Ville Valo and his new girlfriend. Ville Valo: personal life

Ville “Rakohammas” Hermanni Valo is a Finnish musician, singer, composer, and frontman of the band HIM.
In 2004, he received the “Golden Gods” award, which was established by the British music magazine “Metal Hammer” (every year the magazine selects the best musicians on the metal scene). In 2006, Ville took 80th place in the list of “Top 100 Metal Vocalists of All Time” according to the American music magazine “Hit Parader”.
In 2011, thanks to the efforts of fans, Ville Valo was chosen as “the hottest pepper in hard rock and metal” (Hottest Dude in Hard Rock and Metal). Voting was carried out by the American music magazine"Revolver"

Ville Valo was born on November 22, 1976 in Helsinki, Finland. It was quite suitable for parents an ordinary child until, at the age of eight, he decided to devote himself entirely to music. The reason for such an “adult” act was his passion for Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. The Suoma prodigy saw for the first time famous musician on TV and realized that I wanted to be just like him. "He was the most cool person, which I've ever seen, so I needed a bass guitar first." Vilka spent week after week making nasty noises and pestering his ancestors, in short, he improved in playing on his nerves until they bought him a used guitar and equipment. Maloy was completely happy, despite the fact that all these things were larger than him. Since then, there has been music in Ville’s life every day. “I didn’t see any other path in life for myself other than to become a rock star.”

Valo did poorly at school and often got into fights. There were always problems with his studies (once he was even taken away by the police for drawing graffiti on the walls) and, in the end, the little guy was kicked out of there. The only one worthy of attention (from his point of view) later life and career) the fact was that Mikko Paanen, better known as Mige Amur, was educated at the same school, although he studied 2 classes higher. Ville met him while in third grade (the future HIM member was in fifth grade at that time). A little later, Vil met his namesake Mikko Lindstrom, who later “turned” into Lilly Lazer. Valo's friendship with this couple has lasted for more than 15 years, and this is very important to him.

After a shameful expulsion from school, Ville, at the age of 13, got a job in his dad’s sex shop. “It was nothing special to me because I grew up with it. Only my school friends had problems: they wanted to come to me, but their parents forbade them.” While helping his father in the shop, Ville became an unwitting participant in some absurd situations. “Actually, the work was quite ordinary. Most I spent time standing behind the counter or putting cassettes and magazines on the shelves. Sometimes people came into the store very strange people. Been there a couple of times funny incidents, when my friends ran into the sex shop. One evening, when I was sorting through the goods as usual, my physics teacher came into our store. I couldn't believe my eyes. In his hands he held a couple of porn magazines and 2 “El Amour” cassettes. I was terribly embarrassed, but I think the teacher felt 100 times worse. In short, we both turned red and covered in sweat. Then he pretended that he didn’t know me, quickly paid and rushed out of the store. I didn’t even take the change.”

Ville suffers from asthma, so he was not accepted into the army. I desperately needed to do something, not sit behind a counter for the rest of my life. Valo organizes a group called Super Gin Simmons's Offspring (1995). The name was given, of course, in honor of the idol Ville. Subsequently, several members changed in the team, and the name of the group was changed to HIM.

Ville Valo took part in recordings with groups The 69 Eyes, Apocalyptica, Cradle of Filth, Bloodhound Gang, Agents and others. In addition to vocals, Valo owns percussion instruments. He recorded drums for HIM's demo album "This is Only the Beginning". On solo album HIM guitarist Linde “King of Rock’n’Roll” Ville again worked as a drummer.

Civil name: Ville "Rakohammas" Hermanni Valo
Zodiac sign: Scorpio, although some are inclined to consider him Sagittarius, since “he was born at the junction of the constellations.” From Scorpio he got overt sexuality and a touch of mysticism (the demon tempter), and from Sagittarius he got stormy shamanic charisma and a rather original sense of humor. In addition, according to Japanese horoscope Ville the Dragon…
Height: 184 cm
Weight: 66.6 kg
Hair: dark brown - for Finns this is probably already brunette, and a burning one at that.
Eye color: absinthe color. Very beautiful and charming eyes.
Tattoos: 7 pieces
Diseases: asthma
Nationality: Finnish (father - Finn, mother - Hungarian)
Place of residence: apartment in Helsinki
Favorite song: Tapio Rautavaara “Sininen Uni”
Favorite movie: “Nightmare before Christmas”
Favorite city: Necropolis
Favorite food: Corpus Christi, Japanese cuisine
Favorite drink: Blood of Christ, red wine, Red Bull beer
Favorite color: black
Favorite book: Oxford Book of the Dead
Ideals: Jim Simons, Edgar Allan Poe, Clint Eastwood, Howard Lovecraft
Interested in: 80s, origins of the blues, Eastern European folklore
Lucky number: 0
Favorite drug: adrenaline

Despite the fact that the HIM group has broken up, Ville Valo will continue to compose music and replenish his creative treasury with new events. The 40-year-old Finnish singer is still loved by many music lovers who listen to his albums and are also interested in his biography and personal life.

Possessing a poetic gift and the soul of an eternal romantic, Valo still attends parties and basks in the attention of beautiful women, while still managing to create.

Family and passion for music

Ville was born in 1976 in one of the working-class areas of Helsinki, Finland. His parents came from ordinary families: Kari’s father worked as a taxi driver, and Anita’s mother, Hungarian by birth, took care of the house. Later, my father opened his own shop where he sold intimate toys.

Future rock star as a child

Eight years later, another child was born into the Finnish family - his brother Jesse. The future musician grew up as an active boy and was simply uncontrollable. His parents did not sing, but loved to listen to traditional Finnish songs, which is why little Valo also became addicted to music. At first he listened to Finnish performers, and then discovered “Animalize” Kiss, after which he bought all their discs.

In the photo are the musician's parents

And then his father and mother gave him a guitar, which the boy had long dreamed of. Already in the initial school classes he played pop and rock, however, Ville was interested not only in music: for several years he practiced judo and even participated in city competitions. Then he began to skate and read with interest the works of Edgar Poe.

Younger brother Ville – Jesse

The singer’s biography also includes studying at the conservatory in Helsinki, as well as working in his father’s store. When Ville turned 18, he left his parents’ house and began to live in the city center in an apartment that his parents bought for him.

Musical activities

His first band was B.L.O.O.D., which the future musician organized when he was in the fifth grade: his band managed to perform several times at school parties. Then Valo and his friends created another group - Aurora. They sold donuts and raised money for the trip, which allowed them to perform concerts in local schools in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Holland.

Group Him

In 1991, the group HIM appeared, which at first had a different name - His Infernal Majesty (His Infernal Majesty). Having signed a contract with the largest Finnish record label, the young man and his friends (guitarist Mikko Lindström and bassist Mikko Paananen) began their path to fame. In the early years they performed cover versions of Black Sabbath songs, and then began to work on their own material. The first performance, which took place in one of the Helsinki clubs, was not entirely successful, but already in the fall of 1997, HIM announced itself by releasing its first studio album, “Graetest Lovesongs vol. 666".

The release of the second studio album Razorblade Romance changed the lives of the musicians, as the Finnish rockers were also known outside their country. In 1999, their hit Join Me rose to the top of first the German and then the world charts. During their career, the band members released eight studio albums, however, in the spring of 2017 it became known that they were ending their career, and therefore the musicians organized for HIM fans farewell tour, which will run until the end of this year. Ville, who has been the lead singer, songwriter and permanent leader of the band for many years, is full of plans and ideas for the future. At the beginning of 2018 he will take up new music and perhaps create new group or focus on solo work.

How the singer’s style and his tattoos changed

At the beginning of his career, Valo, although still a shy guy, already adhered to his own style, believing that this is what a real star frontman should look like. In the photos of those years we see young man with long hair, wide pants, a huge platform, in a fur coat, and this image was complemented by a bottle of wine and a cigarette. In the early 2000s, the musician became a favorite of many music lovers, as a result of which his image began to include a languid look, a naked torso, lowered pants and bright makeup. A few years later a black mark appeared on it knitted hat, with whom Ville never left long years. Over time, he stopped wearing bright shadows, and dark-colored items appeared in his wardrobe.

Ville Valo's tattoos have always delighted his fans

After the release of his 5th album, the singer cut off his locks and dyed his hair black, but then grew his hair back and got a beard and a musketeer mustache. After health problems, he lost weight sharply, but did not lose his attractiveness. However, in 2013, the frontman of the group HIM again returned to the image of the late 1990s: long curls, dark clothes and lined eyes. For this image he was more than once called the Gothic prince. Valo's height is 188 cm, weight approximately 68 kg.

It is known that the musician has more than twenty tattoos on his body, which were filled by one master. Believing that tattoos should correspond to one's personality, he made them to remember something from his past. Of all his tattoos, one can note such as a heart on his wrist, an ornament all over his left hand, a heartagram on his neck, an ancient Egyptian sign on his left leg and many others. He also tattooed several drawings on his body that could be seen on the covers of HIM albums.

Former lovers and a new girlfriend

Love has always had great importance in Valo's personal life, however, all his previous relationships with women ended in separation. At the age of 27, he began an affair with model and TV presenter Jonna Nygren. The lovers dreamed of a family and even got tattoos with the first letter of their names, however, after dating for four years, they decided to separate.

The musician is partial to brunettes, so the Frenchwoman Sandra Mittika, who was also involved in modeling, soon appeared in his life. They also tried to start a family, and their beloved lived for some time in his tower house located in the Munkkiniemi area of ​​Helsinki. However, it was difficult for Ville to maintain relationships with women while on tour for almost six months, so this union broke up. The musician’s children were never born.

From latest news for 2017 it is known that he now has new girl, which was model Christel Karhu. Paparazzi repeatedly caught them during their dates, when they tenderly kissed and hugged. According to Valo himself, their romance began in the summer of 2016, and since then they have been together.

Pictured is Christel Karhu

Many fans are interested in his friendship with director and showman Bam Margera, who is also a big fan of the group HIM. Ville not only maintains long-term communication with the American, but has also become a participant in his show more than once. The HIM frontman lived for almost 10 years in a tower house that previously served as a granary. He liked this place because of its solitude, because it was there that many of his compositions were born. However, in 2017 it became known that he put his house up for sale.

Ville Valo, the lead singer of the famous rock band HIM, is, without exaggeration, an idol for several generations. Among his fans are teenagers and older music lovers, businessmen and office clerks, workers and athletes. They talk and write a lot about him, his personality evokes a sharp taste of scandal, and he himself has repeatedly positioned himself as a violator of all prohibitions.

A fan of Ville Valo's work, Asmodeus Duo wrote a whole treatise dedicated to the rock star: interviews, excerpts from previous performances, his own observations and generally accepted facts. In a word, I literally looked into the soul of His Satanic Majesty...

Ville Hermann Valo was born on November 22, 1976 in Helsinki. Already at the age of eight, he decided to devote himself entirely to music. The reason for such an “adult” act was his passion for Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. Ville first saw the famous musician on TV and realized that he wanted to be just like him: “He was the coolest person I’ve ever seen, so first I needed a bass guitar.” Week after week, the boy snarled and annoyed his parents until they bought him a used guitar and equipment. Since then, there has been music in Ville’s life every day.

He studied poorly, often fought and disturbed public order, so the future rock star was eventually expelled from school. After this, 13-year-old Ville got a job in his father’s sex shop. “For me there was nothing special about it. The work was quite ordinary. Most of the time I was standing behind the counter or putting cassettes and magazines on the shelves,” he recalls.

Because of asthma, Ville was not accepted into the army; he desperately needed something to do so as not to sit behind a counter for the rest of his life. And then, following his dream, in 1995 Valo organized a group called Super Gin Simmons’s Offspring. Subsequently, several members changed in the team, the name of the group was changed to HIM - His Infernal Majesty (His Satanic Majesty).

There were many rumors about the vocalist's dark makeup and equally dark lyrics, which exaggerated the concept of love and death. “A group of Satanists,” they said about HIM. Nevertheless, the facts are as follows: Ville hates Satanists and is not happy with the paraphernalia that he uses to create his image. “As for the name of the group, we came up with it from a lantern. Although it correctly reflects my reputation as a “devil in the flesh,” and absolutely hopeless,” he says himself.

There are legends about the relationship between Valo and alcohol. It must be said that he called himself His Alcoholic Majesty (His Alcoholic Majesty). Before concerts, he does not allow himself beer, but considers it necessary to drink a glass of red wine for his voice. He doesn’t drink anything before or during the filming of videos. But in free time drinks beer and whiskey and smokes 4 packs of cigarettes a day.

To all sympathetic questions about his health (especially about his diseased kidneys, which clearly indicate bruises under his eyes), Valo replies that he will not force his body through sports. “I think the new smoking ban law is capable of inciting people to revolt! – the singer says without a hint of humor. – This is terrible discrimination! I'll probably leave my country. Restricting the rights of smokers is the biggest defect modern world" In one questionnaire, to the question: “Who would you be if you had not become a musician?”, he succinctly answered: “Probably an ordinary alcoholic.”

He is a very difficult and contradictory person, woven from continuous paradoxes. His soul cannot be captured even in 1000 pages of printed text. Take for example: - Ville Valo and women. “Girls? I didn’t count them…” comments the singer. — Ville Valo and drugs. “Drugs? I lost a lot of friends because of them...” — Ville Valo and rumors that he is a descendant of Count Dracula. "I wish I knew! My grandmother, who had Hungarian-Romanian roots, said that we are relatives of Dracula. But I try not to be bloodthirsty!”

What has always worried Valo? Injustice. Injustice worried him very much, so any manifestation of a positive reversal of the scales was perceived as something sacred, having a magical meaning. The idea of ​​Love for Ville has always been exactly this: mystery, tragedy with the taste of blood on the lips. This is reflected in his songs, in the music that puts pressure on the brain: “I hate funny songs about love with birds and the sun. All this is boring." Ville hates boyfriends of girls who love to stare at Finn. They say that HIM’s music is hopeless pop, that Valo is a freak with health ruined by drugs and alcohol, and that one cannot adore him because this is the machinations of PR and an unhealthy imagination.

Favorite hobby Valo - doing nothing. Because there is practically no time for it. “I don’t think I have any personal life at all,” says Valo. – I am connected with this rock madness, which takes up my time without a trace. It's not like you have a personal life when you're always on the bus while you're on tour." HIM's tours are really intense: Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Holland... And does the idol of millions really suffer from a lack of personal life? Sex symbol No. 1, the ultimate desire for both girls and guys, most brilliant composer and the poet, talented organizer and owner of the most photogenic face and body wants a Muse to appear in his life. But sexual dissatisfaction contributes to the writing of brilliant hits, he admits.

Unforgiving journalists caught Valo kissing a man several times. Rumors about his homosexuality become the top of the tabloids. “I really hate this side of show business and try to avoid it,” comments Valo. “We are all sinners in the music business.” Times have changed, you can no longer conquer the world just by playing the guitar. This game has high stakes, control your creativity and try to get as dirty as possible. You just can't come out of this game clean, and I've already realized that. Your opponents smile politely at you, but deep down they wish the worst for you. So you have to play all the time. And knowing this gives me more power, more self-confidence."

We were lucky. We became contemporaries of the founder of the new musical genre. Let the critics say that HIM plays gothic rock. This is true to a certain extent. It is also true that Valo writes works of art, melancholic love ballads, inspired by his melancholic element of Water (his zodiac sign is Scorpio) and the cold and long nights of Finland. Ville never explains his music. For him, the most important thing is that HIM’s music evokes its own associations in everyone.

Ville Valo, the lead singer of the famous rock band HIM, is, without exaggeration, an idol for several generations. Among his fans are teenagers and older music lovers, businessmen and office clerks, workers and athletes. They talk and write a lot about him, his personality evokes a sharp taste of scandal, and he himself has repeatedly positioned himself as a violator of all prohibitions.

A fan of Ville Valo's work, Asmodeus Duo wrote a whole treatise dedicated to the rock star: interviews, excerpts from previous performances, his own observations and generally accepted facts. In a word, I literally looked into the soul of His Satanic Majesty...

Ville Hermann Valo was born on November 22, 1976 in Helsinki. Already at the age of eight, he decided to devote himself entirely to music. The reason for such an “adult” act was his passion for Kiss bassist Gene Simmons. Ville first saw the famous musician on TV and realized that he wanted to be just like him: “He was the coolest person I’ve ever seen, so first I needed a bass guitar.” Week after week, the boy snarled and annoyed his parents until they bought him a used guitar and equipment. Since then, there has been music in Ville’s life every day.

He studied poorly, often fought and disturbed public order, so the future rock star was eventually expelled from school. After this, 13-year-old Ville got a job in his father’s sex shop. “For me there was nothing special about it. The work was quite ordinary. Most of the time I was standing behind the counter or putting cassettes and magazines on the shelves,” he recalls.

Because of asthma, Ville was not accepted into the army; he desperately needed something to do so as not to sit behind a counter for the rest of his life. And then, following his dream, in 1995 Valo organized a group called Super Gin Simmons’s Offspring. Subsequently, several members changed in the team, the name of the group was changed to HIM - His Infernal Majesty (His Satanic Majesty).

There were many rumors about the vocalist's dark makeup and equally dark lyrics, which exaggerated the concept of love and death. “A group of Satanists,” they said about HIM. Nevertheless, the facts are as follows: Ville hates Satanists and is not happy with the paraphernalia that he uses to create his image. “As for the name of the group, we came up with it from a lantern. Although it correctly reflects my reputation as a “devil in the flesh,” and absolutely hopeless,” he says himself.

There are legends about the relationship between Valo and alcohol. It must be said that he called himself His Alcoholic Majesty (His Alcoholic Majesty). Before concerts, he does not allow himself beer, but considers it necessary to drink a glass of red wine for his voice. He doesn’t drink anything before or during the filming of videos. But in his free time he drinks beer and whiskey and smokes 4 packs of cigarettes a day.

To all sympathetic questions about his health (especially about his diseased kidneys, which clearly indicate bruises under his eyes), Valo replies that he will not force his body through sports. “I think the new smoking ban law is capable of inciting people to revolt! – the singer says without a hint of humor. – This is terrible discrimination! I'll probably leave my country. Restricting the rights of smokers is the biggest defect in the modern world.” In one questionnaire, to the question: “Who would you be if you had not become a musician?”, he succinctly answered: “Probably an ordinary alcoholic.”

He is a very difficult and contradictory person, woven from continuous paradoxes. His soul cannot be captured even in 1000 pages of printed text. Take for example: - Ville Valo and women. “Girls? I didn’t count them…” comments the singer. — Ville Valo and drugs. “Drugs? I lost a lot of friends because of them...” — Ville Valo and rumors that he is a descendant of Count Dracula. "I wish I knew! My grandmother, who had Hungarian-Romanian roots, said that we are relatives of Dracula. But I try not to be bloodthirsty!”

What has always worried Valo? Injustice. Injustice worried him very much, so any manifestation of a positive reversal of the scales was perceived as something sacred, having a magical meaning. The idea of ​​Love for Ville has always been exactly this: mystery, tragedy with the taste of blood on the lips. This is reflected in his songs, in the music that puts pressure on the brain: “I hate funny songs about love with birds and the sun. All this is boring." Ville hates boyfriends of girls who love to stare at Finn. They say that HIM’s music is hopeless pop, that Valo is a freak with health ruined by drugs and alcohol, and that one cannot adore him because this is the machinations of PR and an unhealthy imagination.

Valo's favorite pastime is doing nothing. Because there is practically no time for it. “I don’t think I have any personal life at all,” says Valo. – I am connected with this rock madness, which takes up my time without a trace. It's not like you have a personal life when you're always on the bus while you're on tour." HIM's tours are really intense: Belgium, Germany, Portugal, Holland... And does the idol of millions really suffer from a lack of personal life? Sex symbol No. 1, the ultimate desire for both girls and guys, a brilliant composer and poet, a talented organizer and the owner of the most photogenic face and body, wants a Muse to appear in his life. But sexual dissatisfaction contributes to the writing of brilliant hits, he admits.

Unforgiving journalists caught Valo kissing a man several times. Rumors about his homosexuality become the top of the tabloids. “I really hate this side of show business and try to avoid it,” comments Valo. “We are all sinners in the music business.” Times have changed, you can no longer conquer the world just by playing the guitar. This game has high stakes, control your creativity and try to get as dirty as possible. You just can't come out of this game clean, and I've already realized that. Your opponents smile politely at you, but deep down they wish the worst for you. So you have to play all the time. And knowing this gives me more strength, more self-confidence.”

We were lucky. We became contemporaries of the founder of a new musical genre. Let the critics say that HIM plays gothic rock. This is true to a certain extent. It is also true that Valo writes works of art, melancholic love ballads, inspired by his melancholic element of Water (his zodiac sign is Scorpio) and the cold and long nights of Finland. Ville never explains his music. For him, the most important thing is that HIM’s music evokes its own associations in everyone.

Ville Valo about women.

Question: What do the women you loved have in common?

Ville: I have only loved one woman in my life. I had girlfriends and they were all very different: some had regular day job, some were of the artistic type. What they have in common is long hair. Short hair not sexy or feminine. But, of course, these are exceptions. I like sensitive and strong women. A woman should be tolerant with me, since I am not at home for half the year. I'm so jealous of the person that open relationships don't work. And I've never had a one-night stand. Ville can sometimes think and reason about women.

Question: How has your view of women changed since you were a teenager?

Ville: When my friends started to be interested in girls, I concentrated on music. I thought girls were scary and unnecessary. I don't think so now. But my idea of ​​women changes all the time. Women surprise me every day. Question: What has being a rock star taught you about women? Ville: That women can be vulgar creatures. Because of my strong position, the chickens (who does he mean? Youngsters, probably... - approx. translation.) on high heels trying to get me into bed. They try to maintain their self-esteem. But I will be strong.

Question: Lies that women believe?

Ville: "Our band has practice!" No, I'm quite direct: if I want to stay with friends in a bar or just be alone, I'll say so.

Question: How do women change as they age?

Ville: Everyone has their own path. I know 50-60 -year-old women who are younger than teenagers. Living your life according to routine can kill yourself at a very young age. Of course, physical changes are inevitable. Debbue Harry and Faye Dunaway are good examples of wonderful older women. I understand plastic surgery, but not really. But they are good if they help someone feel more confident. It seems that every woman has a complex about her breasts.

Question: What do you pay attention to in a woman?

Ville: I always pay attention to long hair in good condition, for angelic curls. I don't like bleached blondes. In a way, I'm a shoe fetishist. If you have beautiful woman there are terrible shoes in the world, that would really turn me off. I also worry if a woman can't move naturally. The voice is also very important. You can't build a relationship on physical qualities alone.

Question: What female behavior might confuse you?

Ville: It really embarrasses me when girls grab me between my legs at a concert. Question: If you were a woman, what would you like to be? Ville: I would spend a lot more money on clothes than I spend now. Guys only wear shirts, jeans and ugly underwear. I sometimes bought women's pants. As a woman I might spend my money on unnecessary things. Spending money is great. Although I've always wondered how women can spend so much money on their appearance. I don't understand these horribly expensive face lotions that you wash your face with at night. It's useless. You can take care of yourself by not smoking, drinking too much alcohol, and exercising. Question: What makes a woman unerotic? Ville: Mustaches and hairy armpits turn me off. Perfume is also not erotic, just like too much makeup. There is nothing more erotic than the smell of leather and its softness. Touch. But eroticism depends on the situation. If a woman stands with curlers in her hair and a cucumber mask on her face, it might be the sexiest thing in the world.

Question: What's the worst way to offend a woman?

Ville: I don't know about the worst thing, but the most offensive thing is asking a woman her age. I think it's interesting to find out how old people are. I also have a bad habit of being ignorant which causes bad situations. I don't necessarily always pay attention if the other person needs or wants something. I am a capricious and selfish person: I prefer to take than to give. I don't always remember to call someone, even if I promised to.

Question: When is a woman most beautiful?

Ville: When she sleeps, unprotected.

Question: What is your worst mistake in your relationship?

Ville: Not having a normal job and never being at home. It is very difficult to maintain a relationship when you are away from home for six months. A telephone is sometimes not enough. Your beloved cannot go with you and do nothing.

Question: When do you get distracted when you're around women?

Ville: If my beloved is at my concert, it distracts me, because telepathy immediately starts working. Songwriting is also a sensitive thing. I listen to the resonance of the most high strings guitars and wait for them to inspire me to create. I don't want anyone to be near me at this moment. I also don't want to be watched when I look at porn sites on the Internet.

Question: How long can you be without female company?

Ville: Physically as much as necessary. Women are not things you only look at on the weekends. Question: What did your parents teach you about women? Ville: I had a liberal upbringing. My parents are still together - and this good example. My mother is quite eccentric. I inherited her character. She's an organized hippie: she knows how to work according to rules. She takes care of me and still buys me pillows and blankets. If I have problems in my relationship, we can calmly discuss everything, just like with my father. I inherited my father's character trait - this is how I conquer people.

Question: Which life advice about women would you pass on to your son?

Ville: Look at your father and do everything differently. Treat women better than your father. Take a shower and change your underwear to impress a woman.

Question: What would you tell your daughter about men?

Ville: I would be a father who would like to see all her friends. I would tell my growing daughter with raging hormones that sex is not love.

Question: What would you not be able to forgive a woman?

Ville: If she forgets about my birthday. You must be able to forgive mistakes and carelessness. I can even forgive lies.

Question: What's the biggest compliment you've ever received from a woman?

Ville: That despite my capricious, pseudo-artistic character, they still want to own me again and again. It is impossible to repeat such a compliment. I often hear positive things about my voice, or that I look better in real life than on TV. But these compliments mean nothing to me, ever since I found out that I good singer. It's nice if women like your songs.

Question: When is a woman most scary?

Ville: In the morning, when she still has remnants of makeup from last night. Question: In female company, when do you feel like a real man? Ville: What is a real man? These words remind me of a macho man showing off his physique or his wit.

Question: What do you talk to women about?

Ville: About the same things as with men. Talking about fucking can be an educational discussion with a woman.

Question: What words do you use most often to describe women?

Ville: Any. I can call my girlfriends bitches or witches, it's a little rude, but I say it with humor, in a friendly way, but not as an insult.

Question: Are there any true things about you that you wouldn’t want a woman to tell you?

Ville: I think it was all said out loud. I am reproached for my narrow-mindedness and stubbornness. I've also heard that in many ways - I'm a terrible person, and that really saddens me. When I was younger I took myself more seriously, now I can laugh at my weaknesses.

Question: What do you need women for?

Ville: I need soul helpers so that I can be who I am. It's not a gender issue.

Question: How do you know a woman is faking? Ville: By her eyes, words, actions. I discovered a sixth sense, I can “read” people. Everyone falsifies. Sometimes you have to fake because this empty world is full of mean animals that can tear you apart.

Question: Can a woman be treated like a man?

Ville: Women don't have any special privileges in this regard. You can ask a woman about beer or invite her to a car show.

Question: Is there anything a woman can't do without you?

Ville: I believe that I am a good listener. I also like to do physical things, knowing that I'm not very good at many of them. I can drive a nail into a wall, but girls can do all this too.

Question: What character traits do you dislike in women?

Ville: Excessive pride and self-confidence. I also don’t like it when they do nothing, I like people who are always busy with something.

Question: Have you ever cried because of women?

Ville: I don't cry a lot, but last time I cried over relationship problems.

Question: How would you describe a Finnish woman?

Ville: Close and reliable. I can describe my feelings better in Finnish - it's much easier.

Question: Do women cheat?

Ville: Both men and women lie. I can't say that men lie more women, it depends on the individual.

Question: What do you think is the most difficult thing when living with a woman?

Ville: I find it difficult to live in any society because I like to be alone. I find it too limiting to live with someone all the time. It is also difficult to close the door behind you, knowing that you will open it only after 4 months. Music takes time away from first love. Immediately after a long tour it is difficult to feel comfortable at home because this is the time when I have to be alone. Hotel service is good, your mess is cleaned up for you, so it's very easy to get used to, but it creates problems at home. In my heady years, I maintained the illusion that it was all easy. All I want to do is play guitar in my underwear and go drink beer with my friends. But at home, my clothes and CDs are always lying on the floor - this makes it easier for me to find them.

Question: Is it possible to be just friends with a woman?

Ville: Of course. You don't always need an affair. I have many female friends.

Question: Is there anything you want a woman to remember from you?

Ville: The smell of my skin.