such youth and adolescent communities. Moreover, this contact is mainly observed in summer camps, in children's public associations and extremely rarely in secondary school institutions.

As a rule, the lifestyle, behavior and external signs of subcultures of adolescents and young people are covered in a negative way, which contributed to the active imitation of representatives of these communities by a certain unreached part of youth. This, in turn, served as an impetus for the spread of these subcultures beyond the borders of one country. Nevertheless, the variability and other characteristics of subcultures were greatly influenced by ethnic and social conditions. For example, Soviet hippies were not much like representatives of this subculture in Western countries. And the skinheads of modern Russia are very different from the first skinheads of Great Britain.

Violent youth protests in Western countries in the 60-70s and in the Soviet and post-Soviet space in the second half of the 90s caused not only a decrease in social activity among young people, but also contributed to the development of certain tendencies towards escapism. A distinctive characteristic of the modern world is the increase in the number of protest youth subcultures, as well as the diversity of forms. Thus, we can say that new subcultures are emerging, the list of which is growing.