Presentation on the topic "human nutrition". Presentation "Medicines affecting digestion" in medicine - project, report

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NUTRITION is one of the basic human needs. Food is the happiness and curse of humanity, because it supports life, but it also destroys (poor quality products, overeating, obesity).

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“Our nutritive substances must be medicinal substances, and our medicinal substances must be nutritive substances” Hippocrates Otherwise “Let food be medicine, and let food be medicine”

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For normal growth and harmonious development of the human body, a healthy diet is necessary, the criterion of rationality, which is: 1. completeness of the diet in quality, variety of food products; 2. balance in quantity, in the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

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Food ingredients include organic substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleic acids. micronutrients – vitamins and minerals. WATER is the predominant component of all living organisms and diets.

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“LIFE IS A WAY OF EXISTENCE OF PROTEIN BODIES” F. Engels PROTEINS building material (building blocks of the body) receptors energy (reserve, not the norm for the body) muscle movement memory (intelligence) hormones transport of substances all enzymes protection (antibodies, blood clotting factors)

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Only 20 amino acids are involved in the formation of proteins; they are called basic. Protein synthesis obeys the “ALL OR NOTHING” law. If even one amino acid is missing, protein synthesis will stop. 10 of them are irreplaceable and must come from plant foods, because... synthesized in plants.

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During the period of most intensive growth, the human body synthesizes about 100 grams of proteins per day, of which: the liver accounts for about 23 g, muscle proteins - 32 g, hemoglobin - 8 grams, etc. Therefore, the daily need for protein is at least 100 grams per day, of which: 2/3 of animal origin, 1/3 of plant origin. In pregnant women and people with heavy physical activity, it is higher - up to 120-150 grams.

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If there is insufficient protein intake from food, the proteins of a number of tissues disintegrate in order to ensure the vital activity of the entire organism (for the synthesis of hormones and enzymes). Those. construction proteins “sacrifice” themselves.

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The degree of absorption of proteins and amino acids from food depends on the quantitative and qualitative composition of carbohydrates and fats (lipids).

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Fats - lipids Functions: hormonal (sex hormones, male and female) protective - cell membranes (the more fats in the cell membrane, the longer it lives) energy (as a reserve, not the norm for the body)

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Sources of animal fats are cream, cheeses, eggs, butter. Sources of vegetable fats - vegetable oils, nuts, seeds.

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Carbohydrates, namely glucose, are the main source of energy. ATP, the universal “fuel” of the cell and the whole organism, is synthesized to a greater extent from it. The following functions of carbohydrates: structural and receptor, are part of the cell membrane. are part of DNA, RNA (chromosomes, genetic information)

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Sources of carbohydrates: vegetables, fruits, cereals, milk sugar - lactose. In plant organisms, carbohydrates account for up to 80% of dry mass.

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Carbohydrates are involved in the digestion and absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates themselves. The daily requirement is 4-5 times higher than the need for proteins and fats.

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Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. When there is a deficiency of carbohydrates in the body, energy is generated from the breakdown of fats and proteins, which is a pathology for the body, because in the absence of carbohydrates, they break down to form toxic substances, such as ketone bodies.

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Vitamins and microelements “revive” proteins, fats and carbohydrates and ensure their functions. Without them, proteins, fats and carbohydrates are ballast. For example, protein globin in combination with iron forms the enzyme hemoglobin - an enzyme with the function of oxygen transfer. Another example is the same globin protein, when combined with iodine, forms the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, etc.

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Balance of ingredients: 1: 1: 4-5 proteins-100 gr. fats 100 gr. carbohydrates 400-500 gr.

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The process of digesting food Drawing of the digestive organs, starting from the oral cavity and ending with the rectum.

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Appetite and hunger Appetite - from lat. desire, need. This is a sensation associated with the need for food, a physiological mechanism that regulates the flow of nutrients into the body. With a long absence of food, appetite turns into a feeling of hunger. Hunger is stress that awakens the instinct to eat food, without taking into account the “spiritual” needs for food.

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“An animal is satisfied, a person eats, a smart person knows how to eat” Brillat-Savarin If you are hungry when asked: “Do you want to eat?” answers: “Yes” and no matter what, the not hungry person answers: “It depends” - that’s appetite.

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Appetite is emotional experiences, the need for certain foods, dishes, etc. Hunger is an innate instinct caused by an “empty stomach,” general weakness, and lack of energy.

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Appetite is nurtured, developed, formed. Therefore, it is important to cultivate a cult of healthy eating from birth.

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From birth, the child shows a feeling of hunger for breast milk, and with the introduction of complementary foods, his appetite develops. If you teach him to eat healthy foods (without GMOs, preservatives, flavor enhancers, food that is not appropriate for his age), then he will not have problems with digestion, metabolic disorders, and the body will be healthy.

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Parents, having an unhealthy appetite, shape it in their child. It's time to shape your child's healthy appetite from birth and improve your health. This requires willpower and patience. Try it! Remember! "You are what you eat!".

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If your diet is dominated by “dead” junk food, it becomes a “killer” for your body. It produces a huge number of immune system killer cells that destroy your body.

EVREINOVA IRINA SERGEEVNA EVREINOVA IRINA SERGEEVNA primary school teacher primary school teacher Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 7 named after. St. Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov Municipal Educational Institution Gymnasium No. 7 named after. St. Pitirim, Bishop of Tambov

Today the subject of our conversation is food, food products and ways of eating. You can and should know as much as possible about food - after all, our health depends on nutrition, and oh, how useful it is to us! According to the well-known Arnold Schwarzenegger, five of the nine leading causes of death in the world can be caused by poor diet. Excess weight, salt deposits, high blood pressure also depend on how and what we eat.

How many of you often replace lunch or dinner with chips and crackers? And who prefers to have breakfast with a plate of delicious oatmeal? Are there any fans of hot, rich borscht among you? And for whom the best food is a couple of cakes with sweet tea? Of course, there is nothing wrong with the fact that, being late, you dropped into a cafe and had a hamburger. But, remember, constant eating indiscriminately, in a hurry, can lead to various troubles.

2000 kg of meat 7000 kg of bread 1000 kg of fat 4000 kg of fish 5000 eggs 5000 kg of potatoes 500 kg of salt And all this needs to be washed down with 10,000 liters of water!

Since time immemorial, people began to salt their food. Of course, you can’t do without salt, but everything is good in moderation. Eating without salt is tasteless, but you shouldn’t overuse it either. In fact, the required amount of salt is already contained in milk, meat, vegetables, cereals...

The Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms (ed. 1983) defines proper nutrition as follows: a balanced diet with an optimal diet, and a balanced diet is, accordingly, complete nutrition, characterized by the optimal quantity and ratio of all food components. In other words, you need to know what is good for the body and what is not, and be able to acquire the right, healthy habits, and habits, as you know, are second nature to a person.

Who cooked for the very first person? Of course, no one cooked - he ate everything raw. But then the fire appeared - and it smelled like something was fried (literally!). And then the ancient man became a cook. It turns out that the art of cooking is the most ancient art? In excavations of Stone Age settlements, archaeologists often find shards of pots (and sometimes whole pots!), from which our pots and pans trace their history.

But how did they cook before they learned to sculpt from clay?.... Ancient people dug troughs in large stones, poured hot stones into them and thus brought the water to a boil. Remember what our ancestors mainly ate?... Yes, the meat of killed animals, fish caught in the river, edible roots, honey from wild bees, berries... They needed strong stomachs and sharp teeth - otherwise they would not survive.

Much later, the art of sophisticated, gourmet cooking arose, and Asia is considered its homeland. Then it appeared in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. There are still legends about feasts regularly held by the nobility of Rome.

In Ancient Sparta, special customs and orders reigned. Here, young men whose body weight exceeded accepted standards were subjected to corporal punishment or expelled from the city. And the cooks who prepared tasteless food were thrown off the cliff. A harsh education system was adopted in Sparta. From early childhood, children were tempered, taught not to be picky about food, to endure hunger, thirst, cold and pain. Young men were constantly involved in athletics to become healthy and beautiful. But…. Everything should be in moderation, especially in food.

The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates wrote: “A person carries a doctor within himself, you just need to be able to help him in his work. If the body is not cleansed, then the more you nourish it, the more you will harm it. When a sick person is fed too much, his illness is also fed. Remember - any excess is harmful to nature.”

“Milk rivers, jelly banks”... This expression is used in a fairy tale, the action of which takes place “under King Pea,” i.e. in time immemorial, “when goblins and mermaids lived, and fried partridges flew over the fields.” But this was the case in a fairy tale, but in life a piece of bread was often bitter and was not always present on the table.

Let us remember the proverbs and sayings about our daily bread and food culture. One with a bipod, seven with a spoon. Bread is the head of everything! Cabbage soup and porridge are our food. As you trample, so will you burst. You can't spoil porridge with oil. A good spoon for dinner. As is the food and drink, so is the life. Eat right and you won't need medicine. Better bread and water than pie with misfortune. If it weren't for the teeth, the soul would be gone. They don’t die from fasting, but from gluttony they burst. Dinner is not needed, it would be lunch.

In the written monuments of Ancient Rus', much space is devoted to medical issues, including advice on how to eat properly. In “Svyatoslav’s Collection” there is a lot of advice on dietary nutrition. Both sick and healthy people were recommended to eat more vegetables, which also included berries, herbs, fruits, and mushrooms. Even then, people understood that “the power of vegetables is great,” and they can easily satisfy the body’s needs.

From time immemorial, onions and garlic have been used for colds, hot milk with honey, and raspberry jam are drunk; rice water is useful for indigestion; inhaling hot steam from boiled potatoes relieves cough, as does radish juice with honey. There are countless pieces of advice like this. We can safely say that all fruits and vegetables are healthy. “Lunch without vegetables is a holiday without music.” “Greens on the table – health for a hundred years.” “Onion – seven diseases.” “Bread and cabbage won’t let the dashing one in.”

According to yogis, you should eat one lemon daily. To prevent the flu, you need to wipe your gums and teeth with a piece of lemon. Lingonberries are used to lower blood pressure and have anti-inflammatory properties. Fruit drinks, jelly made from lingonberries and cranberries are very tasty and healthy. Ancient doctors believed that raisins suppressed anger, pears invigorated and cheered, cranberries improved mental activity. Garlic... It has truly magical properties. Pythagoras called garlic the king of seasonings.

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  • What did primitive man eat?
  • Let's talk about nutritional supplements
  • Why are vitamins necessary?
  • Why does a person get old?

Appetite is the opposite of hunger

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Diet of primitive man

  • Plant food in summer, autumn. (carbohydrates)
  • Meat, bird eggs. (high amount of protein)
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    Absent from the diet: milk, pure sugar.

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    • Menthol is obtained from the essential oil of peppermint. It has a minty odor and cooling taste.
    • To create a pleasant aroma
    • Vanillin is a synthetic product. Used to create aroma in curd mass, ice cream, cream, chocolate, baked goods


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    Nutritional supplements

    • Spices
    • Glazing agents
    • Sweeteners
    • Flavor enhancers

    Flavors are:

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    • Xylitol
    • Sorbitol
    • Sorbitol was first isolated from rowan berries. It is 2 times less sweet than sucrose and does not increase blood sugar levels.
    • Xylitol is found in birch sap, raspberries, strawberries, and other berries and fruits.
    • 2 times sweeter than sucrose, non-toxic, reduces caries.
    • Monosaccharides disaccharides "Orbit" "Stimorol" "Dirol" Invite, Zuko, Sprim
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    Flavor enhancers

    • Smell
    • Aroma
    • Monosodium glutamate
    • Lemon acid
    • Urea
    • Magnesium carbonate
    • Use with caution
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    Monosodium glutamate

    Has the taste and aroma of meat

    • Used in meat concentrates, bouillon cubes, dry soups
    • Derived from sitango seaweed, but usually from beet pulp and wheat gluten
    • Products containing monosodium glutamate are not recommended for asthmatics and children under 3 years of age.
    • In large quantities, it can lead to increased heart rate, muscle tension, headaches and weakness. Prohibited for baby food
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    Why does a person get old?

    • genetic
    • Unhealthy Lifestyle
    • Harmful environmental influences
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    Magnesium carbonate or magnesia

    • Acts as an alkali to reduce the acidity of foods
    • Prevents food caking
    • Used for medical purposes to reduce stomach acidity
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    • Used in Dirol chewing gum
    • Used by manufacturers of the Sprite drink
    • Reduces the acidity of the oral cavity, which reduces the likelihood of caries.
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    Lemon acid

    • Improves the taste of juices, jams, fruit yoghurts and confectionery products
    • Has a dispersing and preservative effect
    • Added to correct the acidity of the product
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    Test of appetite

    We often look at food as a source of pleasure

    Habit of transmission

    Absurd death from satiety?

    Mistaking appetite for hunger

    • There is no need to eat food during strong emotional experiences. Do not force yourself to eat during an exacerbation of the disease. Don't eat quickly!
    • Remember that a natural healthy appetite is always aimed at simple, healthy, natural food.
    • Remember the Eastern proverb: “If you get up from the table feeling hungry, you have done good to your health; if you ate your fill, you opened the way to illness, and if you ate to your fill, you got poisoned.”
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    Glazing agents

    • waxes
    • candle
    • bee
    • Add Your Text
    • spermaceti
    • carnauba
    • petrolatum

    Designed to create a smooth, fairly hard product surface with a matte sheen.

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    Why are vitamins necessary?

    With a lack of vitamins, long-term metabolic disorders occur, tissue growth and renewal are impaired.

    Anemia begins.

    • There are: vitamin-like compounds: biflavonoids orotic acid, choline, lipoic acid, etc.
    • Some foods contain provitamins, substances that can be converted into vitamins in the body. The vitamins themselves are water-soluble: B1, B2, B6, PP, C, etc.
    • Fat soluble: A, E, K, D
    • The source of vitamins is either the food we eat or those vitamin preparations that can be bought in pharmacies. We must remember that our body must receive vitamins daily; This is especially true for children.
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    • Black pepper is the fruit of a tropical vine. Smell from essential oil. Burning-bitter taste due to the presence of the alkaloid piperine
    • Cinnamon – dried bark
    • Bloome shrub. The main component is cinnamaldehyde.
    • Cloves – dried
    • Unopened buds
    • Clove tree. Odor: eugenol
    • Mustard, nutmeg pepper, cumin, cloves, bay leaf, horseradish, parsley, etc.
    • Used to add flavor and aroma to food. increase food preservation, stimulate digestion
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    Drugs that affect appetite Appetite, the feeling of hunger, is usually associated with the activity of: 1) the hunger center (located in the lateral hypothalamus) and 2) the satiety center (ventromedial hypothalamus). A high density of noradrenergic synapses is noted in the hunger center; in the saturation center, serotonergic synapses predominate.

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    Medicines that increase appetite Among medicines that increase appetite, bitters are used - preparations of medicinal plants that have a bitter taste. As bitters, tincture of wormwood, infusions of centaury herb, dandelion root, calamus rhizome, and trefoil leaves are used. Bitters are prescribed to patients with decreased appetite 15-20 minutes before meals. By irritating taste buds, bitterness reflexively excites the hunger center. In addition, bitterness increases the secretion of gastric juice in response to the action of nutrients. Pronounced excitation of the hunger center develops in response to hypoglycemia, which can occur with the administration of insulin.

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    Appetite suppressants (anorexigenic drugs) are used to combat obesity associated with overeating (nutritional obesity). Phenamine stimulates the saturation center, has psychostimulating properties, strengthens and increases heart contraction, constricts arterial vessels and increases a\d. Desopimon reduces appetite as it stimulates the satiety center. Possibly addictive. Contraindicated: for hypertension, angina pectoris, hyperthyroidism. Mazindol (Teronac) is a drug that disrupts the neuronal reuptake of neurotransmitters at adrenergic synapses and thus facilitates adrenergic transmission of excitation. Mazindol practically does not cause drug dependence.

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    Used for hyperacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, reflux esophagitis, bleeding from the upper gastrointestinal tract.

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    Reducing secretion

    Drugs that directly reduce the secretion of gastric juice

    M-cholinergic blockers (Gastrocetin) Histamine receptor blockers (Cimitidine, Ramitidine) Proton pump blockers (Omeprazole, Pantoprazole)


    Ammonium compounds (alhedrate, aluminum phosphate, phosphalugel) Magnesium compounds (Magnesium oxide, Almagel)

    Means that protect the mucous membrane from irritation

    Denol; Smecta Vikalin; Vikair; Misoprostol

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    Increase secretion

    Medicines for treating mild illness

    Bitters - Carbon dioxide mineral waters - Herbal remedies

    Drugs for the treatment of severe disease

    Natural gastric juice - Pepsin - Diluted hydrochloric acid

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    Drugs for the treatment of severe disease

    Used for a slight decrease in the secretion of gastric juice, in the initial stages of hypoacid gastritis

    Used as replacement therapy, in the complete absence of gastric juice production

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    Emetics are drugs that cause vomiting. According to the mechanism of action, they are distinguished: central and reflex action. Central action: -Apomorphine (due to stimulation of dopamine receptors of the starting (trigger) zone of the vomiting center in the medulla oblongata) Reflex-action emetics include preparations of ammonia, copper sulfate, zinc sulfate and preparations of a number of medicinal plants (lamb, ipecac, sapieha, istoda and etc.), apply R. s. if it is necessary to quickly remove toxic substances and poor-quality food products from the stomach, if it is impossible to perform gastric lavage. Apomorphine and lamb decoction are used mainly to develop a negative conditioned reflex reaction (aversion) to alcohol in the treatment of patients with chronic alcoholism. When using apomorphine, collapse may develop, as well as visual hallucinations. Preparations of medicinal plants (ipecac, istoda, sapieha, etc.) and apomorphine in doses that do not cause vomiting are also used as expectorants.

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    Hepatotropic agents

    Drugs that promote the formation of bile, and also improve the outflow of bile, promote the release of bile into the duodenum.

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    Preparations of dry bile and bile acids: Allohol, Cholenzym; Herbal preparations: Columns with corn silks, Holosas, Hologon, Flamin, rosehip flowers, barberry preparations; Synthetic drugs: Oscofenamide, Nicodine

    Cholyretics Chokinetics

    No-shpa; Panazol; Magnesium sulfate; Atropine sulfate; Platypheline hydrotartrate

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    A class of medications used to treat constipation.

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    First group. Chemicals that cause a laxative effect by chemically irritating the receptor apparatus of the colon and thus stimulating its peristalsis. These drugs act at the level of the colon, usually causing a single bowel movement 6-10 hours after administration. These include derivatives of anthraquines (preparations of rhubarb root, buckthorn bark, joster fruit, hay leaves), diphenylmethane (phenolphthalein, bisacodyl, guttalax, dulcolax), castor oil.

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    Second group. Osmotic agents that have the ability to retain water in the intestinal lumen, which leads to an increase in volume and softening of stool. These are sodium and magnesium sulfate, citrate, magnesium hydroxide, Carlsbad salt, non-adsorbable polysaccharide lactulose (Duphalac), acting at the level of the colon. The onset of the laxative effect is 8-12 hours. Lactulose is not broken down in the small intestine and enters the large intestine unchanged. In the colon it is broken down by the intestinal flora. The breakdown products of lactulose have a stimulating effect on colon peristalsis, stool softens, and in addition, its volume increases.

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    Rational nutrition from Latin means “reasonable”, i.e. food must necessarily contain substances such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. Rational nutrition from Latin means “reasonable”, i.e. food must necessarily contain such nutrients as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements. substances nutrients According to the concept of a balanced diet, the amount of food consumed should correspond to a person’s energy expenditure, and the ratio of nutrients in the diet is important: proteins - 17%, fats - 13%, carbohydrates - 70%. According to the concept of a balanced diet, the amount of food consumed should correspond to a person’s energy expenditure, and the ratio of nutrients in the diet is important: proteins - 17%, fats - 13%, carbohydrates - 70%. proteins carbohydrates proteins carbohydrates The younger the body, the more it needs in fats. The younger the body, the more it needs fats.

    Factors that determine the nature of nutrition 1) Psychological - personal preferences for a particular food, family traditions, life philosophy 2) Geographical-ecological - food production and climate 3) Physiological - growth, development of the body, degree of physical activity, diet for health reasons .

    You cannot cook food with this water. It can contain from mg of salts per liter. You can drink this water only alternating with the canteen or after consulting a doctor. (slide “All-Russian lesson “Clean Water”)

    Protein-rich foods include: meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, nuts, etc. Protein-rich foods include: meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, nuts, etc. Protein-rich foods include: meat, fish, eggs, low-fat dairy products, legumes, nuts, etc. , rich in carbohydrates include: bread, flour, cereals, pasta, potatoes, sugar, etc. Products rich in carbohydrates include: bread, flour, cereals, pasta, potatoes, sugar, etc. A special group consists of the so-called " neutral" products: animal fats, butter, sour cream, cream, full-fat cottage cheese, fatty cheeses (fat content more than 45%), dried fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits. A special group consists of so-called “neutral” products: animal fats, butter, sour cream, cream, full-fat cottage cheese, fatty cheeses (more than 45% fat), dried fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables and fruits. It is advisable that fresh vegetables and fruits make up more than half of the daily diet. It is advisable that fresh vegetables and fruits make up more than half of the daily diet.

    How to eat fruit? How to eat fruit? All fruits should be eaten only on an empty stomach, since they are digested not in the stomach, but in the intestines. All fruits should be eaten only on an empty stomach, since they are digested not in the stomach, but in the intestines. It is better to eat fruits as a separate meal, even an hour before meals, and you always need at least a glass of water before meals. It is better to eat fruits as a separate meal, even an hour before meals, and you always need at least a glass of water before meals. Fruits are useful when consumed in their own zone and in season. Fruits are useful when consumed in their own zone and in season. I wish you health and wise knowledge of the basics of health for the sake of yourself and your children. I wish you health and wise knowledge of the basics of health for the sake of yourself and your children.

    Oranges, do not overuse them! 350 g per day Oranges are useful for gum diseases and atrophy of muscles and respiratory organs. Oranges are useful for gum diseases and atrophy of muscles and respiratory organs. Orange juice is useful in preventing cancer. Orange juice is useful in preventing cancer. Oranges help with acute respiratory diseases and reduce blood pressure. Orange zest helps cope with insomnia. Oranges help with acute respiratory diseases and reduce blood pressure. Orange zest helps cope with insomnia. In total, about three hundred varieties of orange are known, and they are not found growing wild. In total, about three hundred varieties of orange are known, and they are not found growing wild. During the Renaissance, oranges were very expensive because they were believed to ward off the plague. During the Renaissance, oranges were very expensive because they were believed to ward off the plague.

    Look closely with the naked eye at the place where the stalk was. If you press on this place and a drop comes out, it’s bad. This means that the storage conditions were not met. Dry - let's take it. Sometimes it happens that one or two fruits in a plastic container suddenly become covered with plaque. These are rotten mushrooms. The color of the plaque is violet-gray or just gray. Tip: take a transparent container - hold it up to the light, roll the contents lightly, looking through the plastic, transparent walls. If the container shows signs of opening, this means that the berries inside have been sorted. Yes, the packaging looks worse, but that’s not what you’ll be eating!

    Pear is the food of the gods. Known for three millennia BC. The Chinese were the first to discover the beneficial properties of pears. The pear tree in Greece was dedicated to the wife of Zeus, Hera, who was considered the guardian of the hearth. contain vitamin B9 (folic acid), necessary for the growth of cells in the body and their health, for the proper functioning of the immune defense and circulatory system. contain vitamin B9 (folic acid), necessary for the growth of cells in the body and their health, for the proper functioning of the immune defense and circulatory system. contain vitamin A, potassium and a little ascorbic acid; contain vitamin A, potassium and a little ascorbic acid; used for pulmonary diseases; used for pulmonary diseases; to strengthen blood vessels - for diseases of the cardiovascular system; to strengthen blood vessels - for diseases of the cardiovascular system; with fever and elevated temperature; with fever and elevated temperature; to normalize digestion during diarrhea. Hard and sour pear varieties should be eaten with caution. The body absorbs them with difficulty. to normalize digestion during diarrhea. Hard and sour pear varieties should be eaten with caution. The body absorbs them with difficulty.

    CARROTS CARROTS are the oldest of all cultivated root vegetables. Remains of carrots have been found in buildings dating back to the Stone Age. Roman writers called her the queen of vegetables, praising her in their creations. the oldest of all cultivated root crops. Remains of carrots have been found in buildings dating back to the Stone Age. Roman writers called her the queen of vegetables, praising her in their creations. protects the body from heart attack and stroke. protects the body from heart attack and stroke. improves heart performance, very good for vision. Two carrots provide the daily requirement of beta-carotene, which halves the risk of stroke in men. improves heart performance, very good for vision. Two carrots provide the daily requirement of beta-carotene, which halves the risk of stroke in men. Women who eat five carrots a week are 70% less likely to suffer a heart attack. Women who eat five carrots a week are 70% less likely to suffer a heart attack. Carrot juice mixed with cucumber juice is a good diuretic. Carrot juice mixed with cucumber juice is a good diuretic.

    Sweet pepper protects against colds, asthma, bronchitis, and sclerosis. Sweet pepper protects against colds, asthma, bronchitis, and sclerosis. Red bell peppers contain lutein, and orange bell peppers contain zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help prevent certain forms of cancer and coronary heart disease. Red bell peppers contain lutein, and orange bell peppers contain zeaxanthin. These antioxidants help prevent certain forms of cancer and coronary heart disease. (in the homeland of the vegetable, in America, the Indians did not use pepper for food at all. They smoked poisonous gas from hot peppers, frightening their enemies).

    Garlic Garlic The Roman patricians called garlic a “stinking rose”, and the British called it a “fiend of hell”. The Roman patricians called garlic “the stinking rose,” and the British called it “the fiend of hell.” Roman emperors, fearing conspiracies, consumed garlic cloves in huge quantities. The fact is that garlic sulfides “glue together” free poison molecules before they have time to affect the human body. Also, garlic is a natural antibiotic, prevention and treatment of vascular diseases, and stimulates the human immune system. Garlic reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood; people who regularly eat it are 20% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Among other things, it lowers blood pressure and is one of the means of preventing cancer. Roman emperors, fearing conspiracies, consumed garlic cloves in huge quantities. The fact is that garlic sulfides “glue together” free poison molecules before they have time to affect the human body. Also, garlic is a natural antibiotic, prevention and treatment of vascular diseases, and stimulates the human immune system. Garlic reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood; people who regularly eat it are 20% less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Among other things, it lowers blood pressure and is one of the means of preventing cancer. Garlic bulbs were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Garlic bulbs were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

    Lose weight wisely and with pleasure! Lose weight wisely and with pleasure! Walk on the steps Walk on the steps Eat dried fruits Eat dried fruits Eat regularly Eat regularly Laugh more often Laugh more often Make friends with sports Make friends with sports Wear small heels Wear small heels Go to the pool regularly Go to the pool regularly Study etiquette Study etiquette Maintain high self-esteem Maintain high self-esteem

    Have a carrot, an apple, a small tomato on hand so that you don’t die of hunger between meals... And don’t think about your weight all the time. Drink unsweetened juices, herbal teas and vegetable infusions. Drink unsweetened juices, herbal teas and vegetable infusions. Do not fry if you can cook, high temperatures typical of frying, grilling and ovens promote acrylamide synthesis, give preference to poultry and fish. There is evidence that this substance increases the risk of ovarian cancer by 79%, uterine cancer by 28%, and kidney cancer by 59%. Do not fry if you can cook, high temperatures typical of frying, grilling and ovens promote acrylamide synthesis, give preference to poultry and fish. There is evidence that this substance increases the risk of ovarian cancer by 79%, uterine cancer by 28%, and kidney cancer by 59%. Drink as much water as your body requires. Drink as much water as your body requires. There are dried fruits. Enjoy life! There are dried fruits. Enjoy life! Hippocrates said that a person needs to be treated with proper nutrition. So, good nutrition is the basis of human health, well-being and vitality.
