Famous people of Chuvashia: brief biography, photos. Presentation on the topic “Artists of Chuvashia The first professional artist and architect from the Chuvash

Pyotr Vladimirovich Sizov worked in Chuvash national art for more than half a century. He made a significant contribution to the development of Chuvash book and easel graphics. From 1940 to 1991 worked as an artist at the Chuvash State Book Publishing House. During his creative activity, he designed and illustrated about 200 books and textbooks by Chuvash writers and linguists.

The artist was born on July 2, 1921 in the village of Torkhany, Shumerlinsky district, Chuvash Republic. In 1936-40. studied at the Alatyr Art and Engraving School under the famous Chuvash graphic artists F.S. Bykov and I.T. Grigorieva. After graduation, he worked as an illustrator at the Chuvash book publishing house. From 1942 to 1945 was in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Returning to his homeland, the artist decided to continue his favorite work, and at the same time began studying at the All-Union Correspondence University of Arts.

The outstanding works of Pyotr Sizov include illustrations for the books “Ali-Batyr” by V. Baraev, “Sable Cap” and “Pass” by Y. Ukhsay, “Fairy Tales” by P. Khuzangay, “The Sea Is Troubled” by V. Burnaevsky, etc. The main theme of creativity artist - a poem by the classic of Chuvash literature K.V. Ivanov "Narspi". Pyotr Vladimirovich devoted more than half a century to the artistic design of various publications of Narspi. The Sizov “narspiana” was appreciated by contemporaries and entered the golden fund of Chuvash culture.

Laureate of the State Prize of the Chuvash Republic named after. K.V. Pyotr Vladimirovich Ivanova has repeatedly taken part in exhibitions of works by artists of the autonomous republics, the All-Russian competition of books and book graphics, and regional exhibitions “Big Volga”.

For great services in the field of Chuvash fine art, Pyotr Vladimirovich was awarded the honorary titles of People's Artist of the Chuvash Republic and Honored Artist of the Chuvash Republic.

The artist died on July 6, 1996 in Cheboksary. Materials about the life and work of the master of graphics, his works are today stored in the funds of the republican archives and the Chuvash State Art Museum .

In 1991, the Republican Center for Art Exhibitions and Promotion of Fine Arts "Rosizopropaganda" transferred three linocuts - illustrations to the Chuvash folk tales "Aldyuk", "The Old Man's Daughter" and "Three Brothers" - to the funds of the Togliatti Art Museum.

Illustration for the Chuvash fairy tale “Aldyuk”. 1974

In this work, the artist created a dynamic graphic composition, in the center of which Alduk is the main character of the Chuvash fairy tale of the same name. The girl excitedly threw her hands up, as if addressing a goose. A flock of geese circles around Alduk, and it’s not in vain that the birds throw off their feathers, each a little, so that the girl, having collected feathers, could fly away with them, because she was once a goose and also flew freely in the sky. The heroine of the fairy tale selflessly catches feathers, forgetting about earthly worries, her scarf has slipped off her head, feathers are flying around, falling to her feet. In the background is a mighty oak tree, creating a dark silhouette in the composition, and in the distance on a hillock you can see a house, which the girl forgot about in confusion, fixing her gaze on the sky, towards a flock of geese. The artist masterfully conveys the emotionality of the moment in sharp contrasts of black and white, through strokes that are clean, smooth and smooth.

Illustration for the Chuvash fairy tale “The Old Man’s Daughter.” 1974

In the graphic composition, the main character of the fairy tale fell asleep in the forest under the crown of a mighty oak tree. White partridges sit on its branches, standing out against the dark background. A glow emanates from the mighty branches of the protector oak and fabulous birds. They seem to be guarding a sleeping girl. The artist used lines and strokes to work the surface of the board to show the softness and thickness of the grass, and also to convey the state of deep, serene sleep after a difficult day and oppression from an evil stepmother; the old daughter had to leave her home.

Illustration for the fairy tale “Three Brothers”. 1974

In the graphic composition in the foreground there is a dynamic scene depicting three brothers during a race. Brothers are riding different animals - one of the brothers is riding a black boar, and it takes a lot of effort for the rider and the boar to catch up with the others. The middle brother, riding a white goat, takes the lead, and the rider himself is surprised by this fact. And in the upper part of the composition, towering above everyone, riding a beautiful gray stallion “dappled”, the youngest of the brothers gallops. He rushes at full speed, swinging his whip in his right hand. On the upper line of the horizon, the artist depicted a house with trees, flying birds in the sky, trying to overtake the galloping brothers. Thanks to clear, sharp and angular strokes, numerous lines changing their direction, as well as black and white transitions, Pyotr Sizov managed to create a feeling of speed, movement and emotionality of the scene.

In one of the interviews, the artist very succinctly said about his work: “Nothing in life has come to me without hard work and perseverance. Difficulties in creativity have strengthened my character, taught me to be collected, consistent, and purposeful. Art has become the work of my whole life, its meaning and content.”(Pyotr Sizov: “The Work of My Life”).

Thoughtful, polished and emotional works by Pyotr Sizov are among the best graphic works in the collections of the Tolyatti Art Museum.

The material was prepared by senior researcher N.S. Pogorelova

Chuvashia is located in the Middle Volga region in the very center of Russia. It has an ancient history, a unique culture and is famous for its outstanding people who contributed to the development of science and culture not only of their republic, but also of the country as a whole.

In this article we will present brief information about the biographies of some famous people of Chuvashia with photos.

Chuvash enlightener

Yakovlevich (1848-1930) - great educator of the Chuvash people, compiler of the first alphabet in the Chuvash language. It was he who created the Chuvash written language, adopting Russian graphics and adding Chuvash letters to it. He himself wrote stories for his alphabet and translated many books into the Chuvash language. He opened the first Chuvash school in Simbirsk and began training teachers. Ivan Yakovlevich is also known for opening many schools in the villages of the Middle Volga region.

Chuvashia remembers its educator and is proud of him. In Cheboksary, there is an avenue named in his honor, a library, a monument erected, a museum, and a pedagogical university (ChSPU) is named after Ivan Yakovlevich Yakovlev.

Great writers and poets

Ivanov Konstantin Vasilyevich (1890-1915) - a student of I. Ya. Yakovlev, became famous throughout the world for his poem “Narspi”. Despite his very short creative activity, he managed to write many poems, poems and stories. K. Ivanov described the life and everyday life of ordinary Chuvash people, admired the national character, and also raised philosophical questions.

Students in Chuvash literature lessons get acquainted with his work and learn poems by heart. In Cheboksary, a street was named after K. Ivanov, and monuments were erected.

Khuzangai Petr Petrovich (1907-1970) - an outstanding poet, public and cultural figure of Chuvashia. Thanks to his work, there was a real flowering of Chuvash poetry. He published more than fifty books, which are the best examples of national creativity.

Aigi Gennady Nikolaevich (1934-2006) - famous Soviet poet. He became famous for being one of the leaders of the Soviet avant-garde. His works were published not only at home, but also abroad. G. Aigi bears the title of People's Poet of Chuvashia and has several international awards.

Famous people in other fields

Among the famous people of Chuvashia are not only writers and poets. There are also composers, architects, artists, doctors and war heroes. For example, the well-known Ivanovich (1887-1919), a hero of the Civil War, is also on the list of famous people of Chuvashia. Chapaev is known for his exploits, patriotism, courage and heroism.

There is a monument to him in Cheboksary, a square, a street and a factory are named after him, and there is a museum.

Pavlova Nadezhda Vasilievna (born in 1956) is a famous Chuvash ballerina. For twenty years she worked at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow and played leading roles in most productions. She has visited many countries on tour and holds the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Pavlovich (1892-1931) - Chuvash composer, conductor, folklorist and poet. Chuvashia is grateful to him for organizing the national choir and establishing music education in the republic.

Fedorov Svyatoslav Nikolaevich (1927-2000) - famous Russian ophthalmologist, professor, public figure. Thanks to him, a branch of the Moscow MNTK “Eye Microsurgery” was opened in Chuvashia, which daily receives residents not only of the republic, but also of other regions of Russia. For 14 years, S. Fedorov was its leader.

One of the streets in Cheboksary, a medical clinic, on the territory of which a monument is erected, is named after the famous doctor.

Yuriev Elli Mikhailovich (1936-2001) - famous artist, designer and heraldist. He is the creator of sketches of the State Emblem and flag of the Chuvash Republic, the coat of arms of the capital of the republic - the city of Cheboksary, as well as the coat of arms of the Chuvash State University. I.N. Ulyanov.

A street in the capital of Chuvashia, children's art school No. 4, and a Museum-Gallery are named after the famous painter.

Among the famous people of Chuvashia of the 21st century, we would like to highlight the famous Olympic athlete Vladimirovna Ivanova. She practices race walking and is a master of sports in athletics. O. Ivanova silver medalist of the 28th Olympic Games, which were held in Athens in 2004.


Of course, not all famous natives of sunny Chuvashia are represented here. The list can be supplemented with other names. For Chuvash children, famous people of Chuvashia are role models. Children need to know the great citizens of their homeland in order to grow up as patriots and love not only their republic, but also their country.

Moses Spiridonovich Spiridonov (August 24, 1890, the village of Yanshihovo-Norvashi, Yantikovsky district, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic - March 31, 1981, Cheboksary, Czechoslovak Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic) - the oldest Soviet artist, one of the founders of Chuvash professional fine art, the author of now widely known works of painting. Moses Spiridonov was born on August 24, 1890 in the village of Yanshihovo-Norvashi, Yadrinsky district, Kazan province (now Yantikovsky district of the Chuvash Republic), into a peasant family. Chuvash. Father - Spiridon Lavrentievich Lavrentiev, mother - Varvara Aleksandrovna Lavrentieva. In 1899-1905, Moses studied at a rural two-year school in Yanshihovo-Norvaši. He is being examined for admission to the Civil City School and the Kazan Teachers' Seminary. In 1905-1906, he took lessons at the private preparatory school of K.N. Baratynskaya near Kazan, on an estate near the village of Shushary. Moisei Spiridonov was accepted into the Kazan Art School, where he received knowledge until 1912. He prepared scenery for performances at the Kazan Opera House and painted paintings in private houses. He paints his first paintings on the themes of life in the Chuvash village. He graduates from school in the First category, this gives the young talent the right to enter the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg without competition. 1912-1918, the future painter studies artistic skills within the walls of the Higher Art School of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg-Petrograd with professors G. R. Zaleman, I. I. Tvorozhnikov, Ya. Tsionglinsky, A.V. Makovsky, N.S. Samokish. At the same time, he worked as a drawing teacher for gymnasiums and other schools in Petrograd. In 1913-1915 he studied at the Higher Pedagogical Courses at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts with A.V. Makovskygo. In 1918 he returned to his homeland, Janshihovo-Norvasi, and took care of his business. Enters the Pedagogical Courses in Shikran (Kanash). Applies to the government of the Chuvash Commune with a proposal to organize the artistic life of his native people. In 1920-1926, Moisey Spiridonovich led the work of the fine arts section in the arts subdepartment of the Chuvash regional public education. In 1926-1932, M. S. Spiridonov was appointed chairman of the Chuvash branch of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. In 1927, they managed to hold the first exhibition of works by Chuvash artists in Cheboksary, and they went with an exhibition to show the art of the peoples of the USSR in Moscow. In 1921-1950, M. Spiridonovich worked as the head of the Central Chuvash Museum of Local Lore, an employee of the Chuvash Research Institute, director of the Chuvash State Art Gallery, and was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Czech Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1937-1955 he served as Chairman of the Board of the Union of Chuvash Artists. In 1935, the master was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.” In 1940, M. M. Spiridonov was awarded the honorary title “Honored Artist of the RSFSR.” The painter also does not forget about the teaching path: in 1940-1941 he was a teacher at the Cheboksary Art School, in 1948-1954 he gave knowledge to students of the Cheboksary Art School. For their valiant work, the master was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1950. In 1960, he was honored with the title “People’s Artist of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” and awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In 1980, the artist was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples. The artist died on March 31, 1981 in Cheboksary.

2012 has been declared the Year of Russian History. And, indeed, so many significant dates fall on this particular year: the 770th anniversary of the Battle of the Ice, the 400th anniversary of overcoming the Troubles of 1612 and the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War of 1812, the 1150th anniversary of Russian statehood.

The Union of Artists of Chuvashia also has its own history. Created in 1935. In the 30s, the organizational foundations were laid for the unification of artists as like-minded masters in close unity with the life of the people. Names appeared that formed the basis of the professional fine arts of Chuvashia. The growth and formation of the creative team in the first and subsequent years was facilitated by the active participation of leading art masters in All-Russian and All-Union art exhibitions, the construction of creative workshops and a creative production base, professional training within the walls of the Cheboksary Art School and art and graphic faculty of the Chuvash State Pedagogical University named after. AND I. Yakovleva.

The 1950-60s were marked by a round of creative growth in the artistic life of the republic, which was directly facilitated by the arrival of a whole generation of young talents - graduates of academic universities: Leningrad (named after I.E. Repin), Moscow (named after V.I. Surikov), Kharkov State Art Institute institute and others.

In the early 60s, by decision of the secretariat of the Union of Artists of Russia, 10 regional zones of the Union were created in the country to carry out exhibition activities locally. Participation in the first regional exhibition “Big Volga” in 1964 in Kuibyshev (Samara), and then in Russian and all-Union exhibitions brought recognition to the artists of Chuvashia. “Big Volga” gave a “start” in life to many artists, making their works popular with viewers. These are M. Spiridonov, N. Ovchinnikov, N. Sverchkov, B. Belousov, Yu. Zaitsev, E. Efremova, S. Alatov, P. Sizov. The works of R. Fedorov, N. Karacharskov, V. Churakov, E. Yuryev sounded brightly and innovatively. The treasury of fine art included works by V. Ageev, V. Petrov (Praski Vitti), K. Vladimirov, N. Enilin, N Sadyukova, R. Teryukalova, V. Arapov. A noticeable phenomenon was the work of the middle generation of artists of the republic: M. Grigoryan, Y. Yuvenalyev, A. Fedoseev, N. Komarov, G. Fomiryakov, K. Dolgashev, V. Britvin, V. Ivanova, A. Fedorova. At the latest exhibitions, gifted youth boldly declared themselves, professing in their creativity the search for style in solving the problems of our time: O. Poldyaev, O. Kokorina, E. Tumanova, G. Kabilova, I. Ulangin. V. Nagornov, A. Bryndin, V. Nemtsev entered history with sculptural ensembles. In the 80s, a new generation of sculptors came to Chuvash art, presenting their works at regional and all-Russian exhibitions. This is the inspired plastic art of S. Kadikin and L. Tikhonov, the animalistic art of S. Pleshkov.

A unique component of the art of Chuvashia is decorative and applied art. The national embroidery of M. Simakova, T. Petrova, T. Sharkova, the highly professional jewelry creativity of V. Nikolaev, the glass work of O. Dunyak, and the ceramics of M. Mikhailova brought the republic well-deserved fame.

Today, in the fine arts of Chuvashia, new artistic traditions are taking shape, lively creative experiments are underway in search of form and content, imagery and style. The upcoming exhibition in St. Petersburg is dedicated to the Year of Russian History, people, natives of the Chuvash land (one of them is P. A. Kikin is a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, the initiator of the creation and first chairman of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists) who made a huge contribution to the history of Russia. The exhibition will be held in the Exhibition Hall of the Union of Artists of St. Petersburg from August 7 to 19 and will undoubtedly become an examination and a vivid presentation of the creative potential of contemporary art in Russia. Artists of Chuvashia will present their works created in recent years to the discerning, sophisticated viewer of the Northern capital. Large-scale exhibition artists of Chuvashia, representing different genres and types of fine art of the republic in St. Petersburg, have not been for many years, and the upcoming event is all the more significant. Thematic paintings of the artists will be presented at this exhibition: Fedorov R. F. - People's Artist of Russia, full member of the Russian Academy of Arts , member of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts: “And the angel swore to the living that there would be no more time,” “Prosperity”; Fedoseev A.M. Honored Artist of Russia “Emerging from the memory of the past. Portrait of P.A. Kikina”, Kokorina O.I.: “Preachers”; Dolgashev K.A. Honored Artist of Chuvashia: “Nostalgia of Philip Malyavin”; Honored Artists of Chuvashia: Anokhin A.P., Britvin V.G., Miloslavskaya V.G., Gainutdinova D.Sh.; Honored Artist of Russia M.G. Grigoryan; artists Lukiyanova V.A., Tumanova E.E., Kabilova G.S., Kozlova G.V. and others. Participants in this exhibition will be the Honored Artist of Chuvashia, sculptor V.D. Nemtsev, animal sculptor S.A. Pleshkov; Honored Artist of Russia, artist of decorative and applied arts, master of hand embroidery Simakova M.V.

Artists from Chuvashia living in St. Petersburg will also take part in this exhibition: Honored Artist of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rybkin A.P., Fedorov A.N., Makarov A.V., friends of the Union of Artists of Chuvashia: artist St. Petersburg Kozhevnikov V.M., Honored Architect of Russia, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Rzhevsky V.N.