How to fill out a work book. Common mistakes when filling out a work book

Every organization absolutely needs to have work books for everyone who works there on a permanent basis and for longer than five days. Personnel officers note here all the important information about the professional activities of its owner - this is a requirement of the Labor Code and we will look at the sample and rules for filling out a work book in today’s article.

It is allowed to make marks on the pages of the book with a blue (optionally purple) or black pen; the use of various kinds of abbreviations is considered an error.

Information on the title page:

  1. Name. It must be written in full form, as in the passport, without using abbreviated forms or initials. Data can be found in a passport, driving license, military ID and similar documents.
  2. Date of Birth. Arabic numerals are used to write it. When indicating the day and month, two-order numbers are used, and the year is written in four-order numbers.
  3. Education. This line indicates the level of education available, which can be secondary vocational, higher or other. Here you can also enter information about your currently unfinished education. The data necessary to correctly fill out this item should be taken from the documents provided by the employee.
  4. Speciality. This includes the main working specialty of the owner of the book, received by him in an educational institution. This information is also verified based on the educational documents provided.
  5. Date of completion. As a rule, an important date is recorded here - the day the first entry in the book was made. A characteristic feature of indicating the date in this line is that the month can be written in words, and this will not be considered an error.
  6. Signature of the owner of the book. Everything is clear here, the person seeking employment signs it himself.
  7. Signature of the employee who deals with all issues related to the preparation of such documents. There are possible options here. Ideally, the HR department should be in charge of such things; accordingly, the signatures in the books are made by its boss. However, not every company has its own personnel department, so often such responsibility is assigned to an accountant, or even to a manager.
  8. Seal. She confirms everything that was stated earlier. This may be the official seal of the company or its personnel department, if any.

Entering data about the main job

  1. Company name. It is written in the third column of the table, first in full, without abbreviations such as LLC, CJSC, etc., and then the abbreviated form of the name is additionally signed in brackets.
  2. Record number. The serial number of absolutely any job record is entered into the required column of the table, i.e., for example, upon first employment it will be number “1”, upon transfer – “2”, and so on. It is noteworthy that this figure is placed on the line following the company name, and the name itself forms a kind of “cap” above all subsequent marks.
  3. Date of. The date of official registration for work is entered in the table columns specially designated for this purpose in Arabic numerals. As for the line, the information is located on the same line as the serial number of this record.
  4. Record of registration for work. It is written in the third column and begins on the same line on which the date of employment is written. The name of the division of the company where the employee was hired and his position are indicated.
  5. Indication of the document that became the basis for the employment of the owner of the book. Usually they receive an order to hire a new employee. This information is entered in the last column on the same line as the previous entry.

Entering information about part-time work

Sometimes it happens that an employee performs certain duties, combining them with his main job. Information about such a labor initiative is recorded only at the request of the employee. If he has a desire and he asked to make a note in the book, then the procedure for entering data will be similar to that described earlier, only the name of the organization does not need to be written a second time.

Transfer to another department or change of position

It happens that an employee is transferred for further work to another department or changes position. Naturally, such changes in his career path must be recorded in the labor report.

  1. Record number. A new milestone in labor is marked, of course, with a new number.
  2. Date of. The date of the official translation is written in Arabic numerals.
  3. A record of transfer or taking up a new position. In the third column, write the name of the unit to which the owner of the work was transferred and his new position.
  4. Basis of translation. The last column of the table records the transfer order data.

Entering information about dismissal

The dismissal of an employee is the reason for another entry into the employment record, and it must be done on time, since it must be returned to the owner on the final working day. Delay in such a matter may result in a fine and payment of compensation to an employee who has stopped working in this organization.

  1. Serial number. Dismissal is another entry, and it must have its own number in the column intended for this.
  2. Date of. The date of the final working day is indicated here - it is considered the date of final dismissal. Naturally, the numbers must be Arabic.
  3. Causes. In the third column, where the position and place of work are recorded, you need to make a note about the reason for dismissal, not forgetting to refer to the required article of the Labor Code. For example, if the dismissal was preceded by the immediate desire of the employee, one must refer to Article 77, paragraph 3.
  4. Base. The last column contains the data of the document (usually an order of dismissal) on the basis of which the dismissal occurred.
  5. Seal. After completing all the records, you need to seal them, as well as the signature of the head of the company or another authorized person. The resigned employee also signs, and the dismissal can be considered valid.

Making corrections

Sometimes mistakes happen when recording various information in the work report, for example, instead of “senior engineer” it is simply written “engineer”. The error, of course, needs to be corrected; we have already written a more detailed article about. It is prohibited to cross out or cover up anything, and there is only one way to correct it - invalidating the erroneously specified data:

  1. Number . The number of the next entry is entered.
  2. Date of. The date from which the erroneous entry will be considered invalid is recorded.
  3. In the third column the following text is written: “Record No. _ is invalid.”
  4. A new entry is made with up-to-date and correct information, for which its own serial number and date are also indicated.

In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several legal acts containing instructions for filling out work books (hereinafter referred to as Labor Books), their maintenance and storage. The maintenance rules include, first of all, requirements for the preparation of records in this document. Let's consider these requirements.

At the moment, there are three types of labor codes in office circulation. These are books from 2004, 1973 and 1938. Regardless of the year of issue, the legal status of these documents has not changed, so there is no need to change them to a new type of book.

Russian legislation, through legal acts, imposes certain requirements for maintaining, filling out and citizens.

Rules for making entries:

  • According to the filling rules, all information is written in neat handwriting using a ballpoint or gel pen containing light-resistant and water-resistant ink in black, blue or purple. This protects the written information from damage. The need for this measure is due to the fact that the period of use of the work book is quite long (up to 75 years), and the information reflected in it is valuable.
  • Also, according to the Instructions for correct filling and maintenance, abbreviations of words are unacceptable in this document. Words such as “order”, “direction”, “point”, etc. are entered in full, regardless of the desire and capabilities of the specialist. HR department specialists sometimes neglect this requirement, thereby violating the rules for filling out work books.
  • One of the conditions for correctly filling out is the need to number each entry. The specialist filling out the work book must indicate the serial number of each entry in a specific column intended for this purpose.

Instructions for keeping records in a work book

Despite the multinationality of our homeland, the instructions for maintaining work records oblige you to fill out the document in Russian.
The republics that are part of the Russian Federation have the right to duplicate records in their own language, if it is recognized as official for the given territory.

How to correctly fill out a work book or composition of records:

  • Recording employee information. The document reflects the following personal data of the owner: full name, date of birth, information about his education, profession, specialty.
  • Recording information about experience. This is the most voluminous information in the document; it contains data on the employee’s responsibilities, transfer to another job or position, dismissal, assignment of a new rank, and advanced training. In addition, information about the time spent studying, serving in the Russian army, and serving a sentence is reflected. This information is placed in the appropriate column, as shown in the example at the end of the article.

How to fill out the employee awards records section? A special section has been allocated to reflect this information: “ Information about the award" The entire history of working valor is reflected on the pages of this document: state awards, conferring honorary titles, certificates of honor, awarding badges, diplomas, and other types of encouragement.

  • The information entered into the document must be as complete as possible and include: serial number, date of entry, link to the document - grounds
  • The information included in the document must reflect the true state of affairs.
  • The employee’s personal data (full name), according to the Instructions for correct filling, is entered in the nominative case. It is not allowed to shorten this information or replace it with initials.
  • Dates are written in full, in Arabic numerals, while using a two-digit designation of days and months (09, not 9) and a four-digit designation of the year (2003, not 03).
  • A legible signature of the responsible person is placed on it and certified by a seal.
  • When issuing a duplicate, the corresponding entries are placed on top of the title page. They can be handwritten or stamped.

Rules for maintaining work books

  • Making entries in the employee's Labor Code is mandatory only for those employees for whom this enterprise is their main place of work.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to employ the employee and, accordingly, make an entry in the Labor Code if his work experience is more than five days.
  • When formalizing relations with an employer through an agreement, there is no need to make entries in the employee’s Labor Code.


  1. Correct completion requires that this document is created for the employee by the employer at the enterprise that is his first place of work. The document is completed in the presence of its future owner no later than seven days from the date of employment. Regardless of the person who prepared this document, the responsibility for correct completion and maintenance lies with the head of the enterprise.
  2. Forms from previous years of issue have the same legal force as the new one and cannot be exchanged. However, they must be filled out in accordance with the new requirements.
  3. During the working period, the form is kept by the employer as a document of strict accountability. The head of the enterprise bears full responsibility for storing and maintaining the document.
  4. If the relationship with the employee is terminated, a record of dismissal is made and the document is issued on the same day. If there is a delay in issuance due to the fault of the employer, then the date of dismissal changes.

A work book is a legal document that reflects the owner’s entire career path. In some way, it is the face of the employee, so the rules for drawing up a work book should be strictly observed.

When there are changes in the employee's professional activities, appropriate entries must be made in the document confirming the length of service. The rules for filling out a work book by an employer are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and for 2015-2016 the samples remained unchanged.


Correctly filling out a work book: why is it needed and who makes the entries?

A work book is a document containing all the information about the professional activities of an employee. Upon reaching the legal age, it is used to register and calculate a pension. The employer needs the books of his subordinates to calculate various payments, so it is very important to fill out everything correctly.

Regardless of what actions are taken in relation to an employee, changes are made in a company by an individual entrepreneur or in an enterprise by a specialist in the HR department, accounting department, or the director himself. The rules for filling out a work book in 2015-2016 and samples for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities are the same.

It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur or LLC represented by a director should not create this document for themselves: in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that only employees can have a book, because The length of service of an entrepreneur is counted from the moment of registration with the Tax Service and thanks to cash receipts into the Pension Fund.

The book must be completed no later than a week from the first day of employment, and only if the employee has worked for 5 days or more, and this is his main job. If he only plans to combine, then entries are made at his request and on the basis of a document that is an official confirmation of his activities in another company.

What should be reflected in the book:

  • Information about hiring.
  • Receiving a transfer to another company or to another position.
  • Change of full name in connection with certain events.
  • Serving in the ranks of the Russian Army, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service and other government agencies.
  • Advanced training or receiving awards.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16. 2005 No. 225 established individual rules for making changes to books:

  • Any entries are made in black or blue ink in great detail; abbreviations are not allowed. The information is assigned a specific serial number according to the section.
  • The employee's passport details are indicated exclusively on the title page.
  • Further changes in the business process must be reflected no later than seven days from the date of issuance of the Director’s Order. If the employee resigns, then the information is entered on the same day taking into account the text of the Order, as well as referring to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You cannot indicate in the document information about regular bonuses, which are usually paid every month.

Work book: sample filling when applying for a job

The title page must be completed first and upon presentation of the passport.

It is very easy to fill out the title page of the work book using the sample. To do this you need to enter certain data:

  • Full Name. They can be viewed in your passport or other identity document.
  • Date of birth is indicated by numbers: for example, 10/02/1990.
  • Education. To confirm its availability, a diploma, certificate, or a certificate of incomplete training is provided if the employee is still a student.
  • Speciality. This refers to a profession acquired in an educational institution.
  • Date of completion. It can be indicated either completely in numbers or separately by month - in words.
  • Signatures: they are placed by the employed specialist and the employee who prepares the book.
  • Finally, a company specialist or the individual entrepreneur himself puts a stamp.

Extract from the employment record: sample of filling out the book

The column “Information about work” is an extract. Most often, employees ask to make a photocopy of several pages from it, and it contains the following information:

  • Date and number of entry in numbers.
  • Information about admission, dismissal, etc. For example: LLC "Mercury", accepted into the planning department for the position of economist.
  • What is the reason for such an entry: it is usually served by the publication of the Executive Order. Example: Order No. 762 dated 10/11/2015.

Filling out a work book upon dismissal: sample 2015-2016

If a specialist decides to resign, then this is also recorded on the lines immediately following the previous information:

  • As before, the number is indicated in order, and the date of the last working day is indicated in Arabic numerals.
  • Reasons for dismissal: for example, if he leaves at his own request, it is necessary to refer to clause 3 of Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Seal of the organization: it must be affixed by the director or specialist of the company authorized to use it. It is also necessary to put your signatures on the person who filled it out, and on the person resigning.

Filling out work books when transferring to another position in examples

The document, which is very necessary for a specialist, includes adjustments even when he was transferred to another position:

  • Mandatory entry number in order of priority.
  • Date of official translation in simple numbers.
  • In the third column, designated as “Information...”, the data where the transfer was made and to what specific position is entered.
  • Reasons for transfer. The Order data is entered here.

Entering information about awards

Information about received awards is displayed in a number of cases: when the employee was thanked, a one-time bonus was issued, he was nominated for a title, or was awarded a valuable gift or certificate.

How to fill in the following data:

  • The entry is assigned a serial number, followed by the date it was made.
  • Under the line with the name of the company and the title of the position, an entry with approximately the following content is written: “gratitude was expressed for the development of an effective economic plan for the enterprise.”
  • Next, the Order and information about it are indicated: date and number.

Instructions for filling out work books when changing your last name

If the employee got married or there were other reasons for changing her last name, then all information is entered on the basis of the passport or other official documents she brought.

How the adjustment occurs:

  • On the title page, the previous surname is crossed out with a solid line, and a new one is written in the same space.
  • The bases are indicated on the inside cover. Example: the surname was changed to the surname Nesterenko on the basis of the Marriage Certificate dated 10.10.2015 No. I-PK

Duplicate work book: sample filling in 2015-2016.

If his book is lost or misplaced, the employee has every right to submit a written application to the employer or the personnel department from the last place of employment for the issuance of a duplicate; it is issued within 15 days. If the company is to blame for the loss, then all restoration responsibilities fall on it. To make a duplicate, the following documents are required:

  • Orders or their copies certified by management on hiring, dismissal, promotion, transfer.
  • Certificates from the State Archive in case the previous enterprise was liquidated.
  • Employment contracts and certificates of length of service from previous places of work.
  • Salary statements.
  • Personal accounts of a specialist in a company where it is necessary to confirm his work activities.
  • When the length of service has been restored in court, an appropriate decision is needed.

Filling out a work book by an individual entrepreneur or legal entity: a visual example

In order to have a good understanding of the correct formatting of such an important document, it is recommended to watch the video, which explains everything in detail:

Every employee knows that a work book is the main document confirming his work experience and indicating that he is engaged in a certain type of activity. Therefore, it is obvious that the design and completion of the work report should be treated with special care, because even seemingly insignificant errors and inaccuracies can lead to undesirable consequences in the future.

Unfortunately, HR department employees or persons authorized to engage in such activities do not always know all the intricacies of maintaining this document. Therefore, this article, in which we will examine in detail the requirements for filling out a work book and some of the features of this document, will be useful both to the employees themselves and to employees of the personnel department.

Legal requirements

To begin with, it should be noted that at the moment in the Russian Federation there are 2 types of work books, depending on the period of their opening. The first type is Soviet-style laborers, i.e. issued to an employee who began his activity before 2003, until they were replaced by books of the second type. Labor sample 2003 differ slightly, mainly in appearance (smaller size, different color). And at the moment, all citizens starting working activities are issued with books of the 2003 model.

The procedure for filling out labor records is regulated by a Government Decree, which establishes the form of the document, the rules for its maintenance and storage, and a special Instruction approved by the Ministry of Labor in 2003, which describes in detail exactly how to fill out a labor record and what to do in case of an erroneous entry. In addition, the status of the work book as the main document of the employee, confirming his specialization and experience, is determined by the Labor Code.

To emphasize the seriousness of the document, administrative liability is established for failure to comply with the rules for maintaining and storing a work book (Code of Administrative Offenses).

So, we have examined in which legal acts you can familiarize yourself with the legal requirements for work books. Next, we will consider what rules are established for filling out the labor form.

First of all, we note that responsibility for entering information and storing work books is legally assigned to the employer or a person authorized by the employer. We will look further into who exactly these individuals are. When hiring, the employer continues to keep records in an existing employment record book or, if the employee is getting a job for the first time, starts a new record book.

A special period has been established within which the employer is obliged to make a note in the work book of a newly arrived employee. According to the requirements of regulations, a work book is kept for each employee who has worked for more than five days. All entries are made within a week from the moment of committing an action that requires registration in the work book (hiring, transfer, award, etc.), except for the entry on dismissal, which is made directly on the day the dismissal order is issued.

All entries in the book are made in Russian. The exception is the republics that are part of the Russian Federation, which have established a different state language. On the territory of such republics, employers can choose the language in which to keep records (Russian or the state language of the republic).

You can use fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and gel pens for notes. The ink can be blue, black or purple, but it is desirable that it is waterproof and will not fade over time.

It is important to note that in the records no abbreviations are allowed(for example, it is a mistake to write “pr.” instead of “order”), all information is indicated in full. Each entry is assigned a serial number. There are also special requirements for writing dates: you must indicate the day and month (in Arabic numerals, 2 characters each, for example, the second of May is 02.05), the year (in Arabic numerals, 4 characters, i.e. you cannot write 05/02/14, correctly - 02.05 .2014).

The work book contains several sections. Please note that it is important to adhere to the rule of recording information exactly in the section to which it relates. If there is no longer room in this section for a new entry, you should not add it to another section. In this case, it is necessary to sew an insert into the work book.

So, let's look at what information needs to be entered in the work book. First of all, this is information about the employee. Let's break it down line by line:

  1. Full name. The requirements for the entry are quite standard - it must correspond to what is written in the passport. Please note that even if your passport is misspelled and according to the rules of grammar your name or patronymic is written differently, you should not write it correctly in your work book. Therefore, make sure that the person filling out the work report has not made any corrections, and the entry in the book exactly matches the entry in the passport.
  2. Date of Birth. We have already outlined the requirements for recording dates above.
  3. Education. The information must be complete. That is, for example, you cannot simply write “higher”; it would be correct to indicate “full higher”.
  4. Profession/specialty. It is written in the nominative case, in accordance with the data specified in the education document.
  5. Date of filling out the labor report. The requirements are the same.
  6. Followed by signatures the person who filled out the work book and the employee who owns the work book.
  7. At the end it is put seal.

If an error was made when filling out the cover page of the work report, it is corrected by simply crossing out the erroneous entry and entering the correct information. On the back of the cover there is a link to a document confirming the correctness of the data. The link is certified by the seal and signature of the person who made the entry.

In addition, information about the work performed by the employee (for example, legal adviser, engineer, cook, etc.), transfer to another job on a permanent basis, rewarding the employee for labor achievements (certificates, titles, other types of incentives, except bonuses), as well as dismissal.

Please note that information about penalties is not entered into the work book, except in cases where the dismissal is a disciplinary sanction.

All this information must be entered only on the basis and in strict accordance with the order or instruction of the employer. This information fits into one large “Job Details” section. Let's look at the order of filling it out:

  1. First of all, enter the full name of the employer. This entry is not numbered. The general rule is that no abbreviations are allowed. Therefore, you cannot write LLC “Zarya” or CJSC “Kolos”; the organizational and legal form must be completely deciphered.
    What to do if the company is renamed? Such information must be reflected in the labor report. The entry should be made as follows: in column 3, without indicating the serial number of the entry, it is noted that from a certain date such and such an enterprise is (completely) renamed to ... (completely). Column 4 indicates the document that is the basis for the renaming.
  2. Further records are kept under the name of the employer. Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry.
  3. Column 2 – date. The rules for entering dates are described above.
  4. Column 3. Occupies the main place. Information about hiring, dismissal, transfer, etc. is directly entered here. Important! Next to such a record there must be the signature of the owner of the work, confirming that he is familiar with this information.
  5. Column 4 – grounds for recording. This indicates the date and number of the order, instruction, protocol of the employer, on the basis of which the entry was made in column 3.

If the work report is filled out incorrectly, you cannot simply cross out what is incorrect. The correction is made at the place of work in the records of which the error was made, or at a new place of work upon presentation of evidence (documents) confirming the need for correction.

As with a regular entry, a date and number are indicated for correction. Column 3 “Information about work” indicates that entry No. ... is invalid. After which, without indicating the serial number, the date of the entry that was made in error is entered, and in column 3 - the correct information. Column 4 must contain the grounds on which such an entry was made. After this, information about who made the corrections, the date, stamp and the entry “corrected correctly” are indicated.

More information about making entries in the book can be seen in the video:

Who should fill out the work form?

As already mentioned above, the employer or his authorized person must keep a work book. Let's take a closer look at the question of who could be such a person.

The employer can appoint responsible for filling out and storing work books only the employee who, according to the employment contract or job description, is obliged to perform such work. The appointment is made by issuing an order. Only after this the person indicated in the act issued by the employer can begin to work with work books.

Please note that such an order must be issued, because it is brought to the attention of labor inspectors during inspections, and if there are violations of the rules for maintaining labor books, officials are held accountable.

But what should a small enterprise do when among its employees there is no person who can be authorized to keep work records? Then such activities must be carried out directly by the employer. To do this, he must, by order, take responsibility for the work books of employees, their maintenance and storage. Thus, the employer (director) will be authorized to make entries in all work books, including his own.

Features of filling out a duplicate book

A duplicate work record book is issued if this document is lost (including in the case of mass loss of employee work records as a result of emergency circumstances) or has become unusable (for example, burnt), as well as in cases where records of transfer or dismissal are declared invalid , or when an employee is reinstated after a court acquittal in a criminal case in which he was accused.

Where to go for a duplicate? To obtain a duplicate, you need to submit a written application to the employer at your last place of work. The exception is the case when the dismissal of an employee was declared illegal in court, but the employee has already taken a new job. Then the new employer issues a duplicate.

A duplicate work book must be issued no later than 15 days after application employee. On the title page of the work report, the entry “Duplicate” is made in the upper right corner.

When filling out a duplicate, the total length of service of the employee (number of years, months and days) is indicated in total, without indicating specific employers, positions and periods of work. Please note that when an employee starts a new job, the administration must facilitate this employee’s receipt of documents confirming his work experience, if necessary.

How to fill out a work IP?

An individual entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneur), like any employer, maintains work books of his employees. However, should he keep his work record? The individual entrepreneur himself is the employer, i.e. he cannot conclude an employment contract with himself, which means does not have the right to make entries in his work book. This cannot be done by any other person, the only exception being the case when an individual entrepreneur gets a job somewhere.

What about work experience? Individual entrepreneurs make contributions to the pension fund and tax office from their earnings. Thus, they are accrued work experience even in the absence of a work book.

Examples of employment records

Example of a job acceptance note:

  1. The name of the employer is indicated, as described above.
  2. Column 1 contains the serial number of the entry.
  3. Column 2: date of entry in accordance with the requirements described earlier.
  4. Column 3: “Accepted as a legal adviser/accountant/engineer/...”
  5. Column 4: “Order dated 05/02/2014 No. 1.”

Example of a transfer record:

  1. Column 3: “Transferred to the position/in… department to the position of head of the legal department/chief accountant/…”

Example of a resignation letter:

  1. Columns 1 and 2: similar to the admission record.
  2. Column 3: “Dismissed for (reason), clause ... part ... article ... of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation"
  3. Column 4: similar to the employment record.
  4. Below is an indication of who made the entry and that person's signature and seal.

Example of an award entry:

  1. Columns 1 and 2: similar to the admission record.
  2. Column 3: “Awarded with a diploma/valuable gift/order/... for (reason for award).”
  3. Column 4: similar to the employment record.

Typical mistakes when filling out

Let's look at the typical mistakes that an employer or his authorized person makes when filling out employee work books:

  • Most often, it happens that the employer allows abbreviations (in the date, in the name of the employer, in the full name). As we have already found out, this is strictly forbidden, so be careful and double-check that all information is complete.
  • Use of Roman symbols. It has also already been stated that only Arabic numerals are acceptable.
  • Correcting mistakes with a simple strikethrough. We discussed the procedure for making corrections above.
  • Inconsistency of the full name in the employment record with what is indicated in the passport. Be sure to double-check that this information matches.
  • Indication in the “Profession” column on the title page of the position for which the employee is being hired, and not the profession according to the diploma.
  • Lack of required signatures and seals.
  • Failure to comply with deadlines for entering information into the work book. We discussed the deadlines above.
  • Lack of reference to the paragraph, part and article number of the Labor Code when making an entry about the dismissal of an employee.
  • Making entries in the work book about penalties (except for dismissal as a disciplinary sanction).
  • Entering records of awards in the “Work Information” section. There is a separate “Award Details” section for this category of entries.

In this article, we tried to collect answers to all questions that may arise in the process of entering data into the work book. We hope this information will help you make your work easier and avoid unpleasant consequences and mistakes in maintaining this important document.

Correctly fill out the work book- a sample for this should be in the personnel department of each organization. If the company is the first employer of a specialist, it is obliged to create a work book for him, which means correctly fill out the necessary sections. However, even when a person with experience comes to the company, it is important for the employer to monitor the relevance of the information contained in the book and also make the appropriate entries. We will tell you how to do this correctly in our article.

Filling out a work book: general rules

As a general rule, an employee entering work for the first time must have a work book. Moreover, the responsibility for creating and filling out a work book is assigned to the first employer (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

NOTE! If a company hires a person under a civil contract, then creating and filling out a work book is not required, even if the employee does not have one.

In the future, when an employee quits and goes to get a new job, he must transfer his work book to the new employer, and he will continue to make the appropriate entries in it.

Therefore, any company should know how to fill out a work book correctly.

The basic requirements and procedure for filling out work books are set out in the Rules for maintaining and storing work books (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225), as well as in the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69).

What exactly is important for a company to know?

1. The work book must record any changes in the employee’s career status (promoted in job position, transferred to another department/department, given awards, etc.).

2. Entries in the work book must be in Russian. However, if where the organization operates (for example, in a national republic), in addition to Russian, another language is additionally accepted, then in the work book you can also make a duplicate record of the facts of the specialist’s biography in this language (clause 6 of Rules No. 225).

3. Some technical requirements must be met. Thus, all facts of the work history must be reflected in the book without any abbreviations, in strict chronological sequence with continuous numbering. There is a special requirement even regarding the type and color of the pen with which the company fills out the work book: fountain or gel, blue or purple (clause 1.1 of Instruction No. 69, clause 11 of Rules No. 225).

Are we waiting for electronic work books? Answer .

Example of filling out a work book: information about the employee

So, the “starting” information about the employee is entered into the work book by his first employer. What kind of information is this? This is the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, education of the employee at the time of establishment of the work record book. All this information must be entered in the appropriate columns of the title page.

On the tax consequences for the employer when issuing a work book, see the material “The Ministry of Finance reminded how to deal with VAT and profit when issuing work books.”

NOTE! The organization fills out such fields based on the original supporting documents provided by the employee (passport or other identification document, education diploma, etc.). But if for some reason the employee cannot provide the originals, then the company has the right to fill out the title page of the work book based on copies, which must be notarized.

After all the specified information about the employee has been entered into the work book, it is necessary to complete the filling procedure. To do this, the company puts the date of completion on the title page and personally demonstrates to the employee the information that was entered in the book. Next, the employee, if all the information entered is correct, must put his signature on the title page, after which a representative of the personnel department signs on the same sheet. At this point, information about the employee is considered entered.

Once completed, the work book remains in the HR department of the employing company.

However, if any “starting” information about the employee has changed (for example, the last name or first name has changed), then the company must update the information in the work book. To do this, you should cross out the old data and enter new ones (if the changes concern the name, surname or patronymic of the specialist). If the changes concern education/profession, then you should simply add the current information to the work book as an additional entry immediately after the previous data (clauses 2.3–2.4 of Instruction No. 69).

How to fill out a work book regarding job information

“Starting” information, as stated above, is entered into the work book once, and then only updated if necessary.

However, the main content of the document in question is not information about the employee’s education and personality; This is information about the places where he worked at different periods of his life.

To record this type of information, the work book provides a section “Information about work”. Let's look at how to fill out this section in the work book. Work information begins to be filled out by the specialist’s first employer and subsequently with each transition to a new organization, as well as with each change in the employee’s official (career) position.

This section reflects both general information about the place where the employee works, and specific information about his position and functions performed. In addition, if there is a transfer of an employee from one structural unit of the company to another or dismissal from the company, then this fact is also reflected in this section.

The section itself consists of 4 columns.

The first of them should indicate the sequence number of the event. The second column is intended to indicate the date when such an event took place. The content of the fact of the employee’s work biography is reflected in the third column. There, the employing company indicates (in the case of hiring a new specialist) the full and abbreviated name, as well as what position and department he was enrolled in.

For information about the correct indication of the company name, see the article “Rostrud allowed to “stamp” work books” .

The fourth column serves to document the authenticity of the event being reflected. Here the company indicates on the basis of which document, for example, an order from the manager, the specialist was enrolled in the organization’s staff. In this case, the main details of such a document should be written down in this column (clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69).

NOTE! If a new employee managed to serve in the army before joining the company, then immediately before recording his admission to the company’s staff, the years and place of his service should also be indicated (clause 21 of Rules No. 225). In this case, a military ID serves as a supporting document. A similar rule applies if the employee took any advanced training courses before employment.

The above algorithm should record all facts of an employee changing his main place of work, as well as his career advancement. In addition, information about the specialist’s part-time work with another employer may also be reflected here. How to fill out a work book when working part-time is indicated in clause 20 of Rules No. 225. According to them, it is the main employer who must enter information about part-time work with another employer into the work book (clause 20 of Rules No. 225). To do this, the employee needs to request from the second, non-main employer a correctly executed document confirming his work as a part-time employee.

Along with what is indicated in the work book, there is another section for reflecting information about the specialist’s work - “Information about awards”, which also consists of 4 columns and the procedure for filling which is essentially similar to the algorithm for making entries in the “Information about work” section. In this section, the company indicates the facts of awarding state awards, titles, certificates, etc. to the employee.

If an employee leaves the company, then this fact is also recorded in the work book in the “Work Information” section. In this case, it must be indicated (in column 3) on the basis of which (the reason and the corresponding norm) the employment contract was terminated. For example: “The employment contract was terminated by agreement of the parties, clause 1 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

IMPORTANT! The record of the specialist’s dismissal must be dated his last working day (clause 5.1 of Instruction No. 69).

At the same time, the employer should remember that if the reason for dismissal was the grounds in connection with which the employee has any benefits, then such grounds should also be listed in column 3 when making a record of the specialist’s departure from the company (for example, quitting due to leaving for a child under 14 years old).

For information on the procedure in which the employee’s work book is returned upon dismissal, see the article .

How to fill out a work book correctly: sample 2018

Above, the basic rules and approaches to filling out a work book were reflected, regardless of the type of activity of the specialist and the nature of the work performed.

To understand how to fill out a work book correctly, you can download a sample on our website.


The procedure for filling out a work book is regulated in detail by Instruction No. 69 and Rules No. 225. In order to know how to fill out a work book correctly, the personnel department needs to familiarize itself with these documents, study the provisions and standards contained in them - both technical and substantive. In particular, when filling out work books, the legislator requires continuous numbering of the events entered, recording entries in Russian, etc. The main substantive requirement is to reflect absolutely all the facts from the employee’s work history, leading to both career advancement and a change of place of work. It is important to monitor the reliability of such facts. Namely: make entries in the work book only on the basis of original documents or notarized copies.