Strong prayer against alcohol. Protection of Saint Boniface from alcoholism

Very often people ask: “How to pray for a drinker? What prayers can help him? What icons should one turn to so that a person susceptible to the passion of alcoholism receives a speedy healing?”

We understand: it is very important to help a drinking person spiritually. An alcohol dependent person is often a person possessed, a person who has been possessed by a fallen spirit, a demon, through the passion of alcoholism. Only God can help an alcohol-dependent person break out of a state of obsession.

But God helps when He is asked for help. If they do not ask God for help, if they refuse His help, then this help does not come.

God does not force himself on anyone. He gave every person free will and expects from a person a free expression of will, a free desire to come to Him.

What to do if an alcoholic person is in such a difficult spiritual state that he cannot turn to God for help, when he cannot and does not want to come to the temple of God? In this case, he needs the spiritual help of family and friends.

First of all, they need to start praying for the person suffering from alcoholism. This could be home prayer, it could be church prayer. You should also give alms and do good deeds to save the drinking person.

The personal life of a person who wants to pray for someone suffering from alcoholism is very important. It is very important that such a person lives according to the commandments of God and is a churchgoer. So that he observes fasts, has no mortal sins, regularly confesses and receives communion. Then his prayer will have real power.

In home prayer for an alcohol-dependent person, you can read an akathist in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice,” read two chapters from the Gospel every day, and one kathisma from the Psalter. You can read various kinds of prayers for the healing of the sick.

Stories from our readers

See more advice from a priest on prayer for a drinking person here:

SENSATION! Doctors are dumbfounded! ALCOHOLISM goes away FOREVER! You just need it every day after meals...

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

O most merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Undivided Trinity, look graciously upon Thy servant (name), who is overcome by illness; forgive him all his sins; give him healing from his illness; restore his health and bodily strength; Give him a long and prosperous life, Your peaceful and worldly blessings, so that together with us he brings grateful prayers to You, our All-Bountiful God and Creator.

Prayer to the Lord

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not kill, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting bodily sorrows of people and, we pray to Thee, our God, visit Thy servant (name), who is weak with Thy mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking infirmity, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him to Your Church pleasing and doing Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

Another prayer to the Lord

Lord Almighty, Physician of our souls and bodies, humble and exalt, punish and again heal! Visit Thy servant (name) who is infirm and heal him, raising him from his bed and infirmity. Rebuke the spirit of infirmity, leave from it every ulcer, every disease, and even if there is sin or lawlessness in it, weaken, leave, forgive Your love for mankind. To her, Lord, have mercy on Thy creation in Christ Jesus our Lord, with Him art thou blessed, and with Thy Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. EFFECTIVE METHOD

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God, called the “Inexhaustible Chalice”

O most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers; and heal the serious illness of drunkenness of those possessed and for the sake of your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of our fallen brothers and sisters and relatives. O merciful Magi of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children, of wives who weep for their husbands, of orphans and poor children abandoned as lost, and of all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours come through Your prayers to the throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeal without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, may God’s mercy cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer to the martyr Boniface

O long-suffering and all-praised martyr Boniface! We now resort to your intercession; do not reject the prayers of us who sing to you, but graciously hear us. See our brothers and sisters, obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness, see for the sake of their mother, the Church of Christ, and eternal salvation falling away. O holy martyr Boniface, touch their hearts with the grace given to them by God, quickly raise them from the falls of sin and lead them to saving abstinence. Pray to the Lord God, for His sake you suffered, so that having forgiven us our sins, may He not turn away His mercy from His sons, but may He strengthen sobriety and chastity in us, may His right hand help those who are sober to keep their saving vow to the end in days and nights, oh He is awake and a good answer will be given about him at the Last Judgment. Accept, servant of God, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; honest wives, weeping for their husbands, orphaned and wretched children, abandoned by the pianists, all of us, falling down on your icon, and may this cry of ours come through your prayers to the throne of the Most High, granting to all through their prayers health and salvation of souls and bodies, especially the Kingdom Heavenly. Cover and protect us from the evil deception and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, and with your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation. Pray to the Lord to grant us unfeigned and unshakable love for our Fatherland, before the enemies of the Holy Church, visible and invisible, invincible power, so that the mercy of God will cover us for endless centuries. Amen

Prayer before and after reading the Gospel

Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Your servant (name) with the words of the Divine Gospel, which are about the salvation of Your servant. The thorns of all his sins have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in him, scorching, cleansing, sanctifying the whole person in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A person for whom alcohol has become the only meaning of life is unlikely to be able to stop drinking without outside help, and if he does not stop, alcoholism will ruin his life. Broken families, forgotten dreams, a desecrated childhood and a destroyed life, the last days of which are overshadowed by frightening hallucinations: this is the price that alcohol collects.

Alcoholics often don't realize they have a problem.

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), seduced by the flattery of the belly and carnal joy. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen.

Let's cure addiction

To cure alcoholism, medicine has come up with many ways: treatment with medications that cleanse the body of alcohol and cause disgust at the mere thought of a cheerful drink. Psychotherapeutic practices to help overcome addiction.

The trouble is that alcoholics do not realize that they have a problem, that they now pose a danger to themselves and their family. In this case, all that remains is to use a spell to stop the husband from drinking or rely on the power of prayer.

Help from above

God can save the souls and bodies of men and women who have succumbed to the envious demon of drunkenness. Prayer is designed to draw God's attention to people in need. Relatives can pray for each other: a wife - for her husband, a mother - to ask her to make life easier for her son or daughter. Conspiracies are no less effective, but for them to work, you need to follow the rules. Every hex needs conditions to be triggered.

  • Reinforce your requests to God by doing good deeds in the name of the sufferer, by fasting and by giving alms to the poor. The prayer of a person walking a righteous path through life will be filled with such power that it will help to permanently cure an alcoholic of his addiction.
  • Before performing the ritual, you should prepare. They begin preparations three days before the ceremony: they cleanse the soul and body by fasting and bathing in a bathhouse.
  • The key to success is the belief that everything will work out and the husband or son will be able to stop drinking. A request to higher powers made without due respect and necessity, for the sake of empty curiosity or with internal resistance, will not be successful, and serious consequences may occur for those who are curious. It is advisable that the person on whom the slander is being read also strives with all his heart to cope with the addiction.
  • Day, time of day and location are important conditions for reading a plot. Slanders about alcohol and cravings for it are uttered during the period of the outgoing moon - misfortunes will go away with it. Often sunset or sunrise is chosen for a conspiracy. Favorable days for reading the hex differ depending on the gender of the patient. So, the first, second and fourth days of the week are suitable for men, and for women - the third, fifth and sixth. No rituals are performed on Sundays or church holidays. They cast a spell within the walls of their home, but some miracles have to be performed in a cemetery or something similar. The best place to pray to God is consecrated ground, churches.
  • Rituals need objects on which spells are cast. This could be a photograph, a pin, soap, a towel, a mirror or water.
  • Keep your desire to take advantage of help from above secret from others. Do not reveal the secret even to those who have been helped by conspiracies. Rarely is a person ready to believe in the power of prayer, in what is strange and illogical. Their skepticism will reduce the effectiveness of your work, and worse, higher powers will be angry at your arbitrariness.
  • The ritual cannot be interrupted. Therefore, before conducting it, make sure that you are not distracted by the doorbell or talking on the phone. It’s better to finish the ritual you started and then return to your daily routine.
  • Say incantations in a low voice, even in a whisper. Read the slander slowly, but pronouncing the words clearly and distinctly. Some spells will need to be read in one breath, quickly, but here, too, clarity is important.
  • The slander must be sincere: words are not so important. Ask a higher power for help in trouble for someone close to you. Repeat the Lord's Prayer as you complete or begin rituals.

For spells to work, you need to follow the rules

Water conspiracies

One of the most popular conspiracies that cause aversion to drinking is read on water. To cast a spell, you will need to stock up on water.

Ordinary liquid from a tap, even with a filter installed, or from a kettle will not work. For prayer you will need blessed water, it is best if it is taken on the day of Epiphany. For some rituals, you only need cold melt water from melted, pre-enchanted ice. For other rituals, you will need water infused for two to three days or spring or well water. There are usually no special requirements for the capacity.

There are many different spells using water.

  • Read the spell over the water, wishing with all your heart that your son would stop drinking. The simplest slander sounds like this: “Heaven, hear, Heaven, see what I want to do over the body of God’s servant (name). Free sun, rise into my yard; and in my yard there are no animals or people. Red moon, come down to my cell; but in my cage there is neither a bottom nor a door. Clear stars, come down into the wedding cup; and in my cup the mountain water is purer. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, Moon, stop the slave (name) from wine, Stars, stop the slave (name) from wine. In an open field, in the blue sea and a key with a lock. Amen." Then add the enchanted water to the drinks and food of the victim of alcohol addiction. You can add enchanted water to coffee or tea and even brew it from this water. The medicine can also be added to soup. Treatment will take time, the main thing is to make sure that the patient drinks the prepared water.
  • Holy water is used in the same way. The spell with holy water is pronounced on the 19th day of every month. Read the spell three times, leaning close to the water: your breath should touch it. Close the charmed water tightly in a small container and then add it to the patient’s drinks and food.
  • Use the enchanted liquid to wash the windows of the room in which the sick person lives. This ritual is intended for mothers of sick children and is performed on Maundy Thursday.
  • Sprinkle water on your sleeping son's back, remembering to pray at the same time that he will stop drinking alcohol.

Water spell

Conspiracies for alcohol

You can also read the slander about alcohol, which your son or other loved one loves to drink. Collect the remaining alcohol from bottles opened and tasted by the alcoholic. Pour these residues into a separate container and when it is full to the top, read the plot. For these purposes, you can use a new bottle specially purchased at the store. Write down the name of the person you want to stop drinking on it.

  • Read the spell: “Just as your neighbors don’t need you, don’t drink in the morning, don’t have a hangover, but sleep during the day, sleep at night, with their eyes open, so you, slave (name), don’t think about wine: not during the full moon, neither in the new moon, nor in the sun, nor in the rain. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key. Lock. Language. Amen” and then add such alcohol to the alcoholic drinks that the patient drinks.
  • The bottle can be buried in the cemetery, near the fence. The churchyard is a place where worlds meet, so it's a great place to keep something secret and strengthen a spell.
  • Take hops (1 tablespoon) and soak it in the drained remains of alcohol that the patient did not drink. Dry the plant, chop it and add it to tea. If a person has not stopped drinking, you will have to cast spells directly over him. Wait until he returns home drunk at midnight and read the lapel three times, standing on the side of his feet. The main thing is that the patient does not wake up at the wrong moment, so make sure that he sleeps soundly enough.

Hexes in the photo - strong magic

Conspiracies in photographs

The hexes in the photo are powerful magic and popular. The reasons for this celebrity are accessibility: you don’t need to add anything. It is easy to get a photograph, especially if the person is a close relative or lover. The power of spells on a photograph is explained by the fact that the photograph contains an imprint of the aura, which means that there is an invisible but strong connection between the photo and the model.

Before you begin the hex, you will have to prepare several items:

  • Photo. The photo should be as recent and of good quality as possible. It must have been done at a time when the son became addicted. You can carry out a conspiracy on yourself, in which case you will need your photo.
  • Three wax candles or holy water. It is advisable to take the latter during Baptism.
  • Remember the saying: “Water cleanses the body and spirit, water will also save you from drunkenness. Just as the righteous did not drink alcohol, so the servant of God (name) will forget the taste of the potion, and water for him will be sweeter than wine. The trouble will go away, the Lord will help. Amen".

Say prayers over the photo and sprinkle it with holy water. Then put the photo somewhere where no one will see it. If the plot did not work and the son continued to drink alcohol, perform the ritual again on the already used photo. A month must pass between repeat rituals. During another conspiracy over a photograph, the photo is burned over the fire of wax candles during the ritual.

Soap and towel spells

Soap and towel spells are popular because placing them on a patient is not difficult. The son or husband will use the product left in the soap dish themselves and dry their hands on a towel carefully hung on a hook.

To cast a spell, you need fresh, previously unused soap or a hand towel.

Say the prayers over a brand new bar of soap nine times. The slander is strong, but if the addiction is strong and the person cannot refuse to drink, the ritual will have to be repeated several times.

Say a spell over a towel and hang it so that the patient wipes his hands on it. No one except the victim of alcohol should touch the thing. When the towel is ready, continue the ritual by tying it in a knot. Hide the resulting knot in a secret place, making sure that no one unties it.

Doctors cannot always cure a person from alcoholism

Conspiracies against drunkenness for various occasions

In addition to the above slander, there are still many other options to choose from.

  • The lock locks the doors and the drinking habits of the patients. Buy a new lock and key. Pour the remaining alcohol from the unfinished bottle into the lock. Read the spell and separate the lock and key. The ideal solution is to send the key into the river and bury the lock.
  • Food. Buy food: bread, fruits or vegetables. Read the spells over them and feed them to the patient.
  • Fishing. Go fishing and catch fresh fish. A product caught by someone else and purchased will not work; you only need a source of omega-3 caught with your own hands. Place the fish in a container filled with wine (which you can buy) and fry it, reading slander in the process. Then the sick person should eat this dish and be filled with aversion to alcohol.
  • Wax. For the plot to work, you will have to try to get the patient to bite a piece of wax, and then sew this piece with teeth marks on his son’s clothes.
  • Pin. Buy a pin (the simplest one will do; decorative ones are not needed) and speak it so that the patient stops drinking. Sew the resulting amulet onto the inside of the patient’s clothing.
  • Paper. Write down the spell on a piece of paper and hide it in the patient's clothes. If the amulets do not save you from alcoholism, then at least they will moderate its use.

Doctors cannot always cure a person from alcoholism. Therefore, here you need to use an integrated approach: medicinal and psychotherapeutic medicine, and conspiracies. It is necessary to “treat” the patient at home.

Often people succumb to alcohol for a reason that is important to them: failure at work or in their personal life, and sometimes following the example of their circle of friends. It is noteworthy that “friends” - alcoholics cannot tolerate the “betrayal” of a former member of their close company, and if when he decides to give up alcoholism, they begin to seduce him with a bottle.

Chronic alcoholism cannot be completely cured. A person who has suffered from it is ready to relapse. To prevent this, try to upset his friendship with his “friends.” If your son is under the influence of an evil habit, moving can be your salvation. The main thing is not to give up. The patient can still be saved, and thousands of former alcoholics are proof of this.

The widespread spread of alcoholism has become a scourge and torment for many families, and prayer from drunkenness to Matrona of Moscow sometimes becomes a lifeline that helps those suffering from addiction.

If there is a drinking person in the family (often a husband or son), close people with all their hearts want to help and find the saving straw that will pull their relative out of the abyss of alcohol addiction. It happens that the methods of official medicine do not help or only give a temporary effect. In this case, many turn to spiritual methods of healing. Alcoholism is a very complex disease; all possible methods must be used to treat it.

Matrona of Moscow, even after the end of her life, is an intercessor in many human problems, with drunkenness of loved ones. Prayer to Matronushka against drunkenness helped a considerable number of sufferers and for many became the last hope for salvation.

You can pray to the saint in various conditions:

  • in the church in front of her icon;
  • at home;
  • It is possible to order a prayer service at the monastery.

If a prayer is read from a prayer book in front of an icon by the mother, brother or wife of an alcoholic, three church candles should be lit and his photograph should be sprinkled with holy water. It is better to do this during the waning moon at sunset. You need to ask Matronushka for forty days in a row.

A prayer against a son’s drunkenness to Matrona of Moscow, said by parents, has special power, and in case of excessive drinking by a son or daughter, it must be read.

The Life and Miracles of Blessed Matrona

Saint Matrona was born blind, and in her youth she lost the ability to walk. But in exchange for her physical disabilities, she was given the gift of clairvoyance and healing from above. From early childhood, her favorite place to be was the church, where she could spend hours on end in her favorite corner with the images. She preferred continuous dialogue with God to communicating with peers who teased and laughed at her.

Even during Matrona’s baptism, a light cloud rose above her, and the priest who noticed this said that the girl would be a saint. Her fiery love for the Lord and people helped her survive the years of persecution of the church. Mother received many people every day who came to her from all over the country.

Having completed her earthly journey, Matrona of Moscow continues to help everyone who turns to her in prayer. A sincere request for help will definitely be heard by the intercessor.

Accept the problem and find faith

The prayer of the person suffering from drunkenness and binges has the greatest power. If a drinker is aware of his problem, he must make efforts to overcome it. Even in the fourth century, St. John Chrysostom emphasized that even those who are completely mired in the vice of drunkenness often do not consider themselves guilty.

If the drinker himself categorically refuses to make a prayer request, only his relatives are left to fight for healing. When making a request to Saint Matrona, you must have sincere faith. This is the main condition for complete recovery from alcohol addiction.

You should put aside all doubts and hesitations about the correctness of the chosen path to solve the problem. There is no need to wait for instant healing; in most cases, this will take a long time. You should not lose hope and perseverance. After achieving a positive result, one should not forget about the help received. You need to regularly offer a grateful akathist to Matrona and thank her for deliverance.

Powerful Prayer

A prayer to the Matrona of Moscow against her husband’s drunkenness is read by the wives in front of her holy image in the Intercession Convent for women, where her relics rest. Many go to the chapel at the Dmitrievsky cemetery, where she was buried. A prayer request pronounced in these places has a powerful power to heal the disease of drunkenness. If it is impossible to visit holy places, you can ask for deliverance in any church or at home. It is important to avoid drinking groups and parties where alcohol is consumed. The soul must have faith in God and hope for help from a Higher Power. A strong prayer to the Holy Matrona of Moscow against the immoderate illness of her husband’s drunkenness will certainly have an effect and will be heard. It would be good if a prayer akathist to Matrona of Moscow or Jesus Christ was ordered in any church or monastery.

The words of the prayer to Matronushka should not be read mechanically. You definitely need to understand its meaning; the request must come from the depths of your heart. You can address the saint in your own words or read a prayer request from a prayer book purchased at church. The order of casting is not of fundamental importance, because this is not a spell. During prayer, the name of the drinking relative must be pronounced and a request to heal him from excessive cravings for alcoholic beverages.

The icon of Matrona should be at home, and it is good to put the icon around the neck of a drinking husband or son. A prayer to Matrona of Moscow against the vice of her son’s drunkenness, said by his mother, will also have a powerful effect. The effect will be enhanced if it is pronounced simultaneously by the mother and wife of the drinker.

Texts of prayers

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my troubles (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Blessed Elder Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (....) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The story of a man who received help and healing

There are many cases where prayers to Matrona of Moscow were heard and miraculous healing took place. This is what happened quite recently. One woman's husband suffered for a long time from incurable alcoholism. Repeated coding gave only a temporary effect; after a while everything resumed. The father's drunkenness plunged the children into horror and despair. The family was already running out of moral and physical strength to endure all this.

The last hope remained only for the help of the Higher Powers, and the woman decided to go to Moscow to make a desperate request to Matronushka. She sincerely asked the intercessor to heal her husband in the Intercession Monastery. From there she brought a small icon with the image of Matrona and put it around the neck of her drunken husband. The next morning, the whole family was surprised to hear that he had run out of strength to drink alcohol, and the final decision had been made to lead a sober lifestyle. Since then, this woman’s husband has been completely indifferent to alcohol. He has one goal in life: to live for his wife and children.

One should not be surprised at the outcome of this story, because sincere faith performs real miracles. And requests for help to the intercessor Matrona will definitely be heard. Her entire earthly life was dedicated to suffering people, and while in heaven, she continues to help everyone who needs her support.

Alcohol addiction of loved ones is a grief for their family members, because this disease destroys not only the body, but also the soul. A person becomes aggressive, indifferent, his attitude towards life and family changes. Not many people succeed in convincing a person to stop drinking, because often the man is not aware of his problem and denies it.

This is why women dream of curing their son or husband from alcohol addiction by any means necessary. The safest and most effective method is prayer from the bottom of your heart.

Prayer for husband's drunkenness works! The main thing is to know who to ask for help and do it with all your heart. It is believed that turning to the icons of several saints has the greatest power. Below you can find the text of the prayers and the rules for their pronunciation.

What to do to make prayers help

All Old Slavonic rituals to wean a husband from alcohol can be performed independently, at home. But for the process to be effective, you should know some important rules.

  1. A prayer for a husband’s alcoholism is read only during the waning moon on certain days of the week. These are Monday, Thursday and Tuesday. The remaining days are intended to get rid of female drunkenness.
  2. You cannot read conspiracies on Sundays, as well as on the days of patronal celebrations and during Lent.
  3. When reading a prayer, a woman should cover her head with a scarf, and there should be no tattoos on her body.
  4. If water is required in the ritual, it must be taken only clean. Do not use boiled and already drunk water. It is better to take it from a natural source or well. Otherwise, you should give it time to settle.
  5. You cannot involve strangers in your plans who are not involved in the problem.
  6. When saying a prayer, you must not be distracted or interrupt your reading.
  7. If the conspiracy is read at the request of the drinker himself, the person should refrain from smoking and alcohol for 3-4 days before performing the ritual. You should fast on these days.

But the main thing is that the ceremony should be approached with the most genuine willingness to help and at the same time be extremely serious. It is absolutely forbidden to perform a prayer service and appeal to the Saints for fun. Frivolity and curiosity will not only not give the desired result, but will also make the situation even worse.

How to pray in front of an icon

In icon shops you need to buy the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and an akathist for it. If everything is not clear in Church Slavonic, you should find the text in Russian.

Prayers are not a formula for fulfilling a desire, but a living appeal of the person praying for help to God and the saints. The main thing in prayer is sincerity and faith that it will definitely help.

You can read the akathist to the icon for forty days. Then start reading the Psalter, one kathisma a day. Between the psalms, when it says “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,” one should say a prayer from the heart so that the one suffering from the disease of drunkenness will leave his addiction, be healed from it forever and receive peace of mind.

Even if positive changes have not yet been observed, you should not give up and give up your work. If you have caring friends, you should ask them to pray together.

Where is the best place to install an icon?

The icon should have a place in the apartment corresponding to the shrine. Do not store it on bookshelves or carry it in your wallet.

Most preferable:

  • to read prayers, it is better to place the icon on the eastern wall or corner;
  • you can install the icon opposite the entrance door to the patient’s room;
  • opposite the bed.

Icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and a strong prayer against drunkenness

Drunkenness has a detrimental effect on all aspects of the human personality:

  1. drains the body
  2. damages the mind
  3. destroys the soul.

The Orthodox Church interprets alcoholism as a demonic influence and believes that it requires special help. To provide this help, the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” is most often used, in front of which a prayer for drunkenness is said.

The image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” differs from other icons of the Mother of God in that on it the Mother of God does not hold the Baby in her arms, but extends them over the sacred Chalice of the Lord’s Communion, in which the Baby Jesus is located. This cup has the amazing property of giving a person joy and consolation, and quenching his spiritual thirst.

The “Inexhaustible Chalice” is addressed to the face of the Mother of God with a request to heal relatives and friends from drunkenness. The prayer with which it is customary to appeal to this icon for deliverance from alcoholism sounds like this:

This prayer, which can help save a husband, son and other relatives from drunkenness, is one of the most powerful and effective. It must be said several times and, preferably, with the blessing of the priest.

It is necessary to offer prayer to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon sincerely, with an open heart. While reading it, it is also recommended to undertake a feat in the form of a strict fast of 40 days. Be sure to regularly visit the temple all this time and submit notes on the health of a person obsessed with alcohol addiction.

History of the icon

The prototype of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” appeared to the Orthodox world in 1878.

In the Efremov district of the Tula province lived a drunkard peasant. Possessed by the green serpent, he drank away all the property in his house and came to a miserable existence. Because of alcohol, his legs were paralyzed, but he did not give up his habit.

Exactly until he had a dream in which an old man appeared to him and suggested to him a remedy for healing from a destructive addiction: go to Serpukhov, to the Vvedensky Vladychny Monastery, find there the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice” and serve a prayer service in front of it. However, the peasant did not dare to follow the elder’s advice - because of his sore legs and lack of outside help.

The dream was repeated 2 more times, the third time the old man in it already gave the drunkard a threatening order. Frightened by him, the peasant set off on the road on all fours, stopping along the way in one village for the night. The old woman, whose guest the traveler was, saw his suffering, took pity on him and rubbed his feet at night and put him to sleep on the stove. At night, the peasant felt relief, was able to get up, and then continued his journey on his feet, first leaning on 2 sticks, then on just one.

Having reached Serpukhov, he came to the indicated monastery and told about his dreams, but it turned out that no one had heard about the image of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”.

Then someone suggested looking at the icon hanging in the passage from the church to the sacristy - what if this is it? Having examined the icon, everyone was extremely surprised to see the inscription “Inexhaustible Chalice” on its reverse side. And in the old man from his dream, the peasant recognized the man who built this monastery - Father Varlaam.

The face of the Mother of God was immediately taken to the temple and a prayer service was served in front of it. The peasant returned home completely healthy - on healthy legs, cured of his craving for alcohol.

The news about the newly appeared icon “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the peasant’s miraculous recovery very soon spread beyond the monastery. Suffering people began to flock to the image of the Mother of God from everywhere. They offered their prayers to her, asking for deliverance from drunkenness, and were convinced of her mercy and miraculousness.

Help from Saint Matrona

Mother Matrona is a world-famous Russian blessed woman, canonized. She was born blind, and by the age of 16, the girl’s legs gave out. But since childhood, people came to her for help. Matrona always gave effective advice, cured ailments and prayed.

Blessed Matrona is one of the most powerful and revered Saints in Rus'.

Our Matronushka is the most revered saint, a guardian of family ties, a healer and a reliable adviser in matters of marriage. Those who have already turned to her for help claim that Matronushka’s prayer against drunkenness radically changed their lives for the better.

Memorial Day of the Venerable Matrona May 2. There is a belief that real powerful miracles happen at this time.

Mother Matrona helps everyone. But there is one main condition for fulfilling the prayer. When calling on her for help, you cannot simultaneously resort to the support of outsiders, especially go to psychics and other healers.

  • A strong prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness of a husband, children, parents or other loved ones helps to get rid of sin and believe in the Almighty.
  • It is advisable to pray in front of the holy image. There are icons with her image in many churches.
  • People often turn to the Icon in the Intercession Monastery, as well as to the images located in the Chapel at the Danilovsky Cemetery and the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
  • These icons are considered the most powerful, however, in other churches the images of Matronushka have great power.

There are many cases where strong faith in healing and prayers addressed to Blessed Matrona helped a mother save her son from alcoholism, children save their parents, wives save their husbands. In addition to the fact that they were delivered from sinful illness, these people began to live full lives. Many of them devoted themselves to the Orthodox faith.
Unfortunately, a person does not always realize that he has a problem.

In such cases, he does not want to resort to therapeutic methods. These circumstances sometimes drive the patient’s relatives into a dead end. When turning to the Holy Martyr, first of all, you need to believe in her power, otherwise you will not get a positive result. The most important thing in seeking relief from drunkenness is faith.

How and where is the best way to pray?

  1. To offer prayer words, you need to find a quiet, calm place where no one and nothing will disturb or distract from the petition.
  2. Prayer must be frank and sincere. At this moment, you must try to clear your mind of vain and sinful thoughts.
  3. All thoughts should be bright and pure.
  4. It is recommended to order a prayer service to Matronushka or Jesus Christ in the church.
  5. These prayer services enhance the power of relatives’ prayers, and also help to gain confidence in themselves and their abilities.

For the best result, you should simultaneously turn to the Matrona of Moscow and the Most Holy Theotokos or Christ the Savior for help with alcoholism. During prayer, you need to light candles, which will help you concentrate as much as possible.

When a patient does not want to heal himself with the help of prayer, relatives or close people can make requests for pardon for his soul.

  • In some cases, a photograph of the sick person is used during prayer.
  • Prayer words are read to Matronushka during the waning moon phase during sunset.
  • You definitely need to buy 3 candles in the church, light them and put them in a row.

You will also need holy water. They sprinkle it on the photo, place the photograph itself on the table near the candles, and then they begin to turn to the saint with their request. After the ceremony is completed, the photograph should be removed to a secluded place.

Reading a prayer once will not help rid a person of his thirst for alcohol. To obtain a positive result, it should be offered daily for at least 40 days in a row. No disease can be cured in a short time, so in this case you also need to be patient.

There is a ritual when prayers for deliverance from alcoholism, including to Blessed Matrona, are read on certain specific days.

  1. For example, if a man has a similar illness, then he needs to seek help on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  2. If a woman is sick with alcoholism, then prayer words said on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays will have the greatest effect.

Effective Prayers

To pray against drunkenness, you need to purchase 9 church candles and an icon of Matrona herself. You also need water, preferably blessed. A prayer so that the husband does not drink is read in a closed room in the absence of the spouse. What is being done:

  • Three candles are lit near the icon and a container of water is placed.
  • The prayer “Our Father” is read three times.
  • Next, you need to cross yourself and take three sips of holy water.

Blessed Matrona canonized

First prayer

« Blessed is the Staritsa, Mother Matrona. Protect my betrothed husband from a sick libation, and wash my husband’s lips with the most holy water. May she drive out the destructive desire for alcohol, may she calm his devilish thirst. As soon as the spouse takes a sip, he will sober up a little; as soon as he takes two, the drunkenness will go away forever. Thy will be done. Amen».

Second prayer

« Blessed Elder, Mother Matronushka. I pray to you to heal your spouse and free him from tedious sin, endless carousing. In complete repentance, I beg you, intercessor, to deliver my hubby from gullible drunkenness, which is taking away his bright, immortal soul.

Beg the Lord for complete intercession and show us sinners the pious path. Thy will be done. Amen».

After the end of the prayer service, you must cross yourself again and drink holy water three times. Over the next three days, your spouse should slowly add water to any drinks (including alcoholic drinks).

Saint Matrona is one of the most famous and revered Saints in Rus'

If the husband is away

You can call on Matrona for help even when the drinking husband is away from his wife. There is one very powerful prayer so that the husband does not drink alcohol while at a long distance.

This plot is read daily until the spouse returns home:

« Ever-blessed zealous intercessor, Elder Matronushka, I appeal to you with my feminine entreaty. I pray to you not for abundance and arrogance, but for the rescue of a drunkard spouse. Free him with holy mercy, and do not allow him to ruin his husband’s soul with alcohol addiction.

As soon as his palm touches the bottle, hit the stupid man on the back of his head. As soon as he swallows alcohol, thinness will come to him, and if he gets drunk, let hysteria come and overcome him. Tears are shed from my eyes for the last time, and my husband will drink for the last time. Thy will be done. Amen».

Defense of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is an extremely respected saint in Rus'. All his life, the elder came to the aid of the suffering in protecting them from harm. A huge number of Orthodox believers have already been convinced of its miraculousness. The saint was born on the territory of Lycia (now Türkiye) in 234 AD. e. in the city of Patara.

Nikolai Ugodnik is the closest mediator to God.

He began to demonstrate his amazing abilities from an early age. At baptism, not yet learning to walk, little Nikolai stood on his tiny legs and did not sit down in the font during the entire ceremony. The saint saved many times by the power of his intercession those who turned to him with requests.

You can turn to the Wonderworker for help with drunkenness of a father, son and spouse.

The Orthodox Church celebrates St. Nicholas Day on December 19. On this date, the most powerful miracles occur.

Effective Prayers

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a powerful intercessor, comforter and reliable assistant in sorrowful and sad matters. A strong prayer against drunkenness of a son, husband or father will help save loved ones from a destructive addiction. Prayers should be whispered before the face of the Saint.

  • It is necessary for those asking for help to purchase a church candle.
  • It should be bought on Thursday - this day is considered the most suitable for invoking the Wonderworker.
  • The prayer is said in silence over holy water (it must then be quietly added to the drink of the person for whom the ceremony was performed).
  • A prayer against drunkenness and alcoholism to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days; you cannot skip the reading!
  • For the ritual, you can stop at one prayer or read different ones alternately.

Prayer 1. « Wonderworker Nicholas, I pray to you, intercessor, for help. Condescend generously and take away from my husband the satanic dependence - fierce and merciless drunkenness. Against your husband’s will, awaken his disgust for demonic drinks and devastate his uncontrollable desire for alcoholic libations.

Now he will not pour, and he will not sip the adversary’s drink without disgust and shudder. But he will only sip and pour holy holy water into his own womb. Thy will be done. Amen».

Prayer 2. « The Wonderworker Saint Nicholas, our intercessor and protector, appeals to you with prayer. Have mercy on my husband, protect him from sinful drinking. Forgive me for my evil indulgence and remove the devilish and vile dependence.

Bring upon your spouse a daring will - let him not touch the demonic drink and let his cravings be drowned out. And the clean water will become famous for them and will remain for centuries. Thy will be done. Amen».

In addition to daily prayers, when performing a ritual to get rid of addiction to alcohol, it is necessary to regularly visit church churches. Once every ten days, come to church and leave customized notes-petitions for the person who is being delivered from the craving for alcoholic beverages.

Help from Boniface of Tarsus

  1. Boniface is a holy martyr who repented of his sins and received the status of a Saint after his painful death. He lived in the 3rd century AD in the Roman Empire, in the city of Tras. The young man was the manager of the estate of a wealthy woman, Aglaida, and at the same time her lover.
  2. In those days there was merciless persecution of Christians. Aglaida and Boniface were Christians. Once, several Christians were executed in the city square. Aglaida, wanting to atone for their sins, sent a young man to fetch the bodies of those executed to bury them in the earth. Boniface, coming to the square, witnessed another brutal massacre of a Christian.
  3. Amazed by the believer’s courage and his invincible faith in God, the young man loudly declared that he was also a Christian. The unfortunate man was captured and subjected to inhuman torture. The Lord twice saved Boniface from death, increasing the ranks of followers who witnessed the miracle.

The executioner, seeing the futility of his torture, cut off the young man's head. The people who accompanied Bonifatius brought his body to Aglaida. The woman buried the martyr with honors, distributed all her property to the poor and retired to a monastery. A Temple was erected at the burial site of Boniface, and he himself was canonized.

Saint Boniface's Memorial Day is celebrated on January 1. Prayers held in his name on this date have the most powerful power.

Effective Prayers

Before calling on Saint Boniface and reading prayers, contact your local priest so that he can bless you for a good cause. Then prayer for a drinking son or husband will bring a guaranteed result.

  • Prayers to the martyr are read for 40 days to 40 weeks.
  • Saint Boniface will not only help you overcome your addiction, but will also strengthen your own strength and faith in God.

Prayer 1 (for a drunken son). “All-praiseful and long-suffering Holy Martyr Boniface. Do not reject my prayer and bestow your intercession on my son. Free him from the heavy burden of drunkenness, drive away his demonic passion for the sake of salvation. Touch his heart with your spirit and grant grace from the Most High God.

Pray to our Lord for forgiveness for our sins, so that he may not turn away the face of the Holy One from his servant (son’s name). Accept the prayer of a mother weeping for her frivolous child. May my cry come through all-night prayers to the Throne of the Most High. In the terrible hour of the demonic exodus, help your child to take the pure path. Thy will be done. Amen".

Prayer 2 (for husband). “Oh, our holy intercessor, martyr of Christ. Hear me, a sinner, pleading from a woman’s heart. Help my husband to free himself from the invasion of the devil, from destructive drinking. Beg our Lord to forgive my gullible husband, who commits sins in ignorance.

Deliver him from the network of Satan, free him from the devilish temptation to drink alcohol. For this reason I pray and call upon you. Saint of God, help your spouse to recover from evil and evil spirits. By the grace of the Trinity of Saints and God Almighty, worshiped and glorified. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

  1. When conducting a prayer service for your son, father or husband, do not be discouraged if the results do not follow immediately.
  2. WITH This appeal to the Holy Martyrs already provides a guarantee that your loved one has taken the right path.
  3. These prayers are powerful and unique and will definitely help you get rid of your addiction.

A person’s life is too short to waste it on a meaningless hobby and spoil health by shortening the measured hours of existence. It is better to live your time correctly, only then will a person be remembered with a kind word.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “Seeking the Lost”

The word “lost” in the title of the icon does not mean the dead, but only those who have lost hope and faith in rectifying the situation. The Most Holy Theotokos helps all those suffering from vices, addictions, and poverty through the miraculous icon, giving them strength to fight.

This image is especially suitable for mothers whose beloved sons are located at a great distance and personal participation in their lives is impossible.

The meaning of the icon "Recovery of the Lost"

First of all, let's understand the meaning of the word “dead” - it does not refer to dead people. This word is usually used to describe a person who has ceased to see anything good in his environment, who has become hopeless and lost in his own life.

It is these people who are helped by the icon of the Holy Mother of God, waging an ongoing battle for those who sincerely ask, giving him more and more strength for the upcoming struggle. Thanks to this, the divine face acquired special meaning for people.

What do they pray for to the icon of the Search for the Lost?

  • People who have turned away from the Lord and have lost all faith in anything good can also pray to the image;
  • In Wartime, a large number of people asked this Holy Face for the protection of their loved ones and relatives at the front;
  • The divine image also performed miracles in the fight against various diseases. That is why every year a huge number of people call on the Saint for help in overcoming ailments. There is also evidence that if you ask the Virgin Mary for deliverance from headaches, epidemics, various eye diseases and other ailments, then the face can not only heal, but also give a blessing;
  • Prayer to the icon of Recovering the Lost can traditionally help single girls find a successful marriage. As for married couples, they can ask the Mother of God for strong and happy marriage bonds. Also, young girls can pray for the preservation of their relationship with a young man and for them to gain patience and wisdom.

Text of the prayer before the icon:

Prayers to Saint John of Kronstadt

So he earned Divine mercy, which to this day helps people strengthen their faith and saves many people from various troubles.

And here is what Saint John of Kronstadt said about drunkenness and drinking people:

“Wake up from dope and ignorance. What happened to you?! Why are you torturing your family and yourself?! How much evil this has brought into the world!”

But here is what he suggested saying to sick people, firmly and without a drop of doubt:

“I renounce you - the swill of Satan! I unite with You, Lord Jesus Christ! Save me, I'm exhausted. I am overcome by an insidious and cunning enemy. Give strength, firmness and constancy to my sincere decision to free myself from drunkenness. Thy will be done"

You can also say what your heart tells you in your own words. And most importantly:

  • The fight cannot be put off. Realized - start fighting. Do not negotiate with Satan, do not make concessions and circumstances. Don't drink for any reason!
  • Don't refuse medical help. This is not reasonable. You can't rely only on yourself.
  • Control yourself. This may take a long time: months, maybe even years. But we must not give any relief.
  • If I couldn't restrain myself. Get a hold of yourself. Repent. Say the following: “Serves me right for all the vileness of my sins, the meagerness of repentance, the weakness of will, the depravity of character!”
  • And fight again. Don’t mess with parasites or drunken groups. Avoid them like the plague.
  • Don’t drink for anyone’s health, neither for someone else’s nor for your own. This will not improve anyone’s health, but will only destroy it.
  • Get ready for sober holidays, paydays, birthdays. You've already drunk yours;

Come regularly to services in a temple, church, cathedral, monastery. This will be your victory and healing of your soul.

Words with which one turns to the Saint to get rid of alcohol addiction:

A request for help from the Holy Martyr Boniface

Before asking Boniface for deliverance from drunkenness in prayers, ask the priest to bless you for this matter. If you are going to ask God for deliverance from your son’s drunkenness, use the words of the mother’s prayer and ask the priest to also pray to the Almighty.

  • If, in your prayer against drunkenness to Saint Boniface, you ask him for your salvation, let the holy father give his blessing to this difficult undertaking and pray to God for your soul.
  • To get rid of alcoholism, you will need to pray from 40 days to 40 weeks, because a disease that incinerates both the souls and bodies of millions of people around the world cannot be defeated in a day.

Saint Boniface will help not only to recover from drunkenness, but also to strengthen your faith in God and in your own strength.

Prayer to Saint Boniface:

Appeal to the Monk Moses Murin

  • The Monk Moses Murin lived in the 4th century in Egypt. He was an Ethiopian, his face was black and that is why he was called “Murin”.
  • In his youth he was the slave of a noble man, but after he committed a murder, his master drove him away, and he joined a gang of robbers.
  • For his stern disposition and great physical strength, he was chosen as the leader. Moses and his gang committed many atrocities - murders, robberies, so that everyone was afraid even of his name.
  • The robber Moses spent several years in such a sinful life, but by the great mercy of God he repented, left the gang of robbers and went to one of the desert monasteries.
  • The Monk Moses did not quickly free himself from passions. He often came to the abbot of the monastery, Abba Isidore, asking for advice on how to get rid of fornication. The elder, experienced in spiritual warfare, taught him never to be satiated with food, to remain from hand to mouth, observing the strictest abstinence.

After spending many years in monastic endeavors, the Monk Moses was ordained a deacon. The bishop dressed him in white clothes and said: “Abba Moses is now all white.” The saint answered: “Master, what makes one clean - the external or the internal?”

Out of humility, the monk considered himself internally unworthy to accept the rank of deacon. One day the bishop decided to test him and ordered the clergy to drive the deacon out of the altar, cursing him as an unworthy murin. The monk accepted dishonor with complete humility. Having tested him, the bishop ordained the monk a presbyter. In this rank, the Monk Moses labored for 15 years and gathered 75 disciples around him.

When the monk turned 75 years old, he warned his monks that robbers would soon attack the monastery and kill all the inhabitants. The saint blessed the monks to leave in advance to avoid violent death. The disciples began to ask the monk to leave with them, but he replied: “I have been waiting for many years for the time when the word of my Master, the Lord Jesus Christ, will be fulfilled on me, who said: “All who accept the knife will perish by the knife”” (Matthew 26, 52).

Then 7 brothers remained with the monk, one of whom, when the robbers approached, hid nearby. The robbers killed the Monk Moses and the six monks who remained with him. Their death followed around the year 400.

Prayer to St. Moses Murin for drunkenness

Prayer for drunkenness to Jesus Christ

“Holy Jesus! Drunkenness got the better of me! My soul was exhausted, it was all exhausted from my unfortunate weakness! I can’t get along with myself - that’s my inconsolable sorrow and misfortune. Fear and fear attack me - I wouldn’t die from drunkenness without repentance! I am afraid that the evil devil has overcome me - he will completely destroy me and bring me to real hell. I know that I cannot cope with myself on my own. “I am poor and needy, but the Lord cares for me. You are my help and my deliverer, my God! Don't slow down."

Lord Jesus Christ! You Yourself said: “Without Me you cannot do anything,” but “ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” You, Lord Jesus Christ, healed the paralytic, cleansed the lepers, had mercy on the harlot, and said to the thief: “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

Touch, O Merciful One, my weakened and prodigal heart with Your omnipotent grace, pour into it strength and courage of spirit to fight the passion of drunkenness, drive away the tempter devil and send me Your Guardian Angel, and “in the midst of destinies” save me, a sinner and sad, Lord! You Yourself said: “I do not want the sinner to die, but for the sinner to turn from his way and live” and therefore “come into the world to save sinners.”

You Yourself, with Your Divine lips, said: “He who comes to Me I will not cast out.” And so I came to You, my hope and refuge! I cry at Your Most Pure feet, Who was crucified for me. “Do not hide Your face from me, do not reject me and do not forsake me, O God, my Savior!” Grant me strength and strength of will, so that I may drive out the passion that nests in me and may I live in sobriety, piety and firm faith in You, the One True God of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."

  • Anyone who wants to stop drinking must serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the healer Panteleimon and the martyr Boniface in church with the blessing of water, and drink the blessed water every morning on an empty stomach.
  • This water should be stored in a jar with a lid.

Strong prayers for husband's drunkenness

Nikolai Ugodnik

If your husband drinks, they ask Nikolai Ugodnik to get rid of his illness

“Wonderworker Nicholas, I turn to you with a prayer. Generously have mercy and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, they found disgust and devastated his craving for drunken libations. He will not sip, swallow or pour out harmful drink without a shudder. And he will sip and pour the property into the belly of holy water. Thy will be done. Amen."

  1. You should pray alone, with church candles burning.
  2. Once every 10 days, the church submits health notes indicating the name of the drinker in the accepted church spelling.

Matrona of Moscow

To get rid of cravings for alcohol, the head of the family often prays to the Holy Matrona of Moscow.

This ritual has its own characteristics.

  • For prayer, they buy 9 church candles and fill the container with holy water.
  • Three lighted candles are placed next to the images of the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, Jesus Christ, and St. Nicholas, and a vessel with holy water is placed next to it.
  • First, they read the “Our Father” prayer three times and sign themselves with the cross repeatedly.
  • Take 3 sips of water and begin to read the prayer:

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Protect my husband from painful drunkenness and wash his lips with holy water. Let her drive away the craving for alcohol and calm his satanic trembling. As soon as you take a sip, you will sober up a little. When he does two, drunkenness will come out in full. Thy will be done. Amen."

Read for three days. Water prayed in this way can be added to your husband’s drink.

Martyr Boniface

  • Home prayer to the Martyr Boniface for the deliverance of her husband from drunkenness is also carried out according to certain rules.
  • Each icon of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Martyr Boniface is placed with 3 burning candles and a container with holy water. Three prayers to Saint Boniface are read at least three times in the following order.

“Bonifatius the Martyr, Defender and Savior. I bow my head with faith in you, please forgive me for making you angry, I pray. Have mercy, to calm down the alcohol, and save your husband from drunkenness. Let him reject his destruction, Saint Boniface, I pray three times. Thy will be done. Amen."

“Saint Boniface, the demon tempts us, he drives our husband to the grave through drunkenness. We deserve your punishment, but still I pray on my knees. You ask God for forgiveness, without him we will not deserve humility. Let the alcohol that my husband drinks immediately pour back out of him. Thy will be done. Amen."

“Martyr Boniface, Messenger of Christ. Accept repentance for me and my husband and reduce the severity of the holy punishment. The demons of drunkenness entered the spouse and found a weak soul for grief. I beg you to forgive your sins and sprinkle him with holy water. As alcohol takes hold of him online, let the demon come out of prayer. Thy will be done. Amen."

The energy intake should be repeated before the feast, when alcohol consumption is expected.

Healing my son

When the son is drunk they read:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. Forgive me for my evil indulgences and for all humiliations. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen."

A mother’s prayers for a son who drinks bitters help get rid of the vice of drunkenness. It is effective to read prayers for aversion to alcohol and universal prayers for health.

“I beg you, Lord God, and ask for holy absolution. Help my drinking son get rid of his craving for alcohol and protect him from imminent death. Thy will be done. Amen."

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Grant my son good health, reason and will, strength and spirit. Protect him from harmful influences and guide him on the path leading to Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen."

A conspiracy against an alcoholic son carried out on Maundy Thursday is considered especially powerful.

All windows in the house are thoroughly washed. The water remaining after washing the glass is poured onto the son’s back, saying:

“As I gave birth to you, fed you with my milk, so you, servant of God (name), would not drink alcohol, mash, or pour wine into your mouth. The windows have been washed and you are clean. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Accept the problem and find faith

As mentioned earlier, drinkers can be divided into 2 categories:

  • those who are aware of their problem,
  • those who do not understand and do not want to understand what is happening to them.

In the first case, the prayer addressed to Matrona will have more significant power.

To achieve the best results when praying, you need to follow other rules. Thus, a prerequisite is awareness of sin, the will to commit righteous deeds. Do not doubt your strengths and the correctness of your intentions.

Matronushka also helps those who, starting treatment, broke down, and then again resorted to her help. However, at the same time, we must remember that patience and perseverance are always rewarded.

Therefore, when reading prayers to help overcome alcoholism, you should avoid drinking company. You must always find something useful to do. During treatment with the prayer of Matrona of Moscow, it is important to attend services in the church, especially Divine Liturgies. When taking a break from physical labor, you need to read the Holy Scriptures.

What is important to know?

Rituals and prayers aimed at aversion to drunkenness can be carried out at home, without involving third parties in the circle of your difficult problems. At the same time, it is important to know a number of rules, subject to which the treatment will be as effective as possible.

  1. Patients suffering from alcoholism should be treated on the days of the waning moon, unless specific dates for reading akathists have been agreed upon.
  2. Conspiracies during Lent, on the days of major patronal holidays, are not read on Sundays.
  3. The ritual must be approached with the utmost seriousness and a sincere desire to help.
  4. Words of prayer pronounced for dubious fun will not only not bring the desired result, but will also aggravate the illness.
  5. Conspiracies against alcoholism in men should be read on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On other days, a ritual is performed for female drunkenness.
  6. If water is used according to the conditions of the ceremony, it must be clean, fresh, unboiled and undrinkable. When water is used that does not come from a spring or well, it must be allowed to settle.
  7. Initiating plans for holding rituals with people from outsiders who are not involved in the problem is extremely undesirable.
  8. You cannot be distracted or interrupted while reading prayers and pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.
  9. If a woman says prayers, her head should be covered with a scarf.
  10. Anyone who reads prayers for drunkenness not on himself should not have tattoos.
  11. If the request for help is a conscious action of the patient himself, before starting treatment with prayers, the alcoholic must fast for several days and abstain from smoking and alcohol.

If prayers are not answered

When efforts are in vain, a person tends to despair. It happens that prayer services are served, akathists are read, prayers at home do not stop, but the condition of the drinking son or spouse still remains unchanged.

And yet it should be remembered that a good deed is being done, and the result belongs only to the Lord.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer against drunkenness that must be read for 40 days” with a detailed description and photographs.

Unfortunately, in the CIS countries, drunkenness is a national problem, affecting all segments of the population, regardless of gender and age. The fight against drunkenness is a complex process that requires maximum dedication from a person suffering from alcoholism and his loved ones. The most harmless and at the same time quite effective way to defeat the “Green Serpent” is prayer against alcoholism.

The main thing is not to sit relaxed and fold your arms. The problem is serious and needs to be solved quickly, approaching the issue with the maximum degree of seriousness. If you are going to think about healing a loved one in this way, it is recommended not to tell him about the rituals. Under the influence of conspiracies, his body itself will begin to fight alcohol, thanks to spiritual and energetic restructuring.

The effectiveness of the methods is that the fight against drunkenness and alcoholism is carried out at the highest energy level.

If you want to make progress in healing alcoholism, the main thing is to believe with all your might in the effectiveness of the prayers and conspiracies used, and also believe in yourself, and then the effect will be simply stunning. Remember that prayers and conspiracies can only be used if nothing else helps in the fight against drunkenness. And you shouldn’t limit yourself to just them.

The most popular prayers, conspiracies for alcoholism

Prayers for healing from alcoholism, conspiracies against drunkenness are an effective tool that will solve a serious problem in a short time. If you want to cure your loved one from this scourge, try resorting to a ritual with a photograph. In order to carry out the ritual, you will also need three church candles, church water and, of course, a photograph. During the waning moon at sunset, light candles and place them in a row on the table. Place a photo in front of you, lightly sprinkle holy water on it and repeat the words.

After the photo they remove it to a secluded place.

A magic spell against alcoholism can be cast using ordinary water, over which prayers will be read.

Spring or well water is ideal for the procedure. If you don’t have such water, you can infuse ordinary tap water for seven days in a dark place. In any case, you need to read the following prayer over the prepared water.

Then the patient must drink this water.

A conspiracy or prayer will help you in the treatment of alcoholism, for this you should perform the following ritual. Go to the bathhouse, take a good steam there and put on clean underwear. Prepare spring or well water and read the words of the spell over it, then drink in one gulp.

Some rules for reading prayers

Rituals that treat alcoholism are recommended to be performed on certain days. For example, when it comes to male drunkenness, the recommended days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman is sick, preference is given to Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

One of the most important elements of prayers and conspiracies for treating drunkenness is faith in their effectiveness. The better you can imagine the effect of the ritual, the greater your faith, the closer the sick person will become to recovery.

The most tangible effect in the fight against drunkenness can be achieved only when a prayer or conspiracy is read during the full moon or waning month.

Strong prayers can create ideal conditions for achieving success in treating drunkenness, and their power will be greater if no one except you knows about their reading. You can light a candle near the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon; it has proven itself in the fight against alcoholism in people of any age.

At the same time, to successfully fight against “green snake” drunkenness, joint, coordinated actions of loved ones are needed. The more people who help the patient solve the problem, the higher his chances of successful recovery from this terrible addiction.

Other types of protective prayers:

Prayers for alcoholism: comments

One comment

After drug treatment turned out to be useless, I had to turn to God. True, at that moment I didn’t know anything except Our Father. It turned out that they exist, and it is the reading of prayer over water that gives an undeniable effect. I didn’t wait for the full moon, but every day in the morning I turned to God with a request to save me from addiction. I still have the Inexhaustible Chalice icon. And you need to convince yourself that this will help. Another important point is the understanding of your loved ones of what you will do and the same faith in God!

Prayers against alcoholism

Alcoholism is a huge grief that affects almost all families of our vast country. Unfortunately, many simply do not know how to deal with this terrible disease. It should be noted that the effectiveness of prayers for drunkenness is no less than for medications. Therefore, along with medical therapy, you should regularly attend church and turn to God.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

“Oh, most merciful Lady! We now resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us - wives, children, mothers and those who are obsessed with the serious illness of drunkenness and for the sake of our mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, heal our brothers and sisters and relatives. Oh, merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and quickly raise them from the falls of sin, bring them to saving abstinence. Pray to Your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not to turn His mercy away from His people, but to strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, O Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers who shed tears for their children; wives weeping for their husbands; children, the orphaned and the wretched, those left astray, and all of us who fall before Your icon. And may this cry of ours, through Your prayers, come to the throne of the Most High. Cover and protect us from the evil trap and all the snares of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to pass through the airy ordeals without stumbling, with Your prayers deliver us from eternal condemnation, so that the mercy of God will cover us for the endless ages of ages. Amen"

This strong prayer against drunkenness is read in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice”. Words must be spoken repeatedly and with an open heart. After each appeal to the face, you should cross yourself three times.

At the same time as reading prayers for alcoholism, do not forget to attend church and submit notes about the health of the sick person.

It should be noted that the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon is the most powerful in the fight against addiction to alcoholic beverages.

What to do if alcoholism overcomes your husband?

These words are read in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. If the petition is carried out at home, then silence is an integral part of the prayer process. Among other things, in the temple you should purchase the icon “The Untrustworthy Chalice”, the face of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. Light 3 church candles and place them opposite the icons. Place a decanter of holy water nearby. It is this powerful liquid that is the main attribute of the church ceremony.

To carry out a prayer aimed at combating your husband’s alcoholism, you should carefully look at the carafe of water.

At the same time, do not forget to attend church, pray in front of the face of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and submit health notes once every 10 days.

The charmed water should be added to the husband's food and drinks secretly.

How to stop your son from drinking?

Prayer to Saint Boniface the Merciful:

“O all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, obsessed with the addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Amen"

Another prayer against alcohol addiction directed to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you to spare my child and save my son from sinful drunkenness. For the evil indulgences and for all the humiliation - forgive me. Destroy the vile addiction and bring daring will upon your son. Let him not touch the drink, and his cravings will calm down. Let the water be glorified by them, and faith remain forever. Thy will be done. Amen"

You should ask for your son with lit candles. In addition to the icon of the Martyr Boniface the Merciful and Jesus Christ, acquire the face of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice”, St. Nicholas the Pleasant and the Matrona of Moscow. Proceed according to the same scheme - secretly add the charmed water to your son.. Do not despair if changes do not yet occur, because healing a drinking soul is a long process. Stock up on love, patience and kindness.

Believe me, these prayers for alcoholism are unique in their kind. They are able to overcome even the most advanced cases.

What if the disease of drunkenness seized the father, mother?

This prayer is read in front of the icon of St. Laurus and Florus. The faces of Jesus Christ, Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona of Moscow and the “Inexhaustible Chalice” must be standing nearby. Petitions are made for father and mother with lit candles. To completely cleanse the soul and thoughts of the drinker, it is necessary to let the candles burn out to the end.

Another prayer against the alcoholism of the mother and father before the face of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”:

“Blessed Virgin Mary, Virgin Mary. Hear this prayer and save my mother from the intoxicating intoxication. Do not leave her in trouble and suffering and release all your punishments. Have mercy and send salvation from reckless drunkenness. Give her holy water and cleanse her of bad filth. Thy will be done. Amen"

These words are powerful. Read them daily and with faith.

How to cure yourself from drunkenness?

Prayer to St. Moses Murin against alcoholism

“Oh, the great power of repentance! Oh, the immeasurable depth of God's mercy! You, Reverend Moses, were formerly a robber, but, horrified by your sins, you grieved for them and in repentance came to the monastery and there, in great lamentation over your former iniquities and in difficult feats of fasting and prayer, you spent your days until your death and was awarded Christ’s grace of forgiveness. and the gift of miracles. Oh, reverence, you have achieved wonderful virtues from grave sins! Help the servants of God who pray to you, who are drawn to destruction from the immeasurable wine of consumption, which damages the immortal soul and body - the temple of the Holy Spirit. Bow your merciful gaze upon them and do not despise them, but listen to them as they come running to you. Pray, holy Moses, the Lord Christ, that He, the Merciful, will not reject them, powerless and unfortunate, perishing from the passion of excessive wine drinking, and may the devil not rejoice at their destruction, for we all, as creatures of God, have been redeemed by the Most Pure Blood of His Son. Hear, Reverend Moses, their prayer and ours. Drive away the devil from them, grant them the strength to overcome their passion, lead them to the path of good, free them from the slavery of passions, deliver them from the harm of excessive wine drinking, so that, renewed, in spiritual sobriety and a bright mind, they love all abstinence and piety and eternally glorify the Savior The All-Good God is always His creation, and to Him belongs glory, honor and worship forever and ever. Amen"

This prayer is read in front of the icon of Saint Moses Murin. If you ask at home, then the face of Jesus Christ, Motrona of Moscow, St. Nicholas the Pleasant, as well as the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Inexhaustible Chalice” should be placed around. Don't forget about candles - they should become the main attribute when asking for a cure. You should ask for yourself to get rid of alcohol addiction every day and several times. You need to pronounce words in complete silence, with pure ambassadors and an open heart.

If you have expressed a desire to cure yourself of alcoholism, you should serve a prayer service to Jesus Christ, the healer Panteleimon, the Most Holy Theotokos, and Saint Boniface with the blessing of water. Holy water must be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. The healing liquid should be stored in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.

At night, prayers against drunkenness should be performed several times in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice.” It is this powerful face that can help a patient fight against alcoholism.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow against drunkenness

In addition to the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon, the face of the Holy Matrona of Moscow is also capable of fighting alcoholism. By turning to it daily, you can get rid of even the most severe addiction.

When making petitions to God's Martyrs, try to concentrate on every word. Under no circumstances should you pronounce phrases in a hurry while thinking about something extraneous. This will not help your grief! Trust in God's help must be sincere. All words must be pronounced clearly and out loud. And faith that the Lord will help must be complete.

Don't forget the Lord's Prayer. It should be read several times a day. As you know, these truly powerful words can fight all difficulties and failures.

Happiness to you and your family!

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December 21, 2017 4th lunar day – New moon. It's time to bring good things into life.

Strong prayer for my son's drunkenness

Alcoholism is a common problem in modern society, affecting people of all ages. A person with such an addiction does not control his actions, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences. It is especially scary for parents when their children suffer from alcoholism. Since ancient times, mothers have used prayers against their son’s drunkenness, saving their child from fatal addiction. Today there are several texts that help in such a situation. You must read them with pure thoughts and unshakable faith in the result.

It is important that the drinker attends the prayer service of All Saints three times. An alcoholic must receive a blessing from the priest and undergo a fast lasting 40 days, which cleanses the body and soul. Every day during Lent you should pray near the “Inexhaustible Chalice” icon and drink sacred water, which can be collected in the church, and should be stored in a glass container with a lid. If you want to drink alcohol, you need to drink sacred water and pray.

Strong prayer for my son's drunkenness

It is deep-seated faith that is the very lifeline that will allow you to cope with the problem and find a way out of the trap called “alcoholism.” It is worth noting that if a person with addiction does not want to pray on his own, close relatives can do this for him. A sincere request will certainly be heard by the Lord. The prayer sounds like this:

“Save, O Lord, and have mercy on Thy servants (name) with the words of Thy Divine Gospel, read about the salvation of these Thy servants (name). The thorns of all their sins, voluntary and involuntary, have fallen, Lord, and may Thy grace dwell in them, enlightening, scorching, purifying the whole person. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Prayer to Boniface from drunkenness

Saint Boniface is the main helper of people who suffer from alcohol addiction. Before reading the prayer, it is recommended to go to church and ask the priest for a blessing for your son. To get the desired result, you need to read the prayers for at least 40 days, but in some cases you will need to turn to the saint for 40 weeks, and it sounds like this:

“Oh, all-holy Boniface, merciful servant of the Merciful Master! Hear those who come running to you, possessed by an addiction to drinking wine, and, just as in your earthly life you never refused to help those who asked you, so now deliver these unfortunates (names). Once upon a time, God-wise father, hail destroyed your vineyard, but you, having given thanks to God, ordered the few remaining grapes to be placed in a winepress and to invite the poor. Then, taking new wine, you poured it drop by drop into all the vessels that were in the bishopric, and God, fulfilling the prayer of the merciful, performed a glorious miracle: the wine in the winepress multiplied, and the poor filled their vessels. Oh, saint of God! Just as through your prayer wine increased for the needs of the church and for the benefit of the poor, so you, blessed one, now reduce it where it causes harm, deliver those who indulge in the shameful passion of wine drinking (names) from their addiction to it, heal them from a serious illness, free them from demonic temptation, strengthen them, the weak, give them, the weak, strength and strength to quickly endure this temptation, return them to a healthy and sober life, direct them to the path of work, put in them the desire for sobriety and spiritual vigor. Help them, saint of God Boniface, when the thirst for wine begins to burn their larynx, destroy their destructive desire, refresh their lips with heavenly coolness, enlighten their eyes, place their feet on the rock of faith and hope, so that, leaving their soul-harming addiction, which entails excommunication from the Heavenly Kingdom, they, having established themselves in piety, were awarded a shameless peaceful death and in the eternal light of the infinite Kingdom of Glory worthily glorified our Lord Jesus Christ with His Beginning Father and with His Most Holy and Life-giving Spirit forever and ever. Amen".