Paustovsky's most famous statement about the Russian language. Wise sayings of Paustovsky

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky(May 31, 1892 - July 14, 1968) lived a hard but honest life. He was born on the same day as another Soviet classic- Leonid Leonov. Both of them in different time nominated for Nobel Prize on literature. But the author of “Golden Rose” still had a greater chance of getting it...

“Surprisingly, Paustovsky managed to live through the time of insane praise of Stalin and not write a word about the leader of all times and peoples. He managed not to join the party, not to sign a single letter or appeal stigmatizing anyone. He tried his best to stay and therefore remained himself,” his literary secretary Valery Druzhbinsky wrote about Konstantin Georgievich.

We have selected 10 quotes from the writer’s works:

  • Good taste is, first of all, a sense of proportion. "Golden Rose"
  • He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to a person’s vision. "Golden Rose"
  • It’s better to love from afar, but it’s necessary to love, otherwise it’s over. To wander like this and everywhere - on trains, on ships, in the streets, at noon and at dawn - to think about beautiful things, unwritten books, fight, die, waste yourself. "Romantics"
  • The ability to feel sadness is one of the properties of a real person. Anyone who is deprived of the feeling of sadness is just as pitiful as a person who does not know what joy is, or who has lost the sense of the funny. "Restless Youth"
  • People usually go into nature as a vacation. I thought that life in nature should be a permanent state of man. "Restless Youth"
  • To pull his innermost dream out of a person - that is the task. And this is difficult to do. There is nothing a person hides so deeply as a dream. Perhaps because she cannot stand the slightest ridicule, even a joke, and, of course, she cannot stand the touch of indifferent hands. Only a like-minded person can trust a dream with impunity. "Golden Rose"
  • Prose, like life itself, is great and varied. Sometimes it is necessary to tear out entire pieces from old prose and insert them into new prose to give it full vitality and strength. "Throw to the South"
  • The Russian language exists like a body of the greatest poetry, as unexpectedly rich and pure as the blazing starry sky above the wooded wastelands. "Book of Wanderings"
  • Never put letters from your beloved women in books. "Romantics"
  • Almost everyone passes away without accomplishing even a tenth of what they could have accomplished. "Time of Great Expectations"

Date of Birth:


Date of death:




Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky (May 19 (31), 1892, Moscow - July 14, 1968, Moscow) - Russian Soviet writer, classic of Russian literature. Member of the USSR Writers' Union. K. Paustovsky's books have been repeatedly translated into many languages ​​of the world. In the second half of the 20th century, his stories and stories entered the Russian schools into the Russian literature program for middle classes as one of the plot and stylistic examples of landscape and lyrical prose.

Inspiration enters us like a brilliant summer morning that has just cleared the mists. good night, splashed with dew, with thickets of wet foliage. It gently breathes its healing coolness into our faces. Inspiration is like first love, when the heart beats loudly in anticipation of amazing meetings, unimaginable beautiful eyes, smiles and omissions.

Knowledge of all related fields of art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculpture and music - is extremely enriching inner world prose writer and gives special expressiveness to his prose. The latter is filled with the light and colors of painting, the capacity and freshness of words characteristic of poetry, the proportionality of architecture, the convexity and clarity of the lines of sculpture and the rhythm and melody of music. All these are additional riches of prose, like its additional colors.

Anyone who is deprived of the feeling of sadness is as pitiful as a person who does not know what joy is, or who has lost the sense of the funny. The loss of at least one of these properties indicates irreparable spiritual limitation.

Inspiration is a strict working state of a person.

Knowledge is organically connected with human imagination. This seemingly paradoxical law can be expressed as follows: the power of imagination increases as knowledge grows.

Love has thousands of aspects, and each of them has its own light, its own sadness, its own happiness and its own fragrance.

Imagination, born of life, in turn, sometimes gains power over life.

Every minute, every casual word and glance, every deep or humorous thought, every imperceptible movement human heart, just like the flying fluff of a poplar or the fire of a star in a night puddle - all these are grains of gold dust.

A person must be smart, simple, fair, brave and kind. Only then does he have the right to bear this high title - Man.

A genius is so internally rich that any topic, any thought, incident or object evokes in him an inexhaustible stream of associations.

We, writers, have been extracting them for decades, these millions of grains of sand, collecting them unnoticed by ourselves, turning them into an alloy and then forging our own from this alloy.” golden rose" - a story, novel or poem.

I deeply love nature, the power of the human spirit and the true human dream. And she is never loud... Never! The more you love her, the deeper you hide her in your heart, the more you protect her.

Every person, at least several times in his life, has experienced a state of inspiration - elation, freshness, a vivid perception of reality, fullness of thought and awareness of his creative power.

True happiness is primarily the lot of those who know, and not the ignorant. Ignorance makes a person indifferent to the world, and indifference grows slowly but irreversibly...

We must be the owners of art of all times and all countries.

There are no great or small deeds if a person strives with all his heart for the great and just, for in this case all deeds have great weight and consequences.

The writer’s job is to convey or, as they say, convey his associations to the reader and evoke similar associations in him.

We still neglect the beauty of nature and do not know the full power of its cultural and moral impact on humans...

Take care of love as the most precious thing. If you treat love poorly once, the next one will definitely be flawed.

The artist’s job is to resist suffering with all his might, with all his talent.

Our creativity is intended to ensure that the beauty of the earth, the call to fight for happiness, joy and freedom, the breadth of the human heart and the strength of the mind prevail over the darkness and sparkle like the never-setting sun.

Statements by Konstantin Paustovsky about the greatness of the Russian language.

We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. -Konstantin Paustovsky

By the attitude of each person to his language, one can accurately judge not only his cultural level, but also about civic value. True love for one’s country is inconceivable without love for one’s language. A person who is indifferent to his language is a savage. His indifference to the language is explained by his complete indifference to the past and future of his people. - Konstantin Paustovsky

Punctuation marks exist to emphasize an idea, bring words into proper relationship, and give a phrase ease and proper sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notation. They hold the text firmly and prevent it from falling apart. - Konstantin Paustovsky

True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language. - Konstantin Paustovsky

Many Russian words themselves radiate poetry, just as gems emit a mysterious shine. - Konstantin Paustovsky

There is nothing more disgusting than a person’s indifference to his country, its past, present and future, to its language, way of life, to its forests and fields, to its villages and people, be they geniuses or village shoemakers. - Konstantin Paustovsky
No! A person cannot live without a homeland, just as a person cannot live without a heart. - Konstantin Paustovsky

The Russian language opens up to the end in its truly magical properties and wealth only to those who deeply love and know their people “to the bone” and feel the hidden charm of our land.
For everything that exists in nature - water, air, sky, clouds, sun, rain, forests, swamps, rivers and lakes, meadows and fields, flowers and herbs - there is a great variety in the Russian language good words and names.

Konstantin Paustovsky
You can do wonders with the Russian language! - Konstantin Paustovsky

You can do wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our consciousness that cannot be conveyed in Russian words. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shadow of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy rumble of a thunderstorm, the whisper of children and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts for which there would not be an exact expression in our language. -Konstantin Paustovsky

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. –Konstantin Paustovsky

Happiness is given only to those who know. - Konstantin Paustovsky
He is not a writer who has not added at least a little vigilance to a person’s vision. - Konstantin Paustovsky

I am sure that in order to fully master the Russian language, in order not to lose the feeling of this language, you need not only constant communication with ordinary Russian people, but communication with pastures and forests, waters, old willows, with the whistling of birds and with every flower, that nods its head from under a hazel bush. - Konstantin Paustovsky

Native speech is the foundation of the fatherland.

Our native language is pleasant to the ear.

Keep it. The soul gives birth to a word,

The soul for words is a life-giving spring.

There is God in the soul, and God has the word,

Overcoming doubts, worries,

With me the words are Hope and Love.

Holy words - Motherland and Faith.

Folk speech is a clear river,

I boldly reveal the power of words,

It contains the truth of the native language.

There is power in words. Healed with a word:

And the grains of truth are given to us for centuries.

I want to let you know about this:

Both life and death are in the power of the tongue.

I keep the beautiful tongue Russian speech,

Dear, to whom I have long been accustomed.

She is alone from birth and forever.

Don't pollute the Divine language!

This poem written by the wonderful poetess Valentina Kotik. These verses confirm the statement of K. G. Paustovsky “For everything in the Russian language there is a great many good words”