Five legendary songs from “Aria” that changed Russian rock music. Slogans of Fascist Italy


"Will and mind"- a heavy metal song written by guitarist Andrei Bolshakov and poet Alexander Elin in 1986 for the album “Who are you with?” Soviet rock band "Aria". In 1987, Bolshakov and Elin, together with part of the Aria team, left the group, creating their own - “Master”, and the song was re-recorded for the debut album of the same name by this group. Official release of “Who are you with?” with the original version of the song took place only in 1994. The song is performed by both groups, but is better known in the "Aria" version. Of the songs of the group “Arias” and “Masters”, this song has the largest number of cover versions.

History of creation

The song was written by Bolshakov in 1986, immediately after he joined the group. Compared to the music of the debut album “Delusions of Grandeur,” the composition was heavier and more energetic, and had a memorable riff.

The lyrics of the song, written by the group's regular poet Alexander Elin, were dedicated to anti-war themes. According to the memoirs of Valery Kipelov, early versions of the text were similar to the song “Metal is forged here” and praised metallurgy, and in allegorical form, heavy metal:

But there are such talkers

All the harm comes from them.

And in the middle of the night, in the middle of silence

They don't close their mouth.

You can't build a factory with language,

Don't dig a canal.

(Something there, tra-la, la-la... And here!)

A country is weak when

Not enough metal!

The final version is a story about a “thousand-headed dragon killer” who personifies nuclear weapons. The “Dragon” is waiting in the wings to destroy the world, and it’s up to people of good will to stop it:

Everything that you are forever in love with,

Will destroy at once

Thousand-headed ( pronounced "thousand-headed") dragon killer!

He must be defeated!

Stronger than any war

Will and mind

The song “Games are not for us” is dedicated to a similar theme on the album. The song was greeted favorably by the artistic council and easily passed censorship.

The song "Will and Reason" became one of the main hits of the early "Aria" and is traditionally performed at the end of concerts, the audience is usually left to chant the refrain.

Variants and cover versions

An instrumental version of the song "Will and Reason" was recorded for the soundtrack to the computer game "Truckers 2", released in 2001.

In 2005, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of “Aria”, a special, “anniversary” version of the song was recorded. In it, in addition to the vocalist of “Aria” Arthur Berkut, other prominent representatives of the Russian rock scene sang: Vyacheslav Butusov (“Nautilus Pompilius”, “U-Peter”), Gleb and Vadim Samoilov (“Agatha Christie”), Konstantin Kinchev (“ Alice "), Yuri Shevchuk ("DDT"). Former “Aria” guitarists Andrei Bolshakov (the author of the song) and Sergei Mavrin also took part in the recording. With the participation of Kinchev and Shevchuk, the song was performed live at concerts. The “Anniversary” version won the Nashe Radio hit parade “Chart Dozen” and was published on the single “Alien”.

"Will and Reason" has undergone several adaptations by groups other than "Aria" and "Master".

  • Valery Kipelov, former vocalist of “Aria”, with the permission of the authors, performs this song at concerts along with “Aria” and “Master”.
  • The German rock band Solemnity recorded a cover version of “Will and Reason”. The song is called "Will and Reason".
  • On the album A Tribute to Aria, two cover versions of the song were released: the E-zone group performed the song with the original lyrics, and the Gods Tower group performed their translation, the song was called “Power and Reason”.
  • The groups Citadel and "Gran-Courage" performed a cover of "Will and Reason" at concerts.
  • The group “Boni NEM” recorded a cover version included in the album “Heavy songs about the main thing - 2”.
  • The group "Sector Gaza" performed a parody song "Abortion or childbirth."
  • The group Everlost recorded a cover version, released on November 9, 2010 on the single “The Gods Don’t Hear Us” from the album “The Path of the Disobedient.”
  • Group

“Ardisco ad ogni impresa” - Courage in every action

"Boia chi molla" - The bastard who gives up

“Chi osa vince” - He who dares wins

“Chi si ferma è perduto” - Whoever stops loses

“Chi non è pronto a morire per la sua fede non è degno di professarla” - He who is not ready to die for his faith is not worthy of words

“Credere, obbedire, combattere” - Think, serve, fight

“Datevi all"ippica” - Start doing business

“Dio e Patria. Ogni altro affetto, ogni altro dovere vien dopo” - God and the Fatherland. Everything else must come after

“Dovete sopravvivere e mantenere nel cuore la fede” - You must more than live with faith in your heart

"Dvx meat lux" lat. - The leader is my luminary

"Dux nobis" lat. - Leader for us

“Fascismo è libertà” - Fascism is freedom

“Fedeltà è più forte del fuoco” - Loyalty is stronger than fire

"Eja, Eja, Eja, Alalà!" - a slogan dating back to the First World War, first heard from the lips of Gabriele D'Annunzio, is identical with “Hip-hip, Hurray!”

“È l"aratro che traccia il solco, ma è la spada che lo difende. E il vomere e la lama sono entrambi di acciaio temprato come la fede dei nostri cuori.” "It is the plow that marks the furrow, but it is the sword that protects them. The opener and the blade are both of hardened steel, like the faith of our hearts."

"Fermarsi significa retrocedere" - To be stopped means to retreat
“Fino alla vittoria” - Until the end, Until victory. This means fighting or living, which is the same thing.

"Habere non haberi" lat. - To have, but not to be possessed

“Il Duce ha sempre ragione” - The leader is always right

“Il nemico del Fascismo è il tuo nemico: non dargli quartiere” - The enemy of Fascism is your enemy: do not give him space

“La Patria si serve anche facendo la guardia a un bidone di benzina” - The Fatherland serves even when it guards one can of gasoline

“Le radici profonde non gelano mai” - Deep roots can never be uprooted

“Libro e moschetto - Fascista perfetto” - Book and gun - the ideal fascist

“Lo slancio vitale del popolo italiano non fu e non sarà mai fermato!” - The eternal growth of the Italian people has not been and will never be stopped!

"Meglio lottare insieme che morire da soli" - It is better to fight together than to die alone

“Meglio vivere un giorno da leone, che cento anni da pecora” - It is better to live one day as a lion than a century as a sheep.

"Memento audere semper" lat. – Always remember courage

“Me ne frego” - I cannot be intimidated. I'm not afraid

“Molti nemici, molto onore” - More enemies, more honor

“Non basta essere bravi bisogna essere i migliori” - It’s not enough to be good, you need to be the best

“Non siamo gli ultimi di ieri ma i primi del domani” - We are last yesterday, but first tomorrow

“O con noi o contro di noi” - Either with us or against us

“Pronti, ieri, oggi, domani al combattimento per l"onore d"Italia" - Ready yesterday, today, tomorrow for the battle for the honor of Italy

"Ricordare e prepararsi" - Remember and prepare

“Ringrazia ogni giorno devotamente Dio perché ti ha fatto italiano.” - Thank God every day for making you Italian

“Se avanzo seguitemi, se indietreggio uccidetemi, se mi uccidono vendicatemi” - If I move forward, follow me, if I stop, kill me, if I was killed, take revenge.

“Se il destino è contro di noi...Peggio per lui!” - If fate is against us... Worse for her!

“Se il Mediterraneo per gli altri è una strada, per noi è la vita” - If the Mediterranean Sea is a road for others, then for us it is life

“Spezzeremo le reni” - We will set the heat

"Sposi della vita, amanti della morte" - Married to life, in love with death

“Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato” - Everything for the state, nothing but the state, nothing against the state

“Vincere e vinceremo” - We have won and will win

“Ardisco ad ogni impresa” - Courage in every action

"Boia chi molla" - The bastard who gives up

“Chi osa vince” - He who dares wins

“Chi si ferma è perduto” - Whoever stops loses

“Chi non è pronto a morire per la sua fede non è degno di professarla” - He who is not ready to die for his faith is not worthy of words

“Credere, obbedire, combattere” - Think, serve, fight

“Datevi all"ippica” - Start doing business

“Dio e Patria. Ogni altro affetto, ogni altro dovere vien dopo” - God and the Fatherland. Everything else must come after

“Dovete sopravvivere e mantenere nel cuore la fede” - You must more than live with faith in your heart

"Dvx meat lux" lat. - The leader is my luminary

"Dux nobis" lat. - Leader for us

“Fascismo è libertà” - Fascism is freedom

“Fedeltà è più forte del fuoco” - Loyalty is stronger than fire

"Eja, Eja, Eja, Alalà!" - a slogan dating back to the First World War, first heard from the lips of Gabriele D'Annunzio, is identical with “Hip-hip, Hurray!”

“È l"aratro che traccia il solco, ma è la spada che lo difende. E il vomere e la lama sono entrambi di acciaio temprato come la fede dei nostri cuori.” "It is the plow that marks the furrow, but it is the sword that protects them. The opener and the blade are both of hardened steel, like the faith of our hearts."

"Fermarsi significa retrocedere" - To be stopped means to retreat
“Fino alla vittoria” - Until the end, Until victory. This means fighting or living, which is the same thing.

"Habere non haberi" lat. - To have, but not to be possessed

“Il Duce ha sempre ragione” - The leader is always right

“Il nemico del Fascismo è il tuo nemico: non dargli quartiere” - The enemy of Fascism is your enemy: do not give him space

“La Patria si serve anche facendo la guardia a un bidone di benzina” - The Fatherland serves even when it guards one can of gasoline

“Le radici profonde non gelano mai” - Deep roots can never be uprooted

“Libro e moschetto - Fascista perfetto” - Book and gun - the ideal fascist

“Lo slancio vitale del popolo italiano non fu e non sarà mai fermato!” - The eternal growth of the Italian people has not been and will never be stopped!

"Meglio lottare insieme che morire da soli" - It is better to fight together than to die alone

“Meglio vivere un giorno da leone, che cento anni da pecora” - It is better to live one day as a lion than a century as a sheep.

"Memento audere semper" lat. – Always remember courage

“Me ne frego” - I cannot be intimidated. I'm not afraid

“Molti nemici, molto onore” - More enemies, more honor

“Non basta essere bravi bisogna essere i migliori” - It’s not enough to be good, you need to be the best

“Non siamo gli ultimi di ieri ma i primi del domani” - We are last yesterday, but first tomorrow

“O con noi o contro di noi” - Either with us or against us

“Pronti, ieri, oggi, domani al combattimento per l"onore d"Italia" - Ready yesterday, today, tomorrow for the battle for the honor of Italy

"Ricordare e prepararsi" - Remember and prepare

“Ringrazia ogni giorno devotamente Dio perché ti ha fatto italiano.” - Thank God every day for making you Italian

“Se avanzo seguitemi, se indietreggio uccidetemi, se mi uccidono vendicatemi” - If I move forward, follow me, if I stop, kill me, if I was killed, take revenge.

“Se il destino è contro di noi...Peggio per lui!” - If fate is against us... Worse for her!

“Se il Mediterraneo per gli altri è una strada, per noi è la vita” - If the Mediterranean Sea is a road for others, then for us it is life

“Spezzeremo le reni” - We will set the heat

"Sposi della vita, amanti della morte" - Married to life, in love with death

“Tutto nello Stato, niente al di fuori dello Stato, nulla contro lo Stato” - Everything for the state, nothing but the state, nothing against the state

“Vincere e vinceremo” - Win and we will win

Zharikov again: Aria, Sector, Will and Reason October 21st, 2013

It is impossible not to note the keen interest of the people in our material called "." This is the third most popular material on our blog this year - it was viewed by almost 800 unique users. (Only two materials have more views - the “faceted” repost (almost 5,800 views) and our author’s material “”, which collected almost 16,000 views).
So. We continue to publish interesting facts about this unique, and very interesting for our readers, person using the ““ method promised to you.
We will not argue that behind the expression “and others” the Wikipedia article dedicated to Zharikov hides the group Aria (The leaders of the groups “Civil Defense”, “Through the Looking Glass”, spoke about “DK” as the group that most influenced their work). Zero”, “Zionism”, “Gaza Strip”, “Dna Error”, “Mongol Shuudan”, “TRASH”, etc.).
Under no circumstances will we make such a claim.
But here’s what’s amazing and interesting. If Aria is NOT on this list, then the Gaza Strip group undoubtedly is.
But who is Sergei Zharikov? His “background” is the creation of counter-culture. Moreover, he is also called a political strategist.
In 1985, Zharikov was a member of the editorial board of the samizdat magazine UrLight, as well as an author in the magazine Smorchek. At 80, he is actively involved in musical activities.
At the same time, under the control of Soviet authorities (The song was approvingly received by the artistic council and easily passed censorship.) the Aria group wrote a song with the symbolic (more on this later) name “Will and Reason.”
Everything would be fine, but the same Wikipedia with a link to Margarita Pushkin points to an interesting detail:
“Will and reason” is the motto of the Italian fascists. The members of the artistic council (as well as the musicians), who approved the lyrics of the song, did not know about this (although, as we see, Pushkina herself presents this situation with slightly different accents!).
And one more “everything would be fine”...
The “shock” countercultural group “Sektor Gaza” recorded a parody of the song “Will and Reason”. But Mr. Zharikov, who inspired this group to create, knew much more about the fascists than the “Aria musicians and the artistic council” combined.
Let's look:
For the first time in the post-Soviet space, works by I. Solonevich, J. Douillet, M. Serrano, B. Mussolini, T. Herzl, J. Evola and others were published.
If someone from this company does not know the name of Julius Evola, then it seems that the name of Benito Mussolini is known to everyone. Benito Mussolini is none other than the founder of Italian fascism. The motto of which (Will and Reason) was not only “used” by the musicians of the Aria group, but also “passed the censorship of the artistic council”! Moreover, it is relatively easy!
Let us note one more amazing detail, understandable to people who wrote poetry:
the chorus containing this Motto (!) is burdened with a certain “distortion”, which in a creative form can be a categorical HINT (using a game of meter)
Everything that you are forever in love with,
Will destroy at once
thousand-headed (pronounced "thick-headed") dragon killer!
He must be defeated!
Stronger than any war
Will and mind
I repeat once again: this is a deliberate and conscious distortion! Instead of the written “thousand-headed”, it is proposed to sing (and perceive) “thousand-headed”, which indicates the clear and special attention of the authors of the text to the verse.
“The musicians didn’t know”?
But even if we take this version as a basis (“the musicians did not know”), then Zharikov (and after him, apparently the members of the Gaza Strip Group) could not help but see this characteristic feature. And the genre of parody itself, as a rule, largely serves to attract attention to a specific text.
So both the will and the mind here, as I see it, are very specific.