Tricky questions in chemistry. Quiz chemical elements and geography

Municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school in the village of Kebyachevo, municipal district Aurgazinsky district, Republic of Bashkotostan

Methodological development

“300 questions for an inquisitive student”

Thematic interdisciplinary quizzes

highest qualification category MBOU secondary school in Kebyachevo

Kebyachevo 2014

This methodological development "300 questions for an inquisitive student" is intended for extracurricular activities in chemistry. This development is intended for chemistry teachers. It will also be useful for students. Here are thematic interdisciplinary quizzes on chemistry, history, physics, geography, etc. Different forms of quizzes broaden your horizons. Students test their erudition and learn new and unknown things.

Quiz questions.

    My life is in danger without safety rules____________________ 3

    Open the mask_________________________________________________ 3

    Have a question - find the answer________________________________________________ 4

    Chemical catch-up __________________________________________ 5

    Anagrams _____________________________________________ 6

    Interdisciplinary quizzes________________________________________________ 6

    Guess the elements_________________________________________________ 12

    Olympics dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the birth of D.I. Mendeleeva 13

    Periodic table of chemical elements______________________ 15

    Answers to the quiz “Chemistry and Biology” ___________________________________ 16

The word “QUIZ” in Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary is interpreted as “A GAME of questions and answers”


1. What should you do if concentrated vinegar gets into your eye? (Rinse the eye with a stream of cold water )

2. What acid is always found in the stomach of a healthy person, and if there is a deficiency, is it used as medicine? (H l – hydrochloric acid )

3. What will you do if lime mortar gets into your eye? (First, rinse the eyes with a stream of water, then neutralize the lime solution with a 1-3% solution of boric acid )

4. What role does baking soda play when used for heartburn? (Table salt neutralizes hydrochloric acid )

5. What will you do if you get acid from a car battery on your skin? (Wipe the affected area with a dry cloth, rinse with running water and neutralize with a 1-3% soda solution. )

6. What gas is used in medicine to relieve pain shock during operations? (Laughing gas – N 2 O )

7. What will you do if acid gets into your mouth or gastrointestinal tract? (When in a chemical laboratory, neutralize the acid with a suspension of magnesium oxide; in other conditions, you can use a solution of baking soda NaHCO 3 sodium bicarbonate )

8. How dangerous are nitrates for the human body? (Nitrates are converted to nitrites, which conduct Fe 2+ in Fe 3* in hemoglobin, which interferes with the transfer of oxygen )

9. Which gas smells fresh in small concentrations, but is poisonous in high concentrations? (Ozone – O 3 )

10. In what ways can poisons enter the human body? (Through the respiratory system, skin )

11. What personal protective equipment should be used when working with acids and alkalis? (Robe, eyes, gloves )

12. What should be done in case of a burn from alkalis? (Rinse with water and neutralize with 1-2% acetic acid solution )


Mask 1. I have been friends with a person for a very long time. I am beautiful, the color that suits me best is yellow. It’s easy to damage me, since my character is very soft, but many people scold me and call me bloodthirsty. No one can do without me when they make purchases, build temples, or launch artificial Earth satellites. My heavenly patron is the Sun. I am called the king of metals and the metal of kings. Who am I? (Gold )

Mask 2. I am no less beautiful than gold. My family is ancient, about 7 thousand years old. With my help, 5 thousand years ago they built the 147-meter pyramid of Cheops. They used me to make a shield for the hero of the Trojan War, Achilles. I am very musical, I have a wonderful voice. I know how to heal, without me a person develops anemia and weakness. Who am I? (Copper )

Mask 3. In ancient times, some peoples valued me more than gold. It is believed that I am an alien from outer space. I am both a warrior and a hard worker. I have a real man's job. Without me a person is weak and weak. My patron is the god of war. Who am I? (Iron )

Mask 4. My structure is similar to that of a diamond. I am used as a semiconductor. At high temperatures I reduce many metals from oxides. I am the second most abundant element on Earth. Part of river sand. Who am I? (Silicon )

Mask 5. In gaseous form, I have a strong irritant effect on the eyes and respiratory system. I am an ingredient in some herbicides, insecticides and other pesticides. I am mainly born as a result of the electrolysis of salts. I am used to disinfect water in swimming pools. Who am I? (Chlorine )

Mask 6. I am an analogue of nitrogen and we have similar electronic configurations. I live on the Kola Peninsula in mineral deposits. I have several brothers - allotropic modifications. One brother takes an active part in making matches. I am constantly invited to participate in obtaining smoke screens. Who am I? (Phosphorus )


1. One poet wrote this about a drop of rain:

“She lived and flowed on the glass.

But suddenly she was surrounded by frost,

And a motionless piece of ice

the drop has become

and the world has become less warm.”

What mistake is made here?( The poet forgot the law of conservation and transformation of energy. The internal energy of a drop of water has decreased. When solidified, a drop of water releases heat into the “world”.)

2. Why is the eagle vigilant?( An eagle has 100 times more selenium in its retina than a human.)

3. To the famous Russian chemist V.V. Markovnikov was contacted by the publishing house with a request to explain what was happening with the tinned teapots that were supplied to the Russian army. The teapot brought into the laboratory as an illustrative example was covered with gray spots and growths that crumbled even when lightly tapped with a hand. The analysis showed that both the dust and the growths consisted of a substance without any impurities. What substance behaves this way at low temperatures?( Metal – tin. At temperatures below 13.2 O A restructuring begins in the crystal structure of the tin ingot. White tin turns into powdery gray tin, and the lower the temperature, the faster the rate of this transformation. It reaches its maximum at 39 O S. For the same reason, Robert Scott’s expedition died, because. was left without fuel, which leaked through the seams soldered with tin.)

4. Why do the components of our atmosphere - nitrogen and oxygen - not interact with each other?( The fact is that nitrogen is chemically inert; its interaction with oxygen requires a very high temperature.)

5. Is the chemical element indium related to India? ( Doesn't have it. Indium was discovered spectroscopically by the characteristic indigo-blue line in the residues from the processing of zinc blende. It got its name from the color of the line.)

4. Quiz questions "CHEMICAL CATCH-UP"

1. What element are we talking about: 18 protons, 22 neutrons? (Argon )

2. Name the most common chemical element in space? (Hydrogen )

3. The content of this chemical element in living organisms is extremely low. The earth's crust contains about 30% of it by mass. After oxygen, it is the most common chemical element. Who is this mysterious stranger? (Silicon )

4. There is a chemical element called the "element of life and thought." Name it. (Phosphorus )

5. Which element exhibits stronger metallic properties - potassium or magnesium? (Potassium )

6. Elements that have the same nuclear charge, but a different number of neutrons are called... (Isotopes )

7. Looking at the periodic table, you involuntarily notice that in it metals are under metals, caustic ones are under caustic ones, malleable ones are under malleable ones, and everyone has a permanent “registration”. Who among you can name an element that does not have a permanent “registration” in the periodic table? (Hydrogen )

8. Which gas claims that it is not itself? (Neon )

9. Which non-metal is wood? (Bor )

10. The name of this active metal contains a satisfactory mark. (Sodium )

11. A positively charged particle in an atom... (Proton )

12. Various sources claim that among the elements of group IV there is an element that forms the basis of life. He characterizes himself this way:

All living things consist of me.

I am graphite, anthracite and diamond.

I am on the street, at school and in the field.

I am in the trees and in each of you.

What is this element? (Carbon )

13. Who before D.I. Mendeleev tried to classify chemical elements? (I. Döbereiner, B. de Chancourtois, J. Newlands, L. Meyer )

14.Who discovered the predicted D.I. Mendeleev's elements - transitional between clearly defined non-metals and metals? (English chemist W. Ramsay )

15. The smallest particle of a substance that has all its properties is... (Molecule )

16. A negatively charged particle in an atom is called... (Electron )

17. In the table D.I. Mendeleev contains a chemical element, the “name” of which coincides with the name of the country, which occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of population. Name this element. (Indium )

18.Can you name metals that melt in the palm of your hand, or do such metals not exist? (Gallium and cesium )

19.The name of this element begins with the name of the wave barrier (Molybdenum )

20. How many electrons are there in a mercury atom? (80 )

5. GAME-QUIZ “ Anagram »

An anagram is a word in which the order of the letters is rearranged (changed), and for better guessing, some definition of this word is usually also offered.

1. EZELOG- without this element you will not cut a piece of bread(iron)

2. SLIKODOR- and without it you won’t live even ten minutes(oxygen)

3. NAPLITE- glitters, but not gold (platinum )

4. ORREBES– younger brother of NAPLITA(silver)

5. MNICRAY– both in the lighter and among the stones(silicon)

6. HERE- the only liquid metal(mercury)

7. LEODFRIEND– without this element there will be no fire in the stove(carbon)

8. DODOVER- the lightest gas(hydrogen)


Chemistry and Geography

Add to the title...

1.... the city of Ruby in the USA three letters at the end of the word, and you will receive the name of a chemical element used in photovoltaic cells, fluorescent lamps. (Rubidium.)

    The city of Sere in Greece three letters at the end of the word and you get the name of a chemical element that alchemists believed to be associated with the Moon.(Silver.)

    The Fry Rivers, which flow in Southeast Asia, three letters in the middle of the word, and you get the name of a chemical element, which was isolated by the French researcher M. Porey and named after her homeland.(French.)

4... the Qin River, flowing in Palestine, just one letter at the end of the word, and you will find out the name of the chemical element that is part of brass. (Zinc.)

5... the city of Bai in Eastern Kazakhstan, two letters in the middle of the word” and you will get the name of a chemical element used in the production of paints, glass, and enamels.(Barium.)

6... the city of Gali in Georgia two letters: one in the middle of the word, the other at the end of the word, and you get a chemical element; the name of whichD 2_-Frenchman, heir to the ancient Boisbaudran.(Gallium.)

7... a large river flowing in Pakistan, two letters at the end of the word, and you get the name of a chemical element that is part of anti-corrosion coatings and is used in semiconductor technology. Hewas discovered in 1863 using spectroscopy of zinc blende by F. ReichAndR. Richter,(R. Indus - indium.)

8. ... cosmetic ointment three letters at the end of the word, and you will get the name of a chemical element used in electronics.(Cream - silicon.)

9. ... the city of Man in Cote Divoire, South-West Africa, three letters at the beginning and two at the end of the word so as to give the name of the chemical element, which was discovered by the chemist K. Winkler in 1886. This element was named by L.I. Mendeleev ecasilicium.(Germanium.)

10. ... a type of art, four letters at the end of the word, and you will receive the name of a chemical element of group IV of D.I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements.(Circus is zirconium.)

11... the city of Sur in Lebanon three letters and get the name of a chemical element, the Latin name of which is “stibium”.(Antimony.)

12... the city of Tanta in Northeast Africa one letter at the end of the word, and you get the name of a chemical element discovered in 1802 by A Ekeberg. the simple substance that the atoms of this element form is resistant to acids and other aggressive substances and is superior to platinum in this regard.(Tantalum.)

13. ... a river in North-Eastern France one letter at the end of the word, andYouget the name of the “hellish” element.(Sulfur.)

14. ... the city of Rennes in France, two letters at the end of the word, and you will recognize the name of the chemical element discovered by German chemists Voltaire and Ilya Noddack in 1927 and named after their homeland.(Rhenium.)

15. ... a sweet gelatinous dish prepared from fruit juices with gelatin, two letters at the end of the word, and you get the name of a chemical element that alchemists believed to be associated with Mars.(Jelly is iron.)

16. ... the city of Rod in Sweden two letters at the end of the word and you get the title of the chemical element. It comes from the Greek "rose".(Rhodium.)

Cree Lakes in Canada four letters at the end of the word and you will find out the name of the chemical element used in electric vacuum technology.(Krypton.)

17. ... the most important river in the Rostov region, two letters so that - happens to be the name of a chemical element that is formed during the radioactive decay of radium,(Don river - radon.)

Convert to the name of a chemical element.

    City At. Arab alchemists called this element “natron”.


    The name of the frozen sticky sap of some plants, used

used in industry and medicine, removing from it the name of a river flowing in Vietnam. The name of this element, according to alchemists, is associated with Venus. (Gum - river Kamed.)

    City of Burley. This element is a “neighbor” of lithium. (Beryllium.)

4... the river Ma. This element was obtained in 1808 by the English chemist G. Davy. (Magnesium.)

5... city of Kiel. This element is one of the most common on Earth. (Calcium.)

6... the Ituri River. This element is classified as rare earth. (Yttrium.)

7... the city of Ugledar. The lead of a pencil is made up of atoms of this element. (Carbon.)

8... Gan Island. This element was discovered in 1923 by Danish scientists D. Koster and D. Hevesy in Copenhagen. (Hafnium.)

9... the city of Sine. The Latin name for the element is “plumbum”. (Mr. Sine-lead.)

10... the Kura River. This element is named after an outstanding scientist, organizer of work on the development of atomic energy. (Kurchatovy.)

11... the city of Soro. This element is used in the production of matches, for the production of alloys and semiconductor materials. (Phosphorus.)

12... the Ob River. This element is named after the daughter of Tantalus. (Niobium.)

13... the name of one of the legendary brothers who founded Rome. This element was discovered in 1797 by the French chemist L. Vauquelin in the mineral crocoite. (Romulus or Remus - chrome.)

14... the city of Mol. This trace element is used in the production of alloy steels, alloys for aircraft construction, as well as in electrical and radio engineering. (Molybdenum.)

15... the name of the mineral by rearranging two letters in it. This element was discovered in 1886 by the French chemist Henri Moissan. (Peat is fluorine.)

16... legume plant. This element was isolated in 1844 by Kazan University professor K.K. Klaus and named in honor of Russia. (Chickpea ruthenium.)

17... Oshima Island. This element was obtained in 1804 by S. Tennant. Osmium.)

18... Kota city. This element forms many complex compounds. Its name translated from German means “brownie” or “gnome”. (Cobalt.)

19... the Iriri River. It is a stable chemical element. (Iridium.)

20... city of Kinel, Samara region. This element was discovered in 751 by the Swedish chemist A. Kronstedt. (Nickel.)

21... dry grass. The simple substance formed by the atoms of this element is an inert gas. (Hay - xenon.)

22... the largest rodent living in Russia. (Beaver - boron.)

23... the name of a family of lizards that live primarily in the tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere. (Skinks - zinc.)

24... heroes of ancient Greek mythology who went to Colchis for the Golden Fleece. (Argonauts - argon.)

Replace in the title...

25... chemical element, which is named after the small planet Ceres, one letter, and you will find out the name of the chemical element discovered in 1860 by R. Bunsen and G. Kirchhoff using spectral analysis. (Cerium cesium.)

26... the city of Lantuy, the last two letters, and you will get the name of the chemical element discovered in 1839 by K. Mosander. (Lanthanum.)

27... an animal belonging to the type of coelenterates, one letter, and you will get the name of a radioactive chemical element. (Anemone - sea anemone.)

28... the city of Oloy two letters, and you get the name of the chemical element used to make tinplate. (Tin.)

29... the city of Wolfen in Germany, the last two letters, and you will recognize the “king” of refractoriness. (Tungsten.)

30... geographical region of the Carpathian region Polonyny, the last two letters so as to form the name of a chemical element, which was isolated in 1898 by the Curies and named in honor of the homeland of Marie Sklodowska-Curie. (Polonium.)

31... the town of Broome in Australia one letter and you get the name of a chemical element, translated from Greek meaning "smelly". (Bromine.)

32... the Yom River in Thailand, the last letter, and you will find out the name of the chemical element that is found in seaweed and translated from Greek means “purple” (Iodine.)

33... of an excessively moist area of ​​the earth's surface the first letter, and you will get the name of the chemical element. (Swamp is gold).

This is also the name of the chemical element And...

34... a giant in ancient Greek mythology, who entered into a fight with the gods, and a man of enormous creative potential, and a large boiler for water. (Titanium.)

35... city in the Dnepropetrovsk region. (Manganese.)

36... planet, and river, and sky god in Greek mythology. (Uranus.)

37... a yellow substance formed in the ear canal and a mineral. Sulfur.)

38... a type of yellow dye, and a type of soft, thin leather. (Chromium.)

Chemistry and technology metals

1.White soft precious metal, conducts heat and electricity better than other metals. (Silver)

2.The only “Liquid” metal, used in thermometers. (Mercury)

3. Refractory metal, used for the manufacture of incandescent filaments of electric lamps. (Tungsten)

4. The metal is red in color, used for the manufacture of brass, bronze, cupronickel. (Copper)

5. Metal, used mainly in the form of alloys: cast iron and steel. (Iron)

6.Precious yellow metal, used in dentistry. (Gold)

7.Heavy metal we need for fishing. (Lead)

Chemistry and general life safety - substances in my house

1.Name the formula of carbon monoxide. (CO)

2. Chemical name of table salt. (Sodium chloride)

3.Salt, which acid is baking soda. (Carbonic acid)

4.Name the element that makes up the substance activated carbon. (Carbon)

5.What acid is used to extinguish soda. (Vinegar)

6.What are salt, vinegar, and aspirin called as substances that slow down the rate of food spoilage? (Inhibitors)

7.What gas is used for heating in your home? (Natural gas, methane)

Natural science - elements and substances in nature

    The most common element in nature. (Oxygen)

    A substance found in nature in three states of aggregation. (Water)

    The gas found in the lower layers of the atmosphere protects all living things. (Ozone)

    The watery shell of the earth. (Hydrosphere)

    A mixture of gases that make up the atmosphere (Air)

    Limestone, marble, and chalk contain... (Calcium carbonate)

    The second most abundant element in the earth's crust (Silicon)

Chemistry and mathematics – chemical equations

1.What is the name of the number in front of a chemical formula? (Coefficient)

2.What is the index of the hydrogen atom in a water molecule? (2)

3.What is the molar mass of water? (18 g/mol)

4.What is the volume of 2 moles of hydrogen? (44.8 liters)

5.How to calculate the amount of a substance, knowing the mass and molar mass? (by division)

6. Determine the type of reaction using the equation 2Аl + 3 S = Al 2 S 3 (Compound)

7. How many moles of substance are contained in 2 g of hydrogen (1 mol)

Chemistry and physics atomic structure

1.Proton charge…(positive)

2. An atom consists of... (nucleus and electrons)

3. The nucleus consists of... (protons and neutrons)

4.Atom, which element is the lightest? (Hydrogen)

5.Electron charge...(negative)

6.Element with atomic charge +6 (Carbon)

7. The number of electrons in a carbon atom ... (six)

Chemistry – chemical properties of substances

1. Alkalis and acids can be recognized using... (indicators)

2. When a substance interacts with oxygen, ... (oxides) are formed

3. Reactions that occur between acids and bases with the formation of water and salt are called... (neutralization reactions)

4.Name any three signs of a chemical reaction (optional: formation of gas, sediment, heat, odor, color change)

5.Which class of substances include: sodium chloride, copper sulfate, calcium carbonate? (salt)

6.Oxidation state of sodium in compounds (+1)

7. To stop the combustion reaction it is necessary... (optional: cover with a tarpaulin, cover with sand, fill with water, stop the air supply)

Chemistry and foreign language – names of elements translated into Russian

1.The name of this metal comes from the Latin word, which means “lime” (calcium)

2.This element gets its name from the Latin name of the island of Cyprus (Copper)

3. This gas has found application in the advertising industry, translated from Greek it means “new” (Neon)

4. Poisonous gas, translated from Greek as “green” (Chlorine)

5. Group 7 element, the name of which comes from the Greek “destructive” (Fluorine)

6.Element translated from Greek as “carrying light” (Phosphorus)

7. An element whose name comes from the Latin name of our planet (terra - Tellurium)

Chemistry and Russian language – pun

1. This element received its name from the phrase “giving birth to water” (Hydrogen)

2. Translate from chemical language into the generally accepted phrase: “Not all thataurum what glitters" (All that glitters is not gold )

3. Ferrum character (Iron character )

4.Wordargentum , and silenceaurum (The word is silver, and silence is golden )

5.A lothydrogen oxide leaked since then (Much water has flown under the bridge since that time )

6.Leaves likeash-two-o Vsilicon oxide (disappears like water into sand )

7.Undosodium chloride on the table, pensodium chloride on the back (Undersalted on table, oversalt on the back )

8. Come up with at least three synonyms for the name “table salt” (sodium chloride, rock salt, table salt.)

9. The names of which elements include: a) a pronoun (notHe , cryptHe , We shyak); b) particle (Not He); c) verb (take it lliy,sat down en.)

Chemistry and social studies - general knowledge of classes of chemical compounds

1.What two groups are simple substances divided into? (Metals and non-metals)

2.What are binary substances called, one of the elements in which is oxygen with an oxidation state of -2? (Oxides)

3. Complex substances consisting of hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by metal atoms and acidic residues are called... (Acids)

4. According to the composition of the substance, there are... (simple and complex)

5. Substances consisting of metal atoms and an acid residue are called... (Salts)

6. Bases soluble in water are called... (alkalis)

7.What class of compounds does water belong to? (Oxides)

Chemistry and history – life and work of D.I. Mendeleev

1.When and where was D.I. Mendeleev born? (in 1834 in the city of Tobolsk)

2.Who did D.I. Mendeleev’s father work? (He was the director of the gymnasium)

3.Where did the surname Mendeleev come from? (Make menu)

4.Which higher educational institution did D.I. Mendeleev graduate from? (Main Pedagogical Institute in St. Petersburg)

5.Which university was Mendeleev a professor when he discovered the Periodic Law? (Petersburg)

6.What important event happened in 1860 in the German city of Karlsruhe? (International Chemical Congress)

7. When and why did D.I. Mendeleev die? (in 1907 from pneumonia)

Chemistry and biology

    The names of which chemical elements include the names of animals?

    By discarding the first and last letters in the name of the element of the eighth group, you get the name of cut and dried grass.

    Add one letter to the name of the element of the sixth group and get the name of the artiodactyl animal.

    By replacing one letter in the name of a chemical element of the actinide family with another, you get the name of a bat with big ears.

    The name of which chemical element does not correspond to its role in living nature?

    The name of which chemical element includes the name of the tree?

    Name a chemical element whose name coincides with the name of a pine forest?

    Rearrange the letters in the name of the element of the eighth group so that you get the name of a forest of young fir trees.

    The name of which edible contains the name of a chemical element?

    By replacing the first letter in the name of the element of the first group, you get the name of an excessively moistened area of ​​land overgrown with plants.

    The name of which chemical element, the most important compound for plant life that determines their green color, includes the name of a chemical element?

    Change only the letter in the name of an element of the fourth group and get the name of a representative of the most important class of organic compounds, widespread in nature and the main source of energy in organisms.

    The names of which structural elements of the cell nucleus containing DNA include the name of a chemical element?

    Drop the first two letters in the name of the chemical element of the first group and get the name of the arched bone that is part of the chest.

    By replacing the last letter in the name of the chemical element of the fourth period with another, you will get the name of human and animal organs that produce specific substances involved in various biochemical processes.

    By changing just one letter in the name of an element of the halogen family, you get the name of the famous German zoologist and traveler, the author of the multi-volume work “Animal Life”.

    By discarding the first three letters in the name of a chemical element of the lanthanide family, you get the name of a powerful drug used in medicine as a painkiller.

    The name of which aquarium fish is identical to the name of a chemical element.

    What chemical element was discovered in the leaching products of seaweed ash?

    What metal can “suffer from the plague”?

    The lack of which element in the human body leads to dental caries?

    What chemical element was used to poison Napoleon?

    What chemical element is seaweed - kelp - rich in?

    Which metal has bactericidal properties?

    For what diseases does the doctor prescribe bromine?

    What acid is found in the human stomach?

    Which animal was involved in the discovery of iodine?

    Which organ contains the most bromine?

    What halogen is concentrated in the thyroid gland?


1. When the Hamburg alchemist Henning Brand discovered this element in 1669, he was amazed by its glow. The new substance received a name that, translated from Greek, means “carrying light.” So “traffic light” is linguistically the same as “Lucifer”. What element are we talking about? (Answer: Phosphorus)

2. For a long time, only derivatives of this element were known, including an extremely caustic acid that dissolves even glass and leaves very severe, difficult-to-heal burns on the skin. The nature of this acid was established in 1810 by the French physicist and chemist A.M. Ampere; He proposed a name for the corresponding element (which was isolated much later, in 1886), which translated from Greek means destruction, death. (Answer: Fluorine)

3. Translated from Greek as yellow-green. This is the color of this gas and has a suffocating effect. What gas are we talking about? (Answer: chlorine)

4. From Greek this element is translated as rainbow, goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods. (Answer: Iridium)

5. In the 15th century in Saxony, among rich silver ores, white or gray crystals, shiny like steel, were discovered, from which it was not possible to smelt the metal; their admixture with silver or copper ore interfered with the smelting of these metals. The “bad” ore was given the name of the mountain spirit by the miners. In 1735, the Swedish mineralogist Georg Brand managed to isolate a previously unknown metal from this mineral. What metal is this? (Answer: Cobalt)

6. This element was predicted by D.I. Mendeleev and discovered in 1875 by the French chemist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran, who named it in honor of his homeland. What element are we talking about (Answer: Gallium)

7. This element was discovered in 1844 by Kazan University professor K.K. Klaus, who named him after his homeland - Russia. (Answer: Ruthenium)

8. The name of this element is associated with the Greek sun god Helios. The Latin name means “yellow” and is related to “Aurora” - morning dawn. (Answer: Gold)

9. What is the most common metal on earth? (Aluminum)

10. What does it smell like after a thunderstorm? (Ozone)

11..An essential component of hemoglobin - the pigment of red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues contains..... (Iron)

12. Which element is the active part of thyroid hormones? (Iodine)

13. Name the main sources of iodine (fish, seafood)

14. This element is part of many enzymes and has a stimulating effect on the process of puberty, bone formation, and the breakdown of adipose tissue. (Zinc)

15. This element is an activation factor for vitamin B12, therefore this element is indispensable for the normal process of blood formation (Cobalt)

16. This element is the main ion of the intracellular environment. Its concentration in the blood is many times less than inside cells. This fact is very important for the normal functioning of body cells. (Potassium)

17. This element is the most common ion in plasma - the liquid part of the blood. This element accounts for the main share in the creation of plasma osmotic pressure. (Sodium)

18. This metal can heal. If you store water in vessels made of this metal or simply in contact with products, then the smallest particles of this metal go into solution and kill microorganisms and bacteria. Such water does not spoil for a long time and does not “bloom”. What metal are we talking about? (Silver)


Date of birth D.I. Mendeleev? (January 27 (February 8), 1834)

    The city in which D.I. was born. Mendeleev? (Tobolsk)

    How many children were there in the Mendeleev family? (17 people)

    At what faculty of the pedagogical institute did student Dmitry Mendeleev study? (Faculty of Physics and Mathematics)

    What was the name of D.I.’s father? Mendeleev? (Ivan Pavlovich)

    In what year did Dmitry go to school? (1841).

    How many years did Professor D.I. conduct his scientific and pedagogical activities at St. Petersburg University? Mendeleev? (23 years old)

    What kind of child was Mitya Mendeleev in the family? (last)

    Where and who did Dmitry's father work before he went blind? (director of the Tobolsk gymnasium).

    What was the name of the scientist's mother? (Marya Dmitrievna).

    In what year did the Academic Council award Mendeleev the title “Senior Teacher”? (May, 1855).

    In what year did D.I.’s father die? Mendeleev? (1841).

    In what year did the Mendeleev family move from Tobolsk to Aremzyan? (1834)

    What is the reason for studying for two years in the first year of university? (disease)

    What attracted Mitya as a child and later served to develop an interest in knowledge during his life in Aremzyanka? (observation of glassblowing skills at the glass factory of Vasily Korniliev, Mendeleev’s uncle).

    What served as income for the student’s lifeIIIcourse D.I. Mendeleev? (royalties for brief images of science).

    At what age did Mitya Mendeleev go to school? (6 years)

    What was the subject of the first scientific work, “Chemical Analysis of Orthite from Finland”? (mineral analysis method).

    How many children did the scientist have? (5 children: 3 sons and 2 daughters)

    How many years did he study in first grade? (2 years)

    In what year was the first scientific work of D. I. Mendeleev published? (1854)

    In what year did Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev's mother die? (September 20, 1850).

    In what year did Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev die? (1847).

    In which city D.I. Did Mendeleev begin his professional career? (Odessa).

    In what year did Dmitry Mendeleev graduate from high school? (1849).

    Why should Mitya Mendeleev study in first grade for 2 years? (until age 8).

    In what year did Ivan Pavlovich Mendeleev, the scientist’s father, go blind? (1834).

    In what capacity did D.I. begin his professional career? Mendeleev? (teacher of mathematics, physics and natural sciences).

    In what year did the Mendeleev family move from Aremzyanka to Tobolsk? (1848).

    In what year did the glass factory, which was managed by Marya Dmitrievna Mendeleeva, burn down? (1848).

    In what year did D.I. Mendeleev defended his first dissertation “Structure of silicate compounds”? (autumn, 1857)

    In what year did Marya Dmitrievna and her son move to Moscow? (1849).

    Who besides his mother and Dmitry himself moved to Moscow? (sister Elizabeth).

    In what capacity did D. I. Mendeleev begin to work at St. Petersburg University? (Private Associate Professor).

    When D.I. died Mendeleev? (January 20, 1907)

    What was the name of Mendeleev's second wife? (Anna Ivanovna Popova)

    What are periodic environments? (on Wednesdays, outstanding people of that time gathered at the Mendeleev family house: artists, composers, poets, scientists).

    When was the article on the classification of chemical elements published? (March 1, 1871).

    Was Dmitry Mendeleev able to enroll in Moscow University in 1849? (No)

    How many important works did the scientist himself highlight in his scientific activity? (4: periodic law, study of gas elasticity, understanding solutions as associations, “Fundamentals of Chemistry”)

    Which educational district did those who graduated from the Tobolsk gymnasium belong to? (Kazan educational district).

    In which city abroad did Mendeleev organize his first chemical laboratory? (Bonn).

    Which higher educational institution accepted Dmitry Mendeleev? (Petersburg Pedagogical Institute).

    What caused the scientist to leave St. Petersburg University in 1890? (student unrest and his sympathy for students).

    In what year did Mendeleev return from a business trip abroad to St. Petersburg? (February, 1861)

    Which institute was the first to which Mendeleev was accepted, but where he was unable to study? (St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy)

    Which great Russian poet was the daughter of Lyuba D.I. Mendeleev married to? (A. Blok)

    What was the name of the scientist’s first book that brought him fame? (textbook “Organic Chemistry”).

    What did Mendeleev see, according to the scientist himself, as the meaning of his scientific activity? (“first service to the Motherland”)

    In what year did the periodic law of D.I. practically receive confirmation? Mendeleev? (autumn 1875)

    What position was offered to Mendeleev by Finance Minister Witte in 1892? (Custodian of the House of Weights and Measures)

    How many works have scientists written? (25 volumes)

    In what year did D.I. Mendeleev begin work on the periodic table of chemical elements? (1869)

    The discovery of which chemical elements experimentally confirmed the periodic law and the periodic system of chemical elements by D.I. Mendeleev? (gallium, scandium, germanium)

    In how many academies and various chemical societies did D.I. Was Mendeleev elected their member? (70 academies and chemical societies)

    In what year did D.I. get married? Mendeleev on Feozva Nikitichna Leshcheva? (spring 1863).

    What was the impetus for the creation of the periodic table? (writing a textbook on inorganic chemistry).

    What was the title of the first report at the meeting of the Russian Chemical Society on the classification of chemical elements? (Experience of a system of elements based on their atomic weight and chemical similarity)

    In what year was Mendelevium discovered? (1955, American physicists).

    What served as the first confirmation of the periodic law of D.I. Mendeleev? (discovery of gallium by Lecoq de Boisbaudran).


    The vertical column of D. I. Mendeleev’s periodic system of chemical elements is ... (group)

    Subgroups containing chemical elements of only long periods are called ... (side)

    What happens to metallic properties as atomic masses increase (weakening)

    Periods 1, 2, 3, containing no more than 8 chemical elements are called ... (small)

    Horizontal row of chemical elements table D.I. Mendeleev, starting with an alkali metal and ending with an inert gas is called ... (period)

    Subgroups containing chemical elements of small and large periods are called ... (main)

    Igroup, main subgroup is ... (alkali metals)

    The 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th periods containing 18 or more chemical elements are called ... (large)

    The highest valence of elements in compounds with oxygen (with some exceptions) corresponds to ... (group number)

    The charge of the nucleus of an atom (the atomic number of the element) determines.... (chemical properties of the element)

    The properties of simple bodies, as well as the forms and properties of compounds of elements, are periodically dependent on ... (atomic weights of the elements)

    Non-metallic properties in the period with increasing atomic masses ... (increase)

    A natural family of chemical elements located inIIgroup of the main subgroup is ... (alkaline earth metals)

    f– orbitals are classified as... (f– elements)

    The properties of chemical elements and the simple and complex substances they form are periodically dependent on the value .... (charge of the nucleus of the atoms of these elements)

    Chemical element named after Russia...(ruthenium)

    The number of energy levels in an element’s atom corresponds to ... (period number)

    Metallic properties in a group with increasing charge of the atomic nucleus...(increase)

    Elementary particles rotating in their orbits around the nucleus... (electrons)

    Elements that are filledd– orbitals refer to... (d- elements)

    The serial number of a chemical element named in honor of D.I. Mendeleev... (101)

    A natural family of chemical elements located inVIIgroup of the main subgroup is... (halogens)

    The serial number of a chemical element coincides with ... (with the charge of the nucleus of its atom)

    Nonmetallic properties in a group with increasing charge of the atomic nucleus... (weaken)

    A natural family of chemical elements located inVIgroup, the main subgroup is... (chalcogens)

    The processes of transformation of atoms of one element into another belong to ... (nuclear reactions)

    Elements that are filledp- orbitals refer to... (p- elements)

    An element that simultaneously occupies two cells of the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev... (hydrogen)

    Varieties of atoms of the same chemical element, having the same number of protons in the nucleus, but different masses, are called ... (isotopes)

    A family of chemical elements that occupies one cell of lanthanum in the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev...(lanthanides)

    Elementary particles that make up the nucleus of an atom and determine its charge... (protons)

    A family of chemical elements occupying one actinide cell in the periodic table of chemical elements D.I. Mendeleev... (actinides)

    Neutral elementary particles that make up the nucleus of an atom... (neutrons)

    The main characteristic of a chemical element is ... (charge of the nucleus of an atom)

    A family of chemical elements located inVIIIgroup of the main subgroup is ... (inert gases)

    Elements that are filleds– orbitals are called... (s- elements)

    Chemical elements were known in 1869... (63)

    Based on the periodic law, it was possible to predict and discover the group.... (transuranic elements)

    The physical meaning of the serial number is its coincidence with ... (nuclear charge)

    Forms– orbitals... (spherical)

Chemistry and Biology Quiz Answers

    Arsenic – mouse, yak.

    Xenon - hay.

    Sulfur – chamois.

    Uranus - ushan.

    Nitrogen is “lifeless.”

    Nickel - spruce.


    Nickel - spruce forest

    Boron - boletus.

    Gold is a swamp.

    Chlorine – chlorophyll.

    Carbon is a carbohydrate.

    Chromium - chromosomes.

    Silver - rib.

    Iron is iron.

    Bromine - Brehm.

    Europium - opium.














1. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry 8th grade, Bustard LLC 2010, 206s

2. Gabrielyan O.S. Chemistry 9th grade, Bustard LLC 2010, 210s

3. Gabrielyan O.S. ,Lysova G.G. chemistry 11th grade specialized, Drofa LLC, 2010 360c



Knowledge Day was yesterday, but... It is in our power to extend this holiday for children.

Intellectual game

The game is held on the theme “Chemistry and Health”, which is due to the desire to help schoolchildren satisfy their thirst for knowledge about themselves. The lesson talks about the dangers that can lie in wait in life, and provides information on how to maintain health. In preparation for the game, students read popular science literature and prepare scientific reports.

Since the game was held on the eve of the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin, several questions used quotes from his works. For each half, the questions are selected so that there are both simple and complex ones.


1. In Rus' they always loved and knew how to drink tea. And these lines are proof of this:

“It was getting dark. On the table, shining,
The evening samovar hissed,
Chinese teapot, heating,
Light steam swirled beneath him.
Spilled by Olga's hand,
Through the cups in a dark stream
The fragrant tea was already running.”

Question. Which tea is more beneficial for health and why – black, long tea or green?

Answer. Green, because enzymatic and thermal processing is not used for its preparation, during which beneficial properties are lost.

2. There are a lot of foreign words in our vocabulary:

“And I see, I apologize to you,
Well, my poor syllable is already
I could have been much less colorful
Foreign words
Even though I looked in the old days
Into the academic dictionary."

Question. Name the chemical term that means “strong, healthy” in translation from Latin.

Answer. Valence – from lat. "valentia".

3. People have always loved to dance, including during the time of Pushkin!

“...The hall is full of people,
The music is already tired of thundering;
The crowd is busy with the mazurka;
There is noise and cramped conditions all around.”

Question. If you measure the blood acidity (pH) of people dancing under such conditions, it will turn out to be slightly acidic, not neutral. Why?

Answer. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood increases. The equilibrium of the reaction between carbon dioxide and water shifts to the right, towards the formation of bicarbonate ions and hydrogen ions:

4. “Oh, legs, legs! Where are you now?
Where do you crush spring flowers?
Nurtured in eastern bliss,
On the northern, sad snow
You left no trace.
You loved soft carpets
A luxurious touch."

Question. Explain which is more beneficial to health - modern carpeting, linoleum or painted floors.

Answer. Painted floor.

5. It is known that honey contains vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and most of all glucose and fructose, the oxidation of which produces carbon dioxide and water. At a time when special disinfectants were not yet used, honey was used to dress wounds.

Question. Why does honey have disinfectant properties?

Answer. As a result of an enzymatic reaction, hydrogen peroxide is formed from glucose; ethanol formation is possible.

6. Why is it contraindicated to take fats, vegetable oils, and eggs in case of petroleum product poisoning?

Answer. Hydrocarbons dissolve in fats, remain in the body, and thus their destructive effect lasts longer.

7. In which water – soft or hard – are heavy metal ions more toxic?

Answer. In hard water, insoluble carbonates, sulfates, and chlorides of heavy metals are formed. This way their toxic effect is reduced. In soft water such ions are more toxic.

8. Everyone knows how healthy dairy products are. What process is used to produce kefir?

Answer. Fermentation is a biochemical process.

9. What process is used to obtain cream?

Answer. The physical process is settling.

10. Many substances find wide application in various areas of life. Name a substance that can save a person in case of heart disease. It can explode and instantly destroy many people.

Answer. Nitroglycerine

11. During ritual rites in Ancient Egypt, worshipers inhaled the vapors of a white substance, its Latin name is “salvolative”, translated as “flying salt”. Later, volatile salt was given to sniff for fainting. Name this substance. What ancient Egyptian god is it named after?

Answer. Ammonium chloride - in honor of the god Amon Ra.

12. All chemists were either doctors or pharmacists by education. One of them was T. Paracelsus, who considered his main goal not to obtain the “philosopher’s stone”, but to prepare medicines. Paracelsus is considered the founder of iatrochemistry (iatrochemistry). What does the prefix “iatro” mean in Greek?

Answer. Doctor.

13. Modern recommendations for proper nutrition do not differ from those expressed more than 4 thousand years ago in the Bible and more than 2.5 thousand years ago by Hippocrates. One such piece of advice is: “Don’t fry food, steam it, boil it, bake it.” Why?

Answer. When frying, condensed aromatic hydrocarbons are formed - carcinogenic substances, for example benzopyrene (3,4-benzpyrene):

14. German chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber, a doctor by training, was involved in the development and improvement of methods for obtaining various substances. He found that the substance he discovered had a strong laxative effect. Glauber called this substance salmirabile - “amazing salt” and considered it the elixir of life. What is the current name for this substance and the mineral that contains it?

Answer. The substance is Glauber's salt, the mineral is mirabilite.

15. Explain why doctors prescribe bromine and iodine, which are poisonous, to patients. For example, a neurologist: “You should take bromine.” Endocrinologist: “You don’t have enough iodine.”

Answer. We are talking about compounds of these elements, for example NaBr and KI.

16. Potassium is found inside a living cell, and sodium is found in the intercellular space. Why do you feel thirsty after eating salty food?

Answer. Na+ ions are hydrated more easily than K+ ions, and water from the cell enters the intercellular space. The cell decreases in volume, and a feeling of thirst arises reflexively.

17. Oil and petroleum products may be contained in tap water. Based on the properties of alkanes, suggest simple ways to purify water from petroleum products.

Answer. Boiling and freezing.

18. This substance, or rather its solution, is used for preserving biological preparations, and thanks to its vapor contained in wood smoke, fish and sausages are smoked.

Answer. Formaldehyde.

19. Some of the trendy dietary supplements contain dietary fiber. Explain in chemical terms why foods containing dietary fiber make you feel full even though they contain few calories.

Answer. Cellulose, due to its many hydroxy groups, binds to water, swells and increases in volume. This gives you a feeling of satiety.

Answer. Alcohol dissolves well in water and will accumulate where it is most abundant - in the fetus, in the brain.

21. Crystal glass contains oxides of calcium, silicon, and lead. Is it possible to store marinade and sour jam in crystal dishes? Why?

Answer. It is forbidden. Lead oxide dissolves in acids and becomes soluble, i.e. becomes toxic.

22. Which packaging is more preferable for fatty products - butter, margarine, etc.? Why?

Answer. Unbleached paper or polyethylene for food packaging. You cannot use white paper, because it contains poisonous dioxins that dissolve in fats.

23. Russian surgeons F.I. Inozemtsev and N.I. Pirogov successfully used this substance in 1847 along with ether and chloroform for complex operations. Name the substance.

Answer. Laughing gas is N2O.

24. It is known that proteins mainly perform a plastic function, fats and carbohydrates - an energy function. What role do vitamins and minerals play?

Answer. Regulatory.

25. The pH indicator is an indicator of the acidity of the environment. It is known that pH = 5.5 indicates a slightly acidic environment, which should be on the skin of the face. After meals, Orbit with xylitol and urea is recommended. Why are xylitol and urea added to Orbit?

Answer. Xylitol - to create a sweet taste, urea - to neutralize hydrogen ions. The environment in the mouth should be slightly alkaline.

26. It has been established that a decrease in selenium content in food leads to breast cancer. Selenium is found in large quantities in seafood, garlic, liver, eggs. It has been established that an increase in the content of sulfur dioxide in the air reduces the intake of selenium into the body. Why?

Answer. Sulfur and selenium are elements of the same natural family. Sulfur is capable of replacing selenium in its compounds.

27. Bright children's toys are very attractive. Which dye is dangerous for children's health?

Answer. Cadmium - bright yellow.

28. An old man on the side of the road mows grass for his goat. Explain why this is harmful to the goat.

Answer. Vegetation at a distance of up to 200 m from the road is poisoned with lead.

29. In medicine, Glauber's salt is used as a laxative. Why is this salt taken for poisoning with barium and lead salts?

Answer. Insoluble sulfates are obtained, which do not participate in metabolism and are excreted from the body.

30. Carrots, pumpkin, apricots, eggs, liver, butter - what vitamin is contained in these products?

Answer. Vitamin A.

chemistry teacher
(Tynda, Amur region)

1. Is it possible to burn a diamond?

A diamond is a cut diamond. Diamond is an allotrope of carbon that burns to form carbon dioxide, just like carbon. Back in 1694, Italian alchemists tried to fuse several small diamonds and they burned.

2. Which stone releases flammable gas when exposed to water?

Due to the interaction of calcium carbide with water, acetylene gas is formed, which is highly flammable and burns with a bright flame.

3. Which gas in the solid state at a temperature of ‒ 252 °C combines with liquid hydrogen with an explosion?

Fluorine gas is a very strong oxidizing agent; it combines with hydrogen at a temperature of -252 ° C, when it is in a solid state, and hydrogen is in a liquid state.

4. Why doesn't the water burn?

Water is a product of complete combustion of hydrogen and therefore cannot burn.

5. What would happen if the atmosphere of our planet consisted of pure oxygen?

Fuel depots would have to be protected, like powder depots, from the slightest spark. Iron could not be used because it burns well in oxygen. Coal and wood would burn instantly. In an oxygen atmosphere it would be difficult to protect yourself from fires and even more difficult to extinguish them.

6. What metal is used to make incendiary bombs and explosives?

Aluminum is used as a component of an incendiary bomb, consisting of its mixture with iron oxide. Aluminum is also used to make the explosive ammonal, which also contains ammonium nitrate.

7. How did the alchemist defeat the powerful Turkish fleet? (What is Greek fire?).

Greek fire was a mixture of tar, salt, sulfur, petroleum and quicklime. In some cases, saltpeter was also added to this mixture. With the help of this fire, the Greeks repelled strong naval attacks. Greek fire burned the ships, the entire surface of the sea burned around the enemy fleet. Resin and oil were formed as a result of strong heating during the interaction of water with quicklime.

Greek fire was invented by the architect Kollonikos, a resident of the city of Heliopolis, who practiced alchemy in his free time. When a huge Arab fleet attacked Byzantium and when it seemed that there was no salvation from a strong enemy fleet, then Kollonicos proposed his invention. The Greeks threw out a flammable mixture from pipes on the bows of their ships, which ignited the enemy ships and the water around them.

The Greeks also used Greek fire when capturing fortresses. They kept the secret of this invention secret for a long time.

8. What keeps us warm in winter? What moves machines in factories and transport? What is the source of human life?

All these questions can be answered briefly: the Sun.

Let's consider all the questions in turn. To the first question, without thinking, you can answer that since the Sun does not heat in winter, we warm ourselves in winter with heat from stoves and radiators heated by wood, coal, hot water or steam. But, if we analyze more deeply, we find out that firewood and coal are nothing more than solar energy warehouses, the so-called “solar canned goods.”

Under the influence of sunlight and under the influence of the chlorophyll catalyst, wood synthesizes the substances that make up wood from water vapor and carbon dioxide in the air. From the wood of modern trees we become firewood, and the wood of trees of ancient geological eras turned into coal. According to the theory of Professor L.V. Pustovalov and I.M. Gubkin, oil, as well as coal, was formed from plant residues, which, after dying, decomposed and underwent chemical transformations. So, solar energy reaches us in the form of thermal energy released during the combustion of wood, coal and oil, as well as its distillation products - kerosene, gasoline, etc. That is why we can say that the Sun warms us not only in summer, but also in winter that it moves engines in factories, factories and transport.

Plants and animals develop by absorbing solar energy. By consuming plant and animal foods, a person receives the energy reserves necessary for life, movement and thinking. A person has the right to call himself “the son of the Sun,” as the great scientist K. A. Timiryazev said.

9. Why does the sun warm? Why does the Sun burn and not burn out?

If the Sun were made of coal, it would have burned out long ago. The sun is a huge atomic laboratory in which various atomic transformations are constantly taking place. The process of converting hydrogen into helium occurs on the Sun. As a result of the combination of 4 nuclei of hydrogen atoms into one helium nucleus, a small amount of substance by weight is consumed, which is converted into a huge amount of energy. For example, the conversion of 1 g of hydrogen into helium releases the same amount of energy as the combustion of 15 tons of gasoline. Therefore, at the center of the Sun the temperature is 20 million degrees.

On the Sun, the supply of hydrogen decreases, and the amount of helium increases. Once the Sun's hydrogen supply is used up, it will begin to cool and shrink in size. However, according to astronomers' calculations, the reserves of hydrogen on the Sun will be enough to maintain its temperature at the current level for 35 billion years. In addition to helium, many elements have already been formed by the transformation of atoms in the Sun.

10. Can grain, sugar and coal explode?

In the normal state, grain, sugar and coal do not explode, but very fine flour, sugar and coal dust explode violently from the slightest spark and can cause great casualties in production. Coal dust is just as dangerous in mines as firedamp. 10 g of flour or starch or 35 g of sugar sprayed into 1 m 3 of air is an explosive mixture. A spark is enough to cause a terrible explosion.

11. How long has man known fire?

Next to the tool of a man who lived in Europe 200,000 BC. That is, they find the remains of hearths, ash and coal. The man of that time lived by hunting. Ashes, coal and charred bones were also found in the later cave cave. At first, prehistoric man did not know how to make fire and only kept it in fires. Fire, apparently, was first shown by man after thunderstorms, when trees caught fire from lightning.

12. How did people in the old days adore fire?

Not far from Baku in the sea you can still see the ruins of flooded temples and palaces of the ancient rulers of the Baku and Shemakha Khanates. Before these churches, believers came from everywhere. At the eternal fires in the temples, gray-bearded priests prayed to the god of fire and life.

Ancient people idolized the forces of nature because they could not understand and subjugate them.

Science proves that there is nothing divine about the combustion of gas coming out of the earth. Gas is formed in the bowels of the earth as a result of chemical processes.

Now gas is used for heating homes and industrial enterprises.

13. What are will-o'-the-wisps in cemeteries?

At night, blue flickering lights can be seen in cemeteries. They seem to wander, moving between the graves.

If a person passes by this fire, then it, captured by the air flow, can move behind the person. Religion associated the idea of ​​the dead with these lights. What kind of phenomenon is this from a scientific point of view?

The human body contains proteins containing phosphorus. During the decay of the body, a vapor of a liquid compound of phosphorus and hydrogen - P 2 H 4 - is released through the pores of the soil, which already at normal temperatures ignites in the air and burns with a blue fire. Light winds make the lights float and move.

14. Since when have people been using matches?

People have been using matches since 1867. At first, matches were made from poisonous white phosphorus. Therefore, workers in match factories had terrible working conditions. It was only when chemists learned to convert yellow phosphorus into non-poisonous red that modern safety matches appeared.

Matches are made from wood, cardboard, paraffin, and stearin. There are already matches that burn in water and in stormy winds.

15. Why do small explosions with sparks sometimes occur when lighting a match?

The head of a match consists of a mixture of Berthollet salt with sulfur or another flammable substance.

The black mass, smeared on the side surface of the matchbox, contains red phosphorus. Due to the friction of the match head on this surface, red phosphorus turns into white, ignites, combining with oxygen, which releases Berthollet's salt, and ignites the combustible substance of the match head. If a match factory uses bertholite salt in the form of powder to make matches, the light lights up softly, immediately, without explosion or sparks. If crystalline bertholite salt is used, the matches light up slowly with an explosion and sparks.

Quiz participants: two presenters, a jury of three people and two teams of fifteen people from eighth or ninth grades.

Progress of the event

1st presenter: Good afternoon dear friends!

2nd presenter: We are pleased to welcome you today to our chemistry quiz. Lady luck, alas, is not given to everyone, but only to those who are ready to fight and search, find and never give up. And today the bravest children from the 10th grade will try their luck. Hurray for them and loud applause!

The participants of the game take their places.

Presentation of the jury and teams.

Warm-up competition “FURTHER, FURTHER...”

  1. Gaseous natural mixture (air)
  2. The process of electrolyte breaking down into ions (dissociation)
  3. Gas produced during a thunderstorm (ozone)
  4. What the body is made of (substance)
  5. Positive nucleus particle (proton)
  6. The hardest natural substance (diamond)
  7. Gas released by plants in the light (oxygen)
  8. Chemical phenomenon (in another way) (reaction)
  9. What kind of vodka a drunkard won't drink? (royal)
  10. Aqueous hydrogen chloride solution (hydrochloric acid)
  11. The simplest glass chemical vessel (test tube)
  12. Reaction accompanied by light and heat (combustion)
  13. The birthplace of porcelain (China)
  14. Liquid metal (mercury)
  15. Liquid non-metal (bromine)
  16. What kind of rain causes plants to die? (acidic)
  17. Very fast chemical reaction (explosion)
  18. Iron oxidation (different) (rusting)
  19. Chemical heating device (alcohol lamp)

The jury sums up and announces the results of the first competition.

1st presenter: Now we will show you the birth of a new star in the laboratory!

Chemical experiment No. 1 “COMBUTION REACTION”

Assignment: write an equation for this reaction and name the distinctive feature of combustion reactions (release of heat and light; exothermic reactions) (1 point for the correct answer to each question).

Equipment and reagents: magnesium tape, matches, alcohol lamp, long-handled tongs.

Reaction equation and conditions: 2Mg + O 2 = 2MgO (combustion in air).

Conducting the experiment: light the alcohol lamp from a lit match. Take a strip of magnesium in tongs and place it in the flame of an alcohol lamp. After the magnesium ignites, remove it from the flame - the combustion process will continue (since the reaction is exothermic).

2nd presenter: Let's continue our quiz!

1st presenter:“Guess it” competition is announced

Competition "GUESS-KA"

Which element(s)...:

  1. ...always happy? (radium, radon)
  2. that he is not him? (neon)
  3. ...named after France? (French)
  4. ...named after Poland? (polonium)
  5. ...named after Russia? (ruthenium)
  6. ...discovered for the first time on the Sun? (helium)
  7. ...named after scientists? (curium, mendelevium, nobelium, rutherfordium, etc.)
  8. ...named after planets? (uranium, neptunium, plutonium)
  9. ...opened in one of the cities of the Moscow region and named after it? (dubny)

The name of which element contains the name...:

  1. ...two animals? (arsenic)
  2. ...wizard? (magnesium)
  3. ...entertainment establishment? (zirconium)
  4. ...a board game? (gold)
  5. ...pirate drink? (chromium, bromine)
  6. American state? (californium)
  7. ...human bone? (silver)
  8. ...the numbers 3? (sodium, yttrium)
  9. ...conifer? (nickel)

The jury sums up and announces the results of the second competition.

2nd presenter: I want to drink something. Do you have any juice?

1st presenter: let's do it now...

Chemical experiment No. 2 “NEUTRALIZATION REACTION”

Assignment: explain the chemical processes occurring during the reaction, write its equation (1 point for the correct answer to each question).

Equipment and reagents: 10% aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid, phenolphthalein, test tubes.

Equation and reaction conditions: NaOH + phenolphthalein → appearance of crimson color; NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H 2 O (disappearance of crimson coloring).

Conducting the experiment: pour a 10% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide into a test tube, add phenolphthalein until the solution turns bright crimson.

2nd presenter: I don't feel like drinking juice anymore. Do you have any mineral water?

1st presenter: Now let's see how we can help you.

Add hydrochloric acid solution until the color disappears completely.

Competition "MOST-MOST"

Name the element...:

  1. ...the most common on Earth (oxygen)
  2. ...the most common in the earth's atmosphere (nitrogen)
  3. ...the most common in space (hydrogen)
  4. ...the rarest found in the earth's crust (astatine)
  5. …having the largest number of allotropic modifications (plutonium)
  6. ...included in the largest number of diverse compounds (carbon)


  1. the lightest gas (hydrogen)
  2. heaviest gas (radon)
  3. lightest metal (lithium)
  4. heaviest metal (iridium, osmium)

The jury sums up and announces the results of the third competition.

2nd presenter: Well, let's move on to the next experiment.

1st presenter: yes, especially since it is very interesting and has an intriguing name... What? You will understand during the experience!

Chemical experiment No. 3 “ARTIFICIAL BLOOD”

Assignment: explain the chemical processes occurring during the reaction, write its equation ( 2 points for the correct answer to each question).

Equipment and reagents: aqueous solutions of iron(III) chloride and potassium (or ammonium) thiocyanate, cotton wool, a blunt knife.

Reaction equation and conditions: FeCl 3 + 3KCNS = Fe(CNS) 3 + 3KCl

Conducting the experiment: wet one cotton wool with a solution of iron (III) chloride and wipe the hand of one of the presenters with it. Moisten another cotton wool with a solution of potassium thiocyanate and wipe the knife blade with it. Run a knife over the presenter’s hand and so-called “artificial blood” will appear.

2nd presenter: as you probably already guessed, the name of this experiment is “artificial blood”!

1st presenter: and now it’s time to think a little and move on to the no less interesting, but much more complex “Chemical Reflections” competition!


  1. It is known that D.I. Mendeleev loved his children very much. How many were there? (six)
  2. What metal was more expensive than gold in the 19th century? (aluminum)
  3. What metal do young pyrotechnicians often use? (magnesium)
  4. What non-metal did the cat help the scientist discover? (iodine)

1st presenter:

Courtois had a favorite cat,
He helped him discover iodine.
When the owner was eating,
There was a cat on the shoulder.

One day lunch
Happened in the laboratory
The cat jumped off my shoulder
Knocked down two bottles.

In one there is algae ash
It was in alcohol
In the other - concentrated
Sulfuric acid.

The bottles naturally broke,
The liquids, of course, combined,
Blue-violet smoke rose from the floor,
Precipitated in the form of black-violet crystals.

This is how Courtois learned the new substance,
Gay-Lussac later called it iodine.

  1. What is the attitude of the Russian poet A.A. Block to D.I. Mendeleev? (son-in-law)

The jury sums up and announces the results of the fifth competition.

2nd presenter: and now – one of the most beautiful chemical experiments – “Vulcan”!

Chemical experiment No. 4 “VOLCANO”

Assignment: list the signs of this chemical reaction (change in color of the substance, release of gas, release of heat), write its equation (2 points for the correct answer to each question).

Equipment and reagents: ammonium dichromate (bichromate) (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 (orange crystals), splinters, matches, filter paper (large sheet), asbestos or fiberglass.

Equation and reaction conditions: (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 = N 2 + Cr 2 O 3 + 4H 2 O (t ~ 168°C – 185°C).

Preparation of the experiment: to conduct the experiment, you should prepare a porcelain or quartz cup in which the decomposition of ammonium dichromate will occur. Since the porcelain cup will become very hot, it is necessary to place it on a piece of asbestos or fiberglass. To make it easier to collect the reaction product, cover the table surface adjacent to the test site with a sheet of filter paper.

Conducting the experiment: pour crystalline ammonium dichromate into a cup to fill 2/3 of its volume, light a splinter with a match and add it to the mass of crystals. The decomposition reaction begins; At first it goes slowly, then faster and faster. The reaction is accompanied by the release of red-hot solid particles of chromium(III) oxide (after cooling they are green), the release of nitrogen gas and water vapor. The process proceeds spontaneously until all the starting reagent, ammonium dichromate, is consumed.

1st presenter: Well, dear friends, our quiz has come to an end.

2nd presenter: We ask the jury to announce the results of the quiz and the winning team.

The jury announces the results and names the winner of the quiz.

Both teams are awarded prizes.

Chemistry quiz with entertaining experiments

SAOU NPO PU-113 Maloyaz village

Chemistry teacher Khairetdinova R.N.

Participants: I year, 11th group, by profession a master of maintenance and repair of transport equipment

Competition 1. Warm-up

Teams must give as many correct answers to the questions asked in 2 minutes. For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.

1. Lightest gas?

2. The process of electrolyte decomposition into ions


3. Substances that accelerate the rate of chemical reactions?

4. Gas produced during a thunderstorm?

5. Valence of oxygen?

6. Metal, part of hemoglobin?

7. Substances that transmit electric current?

8. Formula of ozone?

9. Substances consisting of two elements, one of which is oxygen?



10. How many groups are there in the periodic table?

11. Liquid metal.

12. When was PSHEM opened?

13. Acid contained in nettle cells?

14. Milk that you should not drink?

15. Formula of carbon monoxide?

16. Aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride?

17. Liquid non-metal?

18. What is the hardest substance?

19. What kind of rain causes plants to die?

20. Very fast chemical reaction?

21. Oxidation of metals.



hydrochloric acid



22. Gas released by plants during photosynthesis?

23. The most ductile metal

24. Which element is named after Russia?

25. The hardest metal?

26. What are the names of the elements of group 1A?

27. Refractory metal

28. Water formula


alkali metals





The teams take turns asking questions related to the practical use of chemistry knowledge. For the correct answer 5 points.

  • You have a fever and take an aspirin tablet. Give an informal answer as a commentary on the fact.


An upward change in temperature indicates an inflammatory process, i.e. biochemical processes proceed intensively, which is accompanied by the release of a large amount of heat. To tame these exothermic reactions, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory drugs are introduced into the body, and then into the blood system, this can be aspirin, Nurofen and other drugs.

Answer: In recent years, pharmaceutical forms of drugs have begun to be used, which are convenient to use and seem to protect

food tract from damage. To do this, aspirin is mixed with baking soda and acid, usually citric acid. This is how pop is made, using glucose as a sweetener. The following processes occur:

Acid ↔ hydrogen cation + acid residue (anion)

H+ + Na+ + HCO3-→ Na+ + H2CO3 (H2O + CO2)

The resulting hissing liquid must be drunk immediately.

Questions from the kitchen :

  • 3. Why do potatoes cook faster if you throw a piece of fat into the pan?

  • Fat, due to its insolubility in water, creates a film on the surface that serves as a kind of “lid”.

  • starch is characterized by a blue color with a weak iodine solution; when baking soda is exposed to acetic acid, carbon dioxide is rapidly released; table salt with silver nitrate “lapis” forms a white precipitate.

Questions “Chemistry and synthetic detergents

  • 5. You spilled iodine on a napkin. We tried to remove the stain with bleach, but it did not disappear. After a few days, the stain disappeared on its own. Explain these phenomena

Answer: Iodine is a strong oxidizing agent, so it cannot be removed with bleach. The stain disappeared as a result of a physical process - iodine sublimation.

Two housewives were preparing to do laundry. The first one heated the water to 60 degrees and soaked the laundry in it. The second one heated the water to a boil, boiled the laundry for 5 minutes, cooled the water to 60 degrees and then began to wash. Who does laundry better?

Answer: When boiling, calcium and magnesium bicarbonates precipitate, the water loses hardness and detergents work more effectively, so the laundry is washed better for the second owner.

Ca(HCO3)2 = CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O

Teams are asked to solve chemical riddles.

For the correct answer - 3 points.

Preparation time 3 minutes.

  • It is opened in the form of a mass,
  • So similar to wax.
  • And it glowed in the dark,
  • Like the light of distant stars.

  • I refract the rays, sparkle, burn,
  • And I can drill hard stones successfully.
  • But as soon as I get hotter in the fire,
  • And I can turn into colorless gas.

  • In the Odyssey, Homer has one story,
  • She is interesting to us:
  • “The games were successful.
  • Achilles rewarded the hero generously.
  • He handed over pieces of two metals”
  • Did you find out what metal
  • Was silver more valuable than gold in ancient times?

  • 4. I form a reliable shield
  • For soft bodies in sea water,
  • I exist in various forms,
  • My composition is the same everywhere.

Calcium carbonate

  • Was a coin of exchange
  • The cause of wars has been more than once.
  • And yet, despite this,
  • We don't appreciate her now.


There is no chaos in the world of substances.

The science of chemistry will overcome everything!

Each cell contains an element.

And this is the law!” - said Mendeleev

Thank you for participating!

See you again!