Allegory meaning. The meaning of the word allegory in the dictionary of literary terms

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IN in a broad sense allegory is understood as a fundamental feature of art and, in particular, artistic speech, thanks to which, for example, a fox in a fable or fairy tale appears not at all as an animal, but Bazarov in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” - not only as an individual with unique biological and psychological traits:

Yes and poetic image every time it is perceived and enlivened by the one who understands, it tells him something other And more than what is directly contained in it. So there is always poetry allegory, ἀλληγορία in the broad sense of the word.

  • Allegory - allegory, expression of something. abstract, some. thoughts, ideas in a specific image.
  • Aesopian language is a secret writing in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks a thought.
  • Irony is a contradiction true meaning words used.""Âừṙỡ

Entire works can be allegorical - fables, fairy tales, stories (for example, V. M. Garshin) novels (for example, “Penguin Island” by Anatole France or “The War with the Newts” by Karel Capek). .

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Allegory

– Why does this road tell us where to go? – I couldn’t stand it.
– She doesn’t point, she helps. - The little girl answered. – Everything here consists of thoughts, have you forgotten? Even trees, the sea, roads, flowers - everyone hears what we are thinking about. This is a truly pure world... probably what people are used to calling Paradise... You cannot deceive here.
– Where is Hell then?.. Does it exist too?
– Oh, I’ll definitely show you! This is the bottom “floor” and there IS SUCH!!!... – Stella shrugged her shoulders, apparently remembering something not very pleasant.
We still walked further, and then I noticed that the surroundings began to change a little. Transparency began to disappear somewhere, giving way to a much more “dense” landscape, similar to the earth’s.
- What's going on, where are we? – I was wary.
- Everything is there. “The little girl answered completely calmly. - Only now we are already in the part that is simpler. Remember we just talked about this? The majority here are those who have just arrived. When they see a landscape that is similar to their usual one, it is easier for them to perceive their “transition” into this new world for them... Well, also, here live those who do not want to be better than they are, and do not willing to make the slightest effort to achieve something higher.
“So this “floor” consists of two parts?” I clarified.
– You can say so. - The girl answered thoughtfully, and suddenly switched to another topic - Somehow no one here pays any attention to us. Do you think they're not here?
After looking around, we stopped, not having the slightest idea what to do next.
– Shall we risk “lower”? – Stella asked.
I felt that the baby was tired. Yes, and I was also very far from mine better shape. But I was almost sure that she was not going to give up, so she nodded in response.
“Well, then we need to prepare a little...” the militant Stella said, biting her lip and seriously concentrating. – Do you know how to set yourself strong defense?
- Seems Yes. But I don't know how strong it will be. – I answered embarrassedly. I really didn’t want to let her down right now.
“Show me,” the girl asked.
I realized that this was not a whim, and that she was just trying to help me. Then I tried to concentrate and made my green “cocoon”, which I always made for myself when I needed serious protection.

Allegory is, first of all, a tool, a means that is designed to convey the author’s idea as clearly and accurately as possible. It helps to convey an idea more expressively in writing. The author's talent lies in the brilliant mastery and wide use of all elements of allegorical language.

The meaning of the concept “allegory”

There are many explanations that decipher what an allegory is. They all mean the same thing. First of all, allegory is a literary device used to express abstract concept in a specific artistic image. It always carries within itself hidden meaning, hint.

Types of allegories

What is allegory: examples in literature

Allegory can be considered a feature of literature as an art form. Entire works are built on this principle. Russians folk tales, Aesop's fables, Garshin's stories, Maeterlinck's plays, Wilde's fairy tales were created through this special language. It is examples from literature that will help reveal the meaning of the concept of allegory. In Shchedrin's fairy tale "The Horse" there are allegorical images of horses as representatives of different classes. IN folk songs a married couple is likened to a pair of birds: doves, peacocks or falcons.

IN lyrical works This feature of literature is found even more than in prose. The poet Gennady Aiga has allegory in every word. His poems are like a code that not every person can solve. The author, whose lines are even more allegorical than those of Gennady Aiga, is Vladimir Kazakov. There is no integrity in his works, but there is an endless repetition of words and images. For example, “mirror”, “clock”, “tea” are found very often in his creations, often changing their meaning.

Allegory is most clearly manifested in fantasy. The authors of such works convey real life phenomena through fiction. The use of numerous allegory techniques allows you to visually and figuratively convey what happened thousands of years ago or will happen in the future.

Functions of allegory in other spheres of human life and society

Allegory is used as a means of describing objects in the surrounding world that are difficult to name. It helps to master non-physical objects and phenomena. Allegory develops analytical thinking, the way of comprehending the world is through division.

The purpose of art in human life is to achieve perfection. To convey certain phenomena of life, it is necessary to create vivid symbols and emphasize their properties and differences. That's why poetic language always diverse and deciphered depending on the understanding of a particular person. Every a real master words understands what allegory, metaphor, personification, epithet, symbol are and knows how to correctly use them in his works.

  • ALLEGORY in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    translation of the term “allegory” sometimes used in Russian poetics (see) ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (Pugachev's conversation with the owner of the inn in " The captain's daughter" A. …
  • ALLEGORY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    V strict meaning- the same as allegory; in extended use - a hidden form of expression, a statement, where “letter” and ...
  • ALLEGORY V Encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron:
    cm. …
  • ALLEGORY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -I, Wed. An expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory. Speak …
  • ALLEGORY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Allegory, an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as lit. reception (for example, Pugachev’s conversation with the owner of the inn in the “Captain’s ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? cm. …
  • ALLEGORY in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, allegory, …
  • ALLEGORY in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -I'm with. 1) Allegory. Natural poetry resorts to allegory (Belinsky). 2) An expression containing a hidden meaning...
  • ALLEGORY in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see hint...
  • ALLEGORY in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    allegory, parabola, ...
  • ALLEGORY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1) A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2) Expression of an abstract concept through artistic image as a literary device; ...
  • ALLEGORY in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY full spelling dictionary Russian language:
  • ALLEGORY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    allegory, ...
  • ALLEGORY in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    an expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory Speak...
  • ALLEGORY in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (Pugachev’s conversation with the owner of the inn in “The Captain’s Daughter” by A. ...
  • ALLEGORY in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    allegories, cf. (book). Same as allegory (lit.). || An expression that contains a hidden meaning, a hidden hint. He loves to talk...
  • ALLEGORY in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    allegory cf. 1) A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2) Expression of an abstract concept through an artistic image as a literary device; ...
  • ALLEGORY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • ALLEGORY in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Wed 1. A statement, an expression containing a hidden meaning, a hint. 2. Expression of an abstract concept through an artistic image as a literary device; ...
  • SYMBOL in the Dictionary of Analytical Psychology:
    (Symbol) - the best possible expression or image of something unknown. The concept of a symbol should be distinguished from the concept of a sign. “Every mental product, since ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (Greek allegoria - allegory) - one of the ways of aesthetic development of reality, the method of depicting objects and phenomena through an image, the basis of which is ...
  • LAMB in the Dictionary-index of names and concepts of ancient Russian art:
    (lat. lamb) 1. A one-year-old male lamb without any blemish, which the Israelites were ordered to eat with special rites when performing ...
  • ALLEGORY in the Dictionary of Fine Arts Terms:
    - (from the Greek allegoria - allegory) in art the embodiment of a phenomenon, as well as speculative ideas in a visual image (for example, a woman with ...
  • SYMBOLISM in the Dictionary Index of Theosophical Concepts to the Secret Doctrine, Theosophical Dictionary:
    - Figurative expression ideas or thoughts. The original letter at first did not have letters; usually the symbol expressed an entire phrase or sentence. Symbol, …



Allegory is a translation of the term “allegory” sometimes used in Russian poetics (see).

Literary encyclopedia. - At 11 t.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet encyclopedia, Fiction . Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V. Lunacharsky. 1929-1939 .


The use of words other than their meaning, used in literature to influence the reader. There are several types of allegory - irony(comic use of words in the opposite meaning, for example, by I.A. Krylova – « clever mind" in relation to Donkey), Aesopian language(transmission of the content that the author wants to convey through images of animals - “Fairy Tales” by M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrin), allegory(transmission of abstract thought through concrete images, for example, the use of images ancient gods in solemn odes of the 18th century. – Mars as an allegory of war, Venus as an allegory of love), symbol(an image that conveys both concrete and abstract content at the same time - for example, a dog as a symbol of the old world in the poem by A.A. Blok"Twelve"). Allegory is used for various purposes: irony creates comic effect; Aesopian language is necessary due to political conditions, the impossibility of directly saying what is needed; the allegory refers to the general cultural context; the symbol shows the multifaceted connection between objects.

Literature and language. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Edited by prof. Gorkina A.P. 2006 .


See what “Allegory” is in other dictionaries:

    Allegory... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    See example... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. allegory hint, example; Aesopian language, parabola, Aesopian language, parable, allegory Russian Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    An expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (Pugachev’s conversation with the owner of the inn in A.S. Pushkin’s Captain’s Daughter). See also Allegory, Aesopian language, Irony... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Allegory, allegory, cf. (book). Same as allegory (lit.). || An expression that contains a hidden meaning, a hidden hint. He likes to speak in allegories. Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Allegory, I, cf. An expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory. Speak in allegories. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Allegory is an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as literary device. In a broad sense, allegory is understood as a fundamental feature of art and, in particular, artistic speech, thanks to which... ... Wikipedia

    I; Wed An expression containing a hidden secret meaning; allegory. Speak in allegories. His speech is full of allegories. * * * allegory an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (for example, conversation... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    allegory- ▲ statement expressed, through, similar to an allegory, a statement containing a hidden meaning. allegorical. allegory. allegorical. allegorical. figurative. figurative. fable. apologist Aesopian [Aesopian] language. ↓… Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    allegory- I'm with. 1) Allegory. Natural poetry resorts to allegory (Belinsky). 2) An expression containing a hidden meaning, a hidden hint. Speak in allegories. The allegory was so transparent that no explanation was required (Sholokhov). … … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    In the strict sense the same as Allegory; in extended use, a hidden form of expression, a statement where the “letter” and “spirit” do not coincide or are opposite, for example Irony, Aesopian language... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Legend and allegory. Jungian Analysis of Fairy Tales, Hans Diekmann. In his book, the famous Jungian analyst Hans Dieckmann shows the deep connection between a child's favorite fairy tale and his later fate; fairy tale motifs turn out to be decisive for...

Far from being an animal, Bazarov appears in I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons” - not only as an individual with unique biological and psychological traits:

So, every time a poetic image is perceived and enlivened by someone who understands, it tells him something. other And more than what is directly contained in it. So there is always poetry allegory, ἀλληγορία in the broad sense of the word.

IN in the narrow sense allegory is identified with allegory and similar techniques, when one phenomenon or object is depicted and characterized through another, clearly different from it:

  • Allegory is the expression of abstract ideas (concepts) through specific artistic images.
  • Aesopian language is a secret writing in literature, an allegory that deliberately masks a thought.
  • Irony is the contradiction of the true meaning of the words used.

Entire works can be allegorical - fables, fairy tales, stories (for example, V. M. Garshin) novels (for example, “Penguin Island” by Anatole France or “The War with the Newts” by Karel Capek). .

see also


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See what “Allegory” is in other dictionaries:

    Allegory... Spelling dictionary-reference book

    See example... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. allegory hint, example; Aesopian language, parabola, Aesopian language, parable, allegory Russian Dictionary ... Synonym dictionary

    The translation of the term “allegory” (see) sometimes used in Russian poetics. Literary encyclopedia. At 11 vol.; M.: Publishing House of the Communist Academy, Soviet Encyclopedia, Fiction. Edited by V. M. Fritsche, A. V.... ... Literary encyclopedia

    An expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (Pugachev’s conversation with the owner of the inn in A.S. Pushkin’s Captain’s Daughter). See also Allegory, Aesopian language, Irony... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Allegory, allegory, cf. (book). Same as allegory (lit.). || An expression that contains a hidden meaning, a hidden hint. He likes to speak in allegories. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Allegory, I, cf. An expression containing a different, hidden meaning, an allegory. Speak in allegories. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    I; Wed An expression containing a hidden, secret meaning; allegory. Speak in allegories. His speech is full of allegories. * * * allegory an expression containing a hidden meaning; used as a literary device (for example, conversation... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    allegory- ▲ statement expressed, through, similar to an allegory, a statement containing a hidden meaning. allegorical. allegory. allegorical. allegorical. figurative. figurative. fable. apologist Aesopian [Aesopian] language. ↓… Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

    allegory- I'm with. 1) Allegory. Natural poetry resorts to allegory (Belinsky). 2) An expression containing a hidden meaning, a hidden hint. Speak in allegories. The allegory was so transparent that no explanation was required (Sholokhov). … … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

    In the strict sense the same as Allegory; in extended use, a hidden form of expression, a statement where the “letter” and “spirit” do not coincide or are opposite, for example Irony, Aesopian language... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Legend and allegory. Jungian Analysis of Fairy Tales, Hans Diekmann. In his book, the famous Jungian analyst Hans Dieckmann shows the deep connection between a child's favorite fairy tale and his later fate; fairy tale motifs turn out to be decisive for...