Interview with the singer. Dmitry Pevtsov: “I came to the temple out of a deep inner desire

Today on the pages of “Slavyanka” we are talking about women, faith and love with the most interesting and extraordinary actor, People’s Artist of Russia, loving husband and caring father Dmitry Pevtsov

Dmitry, in one of your interviews you said that all men’s feats are meaningless if there is no woman for whose sake these feats are performed. What should this woman be like?
This complex issue. On the one hand, the ideal of a woman is a vague and foggy concept, but on the other hand, it is extremely clear. The ideal woman is Holy Mother of God. The ideal woman is the Venerable Mary of Egypt, although she never had a family. And if we talk about mere mortals, then it’s difficult for me to talk about some third-party women and the qualities that they possess. There is a specific person in my life - this is my wife Olga, with whom we have lived for quite a few years, although it seems that we met quite recently. I cannot dissect a person into qualities, I accept him as he is. It is written: A man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh (Gen. 2:24). It is incredibly difficult to stick and not come unglued, no matter what, to endure what you don’t like, come to terms with it and ask the Lord to help you both. There is no feat more difficult than the feat of humility. And married life clearly shows this. The family is a small Church. And loved ones are given to us to correct our shortcomings.

You once said that the book “Suffering” young Werther"is an encyclopedia of how not to love. How, in your opinion, should one love?
The New Testament shows how to love. How Jesus Christ loves. This is practically impossible for us, but we must strive for this.

What role does the Church play in your family?
Now she has begun to play much more important role than it was six months ago. (In September 2012, Dmitry Pevtsov’s eldest son Daniil tragically died - ed.). Tragic events, which happened in my family, sowed a lot of questions in me and, first of all, to myself: What should I do with myself? How to continue to live? And what is happening to me anyway? And now, little by little, I strive and try to answer these questions. It’s difficult when for almost 50 years you live according to the rules, relying only on yourself, and then you come to the understanding that everything you have achieved or not achieved is all the Providence of God or an allowance for my unrighteous deeds. I have a need to find help, and I am trying to find it in the Church, faith, in communication with my spiritual father, in prayer. I’m trying... It’s very difficult because there’s no habit. There have been situations in my life when I could not understand where the right way, where to go, who is right after all, and in general who I am, good or bad. Now many things are much clearer, but at the same time I faced myself and it became more difficult. I begin to look deep into myself and see great amount shortcomings and sins. And I understand how difficult it is to deal with this, and then laziness appears. We meet with our confessor, but we can’t go to him every day, so I try to read spiritual literature. Now I began to visit the temple meaningfully. I go to the Sretensky Monastery, and as soon as I set foot on its territory, joy comes over me, and I begin to feel how the husk of a great many things, worries, nonsense, unnecessary worries flies away from me. Just entering the temple changes and helps a lot. And, of course, prayer... When I regularly began to read the morning and evening rules, I simply felt how important and necessary it was. My spiritual father gave me rosary beads, and now they are always with me. (Dmitry has an unusual rosary - it is an inconspicuous ring with a cross and ten small balls for counting the Jesus Prayer).

Can a woman live without faith?
She can live, but it is very difficult. A person who does not understand that you need to ask for help, and from whom you need to ask it, a person who lives by the motto: “I myself, I can!” - in the end, he is left with nothing. There are examples of people who achieved amazing results in self-discipline and in their careers, but they all ended badly if it was without faith and without God’s help.

Dmitry, do you visit different circles. Do you find any differences between a secular woman and an Orthodox woman?
You know, my mother is an absolute atheist, but, without realizing it, she lives according to the commandments of Christ, although she denies God and religion. There are also many baptized people who sometimes do not know who Christ is. Because many are baptized for company, get married for beauty. By the way, I was the same. You can call yourself whatever you want, but what you have inside is another question. But if we talk about truly churched people, then they, of course, are seriously different from people who simply call themselves Orthodox, and even more so from non-believers.

What is absolutely unacceptable for you in a woman?
My worldview has now changed so much, and my understanding of many things has simply turned upside down. I feel terrible discomfort if I hear obscene language, and if it comes from a woman’s mouth, it is completely unacceptable. Aggression, malice and anger are what are unacceptable in a person in general, and even more so in a woman.

How important is your wife’s support for you regarding churching?
It is very important for me! Moreover, I was baptized, and then we got married at her insistence. And I didn’t immediately agree, I thought that I didn’t need it, however, I did it, but unconsciously and frivolously. And now I am grateful to Olga that she insisted and now we can talk not only about work or family concerns, but we have a common spiritual life: we both read the Gospel, pray together, read patristic literature, and this connects us even more. By the way, if we talk about literature, I was shocked by the book of Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) “Unholy Saints”. She turned me over. And it was last point, after which I came to the Sretensky Monastery and began to look for Father Tikhon, I simply longed to meet him. Then the Lord provided for us in such a way that we met him, and he gave us spiritual father. Olga in this sense is my main assistant, she is always with me, and we go to church hand in hand. In the first week of Great Lent, we decided to confess and take communion and, not knowing how long the service would last, we stood there for more than four hours, and Olga, my faithful comrade-in-arms, again only supported me.

What qualities do you and your wife primarily cultivate in your son Elisha?
My wife said it right: “The most important thing is that he has kind soul" What profession he has, what he will do, does not matter. Very important spiritual education. Elisha and I read the children's Bible and talk about spiritual topics. And it is also very important that parents prepare their child for the fact that people will not always love him. The child must be prepared for failures, troubles, insults, and betrayals. He needs to make it absolutely clear that everything that happens to him, especially bad things, depends on what he is like. If you are offended or insulted, look for the reason in yourself.

What is the meaning of life for you?
The meaning of life is to find joy. And joy is the Kingdom of God in the soul. And when the Kingdom of God settles in you, it no longer matters who you are, a janitor or a national artist. Having joy in your soul, you can endure anything.

What words would you say to a person, for example, a woman, who has not yet believed in God?
I will say this: I lived happily and carefree for a long time and was sure that everything was in my hands, and it would always be so. But when I encountered an unforeseen challenge, I realized that I couldn’t cope alone. Yes, you can be strong, you can be successful, but all this is given to us from above, and everything is God’s will. Therefore, I know for sure that you need to thank God for everything you have, for everything, from a piece of bread to a child.

Interviewed by Elena Volkova

November 23, 2016, 02:30

I haven’t made posts on this topic for a long time, I had a free minute))

Dmitry Pevtsov - I really like this actor, by the way, in appearance - he’s not my type at all, but I admit that he is, of course, a very handsome man, and has become more handsome with age, in my opinion. And, of course, he’s a great actor. I’m not a fan of his work, so I can’t judge Pevtsov’s theatrical works, and I haven’t seen many films with Dmitry, but what I was able to watch made an impression on me.


Dmitry Anatolyevich Pevtsov was born into the family of a sports doctor and honored coach of the USSR in pentathlon. That is why, since childhood, Dmitry has been involved in karate, judo and horse riding. As Pevtsov recalls, he first sat on a horse at the age of three, because his mother was a specialist in hippotherapy. In addition, he managed to try his hand at figure skating, skiing and swimming. Pevtsov, as a child, loved risk and more than once rode on the steps of freight cars. After school, Pevtsov wanted to follow in his parents’ footsteps and enter the Faculty of Physical Education at pedagogical institute. But, in 1980, he became a student at GITIS. However, the lesson :) ended quickly.

A year later, Pevtsov was drafted into the army. Served future actor in the theatre Soviet army. In 1985, Dmitry graduated from GITIS and went to work at the Taganka Theater. Success came to Dmitry Pevtsov when he played Savely Govorkov in the action film Nicknamed the Beast by Alexander Muratov. I remember this film very well, it was something new, along with the Trapper, the Scavenger, etc. - Soviet-Russian action movie))) but it made an impression, Dmitry was very brutal there. Now the film looks a little funny and naive, but then it was a bomb))

But international success appeared after the role of Yakov Somov in the film “Mother” directed by Gl:) Panfilov. For this role, by the way, the artist received the “Felix” prize in the category “ Best Actor background."

Here I would like to add that Dmitry was lucky - he is a quite popular actor and has played in many films that have become cult films of its time: Nicknamed the Beast, Mafia is Immortal, Pop Music, Moscow, Gangster Petersburg, Zhmurki, etc. One cannot help but recall the very famous and popular series of their time: Queen Margot and Countess de Monsoreau.

Separately, I would like to tell you about theater work Pevtsova. After graduating from GITIS, young Pevtsov was assigned to work in an acting troupe famous Theater on Taganka. 1991, when it broke up Soviet Union, marked for young actor change of theater. Pevtsov was invited to work in Lenkom, where he plays to this day.

Among the performances in which Pevtsov played, first of all, one can note the dream of any actor - the role of Hamlet in the immortal play of the same name by William Shakespeare, staged by Gleb Panfilov. The artist also played the role of Treplev in Chekhov's "The Seagull" and played Rezanov in the scandalous rock opera "Juno and Avos".

This was followed by such vivid images as Figaro in Beaumarchais’s “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro,” and Chichikov in the production of “The Mystification.” In general, Dmitry Pevtsov, due to his spectacular appearance and well-produced vocals, was very much in demand among musical directors. In addition to the sensational "Juno and Avos", he took part in the first Russian musical "Metro", as well as the Russian production of "The Witches of Eastwick".

I have two favorite roles performed by Dmitry, perhaps they are not the deepest and not the most significant in his film career, but I really liked them, especially since the images themselves are opposite, completely different characters. The first is the daring hussar Zurov in an excellent adaptation (oh - miracle!!!) of the work of Boris Akunin - The Turkish Gambit. Oh, how good, the devil, how charming and what bright image It turned out, although the role is far from the main one, but I consider Zurov almost the main decoration of the whole film!

The second role is that of Sergei Chelishchev in the film (namely, the film) Gangster Petersburg: Lawyer. I must say that I was very prejudiced towards the film, I don’t like things like that, The Brigade made me laugh, I didn’t watch it until I found out that the director of this part was Sergei Bortko, I was simply shocked because the film dog's heart I think almost the best adaptation classics. And I can say firmly that the film made an indelible impression on me.

It’s probably even good that I watched it now, when the 90s have already turned into some kind of legend, the film looks very fresh, even despite the not very good quality of filming and so on, none of this matters. It’s clear that they were filmed by professionals: the script, camera work, music, makeup, costumes - everything is on the highest level. Of course, the story itself and, of course - cast. Dmitry perfectly conveyed the inner brokenness of his hero, his personal changes, his struggle with himself, the role is not easy, with a breakdown, he succeeded in everything, however, I repeat, all the actors there are at their best.

Right now it’s going to be personal, right now I’m going to whine...they’ve played it before, even in TV series: Streets of Broken Lanterns, St. Petersburg Mysteries, Gangster Petersburg, and the same Brigade, although the script is stupid (in places it’s really naive), but it’s well shot and the actors played wonderfully, The Idiot, Children of the Arbat, Border - a taiga novel (I don’t like it), Diary of a Murderer (I love it), etc. - there were scripts, direction, music, and acting... but all this is at least 10 years old... what happened in 10 years? they're filming some shit...

That's it, I'm done whining...

Let's continue.

Personal life:

While studying at GITIS, Dmitry lived in a de facto marriage with his fellow student Larisa Blazhko, who in 1990 gave birth to a son, Daniil, from the actor. After a short time, the lovers separated, and Blazhko emigrated to Canada. The couple maintained friendly relations,

Pevtsov took an active part in the fate of his son Daniil, helping him at the beginning acting career. In 2012, a tragedy occurred: as a result of an accident, Daniil Pevtsov fell from a third-floor window, all the doctors’ efforts were in vain, Pevtsov’s son died in intensive care Terrible tragedy. Daniel was simply a copy of his father.

In 1991, during the filming of A Walk on the Scaffold, the actor began an affair with his co-star. film set, actress of the Sovremennik Theater, beauty Olga Drozdova. Three years later, Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova legalized their relationship. In 2007, the couple had a son, whom his parents named Elisha.

The spouses appear together everywhere and participate in each other's lives as much as possible. It seems to me that Olga is a strong-willed woman, and keeps everything under the strictest control, as well as her figure, however))) so there is love, love))) Well done - Olya)) if anyone knows any gossip - share, We're on Gossip Magazine after all...

Quotes from Dmitry Pevtsov:

I'm a monogamist, as it turns out.

I'm a light drinker, but I get drunk quickly.

A woman is a realist, she is closer to the ground.

I made a distinction for myself: I act in the theater, but not in life.

Panfilov is a movie worth wasting your life for.

During the four years that I was a prefect, I lost my sense of humor.

I Sissy. And he grew up in a happy Soviet “unit of society.”

As for all sorts of cliques and “advisers,” I learned long ago to distance myself from what they say.

You can’t give your best every day, you can’t do complete nonsense with wild dedication, you can’t do the most important thing half-heartedly.

Cinema is a director’s art, so you can cut it up and turn a block into a handsome, charming artist, even an idol.

Intuition helps me hear and feel God’s providence, which we forget about, replacing it with determination, heroism, and toughness.

The director must see the process from above, but I don’t have that.

I live for my own pleasure, I try not to interfere with the lives of others.


Dmitry is interested in racing.

Family photos.

With my first wife

Olga with Daniil

Queen Margo

Nicknamed the Beast

Gangster Petersburg

Turkish gambit

Handsome man

Thank you for attention))

24.09.2017 By

Dmitry Pevtsov made sensational confession about life with Olga Drozdova. What a twist!

The actor gave an interview in which he spoke about personal matters. Dmitry Pevtsov believes that in order to maintain a married relationship, you need to constantly work on yourself and learn to tolerate some of each other’s shortcomings. In his opinion, in this case the spouses will be happy.

Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova have been together for 26 years. During this time, they never gave fans a reason to doubt the strength of their union. Spouses always speak warmly of each other, emphasizing that they are happy in marriage.

In one of latest interviews Dmitry told what qualities you need to have in order to maintain a relationship for many years.


“Love is work, and first of all, on yourself. You need to find and develop compliance, patience and humility. Using these qualities, you can strengthen the relationship between spouses. If you have something for the sake of it, you can go through and survive absolutely everything,” said Pevtsov.

Dmitry does not hide the fact that he is used to pampering his wife. So, a man constantly gives his beloved gifts, tries to take care of her and protect her from problems. Among best qualities Olga's happy husband calls wisdom, directorial talent, unpredictability and spiritual strength.

Pevtsov considers the main secret of a strong marriage to be the ability to be a friend to the other half. The spouses have many common interests, because they both work in cinema and play in the theater. Olga also shares Dmitry’s passion for religion. The family visits the temple weekly, receives communion and prays.

Olga and Dmitry often act together and try not to be separated for long. Fans never tire of admiring their sincerity, noting that the spouses are not only perfect couple, but also excellent parents.

In an interview, Pevtsov spoke about the peculiarities of raising his son Elisha. According to Dmitry, it is important for him that a ten-year-old boy grows up to be a worthy man.

“We regularly force Elisha to read; we believe that the knowledge gained from books is more useful than that available on the Internet. Ten years later I see my son kind, decent person- it is most important. But profession doesn’t matter,” shared Pevtsov.

Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova got married in December 1994. The couple did not hide the fact that they had been trying to become parents for a long time. In 2007, the couple had a long-awaited son, Elisha. Despite their popularity and demand in the profession, actors try to spend a lot of time with their children.

Communicating with the Woman's day portal, Dmitry noted that he has a lot creative plans for the future, but a man always puts the interests of the family first.

    23.03.2017 , By

    Ex-participant of the reality show "Dom-2", model, presenter and socialite Victoria Bonya broke up with her at the beginning of 2017 common-law husband, millionaire from Monaco Alex Smurfit. But before the couple’s fans had time to properly worry about the former lovers, the young woman had already announced a new romance, reported News in the World Popular: Babkina revealed the secret of Gore’s departure In one of […]

Dmitry Pevtsov is one of those actors who are always successful. And as a result, they are always surrounded by attention. Pevtsov is clearly tired of this attention and is trying to keep his distance. Conspicuously aloof, taciturn... The image of Pierrot suits him very well. But there is another Singer, and I know him

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

[...]I see that Olya is an indisputable authority for you. Do you always trust her opinion?

Yes, she is always there for me in any matter main man. Starting from my hairstyle and clothes, and ending with my profession and raising a child.

Your long marriage with Olga is admirable; this is rare in the acting community, especially in our time. Tell me, have you ever had situations on the verge of divorce?
No. Disagreements were the most that happened. Even just raising your voice is not customary in our family. Any problems can be solved if you understand: there is something important that needs to be preserved and protected.

Why was the son named Elisha?
Everything is very simple: we knew approximately what day he would be born, and we chose a name according to the calendar.

Has the birth of your son affected your relationship in any way? Have they become even stronger?
Well, relationships are strengthened or destroyed regardless of whether children appear in the family. I remember at school in physics we studied the homogenization of metals, when two solid substances, under tight compression, after some time penetrate each other, becoming one. Olga and I have been going through this process for twenty years now. And Elisha brought joy - motherhood, fatherhood, and consciously. My wife is a normal crazy mother who is tormented by the fact that, as it seems to her, she does not devote enough time to her child due to her serious work in the theater. And I tell her: stop running around with him, it will all end with him growing up, bringing a girl and saying: “Mom, this is Ira/Masha/Katya, she will live with us”... Get used to it in advance that this is not only “ yours is yours.”

Did your parents treat you the same way?
I'm a mama's boy. And he grew up in a happy Soviet “unit of society.” And when he brought Olga to meet his parents, she immediately took her place in the family. They generally switched places with their mother: Olga is the mother-in-law, and mother is the daughter-in-law... ( Smiling.) I am monogamous, as it turned out. And Olya is the head of the family.

You talk about it so easily. This means that you, as a man, are quite happy with this.
In fact, this happens in every family. Men just don't want to admit it. A woman is a realist, she is closer to the ground. Women live longer, give birth to children, they are psychologically stronger, physically more resilient and less prone to insanity than men.

Are you prone to madness yourself?
No, I am an ordinary “dilettante functionary” in my profession and a physical athlete in life. I live for my own pleasure, I try not to interfere with the lives of others.

Nothing was known about your eldest son Danila all these years. Have you kept in touch with him?
He has been living in Russia for the last few years. Before that, he and his mother were in Canada. When they arrived, Danya spoke Russian poorly, and, of course, at first there were problems at school, but he was flexible, gradually adapted and, thank God, finished school well. He didn’t get into the theater the first time - and that was also good, he wasn’t ready. I got him a job at Lenkom as an assembler, he worked there for a season - and the work was quite hard - he saw the theater from the inside, attended rehearsals, and his desire to be an artist became conscious. Since I worked with him and prepared him, I can firmly say that Dani has abilities. If he works on himself correctly, maybe in 10-15 years he will become a good artist.

When did you start communicating? When did you feel that you and your son were on the same page?
Probably when he graduated from school. We started speaking professional themes, and not just about problems at school and on the street.

Tell me, what is it like to immediately receive an adult son?
I'll tell you this: I like that I have an adult son and that he is so similar to me. He makes me happy, and in some matters he is even more mature than I think.

Dima, my advice: don’t give your son a car in the near future!
(Laughs.) No, you need to grow up to a car. One day he asked to buy him a scooter. And I said: “Okay, but first you learn to drive, get a job so that you have something to pay for the motorcycle, and then I’ll give you money for a scooter, but on credit!” Now Danya is finishing driving courses...

That is, you truly experienced the joy of fatherhood only when you were born younger son?
Probably, and I’m also at such an age now that I can realize this joy. And when Danya was born... I was young and stupid, I didn’t understand what it was like to be a father. I didn't think about it at all. Thanks to Larisa, his mother, for keeping my son for me, just as he is. It was she who raised him and raised him.

I'm in yours country house I saw a battery of children's cars, they took up an entire garage! Are you preparing your son for Formula 1?
I don't have that much money. ( Smiling.) My son just really loves cars. We recently counted: he has more than a hundred cars. At only two years old, he knows the names of almost all car models that drive on the streets of Moscow. No one taught him this specifically. But most of all he likes KamAZ and Gazelle.

Your youngest son is growing up to be a patriot! This is wonderful. Dima, did you tell your eldest son what a disgustingly correct student you were, and even the head of the course?
He didn’t tell me, but he had heard about it. I'm actually glad I was a prefect, although it was hard. I couldn’t afford to be late or oversleep, otherwise how could I ask others? I was sickeningly correct. If someone was late for a lecture, I forbade that student to be allowed into the classroom. Terrible. ( Laughs.) I went out into the yard and shouted: “Sudakovites!!! (Our artistic directors were Irina Ilyinichna Sudakova and Lidiya Nikolaevna Knyazeva.) To the lecture!!!” And everyone went because they didn’t want to get involved with the “frostbitten headman.” And I threw desks, yelled at them...

Where do you get such aggression from?
It was a fanatical devotion to teachers and discipline. During the four years that I was a prefect, I lost my sense of humor. Then it returned, but this hypertrophied responsibility that developed led to the fact that I forgot how to tell jokes. But he didn’t drink at all, didn’t smoke, brought 3-4 sketches to each acting class and maintained his energy and health.

Actor Dmitry Pevtsov told the site about his new series, the Pevtsov Theater and his attitude towards religion.

“The head of the homicide department, Rustem Zainullin, is accused of murdering a colleague and friend...” - NTV channel showed new series“Internal investigation” with Dmitry Pevtsov in the title role.

But it turned out that for people's artist cinema today is not the most serious reason for an interview. Found more significant ones.

I rarely watch TV

– It’s a pity to waste time filming. Long hours of waiting go in vain... The crime genre has become an obsession - now we need to look for new ways to attract viewers. But our story is told with humor. The character is a kind of hooligan in life. The team has been amazing. And I succeeded free time. Everything coincided. Otherwise I would not have agreed.

– You starred in a TV series, but you advise people not to turn on the TV.

– And I rarely do this myself. Sometimes I watch news, programs about animals, sports.

– They once said that they are not interested in the opinions of the audience, since you yourself know everything about your work: where it worked, where it didn’t work out so well.

“That was a few years ago, I wouldn’t put it that way now.” Still, my profession is meaningless without spectators. I am my own critic and, of course, I know much more about what I do. But the viewer is what fuels the actor, our full-fledged player.

– Which, by the way, for all the world is scolding the play of last season “Don Giovanni”, where you the main role: sorry for the money, gone, porn...

- Yes? I haven’t read it... Nigro’s play is quite complex, and, in my opinion, the play has not yet been born. They were looking for actresses for a long time - a lot depended on them, there was not enough time for rehearsals... But the story is interesting. About a man who lived in hopeless sin and suddenly discovered for himself what love is. At this moment someone comes and says: it’s all over, guy, it’s time. And he doesn’t even have time to realize how he lived. Not to mention repenting.

- Bad end.

– The ending is tragic, but the play is written in the comedy genre, there are a lot of jokes, including rude ones, like in medieval farces. At the same time, the story is absolutely philosophical, and, surprisingly, the beginning of the second act looks best, when Don Giovanni and Leporello discuss where and why they are going. No action - just 20 minutes of conversation. Before the audience's eyes, two opinions are fighting. The fact is that Leporello and Don Juan are one person. Man and his conscience, or guardian angel...

– If the value of the play is in philosophical reasoning, is low humor really necessary?

– It was written out by the author. And characterizes the hero. To understand how a person to whom the world has opened up to love changes, you need to see what he was like before. One of my performances is like this. But there are also a lot of light ones. On November 16, for example, we will show new version“Lunin”, written by the great Radzinsky. 19th century, nobility, Decembrists. A highly spiritual, even pathetic play.

Set the table, pour...

– Three years ago you and your wife Olga began teaching students acting At the institute contemporary art. Have you tried to escape bad TV and movies?

– We always had enough activities: theater, cinema, concerts, television. And then such an offer came... Nothing just happens. We have been invited to lead the course before, including at VGIK. But, obviously, the time has come only now. We took on this not because something was missing - on the contrary, we had something to give. And our life amazingly has changed. Divided into students and “everything else.”

– Do they take too much effort, energy, time?

– It’s just responsibility, which means help, love. We started setting up the PevtsovTheater studio, creating a repertoire so that we have the opportunity to play a lot and on serious stages. And there, God willing, your own premises will appear. We call students “our children.” And we solve all their problems as best we can, from medicine to finding sponsors - so that the guys pay less for their education. We live as a friendly team, meet outside the institute, and tour together. Our course was noticed very quickly, and within a year the competition at ISI increased sharply. Moreover, we called here the best teachers, now Alexander Viktorovich Zbruev has joined us... Yes, you have to give a lot. But in return you get more. The joy that you feel from the success of students cannot be compared with any personal achievements: a successful premiere, an award, a flattering review - all this is such nonsense!

- Because you had it all.

– I remember my feelings when I received all this. And, by the way, I still receive it. But when you see the audience applauding “our children” with tears in their eyes. When they ask the same question: “How do you make so much love come from your students on stage?..” No, no amount of money can buy that. The self-expression of directors’ complexes, the non-normative urges of their bodies – all of Moscow is filled with this. There is a little less in the provinces, but in the capital there is trouble and sadness. They say there are no criteria by which art can be judged. And it seems to me that this is obvious. How much goodness, joy, faith, hope, love will a person receive after seeing a film, play or painting? It doesn’t receive anything, which means that this work has nothing to do with art.

– The goal is to create a professional troupe?

- Certainly. Moreover, we want to work with the state and receive help from it. Commercial theater is always a struggle for the audience, doing something that is needed so that people will definitely buy tickets. The entrepreneurial path does not suit us.

– No matter how good intentions you hide behind, you will be looked at under a strong magnifying glass, criticized as unprofessional teachers and directors who have taken aim at our William Shakespeare.

– We make theater for the audience, and not for critics, who mainly love “themselves in art.” There are very few professionals in this field, probably four percent. So let them criticize. I don't intend to direct myself. But Olga is increasingly revealing her talent. Our first performance “Leapfrog” is its idea and embodiment. Now she is finishing her master’s degree at ISI, and it seems to me that a new director, unlike anyone else, is being born. There are a lot of plans. We would like to invite Igor Ivanovich Sukachev to the production. Sergei Dyachkovsky, actor and director of Lenkom, is already working with our guys...

– Do you tell students that acting is actually sinful? Or are you not scared yet?

– What are we not talking about! We have soul-saving conversations, both universal and professional, of course. If I start listing topics, I’ll have to set the table, pour some food, and then I’ll tell you everything...

– I agree... Are you as frank with them as they are with you?

– This is the principle of communication. To dissemble: to say one thing, think another, do a third – is pointless. Although, due to their age, we are still hiding some things. But on stage we already work as partners. There are no titles there.

Demons are always near

– After the death of your eldest son and the passing of your father, your life has changed a lot. Do you refuse many projects?

– I often don’t even finish reading the script to the second page. I don’t agree if I can’t say something on my own behalf. If there is no light, hope, joy - then why?

– After reading the book “Unholy Saints”, you decided to get acquainted with the author - now a bishop Egorievsky Tikhon. How did it happen?

- By the will of God. One day I came to a service at the Sretensky Monastery, and they told me: here he comes. I jumped up, the archimandrite listened to me for a minute. After which he introduced us to our confessor.

-Did you ask for this?

- No. I just talked about life situation and shared his opinion about his book, which changed my worldview. Then I listened to the audio recording and realized that I had missed a lot with my eyes - “Unholy Saints” is brilliantly read by Alla Demidova, Egor Beroev, Boris Plotnikov. It was a great honor for me to be asked to participate in a literary and musical composition based on the book. When the four-thousand-seat hall is filled with these stories and spiritual music throughout the evening, the feeling is almost like being in a temple. And in the repertoire of my group “KarTush” the songs “ Bell ringing", "Prayer"...

– You recently returned from Perm, where you have been helping to restore the Belogorsky Monastery for several years. Do you have several similar objects?

- Honestly? I don't write it down. And I don’t think it needs to be advertised. Because I receive much more than I give. Or should I shout that I did a good deed?..

– Next to the ISI, a temple is being built in honor of Spyridon of Trimythous. And construction is a long story.

– I’m ready to study for the rest of my life. Until my death. It became natural for me.

– It has come to statements that you would like to see Elisha’s son as a monk and do not exclude such a development of events for yourself.

- Come on! He threw out a phrase - the journalists exaggerated it. No no. Obviously, I was called to the profession of an actor, especially since I started taking care of children and theater. Well, what kind of monks? Then you have to give up everything. Maybe in fifty years...

– Are you thinking about emigrating to the USA now? A few years ago, while on tour, you were looking at real estate there...

- Yes? Interesting. I don't know.

“They said that Olga was very touched by the story of Alexei Serebryakov, who left for Canada.

- Complete nonsense! Inventions of the yellow press!

- IN last years This has become fashionable among liberals: they vilify their homeland, leave as if for the sake of their children, but continue to earn money in Russia.

- God bless them all!

– Churching is a difficult and slow path. Have you managed to overcome something within yourself and learn humility?

– Orthodoxy is the only Christian denomination, the essence of which is that a person must work on himself every hour. Faith in God alone is not enough. The devils also know that He exists. They just treat Him differently. The whole point of the Orthodox faith is that every moment you should strive for the ideal. And the ideal is our Savior. It's difficult to comply. Every second we are faced with a choice: throw the cigarette butt in the trash can or on the asphalt - a small choice, but a choice. Call someone to apologize or not do it. Demons are always nearby. And the better you try to be, the more they get to you. Anger, irritation, condemnation, pride... Sometimes they are difficult to notice. Let alone overcome it. As the holy fathers write, the purer and healthier the human soul becomes, the more sins it has acquired are revealed. One archbishop told me a joke: “There is a congress of devils. The first one gets up: we always tell the Orthodox - don’t go to church, don’t take communion, it’s difficult - you have to get up early. We work and work, but only 2-3 percent are convinced. The second complains: we endlessly explain - fasting is harmful to health, sleep longer on Sunday. Nothing helps! The third one comes out: you are idiots! you don’t know how to work with Orthodox Christians! we must say: fast, take communion, go to churches. Do everything. But from tomorrow..."

– Elisha is also with you in the temple?

– Yes, almost from birth. He calmly stands through the liturgy, confesses, and receives communion. I’m surprised myself - he finds his own meaning in the church, and it’s not difficult for him to be in the Sretensky Monastery early on Sunday morning. There are two services there. But later, at ten, there are a lot of people, at seven there are fewer people.

– With the advent of students in your life, there is absolutely no time left for your son?

– Ha-ha... It used to be less. Now Elisha - best friend students, he has his favorites. He watches performances several times.

– So you didn’t leave him a choice?

“He is an adaptable and patient person.

– I mean that he will follow in your footsteps.

- Is not a fact. It doesn’t matter what profession he chooses. The main thing is to become a full-fledged and good-natured person.

Best friend - wife

– You don’t watch TV, don’t read newspapers. But it is impossible to be apolitical today.

– I am an absolutely ardent Putinite. I have been observing what is happening in the country for a long time - I am 53 years old. In 1991, I already figured everything out. And I see how the country has changed since 2000, when Putin came. I don't compare. But... Nicholas II wrote in the “profession” column of his questionnaire: “master of the Russian Land.” Today the so-called liberal intelligentsia reminds me very much of the people who ultimately led to the assassination of the Tsar in 1918. They care about everything except themselves. And we need to start with the questions: what am I? What did you do for your country to make it better? Am I a sinless angel to blaspheme the government? I am deeply convinced: for the first time in 70 years, a professional leader has come who works for this state. And, for a moment, once a week he confesses and receives communion. I know exactly! And that tells me a lot. Truly Orthodox man cannot do evil. Even if he is engaged in such a slippery business. Leading Russia is extremely difficult. But everywhere, at all speeches, including in front of students, I say: we live in a country that has already risen from its knees. We became stronger, and they began to fear and hate us - just look at the scandal with the Olympians. They want to piss you off. Provoke. We're annoying. And we are getting stronger. Unlike Europe, which is falling apart. And America is a colossus with feet of clay. This is how I feel about politics today. Although a few years ago I was on the side of the intelligentsia who have been fighting the authorities since Soviet times. A very bad habit!

– What is the root of evil?

– When they try to “do good”, starting not with themselves, the soul is destroyed. This is a loss of energy and strength. You need to feed yourself from somewhere. And recharge is negative energy, aggression.

– Are your liberal colleagues avoiding you now?

- I'm not part of creative environment. I don't communicate with anyone. My best friend is my wife.

– What about general concerts and parties?

– Do you think we have a heart-to-heart talk there? I am begging you! A joint concert is not a political dispute. And I'm not going to force my opinion on anyone. The same as “instilling” the Orthodox faith. The person will come to her himself. Or he won't come. Throwing pearls before swine is dangerous. For “they will trample it under their feet and, turning, will tear you to pieces.”