Winter plasticine applique. Master class "plasticineography winter" presentation on the topic

Reverse applique from plasticine “Cheerful Snowman”. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Reverse applique- this is the application in reverse. It is made on a transparent basis, and its reverse side becomes the front side.

Matveeva Lyubov Viktorovna, primary school teacher.
Purpose: the master class will be useful to teachers of preschool institutions, teachers of correctional boarding schools, primary school teachers, as well as teachers of additional education. The work can be done individually or in pairs.
Target: learn how to make a reverse applique “Cheerful Snowman” from plasticine.
Educational objectives:
- introduce the new technique of reverse appliqué from plasticine;
- development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine and stack;
- expanding knowledge about materials and their properties, technologies of use; formation of practical skills.
Developmental tasks:
- development of mental activity in students in the process of orientation in a task, planning the progress of work;
- development of coordination of fine motor skills of hands and fingers.
Educational tasks:
- education of aesthetic taste, independence, accuracy.

Materials and tools:

plasticine, stack, laminated sheet (glued) (or thick transparent film, glass, plastic), coloring.

You can start an activity or lesson like this:

What time of year is the riddle talking about?
Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.
(about winter).

-What winter months do you know? (December January February).
- What is the weather like in winter? (cold, frosty)
- What is the earth covered with in winter? (snow)
- What kind of snow is there? (white, fluffy, light, cold, sticky, wet).
-Children, what do you like to do in winter when you walk outside? (Sledding and skiing, playing snowballs, making snow slides, etc.)
- You will find out what we will do in class today if you guess the riddle.
Appeared in the yard
It's in cold December.
Clumsy and funny

Standing by the skating rink with a broom.
I'm used to the winter wind.
Our friend... (snowman)

- And a snowman came to visit us today. Here he is, but our snowman is very sad, he has no friends. Let's help him.
- Tell me, do you like to sculpt snowmen? Of course it's interesting and funny.
- What is a snowman made from?
- How do they do it?
- That's right, first they roll a big, big lump of snow - this will be the body of a snowman. Then a second lump is placed on top of this first lump, this will be the head. And two smaller round lumps are attached to the sides - these will be the hands.
- What is our Snowman made of, what do you think we will need? (sample showing).

So, for work you will need: plasticine, stacks, laminated sheet, coloring, paper clips.

Print the coloring page.

- Before we start work, let’s do some physical exercises
We are making a snowman
From fluffy snow.
That's what the first com is like!
That's how big he is.
The second one is a little smaller,
The third will be the head,
The hat will come from a bucket,
Carrot nose,
And the eyes have two cheerful lights.
That's how funny he is;
He laughs from ear to ear
He makes the kids happy.

Work plan:

1. At the bottom, we fasten the coloring with paper clips to the laminated sheet.

2. Make a carrot nose by applying orange plasticine, trimming the edges with a stack.

3. Apply black plasticine to the eyes.

4. Making a mouth: first we roll up a flagellum from black plasticine, then press it along the contour of the mouth (as if gluing it) to a laminated sheet.

5. Apply white plasticine, making a snowman’s head, and trim the edges with a stack.

6. Let’s start making the hat (you can combine other colors).


8. We begin making the scarf, alternating red and purple colors.

9.We make buttons from black plasticine.

10. We make the body of the snowman with white plasticine, trimming the edges with a stack.

11. Make mittens using yellow plasticine.

12. Using plasticine with shades of blue, make a snowdrift around the snowman.

11. Remove the coloring and turn it over. This is what happened.

12. Next, you can show your imagination and creativity.
I put blue cardboard underneath.

I put it in a frame decorated with snowflakes using the quilling technique.

This is how the laminated plasticine applique turned out.
Change the color combinations on the hat and scarf, change the color of the mittens, the snowman can be made blue, the background can also be changed and you will succeed mine snowman. Create, imagine. I wish you success!

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Plasticineography Winter

The purpose of the master class: improving the professional skills of teachers, obtaining new knowledge and mastering it in practical activities. Objectives of the master class: mastering by teachers non-traditional techniques for working with plasticine; training master class participants in the “plasticineography” technique; develop interest in unconventional methods of drawing and promote their widespread use in kindergarten. Expected result: manifestation of creativity of teachers in creating a stucco painting depicting semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface, in different ways; increasing the level of professional competence of teachers in the use of plasticineography in working with children.

Quietly humming a fairy tale, winter floats by in the twilight, covering the Earth and trees and houses with a warm blanket.

Plasticineography is an unconventional fine art technique, the principle of which is to create a molded picture depicting semi-volume objects on a horizontal surface. By doing plasticineography, children gain knowledge, skills, abilities, they also consolidate the information received in direct educational activities to familiarize themselves with the environment, communication, drawing, get acquainted with the world of different objects in the process of partial use of waste material, and expand the possibilities of children's visual activities. In the process of creating stucco paintings, children develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, and eye control. This technique is good because it is accessible to children, allows you to quickly achieve the desired result and introduces a certain novelty into children’s activities, making it more exciting and interesting.

Sculpting from plasticine is very interesting. In addition, each new craft is a new toy, painting, postcard that will bring you and your children a lot of joy, because you made it together and with your own hands. How can you learn to sculpt and draw using plasticine if you have no sculptors or artists in your family? Very simple! To do this, the MOST IMPORTANT thing is that you need to have a little imagination, skillful hands and, of course, “magic plasticine”! The master class can be useful for parents, educators and teachers in working with children of senior preschool and primary school age.

Today I want to introduce you to the types of plasticineography: Direct plasticineography - an image of a stucco painting on a horizontal surface. Features of the work: 1. Roll up the parts of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage). 2. Place them on a horizontal surface. 3. Then ra Reverse plasticineography (stained glass) - an image of a stucco painting from the reverse side of a horizontal surface (with a contour designation). Features of the work: 1. Use a transparent plastic surface for work (transparent plastic lids, containers, etc.). 2. Draw the outline of the design on the back of the transparent surface with a marker. 3. Roll up the details of the depicted object one by one, first in a three-dimensional shape (in the form of a ball, sausage). 4. Place them on the surface, rubbing and filling in the details of the image. flatten, connecting parts.

Contour plasticineography is an image of an object along the contour, using “flagella”. Features of the work: 1. Draw a picture with a pencil or marker. 2. Roll sausages or thin flagella from plasticine. 3. Consistently lay out a long flagellum along the contour of the image. 4. You can fill the inner surface of the image with flagella of a different color. Mosaic plasticine painting is an image of a molded picture on a horizontal surface using plasticine balls or ball plasticine. Features of the work: 1. Roll small balls of the desired color. 2. Place them on a horizontal surface, filling the surface of the depicted object with the corresponding color. 3. Press lightly.

Each of these techniques is a small game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more spontaneous, develops imagination, and gives complete freedom for self-expression. Create, imagine. I wish you success!

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A lesson in modeling using the “plasticine painting” technique.

Subject: "Winter landscape".

Program content:

Teach children to depict a winter landscape with plasticine on cardboard using the plasticine painting technique.

Learn to reflect the impressions received while observing winter nature and looking at works of artists.

To give an idea of ​​the beautiful and harmonious in nature.

Development of attention, observation, the ability to notice new, unusual in familiar phenomena, to admire the beautiful, touching in nature.

Develop fine motor skills of the hand.

Cultivating a sense of joyful anticipation of the winter holidays.


Reproductions of paintings by I. Grabar “February Azure”, “Winter Landscape”; I. Levitan “Village in Winter”; illustrations of winter landscapes; sample work on colored cardboard (A4 format), colored plasticine, colored cardboard, oilcloth, stacks, napkins, small sparkles for decoration.

Progress of the lesson:

Invite children to look at pictures of winter nature. Pay attention to the beauty of the Russian winter.


Winter is very beautiful in its snow-white decoration! What is she like? Why do we love her? What beautiful words can you use to describe her?

(Children's answers).


Artists, composers and poets sang winter in their works. There are many riddles, proverbs, sayings and signs about winter. Tell me which ones you know.

(Children's answers).

Complete the children's answers:

The cat scratches the floor - in the wind, in the snowstorm.

A goose stands on one leg - it means frost.

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

The frost is not great, but it does not require you to stand.

Invite children to guess riddles about winter:

The white tablecloth clothed the whole world.(Snow).

A star from the sky, and water in your palm.(Snowflake ).

Like across the sky from the north,

A white swan swam

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down - poured

There are little lakes in the fields

White fluff and feathers.(Winter).


These riddles were invented by the Russian people. These are some beautiful words that can be said about winter. Now listen to how the poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov spoke about the Russian winter.

Reading a poem"Frost the Voevoda".

It is not the wind that rages over the forest, whether the tops of the pines are fluffy,

Streams did not run from the mountains, Is the pattern on the oak trees beautiful?

Frost is the commander of the patrol And are the ice floes tightly bound?

Walks around his possessions. In great and small waters?

He looks to see if the snowstorm is good, he walks through the trees,

Forest paths are covered, crackling on frozen water,

And are there any cracks, crevices, And the bright sun is playing

And is there any bare ground somewhere? In his shaggy beard...


And the poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wonderfully talks about the beauty of winter nature in the poem “Winter Morning”.

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

What winter is depicted in this poem?

(Children's answers).


One can say about winter: “beautiful”, “fabulous”, “majestic”, “magnificent”. What mood is conveyed in these poems? How did you feel after listening to them?

(Children's answers).


Poets wrote about winter solemnly, festively. These poems evoke a feeling of joy and admiration for the beauty of winter nature.

We talked a lot about winter. What is she like? Why do we love her? Winter can be different - harsh, cold, angry, blizzard, snowy, prickly. But it can also be beautiful, snow-white, cheerful, magical, wonderful. Because of her beauty, people came up with affectionate names for her: Zimushka-winter, Guest-winter, Winter-sorceress.

You and I can also depict the Russian winter in our works using plasticine. Remember what trees and bushes look like in winter. What is the earth covered with?

Clarify how to correctly depict in a picture: snowdrifts, falling snow, trees using the “plasticine painting” technique. Show children how to make silver snow using small sparkles, pressing them onto plasticine.


Close your eyes and imagine a magical winter fairy tale, the main characters of which could be the Snowman, the Snow Maiden, animals of the winter forest and other characters. Now let's get to work.

At the end, the children examine the work. Offer to choose the most beautifully made trees, bushes, snowdrifts. Ask why they chose these particular images.

No, it’s still a beautiful time – winter. Beauty is cold, but good. Even traditionally warm tones are not perceived as such. There is something cosmic in winter landscapes. Plasticine paintings with winter themes are also beautiful.

One of the main tasks solved by drawing with any materials is the development of observation skills. In modern education, rarely does anyone think about cultivating observation skills. The urban environment itself is significantly limited in this sense.

When a child, and why only a child, and an adult too, begins to draw, the world around him changes. You walk around and think about how to preserve this or that beauty on paper.

Since modern children are unobservant and have a weak imagination, they will need support. Let's act like beginning artists who are advised to copy the masters more often. Our master will be Nature: we will choose some photograph as a sample.

Plasticine paintings based on the sample

So, the guys and I chose this beauty (picture above).

1. Now let’s transfer it onto the cardboard using thin lines.

Not everyone can do this right away. Especially if the guys have any developmental disabilities. They press hard on the pencil. The line turns out thick and deep. So that the student can immediately control the pressure, explain that sometimes you have to remove the lines. A thin line is much easier to erase.

2. Transfer the drawing in the most general terms, without details. They can be added later.

We use the principle of right-hemisphere drawing: I don’t get upset if there is no complete correspondence. We do not copy, but create a picture from plasticine on the theme “Winter motives”.

3. We use colors that we like, even if they are not on the sample.

4. Soften the plasticine thoroughly (you can use a hairdryer).

If your fingers are tired, try using a stack to apply it. There is one in any set of plasticine.

The result is this plasticine painting “Winter Morning”

Plasticine paintings depicting bright objects

Winter motifs just beg to be painted. Birds look very advantageous, especially bright bullfinches, animals, bright mountain ash. Example, a picture from plasticine "Bullfinch"

Plasticine graphics

Another way to draw with plasticine. Looks good in night landscapes. We apply a plasticine background, and then draw (or chop) images of objects. Using a sharp stick (toothpick, for example), scrape out the plasticine inside the outline. It turns out to be a kind of plasticine graphics. Plasticine graphics "Night sky"

Pictures made from plasticine look very good “live”, so they can be a good gift. You just need to decorate it accordingly and cover it with acrylic varnish. Some ideas for plasticine paintings with winter motifs can be seen in the video below.

Application for primary schoolchildren "Winter Hut". Master class with step-by-step photos

Author: Roza Semenovna Akhujanova, primary school teacher at MAOU "Secondary School No. 21", Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan.
Purpose: the work can be used in technology lessons in primary schools, in preschool institutions, and in club work.
Target: making applique from plasticine.
1. Development of skills and abilities in working with plasticine, development of fine motor skills;
2. Development of creative abilities, artistic taste;
3. Cultivate accuracy when working with plasticine;
4. Creating conditions for creative self-realization and the formation of motivation for success.
Working with plasticine is very interesting for children. It develops finger motor skills, precision of movements, imagination, abstract thinking, attention, and artistic skills in working with plastic materials.
Application with plasticine is a remarkable type of visual activity in its capabilities. It allows the child to master the volume, make the picture in relief, more expressive and lively. But, in addition, this is also a way to give children’s fingers a good muscle load. Especially where it is necessary to smear plasticine on a plane and cover the surface of cardboard with a colored background. Drawing is substantive. Gradually you can expand the boundaries to a simple plot.

Dilapidated hut
It's all covered in snow.
Grandma-old lady
Looking out the window.
To the naughty grandchildren
Knee-deep snow.
Fun for the kids
Fast sled run...
They run, laugh,
Making a snow house
They ring loudly
Voices all around...
(A. Blok)
We will also make a winter hut.

For work we will need: blue cardboard, plasticine, scissors. We will make the applique on half of the cardboard. To do this, fold a standard sheet of cardboard in half and cut along the fold line.

We take white plasticine and “lay a layer of snow on the ground.” After all, it's WINTER outside!

Now let’s decide on the height of the hut and glue red square-shaped plasticine at 1/3 of the height from the bottom of the cardboard. This is the window of our future hut!

We begin to build the walls of the hut. To do this we need to take yellow and brown plasticine. First we make the “logs”! And fold them one by one from bottom to top.

Gently pressing with your finger, glue it to the cardboard. Having reached the window, we make frames. And also gently press with your finger.

We continue to build the wall near the window. The main thing here is not to make a mistake with the color and size of the “logs”!

We continue to build the wall. We place a few more logs above the window. Our wall is ready! We begin to build the roof. For this we need pink plasticine.

We lay the “logs” in the shape of a triangle. To do this, each time we take “logs” shorter than the previous one. Lightly pressing with your finger, glue it to the cardboard.

Since it's winter outside, there's snow on the roof! We need white plasticine again! Laying snow on the roof...

Every hut has a stove! And the pipe is sticking out of the roof!

There is also snow on the pipe... It's been a snowy winter!

It's cold outside, but warm in the hut! The owners are lighting the stove...

And smoke comes out of the chimney... Using your finger, gently pressing down, we rub the plasticine onto the cardboard. The finishing touches remain... We make brown and white plasticine balls - these are the ends of the “logs” and the falling snow... We also carefully press them down.

Nice hut! Beautiful and cozy! Here we will be warm in any weather!