Chinese character to attract good luck and... Hieroglyphs of wealth, success, prosperity, good luck

Eastern culture has become very popular all over the world. In our country, two of its branches have become particularly widespread: Chinese and Japanese. In particular, it has become very fashionable to apply Chinese and Japanese characters to furniture, dishes, paintings and clothing.

Most often this is done simply as an element of style. However, not everyone knows that with their help you can change your life for the better or at least simply improve your financial condition.

Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui philosophy

Eastern hieroglyphs appear in attracting happiness and wealth according to Feng Shui. This ancient Eastern philosophy of success and prosperity is at the same time a science that, through the influence of the positive energy of various symbols, should attract happiness and prosperity to a person. One of these ways to create an appropriate aura around yourself is to write hieroglyphs.

For Europeans, as well as for any other people unfamiliar with this writing, hieroglyphs are an incomprehensible set of squiggles and dashes. But it's not that simple. Each of these symbols represents a certain prototype of the surrounding world.

They can represent water, mountains, people, trees, and the like. This gives the hieroglyphs the power that rightfully makes them one of the most effective talismans for attracting money into a person’s life, as well as happiness, love and good luck.

Types of hieroglyphs

The Japanese and Chinese alphabets are very rich in various symbols, but this is precisely what makes it difficult to choose the most suitable one, because not all of them have positive energy. In addition, some of them are very similar when translated into Russian, but have different meanings for native speakers. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a hieroglyph with the utmost care if you want to attract good luck, fame or success.

The first of these symbols is the Chinese character for Wealth. Most people with this phrase imagine something material. But the Chinese character for “Wealth” means great creativity and spiritual benefits. It all depends on the area where this symbol is located. If you are directly interested in financial well-being, then it should be placed in the zone responsible for the financial side of life. It is recommended to give it to relatives and friends. And the more positive energy is given, the more it comes to the giver.

The hieroglyph “Money”, in contrast to what was described above, is ideal for financial well-being. It attracts finance to the place where it is placed. It can contribute to the formation of several sources of income. A person, having received such a symbol, begins to make a profit from literally everything he undertakes.

The hieroglyph “Prosperity” can awaken all aspects of life. It can be placed anywhere, but it is advisable to use it in a sector where at a given period there is a certain stagnation that needs to be moved. This sign will bring health, love, monetary success and good luck to the home.

“Wish Fulfillment” awakens the energy associated with dreams and desires. It's very good if you have it in the house. So he will help to realize all plans and ideas of both a business and personal nature. It will serve as an excellent gift for friends and family. Moreover, the more people you give it to, having previously purchased it for yourself, the stronger the effect of the amulet will be.

The Abundance symbol attracts not only wealth, but also fame. It attracts exactly what a person wants to achieve most. It attracts abundance into all areas of life. Well suited for use in combination with other hieroglyphs that are important at a certain period of life.

The Business Success sign is equally suitable for both business and creative people. He is able to attract clients and partners to business, ensure the successful completion of any undertakings and help a person find new opportunities and ideas. The most suitable places to place it are offices and desks. With it, the energy of creativity and activity will be concentrated in the workplace.

The “Happiness” symbol is a sign of good wishes. It is designed to awaken inner energy and mental strength. Each person understands the meaning of happiness in his own way. For some it is newfound love, for others it is creative success, for others it is achievement of heights in their career. This symbol will contribute precisely to the area that is the criterion of happiness for a particular person.

There is also the “Double Happiness” sign, which in China is considered a symbol that brings harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of all dreams. This amulet helps not only its owner, but also his other half. Accordingly, there is twice as much happiness and good luck in the family. Presenting such a sign to a loved one as a gift means sincerely wishing him all the best and serves as a manifestation of deep friendship.

How to use hieroglyphs correctly

If you want to achieve luck, wealth, etc. from hieroglyphs, you need to remember the following recommendations:

  1. Use only those symbols whose meaning you are sure of.
  2. Select signs in accordance with the effect you want to achieve.
  3. Use hieroglyphs of protection separately from activating amulets.
  4. It is advisable to place symbols that promote personal improvement and self-knowledge in their best sector and use them separately from activating amulets.

The following tips will also help increase the effectiveness of hieroglyphs:

  1. The design is most effective if applied to a material of natural origin, such as stone, wood or fabric.
  2. To attract wealth, it is better to place the amulet in a place where money is most often found. It would be optimal if the money is always there, for example, in a safe or wallet.
  3. Also, according to Feng Shui philosophy, the southeastern part is responsible for financial well-being in the house. Therefore, it is best to place the talisman there.
  4. There is a rule according to which you can turn on the energy of the influx of money. To do this, you need to give a banknote to another person. At the same time, the gift must come from the heart, as well as wishes for happiness and prosperity. If these conditions are met, the giver will receive much more than he gives.
  5. The hieroglyphs that bring financial well-being receive the greatest energy if you draw them with your own hands. If a person who wants to attract money doubts his calligraphic abilities or the correct spelling of a particular symbol, then he can print it out and make a stencil, with which everything will work out very well.
  6. The correct sequence of writing a symbol is also of great importance. It should only be depicted from top to bottom and left to right. However, this should not be done mechanically. While slowly drawing a hieroglyph, you need to fully concentrate on the desire to attract wealth, think only about increasing your capital and improving your financial well-being.
  7. Before installing a hieroglyph in any place, you should make sure that there are no protective talismans nearby. Their presence can partially or completely block the energy of hieroglyphs to attract money. This will reduce all efforts to zero.

If everything is done correctly, the effect of these talismans will not be long in coming. This will happen quietly, but also inexorably. Money will gradually come even from those sources that, it would seem, should not bring it.

Useful tips

Do you believe that the objects you own can bring good luck and happiness? Do you have your own talisman that protects you from evil and brings success? Many people on our planet have such symbols, and they really work after all, the main thing is to believe in them.

Every culture and every people on the planet has special signs and symbols, attracting good luck. There are also those who help dreams become reality or even get rid of illnesses. There are symbols and talismans that can scare away evil spirits or protect against curses.

Symbols of luck and fortune differ in shape, color, and size. These may be human-made items or items that man finds in nature, including plants, animals and even insects! It’s also no secret that there are luck numbers and stones that bring success and wealth.

We have collected the most famous symbols of luck, luck and wealth from all over the world. Maybe you already use some of them or choose new ones!

Symbols of luck and luck in nature

1. Acorns and oaks bring wealth, says Scandinavian mythology. The Vikings associated oak trees with the god Thor, who created thunder and lightning with the help of an anvil and hammer. Since oak trees attracted lightning, these trees were sacred to Thor. The Vikings believed that the fruits of the oak tree - acorns - could protect them from Thor's wrath, so they kept acorns on the windowsill so that they would protect the house from lightning strikes.

2. Rainbow. Mentions of the rainbow can be found in the Old Testament. God created a rainbow after the flood, making it clear to people that such a cataclysm would never happen again. According to legend, Irish elves hide gold where the rainbow ends. But, as we know, no one has ever been able to find the end of the rainbow!

3. Egg – a symbol of fertility, purity and rebirth in many religions. Chicken eggs are used in magical rituals to attract fertility in women or restore virility, to look into the future, attract good weather, stimulate crop growth, protect livestock and children from disease, and generally ward off the “evil eye.” In England they believe that giving a white egg means good luck, and a brown egg means bad luck.

Insects that bring good luck

4. Grasshopper. For many millennia, it was believed that this insect could bring good luck to the house if found on the fireplace or stove. This belief goes back centuries, when chirping insects were considered something like company for a lonely person. In China and other Asian countries, grasshoppers are treated as watchdogs. In case of any danger, the grasshopper stops chirping, signaling a threat.

In the Far East, as well as throughout Europe, killing a grasshopper is considered a bad sign, even if it happened by accident.

Almost all Indian tribes believed that these insects brought good luck, and imitating their chirping was considered bad manners.

Among many eastern and European peoples, images of grasshoppers can be found on amulets and talismans, especially those designed to ward off the evil eye.

5. Ladybug. These insects are also respected as symbols of good luck and prosperity. It is believed that one ladybug can save you from one of your current problems.

If one of these insects suddenly appears on your clothes, this is a good sign: you will be quite patient and calm, but most importantly: you will easily get rid of a heavy burden. If a ladybug lands on you when you are sick, this is a sign that the illness will soon pass.

If a ladybug lands on your palm but immediately flies away, the weather will be great next Sunday!

Killing ladybugs is a bad omen.

Many signs are also associated with the spots on the back of the ladybug. For example, if a newly married woman finds a ladybug in her palm, the number of spots on the insect's back will indicate the number of children she will have from this marriage. Also, the number of spots on a ladybug will indicate the number of happy months that lie ahead.

According to popular belief, if you catch a ladybug in your house, you will soon find money in an amount equal to the number of spots on its back.

6. Dragonfly. This is another insect that can bring good luck. Since the dragonfly is a creature of the wind, it has the power to bring change. Since the dragonfly is a creature of water, it symbolizes the subconscious or daydreaming. The dragonfly is also associated with prosperity, strength, courage, peace, harmony and purity.

7. Scarab beetle. This insect is associated with ancient Egyptian symbolism. Beetles of this species were considered signs of good luck. Scarabs are symbols of the rising sun; they can protect from evil. They also symbolize rebirth, spiritual rebirth and transformation.

Totem animals that bring good luck

8. Dolphin. These animals are considered symbols of good luck among many peoples, including the Sumerians, Greeks, Egyptians, and Romans. For Christians and Indians, the dolphin is a symbol of protection, and its image brings good luck. Ancient sailors, who spent long months, or even years, at sea, believed that if they saw dolphins near their ships, this was a good sign: it meant that land was somewhere close.

10. Pig. These animals are symbols of wealth, prosperity and good fortune. The Germans have a saying : Schwein gehabt, which literally translates to “had a pig,” actually means “luck is at hand.” In China and some European countries, they believe that a pig-shaped talisman can attract good luck and wealth. In Chinese mythology, the pig is a symbol of honesty, patience, initiative and diligence.

11. Turtle considered a symbol of good luck in the Feng Shui system. It is also one of the four sacred animals, which also include the dragon, unicorn and phoenix.

It is believed that the turtle is able to scare away evil spirits. She symbolizes the first woman and Mother Earth. It is also a symbol of longevity, longevity and hope. The turtle connects heaven and earth.

12. Elephant. This animal is a symbol of overcoming death. Feng Shui also refers to these animals as symbols of good luck. The Hindu god Ganesha is depicted with the head of an elephant and is the god of wisdom and prosperity. Elephant figurines displayed on shelves or near doorways bring longevity and good luck. The elephant is also associated with wisdom, strength, devotion, intelligence and solitude.

13. Bats kind hairy-tailed smoothnose in China they are symbols of long life. Amulets with images of these animals bring happiness. It is believed that the mouse can scare away evil spirits. The 5 bats represent health, longevity, love, prosperity and virtue.

14. Tiger. In the Chinese astrological system, this animal is a symbol of success. The tiger can protect you from certain misfortunes, including theft and fire.

15. Frog. This animal is a symbol of prosperity, well-being, friendship and abundance among many peoples. Sometimes the frog is associated with fertility. The Indians of the southwestern part of the United States have a special symbol: a frog that carries a piece of wood in its mouth. The Mojave Indians believe that it was this animal that brought fire to people.

The ancient Romans believed that a frog could bring good luck to the home.

Australian aborigines believe that frogs bring thunderstorms and rain.

Frogs can also speed up the recovery of patients.

The ancient Egyptians and Greeks associated frogs with inspiration and fertility. In ancient Egypt, Hekate, the goddess of fertility and childbirth, was designated in writing by the symbol of a frog and was depicted as a frog.

It is also believed that frog mascots can attract true friends and find long-term love relationships.

Birds, including cranes, storks, eagles and falcons, are also considered symbols of success.

By the way, some animals sometimes have certain body parts that symbolize good luck.

16. Rabbit's hind leg. Rabbits are generally associated with abundance, and hind legs are associated with fertility. If a man carries this part of the animal's body with him, he will soon become a father; if a woman, then she will soon become pregnant.

17. Crocodile teeth. This part of the animal's body brings success in gambling, Africans believe.

Plants that bring good luck

18. Four-leaf clover is a very popular symbol of good luck among Europeans, probably because it is associated with St. Patrick's Day. Four-leaf clovers, although rare, exist in nature. If you can find one among the million three-leaf clovers, that's a good sign. According to legend, when Eve had to leave heaven, she took a four-leaf clover with her for good luck.

In our latitudes they look for not only four-leaf clovers, but five-leaf lilac flower. This is especially true with wilder lilac species, in which each individual flower has four petals. If you find such a flower, you should make a wish and eat it.

19. Bamboo of luck- a plant of the species Dracaena Sanderiana brings good luck. This plant can be found in southwest Asia and Africa. Feng Shui practitioners are convinced that if you place a plant in the eastern part of the room, it will improve the flow of chi energy in your home, and therefore bring harmony and happiness.

20. Money tree. Some plants with round, coin-like leaves are usually kept in apartments and offices, as people believe that they bring good luck in financial matters. For example, in China the money tree is pachira aquatic, here and in other Western countries - some types Crassula.

Items that bring good luck

21. Dreamcatcher. An Indian amulet, similar to a web with feathers hanging on strings, helps protect against evil spirits, brings good luck and helps get rid of nightmares without missing bad dreams. That is why it is often hung above the bed.

22. Red Lanterns- symbols of good luck among the Chinese. The Chinese believe that lanterns bring happiness, wealth, and harmony. According to legend, in ancient times, red lanterns were just a source of light. But later they began to be used to protect against wild animals that attacked villages. In those villages where residents hung red lanterns everywhere, animals did not dare to come.

23. Horseshoe. This item, as we all know, attracts good luck, wards off evil spirits and symbolizes fertility. Horseshoes are associated with the strength and reliability of horses. If you place the ends of the horseshoe to the side, it will symbolize the month. A horseshoe with the ends down is a symbol of the mother's womb.

For the Greeks, the horseshoe was a symbol of the crescent moon, which, in turn, meant fertility.

It is believed that horseshoes protect the home and land, keeping uninvited guests at a distance. If you hang a horseshoe with its ends up on the wall or above the front door, it will attract good luck to your home. This tradition dates back to the 10th century and is associated with the legend of St. Dunstan, who used a horseshoe to catch the devil. Thus, evil spirits will never enter the house because they are afraid of the horseshoe.

The horseshoe can also be hung upside down. A horseshoe hanging with its ends up collects good luck, and with its edges down, it pours good luck on you.

24. Coins. These items are symbols of good luck for many reasons, but first of all, any coin is money that can be exchanged for things. The happiest coins are those that have a hole in them or are slightly bent. Their power is especially great if you get them as change when shopping. They should be worn in your left pocket or on a string around your neck.

Some superstitions associated with coins:

Luck will always be on your side if you keep a jar of small coins in the kitchen.

The first coin you receive in a day should be placed in an empty pocket and carried there so that it attracts more coins.

Coins that were minted during a leap year will bring good luck.

The coin that was minted on your birthday will be especially lucky for you.

If you received the smallest coin in change on Monday, you will be lucky all week.

The coin that you place in a new wallet or bag will bring good luck.

To increase your money, you should take three coins of the same denomination, tie them together with a red ribbon and carry them in your wallet.

What are the symbols that bring good luck?

25. Egyptian cross- a symbol of eternal life. This symbol came to us from Ancient Egypt, where it was considered a mandatory talisman of good luck for the pharaohs. You can often find images of gods holding this symbol at a person’s lips. It was believed that in this way the gods bestowed the “breath of life”, which would be needed after death.

26. Ax capable of bringing success. Archaeologists often find ax talismans in many parts of the world. These objects usually have holes in them, which hint that the object was worn around the neck. Ancient artists from the Far East, as well as pre-Columbian America, the Mediterranean and Africa, often depicted the ax with two blades to show strength.

27. Circle– one of the most ancient symbols of good luck. It means eternity, completeness, perfection and wholeness. Many modern luck symbols also contain a circle or circles, such as the wreath that serves as decoration at Christmas and many others.

28. Crescent– one of the most powerful lucky symbols. It works especially well for young children and mothers. In ancient Egypt, the crescent moon was a symbol of the goddess Isis, the mother of Egyptian kings. The crescent moon sign spread as a symbol throughout the world and became a symbol of Paradise, especially when depicted next to a star. It is especially valuable for Muslims.

29. Cross is a recognizable symbol of Christianity today, but even before the appearance of Christ, the cross was perceived as a symbol of good luck. Images of this symbol were also found in those places on the planet where Christianity had never reached. Among the pagans, the cross symbolized the tree of life. In some ancient cultures, the cross has a cross member that crosses the bottom of the cross. He points to the ladder with the help of which the worshiper will reach God. In some cultures, a vertical line means the road to heaven, and a horizontal line means earthly life.

30. Hand is an important symbol of good luck in almost all Mediterranean cultures. Muslim peoples depict a hand with an open palm as a sign of respect for Fatima, the beloved daughter of the Prophet Muhammad. Fatima was one of three women given the honor of going to heaven. The thumb symbolizes the prophet himself, the index finger symbolizes Fatima, the middle finger symbolizes her husband, and the rest symbolizes their two sons.

The ancient Etruscans and Greeks wore amulets in the form of a hand with the index and thumb hidden under the others. Similar talismans, a nose with an outstretched index finger, helped protect against evil spirits.

Symbols of luck and wealth

31. Heart. This symbol represents love and wisdom in the Christian tradition. In ancient Egypt, the heart was considered the center of our physical energy and was believed to have the ability to neutralize the effects of black magic.

32. Horn symbolizes strength, power and abundance. In ancient Greek and Roman mythology, the horn also symbolized the male genital organ. Cornucopia - this is the expression that is still used to describe wealth and prosperity. Talismans in the form of curved animal horns, as well as the crescent moon, can protect against the evil eye.

33. Key– one of the most powerful symbols of good luck. It is also one of the most ancient talismans. Lovers still give each other keys as a symbol of the doors of their hearts. It is believed that the one who gave the key to his heart will be happy in love.

The Greeks and Romans believed that the symbol of the key is the “key of life”, which is capable of opening the doors to the gods for the person praying. It also helped to remember the past and foresee the future. The ancients placed special significance on keys made of silver, the sacred metal of the goddess Diana. She was the keeper of doors and thresholds, and also protected expectant mothers.

The Japanese have three keys tied together, a very powerful symbol of good luck. They help the one who wears them to open doors leading to love, health and wealth.

Gypsies in Eastern Europe believe that attaching house keys to a metal ring and hanging them above the bed will ensure a good night's sleep and will also ward off nightmares.

34. Stairs considered a symbol of good luck for many centuries. The Egyptians placed ladders in their graves to help the souls of the dead climb them to heaven. They also carried ladder-shaped talismans with them to ward off earthly temptations.

However, sometimes ladders can also bring misfortune, for example, when they are placed against a wall in such a way as to form a triangle with the surface of the earth. The three sides of this triangle represent the family - father, mother and child; in some interpretations - the Holy Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

If you walk under such a ladder leaning against the wall, you will violate the integrity of the family. However, if you do happen to walk under a ladder, you should cross your fingers and spit over the rungs three times.

35. Triangles are a stable form for various buildings. Followers of ancient religions saw mystical meaning in this symbol and often carried amulets with triangles. Triangles were believed to represent the life cycle: birth, maturity, death.

They also symbolize harmony between people and gods, so it was considered blasphemous to violate the integrity of the triangle.

Triangles were constantly used by the Egyptians, including to create the famous great pyramids. Despite the fact that the pyramids are mausoleums of deceased pharaohs, today many consider them symbols of good luck. The architects who built the pyramids used four triangles as the sides, which symbolize the forces of earth and heaven held together.

36. Wheels symbolize eternity and are symbols of good luck in many cultures. The Indian flag features Buddha's Wheel of Life. It is said that the Buddha himself drew a wheel on a rice field to show his followers that life is a series of events with cause and effect that alternate like the spokes of a wheel turning.

People and saints who bring good luck

37. Chimney sweep- a symbol of good luck, wealth and happiness. One of the legends of ancient England tells that when King George was riding his horse as part of the royal procession, suddenly a dog jumped out of the crowd and began to bark and bite the royal horse. The horse reared up and, to the horror of the crowd, almost threw the king off. A man dressed in dirty rags came out onto the road, took the horse by the bridle, and calmed it down. It was an ordinary chimney sweep who saved the king!

38. Buddha. Figurines depicting the legendary founder of one of the world's most important religions are considered very valuable because they bring good luck. Particular success awaits those who rub the Buddha's belly.

39. Kachina- the spirits of ancestors, believed in by the tribes of the southeastern part of North America. The Indians made Kachina dolls, each of which was dressed in a special costume. Although dolls were often used in ceremonies, they were also played with by children and placed in the home or in holy places. It is believed that by inviting the spirit, represented in the form of a doll, good luck will come to the family along with it. For example, the family will reap good harvests or be protected from natural disasters.

40. Saint Christopher- holy martyr, patron saint of travelers. Catholic believers often place medallions of the saint in their cars.

Numbers and other symbols that bring good luck

41. North Star(Alpha of the constellation Ursa Minor) is a landmark for travelers. Especially among sailors, the star is considered a symbol of good luck. The Star of Bethlehem pointed out to the Magi the birth of the King of Judah. In the Old Testament, the stars in the sky symbolized the many children of Abraham and indicated the direction to the Promised Land.

42. Evil eye- talismans with this name protect against misfortunes. Unlike other symbols of good luck, these talismans contain a symbol of bad luck, which, in turn, wards off real troubles.

43. Number Seven considered lucky in many cultures and religions. In Christianity, seven symbolizes the seven self-sacrifices and the highest virtue. The number seven appears constantly in the holy scriptures. For example, seven lamps in a temple, seven wise men or seven foolish virgins. Christ fed many people with only five loaves of bread and two fish (a total of seven again).

The early Christian church taught that faith in God would bring seven gifts: wisdom, understanding, honor, glory, blessing, power, and godliness. They also say that the seventh son of the seventh son has the gift of healing, and the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter can interpret dreams.

According to ancient Japanese mythology, there are Seven Gods of Fortune who give gifts to worthy people on New Year's Day.

Symbols that help your wishes come true

44. Source wishes - a source of water into which you need to throw a coin (a symbol of good luck) and make a wish. The ancients believed that such a symbolic gift to the gods would protect the source of water from drying up. They also believed that the gods of the sea would be pleased if they were given a few coins as tribute.

This tradition is spread all over the world even now. For example, many people believe that if you look at your reflection in the water, throw a coin and make a wish, it will certainly come true.

By the way, if you have been to Rome, you should definitely go to the Trevi Fountain or other famous fountains, where the sea gods accept at least three coins.

45. Bow– a chicken breast bone is also a symbol of good luck and “helps” your wishes come true. Two people should grab the bone on both sides with their little fingers, make a wish and pull. The bone will break, and the one who is left with the larger half can hope that his wish will come true, while the other will be left with nothing.

46. ​​Lost eyelash It is considered a symbol of good luck and helps to bring the fulfillment of desires closer. If an eyelash falls on your cheek, take it on your finger, make a wish and blow it away.

47. Shooting Star also helps desires come true. Seeing her means that your secret cherished desire will definitely come true.

Which stone brings good luck?

48. Amber. It is believed that this stone is a piece of the sun, and therefore has the power to bring good luck. The Greeks called amber “electron”, and it is from this word that the name “electricity” comes. If you rub the stone, it can sparkle, which is probably why it was regarded as a stone that brings good luck. Chinese and Muslim peoples use amber as incense to ward off evil spirits.

49. Sapphire has been considered a symbol of good luck since ancient times. The Greeks believed that if you wear sapphires, you will always be under the protection of the gods. In the Middle East in ancient times, this blue stone was believed to have magical powers.

According to legend, the central element of King Solomon's ring was sapphire.

In India they believe that sapphire attracts health and wealth; among other peoples, sapphire protects virgins, scares away evil spirits and spiders.

Sapphire is the stone of those born in September, so it should be worn by them for good luck.

50. Cat's eye helps you overcome obstacles and achieve success in life. It also protects against the evil eye, ghosts, spirits and the negative influence of planets. In India they believe that if you wear a cat's eye, your luck will never run away.

For gamblers, the cat's eye is an important talisman that helps them make choices. It helps protect against sudden failures in business and ensures financial stability, protecting the money of the one who wears it.

Chinese characters are popular all over the world as images for tattoos, thanks to the aesthetic appeal of traditional calligraphy, which has long been distinguished as an independent art form. The images have a semantic load and sacred meaning, as they can serve as a kind of talisman for the wearer.

The meaning of Chinese characters in the art of tattooing

Chinese characters have been used for tattoos since ancient times. The significance of such an image on the body and the attitude towards it in society has changed. Tattoos with hieroglyphs-pictograms were used by priests in special rituals, including to impart qualities to their owner and even for a kind of treatment.

During the Confucian period, a ban on tattoos was introduced.

At that time, their application was associated with “causing damage” to the human body, which was recognized as a divine gift. In the Middle Ages, tattoos were made on the faces of criminals to warn respectable citizens that they were facing a criminal person (the more often a person was sent into exile, the more inscriptions were made).

This punishment was called body piercing and the memories of it are still alive in Chinese society, so it is not customary to apply hieroglyphs to the face.

But even when tattoos were a sign of social outcasts, the genre continued to develop and was popular. The 12th-century adventure novel River Backwaters (水滸傳) is replete with characters of tattooed “noble rebel bandits” who were also martial artists.

One of the legendary heroes of the book wore a tattoo of a dragon that wrapped itself around his body 9 times, and another had tattoos of beautiful flowers. Other the popular book “The Tale of Yue Fei” changed the concept of tattoos as belonging to a criminal environment or to the lower class.

The owner of a sacred tattoo with the hieroglyphs “perseverance, loyalty and devotion to the country” becomes the main character of the novel - commander Yue Fei from the wealthy Song dynasty. His mother decides to give Yue Fei a tattoo in order to guide her son on a certain path in life and as a talisman.

The real historical prototype of the hero of the novel (a 12th century commander) gained people's love as a person who contributed to the restoration of the professional army of the south and the development of martial arts. Perhaps this fact is associated with the particular popularity of hieroglyph tattoos among warriors and martial artists, which has survived to this day.

Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs and pictures in oriental style became popular among Europeans in the 20th century due to the presence of US and British ships in Hong Kong. Sailors were regular customers of Chinese tattoo parlors, but not only because of their love for exotic things and talismans. Tattoos on the body of naval personnel were recorded and were supposed to help identify the body in the event of death.

Fortunately, most of the sailors returned home alive, taking with them the original “Chinese souvenir” in the form of a tattoo.

In modern China, tattoos are associated with several concepts: fashion, talisman, martial arts, underground, crime. At the same time, criminal tattoos are, for the most part, pictures, the meaning of which is known only to a narrow circle of people, and it is almost impossible to apply them in a regular salon.

Fashionable tattoos with hieroglyphs, often written in a traditional style, are applied by young people under 30 years of age. as decoration and to highlight individuality. Tattoos are sometimes accompanied by images even in 3D, and Europeans like this kind of graphics on the body more.

The names of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese horoscope and even lines from poetry are popular.

As a talisman, hieroglyphs are applied to certain parts of the body (various areas of the arms, legs, collarbone, neck, back) since the location of the inscription is important for activating the action of the tattoo. Such symbols are designed to attract wealth, love, happiness, health into the life of the wearer, and even get rid of bad habits.

Among martial arts masters, both hieroglyphs with individual words, mottos, and images of animals whose qualities the athlete wants to acquire are popular. A tattoo can carry information about a martial arts school or be associated with the “pseudonym” of the master.

Many musicians and artists who create works of contemporary art cover their bodies with a whole carpet of tattoos. The attitude towards tattoos in the artistic community can be expressed in the words of the fashionable Chinese artist Zhuo Dan Ting, who became the first female owner of a famous tattoo art studio in Shanghai:

“ is a form of art that can be worn and seen every day...”

What does the location of the tattoo indicate: on the leg, arm, shoulder, back, stomach

Chinese characters for tattoos should not only be chosen with a deep understanding of the meaning of the symbol, but also located on the wearer’s body in certain places in order to bring the desired effect.

Tattoo location Symbols Influence, significance
On the legs (ankle, shin, thigh).Men's: luck, strength.

Women's: beauty, health.

Provoke the wearer to take any action. Activate masculine energy. Amulet (on the right leg).
On the arms (shoulders, forearms, wrists (inside or outside)).Men's: strength, courage, happiness, double happiness, wisdom, wealth, prosperity, bamboo (symbol of growth), hieroglyphs with the names of animals (tiger, dragon).

Women's: symbols love, harmony, dream, happiness.

Allows a person to receive those qualities, feelings, benefits that the hieroglyph symbolizes or that the bearer of the tattoo would like to receive from life.
On the back (along the spine, on the shoulder blade or on the lower back.)Men's: strength, courage, well-being, mottos and sayings, names of animals with symbolic meaning.

Women's: beauty, health, love, eternal love, peace, sayings.

Protection from external adverse influences. Also, the presence of an image on the back indicates a desire to demonstrate to others one’s strength and position.
On the stomach.Men's: wishes, mottos, money (錢), prosperity, strength.

Women's: money, love, beauty.

They are quite rare and indicate specific material aspirations of the wearer. Limit your social circle.

Tattoo color

Traditionally, Chinese characters for tattoos can be chosen in a tattoo parlor in a black version, but there are also images using color, the so-called “pure” colors, of which there are 5 in Chinese culture.

Each color has its own symbolic meaning that must be taken into account:

  1. Blue-green (the Chinese have one color) – symbolizes the wind, embodies the element wood, the tendency to growth and development. The green hue is associated in Chinese culture with the birth of new life. Blue-green is considered the most “fickle color” and can mean both the color of the sky and wisdom, and the element that brings destruction.
  2. Red is the color of fire and sun. Symbolizes joy, upward movement. The power of the sun and fire is capable, according to the inhabitants of heaven, of scaring away evil, protecting, and bringing harmony and joy to the house. Red is associated with good omens, success, celebration, profit, vitality, enthusiasm.
  3. Yellow represents the earth element and properties associated with it: fertility, constancy, stability, inviolability, eternity. Yellow is the color of gold, and as a result, success and prosperity.
  4. White in Chinese culture is associated with the element metal and with the completion of the cycle (autumn), leaving the world of the living. The inconsistency of the symbols associated with white is caused by the fact that it was both the color of mourning and the color of amulets against the inhabitants of the other world.
  5. Black is associated in traditional Chinese culture with the element water, is associated with mystery and mysticism, the unknown, the ability to remember everything and change. Therefore, color symbolizes wisdom, the desire for knowledge, immersion in the study of the secrets of existence.

In tattoos, colors are used to give greater power to images and hieroglyphs (for example, there may be a red outline of symbols to reinforce their auspicious meaning).

Ideas for tattoos: hieroglyphs and their translation

Most symbols for tattoos are auspicious hieroglyphs from Feng Shui, which are used to wish good things or attract good luck.

Video about the meaning behind popular Chinese characters used in tattoos:


幸 福 consists of two parts, each of which can be depicted separately, as it has its own meaning and sound. The first character, 幸 (shin) means happy, prosperous, and the second - 福 (fu) means “blessing”, “joy”, “prosperity”, “peace”. That is, the hieroglyph reflects the Chinese idea of ​​happiness as God’s blessing for well-being in all areas of life.

The image is intended to bring happiness and good luck to the wearer precisely in the area in which he asks from higher powers.

Great happiness

喜喜 is a double-written hieroglyph for “joyful” (si), which also has the meaning “cheerfulness.” It is considered a powerful talisman that brings growth in various areas, from the birth of children to good luck in business. It is recommended for application as a talisman for success in family relationships or matters related to partnership, since the sign is paired.


愛 (ai) consists of four components: claw, roof, heart, paws. That is, in it you can find a symbolic description of love: “a feeling that pierces the heart, settles in it and does not allow it to escape.” The image is used as a talisman to attract love, find a soul mate, harmony and joy in family life, and strengthen marriage.

Eternal love

永愛 (yong ai) consists of two parts. The first element means “long”, “endless”. This element contains the key water with the meaning current long. The hieroglyph is used as a talisman to strengthen love and friendship, gives mutual understanding to partners, and brings a new wave of feelings into the relationship between spouses.


富 (fu) contains such parts as abundance and building, that is, it depicts prosperity in the house. This hieroglyph attracts not only material values, but also spiritual wealth associated with gaining knowledge about life. It is considered a good talisman for success in business and business well-being.

Material wealth is also symbolized by the character 錢 (money), which is also used to attract wealth.


繁荣 (fanrong) hieroglyph, consists of two parts, the first symbol means “numerous”, “in large quantities”, the second - “glory”, “honours”, “popularity”. It is used as a talisman to attract not only material well-being, improvement in business, but also the accompanying honor and respect, good fame about a person and his business.

The stylized spelling of the first character 繁 is often used to protect against failure in any area.


The hieroglyph resembles a bowl of ears of corn(symbol of a rich harvest). This image is used to attract the energy of growth in any area. You can add a second symbol with the image of the “object of desire”, which will enhance the effect of the sign. The hieroglyph is also a talisman against poverty and decline.


力 (li)– looks like a strong hand pointing downwards. It is believed that the symbol fills its wearer with internal energy and vigor, and gives confidence in oneself and one’s actions. A talisman tattoo will also give you strength to implement creative plans and give you new ideas.


樂 (yue, le)- is interpreted not only as “joy”, but also as “pleasure”, “fun” and “music”. The talisman is designed to fill the wearer with positive emotions, help to live easily, and cure sorrows.


The character 健康 (jian kang) brings the owner the greatest value - good health. Helps solve problems with poor health, overcome mental crises. Health in the broadest sense of the word.

You can find the first symbol separately as a wish for recovery during treatment.


Chinese character 和 (Heipin), which means “peaceful”, “good-natured”, calm”, is applied to give a person peace of mind and also as a talisman for good, smooth relationships with others.


The 美 (mei) symbol is very popular as a tattoo for women., which is often applied along with images of flowers that represent purity. The talisman is designed to provide the owner with beauty and health. Previously, the hieroglyph had the meaning “peaceful”, as it combined the image of a man and a lamb (literally “meek as a lamb”).


獨立 (du li) literally means “standing apart”, free from force, influence, authority. There are stylized writing options. Used as a talisman for liberation from addiction, bad habit.


Character 勇 (yong)- “courage”, combines the elements of “brave” above and “strength” below. The tattoo gives courage, perseverance and bravery to its owner. Often marked with the symbol 气 (xi), representing energy.


The character 夢 (men)– “dream” is one of the most popular symbols for application, as it symbolizes movement towards a dream. But there is another meaning of the sign: “dream”, “illusion” and a hidden message - to take the transience and impermanence of life for granted.

Fulfillment of desires

如意 (ryuyi) Literally means “quality of desire.” The message contained in this symbol on the tattoo reads: “May your dreams come true!” In Feng Shui, it is believed that by giving images of this hieroglyph to his friends, a person wishes them the fulfillment of all their aspirations and in return receives the fulfillment of their hopes.

Beautiful ancient Chinese pictures for tattoos

Residents of the Middle Kingdom are more willing to get tattoos of images than inscriptions. Tattoos with animals, flowers, birds, mythological creatures and abstract symbols are popular among the Chinese.

Each image symbolizes certain concepts:

  • Phoenix is ​​a symbol of fortitude and desire to live.
  • The dragon represents power and might.
  • Tiger – dignity, power, deceit.
  • The turtle and the snake are a symbol of thoughtful comprehension of truths.
  • Lotus is a symbol of purity and wisdom.
  • Carp is a symbol of wealth.
  • Monkey – strength, courage and luck.
  • Yin and yang are harmonies.

Proverbs in Chinese

Chinese characters for tattoos can be chosen not only from single characters, but also short sayings or proverbs that serve as a person’s motto or express life principles.

For example:

  • 善有善报 – Good will be repaid for good.
  • 人逢喜事精神爽 – Joy inspires a person.
  • 一步一个脚印儿 – Every thing done leaves a mark.
  • 执子之手.与子偕老 – Live together until old age.
  • 兵不厌诈 - In war, all means are good.

Keys in hieroglyphs

As could be understood from the analysis of the composition of some of the hieroglyphs above, simple symbols can be part of complex ones (for example, strength and courage 力 and 勇). Chinese characters are classified according to elements that classify a word into the category of some objects, concepts, that is, according to keys.

In total, in the traditional system there were 214 such “keys” (they are also called radicals), in the modern version there are 201. The radicals “man” 人 and “strength” 力 were often found in symbols for tattoos. You can find the symbols in the summary table of hieroglyphs.

Preparation for tattooing

To perform tattoos of hieroglyphs, it is recommended to choose a master who specializes in the oriental style so that the outline of the symbols is accurate. Before applying the image, you must select a sketch from the proposed options or order an individual drawing from the master.

You can come with a photo of the desired tattoo.

In order not to remove the tattoo, sometimes a temporary version is made at the request of the client. If necessary, depilation is performed before application. You should not take blood pressure-raising medications or drink alcohol before getting a tattoo.

How is a tattoo done, how long does the procedure take?

Immediately at the beginning of the procedure, the skin is treated with a special disinfectant (solution or gel). Next, local anesthesia is examined - an aerosol is sprayed onto the skin. Then the drawing from the sketch is transferred to an area of ​​the body using special paper.

Working time depends on the complexity of the image, the number of characters, and the style of graphics. The need for additional pain relief is also discussed with the specialist in advance. Tattoos are done quickly. The procedure is performed with a special machine with thin disposable needles. Caps for paints are also used 1 time.

The master must wear sterile gloves!

Skin care after tattooing

After tattooing, local redness of the skin occurs or blood may appear. Healing after the procedure usually takes 2 weeks. At this time, there is no need to injure the skin with excessive sunbathing (or solarium), mechanical or chemical influences. You can treat the skin with a delicate cream with antiseptic properties.

Chinese characters for tattoos are symbols that help improve fate, and not just pretty pictures

If after this period there is pain and inflammation, you should consult a doctor.

What Chinese style tattoos should you not get?

Symbols for tattooing should be chosen, avoiding hieroglyphs with the meaning: decline 下降, illness 病, death 死亡. Also It is not recommended to depict numbers (especially 4!) and symbols of submission. You shouldn’t get a tattoo with a name in Chinese if you don’t have reliable information about what each graphic symbol means individually.

Chinese characters used for tattoos, in compliance with ancient traditions when applied, can add luck and prosperity to a person’s life.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about Chinese characters for tattoos

A story about the meanings of Chinese tattoo hieroglyphs:

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Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

Hieroglyph "Prosperity"

This hieroglyph leads to fame and prosperity (Fig. 89). It activates the energy of development and increase in money.

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The hieroglyph can be placed in any part of the house, but it cannot be left unattended for a long time.

Figure 89. Hieroglyph “Prosperity”

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What is the invisible thread that connects mother and child, boy and girl, parents and their children? Of course you know for sure. It is the feeling that expresses Chinese character love. From time to time everyone experiences the state of love. And it doesn’t matter at all who or what becomes its object. It could be a neighbor, a small kitten, a flower growing in a pot, or even just the starry sky. I think that everyone will agree with me that the feeling of love is the most beautiful human feeling on earth.

As is already clear, there are many types of love. But today we’ll only talk about the selfless and pure one that is described in books and films and about the one that you certainly had. Well, are you interested in this word, or are you just curious to know what it means? Chinese character love? If the answer is yes, then congratulations! You are at the right place.

I believe that the feeling of love is the very first thing that arises in a person. Every baby that is born is full of love and it is she who gives him life. Only the feeling of love moves two people in love, who, in a fit of passion, forget about everything in the world and dream only of not losing this state. Love and nothing else controls us, making us cry and laugh.

Love is unpredictable. It can fall on us absolutely suddenly and deprive us of our minds. The feeling of love affects not only people, the animal world is also subject to it. To understand this, you can simply look at a pair of pigeons or a cat giving birth to kittens.

All this is just a small part of what love can do. And it is in this understanding that it is embedded in Chinese character love.

This symbol consists of four radicals. They are translated as “claw”, “roof (blanket)”, “heart” and “friend”. If you don’t know what we’re talking about, you might think it’s some kind of nonsense. In fact Chinese character love contains the deepest meaning and, for me, one of the most beautiful descriptions of the feeling of love. According to the hieroglyph, she clings with her claws directly to the heart and completely envelops herself, like a blanket, it is similar to friendship, but much stronger. This is “ai” - love in Chinese. I will give examples of how it is used Chinese character love:

  • Love; Darling; be in love

温暖的家 – love for the motherland

母爱 – mother’s love for child

最喜爱的儿子 – beloved son

  • like something; love something

爱画画 – to love painting

  • store, protect

热爱传统 – to preserve traditions

  • give in to something easily

它是受批评 – he is subject to criticism

The phrase “I love you” is pronounced “wo ai ni” and is written as 我爱你.

In the practice of Feng Shui Chinese character love takes pride of place. It helps strengthen marriage and love bonds, prevents conflicts and mutual reproaches, and sets loving people up for mutual long-term love and happiness. Having this symbol in your home, you will be able to acquire harmony in your soul, peace in life, some peace and a prosperous life with a loving person.

Scientists advise creating a symbol yourself, using the highest quality and, if possible, new materials. So that you can draw a hieroglyph of love, I will tell you how to do it correctly.

To begin, take a blank sheet of paper; for training, you can use plain white paper, then choose according to your taste. We draw ten squares on it, which we will later divide into four parts each. It is in these small cells that we will try to bring out the “love” symbol. You need to start with the top left elements. Next, we gradually apply all the elements of the hieroglyph. Be careful not to miss a single dot or line, even a small one. That's all. Not as difficult as it seemed. The main thing here is to get better at it, so practice as often as possible. When drawing out each detail, think positively about what you associate this symbol with, so you can put a lot of energy into the sign, which will help the hieroglyph to act.