Evening drawing school. Drawing courses for adults

“Life is too short to spend it on things that don’t bring you pleasure,” says Richard Branson. And if you have always wanted to learn how to draw, but never found the time or opportunity to attend an art school, then explore our new selection of useful online courses and programs. They will help you find a new hobby - drawing.

Websites for learning to draw

The online platform has a course “The ABCs of Drawing”, where both adults and children can learn all about the basics of drawing. What tools does the artist use, what concepts does he use, what is form and texture, contrast and nuance... The course contains 43 lectures and 8 modules. Upon completion, you must complete your homework.

An educational site that talks about drawing from life and human anatomy. True, the videos are in English, but this is a great opportunity to improve your English.

Website of Mila Naumova's art school for adults. Mila Naumova is the author of the “Everyone Can Draw!” project, as well as a teacher of master classes and drawing lessons. The site has paid and free courses, such as “Learning to see and draw like an artist.”

English-language drawing resource. There are a lot of courses on the site that are built on the principle of “from simple to complex.” The courses offered are “Secrets of Drawing”, “Colored Pencil”, “Oil Painting”, “Watercolor Workshop”, “Pen and Ink”, “Creative Mix- media". Each module includes HD video and related literature.

The project provides lessons on step-by-step drawing of animals, birds, favorite cartoon characters, and people. Simple pencil technique.

Pencil drawing website. Everything you wanted to know about drawing with a pencil is explained step by step. On the pages of the project you will find materials on completely different topics: lessons in drawing humans, animals, flowers, trees, etc.

A free drawing academy, where everyone will find something that will inspire them and something that they didn’t know yet. All videos are in English.

- the channel has a lot of useful information from the muralist who graduated from the Surikov Moscow State Academy of Arts. Here are video lessons on academic drawing and painting, composition and art in general. - free video lessons through which you can learn to draw with pencil, watercolors, portraits and landscapes. There are lessons for adults and separately for children.

A whole channel from Veronica Kalacheva's school. The school has its own website, but it mainly offers paid drawing courses. There are video tutorials available for free on YouTube. These are rich and interesting programs for teaching drawing, watercolors, pastels and painting.

The channel was created for those who are partial to fine arts and really want to start drawing themselves. If you don’t know where and how to start, you think you don’t have talent, then open the video, pick up a brush and paint. The video tutorials are very clear and simple. The channel contains lessons on watercolors, gouache, oils and pastels. - many detailed video tutorials on cartoon characters and everything connected with them. The channel is updated frequently, so you will always find something useful and new. - Tom McPherson on his channel tells how to draw beautifully and competently with a pencil. Mostly lessons on drawing interiors and architectural structures are presented.

If you feel the desire to draw, then don’t think about the result - draw. Open any specified resource and follow the instructions, develop and improve. And soon you will draw a masterpiece yourself that will delight your loved ones.

The ability to draw beautifully is that trait in a person that attracts attention, makes you admire and causes secret envy. Many adults want to learn how to draw, but they are afraid that they will not succeed.

Someone claims that they dreamed of drawing as a child, but something didn’t work out then, and now it’s too late. You can come up with thousands of excuses, but people who practice believe that anyone can learn this, regardless of their age and abilities.

Favorite Russian question: What to choose? Courses or self-study? Where to go to study? and When to start drawing? Let's answer the last question right away - now! Take a pencil and draw.

Why learn to draw as adults?

First of all, creation - a great way to express yourself. How many thoughts, memories, emotions and desires can be expressed with just paper and watercolors! The artist has a unique opportunity to show other people the world as he sees it.

Fans art therapy claim that drawing is one of the most effective methods to calm down and take your mind off problems. Devoting to drawing at least every day 15 minutes, an adult becomes calmer and more balanced over time, tolerates stress better, and experiences positive emotions more often.

It is not necessary to create a masterpiece: psychologists say that even a simple drawing can become a source of positive emotions after a hard day for any adult, be it an office worker, an engineer, a worker... Those who like to draw in their free time equate this process to a meditation session and advise creating at least one drawing per day.

A person who learns to draw develops in himself artistic taste, begins to notice the beauty in everyday routine. A passion for painting sooner or later leads to aspiring artist He is increasingly interested in other types of art, which has a good effect on his horizons.

After all, painting is good for developing the cognitive abilities of a person beginning to draw. Most artists have good spatial and associative thinking, excellent visual memory and developed fine motor skills. Like learning another language, the ability to draw the world around oneself allows a person to look at everyday life from a different angle and change the way of thinking.

Drawing for beginner adults: clubs and schools

Nowadays, there are practically no restrictions for an adult who wants to master the art of drawing. There are in almost every city, they are not difficult to find.

The simplest and most obvious way is art school . Here, teachers will provide beginners with the necessary basic knowledge and academic education. This option is suitable for people in adulthood who have decided to firmly and permanently connect their lives with art, because the course of study at such a school lasts several years, and lessons are held on a regular basis - 2-3 times a week.

In art schools, like in state educational institutions, teachers follow the curriculum established by the state, so find innovative teacher It can be difficult with a non-standard approach to learning. In addition, adults who dreamed of learning to draw, for example, seascapes, will have to start with simple figures and standard still lifes along with everyone else.

In some cities you can find creative clubs. Often, visiting them costs very little money or no money at all. Here wonderful atmosphere for creativity and communicating with people who are equally passionate about drawing, but this method is not suitable for obtaining a serious art education.

Drawing studios

The best option for beginners would be a special one. Here, adults who want to learn to draw are taught what interests them. If possible, it is better to attend drawing courses for beginner adults in Moscow, because the chance of meeting a truly qualified teacher in the capital is slightly higher.

Teachers in such courses often demonstrate a non-standard approach and devote a lot of time to the beginning student. In a drawing studio for adults, even a person who has never held a pencil in his hand can create a beautiful painting.

Training is often easy and interesting, because the student gets the opportunity to learn drawing from real professionals. In some studios, classes are held according to the principle “Draw a picture in n hours.” During the studio lesson, the teacher helps the student create a beautiful picture, gives useful tips and recommendations.

Education in special institutions is best combined with self-education at home. Here special books will come to the rescue (many teachers recommend "The Art of Drawing" by Bert Dodson ), training videos, online courses and master classes.

Such techniques have proven to be effective, but they require a high degree of organization and a willingness to follow the curriculum without breaks or shirking, because beginners need constant practice in drawing. Special sketchbooks and notebooks like “Draw Every Day” can also help with this.

Have you chosen where to draw? Then we are waiting for you at our drawing and painting courses by the address: Moscow, Shlyuzovaya embankment, 2/1, building 4

January 14, 2018 Art school "Magic Hands"

Good afternoon Thank you for contacting us - any of your opinions are important to us!
Yes, on January 14 at 15:00 a master class on Ebru took place in the Magichands studio, which lasted until 17:00. The lesson began a couple of minutes later, as evidenced by recordings from video cameras. Recording available upon request.

Tell me, what number did you call and what time? The studio has 2 contact numbers: 8 495 971 20 88 and 8 919 725 57 88. Judging by the printout of calls, there were no missed calls between 14:00 and 16:00.

5 people were registered for the master class, three of them came.
Regarding calling back and clarifying where the client is, the teacher is not always able to quickly convey information to the administrator about those who did not make it. As a rule, the lists are verified later - the next day. It also happens that clients sign up for a master class and simply don’t show up.
We have a small workshop with an intimate setting; we are a union of creative people who love what they do!
We are very sorry that such a strange situation occurred and you were unable to attend the master class.

In the future we will improve our service and creative programs! And as a bonus to lift your spirits, we are giving you a 20% discount on your next visit. To receive a certificate, you must contact our email

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Olga Knyazeva
December 25, 2015 Art school “Your Stage”

You entered into lease agreement No. 26 on August 5, 2016, indicating the actual rental time schedule and the rental amount at the rates in effect on the date of the agreement.
On September 1, 2015, the studio's hall rental prices changed, and on August 15, the corresponding information appeared on the website.
On September 7, you entered into a new Agreement at new studio rates.
There are air conditioners in the hall. In the studio panorama they are also visible to the naked eye :)
During the rental of the studio, the equipment was fully operational. Your technician has been given the authority to customize lighting and projection equipment to suit the needs of your production.

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Olga Knyazeva
December 25, 2015 Art school “Your Stage”

Good afternoon, Vitaly. Thank you for your feedback.
You rented a theater hall to stage the play “Yesenin” several times during September.
Before the start of the rental, you came to the studio twice and inspected the hall. Administrators Anastasia and Elena showed you our space, informed you about the rental conditions and that we do not provide props for rent.
Renting a hall with high-tech expensive equipment requires the tenant to be responsible for the condition of the equipment used during the rental. We took into account your wishes to reduce risks due to possible equipment malfunctions and signed an additional agreement with you to the contract.
After the start of the rental, you extended the contract with us twice, renting the hall additionally for new dates in October. The cost of renting the hall was indicated in the contract and did not change during the validity of the contract. Which in your case was especially beneficial, since by concluding a contract for a long period of time, you were not affected by the increase in rental costs after the increase in studio rates.
Our studio is equipped with two air conditioners, with which you could control the air condition in the studio yourself and take into account the wishes of the actors and guests.
You can see the hall where students of the Acting and Rhetoric Courses are trained right on the stage, in a modern theater space, in the 3-D panorama http://stage4u.ru/panorama

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Dmitry O.
August 27, 2011 Art school "Drawers' Club"

The point is not how similar the drawing is to the original. Don't reduce everything to a question of similarity.
The way you personally draw is about what you personally are like, in what state, mood.
You can create a sharp and crude image of something completely different from the original, and there is no need to compare. It’s more interesting to feel yourself through a drawing, your perception of the external. The goal of drawing something that looks like something, someone, or someone else’s drawings is obviously doomed to trying to catch up.

If you look at the drawing as an act in itself, your self-sufficient action, it is much more interesting.

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March 26, 2018 Art school "

About a year ago I set out to find a hobby for my soul. It all started with the theater, but it lasted me exactly three months. Then I signed up for a one-month introductory drawing course. And away we go, I quickly remembered why, as a child, I drew princesses until the night.

True, my hook hands didn’t want to draw what I needed, so I decided to take a more serious course in oil painting. Just in time for its completion, I discovered the watercolor works of Veronica Kalacheva and realized that... We must start with the basics and first learn how to construct a drawing correctly, and only then work with color.

Of course, you can always copy and color other people's work, but imagine how great it is to embody your fantasies or images on paper! In this matter, without knowledge of academic drawing, which I, of course, did not have, there is no way. To obtain them, the most effective way is to attend an art school, but what a blessing that there is the Internet! After rummaging around the net for several nights, I found something that will help you become a real creator if you stick to the main rule - practice a lot, a lot.

Although I'm not a fan of Anna's style of work, her lessons have everything you need to learn from scratch: what tools you'll need, how to attach paper to a tablet, how to do shading and toning a drawing. Anna also talks about how to correctly redraw objects and paint with the same watercolors.

Lessons based on the book of the same name, of course, will not work miracles - to learn how to draw professionally, it will take much more than a month or even a year. However, as already mentioned, the main thing is practice, so these lessons, which give a general idea of ​​​​building a drawing, will not be superfluous. If you feel progress or desire to go into a specific style, on the same site you can find a guide to drawing with colored pencils, letters in 3D and zentangle.

In this group you will find step-by-step lessons on drawing various figures depending on your level of preparation. The most difficult lessons are suitable only for professional artists, but even beginners can master simpler figures.

Useful materials for beginners - from how to draw specific objects to basic shading training.

Drawing school website, where you can find a lot of good materials on basic topics: “How to hold a pencil”, “How to draw a ball”, “Possibilities of a simple pencil”, etc. Upon request, the author of the site will also share with you the secret of how to sell your work when you become awesome.

Just don’t be scared by the design of these sites; I also find it strange why artists have their “virtual face” made in such an unremarkable style. You can also use Youtube to learn, there are many detailed lessons on drawing specific objects, people, body parts and landscapes. In the meantime, here are a few works for inspiration, done in pencil. I think it's great!