Embroidery and white magic. Symbol of abundance and fertility

Many people are now interested in embroidery, regardless of gender, age and social status. They communicate on social networks and forums, exchange patterns, show off embroidered and decorated works, help each other, share information, threads, kits and addresses of framing workshops.

As in any community of people connected by some kind of business, embroiderers are born their own. And these signs work in. To get married, they embroider peonies, which must be hung in the apartment of the girl’s parents. Any couples - animals, people, birds, butterflies - also, according to embroidery signs, lead to finding your soulmate.

When they dream of their own home, they embroider any house or image of a mill they like. The image of a four-wheeled friend helps with purchasing a car. “Almost Perfect” embroidery from Dimensions

The “Almost Perfect” set is almost legendary in the embroidery community: many of the women who embroidered this design from Dimensions were able to conceive a child, even if they had previously had problems in this area. Judging by the reviews on various forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases. Another set of embroidery - a family of teddy bears - is recommended for those who decide to have a second child.


People who do not want to be alone are not recommended to embroider single female portraits. It would also be better to refrain from embroidering the raging sea. But embroidering a lighthouse means fulfilling the wish made with the first stitch. Those who want to improve their financial situation take on designs with a money tree or a three-horned money frog with coins in its mouth. Horses are embroidered if they want to change their job to a more successful and better paid one.


They check people to see how they really belong. On any forum you will find many stories about how relationships between people deteriorated or improved after donating embroidered works.

The symbolism of embroidery is based for the most part on the symbolism of Feng Shui - the science of harmony with environment, mainly with interior items. Many people are quite skeptical about it. But even if you don’t take Feng Shui seriously, the theory of visualization still remains. The magic of stitches really works. But witchcraft, of course, does not lie in the hands of the embroiderer, not in the floss, not in the needle and canvas. It is in

Embroidery amulet is a powerful magical attribute that can protect against the evil eye, damage, slander and other evil.

Careful embroidery can speed up the recovery of a sick person, help find the meaning of life, increase material or spiritual benefits, bring good luck, attract and strengthen love, and much more. The magic of embroidery is attractive because everyone can do it and the action is largely determined by the pattern and color of the thread, by changing which you can make the amulets needed at each stage of life’s journey.

Protective embroidery has come down to us from ancient times and has not yet lost its significance, especially in protecting children and relatives.

Do-it-yourself embroidery of a talisman

IN Embroidery is an affordable method of making a talisman. The best way to protect your child is to make protective embroidery on clothes, especially paying attention to the neckline, sleeves (cuffs) and hem (at the bottom of a shirt or T-shirt).

It is good to use amulets with embroidery in the form of pendants, jewelry, and key chains.

In addition to clothing, the following items can become a field for applying magical symbols:

    painting, panel;

    car suspension;

    decorative pillow;

    bed dress;

    tablecloths and napkins;


    blanket or bedspread;

  • baby toy;

    hostess apron;

    protective doll;

    herb bag;

    tab for books;

    refrigerator magnet;

    keychain for nags;

    case for laptop, phone, tablet;

  • Cover for documents.

When choosing an item to place embroidery on, you should consider general meaning symbol. If the amulet is to be personal, it is better to embroider on objects that are constantly with the owner. Home amulets can be made on interior items.

Material selection

Linen fabric is best suited for making protective embroidery, but if you can’t buy linen, you can take fabric made from any natural fiber: wool, cotton, silk, nettle.

The threads should also be natural and bright; cotton is most often used, but if possible, you can enhance the effect of the amulet using the composition of the thread.

    Silk is suitable for embroidery for good luck and wealth;

    cotton protects from evil eyes and words (damage, evil eye, slander, curses, slander, angry words);

    wool to improve health and protect against evil energy;

    linen threads serve for the benefit of the family and family relations. It is better to make all home amulets and talismans for family harmony from linen.

Basic rules for embroidering a talisman

Amulets embroidered by relatives, especially mothers, for children are more powerful. On days of poor health or bad mood, it is better not to engage in protective embroidery; the creation of a sacred item occurs under the influence of the energy field of the craftswoman.

Create a talisman only in a good mood and concentrating on the positive! - This is the basis of magical embroidery.

For the amulet to be valid, several simple conditions must be met.

    Protective embroidery is created by hand without using a hoop.

    Knots in the design canvas impede the free flow of energy and weaken the sacred meaning of the chosen symbol. When making protective embroidery, try to avoid knots on the reverse side.

    Tear off the thread with your hands or burn it over the flame of a wax candle; when using scissors, you can harm the energy of the person for whom the man-made talisman is intended.

    The embroidery always starts from the middle; the gradual filling of the canvas with a pattern simultaneously gives the embroidered shirt strength.

    When interrupting work, wrap it in a white piece of cloth and put it in a secluded place.

    Unfinished work must not be shown or placed on a bed or other sleeping place.

If during production the craftswoman accidentally pricks her finger with a needle, except her thumb, then the work will be successful. If a large one is damaged, expect trouble.

A talisman embroidered by the hands of a pregnant girl will be more powerful thanks to great power motherhood.

When create protective embroidery

Amulets for attracting health, good luck, blessings, for self-development and learning something are created for the waxing moon.

2 lunar day- this is the time of the beginning of embroidery of children's amulets: lelnik, carol, squirrel, fern color (up to 3 years), radinets, svarozhich, ladinets, molvinets.

From 4 - 6 days, time for embroidering the Veles symbol.

The 10th day of the waxing moon is favorable for starting work on symbols: day-night, woman in labor, Ladinets, Veles, Makosh, wedding, Molvinets.

On the waning moon, overpowering grass is made.

Start performing protective symbols against the evil eye, damage, and slander on the 21st day of the lunar calendar.

How to charge an embroidered amulet

After manufacturing, the amulet does not have full strength; in order to feel the full power of sacred signs, the amulet still needs to be charged. The best activation method involves endowing the amulet with the powers of 4 elements.

To activate the amulet, you need symbols of all the elements, if it is not possible to go into the forest and take advantage of the natural elements:

    candle fire;

    a little earth or pebble;

    glass or clay pot with clean water(preferably spring);

    open window.

Any amulet is charged with the power of 4 elements and faith in its strength.

When the amulet comes into contact with each symbol, turn to the elements with a request to endow your amulet with power.

Place the amulet on a clean tablecloth in front of you and try to mentally establish a connection with it. Concentrate on what you want to get from the talisman you make.

Sprinkle with earth, sprinkle with water, carry over the flame of fire and expose to the breeze from the window.

If you have a personal amulet, it is important to constantly carry the amulet with you for several days to tune into a single energy wave.

Rules for using the amulet

The embroidered amulet is used for its intended purpose. When soiled, it is washed off, and if its integrity is damaged, it is replaced with a new one. If the protective embroidery is torn or lost, it means it has exhausted its supply magical power and it should be replaced by another.

Let's start embroidering

Once the talisman symbol has been selected and the materials have been prepared, we begin work on the talisman.

    We place the drawing. If the embroidery is on clothing, then the place for protective symbols will be the collar, bottom of the product, sleeves and belt. On bed linen or towel around the edge. On decorative pillows, keychains, paintings in the center.

    Choosing a seam. The symbols made with a cross have the greatest power, because the cross itself is already a talisman. For children and the interior, you can use satin stitch.

    Small elements are worked out last, when the main pattern is ready.

    The thread should be secured in such a way that there is no more than one knot.

    It is advisable to take a thread of such length that it is enough for a certain element. This is suitable for small symbols and signs.

    After finishing work decorative elements must be overcast along the edge to avoid unraveling of the product.

    When forming a keychain or interior pillow, make sure that tightening the product does not deform the protective pattern.

Schemes of Slavic symbols for embroidery amulet

Each Slavic amulet has its own purpose; when choosing a pattern, you need to take into account who the future talisman is intended for: a man, a woman, a child, and what it is aimed at: attracting love, wealth, knowledge or health, balancing character, protecting against mistakes, finding a path in life.

Once you have decided why and for whom the amulet is being made, it is important to choose a pattern that you will like in appearance.

Women's amulets

Women's amulets are aimed at improving the health, beauty, and character of the hearth keeper and mother. They help to conceive, give birth and raise healthy and happy offspring. Women's talismans can also be considered to preserve harmony in family and love.


The symbol of the Mother of God Lada is intended to preserve women's health. Enhancing femininity, tenderness, beauty. Wearing the Ladinets amulet helps restore a woman’s hormonal levels, on which women’s health and attractiveness depend. Helps girls avoid mistakes while growing up, promotes the formation of a meek and balanced character, which plays important role for a woman - a mother, a woman - a wife.

When embroidering the symbol, you must wear skirts and dresses. When wearing a talisman, also avoid men's clothing, because women's clothing contributes to the accumulation and proper distribution of energy.

The Ladin symbol can be woven into other patterns, embroidered separately or surrounded by various flowers or animals.

The first ray is always red. And the second one can change depending on desire or zodiac sign.

    Green and black shades are suitable for Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo;

    the heavenly color is favorable for Libra, Aquarius, Gemini;

    golden, brown and black colors are intended for Leo, Aries, Sagittarius;

    For Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, the colors of the sea will be more suitable: blue or turquoise.


The goddess Makosh patronizes women, especially in the path of motherhood. Embroidery with the image of the goddess promotes harmony in the family, maintaining love, trust, and respect in the family. Helps to acquire and increase wealth. Helps create comfort, handicrafts and procreation.

Embroidery is suitable for a married woman who has become or wants to become a mother. Goddess Makosh is one of the elder Rozhanitsa.

Wearing a talisman has the following powers:

    strengthens women's health, both physical and mental;

    helps in pregnancy and childbirth;

    develops culinary skills;

    strengthens housekeeping;

    promotes the development of intuition;

    helps with needlework.

The best place for Makosh embroidery will be a towel or pillow; starting work on the 14th lunar day will increase the power of the amulet.

Woman in labor

The birthing amulet should be embroidered by a mother or grandmother as a gift to a girl or woman who wants to give birth to a healthy child in a situation where there is a problem with conception.

It is best to apply the symbol on a belt, pillow, towel, bed linen, clothing or a picture, which you then hang at the head of the bed.

A self-embroidered symbol does not have magical powers.

The woman in labor is always embroidered with additional signs that enhance the protection of motherhood and affect conception: overcome the grass. Perunov color, birds, ears of corn, sown field and others.

nice guy

Amulet for the birth of a healthy child - glorious. Promotes procreation. Conception and birth of a healthy child. It enhances the effect of all female symbols, therefore it is more often used in an ensemble with symbols that increase health, gender, wealth and protect against various kinds of evil.

Embroidered on women's clothing: sundresses, skirts, shirts. On bedding. On diapers and baby clothes. It is also a talisman for children.

Selection of schemes for happy motherhood and the birth of healthy offspring.

The belt is embroidered on the waxing moon and worn under clothes

Charms for men

Men's amulets are aimed at preserving and increasing strength of mind and physical health, protect against dangerous situations, help in battle, in solving difficult problems, in self-development and achieving goals.

Women are not recommended to wear amulets intended for men, with the exception of serious situations requiring stamina, strength and a man's grip. Wear temporarily until the problem is resolved.

fern color

The amulet with the symbol of Perun can be embroidered on a shirt. In the form of a keychain for keys or for a car, on the cover of a passport or on any item that is constantly with it.

  • Perunov's color protects from the evil eye and slander,
  • strengthens self-confidence,
  • reveals a natural gift,
  • clears thoughts of negativity,
  • bestows vigor and fortitude.

The symbol can be enhanced by various symbols and floral patterns. Suitable for boys, young men and adult men.

Oak leaves

Oak refers to sacred tree personifying the power of Perun. Protects against diseases. Strengthens the inner spirit, promotes the development of masculine qualities. Suitable for children's embroidery. Used in an ensemble with various male symbols, can be embroidered separately.

Can be used in interior decoration not only as embroidery, but also knitting using the fillet technique or jacquard.


The symbol "ratiborets" refers to protective amulet warriors Embroidered for men involved in hostilities.

Oh take care for the children

Children's protective symbols are designed to protect the baby from evil forces to which children are very susceptible. Symbols also help children avoid mistakes and rash actions. Symbols that promote development, the discovery of talent, learning, the formation of perseverance, self-confidence and others are important. Here are a few symbols suitable for kids.


The image of the sun is an excellent protective symbol for a child. The image option can be any. The power of the sun is aimed at preserving and increasing health, developing fortitude, and spirituality. You can embroider the sun on clothes. toys, bedding Embroidered paintings also have protective powers.

The most common children's amulet is the sun.


A stylized or sketchy cockerel is well suited for protection against the evil eye, damage and disease.

Girls, I became interested in the signs in embroidery, started looking for information, everything was in parts, many repeated the same thing, I decided to combine and supplement. I present to you what came out of this. I look forward to your comments and ratings.

Designers advise not to hang pictures too high. It's better to place them a little lower than we usually want at first. Works that are at eye level force you to examine them carefully, without rushing. It is very important to consider the proportions of the room. If the apartment has high ceilings, then small paintings should be placed in groups. Experts say that this is a very effective and widespread technique.
Let's look at a few principles for grouping paintings:

1. You should avoid placing frames in order of increasing or decreasing size, as this violates the integrity of the composition.
2. Embroideries that are close in size can be arranged according to the principle of a strictly symmetrical “grid”, and works of different sizes can be arranged in tiers
3. You can also “link” the location of the paintings to the width of the sofa, low cabinet or table, then they will be perceived as a single whole with the furniture
4. Bright, eye-catching paintings look most impressive when hung separately and in prominent places
5. Arranging two pictures different sizes horizontally, it is necessary to place the larger one a little higher so that the small picture is easier to view

The world of childhood is much more emotional than the world of adults. When choosing paintings for a children's room, one must take into account that the tastes and interests of children change quite quickly as they grow older, therefore, paintings should be updated every two to three years. The choice of painting depends on the age of the child. Small children can hang pictures with positive heroes fairy tales and cartoons. Very important advice: do not overload the nursery with paintings! This makes the child nervous.

An atmosphere of peace and tranquility is important for the bedroom. This is the part of our home where we want to relax and unwind. Therefore, the embroidered paintings here should be in the appropriate mood. The landscapes are good, especially in winter. You should not place portraits or images of naked women in the bedroom, as they will create the effect of the presence of a third person, which, of course, is of no use in such a situation. intimate place. Designers advise single or divorced women to hang something bright and life-affirming on the wall.

Paintings in the kitchen should not be large. Still lifes are usually chosen for this room. In the East, it is believed that paintings in the dining room depicting fruits and dishes bring abundance.

Stylish black and white embroideries look good in such a room. But calm landscapes with rivers and village houses make it difficult to concentrate.

Living room
In the living room, two or three paintings depicting landscapes or water are enough. According to the advice of experts, in the living room it is very important to comply with the museum standard: 152 cm from the floor. Visually, this is the most convenient height for a detailed assessment of our embroidered masterpieces.

In a small hallway of a typical apartment, light, small-sized work is more appropriate. For a spacious hall-hallway, suitable large paintings. In any case, people usually do not stay in this room for a long time, and therefore embroidered paintings rather serve as a color accent, a decorative tuning fork of the interior, rather than being of key importance in the design.

Decorated embroidery is most often placed on the wall in the form of a picture in a frame. At the same time, you can decorate the interior of your home with a composition of such pictures that will be the same in theme or, conversely, completely different. It is not necessary to place the embroidery in similar frames; they can be completely different in style and material from which they are made. Some even hang the embroidery on a cord without placing it in a frame, for example, when it is made on a plastic canvas, but the design must be combined with wallpaper or the color and texture of the wall.
You can place large pictures in the center and small ones around it, you can hang them in one line, but these are standard solutions that you can refuse. Instead of these options, you can hang pictures without observing any symmetry: mix large ones with small ones, place them on the wall in such a way that they fit perfectly with each other and in a slight creative disorder. No matter how the embroideries are placed, it is necessary to ensure that their colors and design blend well with the decor, that is, with furniture and lighting. It is not recommended to hang small pictures on different walls; it is best to combine them with large ones or group them together into a single composition.
When placing pictures on walls with wallpaper, you need to be careful to ensure that the pattern and colors of the embroidery do not merge with the wallpaper, but are combined with them and at the same time stand out against the general background.
Many people wonder at what height to hang embroidery and where is the best place to place it. This depends on the size of the painting, the size of the room, the height of the ceiling and what is being depicted in the painting. If there is a large landscape embroidered in the painting, it is best to hang it opposite a sofa, armchair or other seating area to create the illusion of a view from the window. A small painting of a basket of flowers or a still life of fruit works well above a table as it appears as if it is on the table. Small pictures are best hung above tables, bedside tables or chests of drawers to emphasize their importance. Large-sized paintings are more convenient to view while standing, so they need to be hung in a place where anyone can calmly enjoy this work. In general, all pictures should be placed at such a height that they are clearly visible and fit perfectly with the interior. You should not hang all embroidered works on one wall, it looks clumsy and unnatural.


We all love to embroider. Some people like landscapes, some like houses, some like to embroider flowers, and some like animals... But not everyone thinks about what this or that picture we embroidered means. According to the ancient Chinese teaching Feng Shui, every thing in the house, including an embroidered picture, can bring love, happiness, harmony to this house, or, conversely, can be the cause of failure, ruin and infidelity of spouses. So, what signs exist in the embroidery world?

*before starting embroidery, you need to write your desire on the canvas with a pencil, and as if it has already come true: that is, I don’t want my own apartment, but I have my own apartment, etc.
*you cannot embroider for one single purpose so that the sign works, so to speak, without a soul. Thoughts must be sincere, pure, and come from the heart. You need to put love into every stitch, imagine your wishes come true, you need to love your work, and then it will help you make your dreams come true. Soulless works do not fulfill desires - they do not contain the necessary supply of energy. Also, you should not embroider in a bad mood, irritation, to calm your nerves - the thread will get tangled, tear, the crosses will refuse to lie flat, and the “sewn in” bad emotions will haunt you until you resurface this area with love
*if you are embroidering and prick yourself with a needle, it means you need to look for a mistake in the embroidery - either the crosses are displaced, or there is an error in tone
*It is not recommended to embroider sunsets, since such paintings bring sunsets of good luck.
*Start embroidering only on a fine day on a waxing moon. The most favorable for thread magic are the 7th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 14th lunar days.
Quote: Purely from myself - I would not recommend starting on the 12th day. I myself try to start on the 10th day (if I embroider with an intention). And if it’s “little things”, then I just start with the waxing moon.

*You cannot put embroidery on the bed. Otherwise, the process will drag on for a long time.
*Remember that thoughts are material. When embroidering a picture for yourself or as a gift, knowing that it symbolizes what you wish for the recipient or yourself, think about it, imagine your wish fulfilled and, we are sure, everything will come true!
*It is not recommended to keep any birds (except live ones) in the house - this will lead to “loneliness” and will prevent guests from coming to your house.
* If knots are tied on the thread while working, this means that at this moment “the boys are praising”, that is, men are talking about you, and, what’s the strangest thing, they say good things...

1. Career and work (north)
According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, in order for embroidered paintings to not only decorate your home (apartment), but also help, you should place the paintings in the northern part of the house (in the “Career and Work” sector).
Activating this sector will help you climb the career ladder, increase your earnings, get the job you want, or change your profession.

TURTLE is the most common talisman for the Career zone. The turtle is a symbol of heavenly support and protection, as well as wisdom and longevity; it brings money and support from useful people.
UNDERWATER WORLD, LANDSCAPES depicting the SEA, LAKE, RIVER, WATERFALL or FISH, ANY WATER MOTIF are considered favorable in the northern part of the house, but they can also be placed in the study (office), but not behind the back of the worker. In the bedroom, paintings depicting water are strictly prohibited, as they can ruin romantic luck.
LANDSCAPE depicting MOUNTAINS, TREES is recommended to be placed behind the back of a person working in a house, office or office, since the mountain will provide solid support in business and affairs.
MOUNTAINS - to attract success in business, it is good to place them in the north, but not with sharp peaks and without water.
A HORSE that strives upward means the onset of favorable changes in life, symbolizes speed, endurance, and optimism. If you want to switch to a better one in monetary terms work, it is worth embroidering a horse, and if there is a bag of gold on the horse’s back, it will bring you material well-being.
Embroidery with a DEER will help careerists. He, like the horse, is a symbol of the sun, happiness and prosperity.
For those hungry for power, the EAGLE is a symbol of courage, success and a sharp mind.

2 Love and marriage (southwest)
In search of a soul mate or maintaining a harmonious relationship with an already found one, you should place paintings in the bedroom or the southwestern part of the house (in the “Love and Marriage” sector).

ANEMONES - symbolize sincerity.
PANSIES - happiness, the desire to always be close to your loved one.
ASTER - love and tenderness.
IRISES - faith and hope, promise for the future.
Lilies of the valley - humility, humility.
White LILY - purity, yellow - gratitude.
MAGNOLIAS - dignity.
POPPIES and POPPY FIELDS (and other flower fields) - to “male power”.
YELLOW DADDLES - respect, “you are the only one.”
FORGET MENT - true love.
ORCHIDS - perfection, refined beauty.
PEONIES are great for meeting your loved one. According to Feng Shui, peony is a flower of joy, a symbol of exquisite passion and carnal love. It is the most favorable symbol for young married couples. The image of a peony in the bedroom or in the Love sector is a wonderful talisman, but its beneficial effect is only relevant in the first years of marriage. When children are born and a young wife becomes a mother, peonies in the bedroom begin to symbolize infidelity. That is, it is better to embroider peonies for couples who do not yet have children, so as not to provoke infidelity in marriage. Therefore, after several years of a happy marriage, you should replace the embroidery with another one. If a woman is divorced and has children, then you can safely place peonies. Of course, if you want to meet your destiny.
Red ROSES symbolize passionate and devoted love, pink and white - purity of thoughts, roses without thorns - love at first sight.
LILAC - beauty.
Red TULIPS - good luck, yellow - wishes for happiness in love.
VIOLETS - loyalty and virtue.
A PAIR of embroidered animals or birds - two doves, cranes, storks, ducks, wolves - contributes to meeting your soul mate, as well as family well-being. Pair of SWANS - to family happiness and loyalty. Two DOLPHINS - family happiness and prosperity. A couple of DUCKS - find family comfort and harmony in marriage. A pair of DOVES is also an excellent talisman for this sector, a symbol of immortal love. It is especially good if a picture with a pair of WOLVES hangs in the house; it promotes family well-being, strong love and fidelity.
A PAIR of people - a man and a woman - is a symbol of love and fidelity, ideally they should hold hands or kiss. It is not recommended for married couples to hang embroidery or paintings depicting single people at home.
GOLDEN WEDDING RINGS on a red background will help speed up your wedding.
PAVA BIRD symbol of family happiness
UNICORN - if embroidered unmarried girl, then she will get married in the near future. Symbolizes long life, celebration, splendor, joy, famous descendants and wisdom!!!
BUTTERFLIES - it is recommended to decorate the bedroom walls with fluttering butterflies to intensify romantic relationships. Butterflies in the bedroom will help lonely people quickly improve their lives and keep the fire of existing relationships alive. Butterflies should be placed in pairs or flocks to create the impression that they have flown naturally into your room.
WEDDING RUSHNIK - especially good is the one where there is a pair of birds; traditional family symbols were considered to be images of storks on a nest, pairs of doves (necessarily with their beaks facing each other), a wreath of viburnum and hop leaves.
PHOENIX - a symbol of prosperity, symbolizes the warmth of the sun, summer and fire. The Phoenix paired with the Dragon is depicted during weddings as a symbol of a fruitful union, happy marriage and healthy children!!!
In order to get married successfully, you must first embroider a ROOSTER, the more beautiful the better. And then he and the hen and chickens, then the marriage will not be civil, but naturally official for life. But it is not recommended for married roosters to embroider and hang in their home.
One of the symbols that attracts love is, of course, the HEART. For some reason, nothing is written about the heart in embroidery symbols, although in Feng Shui it is one of the powerful talismans. And “heart trees” have also become very popular lately. True, embroiderers advise treating these hearty plants with caution - on the horizon, instead of the only narrowed one, new and former annoying admirers may appear in large numbers.
Series from the Golden Fleece with eyes: Topaz, diamond, amethyst, emerald, etc. - to attract males to the house
And there is also a sign for lovers: if you want to get married quickly, embroider an outline pair based on Ty Wilson.
I read in other sources about the Vervaco kiss. This embroidery was for pregnancy in one way, and for a wedding in another, which is both nice.
An embroidered painting based on Klimt's "The Kiss" helps to enhance feelings between spouses.
They say that a “stranger” from the “Golden Fleece” helps single girls meet their betrothed. However, if you don’t like this picture, you can embroider any other image of a man.

* You cannot give embroidered work to your beloved man whom you are going to marry.
* Girls who do not want to be left alone are not advised to embroider single female portraits. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is recommended to select a set with portrait of a man, embroider it and hang both works together.
*Images of lonely (even worse undressed) women in the bedroom contribute to adultery and separation from your loved one

3. Family (east)
This sector is responsible for family affairs, relationships between parents and children, grandmothers and grandchildren. It is also necessary to keep in mind that it energizes the neighboring Wealth sector.

Three TURTLES standing on top of each other are a symbol of family unity, in which everyone supports and cares for each other. The largest turtle is the head of the family, on whom the entire house rests. A pyramid of turtles brings peace and tranquility to the family.
HERON - symbolizes perseverance and support; it will help you survive in the most hopeless situation. Because of its long beak, the heron is known as a curious creature and a clever hunter.
Therefore, a talisman in the form of a heron will provide assistance in raising money and in education. The heron is used as a guardian of the hearth, tribal traditions and customs. On the other hand, the heron symbolizes the arrival of spring and changes in life, therefore it promotes favorable changes in life and helps to bring happiness into the home.

Amulets for the home:
Oddly enough, these are wild animals - the TIGER is a protector from evil spirits, symbolizes strength and power,
LEO is the protector of the home and public places, symbolizes energy and valor, WOLF - protector, symbolizes loyalty (the wolf should be facing away from its owner towards the door or window to stop or redirect negative energy from the owner). It is better if the animal is depicted not baring its teeth, but also not sleeping - on guard. If in the picture the animal is depicted grinning, the energy can, on the contrary, cause harm to the inhabitants of the house.
Another protector of the house DOG, to protect the home embroidery with true friend It is better to hang a person on the wall in the corridor opposite the door.
A BAT, or more precisely 5 bats, are 5 blessings: longevity, wealth, health, virtue and life to the end determined by fate.
Another talisman is the DREAM CATCHER. Hanging above the head of the bed or close to it, it promotes good sleep and good dreams. An Indian talisman, in the form of a web, in their opinion, it does not let in evil spirits that cause chaos in the mind and, thereby, does not allow nightmares to form.
FAN - Traditional symbol of protection. Protects not only the house, but also the person himself from harm
It is often not recommended to embroider images of relatives and friends - because sometimes it happens that embroidery is created in a bad mood and not with the most positive thoughts, and all anxieties and fears can be “transferred” to an image that becomes the focus of negativity. Something like this.

Numismatic collections should not be stored in this sector. Ancient coins and banknotes, which have long gone out of circulation, accumulate stagnant energy that will “pull” your family back, making you more conservative, preventing you from accepting new views, searching for non-trivial solutions, etc. Minimize the number of metal objects in this part of the house, in order to avoid conflict of elements: excess Metal “cuts” Wood (symbol of this sector). Ideally, according to Feng Shui, there should be no Metal there at all.

4. Money, wealth, luck in business (southeast)
It is advisable to place such a picture in the south-eastern part of the house (in the “Wealth” zone).

A SAILBOAT is embroidered to bring good luck in business. It means the symbolic “arrival” of good luck in the house. You need to embroider a beautiful, powerful and outwardly reliable ship. It is important that the sailboat has its nose facing the inside of the house, that is, it is “arriving.”
The embroidered CAR has repeatedly helped embroiderers to acquire a four-wheeled friend. You can embroider any car - from a Ferrari to an antique Opel 1898, but it’s still worth remembering that thoughts and desires materialize
GOLDFISH symbolizes success in financial matters.
CARP. Image of 9 carps - symbolizes wealth and prosperity, 2 carps - harmonious relationships between a man and a woman, and 2 carp jumping out of the water are considered the most powerful symbol of good luck in career and business.
HORSESHOE is a symbol of good luck, abundance and prosperity. According to Feng Shui, it is recommended to place a horseshoe or a picture of a horseshoe with the ends up, then it will attract great luck to your home. And if, according to the old Russian tradition, ends down - protection of the house from all sorts of adversity.
MONEY TREE - to wealth and the attraction of money, but only if it is embroidered correctly. According to Feng Shui, there must be an odd number of coins on the tree (otherwise the money will decrease rather than increase). It is best if there are 9 coins. The coins must have a square hole in the middle and hieroglyphs connected by a red thread. An odd number of flowers, preferably 3, the flowers should be like cherry blossoms. The tree should hang opposite the front door so that money goes into the house. In addition to a special “Feng Shui” tree, a painting depicting any other tree that has a blooming, cheerful appearance is suitable for the role of a talisman of wealth. Autumn tree with falling leaves can have the opposite, negative effect.
ORANGES and ORANGE TREE symbolize abundance (gold) and a successful marriage. This is an excellent talisman for the Wealth sector. It has the ability to activate existing accumulations and instantly absorb any bad qi.
A BASKET WITH FRUITS and/or BERRIES can also serve as a talisman of wealth and abundance. It is better to place an embroidered picture in the kitchen or in the south-eastern part of the house.
GRAPES - if there is anything with grapes in the kitchen, it will bring wealth
EARS OF WHEAT, RYE, OATS contribute to well-being, wealth, health, comfort in the home
PURPLE FLOWERING VIOLETS in a vase or basket activates the Wealth zone.
CHRYSANTHEMUMS represent money luck and are the most revered flower in China.
A THREE-LEGGED TOAD WITH A COIN IN HIS MOUTH is a symbol of great luck. One of the most effective talismans for the wealth zone. Brings wealth, increases monetary luck. It is better to place it in the wealth zone (southeastern sector). It needs to be positioned as if she is jumping into the house (carrying money into the house, not out of it).
RAT - symbolizes wealth, prosperity and well-being.
ELEPHANT is a favorable Feng Shui animal. It attracts the luck of an auspicious star. Thanks to its trunk, an elephant can reach something from afar. This ability is used in Feng Shui to draw the luck of the auspicious star of prosperity into the house. If a favorable star is located right at the entrance and all the luck enters through the door, this is wonderful, but it is extremely rare. In other cases, you can resort to the help of an elephant. The elephant is placed on the windowsill, with its trunk in the direction of a good star, and it draws good luck from the street through the window into the house.
WATERFALL - not very good symbol(downward flow symbol), those. deterioration of the current condition, and above all financial, if you have already chosen a waterfall, then let the image not be cropped. But the opposite symbol - a fountain - shoots up! FOUNTAIN - a symbol of wealth and abundance. Moving water represents great luck.
But still, the highest symbol of luck that brings success in business is the DRAGON. Moreover, the brighter it is, the more noticeable your achievements will be. He should be depicted with a magic pearl - a symbol of spiritual and material wealth, the inseparability of matter and spirit. If a dragon doesn't have a pearl, it gets angry and doesn't bring good luck.
Also, embroidery with the image of SWALLOWS is designed to attract success and abundance.
Another talisman is MANEKI-NEKO. I think many people are familiar with these Japanese cats. This is a rather complex symbol and there is no exact definition. The most common belief is that if a cat's right paw is raised, it attracts money, while the right paw attracts good luck. A maneki-neko with its right paw raised can also be a good mascot for a company - this mascot lures customers. The maneki-neko should have a coin on its neck. As for the color, it can be very diverse, but the classic one is tricolor, white with spots.
To fulfill a wish, they usually embroider a WINDMILL - if you conceive a wish while embroidering, it will certainly come true.
LIGHTHOUSE - for the fulfillment of a wish, as well as for a happy and mutually beneficial resolution of a complex and ancient problem, changes in life for the better (change of job, partner, etc.) If you choose a picture with a lighthouse, pay attention to whether it depicts water - the sea should be calm.
To fulfill a wish, they also embroider hummingbirds.

* It is not recommended to embroider sunsets - for the sunset of good luck.

An embroidered HOUSE will help you buy a house, cottage, or apartment. The house can be of any size, but it is still recommended to embroider the kind of house in which you would like to live. For some it is cozy house in the village, surrounded by flowers and trees, and for some luxury mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. But the basic principle of Feng Shui says: all thoughts materialize, what you strive for is what you get. Therefore, looking at the house of your dreams, every time you will experience positive emotions and get closer to your cherished goal.. It doesn’t matter whether it is a kit from some company, embroidery according to a pattern, cross stitch, tapestry stitch or satin stitch. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a rural hut or a luxurious mansion. Any building will help improve living conditions. According to the experience of embroiderers - both small pictures and grandiose buildings were embroidered - the sign works. It is best to place this painting in the living room in a visible, well-lit place or in the south-eastern part of the house (in the “Wealth” sector).
There are legends about the Dimensions 13666_Victorian Charm house - that it is “miraculous”.
It is recommended to start embroidery on a favorable lunar day (the 7th, 10th, 11th and 14th lunar days are considered ideal for starting any embroidery). When embroidering a picture, it is recommended to imagine your dream and clearly understand why you are doing it. That is, put a piece of your soul, a piece of yourself, a piece of your dream into each cross. It is recommended to choose a picture for embroidery, first of all, according to your inner feelings - so that you like the house, so that your soul lies in it, you need to understand that this is exactly “your house”, that you want to live in it.
There are also wishes and preferences for the houses themselves. In order for the house to “work” 100%, you need to pay attention to the following:
* the house should look residential, i.e. there should be light in the windows (and in no case should they be dark)
* it is desirable that smoke comes from the chimney
* the preferred season in the picture is spring or summer. Autumn is considered the personification of withering, and winter is considered a period of stagnation and delay in business.
* the house must completely fit in the picture
* there should be a path leading to the house, and a winding one at that; the path to the house should come from us, and not from somewhere on the side, i.e., so that we can follow this path to the house (note that the path to the house is open! For example, there should not be any ravines, rivers, etc. - anything that blocks the path).
* the door of the house should be red (brick as an option) - to attract good luck
* if there is a gate, it must certainly be open
* the house should not be located behind a solid fence
* it’s good if there are lanterns near the house, preferably glowing ones (unless, of course, it’s a clear sunny day in the picture)
* the presence of a flower arch is also favorable.
These are the basic conditions. Of course, it will be difficult to find a ready-made pattern for embroidering a dream house, but no one is stopping us from changing something in the pattern, removing or adding some details. And I repeat once again, listen to yourself, to your feelings, and if you understand that this house is exactly yours, if the picture sings to you, touches your soul, if you can admire it for hours, feel free to start embroidering this house.

5. Health (center)
To stay HEALTHY AND STRONG or to become so, place the embroidery in the center of the house (in the “Health” zone). Although, no one has yet canceled a healthy diet and exercise))). It is also very useful to place all sorts of funny things and humorous pictures in the center of the house, because laughter is the best medicine
CRANES (preferably a pair of cranes next to a pine branch or tree) are one of the most important symbols of health and longevity. The pine tree itself, like the crane, is a symbol of health and longevity.
PEACHES are also considered a classic talisman of health and longevity. In China, it is believed that peaches should be given to a sick person as a gift; in our case, a picture with embroidered peaches will come in very handy.
If you have a problem excess weight- you need to embroider a LADY IN A HAT. For some reason, such designs influence embroiderers in this way. A special effect from embroidery is observed if you replace dinner with needlework.
BAMBOO is a conductor of favorable energy. Embroider bamboo for longevity and health
Perhaps the BEREZKA can be considered a Russian analogue - in ancient times, amulets made of birch protected from evil spirits, and birch brooms used in the bathhouse contributed to ritual cleansing. They asked the birch tree for healing and also transmitted diseases to the tree through rituals. On the other hand, it was believed that it was on birch branches that devils lived and mermaids swayed during mermaid week. (This is such an ambivalent attitude)

6. Helpers and travel (northwest)
It is considered traditional to place in this zone portraits of people whom we consider our heavenly and/or earthly helpers:
Paintings with IMAGES of SAINTS whom you especially reverence, as well as ICONS.
In order to embroider an icon and consecrate it in the church, first you need to take a picture of the icon you have chosen and go to the priest so that he gives his blessing for the work, and then, after finishing the embroidery, he will consecrate it. Icons cannot be embroidered on “critical” days; black color cannot be used in work. It is recommended to embroider an icon during fasting (there are 4 of them a year) and in fast days, during church holidays after 12 noon. As a rule, work on one icon takes about a year. In general, in church holidays You can embroider after 12 noon; the church considers embroidery not work, but rest.
Portraits of your REAL FRIENDS, suddenly you want to embroider them from photographs. Such paintings require especially large expenses - and the result is worth it! Looks very impressive! It is often not recommended to embroider images of relatives and friends - because sometimes it happens that embroidery is created in a bad mood and not with the most positive thoughts, and all anxieties and fears can be “transferred” to an image that becomes the focus of negativity.
Portraits of FAMOUS PEOPLE who are an authority for you (famous singers, artists, etc.). For example, a portrait of the president in the northwest will provide you with very solid support in business!
DOLPHINS are cheerful friends and helpers.

As for travel, paintings depicting DISTANT COUNTRIES AND CITIES would also be very appropriate in this sector of the house. Moreover, if your heart longs for this distant country, then every time you look at an embroidered picture, your chances of getting there increase significantly! It’s not for nothing that they say: desire opens the way to opportunity!

7. Children and creativity (West)
In order to have children, they embroider babies, angels, Stuffed Toys- something very tender and touching.
For those who want to get pregnant:
*The most famous sign among embroiderers is the embroidery of three angels from the company Dimensions - Almost Perfect (“Almost Perfect”), with three angels brings you closer to the fulfillment of your cherished desire.
* The “In the Palms of God” set, also from Dimensions, is also very popular.
* The same is said about the Bear Family Dimensions 35039 “A Row of Love”
* Black and white baby from the Golden Fleece (SS-003)
* "Kiss" by Vervaco

In general, you can embroider any children and little angels you like, as well as mothers with children (people, birds or animals - it doesn’t matter). Or storks with babies. ANGELS - this Christian symbol is also successfully used in Feng Shui. Angels placed in the children's sector will protect them from harm
A very powerful talisman is the embroidered image of the Madonna.
POMEGRANATE (preferably cracked) in the East is a symbol of numerous and healthy offspring
Children's laziness and reluctance to learn are sewn into crosses in the film "Too Tired" from Dimensions (well, that same cat on the branch)
PHOENIX is a symbol of prosperity. Symbolizes the warmth of fire and sun. Helps childless spouses. Phoenix and dragon paired are a symbol of a happy marriage and healthy children.

TIGRESS WITH MASH: in the east the tiger is considered the king of the mountains, tigers serve as the best amulet against any negative influences and evil forces, this is a wish for children to grow up strong, healthy, in complete safety and to be worthy of royal nobility. Tiger cubs under the longevity tree serve as a talisman for children and ensure their successful development. This is a wish for children to grow up strong, healthy and worthy of royal nobility.
ELEPHANT WITH BABY: symbol of strength, insight, intelligence, prudence and peacefulness. brings favorable luck to the owners of the house and protection to children, stimulates creativity.
HORSE WITH BABY: a beautiful horse protecting a foal, symbolizes a source of strength and energy, provides protection to children, brings parental love, joy of life, beauty and optimism. The image serves as an excellent support tool for children. the horse is the patron saint of children. symbolizes speed, perseverance, bestows strength and endurance, and for children - fast development.
in general, any picture where there is a mother and baby, be it people or animals (where there is care), this will be additional protection

In addition, do not forget that the western zone is also responsible for creativity. Therefore, if you are a person in a creative profession or are hatching some kind of creative project, then this sector is also for you. You can even practice your favorite form of creativity (cross stitch) in the western sector!

8. Knowledge and wisdom (northeast)
Activating this zone will help you improve yourself and become wiser. The sector is associated with the possibility of acquiring new knowledge, assimilation of information and the ability to learn, so it is also important to pay attention to it Special attention families with schoolchildren, students or teachers.

OWL is a symbol of wisdom, intelligence, erudition, and impeccable reputation. Prevents rash financial investments.
SNAKE - constant renewal and movement. Symbolizes wisdom and deep knowledge.

9. Slava (south)
This zone supports you as an individual, helps you achieve success and recognition in society, as well as strengthen your reputation at work and achieve fame or even fame in your field.
The image of the PHOENIX bird is a traditional talisman for the Glory zone. Phoenix is ​​very effective in activating the energy of prosperity, fame and success. The image of the Phoenix can be replaced by the image of the ROOSTER, personifying wide fame and good fame.
A picture with an embroidered PEACOCK can also become an excellent talisman that attracts good luck and success. It is desirable that the peacock's tail appears in all its glory.
The EAGLE, proudly soaring in the skies, will help those who are ambitious and want to achieve a lot in life.
A HORSE, directed upward, symbolizes speed and endurance, bringing with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life.
Images of FIRE (hearth, fireplace, burning candle, bonfire, etc.), RISING SUN, blooming SUNFLOWERS will become very effective activators of fiery energy and this is the place for them in the southern sector of your home. SUNFLOWERS are a symbol of solar energy, life, health and prosperity.


AIST - piety, meekness, love, longevity, honoring parents, gratitude. (See sector 7.)
ORANGE - happiness, abundance and prosperity. In China, it is often given as a gift to each other, and images are displayed in the home during the Lunar New Year, not only because of the name ("kum", orange, means "gold" in Chinese), but also because of its rich color and aroma . (See sector 4.)
HARP (LYRA) - a sign of perfect agreement and Apollo. A lyre with a laurel branch and a knife means the Games of Apollo. Two lyres joined together are a symbol of the cities in which Apollo was revered as the chief of the muses. Lyres together with ancient pipes are the emblem of heroes and lovers of science.
ANEMONES - symbolize sincerity. (See sector 2.)
ANGELS - with symbolize protection (See sector 7.)
PANSIES - happiness, the desire to always be close to your loved one. (See sector 2.)
ASTER - love and tenderness. (See sector 2.)
QUINCE - happy family life and fertility.
CAR - to purchase a car. (See sector 4.)

BA-GUA is an octagonal symbol reflecting the four cardinal directions and four intermediate directions.
BUTTERFLY - a sign of frivolity, inconstancy. Butterfly wings - love, games, laughter and fun. Two butterflies - marital happiness. (See sector 2.)
BAMBOO symbolizes longevity, strength and endurance. According to the Chinese, it reliably protects the home from the influence of evil spirits. Bamboo in the form of a flute or “singing wind” is also a conductor of favorable energy. (See sector 5.)
LEGUMES - a symbol of prosperity, satiety, physical strength
BULL - reliability and strength. Long and fruitful life, stable and sustainable.
WHITE WATER LILY - a symbol of purity and virginity.
SQUIRREL - a symbol of patience, thriftiness, abundance, dexterity and optimism
BISON - bestows unbridled masculine strength, abundance, successful interaction in a team. Can serve as a talisman for the home against external negative influences

CAMEL is a sign of abstinence.
VINE LEAVES (BUPS) signify abundance, fun, as well as the promised land.
WOLF (one) means theft, gluttony and stinginess. WOLVES (pair) - to loyalty (See sector 3.)
MILITARY BADGES (trophies), placed together, symbolize the victory, triumph and memory of glorious heroic deeds.
CROW - marriage or marital fidelity.
VASE (filled) Attracting wealth
FAN is a symbol of protection not only for the person himself, but also for the home (See sector 3.)
BROOM - sweeps energy dust out of the house
CAMEL - helps to get out of the most difficult situation, get rid of bad habits, symbol of endurance, perseverance and abundance
LIBRA - calm and balance of spirit
WATER (moving) - to great luck
WATERFALL - to the “flow” of money, a symbol of downward flow (See sector 1 and 4.)
Cornflowers are a symbol of trust.

NAIL - a sign of necessity and need.
DOVE means integrity, purity, and sometimes strength. Two doves with outstretched wings kissing signify love, friendship and marital fidelity. The radiant dove represents the Holy Spirit. (See sector 2.)
A MOUNTAIN surrounded by the sea means steadfastness, firmness and constancy. Mountains Success in business, support, support - It is best to place it in the Northern sector, behind your back (as support). Mountains should have no sharp peaks and no water. (See sector 1.)
GARNET symbolizes numerous offspring and success in the activities of a branch of the company, as well as honor, glory and success. The pomegranate flower is a sign of perfect friendship. (See sector 7.)
GOOSE (couple) - fidelity
Cloves - symbol of love, engagement and marriage

The DRAGON symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance. It brings the spirit of rebirth and change. It is also a symbol of vigilance and safety. Luck, creative success, brings success in business. (See sector 4.)
OAK means strength, strength. The oak branch symbolizes the same thing. An oak crown or crown made of oak leaves is a commemoration of the merits of those who saved the lives of fellow citizens with their feat.
LADY in hats For weight loss (See sector 5.)
GIRL AND DRAGON symbol serves to attract a worthy groom, endowed with the best masculine qualities. It helps men acquire these qualities and earn the favor of the most beautiful and virtuous women
GIRL UNDER AN UMBRELLA wishes peace in the soul and peace in the heart, favorable circumstances and prosperity.
DOLPHIN - dignity, hope, safety. Placement in the northwest brings cheerfulness. A pair of dolphins - well-being and family happiness (See sector 2 and 6.)
MONEY TREE - to money (See sector 4.)
MONEY - to money
TREE, trees in bloom - longevity
CHILDREN - to the children
HOME - improvement of living conditions, stability (See sector 4.)
DROZD - new opportunities, success, luck

UNICORN - heavenly creature, mystical good omen. Symbolizes long life, celebration, splendor, joy, famous descendants and wisdom. The unicorn carries the qualities of gentleness, kindness and benevolence towards all living beings. (See sector 2.)

TOAD - strength and strength. A three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth is a symbol of good luck, wealth and improved financial condition. (See sector 4.)
LARK - to children, a symbol of fertility and childbirth.
GIRAFFE - wealth. Giraffes help you become a bright personality and be “head and shoulders above everyone else.” A symbol of good character, calmness, tenderness, care and fidelity in love.
CRANE - calmness, loyalty and good disposition, long life. A pair of cranes is a symbol of health and longevity. (See sector 5.)

The HARE is the personification of hearing, sensitivity, abundance, timidity and fear, longevity. A favorable omen is the image of a hare in red.
SNAKE - means reasoning, precaution, health, constant renewal and movement. Symbolizes wisdom and deep knowledge Also: eternity - a snake holding its tail in its mouth. (See sector 8.)
SUNSET - to the “sunset” of good luck.
CASTLE - improvement of living conditions
STAR - reward, encouragement. Stars - happiness and eternity.
ZEBRA - peace of mind in any situation. Zebras are a symbol of an active lifestyle, joy, fun - the ability to adequately bear both white and black stripes in life
GOLDFISH - for money (See sector 4.)
UMBRELLA - protection against thieves
CEREALS are a symbol of material wealth. (See sector 4.)
KINGFISHER - this small bird symbolizes grace, nobility, and marital fidelity.

IRIS - life that does not know old age (See sector 2.)
ICON - protection (See sector 6.)

CEDAR - means longevity, strength, constancy and hardness.
WHEEL - a sign of fortune and chance.
A SHIP with outstretched sails floating on the water means joy, happiness, safety, good hope. Good luck in business and money. Should hang with its nose towards the center of the house (See sector 4.)
RABBIT - abundance, fear and fear.
BOAR - is a symbol of prosperity, endurance, nobility, the ability to sacrifice oneself to protect offspring
FIREPLACE - comfort in the house
KARP (one) - spiritual achievements. Carps (pair) - harmony of relationships. Carps (nine) - success and material well-being (See sector 4.)
BOOK - knowledge, wisdom
KOALA - gentleness and friendliness
A BASKET filled with something is a sign of wealth, prosperity and success. (See sector 4.)
GOAT is a symbol of tenderness, motherhood, sensitivity and overcoming any obstacles in your way
HUMMINGBRI - the joy of life
RINGS - for the wedding. A sign of immortality, eternity, love and union. (See sector 2.)
KOLOS - prosperity, wealth and comfort in the home.
HORSE - victory, joy, courage and power. The horse is (like the deer) a symbol of the sun; it brings happiness and prosperity to the house.
The CAT represents wisdom, insight and flexibility of mind. A symbol of clairvoyance, attentiveness and intelligence. In China, the cat is considered a symbol of longevity. Cats (pair) - a union where each respects the freedom of the other.
RABBIT - a symbol of fertility, family, sexuality, agility and vigilance
RAT - a symbol of wealth, prosperity and well-being (See sector 4.)
CORN - children's health
CLOVER with four leaves brings good luck in all matters.

LAUREL is a sign of victory.
LEO has long been associated with energy and valor. They are perceived as excellent protectors of home and public places, especially against evil spirits. (See sector 3.)
LEOPARD symbolizes courage, bravery and warlike ferocity. Grants success and maximum efficiency in business. Protector from evil influences
BAT is a sign of happiness and long life. Bats (five) 5 Benefits - longevity, wealth, health, benefactor, life to the end predetermined by fate (See sector 3)
FOX is a symbol of guile, deception, wit and cunning. Grants bright appearance, intelligence, “sweet” speech and the ability to avoid various pitfalls in life.
The HORSE is the patron saint of children. It symbolizes speed, perseverance, gives strength and endurance, and gives children rapid development. The horse is a symbol of speed and endurance, joy of life, optimism and good fame. It is better if the horse is directed upward. The horse brings with it the wind of change and favorable changes in life. If you attach a symbolic image of gold to the back of a horse, then the horse will bring you fame and money. Five horses, 5 sources of strength - strength of spirit, body, feelings, mind and intention. (See sector 1 and 9.)
SWALLOW - success and abundance (See sector 4.)
SWAN - grace, beauty, purity. A pair of swans - loyalty and purity. (See sector 2.)
LILY - beauty and perfection (See sector 2.)
BOAT - a symbol of increasing good luck in business, security, hope
LIKO - foot health.
LOTUS is a symbol of fidelity. The flower represents perfection, spiritual grace, peace, fertility.
MOON - help in business. Full - house full bowl; growing - starting things; descending - completion of affairs
A three-fingered FROG with a coin in its mouth means money. Symbol of wealth. It is better to place in the wealth zone - southeast
LILY OF THE LILY is a symbol of tenderness and beauty. (See sector 2.)

MAGNOLIA symbolizes sweetness, love and sophistication. (See sector 2.)
BEAR - means courage and strength, and its images hung at the entrance to the house are an effective defense against burglars. A bear with her offspring. A symbol of maternal strength, care and warmth.
MANEKI-NEKO (cat with raised paw) - good luck in business and money (See sector 4.)
MAKI - wish fulfillment. Towards "male strength". Also poppy fields. (See sector 2.)
CAR - to the appearance (repair) of a 4-wheeled friend
LIGHTHOUSE - fulfillment of a wish or solution to a problem (See sector 4.)
MILL - wish fulfillment (See sector 4.)
Burlap - prosperity in the house
COINS - to money (hieroglyphs up)
MOUFLON (wild mountain sheep) - masculinity and superiority. In Chinese tradition, mouflon is a positive male symbol (yang).

NARCIS is a symbol of eternal life. (See sector 2.)
RHINO - a symbol of protection, power and unstoppable pressure. He is able to stop and reverse any Negative influence to your home.
Forget-me-nots - true love. (See sector 2.)

SHEEP - a sign of meekness, virginity and purity
DEER means long life successful career, greatness, beauty, luck and wealth (See sector 1.)
DONKEY - a sign of laziness, clumsiness, ignorance, fragile business and foul language.
EAGLE - power, courage, sharp mind (See sector 1 and 9.)
ORCHID symbolizes sweetness, love and sophistication. (See sector 2.)
MONKEY - intelligence, intelligence, cunning. A symbol of protection from failure, a cheerful disposition, originality of thinking and rapid changes in fate.
NUT - mental strength, wisdom, longevity
HEATH - comfort in the home

PELICAN is an image of child-loving and fatherly love for children.
PEACH is a Chinese symbol of eternity and marriage. Fertility and abundance, longevity. (See sector 5.)
DOG (dog) means loyalty, memory, gratitude, obedience, vigilance, shamelessness, envy; running with his tail up means a victory, and with his tail tucked in - a loss. (See sector 3.)
THE ROOSTER is a sign of vigil, vigilance, protection of grapes, battle and victory. The Chinese believe that the image of the Red Rooster in the home or workplace is an effective protection against fire, and the White Rooster drives away evil spirits at night. The same applies to marriage - the more beautiful the rooster, the better. With hen and chickens - to a real marriage (not civil). But it is not recommended to embroider for already married people (See sector 2 and 9.)
PEONY is a flower of joy, sophistication, passion and carnal love. It works well only in the first years of marriage (See sector 2.)
BEE means hard work, vigilance, science, art and artistry.
PAVA (bird) - to family happiness (See sector 2.)
PEACOCK - luck, success, beauty and

Cross stitch. To some, this type of needlework seems to be the lot of extinct noble maidens who whiled away boring evenings waiting for their betrothed, or, on the contrary, old maids surrounded by fat lazy cats and walls covered in ugly chintz.

Have you presented the picture? Forget it, this has been out of date for a very long time. Many people are now interested in embroidery, regardless of gender, age and social status. They communicate on forums, exchange patterns, show off embroidered and decorated works, help each other, share information, threads, kits and addresses of framing workshops.

Just go to the LiveJournal community dedicated to cross stitch - and you will be amazed at the atmosphere of passion and goodwill that reigns here.

As in any community of people connected by some kind of business, embroiderers develop their own signs. To get married, they embroider peonies, which must be hung in the apartment of the girl’s parents. Any couples - animals, people, birds, butterflies - also, according to embroidery signs, lead to finding your soulmate.

When they dream of their own home, they embroider any house or image of a mill they like. The image of a four-wheeled friend helps with purchasing a car.

The “Almost Perfect” set is almost legendary in the embroidery community: many of the women who embroidered this design from Dimensions were able to conceive a child, even if they had previously had problems in this area. Judging by the reviews on various forums, embroidery works in 99% of cases. Another set - a family of teddy bears - is recommended for those who decide to have a second child.

People who do not want to be alone are not recommended to embroider single female portraits. It would also be better to refrain from embroidering the raging sea. But embroidering a lighthouse means the fulfillment of a wish made with the first stitch. Those who want to improve their financial situation take up designs with a money tree or a three-horned money frog with coins in its mouth. Horses are embroidered if they want to change their job to a more successful and better paid one.

Embroidery is used to test people to see how “one of them” they really are. On any forum you will find many stories about how relationships between people deteriorated or improved after donating embroidered works.

The symbolism of embroidery is mostly based on the symbolism of Feng Shui - the science of harmony with the environment, mainly with interior items. Many people are quite skeptical about it. But even if you don’t take Feng Shui seriously, the theory of visualization still remains. The magic of stitches really works. But witchcraft, of course, does not lie in the hands of the embroiderer, not in the floss, not in the needle and canvas. She is in the power of thoughts. Concentrating on the embroidered image, cherishing his dream, which is drawn out with the help of a thread and a needle, a person is determined to acquire what he wants.

And in principle - if you tune in properly - for any embroidery that you start, you can make absolutely any wish and believe that it will come true as soon as the work is finished.

After all, thoughts are material. And each will be given according to his faith.

“Stitch by stitch we “outline” our life...” This saying is completely true: many talented needlewomen know special embroidery signs that in a certain way influence the fate of each person. Such superstitions arose in ancient times, and our wise ancestors always tried to observe them in order to live in peace and harmony!

What is the significance of embroidery today: why are symbols and signs needed in embroidery?

There are many signs associated with embroidery, both good and not so good.

IN modern world available a large number of superstitions associated with creative process embroidery with a needle, on a hoop, sewing machine, or in another way. Embroidery signs affect important aspects human life and are associated with family well-being, making a profit, fulfilling desires, expecting pregnancy or one’s own health.

If you comply folk beliefs in embroidery, then happiness, prosperity and love will come to the house. When a woman is in an “interesting position” and sews, the pregnancy will proceed favorably, childbirth will be easy and quick. The same applies to diseases: the patient will recover more quickly. Therefore, an embroidered picture, given with all your heart, will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires!

How to embroider correctly?

The embroidery pattern should be chosen according to your liking

Embroidered paintings have a beneficial effect on each individual. But you need to start sewing in right time without forgetting personal responsibility. It is forbidden to take the first image that comes across on the topic - it must be chosen carefully and with soul. You can embroider the image you like even on Sunday.
The exception is Christian holidays or other events that directly prohibit handicrafts. You need to imagine what you want with full concentration - nothing should interfere with an exciting activity. Music or complete silence will help create a favorable atmosphere. But watching TV does not allow you to fully concentrate on the lesson.

Signs in embroidery to make a wish come true

The embroidered icon favors the plan

There are several ways to fulfill your desires using embroidery. Below are the most interesting and common signs in embroidery associated with images:

  • “Mill” - soon the desired goal will be achieved or you will hear favorable news;
  • “Mayak” - fulfillment of a wish or finding a good job with a friendly team;
  • “Calm sea, river, ocean” - the image means a quiet, peaceful and long life;
  • “Hummingbird” symbolizes the quick fulfillment of desires and material well-being;
  • “Icon” - an image of a saint promises the fulfillment of plans and serves as a special amulet.

Also, needlewomen can make and voice a wish with the first cross or the first knot - simple stitches will definitely come true soon cherished dream. Whereas the last knot on a knitted canvas means a favorable outcome of events.

Signs in embroidery for improving living conditions

Home embroidery will help you move quickly to a new home

Knowledgeable people say: in order to improve living conditions, the artist needs to personally embroider an image of the future home, or a general image of the desired housing. The magical mechanism of a quick move is equally successful in launching both an unsightly rickety house and a magnificent palace - it all depends on the personal preferences of the seamstress.

Signs in embroidery for purchasing a car

The principle of embroidering an image is the same as for purchasing a cherished home. Only in in this case you need to draw with stitches the brand of the vehicle that the person wants to purchase. There is an old belief: what comes out as a result in the picture will soon arrive as the fulfillment of what was planned.

Signs in embroidery for love, marriage, family

Wolves are monogamous by nature, embroidering a wolf couple will help strengthen the family

If you want to find love, save a marriage or create strong family, then it is recommended to embroider paired images of animals, birds, people, and plants. They symbolize strong bonds, friendship and an unbreakable union. Below are the most popular and effective drawings:

  1. “Wolves” are lonely, faithful and devoted animals, choosing their only partner for the rest of their lives.
  2. “Beautiful snow-white swans or bright mandarin ducks” are the most faithful and at the same time proud representatives of the bird family.
  3. “Couple in love” - she should be kissing, holding hands, or hugging in the picture. This symbolizes quick and long-awaited love. You cannot embroider quarreling or separated lovers - such negative images mean grief, sadness, tears, separation.
  4. “Kiss” - symbolizes the intensity love passion between lovers, soon finding your desired soulmate, or a fateful acquaintance.
  5. “Stranger” - this embroidery will soon give a lonely girl an interesting acquaintance with a pleasant person. In this case, you cannot use the image of icons - this action contradicts all church canons.
  6. “Heart” - it acts as a powerful amulet in love and family life. It is believed that this embroidery attracts positive emotions and a desired love affair, and also symbolizes an early meeting with a soul mate.
  7. “Tree” - it takes its roots into relationships with other people, making them stronger, stronger and more friendly. Strengthens love connection. Negative meaning- can attract the close attention of unpleasant fans or former lovers to a lonely person.
  8. “Unicorn” - embroidery symbolizes good luck in all endeavors, a strong family and mutual love, and for pregnant women - happy motherhood. Typically, such an image is embroidered on a special canvas made of knitted fabric.
  9. “Rooster” is a native Russian image on the embroidery of the desired young man. When a beloved man appears in the life of a seamstress, she is recommended to subsequently add a chicken to the rooster in the picture - the paired combination of these birds symbolizes happiness and love.
  10. “Butterfly” is a Chinese symbol of family, love and fidelity. This image on embroidery quickly attracts a soul mate and harmonious relationships into the life of a lonely person, which corresponds to the teachings of Feng Shui.
  11. “Phoenix” is an oriental symbol of romantic relationships, a happy marriage and mutual love. This is embroidery against envious people and unkind individuals; it revives again and again from the ashes the burning passion between partners.
  12. "Rose" − famous symbol passionate and mutual love. It is recommended to embroider a red rose, which greatly enhances the passionate feelings of lovers, but it is also possible to depict a rose flower as a sign of tenderness and innocence.
  13. “Red poppy” is a symbol of strong and strong love. It is advisable to hang such embroidery in a common living room or parent’s bedroom - the long-awaited romantic feeling and happiness will quickly knock on the house.
  14. “Peony” - embroidery of this beautiful flower greatly enhances the attractiveness of a single woman and leads to meeting an interesting man. Promotes the emergence or intensification of passion between lovers.
  15. “Wedding paraphernalia” - symbols of a happy and strong family are usually white doves or gold rings, denoting eternal and devoted love, as well as an imminent marriage to a loved one.

The embroidered picture should be placed strictly certain place: on the southwest side of your own apartment. According to Feng Shui, this sector is the zone of love and passion. And on the first knot you can whisper the paired names - yours and your lover’s.

Signs of embroiderers for the birth of a child

By embroidering a stork with a baby you can speed up the appearance of a desired pregnancy

The birth of children is a long-awaited and joyful event in the lives of many people. And to speed it up, esotericists advise expectant mothers to observe the following common embroidery signs in images:

  • “Angels, babies, mothers with children, a stork with a child” - such magical egregors greatly enhance the ability to get pregnant, and pregnant women to give birth to a healthy and strong baby.
  • “Madonna and Child” - an embroidered image of a holy mother and child is the most powerful and effective amulet for creating a happy and strong family. Shows kindness to pregnant women and promotes the birth of a healthy baby.
  • “Baguette color or passe-partout” - it is believed that the chosen color scheme for embroidery design correctly predicts the gender of the unborn child based on ancient predictions if a woman sews during pregnancy.
  • “A family of bears, or a bursting pomegranate” - this embroidery means goodwill higher powers for the birth of a second child or the appearance of numerous offspring for further continuation of the family.

The preferred embroidery options for pregnant women are images of saints, icons, other church objects, or ancient Slavic amulets, symbolizing the birth of strong and healthy offspring. Embroiderers also use paired images of animals, birds, people, and other images.

Signs of embroiderers related to human health

Embroidery with the image of cranes is an excellent amulet for health

To be a healthy, strong and energetic person it is recommended folk signs embroider the following images of birds, animals, people or plants on the canvas:

  1. “Crane” is an ancient and effective amulet for maintaining health for many years. The best way is to embroider a bird sitting on a pine branch - this tree symbolizes longevity and vitality.
  2. “Turtle” is a symbol of good health and longevity. The slow and clumsy animal serves as a kind of “hour of youth” and preserves the natural beauty of the protected woman for a long time.
  3. “Plants” are usually embroidered for a speedy recovery of a sick person, or a noticeable improvement in the condition of his body. Symbols of unabated vitality here are iris, bamboo and peach tree.
  4. “Birch” is a Russian witchcraft symbol. The image of this tree on embroidery protects a person from enemy attacks, acts as a weapon against evil spirits and is an effective way of ritual purification.
  5. “Woman in a Hat” - this image is recommended to embroider for ladies who want to get rid of several extra pounds. It enhances the effect of the diet and promotes noticeable weight loss.

Signs of embroiderers associated with paintings for wealth and a successful career

An embroidered icon can normalize the energy background in the house