Modern Japanese youth. Japanese youth subcultures

Many women think that you need to lie like a log in bed, and that a man should do everything himself

And excite, and “love”, and then talk sweet words, and a woman just needs to lie there, moan and enjoy. Rave.

1. A woman should actively participate in the process, move, express emotions, take the initiative, and seduce a man in every possible way - not only before luring him into bed, but also after that. It is necessary to offer to do “this” not only in dark time for a day, locking yourself away from everyone, but also when a man doesn’t expect it at all - for example, coming to your loved one’s office under the pretext of bringing coffee and cookies, easily closing the door and whispering to him that you are not wearing panties, and that all employees We went our separate ways for lunch.

Or give him oral pleasure in the kitchen during a family celebration, when all the adults and old guests raise another toast to the hero of the day. Such moments of unexpected sex can ignite your relationship for a long time and heighten your feelings, writes

2. It is important to take care of your intimate hairstyle. It is not necessary to shave everything down to zero, but sometimes you need to go through it with a lawnmower. This also applies to the length and grooming of nails - soft male organs they do not always steadfastly overcome the “pressure of female nail force” during manual caresses of the penis and adjacent “accessories”.

It’s also not a good idea to heavily coat your teeth with toothpaste before sex - it’s not very pleasant to kiss with a “tube of strong-smelling toothpaste” - be it Colgate or Forest Balm. Men are like animals: a hidden smell attracts, but a pungent smell repels.

3. It’s bad when a girl doesn’t express her emotions at all during the act, and everything happens in complete silence. You need to moan, say something (not babble, like with a friend on the phone, but whisper something affectionately), portray emotions on your face. It is not at all necessary to close your eyes - you can watch “this” happen. You can even slap a man, or scratch him lightly. And God himself ordered the kiss! Moan out loud, it's very encouraging.

Words like “Yes, Baby, faster, slower, yes. Yes! I love it, you are super!” - can also be used. But it’s important not to overdo it here. Also - don’t be embarrassed by a creaking sofa - let all the neighbors know that you are happy. A man is always a hooligan at heart - and he will definitely want to moan louder and creak more actively, so that the eternally dissatisfied neighbors will get even angrier. There is no need to interfere with him in these innocent pranks. But this should not be allowed when a sick grandmother or grandfather is behind the wall - after all, relatives must be spared.

4. You can be patient a little if you are lying/standing awkwardly. It’s clear that half-sitting with your legs up and your head hanging off the bed is not entirely comfortable (if you’re not a gymnast or an astronaut), but the act actually doesn’t last that long. And oh, how nice it will be for a man! After sex, he will ask forgiveness for pressed hair, and for a broken nail, and for a sprained leg, and

, if necessary, he will perform artificial respiration.

5. Why must the lights be turned off? After all, you want to love not only with your hands, but also with your eyes: to admire your standing breasts and your “hairstyle.” And if a girl is embarrassed by her non-French underwear, then she needs to take it off! It's even better without it.

7. Why create complexes and whine: “I’m not in today?” in better shape“If I weren’t tired, everything would be better” - thereby the woman emphasizes that she is not the “ideal” that she may have been for the man before.

8. It’s stupid to remember your mother or grandmother in bed, regardless of which of them is in the hospital and whose birthday is in three days. It is also undesirable to rush to cell phone calls - this can discourage any desire from a man.

9. And after “this” she doesn’t say what a wonderful lover I am! It's worse if she compares me to one of her exes, or to some unknown movie star like Tom Cruise and George Clooney. Who are they? I am the hero here, and I should be admired

How a girl can learn to be tactful. Etiquette for girls and women. The art of women's diplomacy.

TO modern girl society makes many demands, she must be beautiful, smart, erudite, have a sense of humor, etc.

And all men, without exception, claim that they dislike such traits in a girl as rudeness, vulgarity, pretentiousness; next to them they would like to see a girl who is correct and tactful.

To be tactful is to have a sense of proportion and be able to navigate in a given situation. What to do in these circumstances?

What should I say? Should I leave the room or stay?

Pretend that you didn’t notice your interlocutor’s poisonous remark or try to turn it into a joke?

What is tact and tact?

Tact is an inner feeling and the result of upbringing, which is based on respect for the people around you and respect for other people's opinions.

It is very easy to earn a reputation as a tactless girl of easy virtue and bitchy content.

It’s worth, for example, boasting about something to others or emphasizing your superiority over other people.

There are a great many examples that can be given.

It would seem that without violating any rules of decency, you can make dozens of mistakes and earn disrespect for yourself and the reputation of a bad-mannered girl if you behave tactlessly.

But in most cases, tactlessness is not a sign of bad manners; the lack of a sense of tact is just reluctance and inability to control oneself.

After all, you only have to think for a moment, and you will never allow yourself to cackle with laughter at the top of your voice in a public place or loudly announce to your friends about any disorder in their appearance.

Learn to control yourself and no matter how sharp a tongue you have, always put yourself in the shoes of the person you are talking to, would you like the joke you make at your interlocutor’s address?

The more often you put yourself in another person's shoes, the better you will begin to understand and respect other people's feelings.

It is tactless to gossip with friends. No matter how it may have seemed to you before exciting activity, stop doing this as quickly as possible.

If you allow yourself to discuss other people, then get ready for the same friends to gossip about you.

The best thing in such cases is to muster up the courage and tell them directly that you consider it an undignified act to discuss other people. This will be commendable, and others will begin to respect you.

Having heard your answer, maybe your friends will understand that spreading gossip is a bad habit that does not lead to any good.

Very tactful for a girl important quality is knowing of limits.

If, for example, you are exaggeratedly interested in the affairs of a friend and instead of asking: “How are you?” suddenly you begin with morbid curiosity to ask about the details of his personal life or give advice on how to get rid of acne, then you will achieve the opposite result and will not cause any feelings other than antipathy in him. If you do not have a sense of proportion, then excessive concern for other people turns into annoying curiosity.

Therefore, do not be intrusive, in a conversation you just need to ask: “How are you?” and the person, if he wants, will tell you everything himself.

It is tactless and indecent to impose your tastes on other people.

If we assume that you like rock more than rap, and you prefer a coat to a jacket, then this is not enough for you to categorically say:

“How can you like this music, it’s complete nonsense!” Or: “How can you wear this jacket?

I personally would never wear this!” Remember, you need to treat people with care and respect other people's tastes. This is the law for a tactful girl.

Snitching or sneaking is an ugly and unethical act, or using someone else’s secret for your own, even if it seems respectable to you, purposes, or uninvited interference in the personal affairs of others. This is tactless and dishonest.

In a team, never take part in boycotts or conspiracies against anyone, otherwise one fine day you yourself may fall into the same trap set for you by imaginary friends.

Avoid this offer, answer that you are already an adult girl, and you consider these ideas unacceptable for yourself. Do not allow yourself to be manipulated by other people for incorrect purposes.

It also happens that in a team you have to communicate with a person who is unpleasant for you, be it an envious friend or a guy with whom you are in a quarrel.

You could sort things out face to face, but there are people around you and it’s rude to spoil their mood just because you have antipathy towards someone.

A tactful girl will be able to adequately avoid an unpleasant meeting without others noticing. Do not sort things out with anyone loudly and publicly.

In any society there are people who can put you in an awkward position with their questions and you don’t want to answer them. Tactless questions can be answered something like this:

You have a boyfriend?

What is your breast size?

Why is this so interesting to you?

What's your boyfriend's name?

And why do you need it?

The “question to question” rule works like a charm. By the time your interlocutor begins to answer you at length, he will already forget about his question addressed to you or pretend that he forgot, and this will be the end of his tactless curiosity.

Your reluctance to tell the whole truth about yourself to strangers is correct and justified.

Of course, in educational institution, on the street, in in public places, conflict situations may arise.

Act correctly, respond to insults or obvious rudeness with the dignity of a well-mannered girl and within the framework of the law.

In conflicts, try to be restrained, do not lose your temper, do not insult, but also do not show that you are offended and hurt, put the offender in his place in a correct manner, calmly and fairly indifferently.

Believe me, this will hurt him more than if you swore at him.

The offender will humiliate himself with his anger and aggressiveness, and your authority, on the contrary, will increase in the eyes of others. Learn to control yourself and calmly resolve any situation.

In a team, learn to find contact with everyone, no one likes a scandalous character and quarrelsomeness, these are signs of a selfish girl, learn to be patient, do not rush to express your opinion out loud, others may think differently.

Don’t be too self-confident and don’t turn up your nose, don’t give anyone humiliating, unceremonious assessments, never humiliate people, spare their pride.

Do not forgive meanness, treachery, betrayal, but have the strength not to notice the oversights and awkwardness of your comrades, be generous and learn to forgive accidental miscalculations and mistakes.

Concede in small things, but do not deviate from your main principles, be able to competently argue your positions and calmly defend your views.

Remember, you will not be alone everywhere and always, so look and evaluate yourself through the eyes of other people.

Don’t be vulgar, rude, smile kindly at others, behave with dignity and tact in all life situations.

The article will tell you how a woman can be on top in any situation.

A woman should always remain an interesting person who will attract not only men. Even married woman must preserve the main women's secrets behavior. This way she will always be loved and desired.

How should a girl behave in a relationship with a guy?

Having met a guy she likes, a woman often doubts how to behave correctly. After all, you don’t want to scare or alienate a new acquaintance.

There are some rules that, if followed, will take your relationship to the next level:

  • Follow the conversation. There is no need to be silent all the time, even if you are embarrassed to speak. You will become boring to your new flame. But you shouldn’t talk too much either. He doesn't need to know where your girlfriend went or when you should get a manicure.

IMPORTANT: Do not overload the guy with unnecessary information, otherwise he will run away from you very quickly. Maintain a middle ground in your conversation

  • Don't bother me. This is very common mistake girls in budding relationships. Don't call him every hour stupid questions. On the contrary, wait for the time that he himself wanted to call

  • Don't be excessivelycapricious. There is no need to be offended at first by little things that could easily have gone unnoticed. If at the beginning of the relationship you begin to pout with resentment and expect an apology, your boyfriend will simply stop answering calls sooner or later. After all, if this happens right away, then what will happen next?
  • If the young man caring for you is attractive to you, then give this is for him understand. You don’t need to say any words, just accept his advances and don’t push him away from you
  • If you decide to quit for yourself serious relationship with a guy then don't overdo it with bitchiness. At first, a guy may like this character, but after a while he will want to be next to a kind and affectionate woman

  • Do not lie. Men are very repelled by such women
  • Take care of your appearance: do light makeup, manicure, pedicure, depilation. You can't afford to come to a meeting with a guy with peeling nail polish or hair on his legs.

IMPORTANT: You don’t need to wear a ton of makeup to every meeting. This will only scare off your new beau. Be natural and beautiful

  • Allow me yours young man take care about you. Even if you can carry a bag of groceries to the apartment yourself, let him help you if he wants, of course. A man loves to feel like a kind of assistant

IMPORTANT: If a woman does not receive enough gifts, then the reason may be her inability to accept them correctly.

It is with her behavior that a woman can kill any desire of a man to give gifts. Therefore, follow the following rules so as not to kill the very hunt of a man:

  • Sincerely rejoice gift. Even if the gift is not exactly what you were expecting
  • Don't skimp on emotions. If your man sees how childishly you rejoice at his gift, he will want to give them again and again
  • Not start disassemble present " By shelves". Those. If a man gave you a dress, then you don’t need to look at its composition first. Try it on, tell me how you like it and hug your man. After you are alone with the gift, look at what interests you

IMPORTANT: Your first emotion is important to a man. And if, instead of joy, you begin to meticulously examine and reason about everything, then it will seem that you don’t like the gift

  • If you don't like the gift, then hug your man and thank him. In the first 10 seconds, you won't be able to hide your disappointment in your eyes. After the hug, play the role of a satisfied woman
  • If flowers are not your favorite, too rejoice, because these are good too. Only then, after a couple of days, inadvertently tell me which flowers are your favorite

IMPORTANT: If you don’t like the gift, don’t say so right away. After a while, randomly go to the topic and gently say what exactly you didn’t like

Rules of etiquette at work

What woman doesn’t like to be a coquette and catch men’s gazes?

However, work is not the right place for such actions. So how to behave at work?

  • Appearance. You must always be well-groomed and tidy. Don't allow yourself to go to work with a dirty head or a wrinkled sweater.
  • Makeup. You can wear makeup, but it should be as natural as possible and not attract attention to yourself. There shouldn't be any smokey eyes.
  • Cloth. The choice of clothing should, first of all, depend on the internal “dress code”. Don't try to wear black bottoms and white tops if the guidelines allow you to wear your own style. Show off your personality. But no mini skirts or deep necklines. You can't afford to create the image of a frivolous girl

  • Working place. Keep yours workplace clean and tidy. You're a woman. You must be careful in everything. Don't allow dust or crumbs from lunch to accumulate on the table. Also, you shouldn’t place a frame with a photo of you in a swimsuit, for example, on the table. If you really want to always see your family in the photo, then choose the most discreet photo
  • Punctuality. Don't be late for work. For your bosses this will be a bad sign, and for your colleagues it will be a frivolous approach to work
  • Greetings. Always greet your boss first and smile a little, even if you Bad mood. Your boss should see you as a positive employee.

  • Don't fall in spirit. If something doesn't work out, don't despair. Don't be afraid to ask your colleagues for help, especially at first. Try to find the information you need anywhere. Your task is to be a strong and promising employee for your superiors
  • Not flirt openly with colleagues. Of course, if you have mutual sympathy, then you can flirt. But this flirting should not be provocative. And it is unacceptable to flirt with the entire male half of the team at once

IMPORTANT: This general rules. Depending on where you work and your position, you may be either more open or even more reserved.

Rules of etiquette at a party, at the table for girls

How to behave when you are invited to visit?

Nine Not away:

  • Not be late. Being late looks very disrespectful towards the hosts
  • Not arrive more than 5 minutes earlier than your scheduled time. By arriving early, you can embarrass your hosts, who were just finishing the final preparations for your arrival.
  • Not go empty-handed. No need to buy any gifts. Just take something for tea

  • Not rush straight to the table. While no one is sitting at the table, you should also refrain: sit in a chair for now and wait
  • Not choose your place. There is no need to go through all the places at the table in search of a more suitable one. If the hosts have not clearly assigned you a seat, then sit in any one you like.
  • Not draw attention to yourself. Don't speak louder than other guests or laugh too loudly

  • Not criticize the food. Be sure to tell the hostess which dish you are absolutely delighted with. She will be very pleased
  • Not talk on the phone at the table
  • Not linger when all the guests are already starting to leave. If you are the only guest, then look at the hostess/host. If she glances at her watch every now and then, starts yawning and talks about how much she has to do tomorrow, then you should have left a long time ago

IMPORTANT: Of course, it is of great importance who invited you: your best friend or the groom to meet his parents

Whether you are invited to a restaurant by a man or a group of friends, you must behave as a real lady. Which rules worth sticking to:

  • If you go to a restaurant with a man, then let him open the door for you and help you take off your outerwear
  • If your man is going to pull your chair back, let him do it.
  • When choosing a dish, choose an option in the middle price range
  • No need to say that you don't care what he orders. Choose what suits your taste
  • There is no need to tell your man that you are on a diet. Just silently choose the food that best suits your diet.

  • Let your man order an alcoholic drink, but please specify your preferences
  • If your dish was brought earlier, then you should wait until it is brought to your gentleman
  • There is no need to look in a mirror at the table
  • Leave your phone in your purse
  • If the handbag is small, like a clutch, then it can be placed on the edge of the table. If the bag is larger, hang it on the back of a chair or place it on your lap.

  • You should not sort through cutlery, much less wipe it with napkins. Your man may think that you have a bad opinion of the restaurant he has chosen.
  • If you feel stuffy, you shouldn't wave a napkin in front of your face. All you have to do is tell your man that it would be nice to turn on the air conditioning. And a man should understand your subtle hint, if he is a real gentleman
  • Even if you are very hungry, you should not eat very quickly. Eat food in moderation
  • Don't laugh loudly or talk too loudly in a restaurant. People at neighboring tables should not pay attention to you. But you shouldn’t be too tight either.

  • If you have eaten, then place the cutlery parallel to each other so that the handles are on the right
  • If you have not finished eating yet, then place your cutlery crosswise. This will save you from the awkwardness when the waiter wants to take away your dish.

  • By the time the waiter brings the bill, and the man should ask for it, you should already decide whether you will pay for yourself
  • You cannot discuss who will pay in front of the waiter
  • If you're paying for yourself, tip 10% of your order.
  • When leaving the restaurant, the man will still be in front of you

By being in society and observing the following rules, you will make a pleasant impression not only on men, but also on the female half of society:

  • Keep track of your external view. This business card any woman. Remove from your wardrobe provocative outfits or shabby robes. Dress neatly. Read more about clothing etiquette in a separate subsection below.
  • Not come out from home with a dirty head and shabby manicure. In the latter case, it is better to wipe off the nail polish completely.

IMPORTANT: Don’t be vulgar - this is the most important rule for any girl

  • Not swear swearing So you only show that you lack the intelligence to express strong emotions more culturally
  • Not smoke in public. A woman smoking is a very ugly picture
  • Be tactful. If someone utters unflattering words or awkward questions at you, just raise your eyebrow slightly. So, your interlocutor will understand that he said too much. And you will remain the same competent and wise woman. Read more about how to communicate in a separate subsection below.
  • At least sometimes take an interest news in the world so that we can carry on a conversation
  • Not be arrogant. Such women do not attract the sympathy of others at all.

Etiquette rules for a girl on a date: the three-date rule

Not need to lose head from a received invitation to a date. Remain the same wise girl.

  • When you meet, you shouldn’t throw yourself on your boyfriend’s neck. Give him your hand first. And if your boyfriend is quite well-mannered, then he will lightly kiss your hand
  • No need to talk about your past relationships
  • Follow the conversation. Don't bore your chosen one with boring stories about your girlfriends or trips to the store. But you shouldn’t remain silent either, because your boyfriend will think that you are bored and uninteresting with him

  • If you go to the cinema or theater, let a man lead you to your seat
  • In restaurants and cafes, behave as suggested in the subsection above “Restaurant Etiquette”
  • It is better to turn your phone on silent mode. If he does call, then say that you will call back later.
  • At the end of the date, don’t be the first to ask the question: “Will we see each other again?” Don't impose
  • When a man asks such a question, you also shouldn’t shout “Yes, of course” at the top of your voice. Answer more subduedly: “Yes, I would love to meet you again.”

IMPORTANT: The 3-date rule does not mean that you are obliged to let him into your bed on the third date. This only means that you should not do this before

Russian speech etiquette for girls

A girl should observe speech etiquette in order to complement her overall impression of herself. Compliance speech etiquette speaks of your education and literacy.

  • At meeting say “Good afternoon”, “Hello”, “Nice to see you” (to mark your joy at the meeting)
  • If you have to disturb whomThat(for example, on public transport) - say “Excuse me”, “Could you please”, “Please be kind”
  • Always thank, if they did something good to you, helped: “Thank you”, “Thank you”
  • At acquaintance say “Nice to meet you”, “Let’s get to know each other”

  • Leaving, say “See you”, “I’ll be glad to see you again”, “Goodbye”

IMPORTANT: No matter how you use it Right words, curse words they'll kill everyone good impressions about you. Don't swear!

Telephone etiquette

Etiquette telephone conversation not at work, but at Everyday life quite simple:

  • See the rules of speech etiquette above and follow them even on the phone

IMPORTANT: Your emotions are transmitted over the phone, despite the lack of visual contact

  • If you are interested in communicating, then smile and be cheerful. Your interlocutor will definitely feel it

  • Don't eat while talking. No matter how hard you try to eat quietly, your interlocutor will catch you doing it. And this is already bad form
  • Don't talk while lying down. The interlocutor will also notice the strange timbre of your voice and consider it as indifference

IMPORTANT: Of course, you can be more free in communication with your loved ones

Meeting the groom's parents: how to behave?

IMPORTANT: Meeting your parents is a very exciting moment that will create a first impression about you, which will be difficult to change later.

This is the reason why you should follow useful councils:

  • Dress not too formally, but not too revealingly either. A simple and comfortable outfit for you is what you need
  • Be friendly, but don't overdo it. Otherwise, your parents will get the impression that you are insincere.
  • Don't take your phone with you to the table
  • Don't give up food, even if you're on a diet. This may offend the owner of the house
  • Don't be surprised by questions about your parents. These are normal questions for such a meeting. But you don’t need to tell the whole story of your family.

  • Answer all questions clearly and concisely. No introductory stories or details needed. They will still have time to find out about this.
  • Rate at least one dish out loud. Of course, this should not be an ordinary Olivier, otherwise your words will be perceived as flattery
  • If the dishes are all quite simple and banal, then pay attention to the environment around you. Perhaps you will see beautiful picture or beautiful flowers. Ask where you found such beauty
  • There is no need to hug, much less kiss, in front of your parents. It's not beautiful. At most, your boyfriend can give you a little hug
  • Don't drink a lot of alcohol. One glass of wine will be enough for the whole evening

  • If you think that one of your parents didn’t like you, don’t show it. Continue to behave in a civilized manner. And you can tell your boyfriend what you felt later

IMPORTANT: The main rule is not to go too far in your politeness and smiles. Be yourself

Clothes etiquette for girls

Clothing etiquette is big topic for thought.

Selecting clothes directly depends from:

  • your figure
  • Your age
  • Event you are going to

Are common rules:

  • Clothes should decorate you. Even if it's in fashion short shorts With high waist, and you don’t have slender figures - you shouldn’t wear such an outfit
  • Clothes should not be provocative. You can wear a short dress with fishnet stockings to dance private dance alone with your man. But not for going to a cafe
  • Don't overload yourself with accessories. If your dress is colorful floral print, which means shoes and bags should be of restrained shapes and colors. If, on the contrary, the dress is monochromatic and very simple in cut, then complement the look with accessories
  • Be age appropriate. This does not mean that if you are 50 years old, then you should dress in a robe that most of your peers wear. But it would also be inappropriate to wear youth sneakers

IMPORTANT: Everything in clothing should be moderate and appropriate

This is very important, because wrong behavior can destroy even the most ideal relationships. That is why let's talk about how to behave in a relationship with a girl in order to enjoy the relationship, and not endlessly quarrel and think about how you can maintain love.

How to behave in a relationship with a girl

First, you need to decide whether you really need this relationship.

For a relationship to be long and lasting, you must really like the person. In this case, you will not need to put on a mask and play, you will be able to behave naturally in your relationship with the girl.

Remember that in a relationship you must be natural. This will determine how comfortable the person next to you was. It is always pleasant and easy to communicate with a person who behaves naturally.

Any person wants to feel the care that comes from another person. And remember that this should manifest itself in absolutely all matters. Try to behave caringly in your relationship with the girl, protect and protect her from all bad weather and troubles.

Try to demonstrate your confidence in absolutely all matters. Show your confidence in solving most issues. But you need to express your opinion calmly. Know how to say the word “no”. If you have a date, set an exact meeting place and time. But still, you should not forget about compromises, otherwise you will look like a simple and banal stubborn person.

Don't forget to always and constantly surprise the girl. Come up with quite original places for meetings and dates. For example, you can have a romantic date in an old and abandoned house, from the windows of which amazing panoramas of the city at night open up. You can also invite a girl on some amazing excursion, for example, to a marvelous ancient fortress.

Also, don’t forget to give your loved one unplanned little surprises. Give small but pleasant gifts, but you need to do this very often, because this can spoil your character. For example, you can make a gift with your own hands: a postcard with warm and sincere poems. It's very romantic to have a date in nature.

Today we talked about how to behave in a relationship with a girl so that this relationship is long and brings joy to you and your loved one. But this is only a small part, put these recommendations into practice, and you will notice how your relationship will improve significantly.

How to behave with a girl

What we will talk about today is useful not only for guys, but also female half humanity. Let's talk in more detail about how to behave with a girl in a relationship.


Appearance can tell a lot about a person. After all, when we meet a person, we evaluate him by his appearance. After all, if your appearance will not make an impression, then girls may not pay attention to you at all. There are some rules to keep in mind:

Remember that your clothes should always be clean, tidy, ironed, your shoes should also be clean and not dusty. If you neglect this, you will never be able to gain respect.

Secondly, you should always smell good. There should be no unpleasant odor from your armpits and other places. This is one of the most important rules on how to behave with a girl.

Your hair should always be clean and your hairstyle neat. To behave confidently in a relationship with a girl, and girls love confident guys, you need to take care of and take care of yourself.

Communication with a girl

Do not forget that communication with a girl is one of the most important criteria good relations.

Remember that you should be natural, there is no need to pretend to be someone you are not. This way, it will also be easier for you, because you will always find something to talk about. And your interlocutor will definitely feel it.

Try to behave in a relationship with a girl in such a way that she feels unique and needed by you. Don't forget that all girls love compliments. Absolutely all girls like flattery, so do it more often. Even if a girl says that she doesn’t like compliments, then this is not true, and even on the contrary, she wants these compliments. And in general, you should get used to the fact that everything a girl says should be perceived in exactly the opposite way.

You should not talk to a girl about: other girls, about your problems at work, school, about jealousy, and you should also not talk about what the girl does not understand or what she is not interested in.

Surprises and care

Give the girl pleasant unexpected surprises. Take care of her as if she were the most precious thing in your life, give her advice, protect her. But don’t overdo it, because a girl may start to use it. You should do things so that she appreciates you even more. By the way, the first signal that a girl is used to gifts is if she stops saying “thank you” to you.

Show you

It doesn’t matter at all how much you have Money, it doesn’t matter what you look like, what physical shape you have, since the most important thing is that you can show all this to the girl.

This is not at all simple task, but you still need to try to show yourself so that she admires you. But for this you need responsibility, activity and optimism.

Remember that how you behave with a girl will determine your further relations with your girlfriend. But you should never stop there.

How to behave in a relationship with a girl to keep her love

To begin with, all men should remember that women are very sensitive and vulnerable, they take many current events to heart. The girl often says that everything is fine, but a hurricane is raging inside her. Therefore, a man needs to study his beloved enough to read her like a book, to understand her mood just by looking at her.

Girls love with their ears, so it’s worth telling her flattering words and compliments more often to keep her love. Tell your girl more often about your love and how beautiful she is, look into her eyes for a long time and whisper something unforgettably romantic. But at the same time, not a single girl will tolerate pretense, so tell only the truth, do not be afraid to be embarrassed.

To avoid boredom in your relationship with a girl, organize surprises for her. Have a picnic, a trip to hot-air balloon, arrange a small quest, buy her her favorite flowers and do something she doesn’t expect from you. Every woman knows that after every quarrel a man carries a bouquet of flowers, so become unpredictable and surprise her, your beloved will definitely appreciate it.

There are a lot of options on how to behave in a relationship with a girl in such a way as to preserve her love for you. But the main thing is to take care of her: she will like your jacket, draped over her shoulders on a cool day, more than a dozen routine, rote compliments.

A good option it will happen if you write a letter to a girl, find parchment and write in an old manner, such an original method cannot but be remembered. In the letter, describe that you do not want to lose her, that your whole life without her is dull and sad. In addition, writing is much easier than speaking; in a letter you can not be afraid to say about everything that is going on in your heart.

It would be commendable for a man to prepare a cake or pie for his beloved with his own hands. Serve dinner by candlelight, somewhere beautiful mysterious place.

Show her that you care about her, listen to her more. And if she has already forgiven you, then don’t do anything stupid in the future and learn to share everything with her. Remember that it is easy to return, but also easy to lose. Beloved, do not part! Mutual understanding and love to you!

Quite often, we do not maintain our relationships properly because we do not value them, and then we bitterly regret their loss. So, after breaking up with a girl, many guys are faced with the thought that they did it completely in vain. Only after experiencing the feeling of loneliness do they truly begin to miss their beloved. Of course, these young people immediately feel pertinent question: "How to return and keep a girl's love?" To do this, you must follow several rules.

Remember, girls are very vulnerable, touchy creatures with a sensitive psyche. They take everything very seriously. Even if no signs of resentment are noticeable, this does not mean that everything is normal. Pay more attention to your eyes. They are known to be the mirror of the soul and only there you can see the true answer.

Shower her with compliments. As you know, women love with their ears first. Do not skimp on declarations of love and do it with all your heart. If you lie, you will get the opposite effect. You should behave sincerely in a relationship with a girl, because she will immediately feel false.

Give your girl gifts and make more surprises to keep her love. For example, you can go on a picnic or order food from a restaurant and have dinner for two. It’s also a good idea to give some kind of gift, not necessarily incredibly expensive, the main thing is that it causes joy or even delight.

If a girl lives on the top floor of a house, then it’s a good idea to remember an undeservedly, almost completely forgotten genre - the serenade. Are you deaf or voiceless? Don't worry, the girl will still appreciate this act as brave and romantic.

Write her a letter, not an email, but a regular one. In it, convey through words how much you love her, that she is very dear to you, and you are afraid of losing her.

Order her a song from the radio station. This song should remind her of happy moments spent with you. Of course, along with the song, convey how much you appreciate and love her.

Try to do something nice for your girlfriend every day to keep her love. For example, you can serve her breakfast in bed or give her flowers during the day.

Spend more time together. Try to behave in a relationship with a girl in such a way that everyone can see: you are a couple. If you really value her, then you should replace your personal affairs and meetings with friends with general pastime.

Always listen to her very carefully, do not interrupt the girl. Don't say that you don't have time to listen to her problems, complaints and stories of various kinds. This greatly hurts the girl's self-esteem.

Be yourself. If you are ready and able to fight for your happiness, then do it. Believe in your strength and be confident that everything will work out. You don't have to think about how to keep a girl's love, you have to simply preserve your relationship.

Experienced psychologists never stop comparing men with children. It is believed that they perceive the surrounding reality through the prism of children's consciousness. A woman has a maternal instinct inherent in her nature. In fact, the character of an adult man is complicated by accumulated experience. Don't beg your man's abilities. He is able to distinguish true position things, from flattery and pretense. How should a girl behave in order for the relationship to be strong?

In addition to the well-known rules of etiquette, a girl must use her own feminine charm and well-known rules in conquering a man. It is necessary to start with acceptable measures against a man. First of all, a man seeks femininity, beauty and understanding.

Communication with a man should be filled with coquetry, but in no case with affectation. Lightness and ease attract any man, regardless of age and status. Guys are already burdened with worries and male responsibilities, so when communicating with girls, they want to relax and forget about the accumulated problems.

Also important is patience and tact. A reasonable man will always be able to distinguish a well-mannered girl from a stupid and uncouth one. Don’t forget that it’s easier for a guy to be with a weak girl who requires care. How should a girl behave to make a guy feel stronger next to her?

One of the simplest examples could be the behavior of a girl while walking in the park after a recent rain. When approaching a large puddle, you should slow down and let the guy understand that his help is needed in overcoming the obstacle.

Playful meekness should alternate with crazy recklessness. Men love such girls, and very often fall in love with little things - both in appearance and in behavior.

The popular belief that opposites attract is obvious. Beautiful stories the love of young ladies and hooligans - an object of admiration and sometimes envy. Stories with opposite roles are less appreciated, but they also have their place. While getting carried away by your own role, you shouldn’t forget that, having had enough of his girlfriend’s only and constant behavior, the guy will go in search of another one, different from the previous one.

There are a lot of taboos in the behavior of a girl and a guy. Any man experiences his defeats very painfully. At the moment of loss, it is important for him to have a reliable rear. It is important for any girl to remember that you should never make fun of a man.

When a man is nervous or overly emotional, he should act calmly, wisely and balancedly, like a girl. It is correct to behave unobtrusively, but at the same time demonstrate your sincere concern and desire to provide help if necessary.

Giving your man the palm in a relationship, you should not lose your dignity. The "look in the mouth" tactic is not a sign of submission. This manner of behavior is absurd and intrusive. A man is a hunter. You should not humiliate him with your complete availability.

Of the two types: cat women and dog women, a man is more likely to choose the first. To be able to combine a tiger's freedom and a dog's devotion is the highest skill. This does not mean that one should rush from one extreme to another.

The ideal woman is a “cocktail” of carelessness and fundamentality. In a rare manifestation of her leadership, a woman carries a man along with her, and makes him understand that she is also a person. Men accept experiments much more easily than women.

When eating together, a woman needs to control herself. Nutrition should be restrained; you should refrain from overeating, as this does not look aesthetically pleasing. When visiting a restaurant, you should stick to light dishes, as well as dishes that do not require additional utensils. Such measures are recommended in order to avoid ending up in an awkward situation.

In fact, all the measures described are quite effective. But it is useless to use them if there is no mutual attraction between the partners. If the relationship is based on love and respect, any mistake or shortcoming is perceived as a manifestation of individuality and character.