Roman Arkhipov represents the American solo project Troy Harley. Troy Harley: Roma, is that you? Troy Harley

During the half a year spent in the American musical mecca of Los Angeles, Roman managed to sign a contract with the JK Music Group record label, begin a long-term collaboration with the legendary producer, Grammy Award winner Randy Jackson, and record his first single. The Troy Harley project is ready for its official start. Being the main rock component of Chelsea, Arkhipov always gravitated towards rock music and dreamed of a solo career. After five years of working in a pop group, “Russian Bon Jovi,” as the press called him, finally decided to try his hand at this musical direction.

Roman Arkhipov and Randy Jackson

Producers of the JK Music Group label Yulia Kurbatova and Oleg Shmelev first noticed the singer on the Star Factory-6 project, during a performance with the legends of the rock scene The Scorpions. Promoting artists on the global music market and creating high-quality music together with world-famous producers - Randy Jackson, Walter Afanasyev, as well as Timbaland and Teddy Riley, the label has long been in search of a talented rock musician. The producers' confidence in the artist's creative potential was added to by the success of Arkhipov's English-language solo song "Angels and Demons" ("Angels and Demons" in his performance scattered not only across America, but also from Germany to Morocco).

In April 2011, by the time the TV project “Star Factory. Return”, in which the Chelsea group took part, reached its equator, Roman received an invitation from JK Music Group to come to Los Angeles for an audition and a meeting with the producer and permanent judge himself popular talent show in America "American Idol" by Randy Jackson. According to Randy, Roman is very promising and has a unique timbre and manner of performance. After listening to the demo (Arkhipov managed to record an English-language album while still in Moscow), it was decided to sign a contract and immediately begin a joint working to create competitive material for the American music industry.

Roman Arkhipov is seriously preparing to conquer world show business

In the wake of the popularity of the Chelsea group after “Star Factory: Return” (where the musicians finished second), Roman decided to go solo, move to Los Angeles and study with the best professionals. The singer had a long preparation ahead - vocal classes (with the famous performer and record producer Marlon Sanders), English language and accent reduction, as well as acting and media training. Roman Arkhipov (Troy Harley) recorded his first single at Henson Studios (this is where the world hits of John Lennon, The Doors, Joe Cocker, Pink Floyd, Metallica, U2 and Bon Jovi were recorded) under the direction of Randy Jackson. According to Jackson-Arkhipov, truly “star material”, and working with him in the studio was a great pleasure. (“Working with Troy has been a great experience. His voice is amazing and he is definitely star material, we got some hot records coming your way! So look out!” Randy Jackson).

Very soon Roman will begin filming the video. The release of the single and the premiere of the video on American music channels is planned for early 2012.

In Los Angeles it was already late evening - 22:00, in Chelyabinsk the day was just beginning - 11 in the morning. We talked for half an hour. During this time, the artist told South Ural journalists what a year spent in the States gave him, how Western audiences accepted him, and what he calls “Russian obscenity.”

- Roman... You don’t mind if we call you that? Surely we can?

Certainly! (smiles - author's note)

- So, Roman, what did this year in the USA give you?

Much. My first single “End Of Time” has already been released here (from English - “end of the world”). We made one music video, traveled across the country, about 30 American cities, and visited the largest rock festival in the States, called Vans Warped. By the way, I just returned from it 10 days ago.

- Oh, then tell me how Western audiences received you?

The American public seemed very warm and friendly to me. People are viewing our pages on social networks, and among those interested are not only fans of the Chelsea group. In general, I performed here for nothing - only last July. After all, I had to do a lot of research and writing songs, language, accent... Hearing my accent, everyone here asks what state I’m from. I answer that I’m actually from Russia and many are surprised: “But he seems normal, he looks like a person!”

- Regarding the Internet, since we are talking about social networks: will Troy Harley have his own website?

Yes, the site is under development, after the tour as part of the Vans Warped rock festival, a lot of material appeared that will appear on the site.

- Roman, how, in your opinion, do Western rockers differ from Russians?

Everyone. These are generally different directions. Russian rock is primarily a social protest. Sound quality is of less concern. This is why there will never be bands like Deep Purple or Led Zeppelin in Russia. And here, in the West, rock is presented in the form in which I love it.

-Have they told you that you are very similar to Jon Bon Jovi?

They talked, but a long time ago, about 10 years ago. At one time I was very interested in his work, I still respect him, but I never aspired to be like him. By the way, we worked at the same studio and even met once.

- Roman, tell me, why Troy? Why Harley? Who did you consult with when choosing this name for yourself?

Troy Harley - because it sounds. The name Troy was born immediately, and Harley was a joint idea of ​​my label JK Music Group and my current music producer Randy Jackson, it was he who considered the name Troy Harley a good one for launching a new music brand in the American market. He is one of the most respected producers in the United States today. He has a brilliant reputation and crazy work experience. And if he approved the name Troy Harley, then he didn’t do it in vain.

Maybe in America you still needed to remain Roman and take a surname like “Arkhipoff” with two FFs at the end and that would have been more interesting?

Maybe. But, firstly, Roman Arkhipov is a combination of letters and sounds that is generally unpronounceable for Americans. Secondly, two FF at the end of the surname from a claim to aristocracy has already imperceptibly transformed into some kind of Russian obscenity.

- Will your career be solo? Or are you thinking about starting a rock band?

So I have a group. Troy Harley is not only my pseudonym, it is the name of an entire project. This is common practice here. I have a whole team of musicians: I brought a guitarist from Russia, a bassist from Florida, a lead guitarist from California, a keyboard player from Australia. All are young guys, all 22-24 years old, but despite their age, they are all professionals.

- Roman, do you keep in touch with anyone from the Chelsea group today?

Yes, with almost everyone. When I was in Moscow, I spent a wonderful two weeks there, we met with all the guys from the group. Arsentiev, as far as I know, also started a solo career and shot a video.

-Do you communicate with Viktor Drobysh? Did he give you any parting words before you set off to conquer the west?

No, because everything happened quite quickly, he only had time to wish me good luck. I think we'll see you again. When I last came to Moscow, I wanted to visit him and boast of my first successes, but he was not in the capital at that time, he was away.

- When was the last time you were in Russia, in Moscow?

Late April - early May.

- Are you planning to perform for the Russian public?

Of course, I love my fans very much. But first I need to do a lot of work. We are currently preparing our second single and second music video. You need to return to Russia on horseback, and not in such a way that they say: “Oh, well, of course, nothing worked out for him, he sang something in a restaurant there and came back to us.” Unfortunately, this is often what happens to many artists who decide to try their luck abroad. Russians are not used to being happy for their own people. For now they just scold, call me names, and don’t believe me. Russian mentality, nothing can be done.

Why, in your opinion, do good musical projects in Russia do not move forward and do not receive recognition? Do musicians have to leave the country for this?

One of the reasons is the format, and the format is created due to demand. Our people love chanson and love to dance, they have no time for Western rock. We still don’t think much about the quality of performance. I think we need to engage in aesthetic education of the new generation.

The novel, and finally, a little about personal things. Firstly, we would like to note that you have a rare match between your voice and appearance. The voice is amazing - the appearance is typical of a rocker...

Yes? Before you, they told me that, on the contrary, I have a complete mismatch of appearance and voice!

You were lied to. So, Roman, we are interested in whether your heart is occupied? Recently, your photographs appeared on one Internet resource under the heading “Roman Arkhipov rested in Miami,” including a photo where you were captured with some charming girl, it seems, a blonde. Is this your girlfriend?

This is Mika Newton, Ukrainian pop singer. She came to Miami on business, for a conference. My friends and I rested there. Mika joined, and together we showed the Miamians how the Slavs walk! And as for the other half... You know, at the beginning of my journey, when I was still young and green, I did a lot of incomprehensible things... It seemed to me that I needed to try to attract attention to myself, show my underwear and turn my soul out. Later I realized that you should be loved not because you slept with someone or didn’t sleep with someone, but because you are who you are. Today I prefer not to talk about personal relationships.

Okay, Roman, sorry. Thank you for these precious minutes of communication! Good night!

- Thank you too! Good luck!

Another star has officially lit up on the American rock horizon. The production of a young singer named Troy Harley will be carried out by the company Jkmusicgroup and the famous producer Randy Jackson (the same one from “American Idol”). And what? - someone will ask, how important is the news, not knowing, perhaps, that Troy Harley is Roman Arkhipov from the Russian pop group Chelsea. Roman has changed his genre, repertoire and image, and will now sing hard rock ballads instead of tearful songs.

How has Arkhipov changed since Chelsea and who is Troy Harley?

This is how Arkhipov will perform. The production center Jkmusicgroup has not yet announced the details of the new project, but it is known for sure that Troy Harley is not the name of the musical group, but a pseudonym that Roman will use. Arkhipov has been living in Los Angeles since the summer, and has already visited many musical parties, where he is always introduced as Troy. He also appeared as Troy Harley at the 2011 Video Music Awards

A Russian guy and a Ukrainian girl once met at the Video Music Awards 2011... Troy Harley and Mika Newton

Roman-Troy and Randy Jackson show lyrics to unreleased single

Shooting Troy Harley's first photo shoot in America

Remember what Arkhipov was like at Chelsea? Lapulya!))))

The first English-language single by Roman Arkhipov (not yet under a pseudonym), Demons and Angels. Not bad, but rap is out of place

All this is wonderful, but for some reason I remember another “Russian fight in America” - Alexey Vorobyov, who a few months ago was buzzing everyone’s ears that they couldn’t wait to see him in America, and there he would shine under the pseudonym Alex Sparrow. Six months have passed, and they don’t know any Alex in America, and Vorobyov himself moved back to the cinema. True, if we compare, then purely subjectively for me Arkhipov will be more talented (I’ve heard his solo compositions), and he has a “sharp” appearance, it’s not for nothing that he was called “Russian Bon Jovi”. But, even with all my patriotism, I just can’t understand why this is necessary and who is betting on this project. After all, in the States they transport their artists by the carload, and most of them play rock. It would be nice if the producers relied on the exoticism of Slavic rock, which Arkhipov would represent overseas. But why then this Troy? Why couldn’t he have been left as Roman in order to emphasize his origins and add something Russian to his external image? Although it is too early to draw final conclusions, we are waiting for the release of the first single. Despite my skepticism, I wish Roma good luck in America.