How to make your body flexible. What is plastic? Women's plastic arts - femininity and sexuality embodied in dance

Probably each of you has noticed how much dancers stand out among all people. Their movements are smooth and graceful, and the whole point is that thanks to their training they develop good plasticity and flexibility.

Of course, many women want to learn how to move beautifully in order to seduce the man they love. And the ideal type of dance would be, of course, strip of plastic. In order to learn how to do this beautifully, it is best to enroll in lessons at a special dance school.

Classes there will help you learn not only to feel your body, but also to control it. Of course, this will require a lot of dedication, because otherwise it will just be a set of movements to the music. Therefore, you need to develop plasticity and then you will look interesting to the viewer.

Features of strip plastic

Remember that strip plastic classes consist of three areas.

  • The first is stretching and developing plasticity.
  • The second is learning new elements and dance sequences.
  • And the third is dance improvisations.

All these directions help you learn to combine both slow movements and more dynamic, active ones in dance.

In addition to dance skills, in these lessons you will be able to adjust your figure, develop a base of movements, and also learn to improvise.

In addition, you will gain body flexibility, the ability to combine movements into a smooth or rhythmic dance.

To achieve this faster, before each lesson, do warm-up to warm up your muscles. After several exercises, you yourself will feel that they will be more pliable and elastic.

Only after this can you begin stretching. Remember that the muscles must be relaxed, otherwise you will not achieve quick results, but will only harm yourself. After stretching, you can start dancing, which is recommended to be done every day.

After exercise, you should also do some stretching, which will help your muscles relax after a strenuous workout.

Therefore, study as soon as you have the opportunity. Even if you don’t go to a dance school for training, do it at home and before you know it, you’ll feel the desired result. And then the dancing will look much more interesting and flexible.

Surely everyone wants to quickly and effortlessly have good plastic surgery without leaving home (or better yet, without leaving the couch).

There will be no specific exercises here - you can easily find them on the Internet. These are just ideas to add to your “piggy bank” and then develop, develop, develop...

For each item, you can find a lot of training videos and recommendations on the Internet that will bring you closer to your goal. The plasticity of the body is like a flower, the more you water it, the more beautiful it becomes

So let's get started.

  1. Waves. This is a very spectacular and important component for the beauty of the dance. Train them at home. The main dances that will help you develop your waves well are oriental dances, bachata, kizomba.
  2. Moving through the levels. It’s spectacular when you can move from the floor to the upper level (standing position) without much effort or tension.
  3. Sensitivity. In order to better control your body, you definitely need to develop its sensitivity. You must simultaneously feel the whole body, as a single whole.
  4. Copy. Try to copy the flexible dance and record it on video. Then watch the video and dance again to the same music. Do this several times. The quality of your dancing will begin to change.
  5. Images. When you dance, create a character for yourself and don’t leave it until the end of the dance.
  6. Working with a mirror. Dance in front of the mirror to see yourself better from the outside. Experiment and come up with new movements. Read the article improvisation in dance on our website Bachata.Su.
  7. Video recording. One of the most effective ways to improve plastic surgery is to record a video and then watch it, find things you like and don’t like, then make adjustments and record the video again.
  8. Working with tension in the body. Excess tension must be removed from the body; for this, various yoga exercises can help, as well as simply constant and continuous work on yourself.
  9. Breath. It is important to monitor your breathing so that it is continuous. And if “unnecessary” tension appears, “exhale through it.”
  10. Music and emotions. Explore what kind of music you can dance to the most beautifully.
  11. Stretching and splits. It will add entertainment and aesthetics to your dance. However, keep in mind thatThe twine is such a specific thing, it requires regular practice. It is necessary to exercise regularly.
  12. Ease. To develop ease in dancing, firstly, you need to work with relaxation of the body, and secondly, you need to follow the impulses of the body, catch the inertia of movement.
  13. Speed ​​of movement. You can increase the speed of your movements by turning on faster music.
  14. Muscle training. The main muscles for a girl are the abs and buttocks, for a man - the abs, chest, shoulders, back. However, do not forget about the development of the muscles of the arms and legs.
  15. Muscle memory. You need to make sure that your muscles remember the dance moves as quickly as possible. There are necessary exercises for this.
  16. Feedback. An outside perspective is important. Ask people you trust to evaluate your dance.
  17. "Turn your head on and off." As you know, the brain develops in dance. It is a false statement that you need to turn off your head when dancing. There must be freedom and control at the same time in the dance. You can turn off your head if you want, or you can join the dance again.
  18. Regularity. Remember - it’s better to have a little but often than a lot but rarely.
  19. Inspiration. Do what inspires you as often as possible - books, films, music. This will definitely change your dancing for the better.

Why do we women need flexible and plastic hands? You can, of course, write about the mobility and youth of joints, about good blood supply to ligaments and muscles, etc. And all this will be true. Or what if you need to fasten the zipper of your dress on the back, and no one is around to help you? And you - oops! - easily fastened the lock yourself!

But let's look at plastic women's hands from a different, somewhat unexpected, angle.

Plastic hands are not only healthy hands. Plastic hands give us the opportunity gesture beautifully and elegantly. And what is beautiful gestures if not one of the ways to seduce the opposite sex?!

Don't believe me?

Remember the poets! For example, Sergei Yesenin in one of his poems, wanting to emphasize the beauty and grace of his beloved’s hands, writes: “ My dear hands are a pair of swans, diving in the gold of my hair..."

Or let's turn to Russian folk tales. One of the important criteria for the beauty of a girl wearing them is her “swan hands”.

What happened in the fairy tale "The Frog Princess"?..

The princess came to the feast, it was time to dance: " ... she waved her left hand - a lake became, she waved her right hand - and white swans swam across the water. The king and guests were amazed!"

That is, the men present at the feast fell into a trance just from the movements of the princess’s hands! And while the man is in a trance, we can do with him whatever our heart desires. Just a joke, of course. But in every joke...

By the way, her envious people tried to repeat Vasilisa’s trick. Well, you remember how it ended: they hit the king in the eye and gave him a bruise, someone was hit in the ear with a hand, something was spilled there... In short, the girls were asked to sit down.

It turns out that if we women want to make our gestures smooth, graceful, sensual, we need to work on them. Because without practice, by waving our hand, we run the risk of not bewitching a man, but of hitting him on the forehead. Plastic, refined hand movements, elegant waves, smooth feminine gestures with hands are a more subtle and sophisticated seduction technique than point-blank gazes and invitingly parted lips.

No wonder the dancers in the harems trained for days, bringing every gesture of their fingers to perfection. Modern professional dancers also spend a lot of time working with their hands.

Let's see what we can do on our own, at home.

You need to start working on the development of hand plasticity... right, with a warm-up!

And we have already discussed the exercises in detail, and I hope we have tried to do them.

So, we have warmed up our hands well, what next?

Exercise 1. Swan wings

Starting position: standing, arms down along the body. We make movements with our hands, as if we were rinsing clothes after washing, only at a much slower and smoother pace. It is important to use only brushes!

We gradually increase the range of motion, involving the elbow joints in the work.

But in order to dance with our hands the way Maya Plisetskaya or Anna Pavlova did, you and I will still have to practice properly.

Exercise 2. Fly, swan, fly!

Let's logically develop the first exercise. Increasing the range of movements, we raise our arms above our heads and smoothly lower them down. The movements resemble the wings of birds in flight.

Exercise 3. Wave with arms

Starting position: standing, arms spread to the sides, holding them not parallel to the floor, but slightly lower.

We make waves with our hands alternately. We make all movements smoothly. Order of movement: the shoulder joint begins to rise first, then the elbow, then the hand. As soon as the right hand has worked, it is the turn of the left, etc.

Make sure your hand is soft and relaxed, and your fingers are long (no need to clench them into a fist).

Exercise 4. Paint the fence

Stand straight, extend your right arm forward. Imagine that your fingers are a paint brush with which you need to paint something. Make movements with this “brush” as if you were painting, for example, a fence.

Exercise 5 "Wall"

Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, body relaxed. The right arm is bent at the elbow, fingers clenched into a fist. We sharply straighten our fingers, tense our palm, and the hand seems to be resting against an invisible wall. We repeat the same with the second hand. And then we move along the invisible wall.


The following exercise is taken from an acting course. Imagine that you are petting an animal.

When performing the exercise, use mainly your arms, palms and fingers.

So you need to stroke:

  1. Hamster (image him slipping out of your hands, running along your shoulder, etc.)
  2. Cat (take it in your arms, stroke it, scratch it behind the ear)
  3. A snake (it gets entangled around your neck)
  4. Giraffe

If you want to achieve truly mesmerizing movements with your arms, the best way to achieve this is to go dancing. Oriental dances, flamenco, and Latin American ballroom dances perfectly develop plasticity and flexibility. Popular trends among young people are those that also devote a lot of time to hand gestures in dancing, for example, Vogue, Dancehall.

Well, for those who do not have free time to dance, I recommend doing our exercises regularly, 2-3 times a week. You will notice the effect within six months.

Have a pleasant and useful warm-up!

Flexibility exercises make our body more resilient and strong, strengthen the muscles of the legs, back, and abs, and also have a positive effect on the quality of sexual life. Sleep improves and the overall tone of the body increases.

So, flexibility exercises:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • make joints more mobile;
  • increase endurance;
  • reduce the likelihood of injury and muscle pain;
  • form an even, beautiful posture;
  • improve sleep;
  • increase the overall tone of the body.

Do not confuse flexibility with stretching - these are two different concepts. Flexibility is determined genetically, for example, some can do the splits or bend their back unimaginably even in adulthood, while others cannot do this even after several months of training. Stretching is a physical exercise that develops flexibility. Thus, flexibility depends on stretching.

How to test your flexibility

  1. Tilt your head, touch your chin to your chest. Round your back. If you feel pain or discomfort in the spine, and your eyes become dark, this is an alarming sign that your body is not flexible enough.
  2. Gently bend back at your spine. If somewhere you feel unpleasant or painful sensations, a crunching sensation, you should definitely change your lifestyle.
  3. Lean forward, place your palms on the floor, while keeping your knees straight. Normally, you should not feel discomfort or pain.

In the morning, the body's flexibility is reduced, so early workouts are most effective.

To become flexible, you will need regular exercise (at least every other day, preferably daily) to develop mobility of the spine and joints. The best results from stretching are observed when performing each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds with minimal breaks.

General safety rules when performing exercises:

  1. Flexibility develops slowly. For example, to do the splits, an ordinary person will need from six months to two years of regular training. If someone says that you can become flexible in a week or in one day, this is a myth.
  2. Exercise shouldn't cause pain. Exercising too intensely can damage the ligaments and cause injury. Each lesson on developing flexibility should begin with a 5-minute warm-up (swinging your arms and legs, rotating your head and pelvis).
  3. Choose a balanced set of activities so that your body develops harmoniously and symmetrically. Choose 10-15 exercises (their list with explanations is in the second half of the article) that will affect all muscle groups and joints. Perform them sequentially, starting from the neck and ending with the pelvic region and knee joints.

What are the types of flexibility exercises?

Flexibility exercises can be static or dynamic. Let's look at their differences and identify the advantages of each type.

Dynamic flexibility exercises

This method of developing flexibility involves repeating the exercise a specified number of times with a gradual increase in the range of motion. Dynamic stretching promotes greater mobility and flexibility in the joints, and also increases blood flow to the muscles, so they are better supplied with oxygen.

Static flexibility exercises

Here it is important to take a position in which the muscles are stretched to the maximum and held in it for 30-60 seconds. Static stretching improves joint and ligament flexibility and helps lengthen muscles and ligaments. This type is considered safer and the chance of injury is almost zero. Despite this, it is optimal to combine two types of stretches.

A set of exercises to develop flexibility

This set of exercises will seem quite simple to you, but it is very effective, especially for people leading a sedentary lifestyle. Thanks to it, metabolism improves, all organs are saturated with oxygen, and the body becomes more flexible and plastic. It is best to practice in front of a mirror.

  1. Stand straight, stretch your arms to the sides. Take a breath and hug yourself tightly with your arms. As you exhale, again stretch your arms to the sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Repeat the complex 10 times. For many girls, this part of the spine is the weakest, which can lead to poor posture and back pain.
  2. Place your hands in a lock behind your back - one hand on top, the other on bottom. Try to grip as best as possible - not only with your fingers, but also with your palms. Change the position of your hands.
  3. Stand with your back to the back of a chair (window sill, bed, table), grab it with your hands. Squat down slowly until you feel a stretch.
  4. Lying on your stomach, place your hands on the floor and bend your chest as much as possible. Hold the position for half a minute. While remaining lying down, grab your feet with your hands (then your ankles), arch your back, and stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  5. Take the “bridge” position, stay in it for half a minute, gradually achieving full straightening of your arms and legs.

  1. Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your waist. Do 15 bends in each direction.
  2. Without changing your position, rotate your body in the lower back, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Now clasp your hands at the back of your head and make a series of rotational movements in each direction.
  3. Kneel down, reach your arms back and grab your ankles or heels. Bend at the lumbar region for 30 seconds.
  4. Remaining on your knees, squat first to one side, then to the other. Do 15 reps on each side.

Exercises to develop flexibility in the pelvic region

  1. While standing, place your hands on your waist. Bring one leg bent at the knee forward. Do 10 rotations, first in one direction, then in the other. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.
  2. Kneel down and grab your ankles or heels with your hands. Bend your lower back and stretch your pelvis forward. Hold for 30 seconds.
  3. Sit on the floor, stretch one leg forward, bend the other at the knee and press your foot against the inner thigh of the other leg. Bend forward, trying to reach your feet with your hands and lay your chest on your leg. Hold the position for half a minute and repeat the same for the other leg.
  4. Now bend one leg and move it back so that your knee and inner thigh touch the floor. Stretch forward and stay in this position for 30 seconds. Switch legs.
  5. Remaining sitting on the floor, bend one leg and pull it up, trying to bring it behind your head. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

  1. Standing on the floor with your legs fully straightened, bend over, trying to reach your palms to the floor, and press your head and chest to your legs. Pause for a minute.
  2. Now spread your legs shoulder-width apart, stretch first to one leg, then to the other.
  3. Make a lunge, while the leg that is behind should remain completely straight. Stretch forward until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg at the knee joint.
  4. Sit on the floor, straighten your legs. Stretch your hands towards your feet, trying to lie completely with your chest on your legs. Then spread your legs as wide as possible and bend over, trying to lie with your chest on the floor.
  5. Lying on your back, one leg extended and the other bent at the knee. Grab the ankle of your bent leg and pull it up. Then pull her towards you. Repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Wrist and ankle flexibility exercises

  1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, pull your toes towards you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  2. Without changing your position, perform a series of rotational movements with your feet.
  3. Sit on your knees, lean on the outside of your hands. Place your hands so that your palms are facing you.

  1. Provide a healthy diet. Make sure you have enough dairy products in your diet. With a lack of calcium, it is easy to get injured.
  2. Warm up before exercise. Always start your workouts with a warm-up - slow springing exercises, gradually moving on to more intense exercises.
  3. Do full body exercises. To ensure your body develops evenly, do flexibility exercises for each zone, starting from the cervical spine to the ankle joint. Don't forget about symmetry.
  4. Exercise regularly. Exercises to develop flexibility should be performed daily or at least every other day throughout your life. It is impossible to become flexible in one day and maintain a good stretch if you stop exercising.
  5. Increase difficulty and intensity. Do this carefully and gradually to avoid injury.
  6. Don't do "your" exercises. Any fictitious exercise is dangerous, especially if you do not have the necessary knowledge.
  7. Don't exercise if you feel pain. This can lead to strained muscles and ligaments.

By developing the mobility of your joints and spine, you will not only become flexible, but also prolong the youth and beauty of your body.

Have you ever thought about how flexible you are? But flexibility, plasticity and grace, according to generally accepted opinion, should be present in every representative of the fair sex. At least, that's exactly what most men think. Have you noticed a situation on the dance floor when an outwardly beautiful, chic woman dances as if something were holding her back, her movements are unnatural and awkward, it seems as if she is tense and cannot give herself entirely to the dance. Why not a wooden Pinocchio? There is not only a lack of plastic surgery, but also self-doubt and inability to control one’s body. How can you learn to fully control your body and become much more plastic and flexible?

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Photo gallery: How to become more flexible?

The surest way to develop plasticity and flexibility is to sign up for dance classes. As a last resort, you can buy any disc with video lessons, and first practice at home, and then go conquer the dance floors. But dancing is also different and you need to know where to start. Strip dance and oriental dances develop plasticity very well. You can also take up Latin American or any modern dances, for example, now there is an excellent youth club dance trend - go-go.

At the same time, you need to practice dancing persistently, honing every movement over and over again and not stopping if something suddenly doesn’t work out. If you are embarrassed by your clumsiness, then before you sign up for dances, practice at home in front of the mirror for at least a couple of weeks. Lessons in any dance discipline can be easily found on the Internet. This way you will come to class at least a little prepared and will not feel uncomfortable.

In addition to dancing, it is also recommended to do stretching. Any exercises that are aimed at stretching muscles help you feel and control your body better. If at the same time you also want to lose a little weight, then we advise you to turn your attention to callanetics, also called plastic gymnastics. Callanetics is a great way to make your body more plastic and flexible, and your figure more feminine, so you can’t ignore such a wonderful trend in sports. The complexes of muscle stretching exercises included in it develop flexibility very well. Callanetics can be a real lifesaver if you don’t like too active sports, where you need to perform exercises quickly and accurately while listening to fast music (for example, the same fitness). In callanetics, everything is simpler: the music is calm, the movements are smooth and measured, and the result from such exercises is no worse than from fast and noisy fitness, plus you will achieve good flexibility.

The next way to make your body flexible and flexible is to practice yoga. They will help you not only feel better about your body, but also improve your health and overall well-being. Yoga is generally almost a non-universal cure for many problems with the body. Yoga exercises (asanas) make the body flexible and flexible, and also relieve problems with the spine and joints. Despite the fact that some asanas are quite simple, it is recommended to practice yoga with an experienced trainer to achieve better results. After just a month of regular yoga or callanetics classes, you will notice that you have become more flexible and no longer seem so clumsy and clumsy to yourself. Your body will become stronger, slimmer and more flexible.

To become more flexible, move more. An interesting observation, but most often those people who lead an inactive, sedentary lifestyle suffer from a lack of flexibility. If your job involves a computer, then you probably spend most of the day sitting on a chair at a desk doing routine work. The same applies to seamstresses, administrators, call center operators, etc. With a sedentary lifestyle, the body gets used to inactivity, the muscles lose tone, and in general, the body seems to “become stiff.” Therefore, warm up more often, and start every morning with gymnastics, which must include muscle stretching exercises.

Even if you have not chosen oriental dancing for yourself, we still recommend that you learn how to do belly dancing. This movement of oriental beauties has a very good effect on the abdominal organs, eliminates stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, awakens and strengthens feminine energy, and also adds grace to movements. You can also learn how to do the famous “wave”, when in a vertical position to music you begin to make smooth wave-like movements with your body, or rather, with the upper part of it up to the lower back. This element can also often be observed in oriental dances.

Since you can become more flexible easily at home, you don’t have to sign up for dance studios or fitness centers. Which is especially important if you are very shy. You can first achieve plasticity and flexibility in your movements at home, become more self-confident, bolder, more decisive, and then go to a dance studio or immediately on the dance floor. If you are not at all bothered by such stupid complexes, then classes in a group with a teacher, of course, will only benefit you and you will achieve the desired results faster.