On the site of whose estate there is a Hermitage garden. Modern history of the Hermitage

There are 24 hours in a day, and this material contains 24 tips. If you read one recommendation every 60 minutes, you are guaranteed excellent auto-training before making a serious purchase.

Tip 17. No watch will satisfy you completely. There is no single perfect model in the world.

Tip 18: A collection of 4 exceptional watches is better than a collection of 10 mediocre ones.

Tip 19: Engrave only if it is a special gift.

Tip 20. Buy something that you will wear all the time, and not just wear it when going out. Don't go out of your way to buy an exquisite watch for that special evening. In this case, it is better not to think about the clock at all.

Tip 21: Wear them. If two months have passed since you wore them in last time, you just don't like them. Buy the ones you want to wear all the time.

Tip 22: “Limited Edition” is most often just a marketing term. A series limited to 5,000 or 2,000 copies is not actually limited.
A truly limited edition is 30 pieces. Or 10. Or 1.

Tip 23: Has anyone ever said to you, “You spent so much money on a watch!?” You don't have to explain anything, they won't understand you anyway.

Tip 24: Don't look with envy at the Patek or Rolex on "that guy's" wrist. Look at the watch that is on your wrist and be happy. Don't judge anyone by the watch they wear, including yourself.

Based on materials from: network54.com and dozens of other sources that have ever written about how to choose the right watch: men's or women's, for yourself or as a gift, quartz or mechanical, etc.

Recommended stores:
Alltime.ru— more than 250,000 watches sold over 10 years of operation.

For a person who only knows about watches that they show time, and has no idea about the mechanism of their operation and other components, choosing a men's watch can be a real problem. Even though the clock is on this moment lost their former popularity and that's it less people uses them to determine time, there is also considerable demand for them. The product began to be worn more as a stylish accessory. The watch you wear on your hand, or rather its manufacturer, the material from which it is made, and most importantly, the price, demonstrate your status, taste and financial condition. A correctly selected accessory gives a man solidity and a woman elegance. This article describes in detail what you should pay attention to, how to choose a men's wristwatch? To select a watch good quality, it is necessary to take into account the technical features of the model. Next, we will talk in detail about the watch parameters that should be given close attention.

Mechanical watches

The most basic parameter of a watch device is its mechanism. They produce products in two versions - with mechanical and quartz movements.

What do you need to know before choosing a mechanical watch? The mechanism by which the watch “ticks” has a very complex structure. It was invented many centuries ago, however, in modern times they still haven't lost their popularity. The mechanical system consists of wheel gears and springs, which, when moving together, trigger the arrows.

Advantages of mechanical watches:
  • Good mechanical watches have a fairly long service life.

Important! If handled carefully, they can last about 20 years.

  • No additional power or recharging is required to operate the mechanism. It is enough to start the product once every 3-4 days.
  • Almost any breakdown in a watch mechanism must be replaced.
  • Parts for the operation of the mechanism are made exclusively of metal.
  • Mechanical watches are considered a more prestigious accessory.
  • One of the main disadvantages of this product is the movement error, in some cases it can be 10 seconds per day.
  • The accuracy of the movement depends on environmental factors, such as air temperature or the position of the watch.
  • The products are very sensitive to shock.
  • The watches are produced only by hand, so the products have a high cost.
  • Expensive repairs of damaged products.

Important! There are improved models with built-in self-winding; such watches do not need to be wound. Self-winding occurs automatically during human activity. If you are on the move for more than eight hours a day, this model is definitely suitable for you.

Quartz watch

How to choose a quartz watch? A watch with a quartz movement runs on a built-in battery, which powers the entire electronic unit. The electronic unit of the clock mechanism sends an impulse to the clock motor every second, which creates an electrical oscillation and causes the hands to move.

  • Products with a quartz movement have a more accurate movement, the error is no more than 20 seconds per year.
  • They do not require periodic winding of the mechanism. The watch is restarted only after replacing the battery.

Important! There are watch models in which the battery must be changed every three years. In exclusive models, the battery lasts up to 10 years.

  • Quartz watches are highly accurate and comfortable to use.
  • Automated assembly significantly reduces the cost of production.
  • Recurring costs for purchasing a battery.
  • Problematic replacement of a part in case of breakdown.
  • Fragility. Models released several decades ago will not work because modern batteries will not work with them.

Important! An option for powering quartz movements is a solar battery. The principle of its operation is to hit sun rays to a special photocell located under the dial. Powering a watch from solar energy is not very efficient because the watch periodically needs to be exposed to sunlight, and this is quite difficult in winter time or in cloudy weather.

Time display

Which watch is best for a man? Today, manufacturing companies produce watches that differ not only in their mechanical parts. To highlight its products, the manufacturer with each new model tries to somehow especially highlight its new product. For example, displaying the time on a dial.

The wristwatch has three options for displaying time:

  • Switch;
  • Electronic;
  • Combined.
Hand clock:
  • The time on the dial is displayed using thin hands.
  • Depending on the model, there may be two (hour and minute) and three (hour, minute and second).
  • There are options where the second hand is placed on a sub-dial.

Important! Arrow time is the only option for display in mechanical watch. For quartz products this is one of the options.

  • The time on the clock is displayed using numbers. Many people find this display method quite convenient.
  • There may be icons for additional watch functions on the screen.

Important! Electronic time display is only available in quartz watches.

  • IN this option The clock can simultaneously display the time both with electronic numbers and with the help of hands.
  • New available Twelv feature available on select models quartz watch. In the product, each hour has its own color, and the minutes fill the dial in a unique way (very similar to the phase of the moon).

Important! This option is only available in quartz watches.

Number type

Don't know how to choose wrist watch men's? If you decide to purchase a watch with a dial time display, you are faced with a new task: what type of numbers on the dial should you choose?

Numerals for displaying time can be Roman or Arabic. What are the best wristwatches - let's look further. Also, it’s worth deciding how many numbers on the dial you like to display:

  • The most common products are those with 12 numbers displayed - very convenient to use and easy to understand.
  • In order not to clutter the screen with numbers, manufacturers produce models with only 4 numbers printed on them - 12, 3, 6, 9. But not everyone likes this arrangement, so to speak, it’s not for everyone.
  • Models with 24 digit display are even rarer. In this case, the dial is too cluttered with numbers, which is not very convenient for the human eye to perceive.
  • Fans of Minimalism may like products without numbers at all - each hour is marked with a special mark.
Housing material

The materials from which watch cases are made are: a large number of. Let's look at the most durable and popular ones.

  • Gold is one of the most expensive materials for watch production.
  • Despite the softness of the metal, the products are highly popular and look impressive both on male hand, and on women's.
  • Metal for the production of watch movements has the highest cost.
  • Platinum is enough hard metal and weighty.

Important! Platinum watches are made only to order.

  • A fairly common material in the production of watches. Very similar to platinum, but lighter in weight.
  • The metal does not oxidize during operation.
  • The original shine is easily restored.
  • Great for making watch cases.
  • It is highly durable and quite lightweight to wear.
  • The products have an affordable price compared to previous materials.

Stainless steel:
  • Durable and high-quality material for production, the products are distinguished by their wear resistance and durability.
  • An obvious drawback is the formation of scratches on the body, which are very difficult to polish.
  • Most a budget option for the manufacture of a housing for the mechanism.
  • Such products are not distinguished by high strength.
  • The only advantage of the material is its reasonable cost and practicality.

Important! If you - business man, then you should choose a men's or women's wristwatch made of expensive metals - gold, platinum or titanium. If you want something inexpensive, then stainless steel products may be an acceptable option.

Bracelet or strap?

The watch is secured on the hand with a strap or bracelet. Which watch to choose - with a strap or bracelet - depends purely on your taste preferences.

Straps are produced in leather, textile and silicone:

  • Leather straps feel much more pleasant when worn, are soft and look quite expensive.
  • Textile options are a prototype of leather straps, less wear-resistant, and cost several times lower.
  • Silicone straps are most used in the production of children's watches or cheap models for adults.

Bracelets are also made from more expensive metals, which we wrote about above. The cost of the products is more expensive, but their wear resistance is impeccable.

Important! A strap or bracelet is one of important aspects selecting hours. The material from which it is made primarily indicates your financial situation and status.


When completing your purchase, pay attention to the type of glass that covers the dial of the watch. Glass comes in four varieties.


Plastic glasses are used in the production of cheap models or for the manufacture of children's watches. The plastic is not strong enough and gets scratched very quickly.

Mineral glass

Mineral glass also quickly collects scratches on the surface, in addition, it is easy to damage or break.

Sapphire crystal

Sapphire glass is resistant to mechanical damage, but also breaks easily.

Combined glass

The best watches are those that have a composite glass covering the dial. It is made from mineral and sapphire glass. This product simultaneously has a durable surface and scratch resistance.

Which brand should you choose a men's wristwatch?

Today watches can be bought in both underground passage, and in expensive showrooms. Naturally, such products differ in quality, price and appearance. Next, we will tell you a little about which watch brand a man should choose in order to give him a truly worthwhile gift.

How to choose a Swiss men's watch?

Swiss watches are rightfully considered the most expensive and high-quality products. Switzerland became a leader in the watch industry back in the 16th century and still occupies a leading position to this day. Which Swiss watch is better to choose?

  • Tissot. The manufacturing company occupies a leading position in the production of watches. Thanks to innovative technologies production, each product model has high quality and accuracy.
  • JeanRichard. Watches from JeanRichard are characterized by high build quality and exclusive design. If you are a lover of expensive exclusives, opt for luxury models of this brand.
  • Longines. The company is very famous for its frequent testing of mechanisms during aviation flights and difficult polar explorations.
  • Jaguar. Watches of a famous brand are produced using the highest quality and most expensive mechanisms. Despite the restrained style of the models, the products are highly accurate and are distinguished by high-quality hand assembly.

The best brands of men's watches

In the watch industry, products from other countries are also popular, producing cheaper, more affordable watches, which are also in demand:

  • Japanese watches - Citizen, Seiko, Orient.
  • England - Royal London, Fcuk.
  • Italy - D&G, Police.

There are also many other brands that have an affordable price, which in no way affects the quality of the products. Famous brands, which have won recognition all over the world, surprise their consumers with each model.

Shape and style of the watch

Each person has a different physique: some have a thin wrist, while others, on the contrary, have a wide one. Therefore, before choosing a watch, you need to take into account some nuances so that the watch looks good on your hand:

  • Men and women with with full hands If you have a wide wrist, it is advisable to purchase a product with a narrow strap. This product will visually reduce the volume of your hand.
  • You should not choose models that are overly decorated with stones, rhinestones and other provocative elements. Models that are more restrained in decor look elegant and stylish.
  • Absolutely any type of watch product is suitable for those with thin hands. For example, if the watch is not used as an accessory, then options with a thin strap and a round shape with a strict design are suitable. This product is comfortable to wear business suit, and under a sweater with long sleeves.
  • To choose a good watch for a man, give preference to more discreet-looking products with neutral color strap (white, black, brown). These watches are suitable for both business meetings and noisy parties.
  • In the store you can find products of different sizes and shapes - square, round, oval, rhombic, rectangular and so on. Choosing one of them depends only on your preferences.
  • Before choosing a men's watch, determine what purpose it will serve. If you want to buy a good, inexpensive watch for daily use, choose models made of steel or titanium.
  • For serious business meetings or wealthy people, to emphasize status, choose items made of gold, palladium or platinum.
  • When choosing products with a strap, we recommend choosing a leather strap. The leather is pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergies when worn.

Important! When choosing products with a bracelet, the reserve in the watch should be 2-3 cm, so that in the future it can be adjusted to the size of the wrist.

  • One of the most reliable fastenings of a metal bracelet to a watch case is an automatic clip clasp.
  • For ease of use, the watch may include additional functions, such as an alarm clock, calendar, stopwatch, compass and others.
  • Impact resistance and additional water resistance will not be amiss in the product.

Important! The watch's resistance to damage protects the mechanism from breakage, but does not ensure the integrity of the case and protective glass. The level of water resistance allows you to swim in water or dive into water to a certain depth.

  • As a rule, men's wristwatches are different from women's ones. large size and strict classical shapes - oval, circle and square. The discreet style very accurately emphasizes the masculinity of the owner and will suit any style of clothing.

Important! Products of bright rich color Suitable for sports or other special clothing. With strict classic suit such a watch will look out of place.

All the important secrets and subtleties of how to choose the right men's wristwatch are outlined in this article. Considering all this information, you can easily buy an accessory that will complement the image of your beloved man and give him charm and style. Buy watches only in specialized stores of well-known brands. You shouldn’t rush to buy a cheap product, because it’s better to buy one watch that will run smoothly for years, rather than spend money over and over again on cheap Chinese fakes.

A watch is a fashion accessory that allows you to keep track of time. Nowadays, watches are more used as decoration and almost every woman has one. Fashion exists not only for clothes and shoes, but also for watches.

Designers never cease to delight fashionistas with new products. A watch characterizes our mood and style and makes us attract the attention of others.

Green watch

Since ancient times, green color has been associated with fertility and well-being. It symbolizes abundance, wealth. Green - a good choice for color women's watches, when you feel any kind of lack - it can be both physical (lack of money) and energetic (you feel tired, without vital energy). This color of accessory, if you wear it constantly, will make you stronger, you will have enough vital energy to complete all your tasks. At the same time, green will have a positive effect on your financial situation if you have problems in this area.

Pink watch

Pink color symbolizes love and harmony in life. Its effect on energy is associated with youth and happiness. This is the color that the best way matches ours harmonious relationships with other people. Pink watches or watches with pink designs are suitable if you want to attract love and harmony into your life. A pink watch will enhance and attract new contacts into your life, which will help expand your circle of friends. The color pink has a lot to do with a new beginning, the birth of a new stage in life.

White watch

White is the color most often associated with purity, innocence, a new beginning, and is the color of spirituality. A white watch will direct your life in a positive way. White watches are useful if you want to achieve sincerity in your relationships with other people. White watches are one of the most fashionable accessories in Lately. Except modern look, you will receive a powerful talisman of energy, which, although imperceptibly, will contribute to the positive development of all problematic issues.

Red watch

For people who want to achieve prosperity and harmony in the field of love, red is a must. Red can easily be described as the color of winners. This color symbolizes triumph, a person's ability to control life. In what situations is it advisable to choose a red watch? When you experience fear, you lack courage when faced with situations where you need to be proactive to achieve a goal, but fear seems to block all action. Red color or patterns on the watch can be useful if you are going to competitions where there is serious competition, or if you feel that you are not able to fully master the situation.

Yellow clock

The color yellow is associated with intelligence. Women's wristwatch yellow color will be useful if you find it difficult to concentrate when you are unable to collect your thoughts. Yellow hours will be useful for concentration. The yellow accent on the watch will certainly increase memory, the ability to perceive and reproduce information. This color is perfect choice, if you are going to an important interview and need to make good impression using clear and logically coherent speech. Yellow watches are very suitable for spring and summer, it seems.

Orange clock

Orange is definitely one of the most eccentric colors. But at the same time, it has rich symbolism, which can influence various aspects of your life. This color is associated with the sun, therefore with life and good health. If you have health problems, this is a great color choice for an accessory. Orange is responsible for luck and prosperity. It influences creative impulses, causing them to become real and organized ideas.

Blue clock

Blue and light blue symbolize freedom. They are suitable for situations when you want to start from scratch, when you want to get rid of an unwanted job, home, even a person. Blue watches will help you get rid of the depressing feeling that you are dependent on someone and that you are being manipulated.

Brown watch

Brown color symbolizes the earth, similar to fertility. Associated with stability and life source. Namely, the soil from which plants get their life. A brown watch is appropriate to wear in situations where you want to achieve security in any area of ​​life. This color is also suitable if you feel insecure in your family or at work, if you believe that there is a potential risk of an unfavorable change in circumstances. The color brown certainly has a positive effect on people who want to build a stable and successful career based on your own efforts and skills. This color is a little unusual for a watch, especially for girls, but the truth is that such a watch can be very stylish and original with the matching bag and shoes.

Black watch

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Will be popular in the 2014 season sports models hours. They are comfortable, practical, functional and moderately original. Designers offer sports watches with unusual shape dials decorated with all kinds of stones and rhinestones. Designers offer sports flowers bright colors. Watches in orange, yellow, and blue tones look interesting. Among sports watches, most have such properties as water resistance and shock resistance.

Classic wristwatches are as popular as always. This model is always up-to-date and goes with any outfit and look. Classic watches have a leather strap in black, brown or white. The traditional clasp looks feminine, strict and elegant. The universal dial of the correct shape is very convenient for everyday use. A classic watch can also be on a metal strap of medium thickness. The decor of such models is as restrained and strict as possible.

IN summer season Bright, colorful watches with unusual prints are popular. A watch with a blue, purple, orange or coral strap looks fresh and original. They do not have to match the color of the outfit; the watch can become bright accent. Often one model combines several colors that are similar in shade or, conversely, contrasting. Watches with a strap in noble colors, such as pink, beige, and lilac, are popular among women. These colors give the whole look a feminine and antique feel, while still looking stylish and modern.

An excellent option is a watch with a dial that depicts a butterfly, a skull, a silhouette of a person or graffiti. Watches with prints are perfect for your spring and summer wardrobe.

Originally shaped watches are becoming increasingly popular. Watches with large dials with large numbers attract the attention of women. The watch looks quite massive, but at the same time fashionable and modern. A large watch on a small female hand will emphasize femininity, tenderness and grace. Often the watch dial is decorated with rhinestones, sometimes there may be no numbers at all. The watch can be built into a bracelet, pendant or ring.

Previously, all watches had a leather strap, but now they use various materials. Designers offer watches with plastic, suede, and metal straps. Some straps combine several textured materials, such as a crocodile leather strap with metal inserts. These watches have long become popular among fashionistas. Scarf-shaped straps create lightness and airiness.

A collection of watches has been released, the straps of which are decorated with gold and silver inserts, complemented precious stones. An exclusive model with Swarovski crystals will delight for a long time, and all the surrounding women will be jealous.

A modern idea is watches with long straps. The bracelet wraps around the wrist several times. The strap is usually made of genuine or artificial leather.
Small watches, which were in demand many years ago, have come back into fashion. The miniature model looks simple, but tasteful. For a business woman, this option is ideal for everyday work.

Many watches are so filled with chic and brilliance that they lose their true purpose and become simply a magnificent accessory.

One of modern trends are men's watches that decorate female wrist. Strict lines and brutal straps conquered the female half humanity. Girls with such watches do not look rude, but quite the opposite, touching and sensitive.

When choosing a watch, start from fashion trends, from your capabilities and of course, from your own taste. To look stylish, you don't have to buy a gold watch with diamonds. Create a beautiful and original image possible by affordable price. The clock is a great gift for a friend, but when choosing it is important to take into account her taste preferences. A classic watch, not too flashy, is suitable for every day. For a special event, it is better to choose a more original and sophisticated model. It is advisable to have several watches in your arsenal, suitable for different occasions. Among them there may be 1-2 high-quality and expensive pieces, and the rest will be simple decorations. The main thing is to strive to highlight your individual style with hours.