What nickname is possible? How to come up with an effective nickname that will make an impression

The unequal position of “legitimate” and “illegitimate” children back in the Middle Ages was confirmed by the Helmsmen’s Books - collections of church and secular laws that have been in force in Rus' since the 13th century. Moreover, even a crown did not cover sin - if the baby was born less than nine months after the wedding of his parents, in church books an entry was made that he was illegitimate: since his mother “got married while she was a pregnant girl.”

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Even in the enlightened 19th century, it was very easy to identify an illegitimate child: in the birth registers, information about the mother was recorded only for those children who were born out of wedlock. And this put an end to the future of the unfortunate baby. Most often, he became an outcast, who was insulted and humiliated from childhood, and the person carried this stigma throughout his life.

Moreover, in Russian Empire Until 1902, illegitimate children had absolutely no property rights. If in medieval France a bastard (“illegitimate” son of a noble master) could receive his own plot of land, and even his own coat of arms, but this simply could not happen in Russia. Unlike Western Europe, baystruk (distorted from “bastard”), in good society never accepted. " Cathedral Code"from 1649 says this clearly: “Do not give a bastard the estates and estates of the one who illegally adopted him...”.

At the same time, the policy of double standards flourished: if a woman gave birth to an “illegitimate child,” she was severely stigmatized, but a man, even a married one, always “had the right to the left.” Thus, Ivan the Terrible boasted to a foreign envoy that he had “corrupted a thousand virgins.” Another foreign envoy, the Austrian Augustin Meyerberg, who lived in Russia during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, testifies that the boyars of that time “had a frequent habit of approaching other people’s wives,” but they did not admit it in confession.

By the way, the first known illegitimate descendant of the royal family was born precisely in those years - from the devout Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. This was Ivan Alekseevich Musin-Pushkin, who later became a prominent associate of Peter I.

And only in 1902 the situation changed somewhat for the better: according to the law, illegitimate children began to have the right to inherit their mother’s property, and were able to claim support from their father - of course, only if they could prove their relationship with him.

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How did the creation of a regular army cause an "illegitimate" baby boom?

The importance of Peter I’s reforms for our country is difficult to overestimate, but sometimes they turned out to have consequences that no one could imagine. So the creation of a huge regular army in the 18th century caused a real social collapse: the increase in illegitimate children among peasant women, and less often among bourgeois women, became a storm.

Everything was explained simply - a young girl of 16-18 years old was married to a guy, who was almost immediately “shared into a soldier.” The terms of service were enormous, absences were rare, and many “straw widows” took on partners on the side. What is typical is that a soldier who returned home and saw his wife with offspring had the right to kill her. And if he just beat you up, it means he regrets (loves) you.

True, since 1874, a soldier, having discovered an illegitimate child in his home, could abandon him, transferring him to be raised by another family as an orphan. For the upbringing of such an “orphan” the state paid five silver rubles a year - a very significant amount at that time. But still, the “soldier’s children” were rarely happy - many were forced by their adoptive parents to beg and steal.

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Here is what one of the Kursk priests of the 19th century wrote: “A child will be born, and somehow it will be born at the wrong time. The gossip's calculations will not coincide with either the husband's return from the army or his temporary stay. Slander will not spare such a mother, her husband and child. This will be the cause of all the torment. The mother is already cursing the child as material evidence of her guilt. She knows that she will no longer have one have a good day. The eternal reproaches and beatings of her husband, the ridicule of her family and neighbors, if they do not bring her to an early grave, will provide little comfort in her difficult life. And an innocent child with curses will be born into the world of God. He doesn’t love any of his relatives, and even they make him feel that he represents something special from the other children.”

Local authorities constantly added fuel to the fire: when registering soldiers’ children, the dates of the husband’s visit to his homeland or the dates of the woman’s trip to her husband in the army were very carefully verified. Most of the soldiers' children were considered illegitimate, and the names of their fathers were not even indicated. Last names and patronymics were most often given according to the godfather.

In addition, “landowner harems” existed in Russia for a long time. The well-born nobility, boasting of their progressive views and European education, considered it completely appropriate to persuade courtyard girls to cohabitate and turn them into powerless concubines. The story of the serf actress and singer Praskovya Zhemchugova, to whom her master Count Nikolai Petrovich Sheremetyev first gave her freedom and then led her down the aisle, is an unprecedented violation of the rules of the game. For the most part, the “harem girls” produced the same powerless offspring from the master, and this story was repeated in a circle.

Serf actress Praskovya Zhemchugova, whose owner first gave her freedom and then led her down the aisle | photo wikimedia commons

Who will protect the boletus?

For unfortunate mothers caring for their illegitimate baby, there was still one loophole - the status of a foundling in Rus' was less shameful. And therefore, many women diligently hid their pregnancy, and after giving birth, they threw them into wealthy houses, or agreed with their distant relatives living in another area that they would take the baby to them. Women could no longer do anything better for their child, and from now on the fate of the baby depended on strangers.

“Fetal expulsion” was also widespread. As a contemporary writes: “...widows and soldier women resort to him, for this they turn to old women-witches, who teach them how to extract the fruit. They drink ergot, an infusion of simple phosphorus matches, and lift heavy things. One girl was pregnant and tormented the fetus by beating herself on the stomach with a bast shoe. People don't pay attention to this special attention" Some female soldiers even went to the extent of killing their newborn children to hide their shame. According to Sergei Maksimov, a famous Russian ethnographer, in the 19th century, the murder of children was generally the most common female crime in Russia.

What about the state? Under Peter I, decrees were issued banning infanticide of illegitimate children and their education. Hospitals were opened for “shameful” (illegitimate) children. Here, for the first time in Russia, an analogue of a modern baby box was created: a woman could secretly and anonymously bring a baby to a special window. However, very soon the hospitals became so overcrowded that boys from the age of 10 began to be sent to the navy or factories.

Catherine the Great also tried to solve the problem by opening foundling shelters. They took a child there with the question of whether the child was baptized and what name he was given. However, the situation of children in these shelters was extremely difficult. According to statistics, due to the lack of wet nurses, only every fifth child survived. And since 1821, due to lack of funds, the number of educational homes began to decline. Most children were sent “to be fed and raised” in reliable peasant families. The “government child” remained in a foster family until adulthood, and at the age of 17 the boys were classified as state peasants.

In provincial provincial shelters in the 19th – early 20th centuries. foundlings were fed by wet nurses and then distributed to those who wanted them - free of charge or with a fixed fee. Reports from those years indicate that the mortality rate among distributed children was very high - about 76%.

    A fairly complete answer has already been given about common nouns. As for the system of proper names, they constitute a unique category of artificial surnames that have existed among the nobility and landowners since the 18th century.

    Notable Russian nobles gave part of their surname to illegitimate children. These surnames were formed by truncation full forms(usually the first syllables). Thus the following surnames appeared:

    Pnin - Rep-pnin

    Agin - El-agin

    Betskoy - Trubetskoy

    Rantsov - Vorontsov

    Myantsev and Umyantsev - Rumyantsev

    Tmkin - Po-tmkin

    Litsyn - Go-litsyn

    Rukin - Long-armed

    Turlin - Bu-turlin and other surnames.

    Sometimes only the initial syllable of the full surname was used:

    Go (Golitsyn), Te (Tenishev).

    Some illegitimate (or illegitimate, as they were also called) children were given surnames that were not related to the father’s name. Thus, the aforementioned V. Zhukovsky bore the surname of his godfather. And the artist Kiprensky (father - landowner Dyakonov) was given a surname in honor of the goddess of love Aphrodite - Cypris.

    In Rus', not all children were equally equal. Those born in a legal marriage had all the rights, and illegitimate children received humiliating nicknames instead of rights, of which the most common was baistryuk - a word of as dark an origin as the origin of many illegitimate children. The link leads to the Dictionary of Synonyms, where anyone can familiarize themselves with the attitude of the Russian people to the results of their sexual activity outside of legal marriage. Another popular word is bastard. This time the link leads to etymological dictionary- the origin of the word is known.

    In general, the people showed ingenuity - here is a list of the desired nicknames from Russian folk dialects in all its clarity, but by no means pretending to be complete:

    Source of the list here. And this study claims that in peasant environment illegitimate children were born mainly by female soldiers - married women, whose husbands were taken into the army by the state for a very long period of time.

    The nobles, in an attempt to pass off a child born out of wedlock as an orphan taken into the house out of mercy, resorted to the euphemism pupil and ward and agonized over solving a problem unknown to the peasants: an illegitimate child from noble flesh and blood, by law, did not belong to any clan, but needed in the surname. And here the nobles already showed ingenuity, coming up with surnames that preserved the child’s connection with the parent. Truncation of the father's surname, geographical surnames, and the creation of anagrams were widely used. Examples and details

    It also happened that an illegitimate child came up with his own surname. An example is Alexander Khristoforovich Vostokov, an outstanding Russian philologist, the importance of whose work cannot be overestimated. He was illegitimate son Baron Osten-Sacken and received the surname Ostenek (from the German osten - east), invented by his father. The father came up with it as best he could, but the boy, who had a philological flair, found this name off-putting, and he independently changed it into Vostokov - according to the meaning.

    However, it also happened that the child received the surname of his adoptive father or mother’s husband, and then there was no need to invent it.

    We all study in our own school of life. And we understand the world around us through personal sensations and experience. Word bastard I first heard it in a song from the movie Midshipmen, Let's Go!. Before this viewing, I had never come into contact with such information. When Vladimir Shevelkov (vocals by Oleg Anofriev), who performed the role of Nikita Olenev, sang a song about a bastard, it was somehow uneasy. Not very beautiful definitions of dates for life, people, society for those citizens who, according to some criteria, show a deviation from the general level of development. There is a lot of cruelty in this reaction from society. This cruelty existed in ancient times. There is cruelty today. Maybe not so obvious, but present.

    More loyal name pupil for children of noble persons who were born out of wedlock.

    It is very bad when their children have to pay for the sins of parents.

    So in this case, when a child was born, so to speak, illegally, out of wedlock, then his mother was subjected to general contempt, and then everything passed on to the child born.

What is the right to a child born out of wedlock? It is to this question that we have to find the answer. The thing is that civil marriage (cohabitation) in Russia is quite common. Couples live together, lead everyday life and build a family, but without a stamp in their passport. This arrangement does not cause any trouble until the children are born. After this, certain disputes and disagreements often arise regarding the rights of minors. So what can an illegitimate child claim? How is he different from those who were born in official relations?

The concept of civil marriage

In the Russian Federation, cohabitation (civil marriage) and official marriage are two different shapes relationship between a man and a woman. Especially when we talk about the rights and responsibilities of spouses.

So, cohabitation does not oblige you to anything. The spouses will not have joint property, they are not burdened with anything. If they wanted, they moved together, if they wanted, they left. There is no divorce procedure, courts or division of property acquired during cohabitation.

Official marriage has legal significance. After its conclusion, the parties have obligations and responsibilities. It is more difficult to end such a relationship. The spouses have joint property that will be divided.

But what about a child born out of wedlock? All of the listed differences and features apply only to spouses. What about the children?

Children are always children

What do lawyers say about this? From the point of view of legislation, children born in a civil marriage are no different from those born in official relationships. Minors will have equal rights and responsibility.

Theoretically, it is not so important how exactly baby is born. The main thing is that the biological parents will be responsible for it. Only if you give birth to a child out of wedlock, you often have to face special problems. But more about them a little later.

About rights

First, let's figure out exactly what rights illegitimate children have. As has already been said, they are endowed with the same opportunities as those born into a registered relationship. This is indicated by Article 53 of the Family Code.

The rights of a child born out of wedlock are prescribed in Chapter 11 of this Code. Thus, a minor can count on:

  • education and family life;
  • communication with both parents;
  • protection;
  • receiving care and maintenance from both parents;
  • expressing one's opinion in family matters;
  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • property;
  • inheritance from both legal representatives.

Based on all of the above, we can come to the conclusion that children always remain children of their biological parents. Among other things, minors may qualify for alimony. For a child born out of wedlock, payments are assigned in court. In this case, parents will have to acknowledge paternity. It is because of this feature that mothers and minors often have problems.

Child registration

A child born out of wedlock is registered differently from others. When contacting the registry office, the mother is asked what surname to assign to the minor. In other words, it is written down from the words of the mother. Exactly the same as patronymic. But that's not all!

To assign a patronymic and establish paternity, you need to present a statement from the father, in which he agrees that the child is his. If there is no such document, the child may have a dash in the “Father” column. Then paternity will have to be recognized in court.

If the birth certificate does not contain information about the father of a minor, then if the biological parents separate, the child must remain with the mother. Thus, it turns out that the man will not be burdened with children.

About alimony

Quite often, citizens are interested in how financial support is provided for a child born out of wedlock. As already mentioned, you can apply for alimony. But with certain difficulties.

Illegitimate children are awarded alimony after paternity is recognized. To do this you need:

  • consent of the child's father;
  • irrefutable evidence of relationship presented to the court.

Most often, paternity has to be recognized in court. After this, the children will be assigned child support according to general rules. To confirm the relationship, it is often necessary to do a medical DNA examination.

Problems for children

A child born out of wedlock may face a number of legal troubles in the future. Especially when receiving an inheritance.

The point is that in this case you have to prove your relationship. You will also have to share the property with the rest of the heirs. Only rarely do children born in marriage have a normal attitude towards suddenly appearing illegitimate heirs.

However, children who were born out of wedlock will have equal rights with the other heirs of their biological parents. This should not be forgotten.

Parents and children

How to make life easier for a child born out of wedlock? Paternity must be recognized so that the baby does not have problems in the future. Or adopt him. This is the only way to minimize negative legal situations.

Another important nuance- parents of illegitimate children have exactly the same rights as in the case of the birth of children in marriage. What does it mean?

If the parent is needy and unable to work, he will be able to demand child support from the child. But again, many aspects will be taken into account here - whether the parent participated in the upbringing and maintenance of the minor, whether paternity has been confirmed.

Some women who give birth to children out of wedlock prefer to deprive their offspring of alimony from their biological fathers, so that in old age they will not turn to their children for help. This is not entirely correct. After all, there are cases when fathers still demand alimony from illegitimate children.

Conclusions and Conclusions

It is now clear what a child born out of wedlock can claim. Do I need to go to court to establish paternity? Not necessary. There is no need to do this if information about the father is included in the baby’s birth certificate. Otherwise, paternity is actually recognized in court. And it’s better to take care of this while the child’s biological parents are alive.

What conclusions can be drawn? It will be necessary to take into account that the following principles apply to illegitimate children:

  • Full names are recorded in the registry office according to the mother’s words;
  • paternity is recognized voluntarily or through court;
  • alimony is usually ordered by the court;
  • the rights of illegitimate children are exactly the same as those of legitimate children;
  • Minors will always receive an inheritance from their mother, and from their father - after recognition of paternity;
  • If the birth certificate contains information in the “Father” column, there is no need to go to court to recognize paternity.

Some citizens meaningfully give birth to children in a civil marriage, believing that such a step will not cause trouble in the future. Actually this is not true. Judicial practice indicates that quite often inheritance disputes break out between legitimate children and illegitimate children. Therefore, it is better for a child when he is born in an official relationship. This way you can get rid of most legal problems.

A child born out of wedlock is the same minor as one who was born after marriage and registration in the registry office. Only such children real life a lot of troubles and problems. And this despite the fact that Russian legislation equalizes the rights of all children. In any case, it is now clear what an illegitimate child can count on.

I’m starting a series of long-promised posts. Here I tried to collect all the main pros and cons of a pseudonym. The list is probably incomplete, so feel free to add your own options.

So, the advantages of a pseudonym:

1.You can choose exactly the name you like. Sonorous or neutral, true-Slavic or, conversely, sounding in a foreign manner.
2. You can take different pseudonyms under different types creativity or even different genres. For example, write light romance novels and serious philosophical works simultaneously.
3. You can change gender. Sometimes this is even an urgent request from publishers, for example, in the case of ironic detective stories or, conversely, hard action films.
4. You can create your own image, even one that is very far from reality. You can invent a non-existent profession, children or lack thereof, appearance - whatever.
5. Anonymity. None of the readers will know who you really are, and your friends and acquaintances will not know what you write. True, if good people The publishing house will leak the information onto the Internet, as happened not so long ago with some authors, this point will be canceled :)
6. You can easily disappear if something goes wrong. The liability is much lower than when using a real name.
7. Will not change if you change your real first and last name.

But, of course, there are some downsides:

1. We'll have to live "on two fronts". You need to create several pages for writing and other activities, or, if you communicate with one, explain yourself every time, which is more difficult, especially if you have an exotic pseudonym.
2. If your public and real images are different, it becomes more difficult to maintain them. By the way, up to a mental disorder (fact - I found it when I was writing my thesis).
3. It is more difficult to prove your authorship. Not impossible, but more difficult.
4.They may want to “expand” your pseudonym to a dozen or two authors. Again, I’m not intimidating: everything is decided in court, usually in favor of the author.
5. Anonymity. Yes, it can be a minus if, on the contrary, you want your friends and relatives to know. You'll have to tell everyone, and even then it's not a fact that they'll believe it.
6. It's harder to collect "all the credit". Every time you will need to think about whether you are revealing a pseudonym if you say that you studied there, did this and published there, if you used your real last name.
7. With several pseudonyms and efforts to promote names, much more is spent.
Remembering previous posts: what to choose - a real name or a pseudonym - is ultimately entirely your business. No one will ever tell you exactly what to do. The best way- this is to weigh all the pros and cons, and then think what is more comfortable for you. Well, it’s advisable not to change your mind, so as not to start everything from scratch, like Marika :)

June 18, 2012

Are you satisfied with your full name?

“What should I do if I have an ugly last name?”

This question often arises among novice bloggers, and some need to publish own name prevents you from opening a blog. The solution is extremely simple - take a pseudonym.

Unlike, pseudonyms are not a way to hide your identity or simplify your identification in the online community, but a way to build your new image. The image that will lead the blogger to money and fame.

Nicknames around us

Perhaps someone thinks that it is sonorous beautiful combination first and last names are an accident, the merit of far-sighted parents or a gift from God. This is not true at all.

Leonid Utesov, Marilyn Monroe, Kir Bulychev, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, Freddie Mercury – guess which of these names are real?

There is no need to guess for too long, none of the given names are real, they are all pseudonyms. Moreover, it is difficult to find an outstanding public figure speaking under his own real name and last name. Nowadays there are still many nicknames left in blogging (as a relic of the past), but the future belongs to pseudonyms.

Why does a blogger need a pseudonym?

There are 5 objective reasons why anyone to a public person(or team) needs an alias:

  1. Laconic namelong names difficult to remember "Alexey Mirgashvadze" remembered much worse than "Lesha Mirny".
  2. Name memorability– too common names, such as "Alexander Petrov", blur in people’s perceptions, merging with dozens of similar surnames or namesakes. But here's something more unique - "Alex the First" will be remembered much better.
  3. Associate with occupation– surnames associated with a person’s profession are better perceived and remembered. For example, branding is full of names like “Vkusnov”, “Blinoff”, “Bystrov”.
  4. Hide origin– chauvinistic sentiments towards individual nations will not subside for a long time, so it is more economically feasible to choose neutral pseudonyms, or with a slight American slant.
  5. Not to be like a famous namesake - for example, when hearing the name Tolstoy, only Lev Nikolaevich comes to mind. At the beginning of my activity, I myself experienced problems with promotion in search engines, due to the wide popularity of my namesake Vladimir Lytvyn (Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine).

9 tricks for choosing a nickname

There is no technology for forming pseudonyms as such, otherwise all the names of stars and writers would be the same. But there are a number of techniques using which you can choose a pseudonym for yourself.

  1. Matching the first name to the last name(and vice versa) - if your first and last names are disharmonious, the simplest solution is to change one of them. For example, from “Fedor Tarasov”, you can make “Taras Tarasov”, or take something exotic for the name. Good example– Angelika Varum (Maria Varum).
  2. First and last name with the same letter– this turn of phrase is simple and easy to remember. For example, Marilyn Monroe, Alena Apina, Harry Harrison.
  3. Nicknames and nicknames- often famous people they take successful nicknames given at school, college, or the army as a surname. The nickname can be slightly changed and taken as a pseudonym. An example is Alexander Marshall.
  4. Heroes of books and films– you can take something from the first or last name of your favorite character (preferably a positive one) and thus create a pseudonym. An example is Alex Ivanhoe.
  5. Last names based on occupation- a simple technique to create a surname based on your occupation. For example, “Suitcases”, “Cakes”, “Rental”.
  6. Surnames based on qualities– just like with the previous example, you can do the same with positive qualities. Example - “Dobrov”, “Veselov”, “Happy”.
  7. Last names– many easy-to-understand pseudonyms are created by forming a surname from a given name. For example, Alexandra Marinina, Romain Gary.
  8. Associated surnamescreative people, the surname for a pseudonym can be made up of personal associations with oneself. Examples include Alexander Green, Andrey Bely, Demyan Bedny, Igor Severyanin.
  9. Surname inheritance– you can choose a city, country, nation, positive phenomenon as a surname. In this way, your surname will have echoes of the power of the original. Examples – Jack London, Lesya Ukrainka, Maxim Tank.

If you don't have a clear idea of ​​which tools to use, you can make a list of alias options and then choose the best one from them.

In any case, whether you chose a new pseudonym or left the name according to your passport, conduct a matching experiment. Imagine yourself at the pinnacle of success, on the cover of a magazine or on a podium in front of an audience of thousands. What name is written on the cover, what name does the presenter say? Is yours current or new?