Prophetic Oleg. Myths and reality

Wisdom central character, revealing itself unexpectedly to those around him, is also characteristic of another monument of hagiographic literature, which was originally formed, apparently, in the same period - “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia.” One of the most outstanding monuments of ancient Russian hagiography and literature in general, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia,” like “The Life of Mikhail Klopsky,” arose from local material (Peter and Fevronia were saints of the Murom principality), but acquired a nationwide literary distribution.
The question of the origin of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is complex and has caused controversy in scientific literature. At present, it can apparently be considered established that the written text of the Tale that has reached us dates back to no earlier than the middle of the 16th century. and was created by the writer and publicist of this era Ermolai Erasmus. However, already in the 15th century. There was a church service for Peter and Fevronia, where the main motives of the story were mentioned - Peter's victory over the serpent, his marriage to Fevronia and their joint burial. It is quite possible, therefore, that Ermolai, like other medieval hagiographers, subjected the already existing hagiographic story to stylistic processing. We will turn to the story of Ermolai Erasmus later; For now, let’s outline the main plot of the life.
The plot of the life of Peter and Fevronia is not like most hagiographic stories. Here there is neither suffering for the faith, nor the martyrdom of the heroes, confirming their holiness. The heroes of the story have very little connection with history; attempts to establish them historical prototypes doubtful; for the XV–XVI centuries. these heroes, in any case, were characters of the distant past. In the center of the story is the peasant girl Fevronia, who agreed to heal Prince Peter, who fell ill from the snake blood that spilled on him. As a reward for this, Fevronia demands that the prince marry her. At the beginning, Peter tries to “tempt” Fevronia: while washing in the bathhouse before being cured, he sends Fevronia a piece of flax and demands that she weave “srachitsa and ports and ubrusets” out of it. But Fevronia acts as befits a folk cunning person who is being fooled (cf., for example, Akira at the court of the Egyptian king): she responds with absurdity to absurdity, agreeing to fulfill Peter’s request on the condition that the prince prepares a loom for her from a sliver of wood. The healed prince’s attempt to simply break his promise ends just as unsuccessfully: Fevronia prudently ordered to smear all his ulcers (received from snake blood), except one, and Peter’s treachery leads to the fact that from “that scab many scabs began to disperse on his body”; For a final cure, Peter has to fulfill his promise. After the death of his brother, Peter takes the throne of the Murom principality. When the rebellious boyars decide to expel the peasant princess from Murom, she agrees to leave if she is allowed to take with her what she asks. The boyars agree, and the princess asks “only for my husband, Prince Peter.” Peter follows her. In the end, Peter and Fevronia safely “rule” in Murom; after the “death of the bath” (simultaneous death) and separate burial, they nevertheless find themselves reunited “in a single tomb.”
The connection of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” with oral folk art and the reflection of “world” folklore motifs in it are very significant and have been repeatedly noted in the scientific literature. However, the existing records of fairy tales and legends about these saints are late (not earlier late XIX century) and were already formed under the influence of the written hagiographic tradition (although, perhaps, they also include genuine folklore motives). The plot of the Tale combines two main fairy tale plotfairy tale about fighting with a snake and a short story about a wise peasant girl who marries a noble man and undergoes difficult trials. The hero of the life, Peter, falls ill after defeating the snake; Fevronia cures him of ulcers. This plot brings the Tale closer to the Celtic legend and the medieval Western novel about Tristan and Isolde: like Fevronia, Isolde heals Tristan, who fell ill from the blood of the dragon; The theme of the reunion of the heroes after death also coincides with “Tristan and Isolde” (in the Tale the heroes miraculously find themselves in a single coffin; in the legend of Tristan, a thorn bush grows from his grave, connecting it with Isolde’s grave). The combination of the plot of an unequal marriage of a peasant woman and a noble man with the motive of healing the groom is not typical for the Russian fairy tales known to us, but the same combination is inherent in Boccaccio’s short story about Gillette of Narbonne (“Decameron”, day 3, short story 9) and Shakespeare’s comedy “All is well that ends well,” probably such a contaminated plot existed in Russian folklore of the 15th century.
The plot of the life of Peter and Fevronia, therefore, belongs to the number of the most popular plots of world literature. To its specific development in Old Russian writing we will address in further presentation, in connection with the development of narrative literature XVI V.

More on the topic The Tale of Peter and Fevronia (original plot).:

  1. 2. History and fiction. A “fairytale” story about Azov, a story about the beginning of Moscow, a story about the Tver Otroche Monastery
Alexander asks
Answered by Alexandra Lanz, 07/15/2011

Question: "Lest you become corrupt and make graven images for yourselves,images of some kind of reptile crawling on the ground...

Why did God command not to depict the creeping things that are on the earth for worship, then gave instructions to make a copper serpent, i.e. image of a reptile crawling on the ground?..."

Peace be with you, Alexander!

Let's be very careful about the texts and stories of the Bible. Well, you quite correctly began to reason... “why did God command not to depict for worship the reptiles that are on earth...”, but then you stopped. The key word here is worship. Yes, God forbade making an image of anything for the purpose of worship. Glory to him forever for this wise commandment! The fact is that a person is transformed into what he looks at, and if a person, for example, imagines God or His power, etc., as some kind of crawling reptile... then you yourself understand what will eventually begin to happen. The Lord wants us to understand all of His infinity, limitlessness, incredible power and not try to fit all this into something material, because only in this way, in the absence of material, will we always have before us an infinitely correct and holy example for our eternal growth in perfection .

Now let's carefully read the story of the snakes:

“...and the people spoke against God and against Moses: Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die in the desert, for [here] there is neither bread nor water, and our souls are disgusted with this worthless food. And the Lord sent poisonous serpents among the people, which bit the people, and many of the people of Israel died. And the people came to Moses and said: We have sinned in that we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord to remove the snakes from us. And Moses prayed for the people. And the Lord said to Moses: Make yourself a serpent and display it on a banner, and the one who is bitten will look at it and live. And Moses made a brass serpent and set it up on a banner, and when the serpent bit the man, he looked at the brass serpent and lived” (Num. 21:5-9).

I think you can already see that this is clearly not a matter of worshiping God. There is no teaching here that, say, come, worship, do something else, read a prayer and the problem will be solved. On the contrary, everything is terribly simple: did the snake bite? run to the brass serpent and look at it, and the poison will not work. There is no contradiction here with the second commandment.

Let's try to get to the heart of this story, shall we?

The people of Israel are already at the end of their forty years of wandering in the desert. Those who once refused to enter the promised (promised by God) land, relying on the power and love of God, died in the wilderness, and now their children are again approaching the borders of the promised land. And what? They suddenly begin to grumble just like their parents once did! Moreover, they complain about the obvious miracle that accompanied them for forty years, which fed them, giving them strength and health: “Our soul is sick of this worthless food”. They are talking about MANA, about the food that fell every day straight from Heaven where the tents of the Israelites stood! ( ; ) Oh, how they suddenly became dissatisfied with God, oh, how it reminds... the dissatisfaction with God that arose in the hearts of Adam and his wife when they believed the serpent, who told them that God had hidden the best things from them, had forbidden them they eat from the tree, which will give them EVERYTHING.

The fact that the Lord made an attempt to bring His people to reason with snakes is not at all accidental. From the very beginning, the snake became a symbol of sin, a symbol of resistance to the good and correct will of the Creator. Why is our life often so bad and shaky? Because we are bitten by snakes - our own sins, the sins of our parents and grandparents. We are stung by the temptations to which we succumb.

“And the Lord sent poisonous snakes among the people, which bit the people...” Yes, this happened in reality, but this is a lesson for you and me: the Lord doesn’t even need to send real snakes to us, because they already live in our hearts and bite us at every opportunity: envy, hatred, carnal lusts, pride, laziness... “and a great multitude of the [sons of] Israel died” Why will many people die without ever entering the Kingdom of God, into the very land that, in fact, was promised to all the children of the Most High? Because they allowed those snakes in their hearts to bite them.

“And the people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned in that we have spoken against the Lord and against you; pray to the Lord to remove the snakes from us. And Moses prayed for the people." There were, however, those who realized that real snakes were God’s attempt to bring them to reason; they thought about the way of salvation in the situation that had arisen through their own fault. They came to Moses asking him to help them escape. So we, tired of our meaningless and mediocre life, which torments us and our loved ones, suddenly begin to look for someone who can give us at least hope of being able to breathe freely, give us at least a ray of hope that It is possible to free ourselves from those vipers that sting us from the inside. “And Moses prayed for the people.”

“And the Lord said to Moses: Make yourself a serpent and display it on a banner, and the one who is bitten will look at it and live.”

The serpent was not made for worship, but for salvation in this particular situations. Those who stung and killed crawled on the ground and hid. The one who was supposed to save was raised high above the ground, and by looking at it, a person, in fact, looked into the SKY, where only salvation could come from. No matter how big and terrible this serpent was, SKY was always infinitely larger and stronger than him. The same SKY that had been giving them life-giving manna for 40 years was open to again give them life, which they suddenly began to refuse with their murmur.

The Lord was incredibly wise in refusing to simply remove the snakes from the Israelites. No! He gave each of them the opportunity to make an independent choice: will you stubbornly sit in your tent, trying to recover from the bite through your own efforts, or will you go outside and look into the SKY, thereby recognizing your complete powerlessness to do anything for your salvation.

Also note that Moses made the serpent out of copper. Moses understood the symbolism of copper very well. All items of the Sanctuary that were directly related to the cleansing of sin, i.e. one way or another came into contact with sin, they were made of copper, therefore the saving serpent had to be made of copper. He became a symbol of the focus of SIN, which kills. Do you understand? There was no way it could be used for worship.

By the way, the Israelites became corrupted, departing from God, and one day began to worship this very serpent. Really worship him. And what was done then?

“In the third year of Hoshea the son of Elah king of Israel, Hezekiah reigned, son of Ahaz, king of Judah. ... And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord in everything as David his father did; he abolished the heights, smashed the statues, cut down the oak grove and he destroyed the bronze serpent which Moses had made, because until those very days the children of Israel burned incense to him and called him Nehushtan” ().


Read more on the topic “Interpretation of Scripture”:

The bites of poisonous snakes are deadly, but there are people who prove by their own example that every rule has exceptions. American Bill Haast became famous for opening his own serpentarium in Miami, where he kept rattlesnakes. He suffered more than 170 bites from his charges during his life, but died at the age of 100.

The Haast Serpentarium is perhaps the most famous attraction in Florida. Every year, more than 50 thousand tourists visited Haast’s performances; they looked with bated breath as the serpentologist took his charges with his bare hands, without fear of bites, and began to milk them.

Over the years, Haast has tried to prove that by developing an immunity to snake venom and using it as medicine, one can be cured of various diseases, including multiple sclerosis and lupus, arthritis and Parkinson's disease. Haast proposed using a “cocktail” of venom from five snakes - cobra, water snake, krait, mamba and rattlesnake. Needless to say, such experiments would not be approved by any government agency.

To develop immunity, Bill Haast regularly took injections containing snake venom, gradually increasing the dose. Bill had been working with snakes all his adult life, so milking them was a common thing. He began collecting snakes at the age of 16, as soon as he graduated from school, and by the age of 19 he was already doing it quite professionally. During the war, Bill served in the air force, he visited South America, Africa and India and, taking the opportunity, brought several snakes to America, including his first cobra. In those years, the law did not yet prohibit the transportation of snakes on an airplane, however, the crew members were not at all happy about the proximity of the reptiles.

The Serpentarium was founded in 1947. For the first five years, only Haast’s family was involved in it - himself, his wife and young son. Bill Jr. fell victim to snakes four times and soon completely lost interest in his father's business. Haast himself set a record that was included in the Guinness Book: by mid-2008, he had already received 172 bites. The absence of several fingers on his hands reminded him of this. One of the cobra bites that Haast received in the 1950s turned out to be critical. Then he went to the hospital, they ordered the strongest vaccine from India, but the serpentologist refused to use it and soon recovered.

Haast often acted as a blood donor in cases where it was urgently necessary to save patients from snake bites. In total, about 20 lives were saved thanks to him. In the 1950s, Haast donated blood for researchers at the University of Miami to develop a polio vaccine.

In the Haast Serpentarium, everyone could get up close and personal with snakes. It is worth noting that strict safety rules were introduced after a six-year-old child fell into a pit with a 12-pound crocodile named Cookie in 1977. The incident ended in the death of the child, although before that the crocodile had not tarnished its reputation in any way for 20 years. The incident shocked Haast so much that the next day he shot his pet.

Working programm in literature in 7th grade "B"

for 2015-2016 academic year


The work program on literature for grade 7 was created on the basis of the federal component of the state standard of basic general education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and an exemplary program of general educational institutions“Literature” edited by V.Ya. Korovina, M. “Enlightenment.” The course is taught through the teaching aid: textbook “Literature. 7th grade” edited by V.Ya Korovina. The textbook is included in the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in educational organizations implementing educational programs of general education and having state accreditation (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education").

The following documents were used as the starting point for drawing up the program:

    the federal law dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in Russian Federation"(with subsequent changes and additions).

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the federal component of state standards for primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 03/09/2004 No. 1312 “On approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs” with amendments and additions.

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs of primary general, basic general, and secondary general education that have state accreditation” (with subsequent amendments and additions).

    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Orenburg Region No. 01-21/1063 dated August 13, 2014 “On approval of the regional basic curriculum and model curricula for general education organizations of the Orenburg Region” (with amendments and additions).

    Main educational program MBOU "Akbulak Secondary School No. 3" (level of basic general education).

    Curriculum of MBOU "Akbulak Secondary School No. 3" for the 2015 - 2016 academic year.

general characteristics academic subject

Literature – basic academic discipline, shaping the spiritual appearance and moral guidelines younger generation. She owns it leading place in emotional, intellectual and aesthetic development schoolchildren, in the formation of his worldview and national identity, without which it is impossible spiritual development the nation as a whole. Specificity of literature as school subject is determined by the essence of literature as a cultural phenomenon: literature aesthetically masters the world, expressing the richness and diversity of human existence in artistic images. It has a great influence on readers, introducing them to the moral and aesthetic values ​​of the nation and humanity.

The approximate program is compiled taking into account continuity with the program primary school, laying the foundations literary education. At the level of basic general education it is necessary to continuework to improve the skill of conscious, correct, fluent and expressive reading, development of perception literary text, the formation of reading skills, cultivating interest in reading and books, the need for communication with the world of fiction.

The basis of the content of literature as an educational subject is reading and textual study of works of art, which make up the golden fund of Russian literature. classics. Every classic work is always relevant, as it is addressed to eternal human values. The student comprehends the categories of goodness, justice, honor, patriotism, love for man, family; understands that national identity is revealed in a broad cultural context. Holistic perception and understanding of a work of art, the formation of the ability to analyze and interpret a literary text is possible only with the appropriate emotional and aesthetic reaction of the reader. Its quality directly depends on reading competence, including the ability to enjoy works of verbal art, developed artistic taste, the required amount of historical and theoretical literary knowledge and skills that meets age characteristics student.

The literature course is based on the following types of activities to master the content of works of art and theoretical and literary concepts:

    conscious, creative reading works of art of different genres;

    expressive reading literary text;

    various types of retelling (detailed, brief, selective, with elements of commentary, with a creative task);

    answers to questions that reveal knowledge and understanding of the text of the work;

    memorizing poetic and prose texts;

    analysis and interpretation of the work;

    drawing up plans and writing reviews of works;

    writing essays based on literary works and life experiences;

    targeted search for information based on knowledge of its sources and the ability to work with them.

The academic subject “Literature” is one of the most important parts of the educational field “Philology” . The relationship between literature and the Russian language is determined by the traditions of school education and the deep connection between the communicative and aesthetic functions of the word. The art of words reveals all the richness of the national language, which requires attention to the language in its artistic function, and mastering the Russian language is impossible without constant reference to works of art. Mastering literature as an academic subject is the most important condition for a student’s speech and linguistic literacy. Literary education contributes to the formation of his speech culture.

Literature is closely related to other academic subjects and, first of all, to the Russian language. The unity of these disciplines ensures, first of all, a common philological sciences the subject of study is the word as a unit of language and speech, its functioning in various spheres, including aesthetics. The content of both courses is based on the fundamentals basic sciences(linguistics, stylistics, literary studies, folkloristics, etc.) and involves the comprehension of language and literature as national and cultural values. Both the Russian language and literature form the communicative skills that underlie human activity and thinking. Literature also interacts with the disciplines of the artistic cycle (music, fine arts, world artistic culture): Literature lessons develop an aesthetic attitude towards the world around us. Together with history and social science, literature addresses problems directly related to the social essence of man, forms historicism in thinking, enriches the cultural and historical memory of students, not only contributes to the development of knowledge in humanitarian subjects, but also forms in students an active attitude to reality, to nature, to the entire surrounding world.

One of the components of literary education is the literary creativity of students. Creative works various genres contribute to the development of analytical and imaginative thinking student, significantly shaping his general culture and social and moral guidelines.


The study of literature in basic school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    upbringing a spiritually developed personality, the formation of a humanistic worldview, civic consciousness, a sense of patriotism, love and respect for literature and the values ​​of national culture;

    development emotional perception of literary text, figurative and analytical thinking, creative imagination, reading culture and understanding author's position; the formation of initial ideas about the specifics of literature among other arts, the need for independent reading of works of art; development of students' oral and written speech;

    development texts of literary works in the unity of form and content, basic historical and literary information and theoretical and literary concepts;

    mastery of skills reading and analyzing works of art using basic literary concepts and necessary information on the history of literature; identifying specific historical and universal human content in works; correct use of Russian literary language when creating your own oral and written statements.

The place of literature in the federal basic curriculum

The basic curriculum of the MBOU "Akbulak Secondary School No. 3" allocates 102 hours for the compulsory study of the academic subject "Literature" in the 7th grade (at the rate of 3 academic hours per week: 2 hours - from the federal component, 1 hour - from the component of the educational organization).


As a result of studying literature, a 7th grade student should


  • the figurative nature of verbal art;

    the content of the studied literary works;

    basic facts of the life and creative path of A.S. Griboedov, A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol;

    studied theoretical and literary concepts;

be able to

    perceive and analyze literary text;

    highlight the semantic parts of a literary text, draw up abstracts and a plan for what you read;

    determine the type and genre of a literary work;

    highlight and formulate the theme, idea, problems of the studied work; characterize the characters

    characterize the features of the plot, composition, the role of visual expressive means;

    compare episodes of literary works and compare their characters;

    express your attitude to what you read;

    master various types of retelling;

    construct oral and written statements in connection with the studied work;

    participate in a dialogue on the works you read, understand other people’s points of view and defend your own with reason;

    write reviews of independently read works, essays (essays are only for graduates of schools with Russian (native) language of instruction).

use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life For:

    creating coherent text (oral and written) on the required topic taking into account the norms of the Russian literary language;

    determining your reading range and evaluating literary works;

    searching for the necessary information about literature, about a specific work and its author (reference literature, periodicals, television, Internet resources).


The image of man as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature. The relationship between characters and circumstances in a work of art. The writer’s work, his position, attitude towards the imperfections of the world and the desire for a moral and aesthetic ideal.

ORAL FOLK ARTS – 9 hours

Legends. Poetic autobiography of the people. Oral history about historical events. "Accession Ivan the Terrible", "Magpie-Witches", "Peter and the Carpenter".

Epics."Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich." The embodiment of the moral properties of the Russian people in the epic, the glorification of peaceful labor. Mikula is a bearer of the best human qualities (hard work, skill, self-esteem, kindness, generosity, physical strength).

Kyiv cycle of epics. "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber." Selfless service to the Motherland and people, courage, justice, sense of self virtues are the main character traits of Ilya Muromets. (One optional epic is studied.) For extracurricular reading.

Novgorod cycle of epics."Sadko." The originality of the epic, Poetry. Thematic difference between the Kyiv and Novgorod cycles of epics. The originality of the epic verse."Kalevala" - Karelian-Finnish mythological epic. A depiction of the life of the people, their national traditions, customs, workdays and holidays. The blacksmith Ilmarinen and the witch Louhi as representatives of the light and dark worlds of Karelian-Finnish epic songs (For extracurricular reading).

Theory of literature. Tradition (development of ideas). Hyperbole (development of ideas). Bylina. Runes. Mythological epic ( initial presentations).

Proverbs and sayings. Folk wisdom proverbs and sayings. Expression in them of the spirit of the national language. Collections of proverbs. Collectors of proverbs. Accuracy and accuracy of language. Brevity and expressiveness. Direct and figurative sense proverbs Proverbs of the peoples of the world. Similarities and differences of proverbs different countries world on one topic (epithets, comparisons, metaphors).

Theory of literature. Heroic epic, aphoristic genres of folklore. Proverbs, sayings (development of ideas).


"Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh (excerpt), "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Moral precepts of Ancient Rus'. Attention to the individual, anthem love and fidelity.

Theory of literature. Teaching (initial ideas).

"The Tale of Bygone Years." Excerpt “On the benefits of books.” Formation of a tradition of respect for books.

Theory of literature. Chronicle (development of ideas).


Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov. A short story about a scientist and poet.

“To the statue of Peter the Great”, “Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna 1747”(excerpt). Lomonosov's confidence in the future of Russian science and its creators. Patriotism. Call to the world. Recognition of labor and actions for the benefit of the Motherland as the most important feature of a citizen.

Theory of literature. Ode (initial performances).

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. A short story about the poet.

“The river of times in its aspiration...”, “On bird...", "Confession". Reflections on the meaning of life, on fate. Affirmation of the need for creative freedom.


Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. A short story about the writer.

"Poltava" ("Battle of Poltava"), "Bronze Horseman" (intro “On the Shore” desert waves...»), "Song about the prophetic Oleg." Pushkin's interest in Russian history. Mastery in depicting the Battle of Poltava, glorification courage and bravery of Russian soldiers. Expression of feeling love for the Motherland. Comparison of commanders (Peter I and Charles XII). The author's attitude towards the characters. Chronicle source of “Songs about the prophetic Oleg”. Features of the composition. The originality of the language. The meaning of the comparison between Oleg and sorcerer. Artistic reproduction of life and customs Ancient Rus'.

Theory of literature. Ballad (development of ideas).

"Boris Godunov" (scene in the Chudov Monastery). The image of a chronicler as an image of an ancient Russian writer. Pimen's monologue: reflections on the work of the chronicler as a moral feat. Truth as the goal of chronicle narration and as a testament to future generations.

"Stationmaster" Image " little man", his position in society. Awakening human dignity and a sense of protest. Tragic and humanistic in the story.

Theory of literature. Story (development of ideas).

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov. A short story about the poet.

“A song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich, a young guardsman and swashbuckling merchant Kalashnikov." Poem about historical past of Rus'. Pictures of everyday life of the 16th century, their significance for understanding the characters and ideas of the poem. The meaning of the clash between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible. Kalashnikov's defense of the human dignity, his willingness to stand for the truth to the end. Features of the plot of the poem. The author's attitude to depicted. The connection of the poem with works of oral folk art. Evaluation of heroes from the perspective of the people. Images of guslars. Language and verse of the poem.

“When the yellowing field is agitated...”, “Prayer”, “Angel”. The poem “Angel” as a memory of ideal harmony, of “heavenly” sounds remaining in the memory of the soul, the experience of bliss, the fullness of life forces associated with the beauty of nature and its manifestations. “Prayer” (“In difficult moments of life...”) - readiness rush towards familiar harmonious sounds, symbolizing the expected happiness on earth.

Theory of literature. Folklorism of literature (development of ideas).

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. A short story about the writer.

"Taras Bulba". Glorifying military camaraderie, condemning betrayal. The heroism and dedication of Taras and his fellow Cossacks in the struggle for the liberation of their native land. Contrasting Ostap with Andriy, the meaning of this contrast. Patriotic pathos of the story. Features of the depiction of people and nature in the story.

Theory of literature. Historical and folklore basis works. Types of literature: epic (development of the concept). Literary hero (development of the concept).

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. A short story about the writer.

"Biryuk." Depiction of the life of peasants, author's attitude to the disenfranchised and disadvantaged. Mastery of landscape painting. Artistic features of the story. "Bezhin Meadow" Reflection of the essential features of Russian national character in stories. Author's thoughts about the life of the people. The role of psychological detail. Landscape mastery

Poems in prose. « Russian language". Turgenev about the wealth and beauty of the Russian language. Native language as a person’s spiritual support. "Twins", "Two Rich Men". Morality and human relationships.

Theory of literature. Poems in prose.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov . A short story about the writer.

"Russian women" (“Princess Trubetskoy”),Historical background poems. The greatness of the spirit of Russian women who followed their convicted husbands to Siberia. Artistic features of Nekrasov's historical poems.

“Reflections at the Front Entrance.” The poet's pain for the fate of the people. The originality of Nekrasov's muse.

Theory of literature. Poem (development of the concept). Three-syllable verse meters (development of the concept).

Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy . The word is poetic.

Historical ballads "Vasily Shibanov" And "Mikhailo Repnin." Reproduction of the historical flavor of the era. Truth and fiction. Old Russian theme “chivalry” opposing autocracy.

Theory of literature. Ballad (development of the concept).

Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. A short story about the writer.

Features of the plots and issues of "fairy tales for children" of considerable age". An exposure of the moral vices of society, a satire on lordly Rus'. The image of the people in fairy tales. Reflection of paradoxes folk life in fairy tales. Advantages and disadvantages folk character. Aesopian language. Allegory, fantasy, folklore motifs in fairy tales. "Wild landowner." For independent reading.

Theory of literature. Grotesque (initial ideas).

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. A short story about the descriptor.

"Childhood". Chapters from the story: “Classes”, “Natalya Savishna”, “Maman”, etc. Relationships between children and adults. Manifestations of the hero’s feelings, ruthlessness towards himself, analysis of his own actions.

Theory of literature. Autobiographical work of fiction (development of the concept). Hero-narrator(development of the concept).

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. A short story about the writer.

"Chameleon". A living picture of morals. Ridicule of cowardice and servility. The meaning of the story's title. " Speaking surnames"as a means of humorous characterization.

“Intruder”, “Slut”. The versatility of the comic in the stories of A.P. Chekhov. (For reading and discussion.)

Theory of literature. Satire and humor as forms of the comic (development of ideas).

“You are my land, my dear land!” Russian poems poets of the 19th century century about my nativenature.F. Tyutchev "The kite rose from the clearing …» A. Fet “I won’t tell you anything...

V. Zhukovsky."The Coming of Spring"; A.K. Tolstoy.“You are my land, my dear land...”, “Blagovest”. A poetic depiction of native nature and an expression of the author’s mood and worldview.


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. A short story about the writer.

"Numbers". Raising children in a family. The hero of the story: the complexity of mutual understanding between children and adults.

"Lapti." The spiritual wealth of a simple peasant.

Maksim Gorky. A short story about the writer.

"Childhood". Autobiographical nature of the story. Image " leaden abominations life." Grandfather Kashirin. “Bright, healthy, creative in Russian life” (Alyosha, grandmother, Gypsy, Good Deed). Depiction of everyday life and characters. belief creative forces people.

“The Old Woman Izergil” (“The Legend of Danko”).

Theory of literature. The concept of the theme and idea of ​​the work (initial ideas). Portrait as a means of characterizing the hero.

Leonid Nikolaevich Andreev. A short story about the writer.

"Nipper". A feeling of compassion for our smaller brothers, the heartlessness of heroes. The humanistic pathos of the work.

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. A short story about the writer.

The author's thoughts on the role of poetry in human life and society. Originality poetic rhythm, word creativity of Mayakovsky.

"Good attitude towards horses." Two views of the world: indifference, heartlessness of the tradesman and humanism, kindness, compassion of the lyrical hero of the poem.

Theory of literature. Lyrical hero (initial representations). Enriching knowledge about rhythm and rhyme. Tonic versification (initial ideas).

Andrey Platonovich Platonov. A short story about the writer.

"Yushka." The main character of the work, his dissimilarity from the people around him, his spiritual generosity. The love and hatred of the people surrounding the hero. Yushka is an unsung hero with a big heart. Awareness of the need for compassion and respect for people. The uniqueness and value of each human person.

"In beautifulAndfurious world." Work as the moral content of human life, the idea of ​​kindness, mutual understanding, life for others. The originality of the language of Platonov’s prose (for independent reading).

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak. A word about the poet.

“July”, “No one will be in the house...”. Pictures of nature transformed by Pasternak's poetic vision. Similes and metaphors in art world poet.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky. A short story about the poet.

“The snow will darken blue...”, “July is the crown of summer...”, “At the bottom of my life...”. The poet's reflections on the relationship between man and nature, on the inseparability the fate of man and people.

Theory of literature. Lyrical hero (development of the concept).

On the roads of war

Interview with a poet - participant of the Great Patriotic War. Heroism, patriotism, dedication, difficulties and joys of the terrible years of war in the poems of poets who participated in the war: A. Akhmatova, K. Simonov, A. Tvardovsky, A. Surkov, N. Tikhonov and others. Rhythms and images of military lyrics.

Theory of literature. Journalism. Interview as a genre of journalism (initial ideas).

Fedor Alexandrovich Abramov. A short story about the writer.

"What do horses cry about?" Aesthetic and moral-ecological problems raised in the story.

Theory of literature. Literary traditions.

Evgeny Ivanovich Nosov. Brief story O writer.

"Doll" (“Akimych”), "Living Flame" The power of a person's inner, spiritual beauty. Protest against indifference, lack of spirituality, indifferent attitude towards people around us, nature. Awareness of the enormous role of beauty in the human soul and in the surrounding nature. The relationship between nature and man.

Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov. A short story about the descriptor.

"Quiet morning." Relationships between children, mutual assistance, mutual assistance. Characteristics of the heroes - rural and urban boys, understanding surrounding nature. The boy's feat and the joy of his own good deed.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev."Native Land" (chapters from the book). Spiritual guidance to youth.

Theory of literature. Journalism (development of ideas). Memoirs as a journalistic genre (initial ideas).

The writers smile.

M. Zoshchenko. A word about the writer.

Story "Trouble." Funny and sad in the writer's stories.

"My Quiet Homeland"

Poems about the Motherland, native nature, own perception of the environment (V. Bryusov, F. Sologub, S. Yesenin, N. Zabolotsky, N. Rubtsov). Human and nature. Expression of emotional moods and human states through the description of pictures of nature. General and individual in the perception of native nature by Russian poets.

Songs based on the words of Russian poets of the 20th century

A. Vertinsky."Daughters"; I. Goff."Russian field" B. Okudzhava.“On the Smolensk road...” Lyrical reflections on life, the rapidly flowing time. Light sadness of experiences.


Rasul Gamzatov. A short story about the Dagestan poet.

“Once again my native land is behind me...”, “I came here again and I don’t believe it myself...” (from the cycle “Eight Lines”), "About my Motherland." Return to the origins, the foundations of life. Understanding the maturity of one’s own age, the maturity of society, and a friendly disposition towards other people different nationalities. Features of artistic imagery of the Dagestan poet.


Robert Burns. Features of creativity.

"Honest Poverty" People's ideas about justice and honesty. The folk-poetic nature of the work.

George Gordon Byron.“You have finished your life, hero!” Hymn to the hero who died in the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland.

Japanese haiku (three verses). An image of the life of nature and human life in their indissoluble unity against the backdrop of the cycle of the seasons. A poetic picture drawn with one or two strokes.

Theory of literature. Features of the haiku (haiku) genre.

O.Henry."Gifts of the Magi." The power of love and devotion. Sacrifice in the name of love. Funny and sublime in the story.

Ray Douglas Bradbury. "Holidays".

Fantasy stories Rhea Bradbury as an expression of the desire to protect people from evil and danger on Earth. A dream of a miraculous victory of good.

Final lesson – 1 hour.

Educational and thematic plan for literature in 7th grade




Of them



extracurricular reading

Test papers



From ancient Russian literature.

From Russian literature XVIII century

From Russian literature of the 19th century.

From Russian literature of the 20th century.

From the literature of the peoples of Russia.

From foreign literature.

Results of the year.






The main forms of monitoring students’ knowledge and skills are:

  1. Composition.

    A detailed answer to the question.


    An oral monologue on a given topic.

    Expressive reading of the text (by speaker, by heart).

    Written analysis of a lyric work.

    Written analysis of the episode.

Thematic planning educational material in literature in 7th grade (102 hours)


Number of hours

Lesson topic

Scheduled date

Actual date

1 quarter

Introduction. The image of man as the most important ideological and moral problem of literature.

Folklore. Legends. “The Accession of Ivan the Terrible”, “The Magpie Witches”, “Peter and the Carpenter”.

Bylina. “Volga and Mikula.” Moral ideals Russian people.


Kyiv cycle of epics. "Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber." Character traits of Ilya Muromets.


Novgorod cycle of epics. "Sadko." The originality of the epic. Poetry of language.



Epic "Sadko"


Oral essay based on the painting by V. Vasnetsov “Bogatyrs”

Karelo-Finnish epic "Kalevala"

Russian proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world. Wisdom of Nations.

Old Russian literature. Vladimir Monomakh - sovereign and writer. "Teaching" by Vladimir Monomakh. An excerpt from “The Tale of Temporary Children” “On the benefits of books.”

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.”

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Moral ideals and covenants of Ancient Rus'.

High moral character main character. Celebrating love and fidelity.


Class essay “Man and his spiritual values ​​in ancient Russian literature”


Test on the topic “Russian folklore and ancient Russian literature”

Works of Russian writers of the 18th century.

M. V. Lomonosov. A word about the poet and scientist. "To the statue of Peter the Great."

M. V. Lomonosov“Ode on the Day of Ascension” (excerpt)

G. R. Derzhavin. Getting to know creativity. “The River of Times in Its Flow”, “On the Bird”, “Confession”.

Works of Russian writers of the 19th century. A. S. Pushkin. A word about the poet. Pushkin's interest in history.

“Poltava” (excerpt) Mastery in depicting the Battle of Poltava


Peter 1 and Charles 12. Comparative characteristics.

Preparing for a home essay “Comparative characteristics of Peter 1 and Charles 12”

A. S. Pushkin “The Bronze Horseman” (excerpt). An expression of love for one's homeland.

A. S. Pushkin “The Song of the Prophetic Oleg” and its chronicle source

2nd quarter

The meaning of the comparison between Oleg and the sorcerer.


Development of the concept of ballad. Features of the content and form of the ballad. The originality of the genre.

A. S. Pushkin - playwright. "Boris Godunov". Scene in the Chudov Monastery.

A. S. Pushkin “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.” "The Station Agent"

Images of Samson Vyrin and Dunya.


Essay on the story “The Station Agent”


M. Yu. Lermontov. Pages of life and creativity. "Song about the merchant Kalashnikov." Pictures of everyday life of the 16th century and their role in understanding the characters and ideas of the poem.

Moral duel between Kalashnikov and Kiribeevich and Ivan the Terrible. Fist fight on the Moscow River.

Folklore beginnings in the “Song about the Merchant Kalashnikov”... The image of the guslars and the author.

Plot features and artistic form poems


Preparing an essay based on the poem “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov...”


A. Tolstoy"Prince Silver"

M. Yu. Lermontov. “When the yellowing field is agitated.” The problem of harmony between man and nature. Nature in poetry and painting.

M. Yu. Lermontov “Prayer”, “Angel”.

Expressive reading lesson.

N.V. Gogol. Pages of life.

The history of the creation of the story “Taras Bulba” A lesson in the primary perception of Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba”

N.V. Gogol. "Taras Bulba". Historical commentary. Taras Bulba and his sons.

Moral character Taras Bulba and his fellow Cossacks. Zaporozhye Sich in the story.

The meaning of the contrast between Ostap and Andriy. Patriotic pathos of the story.

The tragedy of Taras Bulba

3rd quarter

Features of the depiction of nature and people in Gogol's story. Development of the concept of a literary hero.



Essay “The meaning of the comparison of Ostap and Andriy in Gogol’s story.”


Testing on the works of Pushkin, Lermontov and Gogol.

I. S. Turgenev. The history of the creation of “Notes of a Hunter”.

“Biryuk” as a work about the powerless and disadvantaged.

Turgenev's skill in depicting pictures of nature and internal state person. Artistic originality story.

I. S. Turgenev. Poems in prose.

A lesson in expressive reading of a poem in Turgenev’s prose “Russian Language”

N. A. Nekrasov. "Russian women". Historical basis of the poem. The greatness of the Russian woman's spirit.

Analysis of the episode “Meeting of Princess Trubetskoy with the Governor of Irkutsk”

The originality of the poetry of N. A. Nekrasov. N. A. Nekrasov “Reflections at the front entrance.” The poet's pain for the fate of the people.

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin .

“The story of how one man fed two generals.” Satirical image moral vices of society.

The meaning of the contrast between generals and peasants.


M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Wild Landowner”. The meaning of the name of the fairy tale. The concept of 12.02 grotesque.


Testing on the works of Turgenev, Nekrasov and Saltykov-Shchedrin

L. N. Tolstoy and Yasnaya Polyana.

“Childhood” (chapters). History of creation.

Autobiographical nature of the story

The main character of L. N. Tolstoy’s story “Childhood”, his feelings, actions, spiritual world. Preparing to write an essay.


Cool essay on the story “Childhood.”

I. A. Bunin"Numbers". Difficulty in mutual understanding between children and adults.

I. A. Bunin “Lapti”. The moral meaning of the story.

A. P. Chekhov Biography of the writer.

"Chameleon". A living picture of morals.

Means of creating the comic in A. P. Chekhov’s story “Chameleon”.


A. P. Chekhov “Intruder”



“You are my land, my native land...” Poems by Russian poets of the 19th century about native nature



Works of Russian writers of the 20th century.

M. Gorky. Biography of the writer. “Childhood” (chapters). Autobiographical nature of the story.



Depiction of the "leaden abominations of life"




Essay-characteristic of a literary hero.



“The Legend of Danko” from M. Gorky’s story “Old Woman Izergil”. Romantic character of the legend.



V. V. Mayakovsky « An Extraordinary Adventure, who was with Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.”

4th quarter



V.V. Mayakovsky “Good attitude towards horses.”



L. N. Andreev"Nipper". Compassion and heartlessness as criteria of human morality. The story “Petka at the Dacha”



A. P. Platonov"Yushka." Friends and enemies of the main character.




A.P. Platonov “In a beautiful and furious world.”




Class essay “Do we need empathy and compassion in life?”



B. L. Pasternak. “July”, “No one will be in the house...”



Interview with a poet who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Poetry A. T. Tvardovsky. Philosophical problems in the lyrics of A. T. Tvardovsky. Development of the concept of a lyrical hero.



The difficulties and joys of the terrible years of war in the poems of Akhmatova, Simonov, Surkov, Tvardovsky, Tikhonov. Songs of the war years.



F. Abramov"What do horses cry about?"



The concept of literary tradition. Literary traditions in the story.



E. I. Nosov"Doll". Moral issues story.



E. I. Nosov “Living Flame”. Education holistic analysis epic work.



Yu. P. Kazakov“Quiet Morning” The characters of the story and their actions.



D. S. Likhachev."Native Land"



Poems by poets of the 20th century about the homeland, native nature.



M. Zoshchenko"Trouble." Funny and sad in the writer's stories.



Songs based on the words of Russian poets of the 20th century



Rasul Gamzatov. A story about a poet. The poet's reflections on the origins and foundations of life.



Foreign literature. R. Burns"Honest Poverty"



D. G. Byron. A word about the poet. “You have ended your life, hero...” as a glorification of a feat in the name of the freedom of the Motherland.



Japanese haiku. Features of the genre.



O.Henry“Gifts of the Magi” Devotion and sacrifice in the name of love.



R. Bradbury. A word about the writer. "Holidays".



Summarizing. Recommendations for the summer.

Criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in literature.

1. Evaluation of oral answers

When assessing oral answers, the teacher is guided by the following basic criteria within the program of this class:

    knowledge of the text and understanding of the ideological and artistic content of the studied work;

    the ability to explain the relationship of events, the character and actions of the characters;

    understanding the role artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the studied work;

    knowledge of theoretical and literary concepts and the ability to use this knowledge when analyzing works studied in class and read independently;

    the ability to analyze a work of art in accordance with the leading ideas of the era;

    be able to speak monologue literary speech, answer the question posed logically and consistently, read a literary text fluently, correctly and expressively.

When assessing oral answers based on literature, the following criteria may be used:

Mark "5": the answer reveals solid knowledge and deep understanding of the text of the work being studied; the ability to explain the relationship of events, the character and actions of the characters, the role of artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work; use text to support your conclusions; reveal the connection between the work and the era; fluent monologue speech.

Mark "4": awarded for an answer that demonstrates solid knowledge and a sufficiently deep understanding of the text of the work being studied; for the ability to explain the interconnection of events, the characters and actions of the characters and the role of the main artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work; the ability to use the text of a work to substantiate one’s conclusions; have good command of monologue literary speech; however, they allow 2-3 inaccuracies in the answer.

Mark "3": The answer is assessed, indicating mainly knowledge and understanding of the text of the work being studied, the ability to explain the relationship of basic means in revealing the ideological and artistic content of the work, but insufficient ability to use this knowledge when analyzing the work. There may be several errors in the content of the answer, not enough Fluency monologue speech, a number of shortcomings in the composition and language of the answer, inconsistency of the reading level with the established standards for this class.

Mark "2": the answer reveals ignorance of essential issues of the content of the work; inability to explain the behavior and characters of the main characters and the role of the most important artistic means in revealing the ideological and aesthetic content of the work, poor command of monologue speech and reading techniques, poverty of expressive means of language.

2. Essay evaluation

Evaluation criteria

Knowledge of literature and writing skills are also assessed on the basis of essays and other written tests (answer to a question, abstract, etc.). As an integral part of the system of work on literature, they are carried out in a certain sequence and constitute an important means of speech development.

Reducing the volume of an essay against the approximate standards does not affect the grade for the content if it meets the requirements for the corresponding assessment, just as exceeding the volume does not lead to an increase in the grade.

Any essay is checked no later than a week in V -VIII and is assessed with two marks: the first is given for content and speech, the second is for literacy.

The indicated volume of essays is approximate because the volume of a student’s text depends on the style and genre of the essay, the nature of the topic and intent, and the pace of students’ writing. their general development and style.

The essay is assessed with two marks: the first is given for content and speech design (compliance with language norms and rules for choosing stylistic means), the second - for compliance with spelling and punctuation norms. The first grade (for content and speech) is considered a literature grade.

The content of the essay is assessed according to the following criteria:

- correspondence of the student’s work to the topic and main idea;

- completeness of the topic;

- correctness of factual material;

- sequence of presentation.

When assessing the speech format of essays, the following is taken into account: the diversity of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech; stylistic unity and expressiveness of speech; number of language errors and stylistic flaws.

Spelling and punctuation literacy is assessed by the number of errors made by the student (Norms for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language). Content and speech design are assessed according to the following criteria:

Mark "5" awarded if: 1) the content of the work fully corresponds to the topic; 2) there are no factual errors; 3) the content is presented consistently; 4) the work is distinguished by the richness of its vocabulary, the variety of syntactic structures used, and the accuracy of word usage; 5) stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text have been achieved. The work is allowed 1 defect in content, 1-2 speech defects. 1 grammatical error.

Mark "4" awarded if: 1) the content of the work is mainly consistent with the topic (there are minor deviations from the topic); 2) the content is generally reliable, but there are isolated factual inaccuracies; 3) there are minor violations of the consistency in the presentation of thoughts; 4) the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse; 5) the style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness. No more than 2 defects in content, no more than 3-4 speech defects, and 2 grammatical errors are allowed in the work.

Mark "3" is given if: 1) there are significant deviations from the topic in the work; 2) the work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it; 3) there were some violations of the sequence of presentation; 4) the vocabulary is poor and the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, incorrect word usage occurs; 5) the style of work is not unified, the speech is not expressive enough. No more than 4 defects in content, 5 speech defects, and 4 grammatical errors are allowed in the work.

Mark "2" awarded if: 1) the work does not correspond to the topic; 2) there were many factual inaccuracies; 3) the sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is disrupted, there is no connection between them, the work does not correspond to the plan; 4) the vocabulary is extremely poor, the work is written in short, similar sentences with a weakly expressed connection between them. There are frequent cases of incorrect word usage. the stylistic unity of the text is violated. The work contained 6 content errors, up to 7 speech errors and up to 7 grammatical errors.


1. When evaluating an essay, it is necessary to take into account the independence, originality of the concept of a student’s essay, and the level of its compositional and verbal design. The presence of an original idea and its good implementation can increase the first grade for an essay by one point.

2. If the volume of the essay is one and a half to two times greater than that specified in these standards, then when evaluating the work one should proceed from the standards increased for the mark “4” by one, and for the mark “3” by two units. For example, when assessing literacy, “4” is given when there are 3 spelling, 2 punctuation and 2 grammatical errors or when the ratio is 2-3-2. 2-2-3; "3" is placed in the ratios: 6-4-4. 4-6-4, 4-4-6. When marking “5”, excess volume of the essay is not taken into account.

3. The first mark (for content and speech) cannot be positive if the topic of the statement is not revealed, although in other respects the essay is written satisfactorily.

4. The assessment of an essay is subject to provisions on similar and minor errors, as well as corrections made by the student (Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language).

Content and speech




1 flaw in the content And

1 - 2 speech defects.


1 rough spelling or

1 punctuation or

1 grammatical error



    no more than 2 defects in content And

    no more than 3 - 4 speech defects


    2 spelling + 2 punctuation + 2 grammatical errors;

    1 spelling + 3 punctuation + 2 grammatical errors;

0 spelling + 4 punctuation + 2 grammatical errors;



no more than 4 defects in content And

5 speech errors


    0 spelling + 5 – 7 punctuation (taking into account repetition and non-rude);

    1 spelling + 4 -7 punctuation + 4 grammatical errors;

    2 spelling + 3 – 6 punctuation + 4 grammatical errors;

    3 spelling + 5 punctuation + 4 grammatical;

4 spelling + 4 punctuation + 4 grammatical


1. The work contains significant deviations from the topic.

2. There are factual inaccuracies.

3. There were violations of the sequence of presentation.

4. The vocabulary is poor, the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, and incorrect word usage occurs.

5. The style of work is not unified, the speech is inexpressive.


    5 or more gross spelling errors, regardless of the number of punctuation errors;

    8 or more punctuation errors (including repeated and minor ones) regardless of the number of spelling errors.

The total number of spelling and punctuation errors is more than 8, with more than 5 grammatical ones.

3. Evaluation of test papers

When conducting test work on literature, the evaluation criteria are as follows:




90 – 100 %


78 – 89 %


60 – 77 %


less than 59%


Training and metodology complex

    Korovina V.Ya. Literature. 7th grade: Textbook for general education institutions. In 2 hours / Ed. V.Ya. Korovina. M: Education, 2010.

    Phonochrestomathy for the textbook “Literature. 7th grade": Electronic textbook
    on CD -R OM / Comp. V.Ya.Korovina, V.P.Zhuravlev, V.I. Korovin. M.: Education, 2010.

    We read, think, argue...: Didactic materials on literature: 7th grade./Author – compiler V.Ya. Korovina. M.: Education, 2009.

    Korovina V.Ya., Zbarsky I.S. Literature: 7th grade: Methodological advice. - M.: Education, 2010.

Printed manuals

    Albetkova R.I. Learning to read a lyrical work. - M.: Bustard, 2007.

    Belyaeva N.V. Lessons in studying poetry at school: Theory and practice of a differentiated approach to students: A book for literature teachers / N.V. Belyaeva. - M.: Verbum - M., 2004.

    Demidenko E.L. New control and testing works on literature. 5-9 grades. - M.: Bustard, 2006.

    Egorova N.V., Makarova B.A. Universal lesson developments in literature: 7th grade. M.: VAKO, 2011.

    Eremina O.A. Literature lessons in 7th grade: A book for the teacher. M.: Education, 2008.

    Kolokoltsev E.N. Album of illustrations: Literature: 7th grade. M.: Education, 2005.

    Testing and measuring materials. Literature: 7th grade / Comp. N.S.Koroleva. M.: VAKO, 2011.

    Tumina L.E. Creative tasks. 5-7 grades. - M.: Bustard, 2007.

    School dictionary literary terms and concepts. 5-9 grades / Ed. M.B. Ladygina. – M.: Bustard, 1995.

Multimedia aids

Russian literature: from Nestor to Mayakovsky Year of publication: 2009, Media: CD-ROM

Russian poetry of the 17th - 20th centuries (DVD-BOX) Year of publication: 2010, Media: CD-ROM

Audio materials

Laser discs on literature “100 poets of the 20th century”: poems performed by the author.

Video and DVD materials

Film "Taras Bulba"

m/f "Gorky's Childhood"

m/f “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”

Internet resources for students and teachers:

http://www. ege . edu ://

7th grade

Option 1

1.Continue definition

Tradition is a genre of oral folk art, which ____________________________________________________________

Epics are...

b) works about nature and animals;

c) works about modern science and technology;


The orata has a downy hat,

And his caftan is black velvet...

The epics of the Novgorod cycle are characterized by:

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) place of action - Kyiv

6.Who is the author of the work “Teaching His Children”?


7. What features of a fairy tale are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Put Plot Elements in the Correct Order

Peter's complete cure, the murder of the serpent, expulsion from Murom, the visit of the boyars and their repentance, adoption of monasticism, posthumous miracles, the reader's introduction to Fevronia, death on the same day, marriage.

Test on ancient Russian literature

7th grade

Option 2

1.Continue definition

Epics are a genre of oral folk art, which _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Find the correct answer

Tradition is...

a) works of oral folk poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes;

b) works about nature and animals, which address issues of their protection;

c) an oral story that contains information about historical figures, events passed down from generation to generation;

d) works of folklore about good and evil

3.What two cycles of epics do you know?


4. From which epic are the lines below

Sat on a white-flammable stone

And he started playing guselkiyarovchaty.


5. Choose the right statements

The epics of the Kyiv cycle are characterized by:

a) heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;

b) the theme of trade and travel;

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the topic of protecting Russian lands;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) the place of action is Kyiv?

6. What is the theme of “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”? (about what?)


7. What features of life are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Fill in the blanks with relevant events.

The serpent and his death,__________________________________________, an attempt to be cured,_____________________,marriage,___________________________,

the boyars' request for forgiveness, _______________________________________, death on the same day__________________________________________.

Sample texts of test materials (tests).

Test (testing) on ​​creativity

A.S. Pushkina, M.Yu. Lermontov and N.V. Gogol

7th grade

1. What are the dates of A.S. Pushkin’s life?

a) 1799-1837 c) 1809-1852

b) 1814-1841 d) 1828-1910
2. A. Pushkin in 1811 went to study:

a) to the school of guards ensigns and cadets in St. Petersburg

b) to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum;

c) to the Nizhyn Gymnasium of Higher Sciences;

d) to Moscow University.

3. The first poem by A.S. Pushkin was called:

a) “Russian women”;

b) “Ruslan and Lyudmila”;

c) “Vasily Shibanov”;

d) "Mtsyri".

4. A poem is:

d) a work created by folk fantasy, which combines the real and the fantastic.
5. Dedicated to a historical theme the following works A. Pushkin (specify what is redundant):

a) “Poltava”; c) “Boris Godunov”;

b) “The Bronze Horseman”; d) “Song about the prophetic Oleg.”
6. Relate outdated words and their meanings:

a) charter a) in Ancient Rus', a meeting of townspeople

b) order b) solemn promise, obligation

c) vow c) ancient manuscript, document

d) veche d) in the Moscow state of the 16th-17th centuries, the establishment
7. Indicate the number of stories that were published in 1831 under the title “Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin, published by A.P.”

a) 4; b) 6; at 8; d) 5.

8. Samson Vyrin is the main character of the story:

a) “Station Agent” c) “Blizzard”

b) “Shot” d) “ Peasant young lady».

9. Story – This:

a) a poetic story based on a legendary or historical topic, where the real is sometimes combined with the fantastic;

b) one of the types of lyro epic works: it has a plot, events (which is typical for an epic work) and an open expression by the author of his feelings (as in lyrics);

c) one of the types (genres) of epic works. In terms of coverage of events and characters, it is more than a story, but less than a novel.

d) a work created by folk fantasy, which combines the real and the fantastic.

1. How M.Yu. appears in “Song...” Lermontov Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich?

    1. cruel, heartless ruler

      good king-father

      a fair and wise ruler

2.What family does Kiribeevich come from?

1) Sigismund 3) Malyuta Skuratov

2) Boris Godunov 4) Vasily Shuisky

3. Why did merchant Kalashnikov fight in a fist fight?

1) wanted to show his prowess in front of the king

2) for younger brothers

3) for the honor of the family

    1. for the homeland

4.What was Alena Dmitrievna afraid of most?

1) royal court 3) human rumor

2) disgrace of the husband 4) cruel death

5. What item did Alena Dmitrievna end up with Kiribeevich?

1) ring 3) earring

2) veil 4) pendant

6. Who did Kalashnikov not bow to before the battle?

1) wife 3) God

2) king 4) rival

7. What is it called? visual medium, used by Lermontov in “Song about ... merchant Kalashnikov”: “He turned pale, How autumn leaf ", "Fell down, like a pine»?

1) hyperbole 2) litotes

3) metaphor 4) simile

8. Correlate the parts of the composition “Songs about ... merchant Kalashnikov” and the corresponding moments of the work: for each element of the first column, select an element of the second column. Write the numbers in the required sequence separated by commas.


a) exposition 1) Kiribeevich’s meeting with Alena Dmitrievna

b) plot 2) execution of Kalashnikov

c) climax 3) story about the grave

d) denouement 4) feast at Grozny

e) epilogue 5) fist fight scene

9. “A poem about love for the Motherland” by V.G. Belinsky called the work:

1) “Taras Bulba”; 2) “The story of how I.I. quarreled with I.N.”

10. Words: “Kiss your pig, and if you don’t want to, then kiss the devil!” – belong to:

1) Taras Bulba; 2) Ivan Nikiforovich.

11. “He endured all the torments and tortures like a giant. Neither a scream nor a groan was heard even when they began to break the bones in his arms and legs…” - this is a portrait:

1) Taras Bulba; 2) Ostap;

3) Ivan Ivanovich.

12. The heroic struggle of the Russian and Ukrainian people with the Polish gentry is the theme of the story:

1) “Taras Bulba”; 2) “The story of how I. I. quarreled with I. N.”

13. Irony is the main technique used by the author in the work:

1) “Taras Bulba”; 2) “The story of how I. .. quarreled with I. N.”.

14.Which collection of works included both studied stories:

1) “Mirgorod”; 2) “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka”;

3) “Petersburg Tales”.

15. The meaning of life for old Taras is:

1) raising sons; 2) maintaining the traditions of the Zaporozhye Sich;

3) protection of the native land.

16. “It’s boring in this world, gentlemen!” - what's in this phrase:

1) grief about fallen hero; 2) a verdict on philistinism.

17. The story takes place:

1) in Poland; 2) in Ukraine;

3) in Russia.

18. Name the reason why Andrey committed betrayal:

1) desire for fame; 2) revenge;

3) love.

19. Heroes-Cossacks with epic heroes related:

1) the struggle for freedom and independence of the Motherland; 2) physical strength;

3) desire for fame.

Literature tests on the works of I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov,

M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin.

7th grade. 1 – option.

1. The theme of I.S. Turgenev’s work “Biryuk”: A) life of Biryuk

B) relationship between father and daughter

C) the hard life of Russian serfs

2. Indicate whose portrait this is in I.S. Turgenev’s work “Biryuk”: “Rarely have I seen such a young man. He was tall, broad-shouldered and beautifully built. His powerful muscles bulged out from under his wet, loose shirt. A black curly beard covered half of his stern and courageous face.”

3. Determine the genre of N.A. Nekrasov’s work “Russian Women”
a) story b) poem c) story

a) admires her courage
c) condemns the heroine

5. What did one of the generals bite off from the other in “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”?
A) order B) sleeve C) collar
6. What is a hyperbole?

7. What qualities of generals does the author ridicule in “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”? How does he feel about the guy? Give a detailed answer.

Tests on literature based on the works of I.S. Turgenev, N.A. Nekrasov, M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. 7th grade. Option 2.

1. Which of the great writers (poets) wrote the prose poem “Russian Language”? a) A.S. Pushkin b) I.S. Turgenev c) N.V. Gogol

2. Indicate whose portrait this is in I.S. Turgenev’s work “Biryuk”: “ He sat motionless on the bench. By the light of the lantern I could see his wasted, wrinkled face, drooping yellow eyebrows, restless eyes, thin limbs...”

A) author B) peasant C) Biryuk

3. After what historical event in Russia did N.A. Nekrasov write the poem “Russian Women”? 1) the war with Napoleon of 1812. 2) Decembrist uprising 3) abolition of serfdom 4. What is the author’s attitude towards Princess Trubetskoy?
a) admires her courage
b) does not share the heroine’s beliefs
c) condemns the heroine 5. To what genre do we classify the studied works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin? 1) story 2) poem 3) fairy tales 6. What is satire? Name the satirical works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. 7. What character qualities of Princess Trubetskoy does N.A. Nekrasov admire in the poem “Russian Women”? Give a detailed answer.

7th grade

Option 1

1.Continue definition

Tradition is a genre of oral folk art, which ____________________________________________________________

Epics are...

b) works about nature and animals;

c) works about modern science and technology;

The orata has a downy hat,

And his caftan is black velvet...

The epics of the Novgorod cycle are characterized by:

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) place of action - Kyiv


7. What features of a fairy tale are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Put Plot Elements in the Correct Order

complete cure of Peter, murder of the serpent, expulsion from Murom, visit of the boyars and their repentance, adoption of monasticism, posthumous miracles,introducing the reader to Fevronia,death in one day marriage,

Test work on ancient Russian literature

7th grade

Option 2

1.Continue definition

Epics are a genre of oral folk art, which _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Find the correct answer

Tradition is...

a) works of oral folk poetry about Russian heroes and folk heroes;

b) works about nature and animals, which address issues of their protection;

c) an oral story that contains information about historical persons and events, passed down from generation to generation;

d) works of folklore about good and evil

3.What two cycles of epics do you know?


4. From which epic are the lines below

Sat on a white-flammable stone

And he began to play spring goosebumps.


5. Choose the right statements

The epics of the Kyiv cycle are characterized by:

a) heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich;

b) the theme of trade and travel;

c) heroes: Sadko, V. Buslaev;

d) the topic of protecting Russian lands;

d) the place of action is Novgorod;

e) the place of action is Kyiv?

6. What is the theme of “The Teachings of Vladimir Monomakh”? (about what?)


7. What features of life are present in the Tale of Peter and Fevronia?




8. Fill in the blanks with relevant events.

The serpent and his death,__________________________________________, an attempt to be cured,_____________________,marriage,___________________________,

the boyars' request for forgiveness, _______________________________________, death on the same day__________________________________________.