Interpretation of tarot cards 6 of cups. Interpretation and meaning of Tarot: Six of Cups

Description of the Tarot card Six of Cups

The Six of Cups tarot card often depicts a salesman in a jester's outfit giving a little girl a flower in a cup, symbolizing a look back into her past childhood. White flowers in cups standing near the seller serve as a symbol of the fact that a person’s emotions have been purified to their most primary manifestations: only those feelings that lead a person to the original sources are left. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it, and the passion that is dangerous for others is transformed into universal love and sympathy.

General meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups Tarot card in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

When appearing upright in a fortune telling or reading, the Six of Cups Tarot card takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Happy memories, old friends or lovers hold a special place in our lives. However, Arkan also indicates that a person who has experienced a lot in the past begins to feel reborn to a new life.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Six of Cups is, first of all, a focus on the future in order to forget about the past, changes in life expected in the near future. The card advises not to become too attached to the past, since old feelings have already exhausted themselves and now only interfere with new experiences and moving forward.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Here the Six of Cups in the upright position suggests that we perceive our work more romantically than pragmatically, and it is the ideal idea of ​​it that captivates us, and not the everyday routine. In creative professions this is even a plus, however, where accuracy and organization are required, this approach only hinders both us and those who work with us.

Reversed card position

When the Six of Cups appears in a fortune-telling or reading in an inverted position, it indicates that the existing problems are actually not as small and insignificant as they seem at first glance. And the reluctance to take a fresh look at your affairs, fixation on the past and adherence to old connections can not only worsen the situation in the present, but also slow down success in the future.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

In general, good health, positive dynamics of recovery. Not very serious illnesses or minor complications after illnesses suffered in childhood are possible.

Reversed card position

Indicates the return of old diseases, relapses. Infectious diseases and heart diseases.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

If the Six of Cups falls in an upright position in fortune-telling and readings for love and relationships, most often it means warmth and kindness, characteristic of the period of fairy-tale love. Sometimes - memories of such a period. It is in this area that the dreamy, sometimes sweetly sentimental side of this card is most strongly expressed, although there is poetry and genuine romance in it. Arkan leaves no doubt that you will easily achieve what you want, not only without spoiling relationships with loved ones, but also making them much stronger than before.

Reversed card position

Reversed, the Six of Cups predicts a truce, regardless of common sense or existing experience; indicates a situation that is more complex and problematic than it seems. If fortune telling is carried out on a new relationship, then the Arcanum foretells their futility.

The meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Typically, the card describes old friends, former lovers - those who played an important role in the past.

Reversed card position

An infantile person living in past or imagined relationships.

Meaning and interpretation of the Six of Cups card as a card of the day

Today is a day of remembrance. Remember what you wanted, what you dreamed about many years ago, and what of this has managed to come true to date. Perhaps this will help you fulfill some forgotten desires. But, rather, you should expect that the past will give you advice or a hint for your life today - if, for example, you meet a person whom you have not seen for many years, or find something that has long been forgotten or lost.

Advice from the Six of Cups card in fortune telling and readings

Do not indulge in painful thoughts about what happened in the past for a long time. Try to spend as much time as possible with the people you care about.

This card is considered one of the most favorable in most decks. It describes a harmless situation, success without effort in a harmonious environment, the manifestation of generosity, generosity and love, joy of life and inner harmony, well-being and uplift (at least emotional). As the resulting map of the layout, it usually reports that an almost forgotten dream will unexpectedly come true.

But besides this (and mainly) this Arcanum is a vector directed into the Past. A card of nostalgia, memories of the past, romantic feelings, it means past hobbies, from the influence of which we have completely or partially freed ourselves, disappeared people and things. Everything that seemed lost at the stage of Fives returns in Sixes. The presence of this card in the layout speaks of the awakening of long-forgotten desires, past aspirations, intentions and plans. Something will clearly remind you of the past - people, places, meetings, events... This map is used to turn the pages of your own book of life. It is in charge of both ordinary memory, which does not go beyond the limits of one life, and the so-called karmic memory. The ancient interpreters give this card the meaning of “that which has disappeared,” but that’s the trick: it has not disappeared. It cannot disappear. “Manuscripts don’t burn.”

According to the Six of Cups, better times do not come, better times return. “Before the war, everything was decidedly better,” the grass is greener, the birds are more vocal, prices are lower, feelings are deeper... well, that’s it.

The appearance of this card indicates that something or someone will make you see the good in life again. The Six of Cups should be perceived as a logical continuation of the Five of Cups. Sadness, bitterness, disappointment and dissatisfaction with what is, leads to nostalgic thoughts about past love and past happiness, about how good it once was.

And the best thing that the Six of Cups can give (especially to those “nailed” by the Five) is the inner knowledge that happiness exists, in principle it happens, and if you were once happy, then you can achieve it again, learn it again. This card shows that the questioner can recognize happiness again, that happiness can return, especially in a favorable scenario. The feelings that we begin to experience again according to this card are such that they usually fill us with light and joy and inspire us to take new steps. Impulses coming from the past give us the strength to bring something important to life here and now, and experience allows us to change many things in life for the better.

Like the Ten of Cups, the Six of Cups can be an indicator of the querent’s house, even in such a broad sense as homeland, origins, sources. Sometimes the presence of a card in a layout indicates that the root of the problem is in the questioner’s childhood; it may indicate some episodes or impressions of early years, and if the Six of Swords is nearby, then this is definitely some kind of generic background. According to the Six of Cups, there are family celebrations, special dates, memorable days, as well as simply meeting people with whom we have not seen for a hundred years.

The very appearance of the Six of Cups in a reading often indicates that the current state of affairs has deep roots in the past, and it makes sense to think about its impact on the present. A negative card environment may indicate that this is a traumatic, destructive influence.

Sometimes it is literally a “journey into the past” - to the places where we left a piece of our heart.

The first traditional meaning describes such human qualities as infantilism, naivety, innocence, sincerity and simplicity, a kind of inner child, devoid of doubts, duplicity and other troubles of adulthood. This is the state that we usually lose along the path of life, and here is a glimpse of it - the Six of Cups in the reading. Traditionally, it is associated with recognizing your inner child. This is a return to yourself.

Another meaning has to do with deeply unchildish experiences - for that matter, they are more characteristic of older people. This is nostalgia for the past, sentimental memories, immersion in the past, a feeling of an inextricable connection with the past. Sometimes a card speaks of a person for whom the present does not exist without a past, because he belongs to this past with all his heart. An indication that there is a very important, invaluable experience hidden there for him.

Sometimes this “past” actually refers to childhood experiences - the card may gravitate towards Freudian psychoanalysis, concepts rooted in childhood. There may be both idealization and dramatization. But more often it is romantic nostalgia, even to the point of a tendency to live in the past. This card shows the great importance of memories - the past is still alive in a person, that he returns to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences.

Emotional revival and well-being, helping feelings. Positive attitude towards life. A feeling of balance and fullness, with favorable neighboring cards - happiness and harmony. Altruism, willingness to share, help and love. This card is in some ways the opposite of the previous one: unlike the Five of Cups, the Six of Cups characterizes a person as a self-confident and internally liberated person, capable of controlling his own emotions.

Balance, satisfaction, good mood.

According to the Six of Cups, memories of karmic knots tied in past lives are available.
The card describes a state of mind fueled by images of harmony. The ability to return to your original, authentic state, and this will help the upcoming update. For Crowley, this particular card correlates with finding one’s center, returning to the creative source. In the idyllic space of the Six of Cups, emotional desires become a creative force. This card symbolizes protected sacred space.

Banzhaf and Akron write that this card represents an encounter with the feminine principle and the source of motherhood. Light penetrating the eternal waters of the unknowable (Sun in Scorpio) as an ancient symbol of fertilization. Regarding astrological associations: “The second decade of Scorpio expresses the idea of ​​deep awareness of the hidden processes of the collective unconscious, which gives power over them.

Observing the mechanisms of life and mastering them through the concept of their essence makes it possible to control the situation and elevates a person above others. This decade is ruled by the Sun, which controls the heart and at the same time the self-awareness of a person, merging feeling and reason into one. But, sometimes, Uranus or Neptune is considered the patron of this decade, since it does not abuse power, but tends to be reasonable about feelings, which can, as a consequence, lead to a somewhat detached view of the world. But its meaning is not in leaving for the other world, but in the ability to live in the present; this requires not only depth of thought, but also childlike spontaneity.

On the map, the seller, dressed as a jester (interesting interpretation!), selling flowers, gives a flower to a little girl with a smile. On the tablecloth of the counter is the St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The seller sells goods - this reveals the nature of Scorpio, a passionate acquirer of wealth and human emotions. But white flowers in cups serve as a symbol of the fact that emotions are purified to the most primary and immediate manifestations: only those feelings are left that lead a person to the sources of life. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it: a passion dangerous for others has been transformed into universal love and sympathy. Participation in the passions of the world is perceived by the seller as a game - hence his clothes as a jester. But this does not prevent him from showing love: his power in the world is expressed as compassion for people.”

At this stage, the emotion is spiritualized and turns into love for the omnipresent. The manifestation of this card in a reading may indicate a situation that requires tolerance, elevation above vanity and true spirituality. This card seems to embody Virgo in all its highest manifestations: mercy, help, kindness, what the ancient Greeks called “therapy.”

According to another tradition, the exchange of cups is similar to that depicted in the Deuce, but if there were Father and Mother, then here are their children, Son and Daughter. From an alchemical point of view, the card contains a hint of the Great Work: six (Macrocosm) lilies in bowls, each with five (Microcosm) petals.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: confidently take on the intended task, everything will be fine. Indulge in nostalgia and memories that nourish the soul, try to make old dreams come true. Evaluate past experience, sum up, compare initial goals with specific achievements. Trust life and enjoy it with all your heart. If possible, return to a childhood state, when there was no place for the delusions and troubles of an adult. Let your loved ones know that they are precious and needed, protect them from bad emotions, but share all the good things. Remember that sincere feelings are more valuable than any treasure.

Warning: you shouldn’t look back and get stuck in the past, you need to live “here and now” without running away from reality. You should not regret missed opportunities, drown in painful thoughts about what was lost, or passionately desire what cannot be returned. Let the heart explore the present. Excessive attachment to traditions prevents you from making the necessary changes in life. One should not be overly generous - this is the case when the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is a card of cooperation and “clean” affairs. Great creative potential, enjoyment of work. The meaning of this work may be therapy, providing assistance to the “old and young.”

A return to deferred projects, to plans that were once discussed. This is a card of “remakes” - literally and figuratively.

Professionally, this is a rather “crawfish” card, successfully describing work with children and the elderly, as well as history studies.

Resumption of payments. Reminder of past commitments. Restoring well-being after a period of instability. Cooperation in which both costs and income are fairly shared.

“Little happiness”, small profit, but without any risk. Good for beginner businessmen. People of an adventurous nature will, of course, not be satisfied with this.

The card is favorable for housing issues; it symbolizes the security and serene peace of your home. Home in retro style. Family nest. Improving the quality of life, improving the home and garden.

A card can have two fundamentally different meanings. One of them, in the old fashioned way, describes innocent flirting, playfulness, immature relationships and the ease of being.

Secondly, the relationship is not just mature, but specifically mature, having a fundamental basis in the past. If the Court or the Wheel of Fortune is nearby, this is almost a certificate from the karmic registry office. The traditional meaning of “nostalgia” in this case turns into “old yeast” - people already have an emotional pattern of relationships laid down in the past (other cards will tell more about its quality).

Often the Six of Cups means nostalgic experiences, the return of an object of long-time love, a “chance” meeting with a person whom you never expected to see again, or the resumption of a relationship after a “dead” period. This is the case when a promise for the future comes from the past in the form of very strong and important impulses - a renewal of feelings, fueled by past emotional experience, awaiting happiness and love. Romantic nostalgia sometimes truly nourishes and supports a person on his path, sitting deep in his heart as a precious legacy of the memory of feelings.

The card describes karmic reunions, connections full of emotional strength (and, as a rule, colossal intimate attraction). In communication there is a rich exchange of sexual and heartfelt energy, a flourishing of feelings and deep happiness.

Good intentions, sincerity, sincerity, trust based on what we have gone through and experienced together. The desire for unity, combined with a harmoniously balanced flow of feelings, gives a happy state when people have a great time and enjoy everything that happens. Reconciliation, generosity, kindness towards each other, support and trust. Mutual attraction, emotional intimacy, tenderness and soft sensuality, playfulness and affection, richness of sensations, erotic satisfaction, sexual pleasure. Joy, gratitude and security.

In general, Sixes (together with Twos and Tens) describe creative energy in the sphere of relationships, the flowering of feelings. But Fours, Sevens and Nines are rather destructive; these are to a large extent cards of loneliness (or, in any case, states that do not contribute to the development of relationships). The Six of Cups describes what, to a large extent, makes up the beauty of relationships - trembling tenderness, trust, affection. She is harmless and completely devoid of cynicism and vulgarity. There is nothing in her about the danger of injuring or the desire to wound. It creates an idyllic space of warmth and acceptance, where there is no jealousy and violence, anger and troubles, dependence and melancholy (it is not for nothing that one of the meanings of the card is “oasis”).

According to the Six of Cups, intimacy is experienced not only naturally, but also prayerfully. She is generous with love and the most romantic feelings, so many authors define its meaning as “deep happiness” and the fulfillment of cherished desires that have long lived in the heart. Former obstacles fade into oblivion, allowing you to fully enjoy the good times. Symbolically, it depicts a “charming garden of family joys” (and one of the traditional meanings of the card is marriage).

This card promises sensual pleasures, comfort and peace, and is very good for people of a “homely” nature or tired of adventures. Where we are at home, where we feel safe, we can give vent to our simplest and most natural feelings - kindness, tenderness, love, and there is no need to hide or “save” them. This is the willingness and opportunity to share the joys of love on all levels.

According to the Six of Cups, courtship occurs, “sweets and bouquets” are given, partners are generous with displays of tender feelings, and in general the best intentions are present. Sometimes the card can speak of indecision, lack of passion.
An old friendship that does not cause communication difficulties.

In general, this card is very favorable when trying to predict a relationship with a loved one. The Six of Cups says that the questioner will be able to achieve what he wants, not only without spoiling the relationship, but also making it much stronger than before.
If the alignment is not overshadowed by negative cards, then the Six of Cups may indicate good relationships with relatives, mutual assistance in a family consisting of several generations, and a sincere attitude towards family values ​​and traditions.

Sometimes, according to this card, there is a reunion of representatives of the clan, the resumption of contacts with some family member who has not been seen for a long time. A new family member may turn out to be truly new, and not just a “well-forgotten old one” - family growth, the birth of a child, and christening follow this card. However, mystics would say that one does not exclude the other - a family can easily incarnate some representative of a clan who has already had the good fortune to belong to it in the past; the great-grandfather may well turn out to be his own great-grandson. Sometimes the Six of Cups indicates guardianship and adoption.

In a negative environment, the Six of Cups can take on such meanings as troubles with children, difficult relationships with the older generation, rebellion against parental authority, dependence on family, hanging on old models of perception.

  • Health status

    The Reversed Six of Cups also indicates that the situation is not as innocent as it seems. In a negative environment, it can talk about violence experienced in childhood, or generally unsightly things that took place in the parental home.

    The ancient interpreters indicate such a meaning as receiving an inheritance, although perhaps not as large as expected.
    Modern tarot readers emphasize reluctance to fulfill parental responsibilities, leaving the family, running away from home.

    Focus on the future as a denial of a difficult childhood, an escape from the original environment, an indicator of the unfavorable childhood experience (overly dominant parents, destructive influences, physical violence, etc.). A person strives for the future because he turns away from the past and wants nothing to do with it (and at the same time is still unable to live in the present). The need to rise above your roots, to make sure that nothing reminds you of the past. Breaking up with old friends.

    Archetypal correspondences

    “Eternal Femininity leads us forward!” (Goethe)

    The Golden Age as an archetype of Paradise.

  • Tarot cards are the path to understanding the secret and unknown. This is a way to touch the secrets of fate and get an answer to an exciting question. Today anyone can use ancient fortune telling. It is enough to know how to interpret cards. But you need to understand not only the major arcana, but also the “deck of minor secrets.” For example, the Six of Tarot Cups, the meaning of which completely depends on the theme of the layout.

    Suit of Cups Tarot

    The entire Tarot deck is conditionally divided into two groups. The first includes trump cards, which are also called the major arcana. The second group includes small cards, divided into four suits. Just like in a playing deck, each suit consists of a number series and several court symbols.

    Cards of any suit symbolize a person’s life path. Also, each of the four suits is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. So, for example, clubs are responsible for the intangible world, thoughts and aspirations of a person. And the suit of cups symbolizes feelings and desires, emotions and love.

    If we draw a parallel with a playing deck, then the cups correspond to the suit of hearts. In the zodiac series they symbolize the triad of Water. These are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These signs are sensitive and emotional, like the suit itself. She personifies intuition, temperament and belongs to the feminine principle.

    All cup cards have their own interpretation. In any case, it concerns the emotional sphere, feelings and sensations. The Six of Cups of the Tarot has the most interesting interpretation, the meaning of which changes dramatically depending on the question asked by the querent.

    Arcana Six of Cups

    The card depicts a scene involving two children. The boy gives the girl a golden cup with flowers planted in it. The girl accepts the gift with surprise. Next to the guy there are five more such bowls, in which flowers also grow.

    The children are in the garden near the old house. In some versions of the deck, an elderly couple, hugging each other, watches with affection behind the guys. The image on the map is quite symbolic.

    The Six of Cups of the Tarot, whose meaning relates to thoughts and sensations, represents peace and tranquility. Children are safe in a comfortable home. They are where the manifestation of the most tender emotions is natural. The boy gives care and attention to the girl. The elderly couple in the background symbolizes peace and detachment from the hustle and bustle. They have already been through a lot, but they still love each other. The elderly watch the young characters who have yet to learn to express their feelings.

    The Six of Cups encourages us to share our emotions. She appeals to people's feelings and insists that they cannot be saved. Say nice things, take care and show love. Cups standing at a distance symbolize energy that requires application, a supply of inspiration and tender feelings.

    The card also represents little profit and no risk. Slow but steady progress is typical for people of a “homey” temperament.

    Interpretation of the minor arcana

    In any layout, all cards have two positions. Depending on whether the symbol appears in the correct or inverted orientation, Tarot answer will have different interpretations. The same rules apply to the Six of Cups, which can turn to either side towards the questioner.

    Correct position

    When correctly oriented, the Six of Cups has a positive meaning. She personifies peace and stability of the emotional sphere.

    Meaning of the Six of Cups in the correct position:

    In the correct position, the Six of Cups demonstrates harmony in a person’s inner world. He is generous and generous, and his thoughts are pure. The symbol represents wisdom and the ability to act in accordance with one’s feelings.

    Following the Five, which acts as a map of adversity and troubles, the desired calm has come. Six symbolizes a favorable period when it is so useful to make plans for the future, dream and fulfill dreams.

    The card embodies the calm that a person who has experienced a lot finds (in the Five). He has already learned to cope with emotions and control his experiences. Having gone through problems, he was reborn to a new life.

    The cards next to each other are of great importance and will help clarify the Tarot answer. The magician who appears in the layout shows the opportunity to achieve what has long been desired. The Strength card indicates that the personality continues to improve and achieves success in this. Her peace is a sign of wisdom.

    Incorrect position

    A card received in an inverted position gives a radically different answer. The meaning of the symbol is somewhat distorted, although its interpretation remains more positive than negative.

    Basic meanings of the reversed Six of Cups:

    The reversed Six of Cups symbolizes the desire to escape from responsibility. A man is trying to burn his bridges behind him. Something happened for which he is not ready to take responsibility.

    Such a symbol can also demonstrate fears associated with the past. Often they relate to childhood and phobias that extend into adulthood.

    An inverted card speaks of a person’s desire to burst into the future, leaving behind the past. The experience and experience will remain in the past, but it is possible that this will lead to new problems.

    The cards next to the lasso will help clarify such a vague interpretation. For example, the Five of Swords speaks of callousness as a result of stress. The person no longer listens to emotions. The Nine of Wands speaks of a reluctance to reckon with ideals and a challenge to society.

    Six of Cups in Consciousness Analysis

    The Six of Cups indicates a person who is lost in his past. He again and again returns his consciousness to the events he experienced, often ignoring the present day. The personality withdraws from reality, bitterly recalling the glory days of the past. She may also be tormented by the shock she experienced.

    The card does not call for forgetting the past, but also requires a person to participate in the present. You cannot bury yourself in memory, otherwise today will be covered with the dust of indifference. Give your memories enough space, but do not elevate them to the rank of shrine. Otherwise, miss the bright things that today has in store for you.

    Career, work and finance

    It often happens that the Six of Cups falls in a professional scenario. At first glance, the emotional card has nothing to do with work, but Tarot is rarely mistaken when looking at the very essence of the problem.

    Correct orientation

    The Six of Cups represents peace, and in the matter of work it symbolizes the pleasure of activity. The person is in his place, his work satisfies him, he is fully realized. Even if there is a creative crisis at the moment, the querent has every opportunity to overcome it. The boy holding out the cup urges you to seize the chance given by fate.

    If the deck is asked for advice, then the Six of Cups encourages doing good deeds. Act according to your conscience, treat others with patience and you will be rewarded. Do not look for material gain in good deeds. She will come on her own, and where you least expect her. The Star standing nearby enhances this meaning of the card.

    If the Emperor appears next to the card, the Tarot calls for more zeal in work. Pay attention to business.

    Wrong orientation

    The Reversed Six of Cups demonstrates a desire to throw away old rules and take the untrodden path. Conservatism is alien to you; you crave innovation and strive for novelty.

    Such a card may also represent experiences about the past. Some negative experience left an imprint on you that you still cannot get rid of. You will not be lucky enough to forget about what happened soon.

    In any case, the card calls on a person to wake up and take a sober look at the situation. The problem is not as significant as it seems at first glance. Let reason into your life and listen less to emotional outbursts. You feel too much and think too little.

    Personal relationships and love

    Often, in fortune telling for love, the querent gets the symbol of 6 Tarot cups. The meaning in relationships of this sign is most often positive, regardless of its position.

    Correct card position

    Very often, such a card symbolizes a random event that will evoke strong memories. This could be a meeting of an old friend, a former lover, or a new acquaintance that will give references to past relationships.

    The card indicates karmic connections, where the acquaintance and relationship of two people is predetermined by fate itself. These are strong harmonious unions based on sexual and spiritual attraction. Relationships promise happiness for both partners. This meaning is enhanced by the lasso Judgment, as well as the Wheel of Fortune standing nearby. The Moon also has a positive influence, which indicates love that has gone through all the hardships.

    The 6 of Cups reversed speaks of a truce achieved the hard way. The symbol can also represent a situation that is much more complicated than it seems.

    An incorrect position indicates parting with something old. There may be a break in strong ties, loss of friends or a quarrel in a relationship. In any case, the card does not have a fundamentally negative interpretation. It only warns of possible problems.

    Fortune telling about health

    The card indicates possible health problems that you inherited. Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, for example, aortic disease, cannot be excluded. Tarot also warns about the need to protect the nervous system. Neuroses and insomnia are possible.

    The symbol warns of possible relapses of diseases. Often the disease seems to be defeated, but over time it can remind itself. Be careful.

    Combination with the Major Arcana

    An analysis of the nearby symbols will help clarify the meaning of the resulting Six of Cups. Particularly important is the presence of the major arcana next to the card.

    The 6 cups of the Tarot, the meaning of which is more positive, are not difficult to interpret. In interpreting the suit of cups, the questioner will need maximum intuition, because this suit concerns the sensual side of the personality.

    Attention, TODAY only!

    Straight position

    The general meaning of the Six of Cups is generosity, inner harmony, generosity. Those. Before you is a full spectrum of positivity in all its manifestations. This Arcanum symbolizes the period when all adversity is behind us (one can assume that it remains in the Five), and the influence of destructive factors has been neutralized. And there are already awakening desires, dreams, plans.

    In essence, the Six of Cups is indeed a logical successor to the Five. This is expressed in the fact that adversity has been overcome, problems have been solved and, finally, here it is - “a haven of peace, work and inspiration.” That is, in this case we are not talking about that feeling of novelty with which a young man with an unclouded mind and heart first enters adulthood, but about a state when a person who has experienced a lot feels reborn to a new life.

    Together with the Nine of Cups, this Arcanum is interpreted as complete satisfaction, with the Magician - as gaining the opportunity to realize long-forgotten plans, with Strength - as a process of improvement (or self-improvement).

    Inverted position

    Reversed, the Six of Cups signifies a willingness to burn bridges behind oneself, as well as avoidance of responsibility. At the event level, such an Arcanum describes circumstances such as escaping from the parental home or fears that a person strives with all the strength of his soul to forget (for example, parental cruelty, violence, etc.) That is, the inverted Six of Cups is a striving towards the future with the goal of forgetting about the past .

    In addition, when paired with the Nine of Wands, this card indicates a loss of ideals, and when paired with the Five of Swords, it indicates cynicism caused by the humiliation experienced, aggression, etc.

    Love and relationships

    Straight position

    For personal relationships, the Six of Cups is the emerging shadows of the past that promise a happy future. This Arcanum perfectly describes the situation when a chance meeting with an old acquaintance (read - a former lover or the object of sympathy) suddenly awakens a storm of emotions in the soul and evokes the feeling that all the years lived apart have never happened.

    This Arcanum testifies to the presence of certain karmic reunions, the enormous sexual attraction of two people, and deep happiness.

    The Arcanum Wheel of Fortune (as well as the Judgment), which fell in pair with the Six of Cups, should dispel any doubts that the fortuneteller’s partner was sent to him by fate itself. If the combination of the Six of Cups and the Moon is present in the layout, then we can safely talk about strong love, but shrouded in a certain mysticism, when two people love not “thanks to” something, but “in spite of”.

    Inverted position

    The reversed Six of Cups primarily denotes a truce, regardless of common sense or existing experience. And yet, the situation is more complex and problematic than it seems. In addition, the reversed Six of Cups speaks of a desire to part with one’s past, to forget about the past (especially when paired with Death). In addition, quite often such an Arcanum is interpreted as a break with old friends, which also indirectly indicates a readiness to abandon the past. And if the Devil fell together with the inverted Six of Cups, then this directly indicates that the need to forget something is associated with personal mistakes and sins.


    Straight position

    For the professional sphere, the Six of Cups means enjoyment of the current job, great creative potential, for the implementation of which a person has every opportunity. In addition, this card can symbolize a pleasant task, task, or project.

    If we take the Arcanum as advice, then it should most likely be interpreted as a recommendation to do good deeds, providing care to those who need it, and helping people from the heart. This is especially clearly evidenced by the Star that was paired with the Six of Cups. And together with the Emperor, this Arcanum symbolizes the need to devote a lot of time to work.

    Inverted position

    The Reversed Six of Cups is a desire for innovative methods of work and a critical attitude towards conservatism. Among other things, such a card is a negative experience that you want to forget about and never remember again. And also - such a Six represents a situation where the problems are not as insignificant as they seem at first glance.

    Together with the Chariot, such a Six should be interpreted as the impossibility of getting rid of the “shadows” of the past, with Justice - as a forced liberation from idealism in relation to one’s work and colleagues, with the Moon - as delusions caused by incompetence, youth, etc.

    You shouldn’t hold back your feelings and emotions, because it is inner freedom that will help you live life to the fullest and, most importantly, get rid of some problems. But in any case, your difficult period seems to be behind you. Try to spend as much time as possible with the people you care about. But even if you are forced to spend your leisure time alone, do not hesitate to organize holidays for yourself.

    The 6 of Cups signifies the ruler of happiness. The lasso traditionally depicts a man dressed in colorful jester's clothes, who gives a beautiful bouquet of wild flowers in a bowl to a young girl. Next to the man on the ground there are five more cups with flowers, each cup represents a vice or addiction, and the white flowers in it are a sign that the man managed to overcome weakness and reverse his shortcomings.

    In the astrological aspect of the chart there is the Moon in the zodiac of Pisces, symbolizing pleasant memories of days gone by, and the Moon in the sign of Cancer, signifying the romantic and dreamy mood of a person.



    In the Tarot, the lasso is responsible for memories and events from the past that led to how your affairs are going in the present. This is a positive lasso, indicating in the scenario that a person is optimistic about his own life, can appreciate the attention of the people around him, and treats loved ones with love and kindness.

    gives a favorable prognosis for almost all areas of life. She predicts happiness and harmony in relationships with a loved one, new acquaintances, and romantic encounters for those who have not yet decided on their personal life.

    In addition, the lasso indicates that all events that are happening at the moment are directly related to your past. If you want to avoid something, remember what exactly was the root cause.


    This is the only card that, even in the reverse position, practically does not lose its original interpretation. If an inverted card appears in the layout, serious changes in life will await you very soon. There is a high probability that everything you planned will happen much earlier than you thought. By the way, the result itself will be much more impressive than one might have expected.

    Some tarot readers believe that in this position the Six is ​​interpreted as an unexpected receipt of an inheritance. The lasso can also mean self-development and significant events that you are on the verge of. If the upright position of the lasso indicates the present time, then the inverted position indicates what is yet to happen in the near future.

    Value in layouts


    This lasso indicates good things in a person. However, in some cases it may indicate illness in children, or “childhood” diseases that suddenly appeared in an adult. Sometimes the Six of Cups can indicate the consequences of serious injuries that a person suffered in childhood, but they will soon remind themselves again, causing a lot of trouble.

    In an inverted position, the lasso indicates problems with energy balance. The person will feel constantly tired, the desire to show any activity will disappear, which in some cases can lead to reclusiveness and excessive suspicion.

    Love and relationships

    Traditionally, the Six of Cups in layouts for love and relationships with others can have two meanings. Firstly, this lasso indicates flirting or a barely begun romantic story and a person’s easy, even immature attitude towards his own life. But it may also be that the card speaks of a strong connection between people united by a common past. Everything will depend on the neighboring cards that came out during fortune telling.

    In an inverted position, the lasso indicates a person’s tendency to idealize others, his mental anxieties and experiences associated with events from the past. For those who have been in a relationship or marriage for a long time, the Six of Cups promises a renewal of feelings.


    In fortune telling on a situation or a specific question, the card gives a clearly positive answer and warns of impending changes in a person’s life. The Six of Cups is the lasso of results, so everything you plan will come true very soon.

    However, many tarot readers are of the opinion that despite the favorable forecast of the card, it can also be insidious, since it is impossible to say exactly what will happen in the end.

    The Six of Cups Reversed says that events will happen soon which can awaken in a person memories of days gone by and long forgotten. Meetings with old acquaintances are possible.


    When divining a professional situation, the lasso speaks of cooperation and the pure intentions of others. Don’t be afraid to ask colleagues or management for help. It's a good time to get back to projects you've put on hold.

    In material terms, this is a lasso that says that you have certain financial obligations to someone. For those who previously had an unstable situation with money, the lasso promises quick recovery and stability.

    An inverted card will indicate a person’s propensity for various adventures that will not bring the desired result. However, in this form the lasso gives a favorable prognosis for situations related to the solution of any housing issues.

    Combination with other Tarot

    Major Arcana:

    • With map "Jester"- care and concern for loved ones.
    • With map "Magician"— resumption of old projects.
    • With map "High Priestess"- secret, secret desire.
    • With map "Empress"- cash receipts.
    • With map "Emperor"- experiences.
    • With map "Hierophant"- useful contacts.
    • With map "Lovers"- former girlfriend or boyfriend.
    • With map "Chariot"- the past will not give you peace.
    • With map "Force"- self-knowledge.
    • With map "Hermit"- alarming.
    • With map "Wheel of Fortune"— quick completion of projects.
    • With map "Justice"- dreaminess, detachment.
    • With map "Hanged"- grandiose events.
    • With map "Death"- separation from a loved one.
    • With map "Moderation"- your attitude towards someone will change.
    • With map "Devil"- events from the past will cast a shadow on your reputation.
    • With map "Tower"- feeling of danger, fears.
    • With map "Star"- detached thoughts, belief in miracles.
    • With map "Moon"- you can be misled by other people's actions and words.
    • With map "Sun"- fate favors you.
    • With map "Court"- help from others.
    • With map "World"- a person from your future.


    • WITH Ace of Wands- fulfillment of desires.
    • WITH Two of Wands– problems and disputes with others.
    • WITH Three of Wands- old friend or girlfriend.
    • WITH Four of Wands– completion of an important stage in life.
    • WITH Five of Wands– conflict.
    • WITH Six of Wands- wedding.
    • WITH Seven of Wands- good news, news from distant relatives.
    • WITH Eight of Wands- Meeting with friends.
    • WITH Nine of Wands- self-resentment.
    • WITH Ten of Wands- destruction of hopes.
    • WITH Page of Wands- love.
    • WITH Knight of Wands– moving, solving housing issues.
    • WITH Queen of Wands- relative.
    • WITH King of Wands- relative.


    • WITH Ace of Cups– renewal of past relationships.
    • WITH Two of Cups– contracts, transactions, agreements.
    • WITH Three of Cups- nostalgia for the past.
    • WITH Four of Cups- regret about your actions.
    • WITH Five of Cups- financial losses.
    • WITH Seven of Cups- deception.
    • WITH Eight of Cups- a white streak in life.
    • WITH Nine of Cups- love adventure.
    • WITH Ten of Cups- meeting with family.
    • WITH Page of Cups- Rash decisions will lead to problems.
    • WITH Knight of Cups- meeting with a former passion.
    • WITH Queen of Cups– trip, trip, business trip.
    • WITH King of Cups- in business.


    • WITH Ace of Swords– disagreements and disputes with colleagues.
    • WITH Two of Swords- delays in business.
    • WITH Three of Swords– troubles due to tactless behavior.
    • WITH Four of Swords- the appearance of an ill-wisher.
    • WITH Five of Swords- scandal.
    • WITH Six of Swords– misunderstanding in relations with relatives.
    • WITH Seven of Swords- envy of others.
    • WITH Eight of Swords- unreasonable fear.
    • WITH Nine of Swords- remorse.
    • WITH Ten of Swords– your memory and intuition can let you down.
    • WITH Page of Swords- rejection of other people's help.
    • WITH Knight of swords- your dreams will be destroyed.
    • WITH Queen of Swords- coldness in relationships with others.
    • WITH King of Swords- unpleasant situation.


    • WITH Ace of Pentacles– profit from past projects.
    • WITH Two of Pentacles- old debt.
    • WITH Three of Pentacles- small cash receipts.
    • WITH Four of Pentacles- unexpected profit.
    • WITH Five of Pentacles- problems with money.
    • WITH Six of Pentacles– meeting with the creditor, losses.
    • WITH Seven of Pentacles– profitable investments, capital.
    • WITH Eight of Pentacles- They may ask you to borrow money.
    • WITH Nine of Pentacles- a bad investment.
    • WITH Ten of Pentacles– inheritance, financial assistance from relatives.
    • WITH Page of Pentacles- promotion.
    • WITH Knight of Pentacles– major financial losses, ruin.
    • WITH Queen of Pentacles- financial dependence on some person.
    • WITH King of Pentacles- bonus, gift.

    On this day, in order to better understand the events happening to you, you should turn to your own memories. It is possible that it is your past that will help you make an important decision today, listen to your memory and. There is a high probability of meeting an old acquaintance or implementing a long-forgotten project.

    In an inverted position, the Six of Cups warns that nostalgia for a previous relationship may wash over you. Don’t give in, this feeling will soon pass, try not to be guided by it in your own actions.

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