South Korea: Theory of personality typology based on blood type. Japanese horoscope by blood type: what does it tell you about your character and compatibility? Personality typology theory

In Korea, blood type is given such great importance that it is often discussed in various television shows, mentioned in magazines, and many films have been made on this topic. The thing is that Koreans believe that blood type affects a person’s character. It's normal for a Korean to ask you about your blood type. You shouldn't be surprised. They believe that your blood type can tell you more about your qualities. In their opinion, each group has pros and cons. Koreans least of all approve of the third blood type; they believe that these people are the most difficult to build relationships with. (This can be seen in the drama “My Boyfriend Has Type 3 Blood”) This is somewhat similar to our belief in horoscopes.

Blood type O (first) – Warriors

People with type O blood are sociable, energetic, optimistic, self-confident, but also disorganized and take risks. They know how to be a leader. They like to speak their minds and maintain friendly relations. Their presence is always felt and it is difficult to miss them. They tend to dramatize everything around them, which can make other people feel uncomfortable. They can be arrogant, insensitive and ruthless. They may be obsessed with success. However, they will not leave anyone in trouble and are said to be natural athletes.

Blood type A (second) - Farmers

People with this type are more conservative and reserved than others. They are very patient, attentive, creative and stubborn perfectionists. Whatever people with Group A undertake, they will think it through carefully, see it through to completion, and do it as well as possible. However, they can be too serious and finicky. They, as they say, would like to forget reality and remain in their fantasy world because of their romantic nature. At the same time, due to their shyness, they cannot always express their emotions and feelings. They are quite stubborn, cautious, tense, anxious and slightly obsessive.

Blood type B (third) – Nomads

This group includes creative, artistic people. People with the third blood group, as they say, enjoy life. They are passionate, wild and active. They can be creative and have an optimistic outlook on life. They are often fiercely independent and do not care what others think of them. They can laugh in the face of failure and lead a vibrant, liberal lifestyle. They like everything to work out at once, and because they cannot wait long for the result, they give up everything halfway. They are often described as petty and lazy, selfish and irresponsible. Men with blood type B are not considered a good match, as they are often “bad boys” and “players”. This rule does not apply to women with blood type B. 🙂

Blood type AB (fourth) – Humanists

These people are said to be either geniuses or crazy. Although they may be active on the outside, on the inside they are very shy and sensitive. They think rationally and always choose with their heads, not with their hearts. They are interested in everything and can be very intelligent. Their disadvantage is that they are indecisive, vindictive, vulnerable and inattentive. Some even claim that people with this blood type prefer to be alone. They also say that these people contain several personalities, and therefore can be unpredictable and seem two-faced. They are also good at handling money.

“No matter how much you educate a person, he still wants to live well”©

Surely you have all heard that every Korean knows his blood type. Not to mention the question: “What is your blood type?” is asked almost first of all after the question about age. Why do they attach such importance to this? Let's find out!

So, in South Korea (and also in Japan), blood type is the main characteristic of a person and largely determines his character and individual characteristics. The increased interest of the Japanese and Koreans in this issue has become something of an international joke. In the West, for example, many people do not know their group and this does not bother them at all.
In all of Asia one cannot find a country more committed to the theory "personality typology by blood type", this idea is the basis of popular books and comics, modern songs and even products in stores. It is often talked about in various television shows, mentioned in magazines, and many films have been made on this topic (, etc.) Users of the social network Facebook add their blood type to their profile along with other personal information. This matters when applying for a job and is a decisive factor in marriage.

Although in recent years the wave of interest in this bizarre theory has decreased somewhat, it is still firmly established in the everyday life of the Japanese and Koreans, and its popularity can only be compared with the popularity of horoscopes among Europeans. So let's look at each group individually!

Personality typology theory
First blood group I ("O")
Phenotype: hunter.
In short, people in this group are ambitious, athletic, self-confident, and natural leaders. They are pleasant to talk to and always optimistic. At their worst, they are cruel and arrogant, vain, rude, jealous and arrogant.
Nature provided O with everything necessary for their marriage to be successful and interesting. They are sociable, fun-loving, they like to communicate with interesting people and do unusual things. They always try to maintain a warm and friendly relationship with their partner, even when problems arise. The O's strongest trait is their adaptability. By the time other couples are just starting to get used to living together, O has long felt at ease. Life together with O is devoid of routine. They are spontaneous, they can decide that they need to go to the theater ten minutes before the start of the performance or plan a short weekend trip just on Friday evening. Ordinary life depresses O, and this is especially evident in sex. They need surprises - sex in unexpected places, at unusual times.
Men with blood type I are characterized by love at first sight and a quick marriage proposal. However, for many, these romantic feelings quickly pass.
Women with blood type I are emotional and very touchy. They are realistic. They are distinguished by excessive directness and sincerity; they are very good mothers and housewives.

Second blood group II ("A")
Phenotype: farmer
At their best, people are conservative, calm, restrained, punctual, and strive for ideals. They approach everything thoroughly with their characteristic common sense. Very responsible and persistent. At their worst, they are introverted, picky, overly serious, stubborn, sometimes tense and on their own.
Married A prefer to sort things out through frank conversations. During a family crisis, they try to identify the cause of its occurrence and try to come to a reasonable agreement. In general, an analytical approach is inherent. Of course, they can annoy their spouse with memories from many years ago and questions about why the partner acted that way then, and what lay behind it. However, such tactics are still better than simply silencing the conflict. And they are very sensitive, they are very easy to offend. At first, it can be difficult for them to adapt to married life, because A is difficult to change. In general, credo A in marriage can be defined as follows: deep feelings are not enough, a rational approach to problems and creative solutions are required.
A man with blood type II is, as a rule, a good family man. But it can cause boredom and irritation, since he is also a moralist. And if there are difficulties in the family, then the efforts of such husbands to hold the family together often lead to the opposite effect.
Women with group II are faithful, modest, serious and very economical. In their value system, as a rule, family happiness comes first. But they largely depend on the will of their husbands.

Third blood group III ("B")
Phenotype: nomad
Creative, active, passionate, love animals, optimistic and flexible. They are good performers and strong creative personalities. At the same time, they are very selfish, forgetful, individualistic, and cannot be relied upon because of their unpredictability and, to some extent, irresponsibility. They can put personal freedom above group interests, which is an absolute taboo for the peoples of East Asia.
They are considered the worst representatives among all types.
Despite the fact that experts rate B's capabilities in the field of close relationships quite low, they have qualities that can make them the most ideal spouses - determination and optimism. They always show their feelings as openly and unambiguously as possible, and if their partner feels the same, then they are ready to legitimize the relationship immediately.
In marriage, such mundane aspects as organizing finances, maintaining a home, making decisions together come to the fore, and this requires perseverance, stability, logic and the ability to plan - all of which are always in order with B. They perceive marriage as a project that needs to be constantly worked on. They distribute household responsibilities in a way that suits both partners. The most important quality for a marriage is their sense of personal responsibility for everything. In case of troubles, B will not blame everyone for what happened, from fate to the spouse, but will say: “I have to fix this.”
Men of group III are affectionate towards their spouses. However, they are willful and capable of treason.
Women with blood group III are characterized by variability. She cannot do without the attention of her husband. If she is deprived of communication, then without much thought she can leave home.

Fourth blood group IV ("AB")
Phenotype: a mystery
Rational, calm, sociable and social, persistent. Quite collected and easily adapts to circumstances. At the same time, they are critical, indecisive, inattentive, and do not forget grievances. They are difficult for others to understand and seem two-faced.
ABs know how to tune in to their partner’s feelings and understand them in some supernatural way. Thanks to this, they become a strong support for a successful marriage. Psychologists believe that the most outstanding qualities of ABs are altruism and the ability to empathize. In cases where a partner needs help, they are ready to sacrifice everything. AB's temperament makes life with them unpredictable. On the one hand, ABs strive to ensure that everything at home is calm and smooth. But at the same time, they believe that freedom and some time outside the family can significantly expand and refresh relationships. What can cause family conflict?
Men from group IV meet mainly through relatives, but they treat their chosen one very carefully.
Women with blood group IV are more mercantile and seek economic stability. They skillfully plan the budget and improve the apartment. They react painfully to family conflicts and do not yield to their spouse in a dispute. In case of divorces, they will not miss theirs.

Blood group compatibility scale
People of group A easily converge and cooperate with representatives of groups A and AB, group B - with B and AB, group AB - with everyone (AB, B, A and O), group O - with O and AB. The best options for professions for each group are: for A - accountant, librarian, economist, writer, programmer, for B - cook, hairdresser, military man, journalist, golfer, for AB - bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, social worker worker, decorator, for O - banker, politician, gambler, investment broker, baseball player.

Group II (“A”)


+ Group II (“A”) Male 70%
Group III (“B”) Male 20%
Group I (“O”) Male 95%
Group IV (“AB”) Male 65%
Group III ("B")


+ Group II (“A”) Male 25%
Group III (“B”) Male 65%
Group I (“O”) Male 89%
Group IV (“AB”) Male 75%
Group I ("O")


+ Group II (“A”) Male 90%
Group III (“B”) Male 80%
Group I (“O”) Male 40%
Group IV("AB") Male 30%
Group IV (“AB”)


+ Group II (“A”) Male 50%
Group III (“B”) Male 85%
Group I (“O”) Male 35%
Group IV (“AB”) Male 90%

Cartoonist Park Dong-sun's pictures show different blood types on vacation. Park constantly posts pictures on, the largest portal in South Korea.

Although his works are criticized for simplifying the diverse human personality, Koreans love them. (These pictures are from his blog, they are not on the official Naver page). Most of his animations are purchased, published and copyrighted by Naver.)
I would be grateful if someone could translate the phrases more accurately.

ABO blood type on summer vacation: B enjoys life, A spends all his energy on building a sand castle, AB relaxes away from the group.

Surprisingly, Koreans determine a person’s character not by horoscope, but by blood type. This means that the number of personality types is reduced from twelve, as according to the astrological horoscope, to four.

Blood type 1 (O)

People with the first blood group are leaders with a very great desire to communicate and a decent amount of energy. Very often they impose their opinions on others and have excessive self-conceit about themselves. They have high expectations and ambitions, which is why they can go to extremes and become cruel despots. Of course, such people are afraid to admit their feelings to anyone for fear of being laughed at.

Men in this group are more vulnerable than women. They tend to show less aggression and cruelty. But women are too bold, assertive and unpredictable.

Perfect Compatibility:

A will gladly heal a broken heart O and also take care of it.

Celebrities: Kim Young Ah (skater), Hyuna, Taeyeon (SNSD), Kim Woo Bin (actor).

Second blood group (A)

Those with the second blood group are the most reserved and conservative people who find it very difficult to express their emotions to other people, as well as to trust others. These people are very creative, but they like to bring everything to perfection. It ruins their life. In addition, they are very stubborn, which negatively affects communication.

Men in this group are more good-natured than women. Women are often greedy and jealous because they love to take care of everyone and are not going to compete with anyone in this matter.

Perfect Compatibility:

Stubbornness A can only understand O.

Celebrities: G-Dragon (Big Bang), Sandara Park (2NE1), Krystal (F(x)), Jay Park.

Third blood group (B)

People with the third blood group are very sex-loving and do not tolerate any restrictions. They are very creative individuals who have no patience for anything, due to which they are labeled as irresponsible lazy people. They may have a wonderful sense of humor.

They do not like any long-term relationships; interest in such relationships is very quickly lost. Moreover, in the case of this blood group, the behavior is almost the same in both women and men. Women with this blood type are no less freedom-loving; they do not want to commit themselves to any long-term obligations.

Perfect Compatibility:

Arrogance B will be highly appreciated AB.

Celebrities: Gianna Chun (actress), Lee Seung Gi (actor), Top (Big Bang), Jessica and Yuna (SNSD).

Blood group 4 (AB)

The fourth type of the Korean horoscope includes people with AB blood type. Those with a rare blood type often go from one extreme to the other. Koreans believe that this group includes either geniuses or those who are completely inadequate in their behavior. Despite all the sensuality of these people, they are quite shy people.

It is worth noting that men in this group are more pleasant individuals than women. Men act outwardly cold, but they are actually very caring and are willing to give more than they receive.

Women are secretive and two-faced; they get involved with pleasure in other people’s lives, but don’t talk about their own, trying to hide everything. They are very possessive, selfish and jealous.

Perfect Compatibility:

To understand and to forgive AB only someone else can AB.

Celebrities: Ok Taek Young (2PM), Baek Hyun (EXO), Hye Ri (Girl's Day), Kim Soo Hyun (actor).

In which countries in the world does everyone know their blood type? Answer: in Japan and South Korea, where blood type is the main characteristic of a person. The increased interest of the Japanese and Koreans in this issue has become a kind of international joke [ko]. In the West, for example, many people do not know their group - and this does not bother them at all.

In all of Asia, you cannot find countries more committed to the theory of “personality typology by blood type”; this idea is the basis of popular books and comics, modern songs and even goods in stores. Users of the social network Facebook add their blood type to their profile along with other personal information.

Although in recent years the wave of interest in this bizarre theory has decreased somewhat, it is still firmly established in the everyday life of the Japanese and Koreans, and its popularity can only be compared with the popularity of horoscopes among Europeans.

Personality typology theory

Although his works are criticized for simplifying the diverse human personality, Koreans love them. (These pictures are from his blog [ko], they are not on the official Naver page [ko]). Most of his animations are purchased, published and copyrighted by Naver.)

ABO blood type on summer vacation: B enjoys life, A spends all his energy on building a sand castle, AB relaxes away from the group. From the blog of cartoonist Park (CC BY NC ND).

The discovery of four different blood groups by Austrian scientists was a real breakthrough in science, thanks to which it was possible to save millions of lives by preventing the transfusion of incompatible blood. However, when it became known that blood groups are distributed unevenly among different races and peoples, racists began to use this data. Thus, imperialist scientists published a report on the theory of personality typology based on blood type. The contents of the famous scientific work of the Japanese scientist Furukawa focuses on the racial characteristics of the Taiwanese who opposed the Japanese imperialists. The researcher concluded that since more than 40% of Taiwanese have blood type O, which is believed to be insubordinate, they need to dilute their “rebel blood” by increasing the number of marriages with the Japanese.

Despite the fact that many Japanese scientists did not accept the theory due to the lack of a solid scientific basis, it still managed to survive through sensational publications and due to intense media interest. Since the late '90s, the bizarre theory has spread throughout South Korea and reached its peak in popularity in 2000, and remains famous to this day.

South Korean blogger AgeofMassProductionTypeRomance reflects [on] the sentimental attitude of citizens towards theory. Recognizing the lack of facts at its basis, he, relying only on personal experience, believes that this is the right way to characterize people.

그런데 문제는 “실제로 겪어보면 맞는데 어떡해” 라는 거다. 물론 안 그런 예도 전무한 건 아니다. 에이형이라도 되게 직설적이고 제할말 다하는 사람 물론 있고 오형이라도 꽁생원에 좀팽이인 사람 없는 건 아니다. 하지만 […] 사람 다루는 입장에서는 사실 혈액형만큼 편한 잣대가 별로 없다. […] 과학적 근거 같은 걸로 잴 수 있는 건, 잴 수 없는 것보다 훨씬 적다 이말이다.

[Despite criticism], in practice the theory is confirmed in most cases. Of course, there are exceptions. I have seen a Group A person who always hit the bull's eye, and conversely, a Group O person once turned out to be a stupid bigot. […] However, the theory is very convenient when communicating with people. […] There are many things in the world that science cannot yet explain.

Blogger Unalphawas one of the adherents of the theory of personality typology, but is no longer a supporter of it. Having analyzed the theory[ko] , he came to the conclusion that its apparent “plausibility” could be explained by resorting to the method of cold reading , used by manipulative fortune tellers and psychics. This method is based on the tendency of people to look for some secret meaning in everything; manipulators know that a person rarely has a real idea About Me .

대범한 척하지만 은근히 마음이 깊고 소심한 구석이 있어서 이미 결정한 일에 대해서도 괜히 “정말 이 말이 맞나?” 하고 혼자서 되돌아보는 날들이 있을 거에요. 타인에게 상냥하고 친구들관계도 나쁜 편은 아니지만 실제로 속내를 다 보여주는데는 꽤나 오랜 시간이 걸리죠[…] 위의 글을 읽으시면서 끄덕끄덕 하시게되지 않나요? 사람에게는 누구에게나 양면성이 있습니다. 늘 대범한 사람에게도 사실은 말못할 소심함이 있고, 털털하다고 느끼는 사람에게도 나름 세심한 구석이 숨겨져있기 마련이죠.

You are one of those who acts boldly and decisively, but in your soul you feel confident, even after making a decision, you continue to doubt, looking back: “Was it the right choice?” You are polite and friendly, you try to maintain good relations with everyone, but it takes time to find out what you really are like. […] After reading this paragraph, you most likely thought: “Yes, this is about me.” Human personality is multifaceted. Even the bravest guy can be indecisive, and a good-natured person who is considered absent-minded can be focused and organized in a certain situation.

These sentences have the nature of the Barnum effect: open statements of this kind seem personal, but in fact they are addressed to many people. Blogger Wawoooo, citing the example of a schoolboy refusing to speak in front of the class because he was a shy Type A, blames the collectivism of Korean society for promoting belief in the theory of blood type personality typology.

우리나라와 일본과 같이 집단주의 사상을 교육받고 있는 나라에서는 주위의 의견과 서로 어울림을 중요시하는 공동체 의식이 강하기 때문에 나이많은 어른들이나 주위의 집단의견을 무시하지 못하고 받아들여야만 하는 성향이 강해 이런 혈액형 성격론의 여파가 상대적으로 큰 문제를 불러일으키고 있다.

South Korea and Japan are two countries where the sense of collectivism is very strongly developed, people are taught to put the interests of the group above personal ones, communication with others and the opinions of others mean a lot. [Having appeared in such a society, the blood type theory of personality] easily spread among citizens, since individuals always accept the opinions of their elders and the group.