Interesting facts from the life of Tolstoy, presentation. Interesting facts from the life of Tolstoy

He was the first to renounce copyright, was an opponent state system, and for rejecting religious authorities was excommunicated. He refused Nobel Prize, hated money and took the side of the peasants. No one had ever known him like this. His name is Leo Tolstoy.

Lev Nikolaevich left us 165,000 sheets of manuscripts, complete essay works in 90 volumes, wrote 10 thousand letters. Throughout his life he searched for the meaning of life and universal happiness, which he found in in a simple word- good.

Everyone wants to change humanity, but no one thinks about how to change themselves.

Everything comes to those who know how to wait.

All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

Strong people are always simple.

The strength of the government rests on the ignorance of the people, and it knows this and therefore will always fight against enlightenment. It's time for us to understand this.

We have collected for you the most Interesting Facts from the life and quotes of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy on the 185th anniversary of his birth.


Tolstoy plays Russian folk game towns

From his youth, the future genius of Russian literature was quite passionate. Once upon a time in card game with his neighbor, the landowner Gorokhov, Leo Tolstoy lost the main building of the inherited estate - the Yasnaya Polyana estate. The neighbor dismantled the house and took it 35 miles away as a trophy. It is worth noting that this was not just a building - it was here that the writer was born and spent his childhood years, it was this house that he remembered warmly all his life and even wanted to buy it back, but for one reason or another he did not do so.

Big love

Lev Nikolaevich with his wife Sofya Andreevna

Tolstoy with his family at a tea table in the park

Leo Tolstoy met his future wife Sophia Bers when she was seventeen and he was thirty-four years old. They lived together for 48 years and gave birth to 13 children. Sofya Andreevna was not only a wife, but also a faithful, devoted friend, an assistant in all matters, including literary ones. For the first twenty years they were happy. However, later they often quarreled, mainly because of the beliefs and lifestyle that Tolstoy defined for himself. As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of Leo Tolstoy (including both living and deceased), living in 25 countries around the world.

Gandhi's mentor

Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi

The great writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy had a huge interest in India and Vedic philosophy, much deeper than what was accepted by his contemporaries. Tolstoy’s ideas of non-resistance to evil through violence, set out in the writer’s works such as “The Kingdom of God is Within You,” had a strong influence on the young Mahatma Gandhi, who later led the nationalist movement of India and achieved its peaceful separation from England in 1947.

War and Peace

Lev Nikolaevich at work, Yasnaya Polyana

Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" was initially called "1805", then "All's Well That Ends Well" and "Three Times". According to researchers, the novel was rewritten 8 times, and its individual episodes more than 25 times. At the same time, the author himself was skeptical about the work. In correspondence with the poet Afanasy Fet, the writer spoke about his book in the following way: “How happy I am... that I will never write verbose rubbish like “War” again.”

Great Enlightener

With grandchildren Sonya and Ilya in Krekshino

Tolstoy traveled abroad twice, in 1857 and 1860-1861, partly out of curiosity, but also with the aim of studying Western European educational methods. He concluded that Russian education fundamentally wrong, especially the education of the peasantry. Tolstoy abandoned literary work and established a school for peasant children in Yasnaya Polyana. He also began publishing a pedagogical magazine, where he preached his educational theories, and compiled several textbooks for primary education. Lev Nikolaevich is also known as the author of “The ABC”, “ New alphabet" and "Books to Read", from which more than one generation of children learned to read.

Tolstoy and other writers

Leo Tolstoy, Maxim Gorky and Anton Chekhov

Tolstoy communicated with Chekhov and Gorky. He also knew Turgenev, but the writers failed to become friends - after a quarrel based on their beliefs, they did not speak for many years, and it almost came to a duel.


Lev Nikolaevich with his wife at the table

In October 1885 L.N. Tolstoy was visited by William Frey, a writer, vegetarian, follower of the teachings of Auguste Comte. While communicating with V. Frey, Tolstoy first learned about the preaching of vegetarianism - the statement that the structure of a person, his teeth and intestines, proves that a person is not a predator. Lev Nikolaevich immediately accepted this teaching and, after realizing the knowledge he had gained, Tolstoy immediately abandoned meat and fish. Soon his daughters, Tatyana and Maria Tolstoy, followed his example.


Lev Nikolaevich in Crimea

Leo Tolstoy called himself a Christian until the end of his days, although by resolution of the Synod he was excommunicated from the Orthodox Church. This did not prevent him from becoming seriously interested in the occult in the 70s. Having disagreements with the church, Tolstoy created his own Christian teaching, which was called “Tolstoyism”. The teaching had many associates, one of whom was M. Bulgakov, author of the novel “The Master and Margarita.”

Tolstoy plays chess with M. S. Sukhotin

Quotes from Lev Nikolaevich:

Respect was invented in order to hide empty place where love should be.

Shame and disgrace! The only thing you're afraid of is meeting Russians abroad.

Digging into our souls, we often unearth things that would lie there unnoticed.

If good has a cause, it is no longer good; if it has a consequence - a reward, it is also not good. Therefore, good is outside the chain of cause and effect.

There are no conditions to which a person cannot get used, especially if he sees that everyone around him lives the same way.

People who cannot do anything should make people, and the rest should contribute to their enlightenment and happiness.

I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness. And happiness is only the absence of these two evils.

We think how we will be thrown out of our usual path, that everything is lost; and here something new and good is just beginning. As long as there is life, there is happiness.

It’s amazing how complete the illusion that beauty is good can be. Beautiful woman says nonsense, you listen and don’t see the stupidity, but see the smart. She talks, does nasty things, and you see something cute. When she says neither nonsense nor nasty things, but is beautiful, then you are now convinced that she is a miracle, how smart and moral

There is no more or less in love.

Seize moments of happiness, force yourself to love, fall in love yourself! This is the only real thing in the world - the rest is all nonsense.

Simple life in Yasnaya Polyana

Leo Tolstoy with his granddaughter Tatyana Sukhotina

In the last years of his life, L.N. Tolstoy collected the most important thoughts of the greats and systematized them in the form of aphorisms for every day. Quotes from the book “Thoughts for Every Day” are a real treasure of eternal truths and brilliant thoughts.

The truth about death

Death of Leo Tolstoy

Tolstoy died during a trip, which he went on after breaking up with his wife in a very old age. During the move, Lev Nikolaevich fell ill with pneumonia, got off at the nearest large station (Astapovo), where he died in the house of the station master on November 7, 1910.

This was the first public funeral in Russia famous person who did not follow the Orthodox rite (without priests and prayers, without candles and icons)

A few days ago, the “official website” of the writer was opened - it provides scientifically verified information about his life and work and, for the first time, rich stock materials were published. On this moment 90 volumes of his works are being digitized, some of which can already be downloaded.

Interesting facts from the life of Leo Tolstoy.

Tolstoy was born in 1828 and died in 1910 (he lived 82 years).

Fourth child in the family

  • Lev Nikolaevich was born the fourth child in the family. He had three older brothers and one younger sister.

Birth of Leo Tolstoy

  • Leo Tolstoy was born on August 28, 1828 in Krapivensky district Tula province, on his mother’s hereditary estate - Yasnaya Polyana. The mother, Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, died in 1830 from “childbed fever,” as they said then, six months after the birth of her daughter, when Leo was not yet two years old.

Orphaned children

  • A distant relative, T. A. Ergolskaya, took up the task of raising orphaned children. In 1837, the family moved to Moscow, settling on Plyushchikha, as the eldest son had to prepare to enter the university. Soon, the father, Nikolai Ilyich, suddenly died, leaving his affairs in an unfinished state, and the three youngest children again settled in Yasnaya Polyana.

Childhood impressions

  • As a child, Leo was distinguished by modesty, shyness, and reticence; preferred to spend time alone, thinking about the meaning of life, love, religion. The most a vivid impression for a nine-year-old boy it was a visit to Moscow. Your impressions of the visit " greatest city Europe" little Leva described in his first essay “The Kremlin”.

Kazan University

  • In 1844 future writer was enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy at Kazan University, after which he transferred to the Faculty of Law, where he studied for about two years. Having submitted his resignation in the spring of 1847, due to poor health and “domestic circumstances,” Lev Nikolaevich left for Yasnaya Polyana.

Tolstoy is a polyglot

  • Lev Nikolaevich was a real polyglot. He was fluent in French, Turkish, German, Tatar languages, read Polish and Italian, studied Greek and Bulgarian languages. He had an excellent command of English, French and German.

Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Bers

  • Lev Nikolayevich’s faithful life partner for 48 years was the great-granddaughter of the first Minister of Education Zavadsky, Sofya Andreevna Bers. The future married couple met when Leo was 34 years old and Sophia was barely 17.

Wonderful father

  • Despite his busy schedule, the writer was a wonderful father. He loved to spend time with children, reading books and playing little pranks.

Big and friendly family

  • Lev Nikolaevich and Sofia Andreevna had a large and friendly family. They had 13 children, five of whom died in childhood.

Illegible handwriting

  • An interesting fact is that Sofya Andreevna (Tolstoy’s wife) rewrote almost all of her husband’s works in order to send manuscripts to the publishing house. This was necessary because not a single editor could decipher the handwriting of the great writer.

Rich creative heritage

  • The creative heritage of Lev Nikolaevich amounts to 165 thousand sheets of manuscripts and ten thousand letters. Complete collection works published in 90 volumes.

Tolstoy loved cherries very much...

  • The Count could not stand barking dogs, hated Shakespeare's sonnets, and was very fond of cherries, devouring them in huge quantities.

Love for peasant labor

  • Despite the fact that he was a count from birth, his soul always gravitated towards the people. Often peasants saw him plowing the field on his own. There is a funny anecdote on this occasion: “Leo Tolstoy sits in a linen shirt and writes a novel. A footman in livery and white gloves enters: “Your Excellency, it’s time to plow!”

Participation in the defense of Sevastopol

  • In his youth, Tolstoy took part in the defense of Sevastopol. After this he wrote a series of essays “ Sevastopol stories": "Sevastopol in May", "Sevastopol in August" and "Sevastopol in September"

Awards for the defense of Sevastopol

  • For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 4th degree with the inscription “For bravery,” medals “For the defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855” and “In memory of the war of 1853-1856.” Subsequently, he was awarded two medals “In memory of the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol”: a silver one as a participant in the defense of Sevastopol and a bronze medal as the author of “Sevastopol Stories” [.

Long work on "War and Peace"

  • The novel “War and Peace” was written over the course of 6 years, and then rewritten 8 more times. Tolstoy rewrote individual fragments up to 25 times.
  • The author himself said the following in a letter to A. Fet: “I am happy that I will never write again verbose rubbish, like "War."

Title of the novel "War and Peace"

  • The work “War and Peace” is considered the most significant in the work of the great writer. The title of the novel “War and Peace” was changed three times. Former names works - “1805”, “All’s well that ends well”, “Three Times”.

“Luxury and wealth destroy a person”

  • In the early 80s, the writer began to increasingly find confirmation of his conjectures that luxury and wealth destroy a person. For some time he was looking for answers to the questions that tormented him, how to do the right thing: sell his acquired property and leave household members unaccustomed to physical labor without a means of subsistence? Or should I transfer everything to my wife? Later he will divide his savings equally among all family members.

Tolstoy is a vegetarian

  • Tolstoy, at the age of about 50, became a vegetarian and hoped that all people would one day give up, as he said, “this cannibalism.” The writer’s two daughters, Tatyana and Maria, also did not consume animal products.

Tolstoy hardened himself...

  • Already in old age, Tolstoy stopped wearing shoes; he walked exclusively barefoot. He did this to harden himself.

Participation in the population census

  • L.N. Tolstoy took part in the Moscow census of 1882. He wrote about it this way: “I proposed to use the census in order to find out poverty in Moscow and help it with deeds and money, and make sure that there are no poor people in Moscow.”
  • Tolstoy believed that the interest and significance of the census for society is that it gives it a mirror into which, whether you like it or not, the whole society and each of us can look. He chose one of the most difficult areas, Protochny Lane, where the shelter was located. Among the Moscow chaos, this gloomy two-story building was called “Rzhanova Fortress.”

Passion for pedagogy

In 1859, Tolstoy actively began setting up schools in his Yasnaya Polyana and throughout the Krapivensky district. He resolutely rebelled against any regulation and discipline at school. According to him, everything in teaching should be individual - both the teacher and the student, and their mutual relationships. At the Yasnaya Polyana school, the children sat, whoever wanted where they wanted, whoever wanted as much as they wanted, and whoever wanted as they wanted. There was no specific teaching program. The teacher's only job was to get the class interested. The classes were taught by Tolstoy himself with the help of several regular teachers and several random ones, from his closest acquaintances and visitors. .

Leaving home

  • In the early morning of October 31, 1910, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy secretly left home to live the rest of his life alone. However, on the way he fell ill with pneumonia and died on November 7 (20), 1910 in the house of the head of the Astapovo station in the Ryazan province.

“I don’t want anyone to bother me...”

  • To the doctors trying to save the count, he said: “God will arrange everything.” When asked what he wanted, Lev Nikolaevich said: “I want no one to bother me.” His last meaningful words, which he uttered a few hours before his death to his eldest son, which he, out of excitement, could not make out, but which the doctor Makovitsky heard, were: “Seryozha... the truth... I love a lot, I love everyone...”.

The writer's last wish

  • The writer asked to bury his beloved horse Delir not far from his own grave. This was done exactly.

The most famous works

  • The most famous works of Tolstoy are the novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”; autobiographical trilogy“Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”; the stories “Cossacks”, “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”, “The Kreutzer Sonata”, “Father Sergius”, “Hadji Murat”; a series of essays “Sevastopol Stories”; dramas “The Living Corpse”, “Fruits of Enlightenment” and “The Power of Darkness” and others.

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10 facts about fat
Lev Nikolaevich in facts and figures

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174 works
surviving works of Leo Tolstoy, including unfinished essays and rough drafts. Tolstoy himself considered 78 of his works to be completely finished works. They were published during his lifetime and were included in collected works. The remaining 96 of his works remained in the archive of the writer himself, and only after his death did they see the light of day. The first of his published works was the story “Childhood”, 1852. The writer’s first published book during his lifetime was “War Stories of Count L.N. Tolstoy”, 1856.

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1415 characters
act on the pages of Tolstoy's works, most Of these, 715 are women. Tolstoy found the most striking prototypes of his heroes in his relatives. For example, the writer was inspired to create the image of the old Prince Volkonsky by his maternal grandfather. The image of Princess Marya, depicted in "War and Peace", captures the character traits of Lev Nikolaevich's mother. She had an amazing gift for storytelling, however, being very shy, she locked herself with her listeners in a dark room.

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7 times
According to legend, Tolstoy rewrote War and Peace. The novel's manuscript is 5,000 pages long, and he actually rewrote the beginning of the novel 14 times. 165,000 sheets of the writer’s manuscripts and 10 thousand of his letters have survived to this day. The complete works of Leo Tolstoy, published from 1928 to 1958, total 90 volumes.

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2 years
was Leo Tolstoy when his mother died. His uncle’s wife, Irina Mikhailova, told the writer about his mother’s death: “Your mother was a kind, kind lady. She never offended, insulted or humiliated anyone in her life. She lived with everyone not as a lady, but as an essentially equal person. she felt sorry for leaving young children in this world, and especially, Lev Nikolaevich, she felt sorry for you. Just a baby, it seems, at that time you were 2-3 years old, no more. She calls to her quietly, in a weak voice husband, children, everyone in turn baptizes, blesses, says goodbye. And when it’s your turn, she quickly moves her eyes, searches and asks: “Where is Levushka?” Everyone rushed to look for you, and you, Lev Nikolayevich, then small, plump, with plump pink cheeks, like a head of head ran and jumped in the nursery. And the nanny, no matter how hard she tried to persuade and stop your ringing laughter, it was all in vain.

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5 years
Tolstoy served in the army. In the fall of 1851, having passed the exam, he entered the service as a cadet. For 2 years the writer remained in the Caucasus, where he participated in many skirmishes with the mountaineers led by Shamil. He had the right to the St. George Cross, however, in accordance with his convictions, he “gave it” to a soldier, considering that easing the conditions of service of a colleague was above vanity. With the beginning Crimean War Tolstoy transferred to the Danube Army, and from November 1854 to the end of August 1855 he was in Sevastopol. For the defense of Sevastopol, Tolstoy was awarded the Order of St. Anna, 4th degree with the inscription “For bravery”, medals “For the defense of Sevastopol” and “In memory of the war of 1853-1856”, but already in November 1856 the writer left military service forever.

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37,500 rubles in silver
This was the amount of the inheritance received by Leo Tolstoy after the death of his father. By the end of the seventies, Tolstoy was quite wealthy. He could literary work significantly increase his fortune: in the early eighties, he himself estimated it at 600,000 rubles.

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4000 rubles
One of Tolstoy's biggest gambling losses. He lost this amount to the Tula landowner Ogarev. This loss, as he wrote in his diary, brought his affairs into complete disorder; however, he managed to fight back. From his youth, the future writer was quite passionate. Once, in a card game with his neighbor, the landowner Gorokhov, Leo Tolstoy lost the main building of his inherited estate - the Yasnaya Polyana estate. The neighbor dismantled the house and took it 35 miles away as a trophy. Once in Tiflis, he got involved in a game of billiards with a marker and lost to this “swindler,” as he calls him in his diary, about a thousand games and almost lost his entire fortune.

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34 years
was Leo Tolstoy when he met his future wife Sophia Bers. She was seventeen at that time. They lived together for 48 years, gave birth to 13 children (five died in infancy). As of 2010, there were a total of more than 350 descendants of Leo Tolstoy (including both living and deceased), living in 25 countries around the world.

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25 years
Tolstoy was a vegetarian. In October 1885, Tolstoy was visited by William Frey, a writer, vegetarian, and follower of the teachings of Auguste Comte. While communicating with him, the writer first learned about the preaching of vegetarianism - the statement that the structure of a person, his teeth and intestines, proves that a person is not a predator. Lev Nikolaevich immediately accepted this teaching and, after realizing the knowledge he had gained, Tolstoy immediately abandoned meat and fish. Soon his daughters, Tatyana and Maria Tolstoy, followed his example.

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728 people
from different countries We read Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina live for almost 30 hours. The unprecedented promotion started on October 3, 2014 on the Google+ service. At venues in Yasnaya Polyana, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yasnaya Polyana, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, New York, Paris and London, theater and film actors, journalists, musicians, descendants of Tolstoy, scientists and ordinary Internet users read famous novel. Among the readers were the great-great-grandson of the writer Ilya Tolstoy, cosmonaut Georgy Grechko, writer Dina Rubina, actors Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Sergei Garmash and Olympic champion Adeline Sotnikova.

Interesting facts Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a world famous Russian writer. His novels were read by many generations, finding answers to questions that were relevant at all times. We know a lot about his works, but how much do we know about the writer himself? I propose to get acquainted with some facts of the great man.

Leo Tolstoy did not like the popularity of his outstanding works. In 1871, he wrote to Fet in a letter: “How happy I am... that I will never write verbose rubbish like “War” again.” In order to be closer to the people (according to another version, to improve health), Lev Nikolaevich began to walk barefoot in his old age, that is, he did not wear shoes.

Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina begins with the phrase: “All happy families are alike, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” Based on this aphorism, the so-called Anna Karenina principle was derived, which is used to describe systems in various sciences. For example, economists use Anna Karenina's principle when talking about adapting systems to external environment and their behavior during a crisis: all well-adapted systems have the same features, and all unadapted systems fail to cope with adaptation, each in its own way.

The Tolstoy family had 13 children, of which 5 died in childhood; his wife was 16 years younger. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a vegetarian. In 1910, last year During his life, Leo Tolstoy repeatedly expressed the hope that in eighty years all people would become vegetarians and that meat-eating would be viewed with the same disgust as cannibalism.

Tolstoy wrote not only “serious” works, he is also known as the author of “The ABC”, “The New ABC” and “Books for Reading”, from which more than one generation of children learned to read. Leo Tolstoy knew Turgenev, but the writers failed to become friends - after a quarrel based on their beliefs, they did not speak for many years, and it almost came to a duel.

The story of Leo Tolstoy’s excommunication from the church is unique. There is no topic that would give rise to so many judgments, rumors and outright lies as this one. All Russian literature of the 19th century was created by Orthodox Christians. Against this background, the conflict between Leo Tolstoy and the Russian Orthodox Church looks especially depressing. In the eyes of most people, the writer looks like the injured party in the excommunication story. His relationship with the Church is often perceived as an unequal battle between a lone hero and government agency, a soulless bureaucratic machine. But that's it creepy curses, allegedly sent by the church to Tolstoy, is nothing more than a figment of the imagination of his fans. It wasn't all that scary. The newspapers only published the appeal of the Holy Synod, the church stated the fact of the writer’s rejection of the living God, his ceasing to be a member of the Orthodox Church.

The work was completed by Anastasia Shustova 10th grade

Conversation for children 5-9 years old: “Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy”

Dvoretskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna, GBOU School No. 1499 DO No. 7, teacher
Description: The event is intended for children of senior preschool and junior school age, educators preschool institutions, teachers junior classes and parents.
Purpose of work: The conversation will introduce children to the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, his work and personal contribution to children's literature.

Target: introducing children of senior preschool and primary school age to the world of book culture.
1. introduce children to the biography and work of the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy;
2. introduce children of senior preschool and primary school age to literary works;3. develop emotional responsiveness to literary work;
4. cultivate children’s interest in the book and its characters;
Attributes for games: rope, 2 baskets, fake mushrooms, hat or mask - Bear.

Preliminary work:
- Read fairy tales, stories, fables of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
- Organize an exhibition of children's drawings based on the works they read

introduction in verse

Dvoretskaya T.N.
Great soul man
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy.
Famous writer talented from God.
A wise teacher with the soul of a teacher.
He was a generator of bold ideas.
He opened a school for peasant children.
Lev Nikolaevich is a great thinker.
Founder, benefactor.
Noble family, count blood.
He thought about the troubles of ordinary people.
He left behind a legacy
Knowledge has become an encyclopedia.
His works and experience are invaluable capital.
For many generations, it became the foundation.
The writer is famous, and in the 21st century
We will proudly tell you about this man!

Progress of the conversation:
Presenter: Dear guys, today we will meet amazing person and a great writer.
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Near the city of Tula there is a place called Yasnaya Polyana, where on September 9, 1828, the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was born. He was the fourth child in big noble family. His mother, Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. His father, Count Nikolai Ilyich, traced his ancestry back to Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy, who served as a governor under Tsar Ivan the Terrible.
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Childhood little writer took place in Yasnaya Polyana. Lev Tolstoy elementary education received at home, lessons were given to him by French and German teachers. He lost his parents early. Leo Tolstoy's mother died when he was one and a half years old, and his father died when the boy was nine years old. The orphaned children (three brothers and a sister) were taken in by their aunt, who lived in Kazan. She became the children's guardian. Leo Tolstoy lived in the city of Kazan for six years.
In 1844 he entered Kazan University. Classes according to the program and textbooks weighed heavily on him and after studying for 3 years, he decided to leave the institution. Leo Tolstoy left Kazan for the Caucasus, where his older brother Nikolai Nikolaevich Tolstoy served in the army with the rank of artillery officer.

Young Leo Tolstoy wanted to test himself to see if he was a brave man, and to see with his own eyes what war was. He entered the army, at first he was a cadet, then after passing the exams, he received a junior officer rank.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a participant in the defense of the city of Sevastopol. Awarded the Order St. Anne with the inscription “For bravery” and medals “For the defense of Sevastopol.
Russian people have long glorified courage, bravery and bravery.
Listen to what sayings were made in Rus':
Where there is courage, there is victory.

Don't lose courage, don't take a step back.
A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully.
Anyone who has never been in battle has never experienced courage.
Now we will check how brave and courageous our boys are.
Exit to the center of the hall. The game is played: Tug of war.
Leo Tolstoy traveled abroad twice in 1850 and 1860.
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Returning back to Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate of Leo Tolstoy opens a school for serf children. At that time the country had serfdom- this is when all the peasants obeyed and belonged to the landowner. Previously, even in the cities there were not many schools, and only children from rich and noble families studied in them. People lived in villages and they were all illiterate.

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy announced that the school would be free and that there would be no corporal punishment. The fact is that in those days it was customary to punish children; they were beaten with rods (a thin twig) for bad behavior, for an incorrect answer, for a lesson not learned, for disobedience.
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At first, the peasants shrugged their shoulders: where has it been seen that they teach for free. People doubted whether such lessons would be of any use if they did not flog a mischievous and lazy child.
In those days in peasant families there were a lot of children, 10 to 12 people each. And they all helped their parents with housework.

But they soon saw that the school in Yasnaya Polyana was not like any other.
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“If,” wrote L.N. Tolstoy, “the lesson is too difficult, the student will lose hope of completing the task, will do something else, and will not make any effort; if the lesson is too easy, the same thing will happen. We must try to ensure that all the student’s attention can be absorbed in the given lesson. To do this, give the student such work that each lesson feels like a step forward in his learning.”
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The following folk proverbs have been preserved and survived to this day about the power of knowledge:
From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.
It is good to teach whoever listens.
Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Live and learn.
The world is illuminated by the sun, and man is illuminated by knowledge.
Without patience there is no learning.
Learning to read and write is always useful.

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At the Tolstoy school, the children learned to read, write, count, and they had lessons in history, natural science, drawing and singing. The children felt free and cheerful at school. In the classroom, little students sat down wherever they wanted: on benches, on tables, on the windowsill, on the floor. Everyone could ask the teacher about anything they wanted, talked to him, consulted with neighbors, looked into their notebooks. Lessons turned into a general interesting conversation, and sometimes into a game. There were no homework assignments.
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During breaks and after classes, Leo Tolstoy told the children something interesting, showed them gymnastic exercises, played games with them, ran races. In winter I went sledding down the mountains with my children, and in summer I took them to the river or to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

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Come on guys, and we’ll play a game: “Mushroom Pickers”
Rules: Children are divided into 2 teams, each team has 1 basket. At the signal, children collect mushrooms.
Condition: You can only take 1 mushroom in your hands.
Music plays, children collect mushrooms and put them in their common team basket.
The music fades out, a bear comes out into the clearing (begins to roar), the mushroom pickers freeze and do not move. The bear goes around the mushroom pickers; if the mushroom picker moves, the bear eats him. (The eaten mushroom picker is placed on a chair.) At the end of the game, the mushrooms in the baskets are counted. The team that has collected the most mushrooms and whose team has the most mushroom pickers left unharmed wins.
(Slide No. 10)
At that time there were few books for children. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy decides to write a book for children. The ABC was published in 1872. In this book, Lev Nikolaevich collected best fairy tales, fables, proverbs, stories, epics and sayings. Little ones instructive works, make children all over the world sympathize and worry, rejoice and be sad.

(slide No. 11)
The works written by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy contain useful and wise advice, teach to understand the world and relationships between people.
(Slide No. 12)
The works of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy are a real treasure trove for children. Children are small and attentive listeners who learn love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness, and honesty.
Children are strict judges in literature. It is necessary that the stories for them be written clearly, entertainingly, and morally... Simplicity is a huge and difficult to achieve virtue.
L.N. Tolstoy.
(Slide No. 13)
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a master of inventing ideas for children different games and fun. Here are some of them. Guys, try to guess some interesting riddles.
It walks along the sea, but when it reaches the shore, it disappears. (Wave)
There is a mountain in the yard, and water in the hut. (Snow)
He bows, bows, when he comes home he will stretch out. (Axe)
Seventy clothes, all without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Grandfather builds a bridge without an axe. (Freezing)
Two mothers have five sons. (Hands)
Twisted, tied up, dancing around the hut. (Broom)
It's made of wood, but the head is iron. (Hammer)
Every boy has a closet. (Signet)

(Slide No. 14)

Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy wrote sayings for children.
Where there is a flower, there is honey.
Unknown friend, not good for services.
Help your friend as much as you can.
The bird is red with its feather, and the man with his mind.
A drop is small, but drop by drop the sea.
Don't take it by the handful, but take it in a pinch.
If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.
Summer gathers, winter eats.
Know how to take, know how to give.
You won't learn everything at once.
Learning is light, not learning is darkness.
The end is the crown of the matter.

Presenter: Well, at the end of our event we invite you to play an outdoor game:
"Golden Gate".

Rules of the game: The two leaders join hands and build a “gate” (raise their clasped hands up). The rest of the players join hands and begin to dance in a circle, passing under the “gate”. The round dance must not be broken! You can't stop!
Everyone playing in chorus pronounces the words (chorusing)

“Golden Gate, come through, gentlemen:
Saying goodbye for the first time
The second time is prohibited
And we won’t let you through the third time!”

When the last phrase sounds, “the gate is closing” - the drivers lower their hands and catch and lock those participants in the round dance who are inside the “gate”. Those who are caught also become “gates”. When the “gate” grows to 4 people, you can divide them and make two gates, or you can leave just a giant “gate”. If there are few “masters” left in the game, it is advisable to arrive under the goal, moving like a snake. The game usually goes down to the last two uncaught players. They become new leaders, form new gates.
(Slide No. 14 and No. 15)

Thank you for your attention! See you again!