How old is Presnyakov Jr.? Singer Vladimir Presnyakov (junior): biography, personal life, photo

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Pop singer, composer and arranger Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov was born on March 29, 1968 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg).

His father, Vladimir Presnyakov Sr., was the leader of the vocal-instrumental ensemble (VIA) “What the Guitars Sing About,” in which his mother, Elena Kobzeva, was a soloist. Since 1975, the parents became soloists of the famous VIA “Gems”.

Vladimir was a student at the A.V. Choir School. Sveshnikova. He graduated from the Musical College named after the October Revolution (now the Moscow State Institute of Music named after A.G. Schnittke) with a degree in choral conductor.

From the age of 12, he sang spiritual works in the choir of the Yelokhovskaya Church in the Russian capital. From the age of 13, Presnyakov Jr. appeared on stage in a concert of the group “Cruise”, sang his songs “Cat”, “Red Book”, “Old Fairy Tale”, and also sang a duet together with the lead singer of the group Alexander Monin.

Vladimir Presnyakov became popular after the release of the film “Above the Rainbow” (1986), in which he sang all the songs of the main character in falsetto (his role was played by Dmitry Maryanov). The songs “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps” became very famous among teenagers.

Later, Vladimir performed vocal parts and played small roles in the films “She with a Broom, He in a Black Hat” (1988), “Island of Lost Ships” (1988), “8 ½ Dollars” (1999), “Upside Down” ( 2003) and others.

In 1987-1994 he worked at the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater.

Presnyakov’s first solo performance with his own program with the “Captain” group took place on September 8, 1988 in Tallinn.

In 1990, he performed a large solo program “Farewell to Childhood” at the capital’s Olimpiysky sports complex.

In May 1990, for his first disc “Dad, you were like that yourself,” Presnyakov was awarded the “Golden Key” prize as a singer and as an artist whose audio recordings sold the largest circulation in the country. He was the first Russian musician to receive this international music award.

In the early 1990s, Vladimir Presnyakov released the albums “Love” (1991) and Best of Hits (1993).

His next album “Castle from the Rain” (1994) with the songs “A Stewardess named Zhanna” and “Girlfriend Masha” enjoyed great success.

In 1995, the singer released 3 collections of the best songs - “Zurbagan”, “Wanderer” and “Zhanka”.

In the same year, his concert program “Castle of Rain” was awarded the “Star” award and was recognized as the best show of the year.

Later, the artist released the albums “Slyunki” (1996), “Live Collection” (1998), “Open Door” (2001), “Love on Audio” (2002).

An important event in 2004 in Presnyakov’s work was his solo concert in the Kremlin Palace in the capital called “Back to the Future.”

In 2006, for the song “Airports”, which Presnyakov performed together with Leonid Agutin, he was awarded the “Golden Gramophone”.

In 2009, the singer released a non-commercial album, which he recorded together with the group “Mahler and I”.

In 2011, his album “Unreal Love” was released, and in 2012, “Being a Part of Yours” was released, recorded together with Natalya Podolskaya, Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum.

Name: Vladimir Presnyakov

Age: 51 years old

Place of Birth: Ekaterinburg

Height: 184 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Activity: singer, composer, actor

Marital status: married to Natalya Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography

The boy came to the world of music from the harsh city of Yekaterinburg. Volodya's family is very musical. My father led a pop ensemble, and my mother was a soloist there. The musicians toured successfully and were incredibly popular. Parents never had any doubts about what their child’s biography would be like. But soon my father was banned from making music because of his imitation of Western culture. The young Presnyakov family with the child lived with Elena’s parents. They lived in cramped conditions, but little Volodya wrote songs himself from the age of four, and later began to study the piano.

The boy was noisy, bright and not always obedient. Life began to improve, a communal room appeared, the Gems ensemble, life in Moscow. The baby was already seven years old; it was necessary to enroll the child in school. Volodya was sent to a boarding school in his hometown. But soon the parents were forced to take their son with them. The boy caused too much trouble to his teachers with his behavior and poor studies.


The biography of the musician and singer Presnyakov Jr. began at the age of eleven. During this period, his first real song was born. The guy had long ago decided that he would study music, for which he entered the Sveshnikov Choir School. Parents were frequent guests of this educational institution, as the guy began to smoke, skipped classes and behaved badly.

Teachers were looking for a reason to expel the student from among the students. A reason was found, the guy was found with the banned magazine “Burda”. The teachers achieved the desired result, but the period of his expulsion coincided with a tour in the rock group “Cruise”. From the age of 15 he already performed in a variety show with Laima Vaikule.


Volodya did not have a high voice from birth; the boy fell ill with pneumonia. After suffering from an illness, the singer acquired a unique individual high timbre. The biography of the future star began to truly become stellar after Presnyakov Jr. performed a couple of songs instead of the main character in the film “Above the Rainbow.”

Vladimir also tried himself as an actor, one of the films had a long title, it was a fairy tale. The musician continued to compose songs, was personally acquainted with many composers, and created his own group. And since 1987, the singer began working with the Song Theater, which was directed by Alla Pugacheva.

Success, songs

For a very long time, Presnyakov Jr. was one of the best performers of the “Singers of the Year”. In 1995, the Olimpiysky sports complex gathered a huge number of spectators for Presnyakov Jr.’s “Castle of Rain” concert. The singer received the Golden Gramophone award, his songs became real hits. The end of the nineties came, the artist’s popularity began to decline, but the musician did not crave fame as an end in itself, so he did not worry about his lost popularity.

Music still became the main thing for Vladimir, he continued to participate in concert activities, took part in “The Last Hero” and won. The fact that Presnyakov Jr. did not abandon musical practice contributed to the creation of another hit together with Leonid Agutin and the receipt of another “Golden Gramophone”.

Vladimir Presnyakov - biography of personal life

Presnyakov Jr.’s relationship with girls began at the age of 18. This is correct, but he chose a girl who was only 15 years old. This choice fell on the daughter of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva Kristina Orbakaite. The parents waited 1 year, and the young people got married.

Christina didn’t like everything about their relationship, especially since they lived either with the parents of her young husband or with Pugacheva. The couple earned money on their own, periodically refusing parental help and care. The young couple had a son, Nikita, and they all lived together for 10 years. The star young family broke up, but they maintained an excellent relationship and participated together in raising the child.

Vladimir’s next wife, fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, became the reason for divorce. But this marriage also lasted almost ten years. The singer's current wife is

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. was doomed to a creative career from childhood, because he was born into a family of talented musicians Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov, who were once soloists of the VIA “Gems”. Already at the age of 11, Vladimir already began writing songs, and at 13 he began performing with the group “Cruise”, performing his own works. He began working solo in the Laima Vaikule variety show at the age of 15. His fame was brought not only by his work in music, but also in cinema - at the age of 18 he played in the film “Above the Rainbow”, after which he became known not only as the son of famous parents.

When Presnyakov was only 19 years old, he fell in love with a young girl he met at a concert. He recognized her immediately, because the whole country knew her then, not only because she was the daughter of the most famous singer in the USSR, but also recently played a memorable role in the film “Scarecrow.” It was 15-year-old Kristina Orbakaite. Then they met again, at the recording of “Blue Light” and Presnyakov himself asked Pugacheva for permission to invite Kristina on a date. A few months later they were already living in a civil marriage, despite such a young age. In 1991, a son, Nikita, was born into the family, although the young people never officially registered their relationship.

In the 90s, Presnyakov became the most popular pop singer, during which time his career peaked at a young age. This was facilitated not only by the quality of the musical material performed, but also by his recognizable voice - in his youth Presnyakov sang in falsetto, only with age his voice became slightly coarser, but did not cease to be just as recognizable.

By 1996, rumors began to circulate about his breakup with Orbakaite, but the couple did not comment on their relationship; they separated without scandals. At the same time, journalists wrote about Presnyakov’s affair with Igor Sarukhanov’s ex-wife, fashion designer Lena Lenskaya. At first Presnyakov also lived with her in a civil marriage, but later they finally got married. Their personal life was not very publicized, and no one knew how the spouses lived until their divorce proceedings began. By that time, Presnyakov had already met his new love.

While in France on the set of the show “The Great Race,” he met the young singer Natalya Podolskaya. Very soon their romance began, the seriousness of which no one believed, because Natalya was much younger than Vladimir. In 2007, the couple organized a comic wedding ceremony in Las Vegas, and in 2010 they officially got married in Russia. Today their marriage is still strong, they are together not only in life, but also on stage. The couple have admitted more than once that they want to have children. Recently there have been rumors that Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife was finally able to get pregnant, but they carefully hide it so as not to jinx it.

The currently famous singer Vladimir Presnyakov demonstrated by his own example how important it is not to give in to fear and do what you really want. Determination has always been his main characteristic. And this concerned not only professional, but also personal life. For a long time, Presnyakov maintained his own image.

He had long hair and wore youth clothes. Soon his style changed. The singer cut his hair, changed his clothing style, and these changes caused complete delight among the fans. After all, their idol looks much cooler than before.

Fans who only recently became fans do not immediately understand why the artist is called Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Everything is extremely simple - his dad, who was a composer and played well in his time, was also called Vladimir.

If you look at photos of Vladimir Presnyakov in his youth and now, you can see how much he looks like his father. Among other things, the singer’s whole family is connected with music. This talent seems to be passed down from the older generation to the younger. Particularly ardent fans are often interested in such personal details about the musician as his height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Presnyakov - a simple question. Now he is 50 years old, but even despite this, he still attracts the interest of women. The performer is in excellent shape. Having a height of 183 centimeters, the man weighs 80 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

The artist was born at the end of March 1968, in the city of Sverdlovsk, and has already managed to celebrate his anniversary. His father, Vladimir Presnyakov, and mother, Elena Presnyakova, were musicians who later became soloists of the once popular “Gems”.

In his childhood, the future musician was a very restless boy. He was often expelled from places of study for misbehavior, frequent absenteeism and poor academic performance.

The biography of Vladimir Presnyakov hardly deserves the title of cloudless. At least in childhood. As mentioned earlier, the marriage of Vladimir and Elena was quite early. Therefore, it is not surprising that the young family did not have enough money. Even for a bed for their little son. That’s why Volodenka slept in the bathtub. Over time, I managed to buy at least a stroller. The family lived with their parents before moving to a room in a communal apartment. After this event, their lives began to change. Presnyakov’s parents performed with the Sverdlovsk VIA, and at one of these performances they were noticed by the director of the then popular ensemble “Gems,” and the couple agreed to move to the capital, placing their son in the temporary custody of his grandmother. The boy's parents took him away only two years later, when Volodya was expelled from their boarding school.

In Moscow, the young man was brought to the music school named after. Sveshnikov, where another boarding school was located, where the younger Presnyakov had to live. It is noteworthy that the boy was accepted into the school without exams. Since he came in the middle of the year, Volodya’s father asked the director to personally audition his son. At that time, Vladimir Jr. was already a multi-instrumentalist and already knew how to sing.

There was a lot going on at the boarding school, even without Presnyakov’s participation. In any case, it was difficult to call him a diligent and sweet boy. He often skipped a lot, often got into rows, but he was not expelled from school just because he was talented. But ultimately, the teachers’ patience ran out and Presnyakov was kicked out for being uncontrollable.

In 1983, Volodya finally returned to family life. They have already managed to acquire their own housing. And the guy was assigned to another school.

During his student years, Vladimir began working for Laima Vaikule and was able to achieve serious success. In addition, the artist can boast of roles in films, of which there were about ten throughout his creative career. For the most part, of course, he only sang, but here and there he still played small roles.

Family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov

It is worth noting that Vladimir Presnyakov’s parents entered into an official marriage when they had just turned 20. This relationship is worth emulating, because they carried their love for each other throughout their entire lives. It was they who instilled in little Volodya a passion for music.

Vladimir grew up quite stubborn and could calmly do what others could not decide to do. Kristina Orbakaite was the first one he fell in love with. The difference between them was four years. In addition, the girl was underage. These relationships became decisive for Presnyakov, since the girl’s mother, Alla Pugacheva, helped Vladimir in developing his career. Most argued that this was just a mercantile calculation, and there were no feelings in reality. But close people argued that Presnyakov always tried to cope with everything on his own and, due to his character, was simply not capable of any kind of fraud. Moreover, the family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov are something he considers unworthy to speculate on.

He and Christina lived without official registration, but they have a common son. After her, he was married twice and now, in his last marriage, he is raising another baby.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Nikita Presnyakov

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov, Nikita Presnyakov, decided to continue the musical dynasty and chose the same path. It should be mentioned that Nikita is not only a musician, but also a good actor. Now he is 26, he has managed to star in about ten films and is not going to stop there. The guy also took part in many domestic music competitions, won prizes, and a few years ago even formed his own group, called AquaStone. Now it is called Multiverse, and with each performance the group becomes more and more popular.

In addition to his creative work, Nikita is also successful in his personal life. A year ago he married a girl named Alena Krasnova. They met due to the fact that their parents' country houses are located nearby. At that time, the girl was still in school, but this did not become an obstacle to starting a relationship. The couple got married in the mid-summer of 2017 and many people are concerned about the question of when to expect a new addition to the young family. Nikita replied that definitely not in the near future.

Many fans are also interested in what Vladimir Presnyakov gave his son for his wedding. The gift was made jointly with the guy’s star mother and his famous grandmother - it was an apartment and land for building a private house.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Artemy Presnyakov

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov, Artemy Presnyakov, whose mother was the young singer Natalya Podolskaya, is now still very young. The boy was born not so long ago and he is only three years old. It is worth saying that the couple tried for a long time to have a child, but it didn’t work out. And then the couple decided to turn to God. They prayed a lot, visited a variety of monasteries, and believe that God, in the end, heeded their prayers.

Former common-law wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite

Christina became the artist’s first love. At the time they met, the girl was only 15, and Vladimir was four years older. But, despite this fact, the parents were not against their relationship. For quite a long time Presnyakov lived with his beloved in Pugacheva’s house. He speaks about this time with warmth. Songs were often heard in the house, and the diva herself treated the guy well. Having accumulated their first large capital, the couple moved away from their relatives, and soon had a child.

Having started an independent life, they were still very young and because of this they were terrible maximalists. Therefore, the couple refused their parents’ help in terms of money, they tried to solve everything on their own, but they still managed to help them. In the present time, the former common-law wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Kristina Orbakaite, is a performer who is known, inclusively, outside of Russia. Last year, Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite saw each other again - their son’s wedding was an excellent occasion.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Elena Lenskaya

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Elena Lenskaya, also works in show business, although she is not related to music. Lena is a famous fashion designer. When Lenskaya and Presnyakov met, the girl was married, but this did not become an obstacle.

At the very beginning, the couple lived in a civil marriage; they were able to get married only when Elena divorced her husband. It is impossible not to notice that the latter was not particularly against breaking up the relationship, and even left his ex-ex apartment and car. But it’s unlikely that all this was a really good idea, because the family relationship between Lenskaya and Presnyakov did not last very long. In addition, after some time Vladimir met his future second wife.

Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife – Natalya Podolskaya

Presnyakov and Podolskaya met in France in 2005. However, upon returning to Russia, the musician forgot about the beautiful young girl for some time - too many problems fell on his head, including a deteriorating relationship with his wife, and a little later, the start of divorce proceedings. When he was left alone again, Presnyakov remembered Natasha, found her and the couple began to build a relationship.

Their family life now is not without joy and quarrels, but they are happy together and raising a beautiful boy. Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Natalya Podolskaya, is also currently developing a musical career.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Presnyakov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Presnyakov are the most natural find for fans of the artist. After all, he actively uses social networks, often shares his own photos from various events on Instagram, and does not forget to take pictures of his beloved wife and son. If you want to be completely up to date with all the events, then also subscribe to Natalya’s profile, who also regularly updates her page, adding new photos and videos to it. The same can be said about Wikipedia. In addition to general information, you can find a list of all Vladimir’s songs there.

The birth of a baby did not stop both of them from forgetting about creativity, and they are still actively involved in music.

Presnyakov Vladimir (Junior) - Russian composer, singer, musician, actor and arranger - was born in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg) in 1968, on March 29. His parents are also famous people. Father, Vladimir Petrovich, is a saxophonist. Mother, Elena Petrovna, is a vocalist. In connection with their creative activities, in 1975, their parents moved to Moscow. They began working in the famous vocal and instrumental ensemble called “Gems”.


Vladimir Presnyakov was raised by his grandmother and studied at a Sverdlovsk boarding school. As soon as his parents’ life improved, he moved to Moscow with them. There he began his Presnyakov studies playing the guitar, piano, and drums. He composed his first song at the age of eleven. Already at twelve he began to sing in the church choir, which operated at the Yelokhov Cathedral in Moscow. Vladimir performed his first performances with the group “Cruise” at the age of thirteen. He performed songs of his own composition: “The Red Book”, “Old Tale”, “Cat”.


Vladimir Presnyakov received an excellent education. He studied at the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Then he entered the Moscow City School. October Revolution for the conducting and choral department. Presnyakov studied reluctantly and even poorly. He loved to skip classes, which greatly upset his parents. As a student, he did not stop his creative activity. Worked in the Laima Vaikule ensemble. One performance was attended by the crew of the famous film “Above the Rainbow.” They noticed a young artist and invited him to record songs. Presnyakov sang the compositions “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps.” In addition, he played a small role in the film. The film was released in 1986. After the show, the musician instantly gained unprecedented popularity, and the songs he performed became hits and were heard from everywhere. The singer's popularity grew. Already in 1987, he was offered to star in the new film “She with a broom, he in a black hat.” In addition, he performed some songs for the film, based on the famous novel called “The Island of Lost Ships.”

Without a voice

In 1983, the career of a popular performer was in jeopardy. The thing is that at that time it was fashionable among young people to break dance. One of Presnyakov’s friends invited him to practice at the Pravda Palace of Culture. Vladimir liked this activity so much that he could no longer stop. It all ended with severe pneumonia and loss of voice. The singer himself, like his parents, perceived this as a real disaster. Despite all the fears, the voice returned. At the same time, Presnyakov received a real gift of nature, namely a falsetto that was very rare in strength and height.

Dizzying rise

From 1987 to 1994, Vladimir Presnyakov worked at the popular Song Theater of singer Alla Pugacheva. Already in the late 1980s he created the group “Captain”. They performed the program “Farewell to Childhood.” The group toured with her in Moscow, as well as in cities near and far abroad. Until the mid-90s, Presnyakov was one of the ten most popular performers in the country. In the 1989 hit parade, he took fourth place in the Soloists category, gaining 12,995 votes. In the same year, the singer’s debut album “Dad, you were like that yourself” was released. It was he who finally formed the image of the performer. At the same time, the first Russian rock musical “Street” with the participation of Presnyakov was staged.


The first solo concert program was called “The Vladimir Presnyakov Show.” The musician performed with her at such big venues in Leningrad as the Olimpiyskiy and Yubileiny Sports and Concert Complex. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is very bright and fascinating, was the first to receive the Golden Key prize in the city of Monte Carlo. He became the first artist whose audio recordings sold the largest number of copies throughout the country.

Notable collections

Vladimir Presnyakov, whose songs are still sung today, has released more than one album over several years of fruitful work. In 1991, his album “Love” was released. The collection “Castle Made of Rain” brought him enormous success in 1994. It included songs such as “Girlfriend Masha” and “A Stewardess Named Zhanna.” They became hits for many years. 1995 was especially successful for the singer. Vladimir Presnyakov released three albums at once: “Zhanna”, “Wanderer”, “Zurbagan”. They became the best and brought the singer unprecedented popularity. In the same year, a concert program called “Castle of Rain” was created. She received the Star Award as the best show of the year at all concert venues in Russia. The album "Slyunki" was released in 1996. In 1998 - the disc “Living Collection”, and in 2001 - “Open Door”. Vladimir Presnyakov, whose biography is notable not only for his musical creativity, took part in the First Channel project “The Last Hero-3” in 2002 and won the main prize. At the same time, the album “Love on Audio” was released.

Cooperative activity

Vladimir Presnyakov recorded a disc with the group “Malaria” in 2005. In 2006, together with Leonid Agutin, he sang the song “Airports”. She quickly gained popularity and became a hit on all radio broadcasts. Joint creativity has borne fruit. Agutin and Presnyakov received the well-deserved Golden Gramophone award as the best male duet. They were nominated for the Muz-TV 2007 award in the same category. The work with Agutin did not end there. Together with him, as well as with Natalya Podolskaya and Angelika Varum, the album “Be a Part of Yours” was recorded in 2012. In 2013, the singer created the concert program “Useless Angel”. It includes new and already known songs by the artist.

Kristina Orbakaite

The singer’s first true love was the today famous singer Kristina Orbakaite. They met very young. She was only 15 years old. This happened at Laima Vaikule’s concert in Izmailovo. Vladimir Presnyakov (the photo won’t let you lie) was already a prominent young man and could not help but please the young beauty. He paid compliments and tried in every possible way to please. They both often took part in concerts and could not help but meet again. Their romance began after filming the program “Blue Light”. It should be noted that for the sake of the first date, Presnyakov had to ask Christina from Alla Pugacheva herself. This brave act was highly appreciated. Very soon the couple began to live together as husband and wife. Their young age was an obstacle to official marriage. So they just exchanged rings. The parents were shocked by this turn of events, but did not prohibit it. As in any relationship, there were quarrels. The young people often quarreled, but they certainly made up. On May 21, 1991, Vladimir Presnyakov and his son Nikita. It was only in 1994 that the couple finally moved into their own apartment. They lived together for about ten years. The reason for the separation was Presnyakov’s infidelity. There were various rumors about his adventures. Some turned out to be lies, others, on the contrary, true. The couple separated peacefully. There were no loud scandals or statements in the press. They still communicate. Presnyakov takes an active part in raising his son.

New family

In 1996, the Orbakaite-Presnyakov couple officially broke up. Lena Lenskaya was to blame for everything. It was she who became the singer’s new lover and wife. After living together for several years, they finally got married in 2001. Very quickly the relationship began to deteriorate. Some argue that Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Elena, had a complex character and often left for the United States for long periods of time. Others say that the reason for the breakup was the husband’s indifference and addiction to alcohol. They filed for divorce in 2005, but lived together for some time.

Natalia Podolskaya

Vladimir Presnyakov and met in 2005 on the set of the “Big Race” project. Feelings flared up quickly. Romantic evenings and meetings did their job. They lived together for several years before they decided to get married. This event happened in 2010. The wedding was magnificent and memorable. A white dress, a veil and a boat - everything that any bride can dream of. Podolskaya admitted that she feels more confident as a wife. The couple does not hide that they intend to have children. Natalia’s loose outfits, which she likes to wear in everyday life, haunt journalists. Each of her appearances in a flowing dress is perceived as a hint of an interesting position. Numerous fans of the singer’s work have always been interested in his personal life. And he gave them no reason to be disappointed. Not long ago, rumors leaked to the press about his separation from Podolskaya. However, in an interview, the singer admitted that these are just conversations that have nothing to do with reality.