Andrei Malakhov’s “maternity leave” doubled his fees. Andrei Malakhov's wife had a miscarriage. It is true that Malakhov's wife lost a child.

Andrey Malakhov and his wife are expecting a child, the latest news.

45-year-old TV presenter Andrei Malakhov will become a father for the first time this fall. Throughout the six years of his marriage to glossy magazine publisher Natalya Shkuleva, people wondered why the couple had no children. And then it happened. For the first time, Andrei Malakhov broke his silence and confirmed rumors about a new addition to his family.

Malakhov is expecting his first child, latest news

The TV presenter does not yet know how long his maternity leave will last.

Channel One presenter Andrei Malakhov confirmed that his wife is pregnant. They are expecting their first child. Moreover, the showman does not rule out the possibility of going on maternity leave for three years.

I hasten to please good citizens and those who, during the six years of our marriage, attacked my wife with unceremonious questions about the perinatal situation in the family. Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child! - StarHit magazine quotes Malakhov’s statement.

Moreover, the TV presenter does not yet know how long his maternity leave to care for the child will last. Malakhov does not rule out that he could “follow in the footsteps of the general director of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater Vladimir Kekhman and take a vacation for three years” or act like Cristiano Ronaldo or Prince William, who did not devote too much time to caring for children.

Malakhov is expecting a baby

Andrey Malakhov spends time not only preparing for new broadcasts, but also studying publications on the care and education of children. The TV presenter in the author’s column shares the new emotions that overwhelm him: “...Today the most popular publication in our family is “Happy Parents,” and conversations revolve around children. The last time we discussed which episode of the educational cartoon “Child. Einstein” is it better to start introducing the baby: Baby da Vinci, ready to send the baby on a musical journey from the top of his head to the soles of his feet, or limit himself to a video under the promising title “Baby Shakespeare”?

Malakhov Andrey and his wife, child

Malakhov with his wife, photo


The other day, Andrei Malakhov made a public statement that his wife Natalya Shkuleva is expecting a child. Let us remind you that the couple became husband and wife in 2011. The famous numerologist and psychoanalyst Klara Kuzdenbaeva told KP that the forecast she once stated did not come true. In 2013, she said: in a year Andrei will become a father. It turned out that this did not happen then, because the TV presenter’s wife lost her child. Kuzdenbaeva then agreed to give a prognosis regarding Shkuleva’s current pregnancy. According to the numerologist, there is a high probability that a girl will be born, and at 48 years old, Malakhov can become a dad again.

According to promoter Victoria Lasina, the presenter’s schedule has already been scheduled until the spring of next year, and his fees have doubled. Now, in addition to corporate events, Andrey is invited to give lectures and share his experience of a successful career. Also, some media outlets have made assumptions regarding the amount of maternity payments for a TV star: if the presenter was officially employed at Channel One, then in 4.5 months he should receive about 532 thousand rubles.

A happy event in the Malakhov family happened almost a year ago. On November 16, 2017, Andrey became the happy father of a charming boy. The popular TV presenter beamed with happiness when his wife Natalya Shkuleva gave birth to an heir. Almost immediately, Andrei Malakhov opened a live vote that will determine the baby’s name. There were two options: Alexander (in honor of Nevsky) and Nikolai (in honor of the TV presenter’s father). Based on the voting results, the baby was named Alexander.

The couple does not show the baby to the public and does not tell news about him. But in the latest issue “Andrey Malakhov. Live" Svetlana Loboda was the showman's guest. It was the singer who was able to get Andrea to talk: “I constantly worry about the children. I have two of them, it’s such a responsibility. When you have children, you are scared to live, scared for them. You know what I’m talking about,” said Svetlana. “Yes, mine just left,” Malakhov answered her.

Andrey often says that he is incredibly happy about fatherhood. Andrei and Natalya were married for 6 years, when they had a baby, Andrei was 45 years old and his wife was 37 years old.

Malakhov said that he changes diapers himself and spends all his free time with his son. Grandparents also pamper the baby. Alexander is very similar to Natalya's father.

In June of this year, Andrei Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary. The TV presenter wrote a touching post to his wife on Instagram.

“Today we celebrate our seventh wedding anniversary at our favorite fish restaurant. Thanks to my goldfish Natalya Shkuleva, who gave me the best moments and my son!”

The scandalous departure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the television show “Let Them Talk” was remembered by viewers for a long time. Many were stunned by the news of the celebrity's dismissal from the project. As it turned out, Malakhov himself deigned to leave and the reason for this was his wife’s decree, during which the future father volunteered to support her in everything. The producer of the TV show did not approve of Andrei Malakhov’s maternity leave, and therefore a conflict arose between them. At the beginning of 2015, Malakhov’s wife Natalya Shkuleva suffered a miscarriage and is now preparing to become a mother for the first time.

The TV presenter's wife Natalya Shkuleva is in late stages of pregnancy. Malakhov said that he would like to help his wife care for their unborn child and will eventually take leave for this, which the media has already dubbed “maternity leave.” Natalya herself began to appear on the Internet less and less, but recently she told the latest news about her pregnancy. The married couple had been preparing to become parents for a long time. For six years, Andrei Malakhov dreamed of having a child with his wife. At this time, the man became the godfather of the children of colleagues and friends, did charity work and even invested in the construction of churches. But now he himself is preparing to become a father.

Last year, Andrei Malakhov said that he hoped to finally become a father in 2017. And it seems that the TV presenter’s wish has come true. In 2011, Malakhov married businesswoman Natalya Shkuleva. The wedding took place at the Palace of Versailles in Paris. The media began to constantly write about Natalya’s pregnancy, which was denied, but now Malakhov’s wife is really pregnant.

In 2013, numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva predicted the birth of a daughter for the showman next year. The prediction did not come true and the clairvoyant was attacked by fans of the TV personality with claims that she was lying. However, as it turned out, in 2014 Natalya Shkuleva was indeed pregnant, but the woman had a miscarriage.

“And in 2015, at Nadezhda Babkina’s anniversary, we met Andrey. I approached Malakhov and asked: “Andrey, were you supposed to have a baby last year?” Malakhov became sad, it was clear that he was very worried. Then he replied: “Yes, we were expecting a child. But he was not born, there was a miscarriage...” I then told him: “Andrey, don’t worry, everything is still ahead!” says the numerologist.

Natalya Shkuleva is due to give birth to a child soon, which was also confirmed by Malakhov’s mother, who still lives in the Murmansk region and, despite her son’s persuasion, does not want to move to Moscow. She said that she was sincerely happy about the upcoming birth of the child. Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva made a prediction for the second time, based on which Malakhov will most likely have a girl. The clairvoyant noted that the showman has healing abilities and could save people from illnesses with his hands.

By the way, Andrei Malakhov has five godchildren (including the 5-year-old children of Philip Kirkorov - Alla-Victoria and Martin). Natalya Shkuleva began to appear less and less often due to pregnancy. She came to support her husband on the TV show “Live”. The woman showed up for the event in a loose-fitting dress. But still, the dress could not hide the fact that Natalya was in the late stages of pregnancy.

“How she has changed... A girl is waiting!”, “So touching, and the expectant mother has already recovered”, “Happiness! It’s nice to look at you,” the spouses’ subscribers responded to the photo.

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The news that Andrei Malakhov is preparing to become a father shocked and at the same time pleased his fans. The TV presenter had been waiting for this event since 2011, when he married the daughter of a millionaire, Natalya Shkuleva. In 2013, star numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva said that the showman might have a child in 2014.


“My forecast did not come true, and attacks began: they say that the forecast for Malakhov was incorrect,” said Klara. “And in 2015, at Nadezhda Babkina’s anniversary, we crossed paths with Andrei. I approached Malakhov and asked: “Andrei, do you have was a child supposed to be born last year?" Malakhov became sad - it was clear that he was very worried. Then he replied: "Yes, we were expecting a child, but he was not born. There was a miscarriage..."

“I then told him: “Andrey, don’t worry, everything is still ahead!” KP quotes Kuzdenbaeva. And now Natalya is expecting a baby. At the same time, it is not she who will go on maternity leave, but Andrey. In accordance with by paragraph 2 of Article 256 of the Labor Code, such leave may also be granted to the child’s father or other relative.

The 27-year-old singer had a difficult pregnancy, suffering from constant manifestations of toxicosis. It must be said that because of her well-being, her common-law husband categorically dissuaded the singer from taking part in the fatal concert. But Aziza thought that she could perform several songs and please her loyal fans.

Having reached the concert venue, Aziza felt bad. That is why Malakhov went to Talkov’s director Valery Shlyafman and tried to negotiate for the performers to be swapped. He responded with a sharp refusal, which provoked a conflict. In the heat of the argument, Malakhov pulled out a combat pistol. At that moment, Igor Talkov came out of his dressing room with a gas pistol in his hands. Malakhov fired twice, but did not hit anyone. Then the third shot rang out, which took the life of the famous performer. However, who exactly pulled the trigger remains unknown.

Still from the program “The Fate of Man”

“I couldn’t even imagine that something like this would start. I was sitting in the dining room, drinking tea, and suddenly we heard clicks and screams. I ran out and saw that Igor was lying, fighting, I began to cover him with myself so that they would not hit him on the head. I saw that Valera, Talkov’s director, was holding a Malakhov pistol. I ran after Valera, he put the gun in the toilet tank,” Aziza frankly admitted.

Still from the program “The Fate of Man”

The singer added that one tragedy led to another. “I saw half a head of gray hair, I thought this was only possible in the movies. And then I found out from the doctor that I had lost the child. I thought that I died that day. If it weren't for my mom then, I would have gone crazy after all this."“, - Aziza noted without hiding despair.

Aziza said that after the incident she had to endure attacks from her colleagues who accused her of Talkov’s murder. 15 years ago she converted to Christianity and even became the godmother of Svyatoslav, the grandson of Igor Talkov. Now the singer does not hide her joy that the investigation has been resumed, and the culprit will be able to receive a well-deserved punishment.