Women's tattoos of inscriptions on the wrist. Is it worth getting a tattoo of an inscription on your wrist?

If you are one of the people who are ready to announce your individuality to everyone in the world, then you need something more than words. Empty sounds and identical conversations will not amaze you, but tattoos on the wrist for extraordinary girls are what they need! This part of the body is advantageous for tattoo placement because it is open to outsiders and can be easily hidden with a watch, bracelet or sleeve. If there is a strict dress code at work, you will not break the rules and will not find yourself in a conflict situation.

Ideas for women's wrist tattoos

Often we feel a flow of feelings and emotions that are impossible to convey verbally. People have learned to use tattoos as a method of self-expression, conveying thoughts and desires with a mysterious meaning. Girls know that words are material if they are not only pronounced, but also written down. Having done it on your body, you will forever define your life position, theses, goals and desires. Before contacting a specialist, think carefully about whether this is a momentary urge or the influence of the fashion industry. This should be your own inner desire, and as a result - a tattoo on the wrist with meaning.

Ideas for interpretation inner desires sea. Tattoo artists offer designs of written words on foreign languages, natural landscapes, small signs, cute animals. Small tattoos for creative people come in the form of notes, violin, guitar, strings; pointe shoes, a tiny ballerina, themed inscriptions. If you cannot live without traveling, use pictures with the names of countries you dream of visiting or have already visited. Tattoos in the shape of an airplane on the wrist are a good backup option for the whole girl.

If all you want is to stay a free man, despite life circumstances, why not reflect this desire on your wrist? What do you associate with autonomy? Birds, wildflowers, sea waves, butterflies, the starry sky - it will look great if you choose responsibly. If the main thing in life for you is family, then the inscription “Family”, “love” will delight your heart and soul every day. What other ideas are easy to implement?

Bracelet tattoos

One of the famous types of application is a bracelet. It will look realistic if you turn to a great master and depict your idea clearly without mistakes. Bracelets have different meanings, it all depends on which main design you prefer. Ribbons and a bow design in the form of a tattoo indicate that you are a creative person, sensual and romantic. This looks like something that lists the most important dates for you. Swiss tattoo wristwatch will serve as an indestructible reminder for the girl of the transience of time.

Nature is invariably necessary for man, so look at the options for natural tattoos. The feather is a symbol of will, creative flight, it is suitable for artists, musicians, dancers. It is placed both individually and around the wrist. Tattoo drawing from high mountains, making up the bracelet, are interpreted differently. For many, this is the height of the human spirit; for others, it is power, hermitage, and ordinary limits. A tattoo of tree branches wrapped around the arm symbolizes strength, fearlessness and perseverance.

Inscriptions with meaning

Lettering tattoos will never go out of style. They reflect significant life events in a girl’s life, such as a wedding, engagement, first date with a loved one, the birth of children. These can be names, dates, thematic words accompanying emotions, or a slogan for life. If you lack a little perseverance, the inscription “Figher” will help you achieve your goals. The Love tattoo does not require any explanation, tea is the main thing in life. For continuous inspiration, choose appropriate captions.

Symbols and signs

Tattoo symbols and signs carry mysterious and hidden meanings. These come in both Chinese characters and geometric figures, Roman numerals, tiny collages. It is impossible for an unknown person to guess the meaning of such tattoos. You give it meaning, go through life with it, and only your loved ones trust the interpretation of the mysterious sign. This is suitable for girls who want to protect themselves from the evil eye or negative energy that others love to splash out on the tattoos they see. Crosses, triangles, crystals on the left wrist are genuine examples of tattoos.

Paired tattoos for two

If you want to show your feelings in a non-trivial way by having a date in a cafe, go with your significant other to a tattoo workshop. This will not only give you a sea of ​​sensations, but will also bring you closer together, uniting your lives into a long, lasting union. Before going to a specialist, think about what your couple represents - the will of thought, creative mix, romantic union, passionate feelings or something else? Probably for every designation there is a drawing, one that will correctly reflect it through the tattoo.

Are kindness, openness, and faith dominant in your couple? Then think of the image of a dandelion with seeds flying from one wrist to the other. A wings tattoo for two lovers is self-explanatory, and it is so clear that you are giving wings to each other. It is also done between true friends who have gone through thick and thin, and not just for lovers!

Little birds or stars

To always remain a cheerful girl, draw colored hummingbirds on your wrist. They represent love of life, bliss. Paired doves indicate that you consider fidelity and devotion to be the main priorities in your life. Whatever bird you choose, this symbol will invariably give a feeling of will, flight, closeness to the sky and the air element. And if the sea is close to you, then choose a seagull tattoo.

Little stars - a good option for the first time getting a tattoo. They take up a little space and are not too conspicuous. People give them their own meaning, but more often it is the fulfillment of desires, success, continuous furor. Many movie star girls have a lot of interpretations on their bodies, from shooting stars to constellations. Get yourself a small meteor tattoo!

Infinity sign

Simplicity, giftedness - the symbolism of the infinity sign tattoo. To the untrained eye, it just looks like a backwards figure eight, but imagine how many scientists have spent time on this magical symbol. You will never know every world, there will invariably be something you haven't seen before. The attraction to an ideal or the infinity of certain sensations is what is easy to convey with an infinity sign tattoo. If you combine tattoos with names, feelings, events, you will forever connect your life with the chosen inscriptions.

White tattoos on wrist

If a girl is encountering a white tattoo for the first time, then it is important not to make hasty conclusions. In order to decide on an unconventional solution, it is worth finding a suitable master, one who has already encountered this. Then the result of the tattoo will not disappoint you. Elements of lace, Celtic signs, geometric shapes, and inscriptions are perfectly executed with white paints. They are less noticeable than their predecessors with a black silhouette, which is their plus. Feathers or a crown tattoo, done with a light application of white paint, look believable and realistic.

Henna tattoo options

Can't decide on a real tattoo? What are you most afraid of: pain or the fact that you won’t be able to get rid of the image later? You can try temporary henna tattoos on your wrist. This tattoo looks believable, is done without pain, and lasts about 2 weeks. Considered famous and feminine Indian motifs– mehendi painting. Only a specialist should do this; on the contrary, you will be disappointed. Mehendi is full of secrets, cherished desires, sophistication. You need to see it with your own eyes, and then feel it in your hands!

Sketches of primitive female tattoos on the wrist

Simple women's tattoos include small stars, geometric shapes, triangles, intersecting ovals, hearts, symbolic inscriptions, and memorial dates. The sketches of Celtic signs, which show the Almighty, sunrise and sunset, home, love, comfort, and victory, look authentic. The infinity sign is easy to interpret in your own way. Give it meaning by adding a feather, a flower, musical notes, additional lines, small bird.

A small selection of examples that can be easily printed and transferred to the body will help you decide simple drawing. If you know your artist can handle fine lines, then give him a tree-shaped design. Among the variations presented below, the entire kopeck piece will discover its tattoo, which personifies its nature.

Find out what types of wrist tattoos there are for men.

Photos of tattoos for girls on the wrist

The selected sketch will be with you for life. If you get tired of him, you can only get rid of him with support plastic surgery or applying another tattoo design. If you have an irresistible desire, choose colorful flowers, poppies, roses, cornflowers, orchids and bring them to life magically. Diamonds, anchors, planets, feathers, cats, dogs - tattoos that will make you happy, and a crown tattoo will make you a princess!

Check out other hand tattoo options for girls.

Women Ancient Mesopotamia were considered unattractive without symbolic images on their bodies. Several thousand years have passed, but girls continue to decorate themselves with a variety of tattoos. This is how they try to express their feelings and emphasize their best personal qualities. At the same time, many men admit that a small tattoo on the wrist increases the level of female sexuality several times. Despite the obvious advantages, the choice of tattoos must be taken seriously. All inscriptions and abstractions have a certain meaning.

Should I get a tattoo?

Scientists still cannot determine exactly when exactly people began to decorate themselves with body designs. Despite this, it is known for certain that the history of tattooing goes back at least six thousand years. There is also a hypothesis that representatives of the primitive order first began to decorate their skin with tattoos in order to indicate social affiliation.

Morals changed, and with them the styles of tattoo sketches. Moreover, it was previously believed that tattooing was an exclusively male prerogative. But today the trend has changed dramatically. More and more girls are thinking about what kind of tattoo to get. You should not approach this issue carelessly, since some esoteric scientists claim that the symbol contained in a tattoo can affect a person’s fate in both a positive and negative sense. That is why it is necessary to choose tattoos consciously.

Some women regard tattoos as a way of self-expression, others - as a tribute to fashion. But sometimes tattoos on scars are the only possible way to hide various skin imperfections. This is especially important for girls who have been seriously injured in car accidents.

Despite the differences in motives, the selection of tattoos must be done carefully. Almost all drawings and inscriptions carry a certain meaning. But this is not the most important nuance. As it turns out, not all girls are allowed to decorate their bodies with tattoos. Therefore, let's find out whether it is possible to get tattoos if a woman has health problems?

People with insufficient levels of the hormone insulin in the blood should refuse tattoos. This is explained by the fact that diabetics have very poor healing of various skin wounds. But cases of a favorable outcome are possible. It all depends on the stage of the disease. Pregnant women will also have to forget about their plans for an indefinite period of time. Expecting a child is a special period. Under the influence of hormonal imbalances, the body can behave unpredictably. In addition, the level of pain threshold decreases, as a result of which it is quite difficult to predict the final outcome of the tattoo procedure.

If you don't have any health problems, little beautiful tattoo will help hide birthmarks or other skin imperfections that may have caused you to have complexes. Moreover, small, neat tattoos do not deprive their owners of their femininity, and sometimes only emphasize their attractiveness and sexuality.

It is noteworthy that sketches of small tattoos can be very different. First of all we're talking about about certain symbols or inscriptions. But if earlier quotes in Latin with philosophical overtones were very popular among girls, today they are geometric abstractions.

Please note that some masters do not limit their clients based on age. Under the influence of youthful maximalism, many teenagers dream of decorating their bodies with a tattoo. But with age, this desire may disappear. Therefore, when asked how long it takes to get tattoos, experienced master must answer the following: “Upon reaching adulthood.” Only in this case can you count on the person making a conscious decision. It should also be recalled that there is no perfect way to completely get rid of tattoos.

Another fairly common question is whether getting a tattoo hurts. There is no definite answer to this question, since each person perceives pain differently. True, there are some important factors that need to be considered before going to a tattoo parlor.

Emotional mood

Girls who have never had a tattoo before experience fear not so much of pain as of the unknown. During repeated procedures, emotions subside, as a result of which pain does not cause much discomfort.

The psychological attitude plays important role during the first procedure. But we note that when tired and feeling unwell the feeling of pain can only intensify. That is why, before going to a tattoo parlor, try to avoid the influence of all factors that could negatively affect your emotional condition. But under no circumstances drink alcohol.

Pain threshold

The level of pain directly depends on the professionalism of the specialist. If a specialist uses high-quality machines during the procedure, the client may not feel acute pain. The size of the drawing itself also plays a huge role. At the same time, it is important to remind you that tattoos in the form of small inscriptions can cause a lot of unpleasant feelings.

Place of application

According to experts, the most problematic areas for applying body designs are the genitals, neck, ankles, feet, spine and ribs. It is these places that are distinguished by a huge number of nerve endings. Moreover, the process of applying tattoos on the calves and buttocks is practically painless.

As you can see, the process of applying a tattoo is quite complex. Therefore, the question of why tattoos are done is quite logical. For some girls, tattoos are one of the ways to preserve memorable moments from their lives. For example, many women, after giving birth to a child, tattoo the baby’s name on their body. But remember that during lactation, getting a tattoo can be quite painful. If you don’t want to experience any thrills, then let’s consider where to get a tattoo for a girl as painlessly as possible.

The best option is the wrist. This place is quite popular. And all because a tattoo on the hand can be hidden in one second with the help of a bracelet, watch or other jewelry.

If you are wondering whether to get a tattoo, the answer depends only on your determination. As they say, if you really want to, then you can. The main thing is that you approach this procedure with full responsibility.

Women's tattoo inscriptions: phrases for tattoos with translation

If we consider the topic of tattoos in detail, many representatives of the fair sex prefer small symbols that look quite aesthetically pleasing. Moreover, small tattoos are ideal not only for self-expression, but also for cosmetic purposes.

Nowadays, designers have developed great amount a wide variety of tattoo designs that are distinguished by simplicity and elegance. Despite this, wrist inscriptions for girls have remained the most common for several years.

Quotes in the form of tattoos are a great opportunity to express your attitude to life and indicate personal priorities. All inscription tattoos and their meaning can be divided into several categories:

  • Religious (carry spiritual meaning).
  • Memorable (keep important points and life events).
  • Aphorisms (differ in philosophical meaning).

Chinese inscriptions occupy a special place in tattoo art. They fascinate with their shape and also intrigue hidden meaning. However, some even believe in their magical purpose.

Tattoos in the form of hieroglyphs are visually different from traditional inscriptions. Perhaps that is why they are incredibly popular. Similar characteristics also exist Japanese characters. Paintings made up of several forms will help capture a multi-valued and unique plot. Despite this, it is necessary to remember one paradox: owners of such tattoos, as a rule, are not very interested in studying oriental culture. Why, then, do Japanese characters and their meaning attract people? Most likely, due to its unusual and original shape. By the way, a sketch of an inscription on a hand in the form of hieroglyphs is considered one of the most popular. However, it is not at all necessary to use it for tattooing. famous quotes. You can come up with your own motto that could fully reflect your position in life.

But not all girls want to write entire stories on their bodies. The letter sketches look simple and elegant. They can be performed as full-fledged images or in composition with other drawings. Such tattoos look good on various parts of the body and are in demand among both women and men.

Tattoo inscriptions for girls in Latin have also remained popular for a long time. Most of these tattoos are worn philosophical character. With the help of body inscriptions you can express the depth of feelings and emotions. Quite often they can be accompanied by corresponding thematic signs.

To make the inscription sophisticated, you need to find time to select the font for the tattoo. It is advisable to give preference to calligraphic or gothic typefaces, which are distinguished by good readability, which is especially important for tattoos with meaning. But this rule does not apply if you have selected phrases in Arabic. In this case, it is necessary to take into account national specifics fonts, which is typical for the countries of the Middle East and North Africa, and their stylistic differences.

These nuances should be taken into account by girls who decide to apply it to their body. Chinese character"Happiness". This image is a kind of talisman that can protect its owner from various misfortunes. Some hieroglyphs can symbolize the so-called double happiness. They fit great married women who want to maintain harmony in their marriage.

The most common languages ​​for tattoo inscriptions are English, Arabic, Chinese and Japanese. Original version - beautiful inscriptions for tattoos with translation that reflect your life position on native language. An equally successful option is paired tattoos, which begin on the body of one of the partners and end on the arm of the second. This sign indicates the spiritual closeness of lovers. Young people are also attracted to small tattoos on the wrist with the initials of the objects of their affection.

As you can see, tattoo inscriptions and their meanings have different meanings, but we need to talk separately about symbolic signs. When choosing a design, you must remember that women's tattoos on the wrist and on any other parts of the body should have a certain meaning. Thanks to tattoos people can express positive emotions to certain life situations and events.

But not all girls want to bother themselves with thinking about life. Some people are quite happy with a tattoo on the wrist in the form of a floral design. Such images carry positive energy and differ from others in sophistication.

At the same time, it is very important for girls that tattoos on the wrist with meaning are unique, since no one wants to see an identical image on the body of a woman passing by. If you want to express your boundless inner freedom, a bird tattoo on your wrist is ideal for this.

When choosing a drawing, it is advisable to study not only its features symbolic meaning, but also the most popular destinations tattoos. Gothic, Celtic and biker tattoos are considered traditional tattoos, which will not appeal to fragile girls. In most cases, they are limited to the image of heraldic animals or predators, so such tattoos can most often be found on the body of men.

Women are characterized by more sophisticated signs. In particular, the “Crown” tattoo on the wrist has quite deep meaning. Throughout the world, for many centuries, this symbol has been used to demonstrate power. This is why royal symbols are ideal for displaying grandeur and significance. This sign can also be regarded as a reflection of control over your emotions.

IN Lately so-called white tattoos came into fashion. Their main advantage is invisibility. Such tattoos look more elegant when compared to designs that use rich black ink. Tattoos in the form of an infinity sign do not lose their popularity either. They are chosen by girls who want to maintain their affection for a specific person.

If you really want to get a tattoo on your body... Arabic, but you are afraid of pain, then give preference to temporary images that are applied using henna. The procedure is absolutely safe, since the master applies paint to the surface of the skin without injuring the epidermis. As a rule, temporary tattoos will decorate your body for several weeks. During this time, you will be able to understand whether you really want to get a tattoo on your body. It is possible that as a result you will change your decision.

Note that girls can apply a temporary tattoo at home. They will help you with this ready-made templates. But if you want to get a neat drawing, you should still seek help from a specialized master.

A variety of beautiful patterns women's tattoos impressive. Wearable images remain the most the best way emphasize your individuality. But when choosing a sketch, you should not pay attention only to fashion trends. Decorating your body with a tattoo is only worth it with a sign that completely coincides with your internal attitudes.

Some people think tattoos are female body a sign of bad and vulgar taste. In fact, this is a mistaken opinion, since neat and sophisticated tattoos only increase female attractiveness.

If you decide to get a tattoo, choose the artist responsibly. Make sure that the image application procedure is carried out in compliance with sanitary standards. Otherwise, you risk getting infected. To avoid health problems, contact only trusted specialists. At the same time, it is better to refuse the services of novice masters. Also, carefully study the features of tattoo care. For the first few days, special products must be applied to the skin to increase skin regeneration. Alternatively, you can use a moisturizing baby cream.

The wrist is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. Perfume is applied to it, it, along with a number of other points, releases pheromones; the wrist has very thin and in 90% of cases very light skin. And the wrists also respond well to the caress of your beloved hands.

If your wrists are thin and beautifully contoured, then a tattoo will give them additional charm and become an attractive visual magnet. But at the same time, it can also raise a lot of questions from bosses, clients and other people who, for mysterious reasons, care about how you treat own body. So if such problems may arise, it is better to look for another place to apply the selected design.

This territory, despite its modest size, opens up wide horizons for creativity.


This is a tattoo trend that is gaining popularity every year. In two lines or even in one word or hieroglyph, the bearer of the tattoo will be able to express his life position and general philosophy.

Playing with meaning and fonts allows you to create very unusual text compositions. The main language is English. This is for most literary and film quotes. Thin a la handwritten inscriptions can now be done on French. Such delights are required for texts on the theme of love. Meet and wise sayings in Latin.

The combination of text and a small picture looks stylish. Tattoo designers also recommend dividing the phrase on both wrists. The double composition (when the design becomes whole only when the wrists are brought together) is now experiencing the peak of sympathy for the fair sex.

Among connoisseurs of text tattoos - Angelina Jolie, who bears on her body the names of all her children, including adopted ones.

Beautiful and varied - which one to choose?

A lot of cute ones women's drawings they just beg to be worn on the wrist: , (swallows are in fashion), marine paraphernalia, fish, and even cartoon characters. More and more girls around the world are choosing the “Hello, Kitty!” pattern. - a stylized cat face.

The needlewomen did not stand aside. This is how the handmade tattoo trend was born: spools and needles, canvas, knitting needles, balls, hooks and many other iconic handmade symbols look mega-elegant on the wrists of girls who sew, knit, and embroider.

Also suitable for wrists space theme, bracelets, various patterns, crosses, as well as the hippie style, the symbols of which girls all over the world are now happily imbuing themselves with.


Applying a drawing to this area causes quite painful sensations. If assessed on a 10-point pain scale, the procedure is 7-10 points.