Compatibility of Alena and Andrey. Where is real compatibility buried?

Andrey (name compatibility) - "man". The name is of Greek origin.
Since childhood, Andrei has shown his restless character, which changes over time, but not significantly. Boys named by this name usually cause a lot of trouble to their parents. They behave noisily, do not listen to the comments of their elders, like to interfere in the conversations of adults, and are often capricious when they do not get what they want. It is impossible not to give in to them in anything, because in doing so they may be offended, and for a long time. Therefore, Andrei’s parents need to raise their baby from birth, teaching him discipline. Little Andrey loves games of all kinds and gets along well with other children.
As a teenager, Andrei was a regular at cheerful companies and noisy parties. They will never agree to spend evenings at home, in front of the TV or with a book in their hands. They, as a rule, have many friends, but Andreys are rarely formal leaders in companies, although they know how to win over those around them,
Andrei is smart, capable, and naturally talented. They easily comprehend what was previously unknown to them and are able to decently cope with any work that is entrusted to them. Therefore, as a rule, they have an enviable reputation in the work team. Owners of this name often become favorites of their superiors. Despite this, they rarely have envious people or ill-wishers, because they know how to charm anyone.
For Andrey, female attention is very important, and he strives to have as much of it as possible. To do this, he makes acquaintances wherever possible. He loves to flirt and adores women who understand his game and willingly agree to it. The owners of this name are often incapable of serious feelings, but, however, they do not strive for it, preferring easy, non-binding relationships. Therefore, as soon as a woman begins to claim long-term relationships and openly show jealousy towards other representatives of the fair sex, Andrei immediately rushes to break off the relationship that may be weighing him down.
When choosing a life partner, Andrei, as a rule, pays special attention to the woman’s appearance, ultimately choosing the most beautiful and spectacular woman from his environment. If it turns out that his wife’s intelligence is inferior to her beauty, Andrei is unlikely to be upset by this circumstance, since he is sincerely convinced that an intelligent and educated woman is nonsense. Moreover, in marriage, Andrei is rarely faithful to his wife, and therefore he easily compensates for the lack of any quality in one of his women by communicating with another. With all this, Andrei is very demanding of his wife’s behavior and does not tolerate betrayal or independently made decisions. He claims to be the unquestioning leader and almost always plays it in a family unit.
Andrei's relationship with his own children cannot be called too warm, although children are dear to him and, if necessary, always receive significant support from their father.
For a family union and personal relationships, Andrey is recommended to choose a woman named Elena, Elizaveta, Marina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria or Natalya.
Relations with Varvara, Zoya, Oksana, Olga, and Sofia are not entirely favorable.

From this article you will learn:

The fairly common name Andrey is one of the ten most popular male names and endows all its bearers with certain character traits. It sounds very beautiful, many celebrities are known by this name - so it will be quite a worthy choice if you decide to name your baby this way. Well, if you just need to know a couple of interesting secrets about what kind of man is hidden under the name Andrey, the following information may well be useful to you.

Origin of the male name Andrey

The Greek origin of the name Andrei is unlikely to surprise anyone: many are interested in the meaning of this sonorous, beautiful word. From Greek it is translated as “courageous” or simply “man”. So in this regard, everything is excellent here: you can rest assured that Andrei is endowed with real masculine character qualities.

How does the name Andrei affect fate and character?

Those surrounded by several Andreevs cannot help but notice a certain similarity between them. There is no need to be surprised: after all, it is the meaning of the name Andrey that affects the character of a man, and even the turns of his fate.

  • Positive traits

Andrey is a very active and proactive person who will always strive forward. For him, sitting with arms folded is like death. He is always on the move and is able to stir up anyone who is nearby. It's never boring or uninteresting with him: he always knows a lot of the funniest jokes and always knows where to go for fun. With all this, Andrey does not give the impression of a noisy and chaotic person: outwardly he can be a completely balanced and calm, very intelligent guy who simply knows how to control his emotions very well. He is a very sociable, sweet and charming person. He has enormous willpower, is well developed physically, watches his figure and plays sports. In a word - a real man.

  • Negative qualities

For all his sociability, Andrei is quite secretive: in public he can be one person, but in fact turn out to be completely different. So always be on guard around him: someday he will appear before you in a completely unexpected light, and not always a pleasant one. As sad as it may be, Andrei is the person who can go to the intended goal over the heads of other people. This reflects his willpower and assertiveness. He always goes to the end.

  • Diseases

Andrey suffers from a weak immune system, so he easily catches a variety of infectious diseases.

  • Love

Andrey is always surrounded by women, has success with them, but is rarely happy and changes more than one partner in his life. This can be explained by two circumstances. Firstly, unpredictability: women are often frightened by the second side of Andrei’s nature and leave. Secondly, Andrei is too fixated on the sensual side of love, sometimes not thinking at all about the inner world of a woman, which means so much to us. Women don’t forgive him for this mistake either.

  • Color

The name Andrey is related to the color blue, which will endow its bearers with self-confidence, excellent motivation, determination and amazing ability to work.

  • Professions

Andrey is a workaholic, he is not afraid of any work, and therefore can do both hard physical work and creativity. Can excel in leadership positions. But sedentary work with papers and numbers is unlikely to suit him.

This characteristic of the name Andrey affects the behavior and internal attitudes of the man bearing this name. And if all of the above suits you, it’s time to reveal another secret: with which woman can Andrei be happy?

Name Andrey: compatibility with other names

You can easily determine whether you can establish a strong relationship with a person named Andrey: the compatibility of names will tell you about this.

  • Successful relationship

Andrey can stop his search for the female ideal on women with the following names: Elena, Elizaveta, Irina, Claudia, Larisa, Lyudmila, Maria, Natalya, Taisiya.

  • Failed Relationships

Andrey will stubbornly not succeed with some women because of the elementary incompatibility of names: these are Varvara, Zoya, Klara, Oksana, Olga, Sofya, Yulia.

Don’t be upset if, having your sights on a man named Andrey, you ended up on the second list. Remember that everything is very individual in each specific case, and your situation may be a happy exception.

Angel Days for the name Andrey

In the Russian Orthodox Church there are many saints and righteous people who bear this euphonious and noble name. Therefore, there are a sufficient number of Angel Days in the year for the name Andrey, which are most often determined by birthday:

  • April 28: martyr Andrew of Mesukevia (100);
  • May 31: martyr Andrew of Lampsaki (249);
  • June 3: Blessed Andrei Simbirsky, Ogorodnikov (discovery of relics in 1998);
  • June 11: martyr Andrei Trofimov (1938);
  • June 25: Venerable Andrew of Oxyrynthus, Egyptian (IV century);
  • July 17: Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky (1174);
  • September 1: martyr Andrei Stratelates, Taurian (284);
  • September 20: warrior Andrei Oslyabya, schemamonk (1380);
  • October 4: Hieromartyr Andrew of Ephesus, presbyter (730);
  • October 6: martyr Andrew of Syracuse (9th century);
  • October 15: Andrew of Constantinople, Fool for Christ's sake (936);
  • October 23: Andrei Totemsky, Fool for Christ's sake (1673);
  • October 30: Venerable Martyr Andrew of Crete (767);
  • November 9: Prince Andrei Smolensky, Pereyaslavsky (1539);
  • December 10: Blessed Andrei Simbirsky, Ogorodnikov (1841);
  • December 13: Apostle Andrew the First-Called (62);
  • December 15: Venerable Andrew of Oxyrynthus, Egyptian (IV century).

Each of these heavenly patrons can provide Andrey with worthy protection from everything evil and dark, if he himself is on the side of exclusively light forces.

Famous Andreys

So that you can finally create a mosaic named Andrei into one complete picture, remember those people who went down in history under this name.

  1. Andrew the First-Called is an apostle.
  2. Andrei Yuryevich Bogolyubsky - Grand Duke (1111–1174).
  3. Andrei Rublev - icon painter (1360–1430).
  4. Andrey Nikolaevich Beketov - botanist (1825–1902).
  5. Andrei Bely - poet (1880–1934).
  6. Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev - aircraft designer (1888–1972).
  7. Andrei Platonovich Platonov - writer (1899–1951).
  8. Andrei Andreevich Gromyko - political figure (1909–1989).
  9. Andrei Dmitrievich Sakharov - scientist, academician (1921–1989).
  10. Andrei Arsenievich Tarkovsky - director (1932–1986).
  11. Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky - poet (1933–2010).
  12. Andrei Sergeevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky - director (1937).
  13. Andrei Vasilyevich Myagkov - actor (1938).
  14. Andrei Aleksandrovich Mironov - actor (1941–1987).
  15. Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich - singer (1953).
  16. Andrey Ivanovich Krasko - actor (1957–2006).
  17. Andrey Vladimirovich Panin - actor (1963–2013).
  18. Andrey Nikolaevich Malakhov - TV presenter (1972).
  19. Andrey Viktorovich Gubin - singer (1974).
  20. Andrei Sergeevich Arshavin - football player (1981).

Now you know what the name Andrey means, what kind of men they are and how best to behave with them. In any case, this courageous defender will always come to the rescue, and next to him you will feel confident and protected from all troubles.

A person’s name influences character and destiny. The meaning of name compatibility helps to understand how comfortable people will be in communicating with each other and building family relationships. The restless Andrey does not find a common language with all representatives of the fair sex. He is sociable and cheerful. The meaning of name compatibility will help determine the women who are suitable for his friendship and family.

Tandem of Andrey and Tatiana

For friendship to arise between these people, an event must occur that brings them closer together. Otherwise, they simply have nowhere to meet each other. They live in different rhythms and have different goals. It is likely that, having met, Andrei and Tanya will go in different directions, not finding anything in common with each other. Tanya's attraction to Andrey can develop into a strong union in which both will be happy.

In a couple, complete mutual understanding is possible. While one takes the initiative, the second is less active, and vice versa.

Family relationships of a couple have the following characteristics:

  • a common passion for adventure and change motivates a couple to change their place of residence and occupation;
  • Tanya’s desire for frank conversations and Andrey’s ability to listen provide them with enjoyable evenings together;
  • the couple’s inability to plan for the future deprives them of stability in their relationship;
  • the lack of fear in both will help them in new endeavors and joint financial projects.

Relationship between Andrei and Elena

Two independent personalities, Andrei and Lena, value freedom and do not accept obligations. They can develop a strong friendship. Both love to travel, know how to escape from daily worries and spend time with like-minded people. They understand that the warmth of communication and mutual understanding help to find peace and happiness.

In love, Lena and Andryusha are suitable for each other, provided that their desires coincide. They are not inclined to start a family; they approach relationships easily and naturally. The beginning of mutual sympathy will be an intimate affair, which Andryusha will treat as just another novel.

They value personal freedom above all else. Thanks to their common interests, they will make an excellent match for each other.

In contrast, Lena is committed to a long-term relationship, although she prefers to maintain personal freedom. The compatibility of Andrey and Elena allows you to create a happy family. Both believe that financial wealth and career cannot bring true pleasure. In marriage, they will prefer going to the theater and cinema together. They are willing to read a book together and do household chores. They will treat children without enthusiasm and will not devote much time to their upbringing.

The two share common character traits:

  • determination;
  • hard work;
  • jealousy;
  • independence;
  • tenderness;
  • kindness;
  • wit.

Their communication is built on trust, respect and similar worldviews. Compatibility in love between Andrei and Anastasia is based on spiritual closeness and mutual attraction. Thanks to this, the union can last a long time. The couple lacks passion, which affects their intimate life. If the feelings between Nastya and Andrey are strong, then they will be able to overcome the difficulties and tests that await them.

If the couple's feelings are strong, they will overcome the differences that come their way. They will continue to walk through life hand in hand and do common things.

The couple's marital union will not be easy. Both are endowed with complex characters. Andryusha's secrecy irritates Nastya, who cannot stand deception and has good intuition. Over time, they will get used to each other and will treat marriage more carefully. They can be brought together by a joint business, which both have a predisposition to run.

Couple Julia and Andrey: characteristics of their relationship

Compatibility of Andrei and Yulia in friendship is very high. Both have common interests and hobbies. They prefer active pastime, noisy parties with friends, gatherings in a large company. They cannot stand boredom, loneliness and routine. The compatibility of the couple Andrei and Yulia in love is almost one hundred percent. They equally love romance and dream of sincere love.

Their relationship is passionate and ardent. Both flirt with the opposite sex, even while in a relationship. On this basis, scandals arise that end in a stormy reconciliation in bed. Their love union resembles a swing: one day they are crazy about each other, the next they are filled with hatred. This behavior warms up the couple and does not allow feelings to cool down.

Either love or hate. The couple is in constant struggle with each other.

However, Yulia and Andrey are not very suitable for marriage. To create a strong family, they need to work hard, for which they are not always ready. In this couple, the woman behaves hot-tempered and utters hurtful words, the man is vindictive and capable of revenge. The family expects scandals, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity.

Andrey combines such qualities as sober calculation and extravagance, calm and emotionality, seriousness and cheerfulness, and it is important what time of year the bearer of this name was born.

Autumn Andrey He has an analytical mind, he is punctual, disciplined and accustomed to building his life according to a clearly drawn up plan, in which there is no place for accidents. It is not surprising that he gravitates toward exact and natural sciences, which subsequently helps him become a successful entrepreneur.

Winter Andrey - a creative person who will find himself in the field of director, actor, singer, poet or artist. He is fair, but at the same time gentle, does not accept lies and indifference. Due to his gentle character and integrity, he often makes enemies, as he fiercely defends his beliefs. In relationships with girls, winter Andrei is charming, courteous and romantic.

Vesenny Andrey characterized by frivolity and a carefree attitude towards life. His generosity will not leave anyone indifferent, which is why he has many friends. But the other half of year-old Andrei will have a hard time, because he craves adventure and entertainment, while worries about supporting his family are of little interest to him.

Letniy Andrey - a real merry fellow and joker who is welcome in any company, because his funny stories and wonderful sense of humor lift everyone’s spirits. Thanks to his easy-going character and love of life, he enjoys increased attention from women.

Stone - talisman

The talisman stones of people named Andrei are amethyst and amber.


This is a stone of peace, peace, spirituality and grace, which can drive away bad thoughts, strengthen the will, and give spiritual and physical strength.

Another useful property of amethyst is considered to reduce cravings for the unreal. In addition, this stone prevents negative influences from the outside.

Our ancestors endowed amethyst with medicinal properties, including:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • healing of burns;
  • calming the nervous system.

This stone, which protects air signs and is set exclusively in silver, is not recommended for Leo, Capricorn and Pisces.


Amber is a stone for creative people, to whom it gives inspiration and faith in the future. This stone is also recommended for those who want to strengthen their fighting spirit and increase their physical strength. Amulets were made from amber to bring happiness and good luck.

Red amber is able to neutralize magical effects and protect against damage and the evil eye.

Interesting fact! Amber cannot be set in silver; it is better to wear it in copper.


The name Andrey is patronized by the colors lilac, yellow and brown (you can read more about the meaning of these colors in the article).


Andrei’s lucky number is two (the meaning of this number can be found in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).



Animal - symbol

The animal symbol of people named Andrey is considered to be a jungle cat, personifying wisdom, cunning, courage, courage and fortitude.

In addition, this animal has always symbolized power, since only rich people could afford to keep them.


The happiest zodiac signs for Andrey are Cancer and Sagittarius (you can read about the influence of these signs on fate in the article “The influence of the zodiac sign and the color of the name on a person’s life”).


The plants that patronize Andrei are anemone and fir.


This flower symbolizes loneliness, sadness and suffering. According to legend, the red spot on this flower is the personification of the blood of Jesus, while the triple leaf is a symbol of the Trinity.


This beautiful tree with cones growing upward is a symbol of pride, patience, perseverance and loneliness. Fir represents people who have given up all base desires and therefore deserve life in Heaven.


The metal that brings luck to Andrey is silver, which can drive out evil spirits and protect against magical influences. This metal also symbolizes purity, chastity, hope, wisdom and eloquence.

Silver has a high degree of bactericidal activity, thanks to which it protects against various infectious diseases.

Interesting fact! Silver helps open the “third eye,” thereby facilitating the manifestation of human superpowers.

Auspicious day


Unfavorable day


Origin of the name Andrey

Name translation

From ancient Greek the name Andrei is translated as “courageous”, “strong”, “brave”.

History of the name

The name Andrei has ancient Greek roots, namely, it comes from the word “andros”, which means “man”.

In Rus', this name became popular after the adoption of Christianity. Today the name Andrey, which came to us from Byzantium, is rightfully considered a traditional Russian name.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Andrey are: Andryusha, Andreika, Andryushenka, Andron, Dron.

The legend of the name Andrey

Andrew, who is the brother of Peter and a disciple of John the Baptist, was the first whom Jesus called to be an apostle (that’s why they call Andrew “the First Called”).

According to legend, he converted the peoples living in the Balkans and Black Sea region to the faith of Christ. Andrew the First-Called was captured and crucified by order of the Roman magistrate in the Greek city of Patras, while he was crucified on a cross that was shaped like the letter X.

It must be said that in Russia this apostle enjoyed special respect and love, as evidenced by the fact that he is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. Thus, the Apostle Andrew reached with his sermons to those places where such cities as Kyiv and Novgorod were founded in the future. It was he who once blessed these places.

In addition, during the times of Kievan Rus, Andrew the First-Called was considered the patron of Russian statehood, while in imperial Russia he was revered as the patron of the Russian navy (Peter I, by his decree, established the St. Andrew's flag with a blue cross and the Order of St. Andrew).

The secret of the name Andrey

Patrons of the name

  • Apostle Andrew the First-Called.
  • Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who founded the Bogolyubsky Monastery.
  • Martyr Andrei Stratelates.
  • Saint Andrew of Mesukevia.
  • Prince Andrei Vologda.
  • Prince Andrei Smolensky.
  • Presbyter and Hieromartyr Andrew of Ephesus.
  • Blessed Andrew of Constantinople.
  • Archbishop Andrew of Crete.
  • Holy Martyr Andrew of Lampsacus.
  • Venerable Andrew of Oxyrhynchos (or Egyptian).
  • Rev. icon painter Andrei Rublev (was a student of St. Sergius of Radonezh).
  • Foolish Andrei Totemsky.
  • Martyr Andrew of Syracuse.
  • Venerable Andrew of Thebaid.
  • Martyr Andrew of Chios.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 26th and 27th.

February: 17th and 21st.

March: 7th number.

April: 28th.

May: 31st.

June: 3, 5, 11, 15, 23, 25 and 26th.

July: 3, 13, 17, 19, 22 and 25th.

August: 5th and 17th.

September: 1st, 16th, 19th, 20th, 23rd and 28th.

October: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 15th, 23rd, 30th and 31st.

November: 9th and 11th.

December: 8th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 15th, 16th and 23rd.

Famous people

Famous actors named Andrey:

  • Andrey Mironov;
  • Andrey Krasko;
  • Andrey Leonov;
  • Andrei Panin;
  • Andrey Merzlikin.

Famous singers and musicians named Andrey:

  • Andrey Makarevich;
  • Andrey Danilko;
  • Andrey Gubin.

Andrey Arshavin - captain of the Russian national football team.

Andrey Shevchenko - Ukrainian football player.

Andrey Voznesensky - Russian publicist and poet.

Andrey Tupolev - Soviet aircraft designer who developed more than 100 types of aircraft.

Andrey Sakharov - Soviet physicist and theorist, one of the creators of the first hydrogen bomb in the USSR.

Andrei Tarkovsky - Soviet director and screenwriter.

Andrey Vasnetsov - Russian artist.

The meaning of the name Andrey

For a child

Little Andrey is a real dreamer who dreams of incredible adventures; one can only envy his energy. But Andryusha is interested not only in active games: he will gladly assemble a construction set or fix a broken toy.

Andrey, despite his dreaminess, is cunning and reasonable, he has his own point of view on everything, which he will defend both before his parents and his peers. As a child, the disobedient and imperturbable Andryusha does not get along well with girls (even with his sister he cannot find a common language, while he communicates with his brother with pleasure).

Andrei’s diligence and diligence are manifested both at the everyday level (he can not only repair, but also independently make amazing toys from scrap materials) and at school (he can be called a successful student without a twinge of conscience).

What cannot be taken away from little Andrei is a heightened sense of justice (the boy will always protect the weak and help those who need his support).

Negative qualities of a boy include arrogance, capriciousness and excessive authority.

For a teenager

As a teenager, Andrey pays special attention to his physical education, so he attends sports clubs and schools, achieving great success in his chosen sport.

Andrei, a teenager, is a contradictory and fickle personality: for example, today he can fervently confess his love to one girl, and tomorrow he can easily invite another on a date.

Andrey masterfully knows how to hide his emotions, so he remains a mystery to many. He has a clear mind, ingenuity, balance and selfishness. His sociability, ability to find a common language, high self-esteem and self-confidence help him gain respect from his peers. He is cheerful, generous and good-natured, so he often acts as the “life of the party.”

People named Andrey are excellent psychologists, so don’t even think about deceiving or outwitting them. If Andrey suspects a lie, then in his person you will make an irreconcilable enemy, while his pride and vanity will not allow the former to approach each other.

For a man

Having crossed the threshold of adolescence, Andrei does not give up playing sports, because what he looks like is very important to him. He doesn’t mind playing chess or checkers with a worthy opponent.

The adult Andrei is courageous and charming, he quickly finds a common language with those around him, so he is welcome in any company (especially considering the fact that Andrei has a truly sparkling sense of humor).

For his conscientiousness, patience, accuracy, honesty and responsibility at work, he is respected by both colleagues and superiors (and this despite the fact that Andrey can firmly defend his opinion). It is also important that he knows how to admit his mistakes, which is appreciated by those around him.

Andrey is a philosopher who loves to have measured conversations about the meaning of existence and the secrets of the universe. Calmness and stability - this is what Andrei strives for, while he tries to avoid risky enterprises.

But Andrei also has disadvantages, for example, mood swings, which are fraught with attacks of despondency that no one will notice (Andrei, like a true man, keeps all his experiences to himself). In difficult situations, he can show both determination and perseverance, and cowardice and indecisiveness (it all depends on Andrei’s mood and motivation). Inspired by success, Andrei can become vain, arrogant and self-confident, which can alienate people from him.

Description of the name Andrey


Andrey can be called a highly moral person, while he not only tries to live up to high moral principles, but also demands this from those people who surround him. He is an attentive and affectionate son, a devoted friend, a faithful husband and a responsible worker.


Andrey is the owner of good health, which is not least due to the fact that he devotes a lot of time to his physical education. If he is sick, it is mainly with a cold.

But Andrei should pay special attention to his state of mind, since stress and depression can cause the development of many other diseases. The best cure for Andrey from the blues is natural optimism and the care of loved ones, who should restore his faith in himself.


Andrei's inconstancy is manifested in his personal life: despite his morality, until the moment of marriage he is not distinguished by constancy, justifying this by the fact that he must choose the best woman to whom he will devote his whole life. This behavior leads to the fact that representatives of the fair half of humanity are offended by Andrey.

Andrey is extremely selective in choosing his beloved, who simply must be beautiful, spectacular, smart, caring and emotional. But Andrei is of little interest to the inner world of his beloved woman, since her main task is to idolize her betrothed, to create coziness and comfort. He is always gentle and attentive, but most often he is driven not by a feeling of love, but by the desire to look like a knight and benefactor in the eyes of a woman.


Andrei chooses a beautiful and impressive woman as his wife (often it is appearance that becomes the decisive factor when choosing a wife), who must please his acquaintances and friends (the wife becomes a kind of calling card for Andrei). At the same time, one cannot help but say that Andrei still marries for love, but if his wife does not meet his high “standards,” then he may become carried away by another woman. It is interesting that he carefully hides his infidelities, continuing to play the role of an exemplary family man (divorce for Andrei is tantamount to admitting his failure as a real man).

Family relationships

Andrey can hardly be called an economic person (for this he has a wife, on whose shoulders all everyday problems fall), while he considers himself the full head of the family, whose main task is to provide the family with material goods. Therefore, only a caring and gentle woman will live next to Andrey, ready to forget about her career and devote her life entirely to her family.

Selfish and jealous Andrei demands maximum attention to himself, so he may well be jealous of his wife and child.


In his sexual life, Andrei is extremely receptive and sensitive, he loves flattery, compliments, and increased attention. He is ready to give tenderness and passion to women, but only on the condition that they pay him handsomely.

It is interesting that such concepts as love and sex are indivisible for Andrei, so he will not waste either his mental or physical strength on a woman for whom he does not at least feel in love. The fact is that for Andrei, even love is a certain form of self-affirmation in the sexual sphere and recognition of his remarkable abilities.

Andrey may be completely devoted to sexual pleasures, or he may want to take a break from his active intimate life. Therefore, he needs a patient and understanding woman who can put up with Andrei’s mood swings.

He will not tolerate rudeness and lack of femininity in his partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Andrey has a well-developed intellect, thanks to which he is able to quickly build logical chains, which, combined with his analytical thinking, helps him achieve great heights in any field.


Andrey’s high self-esteem and self-confidence undoubtedly contribute to his career growth. If we add to these qualities conscientiousness and diligence, it becomes clear why he is respected by his superiors. Andrey also gets along well with his subordinates and colleagues, and all thanks to his charm, sense of humor and ability to find the right key for each person.

Andrei's artistry and his desire to always be in the center of attention will find a way out in creative professions (Andrei will make a good actor, composer, artist, singer, writer or director). The responsiveness and good nature of the bearers of this name will come in handy in the profession of a rescuer, firefighter or doctor.

But Andrey is not an altruist, and therefore he will choose a profession that can bring him financial stability and independence. An important factor for him is the prestige of the chosen field.


Andrey's practicality and rationality contribute to his achieving great success in entrepreneurial activity. He does not like to take risks, and thinks through all his actions several moves ahead, so he knows in advance the outcome of this or that enterprise, this or that transaction. At the same time, he conducts his business honestly, for which his partners respect him.


Andrey's hobbies are varied and sometimes incompatible. He can practice boxing or martial arts, or he can play chess, or he can be interested in football and designing model airplanes.


At first glance, Andrey gives the impression of an optimistic, open, cheerful, simple and cheerful person, but you should not trust the first impression. In fact, Andrei rarely opens his soul to people, because he experiences insults and betrayals very hard.

He cannot be openly criticized or doubted about his abilities. It is better to stimulate him with praise and encouragement.

Andrei is irreconcilable towards his enemies, so it is better to think a hundred times before entering into confrontation with him.


Andrey has developed intuition, which helps him not only build personal relationships, but also successfully conduct business. It must be said that Andrey, despite his pragmatism, often listens to his intuition, especially since it almost never fails.

Horoscope named after Andrey

Andrew - Aries

This is a rather unbalanced person, subject to frequent and sudden changes in mood. Andrei-Aries can show aggression towards others, but such behavior is only a defensive reaction, behind which vulnerability and touchiness are hidden. It is not easy for Andrey, born under the sign of Aries, to find a common language with the opposite sex.

Andrey - Taurus

Self-doubt and painful perception of criticism towards oneself contribute to the fact that Andrei-Taurus often withdraws and isolates himself from society. He has few friends who are able to accept him for who he is. For Andrei-Taurus, the most important thing is a family in which he should feel cared for and supported.

Andrey - Gemini

This is a person with a very developed imagination, so it is easy for him to find himself in any field and get along with any people. His disadvantage is that he is too dependent on the opinions of others, which prevents him from expressing himself and his capabilities to the fullest. Andrei-Gemini is a freedom-loving nature, but he limits the freedom of his chosen one.

Andrey - Cancer

A sharp mind and excellent memory help Andrey-Cancer achieve incredible success in his work. He moves with a firm step towards his intended goal, and no obstacles can stop him. His sense of possessiveness extends not only to his lover, but also to his friends.

Andrey - Leo

Nobility, ambition and vanity - these are the main characteristics of Andrei-Leo, who is accustomed to always being the best in everything. These qualities help him make an excellent career. Women like him, but having chosen the one, he will not cheat on her, because his family comes first.

Andrew - Virgo

This is an insecure person who is distrustful and wary of everything. Andrey-Virgo experiences inner fear before making serious decisions, so he needs a woman who can give him maximum warmth and love and support him in all his endeavors.

Andrey - Libra

This is a serious, pragmatic and thorough nature, for which the moral and ethical aspects of life are important. Andrey-Libra is a devoted husband, loving father, conscientious worker. His words never diverge from his deeds.

Andrey - Scorpio

A sentimental dreamer, the ultimate romantic - this is how Andrei-Scorpio can be described, who takes everything too close to his heart. He also tends to exhibit such qualities as capriciousness, stubbornness and aggression, so his significant other needs to be patient and understanding.

Andrey - Sagittarius

This is the conqueror of women's hearts, in whose life one love adventure gives way to another, while Andrei-Sagittarius sincerely loves all his women, but his ardent feelings cool down very quickly. Only an original and unusual woman can keep such a Casanova near her.

Andrew - Capricorn

This is a hardworking, persistent and extremely conscientious person who is ready to work 24 hours a day to achieve his goal and the well-being of his family.

As his wife, Andrei-Capricorn chooses an economic and domestic woman who can become a real rear for him.

Andrey - Aquarius

This is a soft, good-natured and sensual person with a rich imagination who tends to idealize people (which is why Andrei-Aquarius is often disappointed in people who ultimately do not meet his high ideals). A strong union is possible only with a strong and self-confident woman who knows her worth.

Andrew - Pisces

Life's difficulties can lead the timid, vulnerable and impressionable Andrei-Pisces to nervous breakdowns. He treats the people around him with understanding and is always ready to help. He is loved by his children and his wife, whom he simply idolizes.

Compatibility of the name Andrey with female names

Andrey and Olga

This is a creative union that is built on common interests, and these interests can be both personal and business. But you should beware of a certain frivolity in relationships, which may call into question the trust between partners Andrey and Olga.

Andrey and Anna

This is a very interesting couple, which may seem strange, because Anna and Andrey are far from the realities of the modern world, in which money and power rule. They are focused on each other and on self-development, but still they should not forget about reality, otherwise the relationship will not work out.

Andrey and Elena

Andrey and Anastasia

This strong union is based on trust, respect for traditions, hard work and determination of both partners. The love between Andrey and Anastasia is a symbiosis of tenderness, friendship and trust. But there is a lack of passion in these relationships, which over time can negatively affect the intimate side of life.

Andrey and Tatiana

The spirit of adventure unites Andrey and Tatyana; they are attracted by changes and new discoveries. Undoubtedly, such adventurism will not let the couple get bored, but lack of stability can negatively affect family life, especially when the couple has children.

Andrey and Ekaterina

Integrity, the desire for leadership and authority both unite partners (if Andrei and Ekaterina run a joint business, then success is guaranteed for them) and separate them (partners often begin a struggle for power in the family). Only patience and understanding will help preserve this union.

Andrey and Natalya

This is far from a harmonious and easy marriage, in which a woman lives with emotions, and a man with a sober mind. Natalia wants more freedom, while selfish Andrei is not ready to make concessions to his beloved.

Andrey and Irina

This is a strong union in which mutual understanding, support, love and absolute trust reign. Irina does not seek to take on the role of head of the family; on the contrary, she is happy to subordinate her life to the interests of the family. Andrey loves and appreciates his wife.

Andrey and Maria

In this couple, both partners know how to enjoy life, while they prefer to spend their energy on achievable goals rather than on illusory dreams.

Andrey and Alina

Andrey loves Alina and idolizes her for her femininity and tenderness. Alina appreciates in her partner his care and ability to defend his interests. But careerist Andrei may lose his family if he does not pay due attention to it.

Andrey and Diana

Such independent individuals as Andrei and Diana can create a wonderful partner tandem, while in family life their ambitions and uncompromisingness can interfere with building strong relationships.

Andrey and Evgenia

This is a very strong union in which partners try to surprise each other, give new emotions that fuel feelings. Andrei and Evgeniya love to travel, and the birth of children does not prevent them from traveling. This is an active family in which conflicts and misunderstandings rarely occur.

Andrey and Daria

This couple can be called ideal, because the goal of both is to create a strong family in which harmony and understanding reign. Andrei and Daria do not fight for leadership, preferring equality in relationships.

Andrey and Olesya

Devotion, love, passion - this is the basis of the relationship between Andrei and Olesya. They know how to find new colors in everyday things, which helps them discover new facets of each other every day.

Andrey and Alena

This is a harmonious relationship in which sexual life is given one of the leading importance. At the same time, the passion between Andrei and Alena not only does not cool down, but, on the contrary, ignites. The main thing in this couple is to prevent a war of interpersonal interests.

Andrey and Margarita

Andrey and Alla

This is an alliance in which there is no place for routine, and this often negatively affects the relationship between Andrei and Alla. They know how to love passionately and hate passionately, be gentle and aggressive. Excessive emotionality of partners leads to the fact that the couple ultimately breaks up.

Andrey and Elizabeth

These dissimilar people feel great in each other’s company, but different life guidelines can become an insurmountable obstacle for Andrei and Elizabeth on the path to a happy family life.

Andrey and Veronica

This is a very promising union, uniting two cheerful and energetic people who can turn their lives into a real holiday. In addition, Andrei and Veronica are wonderful lovers, which is important in family life.

Alena and Andrey create a harmonious love couple. A romantic man is attracted to this sensual woman. For a long time after meeting, he does not admit to himself that he has fallen in love. When he has no doubt about the truth of his feelings, he decides to open his heart. A woman likes this man at first sight. The moment of declaration of love from him becomes one of the happiest in her life.

The family life of these people is going well. The wife becomes an excellent housewife and homemaker. The man dissolves in his chosen one and idolizes her and his children. Joint travel and experiments in intimate life contribute to strengthening marriage.

Compatibility in friendship 92%

Alena and Andrey become devoted friends. An emotional attachment is formed between them, which protects them from quarrels and disagreements.

A man who previously felt flawed and rejected by society, after meeting this woman, begins to breathe deeply. Thanks to her support, he feels important, which strengthens his fortitude. A vulnerable and distrustful woman in the company of a friend develops strong-willed character traits. She sees his intelligence and sense of humor as a source of inspiration.

Work compatibility 87%

The cooperation between Alena and Andrey is yielding positive results. A woman does not contradict if a man undertakes to lead their union and makes serious decisions on his own. A man's goals do not contradict the interests of his partner. He is not prone to waste. With his frugality, he often saves their business union from financial problems. If a partner wants to invest in an adventurous project, minor misunderstandings are possible.