What to do with children at camp. Educational event as part of the program of the summer school health camp “Children's Fun

Elena Ushakova
Plan of activities for a summer health camp at school

MBOU "NSH No. 7"

Summer health camp with day stay


1st SHIFT June 2014

date Planned events

2. Organizational event"Let's get acquainted". Getting to know plan work and rules of conduct. Instruction on safety, fire safety and traffic rules.

3. Operation "Cosiness" (Design of attributes camps) .

4. 10.30. "Hello summer!"- a festive program dedicated to Children's Day.

2. "Door to Childhood"- entertainment

3. Creativity Day "Hello, we are looking for talents". Unlearning camp song, speeches.

4. Outdoor games with a ball.

2. Asphalt drawing competition “Magic crayons - We are against tobacco!”,

4. Learning new outdoor games.

June 6 1. Children's drawing competition "The earth is our home, dedicated to World Environment Day".

2. Information hour “What in the world is going on?”

3. Watching cartoons.

4. Minute of health "Book about health"

2. Ecological landing on school site.

12.00. "My family, my home and me"- competition of drawings on asphalt.

1. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.

2. Conducting training sessions on the evacuation of children and personnel in extreme situations.

3. Conversations about the safe behavior of children at water bodies.

4. Children's drawing competition on a fire theme.

2. Raid the library “The book we will save you!”

3. 12.00. Fun starts.

14.00. Competition of proverbs and sayings

2. Protection of fantastic projects “The country I would like to live in”.

12.00. Contest "Hello, we are looking for talents" dedicated to Russian Independence Day.

10.00 Minute of health "Sunburn. First aid"

Riddles competition "Guess it"

Relay with obstacles.

2. Competition "Tasty stories"

3. Dance marathon.

4. Outdoor games

1. Anti-drug campaign “Health is your wealth”

2. Minute of health "My height and my weight".

3. Small Spartakiad

11.30. “Come on, boys!”- competitions of strong, dexterous, brave.

14.00. “Russian birch is a symbol of my Motherland”- conversation.

"Multi-remote-carnival" watching a cartoon "Cat house"

Drawing competition "Caution Fire".

1. Minute of health “Posture is the basis of a beautiful gait”

2. Conversation on how to behave in a theater or cultural center.”

3. "Do, re, mi, fa, sol"- concert of future artists.

4. Outdoor games.

10.30. "Memory of the Heart"- a memory lesson for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.

Laying flowers.

Production of mosaic panels. Application.

Design of an exhibition of products. Awarding the best works.

"Magic Wheel"- about road safety

Competition program "Miss Summer 2011"

June 27 10.30. “International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking” - conversation

"Jump rope competition"- sport program.

“We read smart books and respect nature”- a walk around the native land.

Contest “Think, dare, guess”

Conversation quiz "Nature in Summer"

June 30 10.30. “Let’s part, friends!” Drawing competition “It’s so nice in summer”, questionnaire "What did you like?"

Concert program. "Don't forget me". Closing camps.

Children associate summer camp with fun and a good mood, so the task of adults is to provide just such an experience. The correct selection of events is the key to the success of organizing a camp.

let's get acquainted

Any summer camp always includes getting to know each other. It is preferable to use elements of psychological training in the program of a holiday of this kind. These could be exercises to remember each other’s names, recognizing the character traits and interests of all participants. Group games or activities where it is impossible to get the desired result without the participation of at least one person from the squad or team are also well received by children.

Dating in the form of a sporting event involves just such team games. For example, ordinary or “untangling the web” in most cases helps even strangers get closer. And this can be the key to peaceful coexistence of vacationers until the end of the shift and minimizing the ideal option if, at the end of the event, most of the children remember each other by name.

How can we become friends?

Conflicts, both minor and major, are completely inevitable. The main task of adults is to prevent them from flaring up and developing into a kind of war between units or within them. Such cases are not uncommon, so a summer camp event for unity comes to the rescue.

Unlike games for the purpose of getting to know each other, games and numbers in this category already shift the emphasis from the concept of “I” to the concept of “We”. The detachments became small separate groups, with their own rules and traditions. Here you can offer an event such as “Treasure Search”. Usually the first half of the day is allotted to him, starting from the moment when the children are still sleeping. Teachers collect a large amount of sweets, fruits and other little things pleasant for children, put them in a large bag and hide them on the camp grounds. Next, you need to create a map indicating the places where the children will be tested. Such cards are made in the required quantity, one copy per squad. Here you can choose one of the options:

  • The map is divided into fragments, each of which gives a hint where to look for the next piece.
  • You must pass a certain test to get a hint on the route to find the treasure.

Here everyone is given the opportunity to prove themselves in the common task of searching for “treasure”. Thus, the goal of uniting children is achieved.

What adults and children love

Undoubtedly, a children's summer camp offers vacationers relative freedom and independence. Here children are transported to a new environment where they can express themselves, meet each other, make friends and even fall in love. From time to time it is useful to hold entertainment events where an atmosphere of fun and music reigns, of course, within the bounds of decency. Of course, we are talking about discos and similar entertainment events. Dance performances, song competitions and practical jokes are appropriate during any period of the shift. They will dilute educational and sporting events.

Counselors must take part in games with the children, thereby confirming their involvement and interest in maintaining a positive atmosphere in the camp. It is better to organize karaoke, masquerades and other entertainment in the evening, after traditional scheduled activities, and not make them strictly time-regulated.

and others

Scenarios for summer camp events often include stage plays where roles are assigned. This is especially true for themed holidays. A change in a summer camp necessarily includes an event dedicated to Neptune Day, Ivan Kupala Day, etc. The choice of one or another event depends on the type of camp and its organization, as well as So, for example, a summer school camp is much more limited in its capabilities . Events dedicated to the water festival are held less spectacularly and fully. But sports events can be organized on a larger scale, with the active involvement of all children.

Play, have fun and... learn

Around the middle of the shift, it’s worth remembering a little about school days and testing the children’s knowledge, at the same time reminding them that school is just around the corner. In this case, summer camp activities that focus on school subjects will be helpful. Various types of quizzes, games like “What? Where? When?”, intellectual duels and competitions are an excellent opportunity to train your memory and intellectual activity. For more active participation of children, it is worth motivating them with possible prizes, and choosing one of the children of senior school age as a jury to evaluate competitions.

We invite you to visit

Continuing the topic of thematic events and subject quizzes, it is worth mentioning profession holidays or patriotic dates. They can be organized with the invitation of representatives of this profession, or those who can talk about this or that event. For example, celebrated at the end of July, you can imagine it as an evening of military songs, invite a military man to it - a representative of this Children will be interested to learn about the specifics of the profession and ask questions to the guest.

Themselves with a mustache: children as adults

Goodbye, see you new summer

The closing of the camp should be marked with a grand celebration to emphasize the importance of the time spent here. A little sad, but a necessary event for a summer camp should be organized at the highest level. We need to put in maximum creative effort and effort so that the children remember the shift as something amazing and positive. And subsequently they wanted to visit the camp again. Games and competitions on this day should not be similar to other squad events. At summer camp, the shift is coming to an end, and here it is worth remembering all the good moments. It would be appropriate to organize a photo exhibition, the performance of joint songs and dances, large psychological games, etc. An obligatory point of the program is the exchange of impressions. This traditional summer camp event is different in that it does not involve a team element. In some ways akin to a discovery, it is based on the idea of ​​unity and community of all vacationers.

Well, let's sum it up. When choosing an event for a summer camp and drawing up its script, first of all you need to focus on the preferences of the children. What kind of joy and positivity can we talk about if the wards are not very interested in games and tasks? Creativity, imagination and ingenuity, combined with teaching skills, will help organize unforgettable days of summer holidays at a children's camp.

Colorful game.
Good evening, “Forest Glade”! Hello, girls and boys! Do you know the name of our competition? That's right, "The Colorful Game". Why do you think our competition is called that? …. Paints in the usual sense are colored energy that makes the world around us bright, colorful, colorful and light. Each squad was given homework - to prepare a song about any color or paint of their choice.
So, I wonder what the...... detachment has prepared for us?

1. Competition "Color Song"

The groups take turns singing songs.

2. Competition “Cheerful Clown”

To participate in this competition, we invite 1 participant from each team. You have balloons and markers on your chairs. Your goal is to draw a cheerful clown on a balloon with a felt-tip pen. Originality and speed are taken into account.

3. Competition “Draw a cat”

Dear teams, you need to draw a cat. Each team member draws one detail, i.e. Each participant comes up to the chair in turn and draws a certain detail.

4. Competition “Camp Emblem”

Squads, you have a piece of paper and pencils on your desks. Your task is to come up with and draw the emblem of our camp. The quality and speed of task completion are taken into account.

5. “Amazing Smile” Competition

One participant from each team is called and asked to draw a smiling man. But the participants will not paint with brushes, but will dip their noses into the paint. The originality and speed of completing the task are taken into account.

6. Competition “Drawing on a letter”

Teams are given the task to draw objects with the letters “A”, “B”, “C”, “K”, “L”, “M”, “N”, “P”, “R”. For each drawn object - 1 point.

7. Competition "Confusion"

Oh, what a disaster!
An evil, insidious robber came who loves only the color black, and to make the whole world so gloomy and boring, he mixed up all the letters in the words denoting colors so that no one would recognize them. Let's decipher this abra-kadabra and help the Colorful Ones free themselves.

1 team – Loaisyvat – light green
Team 2 – Vineirise – lilac
Team 3 - Zheirynoav – orange
Team 4 – Doyryovb – burgundy
Team 5 - Nayloimiv – raspberry
Team 6 – Voiliil – purple
Team 7 – Rechyvokiin – brown
Team 8 – Toyfivoyel – purple

8. Competition "Rainbow"

What a miracle - beauty!
Painted gates appeared on the way,
You can’t drive into them or enter them!
Someone built multi-colored gates in the meadow,
And it’s not easy to get through them, those gates are high!
The master tried, he took paints for the gates,
Not one, not two, not three, look at seven!
What is the name of this gate, help me find it

You are invited to look carefully at the sheet and, from the 6 proposed rainbows, choose one where the colors of the rainbow are located correctly. Tell the jury the answer.

9. “Let’s draw everything together”

And now all the participants within their team draw a collective picture about what we are now going to tell you about.
The sea, and on the sea there is land,
And on land there is a palm tree,
And the cat sits on a palm tree and sees -
The sea, and on the sea there is land...



"Across the seas, across the waves..."
We invite you guys to take an exciting journey along the rivers and seas. You may ask why we chose a marine theme? Therefore, the sea is a symbol of light, space and freedom. How many artists, poets, composers dedicated their works to the seas and rivers! And how many interesting films the directors have made! I'll tell you guys now about the ocean.

The little neighbor asked the other day
At the stream pouring from the tap:
Where are you from? Water in response:
From afar, from the ocean.
Then the baby walked in the forest,
The clearing sparkled with dew.
Where are you from? - asked dew.
- Believe me, I’m from the ocean too!
What are you fizzing, soda?
And from the seething glass came a whisper:
- Know, baby, I came from the ocean.
A gray fog lay on the field,
The kid also asked the fog:
Where are you from? Who are you?
- And I, my friend, am from the ocean.
Amazing, isn't it?
In the soup, in the tea, in every drop,
In a ringing piece of ice, and in a teardrop,
And in the rain and in the dewdrop
Will always respond to us
Ocean water.

1. Guess
Junior squads:
If he lies at the bottom,
There are no legs, but it moves; then the ship will not run.
It has feathers, but does not fly; (anchor)
There are eyes, but not blinking.
It walks and walks across the sea,
There is water all around, and it will reach the shore -
But drinking is a problem. This is where it will disappear.
(sea) (wave)

I am both a cloud and a fog,
And the stream and the ocean.
And I fly and I run,
And I can be glass.
Senior Squads (quiz)

1. What is the address of the pirates? (sea)
2. Favorite currency of pirates (gold)
3. What was the name of the captain who circumnavigated the world on the yacht “Trouble”?
4. Where do pirates keep their treasure? (box)
5. What was the name of the teenager on the ship learning seamanship? (cabin boy)
6. A tall post for a sail on a ship (mast)
7. Severe storm at sea (storm)
8. Flat as a plate, lives at the bottom of the sea (flounder)
9. Favorite drink of pirates (rum)
10. The most terrible fish (shark)
11. Crew of a ship, plane, tank (crew)
12. What can run, but cannot walk? (river, stream)
13. The deepest lake on earth? (Baikal)
14. Pet Thick algae on the bottom of a river or pond (mud)
15. Who is the author of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” (A.S. Pushkin)

2. Maritime professions

Write as many maritime professions as possible on a piece of paper.

3. Pour it over

Pour water from a full glass into an empty glass with a syringe, without spilling it on the chair.

4. Mermaid Dance

To the music, one participant from each team dances the Mermaid dance - who is better.

5. Fishermen

What a fascinating thing fishing is! But our competition will not depend on the bite. For fishing you will need a “pond” with fish - a bucket of water with matches and a “fishing rod” - a spoon. The task of each participant is to run to the “reservoir”, catch one fish with a “fishing rod”, without helping himself with the other hand, then put it in the “tank” - a plate, run to the team and pass the baton to the next one. Happy fishing!

6. Dodger

Signs with inscriptions are attached to the opponents' backs. Participants should not see these labels. The task of the participants is to try to read what is written on the back of the opponent, who tries to hide his inscription on the back by dodging. The one who reads this inscription faster wins.

Sea storm
Sea wolf
Scarlet Sails
Desert Island
Light breeze

7. Reclamation

One of the tasks of this profession is draining swamps. Reclamation workers use sophisticated technology for this. But we don't need this. There are plates of water on the chairs - this is our swamp. We have to drain it. At the signal, the participant runs to the chair and blows on the plate with all his might to blow out as much water as possible. Then he passes the baton to the next one.

8. Homework - song

Teams perform a song on a theme related to water - sea, river, etc.

Ship - ship - show (teams of 6 people)

1 Ved.: Attention! Attention! Attention! Says and shows "Forest glade!" Microphones are installed in this hall, where exactly today, now, this very minute the spike - spike - show will begin. But it’s interesting: will everyone be able to decipher the abbreviation of the name of the evening? Well, why are you shrugging your shoulders and looking uncertainly at these letters? Let's join our efforts and decipher the mysterious words! So, let's start!
Jokes and gags, pranks and pranks!
And if, when getting ready for our evening today, I, and you, and all of us together took with us a good mood and friendly, cheerful, mischievous laughter, smoothly turning into deafening and long-lasting laughter, then we are all very lucky!
So, the evening of jokes and gags, pranks and pranks is declared open! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
2 Ved.: Good evening, dear participants, fans and dear jury! It is with great pleasure that I would like to introduce the teams that are ready to joke, play pranks, have fun, dance and joke around today.
So, greet the _____ squad team with applause.
We welcome the team of _____ squad
The audience applauds the team of the _____ squad.
Don't forget to applaud the _____ squad team.
And finally, the team of the ______ detachment bursts into thunderous applause and applause.
And now, finally, the time has come to introduce our respected jury, which can and loves to have fun, play mischief, fool around and even judge us all. Wow! What a class! So, listen, watch, and reel yourself in.
The jury included: Veterans d.l. "Forest Glade", people who gave him the best years of their lives, actively and fruitfully participated and continue to participate in the ship-ship movement, having a wealth of experience in judging ship-ship.
So, I think, a thunder of applause will break out and these walls, which have seen nothing like this, will tremble.

Jury presentation.

Ved. So I announce
1 Competition "Oh, potatoes!"
One participant from each team is invited. We tie a potato suspended on a rope to the participant’s belt, the distance from the potato to the floor is 20 cm. Your task is to move the matchbox to the edge of the stage by swinging the potato.

2 Pantomime Competition
Ved. And now I want to give each team a card with a famous proverb. The whole team must convey the content and meaning of this proverb without words, using gestures and pantomime. The team is given exactly 1 minute to think. Get ready, let's start!
1. A woman with a cart makes it easier for a mare.
2. One with a bipod - seven with a spoon.
3. Where the needle goes, so goes the thread.
4.Seven do not wait for one thing.
5. Water does not flow under a lying stone.
6. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.
7. The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.
8. Measure seven times, cut once.
9. The hut is not red in its corners, but red in its pies.
10. Work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest.

3 Competition “The Most Sensitive”
Ved. I invite one most sensitive participant from the team. A certain amount of sweets was placed on the chair. Your task is to determine with your butt how many candies are on the chair. And then eat them. So, attention, let's start!
We thank the most sensitive ones and wish to always be the same great mathematicians!

4 Competition "Dance"

For junior squads:

Create a dance with a mop to the tune of “Lezginka”

For senior squads:

Create a dance with a chair to the tune of “Waltz”

5 Competition "Statue"
Ved.: I hasten to announce the beginning of the next 5th “Statue” competition. Each team receives a card with the name of the statue written on it. One, the most sculptural participant from each team must complete the task. Then two stage workers will approach him and take him backstage. The statue must remain in character until the very last moment. So, get ready, let's start!
1. Girl with a paddle. 6. Monkey in a cage.
2. Border guard on patrol. 7. Ballerina in flight.
3. Conquerors of the peak. 8. Patient at the dentist
4. Javelin thrower 9. Goalkeeper catching the ball.
5. Statue of a lover. 10. Fisherman pulling a catfish.
Great, now stage workers, take away the statues. And your task, dear “statuaries,” is to preserve the original image of the statue.

6 Competition “Animal Dialogue”
Ved. And now I invite two participants to the stage, the most vocal ones, who can imitate the voices of animals and birds. So, the competition begins - a dialogue of onomatopoeia and animal conversation. Please receive task cards.
1. Chicken - rooster. 6. Donkey - turkey
2. Dog - cat 7. Bumblebee - frog
3. Pig - cow 8. Sheep - horse
4. Crow - monkey 9. Lion - cuckoo
5. Duck - goat. 10. Sparrow - snake
Game for spectators "Hypnosis"
Dear friends, I invite to this wonderful stage 5-6 spectators who want to undergo hypnosis and one assistant.
Imagine, friends, that you are walking slowly through a fabulous and amazing garden, the sun is shining brightly overhead. And suddenly a wonderful flower blooms in front of you. Pink buds, carved leaves. You close your eyes from its blinding beauty and drop to one knee in admiration, pressing your hands to your heart. The flower emits a delightful aroma. You feel?
Stretch your nose towards the flower. You wanted to pick it to give it to your loved one. But be careful, the stem is thorny. Therefore, forward the relaxed right hand. You feel hot. Are you thirsty. And on the petal of the flower a large drop of dew froze. You wanted to lick it off. Stick out your tongue, freeze. We opened our eyes.
Comrade foreman, a group of guard dogs to protect the state border of the PMR are ready.

7th competition "Mannequins"
And now I invite the most artistic guys to the stage, one participant per team. Our competition is called - mannequins. Plastic improvisation in a given image until the command “stop”, that is, I read the text, and you must walk in a circle, depicting what I will tell. So, get ready, let's start!
1. A man, a former champion of the tram park in lifting weights. The height is below average, the legs are short (no longer than half a meter), the chest is sunken, the stomach is watermelon-shaped, the right shoulder is 30 cm lower than the left. Blows his nose periodically and is very proud.
2. Woman, height 180 cm, low fat, right leg shorter than left, spine curved in three places, tongue does not fit in mouth. One eyebrow is higher than the other, he cries often, crying easily turns into laughter.
3. A very tall man, a giant, his spine is bent with a question mark, his right leg is dragging, his lower jaw is pushed far forward. He has a pronounced grin, protruding ears, often snores when walking, and is shy.
4. An old woman, close to a century old, is engaged in race walking, her head and legs are shaking, she is slightly blind, but her back is straight, her gait is jumping, suspicious, she often looks around, and suffers from a chronic smoker’s cough.
5. A child between 2 and 3 years old, with a large head and thin neck. He tries to reach his nose with his tongue, often falls into puddles, laughs cheerfully, even too much, and suffers from a chronic runny nose.

8th competition “Beat the Team”
All participants take off their shoes and put them in a pile and mix them. One of the participants must put on his team's shoes. So, get ready, let's start!
Ved.: And now it’s time to give the floor to our charming but strict jury
(The jury speaks and the teams are awarded.)



Good evening friends!
Today our meeting will take place at the Krendel club. Only today and only now are we opening a school for cooks there. All school graduates can successfully work in our camp canteen. Competition games are played on speed. We start every game together.
Let's imagine that we are in the catering unit, the holy of holies of all canteens.

1 competition “Meet the Chefs”.
Each squad was asked to prepare a so-called business card for their team, in which they would introduce the audience to their team of cooks and their assistants. Chef, soup cook, pastry chef, cook.

Warm-up “Edible-inedible”

The teams are called different objects, if it can be eaten, the children clap their hands, if not, they are silent.

Bun. Screw. Jam. Cheese. Honey. Cheesecake. Cars. Chocolate. Slipper.

Sail. Casket. T-shirt. Cookie. Fish fat. Airplane. Beanbag.

Pasta. Marmalade. Bulb. Sausage.

2 competition “To the cellar for potatoes.”
Every meal preparation begins, as a rule, with the acquisition of the necessary food products. Now our competitors have to bring potatoes from the cellar to the catering unit. Along the route you see hoops - this is the entrance to the cellar. Participants are given bags, with which, at a signal, they run, climb through a hoop, and take 1 potato from a chair. Back in the same way.

3 competition “Pour cereal into the cauldron”
On each chair there is a bottle (empty), a pan with sand, a watering can and glasses. You need enough sand to fill an empty bottle. Each team must, as quickly as possible, pour sand from the pan with a glass into a watering can, and from the watering can into a bottle.

4th competition “Bake a pretzel”
Now our chefs will show their culinary art, they will bake a pretzel each. On the tables there is plasticine, a children's spatula and potatoes. At the signal, the first team numbers run up to the table, take plasticine and roll it out until it can be made into a pretzel: they take it with a spatula and put it on the potatoes. Whose team can bake a pretzel faster?

5th competition "Exams"
Let's summarize our training at the Krendel cooking school. Now the teams must create a three-course lunch menu so that the first, second and third courses begin with the same letter. So, to the team “……….” letter “K”, team “…………” letter “B”, team “……..” letter “C”, team “……….” letter "O", etc.

6th competition “Best Dance”
Everyone passed the exams well and was in a cheerful mood. There is an offer to dance. The teams perform the dance as a whole.

7th competition “Identify by smell”
Participants are blindfolded and asked to identify what it is by smell. Whoever was more accurate earns a prize.

8th competition “Eat gingerbread in Vietnamese style”
On the chairs in a plate are pieces of gingerbread and a couple of Vietnamese chopsticks. Players use chopsticks to quickly eat the gingerbread.

9 competition “Original recipe” (homework)

10th competition “Candy in flour”
On the chairs are plates with flour in which sweets are mixed. Participants must remove candy from the flour without using their hands (one for each participant)


The winning team is given a certificate:


"Boy - Gel - Show"
Good evening, girls!
Good evening, boys!
Good evening, “Forest Glade”!..
Only today you are sitting in this hall in a somewhat unusual way, because you and I are on... (the audience shouts: “Boy-Gel-Show”!). Well done! A show is always a holiday, it's always a game... But, like any game, we have our own rules. So, what can and cannot be done on our show? I will name these rules, and you will show them. Agreed? Throughout the evening you can:
stomp and clap! (the hall shows)
scream and hoot!
dance and sing!
greet each other with applause!
boys greet girls with whistles!
girls - squeal!
You can blow kisses to each other!
to wave hands!
And just greet each other!

You have all understood the rules, and now I want to introduce you to our esteemed jury, headed by ………………………………………… (introduction of the jury)

I suggest you go in search of the truth. Where can one look for this truth? We thought and thought, and couldn’t come up with anything better than to travel back in time. You are ready? ...Do you want this?.. Will you succeed? What do you think, in which century is it better to start looking for the truth of the eternal dispute? Well, of course, in stone! Close your eyes…

(space music sounds)

And so, you and I found ourselves in the Stone Age. What were the people doing there? What was happening there? I will name various actions, and you will demonstrate them.
Men hunted animals...
threw stones... and threw spears...
The women fanned the fire... and collected the roots...
The men shot with arrows... and shouted at the animals...
Women spanked naughty children... and showed their teeth...
And all together they jumped around the fire, thinking that they were at a disco!..

And now we invite our participants to the stage - 1 boy and 1 girl from each squad.
(Rhythmic music sounds, the teams rise to the stage;
participants say their names)

So, let's start our first competition. Of course, the very first thing that ancient people, ancient men, did was “hunt the mammoth.”

1. Competition “Mammoth Hunting”.
To participate in this competition, we invite our boys to come down to the hall.
“Mammoth” will be an ordinary inflatable ball. Spectators chase the “mammoth” around the hall, the participant who touches the ball wins. Contestants can move through the rows.
(rhythmic music sounds)
I invite our girls to participate in the next competition
What did ancient women do in those distant times? While the men were hunting mammoths, the women were resting. As soon as the men returned with their prey, the women began to butcher the mammoth skins in order to sew clothes for their husbands. Our next competition is called: “Skin Stitching”.

2. Competition “Skin stitching”

Participants need to “sew” a large canvas of skins on stage. And the “skins” are the clothes of the spectators. Contestants are allowed to go down to the auditorium, but spectators are not allowed to go up to the stage.
(Here and in subsequent competitions, the Host, together with the audience, counts from 1 to 10 and the competition ends).

3. Competition “Rock Painting”

Each participant in the competition is given a jar of gouache of any color and a brush. Boys draw “portraits” of girls on “rocks” and stones, and girls draw portraits of boys. The one who draws the best portrait wins.
(The jury announces the winner).

You and I saw that in the Stone Age we were stronger...
Maybe in the Middle Ages everything was the other way around? There is dead silence in the hall... our “time machine” is working.
(Cosmic music sounds)

And we are ready to depict what men and women did in the Middle Ages.
Men fought with swords and rapiers...
The women waved their handkerchiefs at them... and pretended to be afraid of them.
Men under the windows sang serenades to the girls...
And the girls turned away shyly and blushed...
The men rode horses...
Women shook in carriages and fainted...

For the next competition I invite girls.

Here are charming, beautiful girls standing in front of you. They do not yet know that they will have to travel far, far away. The fact is that the favorite pastime of men of that time was “crusades”. That's what this competition is called!

4. Competition “Crusades”

Assignment: girls are given military commands. Sitting astride their “horse” (mop), the girls follow commands.
The girl who most accurately and faithfully followed the orders wins.

Company, on horseback! Right! Left! All around! Trot in a circle, march!
Stand in one line!

(The jury sums up the results of the competition).

I invite boys to participate in the next competition.
Of course, in the Middle Ages girls loved balls.
Oh, what balls they were!.. What dresses they were!.. And what hairstyles they were! Our next competition is called “Hairstyle”.

5. “Hairstyle” competition

(1 girl from each squad with accessories is invited to the stage)
(While the teams in the front row are preparing their “masterpieces,” a game is being played with the audience.)

But that is not all. The 20th century awaits us!
In the 20th century:
Men fly airplanes...
Women milk cows...
Men watch football...
Women repairing the rails...
And everyone together has a great time at discos!..
6. Find your other half
The girls are blindfolded and must identify their boys, who are sitting in the same row, by their hair.
7. Competition “Cinderella’s Shoe”
All competitors will take part in the next competition. The boys have to put their girls' shoes on blindfolded. The girls take off their shoes, the shoes fall into a common pile. Boys look for shoes by touch and put them on their girls.
8. The most observant
Boys and girls stand in two rows with their backs to each other. Each person is asked the following questions in turn:
- What color…..is your partner’s?
- How many buttons does your lady have on her blouse?
- What color is the hairpin?
- What kind of shoes does your boy have?
- How many ears does your partner have?
- What are the buttons on your partner's shorts made of? etc.

9. Competition "Gait"

And now we will check how our girls can walk in different styles (one at a time)
- The gait of a woman carrying very heavy bags from the market.
- The gait of a woman suffering from radiculitis.
- The gait of a business woman.
- The gait of an athletic woman.
- The gait of a child taking his first steps.
- The gait of a woman whose shoes are too tight.
- The gait of a woman walking along the catwalk.
- The gait of a woman walking along the edge of a skyscraper.
- The gait of a very tired woman

10. Competition "Dance"

Now let's see how our contestants can dance in different styles and styles of music.

I propose to end our evening with a declaration of love.
“Boys, what can we shout to the girls?”
- Girls, we love you!
“Girls, how can you answer the boys?”
- Boys, we welcome you too!
Boys, do you like girls?! Girls, what about you?!
Well done! We were once again convinced that “Forest Glade” brought together wonderful girls and boys capable of true friendship! See you again!



Dear guys, I don’t like you for some reason! Sit on your beds all day and don’t go to sports fields. So you won’t live to see the end of the race in our camp. Just eating and lying on the beds can give you shortness of breath. Measures are needed, then maybe they will survive, at least they will live to see the end of the shift.
Our game is called 36.6. Exactly 36.6 is the normal temperature of a healthy person.
Health is the greatest value given by nature to man, but like all values, it can be lost. Every person should be able to take care of their body, otherwise it is difficult to hope for good health, well-being, and relationships with others. And also all people should live in movement, because movement is life. And you in our camp should not be passive.
Well, if you do get sick and your body is in danger, the first thing to do is consult a doctor. A polyclinic is a medical institution where medical specialists work. Each medical specialty has a name, which can be long and difficult to pronounce because it is of Greek or Latin origin.
And now together we will try to understand the names of medical specialists.

1 Competition “Who heals”
Children are offered cards with the names of medical specialties, which are written at odds with the deciphering of the activities of a particular specialist. Task: against each doctor, assign an occupation that corresponds to him.


A pediatrician is a doctor who deals with childhood diseases.
Therapist is someone who treats internal diseases using non-surgical methods.
ENT is a doctor who deals with diseases of the ear, nose and throat.
Surgeon - a doctor who deals with diseases that require surgical intervention
A traumatologist is a doctor who deals with injuries and their treatment.
A cardiologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Neuropathologist – a doctor who deals with diseases of the nervous system
A psychiatrist is a doctor who deals with mental illness.
An ophthalmologist is a doctor specializing in eye diseases.
Gastrologist is a doctor who deals with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

2 Competition "Therapist"

It is necessary to get three vitamins into the “patient’s” mouth from a distance of 3 meters. Each hit is 1 point

3 Competition "Ophthalmologist"
Each squad has a table on which you see multi-colored circles. You need to carefully follow all the “paths” with your eyes and find out what color circle should be inside the square, triangle and rhombus. When determining the route, your hands should be behind your back.

4 Competition "Neurologist"
Neurologists are experts in human emotional states. You are invited to use your feet to demonstrate anger, respect, fear, fatigue, delight - as you choose. Who will be more expressive?

5 Competition "Cardiologist"
In front of each representative of the squad is an envelope with fragments (parts) of one cardiogram. On one piece of paper you will see the number 1. Try to collect the entire cardiogram as quickly as possible.

6 Competition "Dentists"
The groups are asked to solve the crossword puzzle and pretend to smile (to erase the “black” tooth with an eraser)
1. What is harmful to teeth (candy)
2. An object used to clean teeth (brush)
3, 4. Preferred time of day for brushing teeth (morning, evening)

7 Competition "Speech therapist"
You need to demonstrate the patients' speech impediments. It is necessary to read the poem with a burr, a lisp, a stutter... (according to the assignment).
8 Competition "Surgeon"
Use a disposable syringe to pour liquid from one glass to another. The winner is the one who does it faster and spills as little water as possible.
It’s a worthy cause to bring people health! But in order not to go to doctors, a person needs to take care of himself, he needs to take care of his health. Remember: no one cares about you better than yourself.
We wish you that your body temperature will always be 36.6. Be healthy!


Game "NOSES"

The question on the agenda:
What kind of nose is there?
A nose in love with aromas,
The nose is drooping, guilty.
Nose, closed from frost,
Blushing like a rose.
Cold, snotty nose
And a pecking nose, sleepy.
Nose up - troublemakers,
The one who takes the trail is from the dog.
A button nose - from childhood,
And frivolous - in coquetry.
But with a purple bruise
I don't know the peaceful nose.
And sometimes the nose is sleek.
From the greenery it is green.
Multi-hole - near the watering can,
Hooked - for the villainess.
The nose is as hard as a nut,
The nose is beautiful - without a flaw.
And with experience, he has wrinkles.
There is a sniffling for no reason.
A nose that has not matured
And, of course, a long nose.
Nose poking in without asking
Curious as questions.
What is a snub nose?
The nose, of course, what else!
Twin nose - twin nose.
This seems to be the end.

How many wonderful poems, songs, epithets are dedicated to the eyes and lips! But much less attention is paid to the nose. Why? The nose is the “prominent” part of the face. And sometimes a lot in a person’s life depends on what kind of nose it is.

Poor nose is undeservedly forgotten! Let's restore justice and give the nose the attention it deserves today. First, let’s check your erudition, how savvy you are in the “question of the nose.” You should respond quickly. Whoever answers correctly earns a point for his team.

1 competition “What would it mean”

What does the expression “The nose is not mature enough” mean? (Anyone else is too young to do anything)
-Name fairy-tale characters who have an unusually long nose. (Dwarf Nose, Pinocchio, Pinocchio?)
-What does the expression “hang your nose” mean? (Become despondent, become upset.)
-What does the expression “with a gulkin nose” mean? (Very little.)
-What does the expression “Poke your nose” mean? (To point out something for edification, usually in a sharp form.)
- Where did it come from and what does the expression “hack on the nose” mean? (Means to remember well and for a long time.)
-What does the expression “Lead by the nose” mean? (To deceive, mislead, usually promising something and not fulfilling what was promised.

2 Competition “The most sensitive nose”
One player from each team is called up and they are blindfolded. Various odorous objects are brought to the nose. If you don't guess correctly, you get a penalty point. First they offer a banana, apple, lemon, orange, soap, toothpaste, perfume or cologne. Then the task becomes more complicated - they offer spices: pepper, cinnamon, cloves, etc.

3 Competition “Nose in Words”
Who can name the most words containing “nose”? (Contribution, rhinoceros, stretcher, carry-carry, platypus, footnote, tray, etc.

4 Competition “The nose in proverbs, sayings, riddles”
Teams take turns naming riddles, proverbs, sayings that they know that mention the nose. Who is bigger?
- People always have it, ships always have it. (Nose)
- You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me. . (Nose - dream)
- Curious Varvara’s nose was torn off at the market, etc.

5 Competition “Attach a nose to a snowman”
At some distance from the players, two stands are placed; large sheets with images of snowmen are attached to them. The place where the snowman's nose should be is circled. Children are blindfolded. At the signal, they must reach the snowman and put on his carrot nose. Other children can use the words “Left, right, lower, higher” to coordinate the actions of the participants. As soon as the nose is in the circle, the participant is allowed to remove the bandage and quickly return to his team, passing the carrot baton to the next relay participant. The team that finishes the es-taffeta the fastest wins.

6 Competition “Sick Nose” (recipe for a runny nose)
Teams present their performances. These could be skits, poems, ditties, or the message “News from the first aid station,” where children will tell how to help with a runny nose, nosebleeds, etc.

7 Competition “Nose Drawing”
1 participant from each squad is called up. They are asked to draw a person’s smile, but they need to do this not with a brush, but with their nose.

8 Competition “A ditty about the nose” (d/z)

Leading. The jury gives the floor. Now we will find out who “left whom with a nose,” and who “wiped the nose of whom.”


"Baba Yaga's Benefit Performance"

Dear friends! Today, not a single home can do without a TV. You enjoy watching various shows with the participation of everyone’s favorite artists, actors and presenters. Mothers and grandmothers enthusiastically watch various concert programs. For example: Benefit performance of Shifrin, Petrosyan, Elena Vorobey.
And today we will have an unusual benefit performance. Benefit performance of Baba Yaga. Everyone, young and old, knows this fabulous forest dweller. But no one actually saw her. Only today and only now, dear guys, will you have the opportunity to personally enjoy the company of the beautiful inhabitants of the Merenesti forest. So, meet our charming Granny Hedgehogs of the Forest Glade.
Babok Yozhek's appearance on stage.
Now let's get to know our lovely girls better. Each participant had to tell a little about themselves.

1. Business Card Challenge
Miss Moscow has, Bust, Leg
Well, where is Miss Yaga?
Let's gather the red maidens
We'll hold a super competition
Ugh, ugh, I can’t believe my eyes
What a lovely babble
How suitable for these fairies
Title of Miss Baba Yaga

But it would be hard for our Grandmother Yagulkas to live alone if they didn’t have a dear friend nearby.

Test 2 “My darling”.

Each B.Ya is given a sheet of paper to draw with a felt-tip pen or marker the faithful friend of the forest old woman - Koshchei the Immortal. The winner will be the participant who produces the most interesting Koscheyushka.

Test 3 "Baba Yaga's Makeup".
Berries, vegetables, fruits - they
Naturally given for makeup
Who will turn Baba Yaga into a flower?
He will win this competition.
Apply makeup to the image of Baba Yaga.

Test 4: “Shards of Happiness”

Drawings depicting Koshchei the Immortal are cut into 10 parts. Our lovely participants need to assemble the drawing correctly as quickly as possible. Which one of you turns out to be quicker than the rest is the winner.

5th test “Making a spell” (d/s)

Using the art of witchcraft
Create a magic spell
And your imagination will also help you
Just 10 words
Must be there
Who can come up with something more original and better...

6th test “Dance with a broom”.

A broom is a luxury, our Auto
Baba Yaga is nothing without a broom.
Dancing with a broom is a thrill, it's heaven
Your partner can take off, don’t forget
Hold tight to your favorite broom
And in a whirlwind of dance you will spin with her

Fast and slow music plays. B. I dance to the music.

The most fashionable Baba Yaga – ………………………………
The most charming Baba Yaga is…….
The kindest Baba Yaga is …………………….


Neptune Festival

Characters: Neptune, Wife, Sea Diva, Mermaids, Little Devils, Pirates, Neptune's Guard.
A boat with Neptune and his retinue is sailing. The music “From behind the island to the core” plays.
Sea Diva: Attention, attention!
The bugler's signal sounds -
And now without delay
To us along the radiant wave
Neptune is sailing from afar!
The road was not easy...
So let's meet honor with honor,
Greetings all together!
(Everyone shouts: “Neptune, Neptune!”)
Neptune: I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry to sail as quickly as possible...
The lord of the seas greets you, people!
And my friendly army came ashore,
To look at you and show yourself.
Sea Diva: Your voice is somehow sad
And you yourself... that...
Al in the depths of the sea
What happened?
What is Ali, Neptune, dissatisfied with on Earth?
Why is there sudden sadness on the Tsar’s brow?
Neptune: You're right, Sea Diva,
Today I feel sad,
Give me a tear now in the morning...
Oh, I don’t like everything!
Sea Diva: So open up, do me a favor!
Share your trouble.
Neptune: Many complaints have accumulated
In my office!
Available for adults, children,
For girls, for boys...
I just can't find the words,
How annoying it is to read them!
From a bad mood
A storm has risen at sea...
Sea Diva:
Ah, Neptune, dear prankster,
Why boast about strength in vain?
Throw thunder and lightning,
It would be better if I told you to call
Our fabulous mermaids -
Everyone is pathetic next to them!
This is how they will sing and this is how they will dance -
All sorrows will be blown away by the wind!
Hey little mermaids, come to me -
Dance among the stones!
Mermaids sing and dance:
We are green mermaids,
Lovers in the blue sea,
Playful - oh, trouble! -
The water is boiling behind the tail!
The bearded king of the sea,
Don't look with such sadness!
With your joyful dance
We'll make you laugh!
Among us is the Sea Diva,
There is no better commander.
Let the storm blow stronger -
We dance without slacking.
And such voices -
The heavens will shake!
We are green mermaids,
Lovers in the blue sea,
Playful - oh, trouble! -
The water is boiling behind the tail!
Neptune: Yes, it’s not easy to resist,
Don't untangle your beards
Don't start dancing!
Wait, I’m coming now!.. (he tries to get up from the throne with a groan),
Sea Diva (holding Neptune):
Wait, Neptune, don't rush!
It’s a bit old, sit down!..
Call the devils
Let people have fun!
Neptune: Hey, brother devils,
Come out and stretch your legs,
Sing us more joyfully
Song of the monkfish!
Sea devils appear, sing and dance:
At the monkfish
Sailor's gait,
At the monkfish
Tinned throat.
Let's sing together -
Hear across the sea!
For insurance you need
Cover your ears!
From our vocals
Lost sleep
Pugacheva Alla,
Leontyev and Kobzon.
Let's sing together -
Hear across the sea!
For insurance you need
Cover your ears!
At the monkfish
Sailor's gait,
At the monkfish
Tinned throat
Let's sing together -
Hear across the sea!
For insurance you need
Cover your ears!
Sea Diva: Neptune, look over there:
Trouble is approaching us!
Neptune (sighing): Trouble again? So what now?
Sea Diva: Pirates surrounded us.
The pirates sing a song to the melody of “Yaroslavl guys”:
We are funny guys
There's not enough space for us!
And it’s not in vain that he fears us
The retinue of the formidable king.
Simple is our very good trick -
We take everyone on board.
We have ducats and wine,
The rest is down to the bottom!
Everything - for the formidable king!
We sail its seas
And before it gets covered,
We are sinking, sinking ships!
Smile, Jolly Roger!
I don't care what happens later.
And while we are still living -
We drink, and we dance, and we sing!
We are funny guys
There's not enough space for us!
And it’s not in vain that he fears us
The retinue of the formidable king.
Neptune (shuddering): The song is too scary...
Phew, what... faces!
I don't need this gang
Where are the royal guards?
Show yourself:
Sing together
Sing zealously
Loving your Lord! (at the same time pushing pirates out of the site)
Neptune's guard sings:
Where Neptune is sailing is a big secret,
Big secret, big secret...
And we always
We swim after him.
They are faithful to our king of the sea,
And we are not afraid of pirates at all!
Chorus: Oh, zealously
The guards are singing!
If someone is naughty -
We will call you to account.
The king of the sea will order:
“Fire!” Let's make a cutlet!
When we swim, a wave flies from us,
The wave is flying, the wave is flying...
And we stand up for Neptune!
We sing so much that even ships
They cover half the Earth in a day.
To you, Neptune, we shout:
“Hip-hip, hurray! Hip-hip, hooray! Hip-hip, hurray!”
And it's time for us to get to work again.
Let's show everyone who is against the king
Where does the sea crab spend the winter in secret?
Neptune (addressing everyone):
Thank you, my friends!
Yes, I have to admit
That I am happy with the holiday -
The old man was amused!
But stop singing and dancing
It's time for us to get down to business.
I then went ashore
To understand thoroughly
With everyone on the shore
I have accumulated a fair amount of sins.
Addressing his wife:
My light, little wife, tell me
Tell me the whole truth.
How do tourists relax?
Do they sunbathe on the sand?
Wife: Complaints about the captain:
Tourists came on board the ship to relax,
But he does not allow drinking, smoking or walking at night.
Neptune: Call the captain here
And in the waters of Tsna - then bathe! (they bathe the captain).
Neptune (addressing his wife):
Is there any opportunity besides this
Are there other disgraces on the ship?
Wife: Complaints about cooks:
Not tasty cutlets, pilaf,
And we would like some smoked balykov
Or sturgeon caviar?
Neptune: Call the cooks here!
Start washing! (they bathe the cooks).
Neptune: People will be able to figure it out,
To whom later, to whom now
Swim, jump and splash!
And it's time for us to head back.
Rowers, take to the oars! Hey, banners are higher!
Let's get together in a friendly circle
Again in a year - I believe it!
See you again on the shore! Until next summer!


Svetlana Penikhina
Development of activities for a summer health day camp

All children camps are divided into 3 cities, planet, ship, depending on the topic of the shift

Game program "ZOO"

1. How beautiful and amazing the world around us is! How beautiful and unique are the endless forests and boundless seas, deep rivers and lakes, high mountains and green plains, wide steppes and boundless deserts! How amazing and unique are the animals that inhabit our planet!

2. But it’s not enough just to admire nature. You must be able to treat it with care. People, unfortunately, do not always think about this. In the last two thousand years alone, almost three hundred and fifty species of animals have been completely exterminated. It’s scary to imagine that in just a hundred years there will be no polar bears or Amur tigers on the planet. Our game program is dedicated to the animal world of our Motherland.

1. Let me introduce our jury: Departments of culture of cities, please take the place of the jury. Our first competition - "Greetings". Each city in 3 minutes. You need to come up with a name for your team, explain why they chose this name for their team and draw an emblem.

2. Our next competition "Warm-up" 3 people are invited to the stage. from every city - nature experts. Each city answers 3 questions. And the last question is decisive - the same for all teams. Who will give the correct answer faster?

1. While the jury is summing up the first results, I offer questions for the audience (Competition for spectators)

2. We thank the audience for their answers and ask the jury to sum up the first results.

1. 3 competition "Proverbs and sayings" Each team is asked to make up two parts of proverbs and sayings.

Fear of wolves (don't go into the forest)

Beats like (fish on ice)

Better tit in your hands than (pie in the sky)

The cat knows whose (ate meat)

live with wolves (howl like a wolf)

That's why the pike is in the river, so that the crucian carp (didn't doze)

Old furrow horse (doesn't spoil)

Goose to pig (not comrade)

2. Nature is beautiful not only in our forests. It is also beautiful in the jungle, where palm trees grow, bamboo rustles, monkeys jump through the trees, and the voices of unknown birds are heard. There are many places in the jungle where there is a swamp. We need to overcome it.

1. Next competition "Overcome the swamp" We'll see who can overcome this unfortunate place faster. And the hoops will serve as bumps on which we will move. You need to stand on one hummock with both feet and place the other at some distance in front of you. Then step on it with both feet, and again move the one on which you stood before in front of you. We invite 5 people from the city to the stage. Attention! Let's start!

2. The jungle swamps are infested with crocodiles, which can reach a length of 6.6 m. So you and I are going to play now. The competition is called "Crocodile". Each team is divided into pairs. One person from the couple will move on his hands, and the other should hold his legs. On the way back they change places. 6 people from the city are invited to the stage. The first participants took the desired position. Attention, let's start!

1. What would a swamp be without frogs! That's why our next competition is called "Running of the Frogs". We ask 5 people from each city to go up to the stage. Team members, squat down with your hands on the floor in front of you. Now, at my signal, you will jump like a frog, whoever is faster. Jumping like a frog involves placing both hands forward on the floor and then jumping with both feet from a squatting position. Then put your hands forward again.

2. Well done! Finally, we crossed the swamp and were so happy about it that we even jumped. And let's see who jumps better. Contest "Bouncer". To do this, you need to jump on one leg back and forth. There on one leg, back on the other. We invite 5 people to the stage.

1. Well done! You are good at jumping on one leg, but now jump on two, but not just, but holding a ball between your legs. Contest "Running with Meat". We invite 5 people from each city.

2. There are many snakes in the jungle, including very poisonous cobras, which can be up to 5.5 m long. Cobras are distinguished by the fact that, when in danger, they raise their necks and spread several pairs of ribs, resulting in the formation of a so-called hood. And our last competition is called "Snake"

1. For this competition, teams must stand in height. Ahead are the highest ones. Now slide your left hand between your legs. Let the person standing behind you take your hand with his right hand. The remaining participants continue this chain in the same way. Each team begins its movement at my signal. Those who reach the finish line faster win. So, line up. Let's start.

2. Thank you everyone, you are great!

Playing with spectators:

I will tell you the inhabitants of the zoo, if correct, you owe me reply: “We saw it, we saw it, of course we saw it!”. And if not Right: "No"

Behind bars at the gate

A huge hippopotamus is sleeping. Have you seen it?

Ponies are small horses.

How funny ponies are. Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

Here is the baby elephant's quiet sleep

Guarded by an old elephant. Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

The Black-eyed Marten is a wonderful bird. Have you seen it?

(Who said a marten is a bird?

Should study better.)

The evil - despising gray wolf snaps his teeth at the guys! Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

Suddenly the penguins flew higher than the spruce and aspen trees. Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

The insatiable jackal beast walked from wall to wall. Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

And the green crocodile walked importantly across the field. Have you seen it?

We saw it, we saw it, we saw it at the zoo!

Beyond the fields, beyond the meadows

A chicken with horns walks.

You've heard it all yourself here,

The cheeky boy said so

Like a chicken with horns

He saw it at the zoo!

Publications on the topic:

"Academy of Leisure" Leisure day club program RELEVANCE OF THE PROGRAM Summer holidays are the longest children's holidays. Rest should be active, creative, educational and...

Show program “musical horizon”. Scenario for summer camp

The stage is decorated with posters and photographs of popular pop performers. The evening begins with the introduction of the teams. Fans of each team prepare amateur performances that will be shown during musical breaks. Teams are invited to take part in the following competitions.

"Use your brains"

Each squad is given an improvised “disc” (made of cardboard) on which letters are written. Task: use these letters to form the name of the group. Who is faster? The jury assigns star points: the team that took 1st place - 3 points, 2nd place - 2 points, 3rd place - 1 point. The rest - 0.

Answer: “Disco “Crash”.


Each squad prepared a musical number (clip, song, dance). A draw is held among the teams. Teams will perform in order of rotation, but... after each subsequent competition. The jury does not forget to evaluate the performances using a 5-point system.

Star alphabet

In 1 minute, teams must write as many performers, groups as possible whose names, surnames or names begin with the letter “A”. Then, by drawing lots, they are called out loud. Whoever fails to name leaves the game.

There is a beginning - there will be an end

Leading. I take turns telling the teams the beginning of the artist’s name (name of the group, song), the team must continue:

“Inveterate... (scammers)”,

"Hands up)";

Alla... (Pugacheva);

Irina... (Allegrova, Saltykova);

“Ivanushki... (International)”;

"Agatha Christie)";

"Gold ring)";

"Tea for Two)";

“Hai... (fi)”;

"Tender May)";

"Prime Minister)";

“Mumiy... (troll)”, etc.

Guess the melody

One player per team participates. Karaoke music is turned on, and the participants guess the melody. Whoever raises his hand first answers. For the correct answer, the team receives a star point.

Star Quiz

One by one, the teams are asked “star” questions about the work of famous performers. Who will give more correct answers? For the correct answer the team receives

1 -2 points.

1. Which group used the coach’s team in its name during physical education classes (“Hands up”)

2. The name of which rock band is directly related to the name of the English writer, author of detective novels? ("Agatha Christie")

3. Which pop singer told in one of her songs about her feelings about her lover going into the army? (Alena Apina)

4. Which song did Alsou debut at Eurovision? (Solo)

5. What is the name of the flight attendant who became famous thanks to the song by Vladimir Presnyakov? (Jeanne)

6. Who won the musical project of Channel 1 “Star Factory - 3”? (Nikita Malinin)

7. Choose an antonym for the phrase “White Cossack” and get the name of a popular song. ("Black BMW")

8. The name of which group is associated with an enterprise that produces various products, for example, a clothing company? (Factory group)

9. Who won the musical project of Channel I “Star Factory - 1”? (group "Roots")

10. Which song became the anthem of the musical project “Star Factory”? (“Cool you got on TV”)

Unusual singing

Leading. Many people know how to sing correctly. But sometimes stars are not interested in singing “the right way.” Try to perform a song from the repertoire of any star (at your discretion), but with a condition... about which a little later. For now, choose a song.

When the children are ready, they go on stage, the presenter gives the task.

Sing your favorite song:

- holding a match between your teeth;

- holding your nose with your fingers; - pull your cheeks inward;

- biting your lower lip;

- covering your ears;

- lying on the floor;

- smiling from ear to ear;

- clasping your hands like a mouthpiece at your mouth;

- putting a lollipop or lollipop into your mouth;

Leading. The entertainer is the person who announces the names of the artists during the concert. In addition, the entertainer fills the pauses between numbers by telling all sorts of entertaining stories. As a rule, all entertainers have a beautiful voice timbre and excellent diction. But there are situations when neither timbre nor diction matters. This happens when the entertainer loses his voice. Imagine yourself as an entertainer who has lost his voice, and try to announce the next number with facial expressions and gestures, and the team must guess. So it comes out:

— “Factory” group;

— show ballet “Todes”;

— group “Tea for Two”;

- toothless Shura;

— Alla Pugacheva;

- Verka Serdiuchka;

- Nikolay Baskov;

— Valery Leontyev:

— Tatu group;

- group "Lyceum".

And now the jury is given the floor to sum up the overall results and award the winners.

Jury speech, awarded