Nastya Kamensky biography personal life gave birth. Nastya Kamenskikh - biography, information, personal life

Popular Ukrainian singer born in Kyiv. Year of birth 1987. Her family is both musical and sports. Dad played volleyball and was a captain, and mom sang in the choir named after Verevka. She is one child in the family. She borrowed her last name from her mother, the girl took it for herself because it sounded like it. Nastya has been doing vocals since childhood, because her mother wanted it that way. From six to fourteen, the girl studied at a music school, learning the piano.

Nastya’s parents really wanted her to study languages, and most The best way, is to study in the country where it is spoken. Therefore, she was sent abroad every six months, special program. Because of this, Nastya had to be on time everywhere. The first country the girl went to was France, but she really didn’t like it there and returned. And from the age of seven, she traveled constantly, every six months she lived in Italy.

Yes, the biography of Nastya Kamensky is rich interesting facts. She studied at a Kyiv school. Her daily routine was very tight. She studied ballet, tennis, and various clubs at school. No matter how hard it was, she is very grateful to her parents for such an upbringing. Thanks to them, she learned to manage her time, which helps her a lot in life.

After graduating from school, Nastya entered a special institute where they taught exclusively in English. In addition to studying, she sang a lot and practiced her voice, which she loved very much. In 2004, Nastya received her first award, and soon the second one was not long in coming. She received it in London for the discovery of the year nomination. After which her success began to rise. The singer's first video led her to Potap, a famous rapper. He just needed a girl to record a video with her for the song “without love.” It became a hit in Ukraine. Soon the hit “Not a Couple” appeared, and in 2007 they won the third competition.

Soon, personal life, the biography of Nastya Kamensky, became the most discussed among Ukrainian youth. On next year came out first joint album. The songs in it became true hits. And the duet Potap and Nastya achieved enormous popularity. To this day they delight us with funny and a couple of lyrical hits, and they have more and more fans. Let's hope that they will delight us with their joint work for many years to come. Separately, it is simply impossible to imagine them; they are the number one couple.

Personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh

This question has interested fans for many years. Everyone is very interested in how such a beautiful and smart woman is still alone. It's simply not possible. She didn’t even have novels as such, or they were simply unknown. Although there is one for which it became known. This lucky guy is Vladimir Dyatlov, whom the singer met while still a student. They developed feelings and started dating. But they didn't last long. Vladimir had to transfer to another city.

But, despite everything, they still communicate well with each other. And they even became godfathers. The personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh blew up the Internet in January 2017, when everyone found out about secret divorce Potapa with his wife. And soon a ring sparkled on Nastya’s finger. And there were rumors that Potap proposed to Nastya. But these are, unfortunately, only rumors for now. The artists themselves do not confirm the information, but do not refute it either.

In short, numerous fans are being bullied. But as long as Kamenskikh remains single, an enviable bride, which is very good for fans, there is at least a small chance.

Children of Nastya Kamensky

Of course, in the future we will see Nastya’s curly children, but for now she doesn’t have them. So far she is only the godmother of a wonderful girl, and these are Nastya Kamensky’s only children. But as they say, there is still more to come. She is still a young girl, first we need to see her wedding, and soon the children.

Nastya Kamensky's family

For now, family for the singer is her beloved parents. As Nastya herself says, she now has no time to think about relationships, she is completely immersed in her career. For my still so small creative life she has achieved a lot. For example, in 2009, she was recognized as the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. As noted by Viva magazine. She appeared on the covers of various magazines, even for men.

It is also known that Nastya Kamensky’s family is her creative team, and friends. She is very glad that they exist. All we have to do is wait for Nastya to fall in love and connect her life with a good man. In the meantime, we can only watch her success in her work and support her as best we can. For example, vote for her in various competitions where she participates. Let's wish her good luck in all her endeavors, always be the first, go towards her dream and don't stop halfway. Nastya is a purposeful person, and I believe that she will have everything she wants.

And, of course, he will create a family, friendly and loving. And wish creative victories to the duo Potap and Nastya, and maybe not only creative ones. Perhaps the rumors about their reunion are quite true. And soon we will see the wedding of the century, chic and fun, and then, perhaps, their children. In the meantime, we will watch them and watch their new funny videos.

Fate does not send everyone such trials as singer Nastya Kamenskikh two years ago. “Sometimes I think that this tragedy was a cruel payment for my success on stage,” says the lead singer of the duet “Potap and Nastya”

“We need to come to terms with it and move on with our lives”

We were driving from Kyiv to Nikolaev by car to celebrate the birthday of Marusya, my little sister. young man Volodya. She turned 15 that day. We are me, Vova, his mom, dad and younger sisters Sonya and Marusya... Not long before this, Vovin’s dad bought a trailer - he was going to travel with his family in the summer. The trailer was carried on the back of a trailer, and we were not driving fast. Suddenly the car shook sharply. At the same second, the car veered sharply to the right. For some reason my ears were blocked, the blue sky flashed before my eyes, then the grass, then the sky again... In the movies, such scenes are shown for a long time and in detail. And in life everything happens at lightning speed. Just now we were calmly driving along an empty highway, suddenly a huge truck came towards us, and... the air flow from it was so strong that the trailer led into a ditch, and it dragged the car behind it... We spun about five times. I lost consciousness.

I came to my senses, and I don’t understand where I am, what happened? I’m lying in the grass, my mouth is filled with sand, and my leg itches unbearably. I decided to see what I had there. I stood up, and what I saw shuddered all over me: a terrible open wound, my whole leg was torn. I look around, I see a mangled car to the side, people lying around without signs of life. Vova, the only one who was on his feet and could do something (fortunately, he managed to grab the door handle and stay in the car), gives Sonya artificial respiration. As it turned out, he saved his sister, because at that moment the girl was not breathing. There was nowhere to wait for help: where were our Cell phones, it’s unclear, it’s 100 km to Nikolaev, the highway is empty. Volodya came up to me and put his jacket under my head. My head was broken and blood was coming from the wound. Under the scorching sun, I soon passed out. I woke up from tremors - an ambulance arrived and they put me on a stretcher. And then I became hysterical. I started laughing and couldn’t stop until they injected me with something. When the doctors tried to cut off my hair (it interfered with stitches), I almost got into a fight. She raged and swore: “What else? I raised them for so many years. How will I sing on stage? By the way, they stitched me up sloppily. A huge scar remained on his leg for a long time, and the wound on his head did not heal. But I still got off easy and can celebrate on this day - June 8th - my second birth. But they didn’t even have time to take Volodya’s dad to the intensive care unit. Although my mother was taken by helicopter to Kyiv, she was not saved. She passed away 9 days later. And 9 days later, without regaining consciousness, Marusya died. Only Sonya recovered quickly, she is a very strong girl. But we didn't know how to tell her the truth. After all, she was only 10 years old, and for almost three months she was told that her parents and sister were in the hospital...

- How did you manage to survive such a misfortune?

It took me three months to recover and come to my senses. My parents took care of me and my friends visited me. And then I knew that I needed to get back on my feet faster. We had just started working with Potap. But Sonya, it seems to me, guessed everything. Vova endured the tragedy courageously. I asked: “How are you even holding up?” And he replied: “I can’t change anything, so I have to come to terms with it and move on with my life.” Volodya seemed to have cut off his entire past. happy life. They had a very friendly family. Volodya did not cry either when his father was buried or when he said goodbye to Marusya. Only at his mother’s grave did tears come to his eyes, but he quickly pulled himself together. He still has two grandmothers and a great-grandmother still alive... He simply could not afford to relax in front of them... After the funeral, Volodya remained in Nikolaev. His family had a business there, an agricultural firm, and now he had to deal with all the business. In addition, it was necessary to take care of Sonya. Nikolaev is several hundred kilometers from Kyiv, but I went there every free day. One day I arrived, and Vova fell ill. I came down with bronchitis. And then at night, when I fed him various drugs, he suddenly burst into tears... He’s not made of iron. But that was the only time.

“Potap and I are the number 1 artists in Ukraine”

- After what you and Volodya went through, people sometimes break up only because their very existence reminds each other of what happened.

I’m sure that even if we ever separate, we still won’t be able to become strangers. This accident tied our destinies very tightly. Now I treat Vova not only as a loved one. For me he is a brother, a son, a husband, and a father...

We didn't have love at first sight. We studied together at the university at the Faculty of Economics. We were just friends for two years. And after some disco, we realized that we fell in love with each other... You know, I mostly talked to men older than me. And I was always bothered by their patronizing attitude towards me, like towards a little girl. And the feeling that I am a beautiful addition to his car. With Volodya, everything is different with us. We are the same age and communicate as equals. It is very good, clean, absolutely unspoiled. I used to think like this: “I will never cook, wash, clean. For what? You can hire a servant." But with Vova it’s different. I want to get up early and cook him breakfast. I don't yell at him when I pick up the things he scattered. Although, of course, poor Vova gets it from me. Because I am a decent ulcer.

- How does he feel about your popularity?

When we started dating three years ago, I was not yet so popular. This is my job, and Vova treats it with respect. He hates social events, so Potap and I appear at them.

- Do you still call your partner Alexey Potapenko Potap in real life?

It seems to me that if I call Potap Lesha, he simply will not understand that I am addressing him. Everyone calls him Potap. When I was at school, Potap was already performing with the group “Entrance in Changeable Shoes.” The guys were very cool, they rapped, and young people went crazy about them. I couldn’t even imagine that I would sing a duet with him. I started solo career. They looked for a repertoire for me for a long time, they even recorded an album. But one day I came to my producer Ruslan on business. I’m standing, waiting outside the office, and then Potap comes up. He looked me up and down and asked: “Is that you, Kamenskikh?” Well, wow, she’s like that...” That’s impudent, I think! Then Ruslan freed himself, and I, boiling righteous anger, went into the office. And imagine, he offers me from the doorway: “I have an idea. Would you like to try to sing with Potap? I agreed. A duet is always interesting. Already after our second song “Not a Couple” we became very popular in Ukraine. Simply number one artists, after Verka Serduchka, of course. By the way, I really didn’t like this song at first. I categorically stated: “I won’t sing that!” And Potap said that I don’t understand anything, because it’s a hit. And he turned out to be right. We still sometimes argue to the point of stupor, it happens, and send each other very far away. I really hate him at this moment - according to the horoscope, we are two Taurus, it seems, we are goring each other... I don’t even treat Potap as a partner, but rather as a relative, or something. I haven’t seen him for several days, and it seems like I have something very familiar and at the same time important not nearby. And he treats me the same way.

- Last year you came to Sochi for the Five Stars festival to no one famous artists, and left triumphant...

For Potap and me it was like a way out open space. A huge venue, thousands of spectators, the jury consists entirely of bison. It seemed that no one would like us. And an hour later, on the contrary, we became confident that we would take the Grand Prix. I never expected a warm welcome from Russian show business. But in the show “Two Stars” we existed as one big family. Natasha Koroleva shared the pancakes that she brought from home, everyone teased each other... But Pugacheva struck me most of all. When Garik Kharlamov and I last time came on stage, I cried. Not because we only took fifth place, I just felt unbearably sad because something like this would never happen again in my life. Alla Borisovna hugged me, consoled me, called me baby. I was so touched.

“If it weren’t for mom...”

- Probably, your parents are the most happy about your success...

Still would. Especially mom. She had a program for my upbringing: from the age of 4 I studied English, studied ballet for eight years, went to music school, sang in the choir. One day we got together for an exam. I’m dressed smartly, my mom tied me a red bow and doesn’t yell at me anymore. I sit down at the piano to rehearse one more time and lose my nerve with excitement. Then mom, without saying a word, forcefully tilts my head down and - blah blah blah - my face on the keys. I’m offended, it hurts, but I can’t cry: how can I go to the exam crying... I honestly admit, if it weren’t for my mother’s upbringing, nothing would have come of me. I would be sitting somewhere right now with a shabby manicure and drinking beer.

My mother wanted me to grow up to be an independent girl. Therefore, at the age of five, I was sent to France under a family exchange program. How I cried. I was so scared to leave for a foreign country. I was terribly bored, and besides, I didn’t have a good relationship with that family. They were some greedy, boring, unkind people. Their three sons mocked me, teased me, pulled my hair. When she finally returned to Kyiv, she said: “I will never leave home again in my life.” And my mother says: “Try again, go to Italy. If you don’t like it, we’ll stop traveling.” And at the age of 6 I went to Naples. I fell in love with this city. I liked everything: the city, the sea, the food, very helpful and friendly people. A week later I started speaking Italian. They quickly began to accept me as one of their own. For 7 years I lived in the same family for six months a year, went to local school, went shopping, helped to the adoptive mother cook pasta. Now we only communicate with her by phone...

- Didn’t you try to rebel against the dictates of your parents?

I may have been offended by my mother, but I felt she was right. And then, I myself wanted to achieve something in life... I love my mother very much, but I have always been closer and more frank with my father. For me, dad is like mom. Now I can discuss everything with him - even the most intimate things. Dad is always very calm and unperturbed. Mom, on the contrary, is emotional and noisy. She is the main one in our family, or rather, dad allows her to think so. When she gets too wild, we make fun of her. I ask: “Dad, where did you even find this?” She sang in a very famous Ukrainian choir. Mom is still very beautiful woman, and in her youth a crowd of suitors followed her. And then dad came to the choir - he worked in the KGB, and he was appointed concert director. The choir often toured abroad, so dad had to supervise something there. And he fell in love with his mother, but for three years no one knew about their relationship. In public, dad called mom only “you” - for secrecy. They got married only when I was three years old. I remember how at their wedding I crawled under a huge table and played around. My parents met quite late, but still live in love. They still arrange romantic dates, say affectionate things, even get jealous... Although mom is now 52 years old, and dad is 69. I dream that Vova and I will have the same family.

Remember the good old saying: “If you want to hide something (someone), put it on display”? Many fans of Alexey and Anastasia shake their heads affirmatively, confirming the inquisitive guesses of the show business crowd: this phrase perfectly characterizes the romantic relationship in which the duet halves of “Potap and Nastya” have been suspected for countless years.

We have chosen 5 arguments in favor of the fact that in addition to the working relationship, Potap and Nastya also have a strong love connection.

Potap finally decided to talk about divorce

Isn’t this what you do when very significant changes are coming in your life - for example, getting engaged to your beloved? And the fact that the personal life of both Potap and his ex-wife Irina Gorova is in full swing is evidenced by their “testimonies” to journalists of the magazine “Rest.”

"We have personal lives separate from each other. I would like our new halves to also find mutual language" - as Potap confesses in spirit.

Let's be honest: in Last year Such intensity of passions swirled around the persons of Alexei Potapenko, Irina Gorova and Nastya Kamensky that it was no longer possible to hide the singer and producer’s divorce from his current business partner.

Journalists were perplexed why it was impossible to indicate in the materials that Irina is “Potap’s wife” (much less call her “beloved”), and they only shrugged their shoulders when they heard the press service’s explanation - they say that we are building the image of Irina Gorova as a businesswoman. lady and we want to move away from the cliche that she is only Potap’s wife (Gorovaya runs the production center MOZGI Entertainment together with the singer).

Alexey and Irina are also in last years dodged awkward questions from media representatives, who without fail asked them “family-related” questions in every interview.

For example, when “KP” in Ukraine” asked the artist about how he spoiled his beloved on her birthday, Alexey replied: “It’s customary for us to give each other attention and time, not gifts. I completely organized her birthday celebration!"

And when, at the opening of the MOZGI restaurant, we asked Irina what dishes she pampers her husband at home, Gorovaya replied that she prefers to order restaurant food at home, but sometimes makes exceptions and arranges romantic dinners.

In a word, the ex-spouses certainly would not have been able to survive for long in such a regime of dodging the press! And, as it turned out, Irina Gorovaya and Potap have not lived under the same roof for 5 years (!), and they signed divorce papers 2 years ago, which was reported in magazine interview.

According to Potap, they did not advertise the separation because they worked a lot: they put the “Time and Glass” group on their feet, developed the “Potap and Nastya” group, and created the Mozgi group.

“We have such a strong friendly love! Although we separated a long time ago, we never really parted, as we worked together,” says Potap in an interview with the publication.

The singers vacationed together in Cuba in 2013

Three years ago Potap and Nastya were “caught” kissing on one of the most beautiful beaches Cubes. Pictures and videos of a guy and a girl, whose appearance is very reminiscent of artists, walking along the edge of the sea, tenderly hugging and kissing each other, spread all over the Internet.

It is difficult to identify the faces in the video, but “Potapo-nasteved” claim that it is Potapenko and Kamenskikh who are walking on the hot sand. (The hotel where the couple was seen is located 10 kilometers from resort town Varadero, overnight stay – 300 euros).

When the press bombarded Nastya with questions, the girl admitted that she really was basking in the Cuban sun at that time, but fiercely argued that she was resting in splendid isolation.

But Irina Gorovaya did not even deny that on the Caribbean coast Alexey vacationed with his duet “half” and even kissed Nastya in public. “I would be more upset if Lesha kissed a man,” Gorovaya said ironically then. And she added: “This is not a reason to start family squabbles!”

By that time, Irina’s Facebook page already had the status “ Open relationship". About a year after.

Wedding ring Nastya with a weighty "brulik"

As we wrote earlier, the whole intrigue with Nastya’s ring lies in the fact that the singer placed the gold jewelry with a massive diamond on her ring finger right hand. This is exactly what young ladies do with rings encrusted with large-caliber diamonds, who received jewelry from their chosen ones as a sign.

So what does it turn out to be - after closely observing one of the most popular Ukrainian artists for so many years, not a single shark of a pen, not a single paparazzi with a trained radar eye has ever captured the beauty with her secret admirer, who is theoretically going to lead our Nastya down the aisle ?! It's a mess, gentlemen.

The fact is that everything secret in Ukrainian show business becomes clear a maximum of six months after the creation of this very secret, and in the case of Nastya, who is in the company of Potap almost every day - rehearsing, touring, filming photo shoots - you can guess What Working life the artist is closely connected with the personal.

Just for fun, take a closer look at the joint photos of Nastya and Potap on Instagram: almost every photo shows a tender hug. There are photographs in which Alexey carries Nastya in his arms. Yes, yes, all this can be attributed to “staged” shots, but these shots look too family-like and unpretentiously idyllic from the outside.

We set common goals and achieved them together

When Nastya started her own blog and actively began sharing the secrets of losing weight with subscribers, meticulously describing the loss excess weight and peppering his video blog with sexy photos, Potap also began to lose weight.

In an interview with KP, the singer said: “I admire Nastya, how smart she is - she goes for a run in any weather in the morning! I felt ashamed, and I also decided to take care of myself.”

So, by encouraging each other and setting a common goal, Nastya and Potap managed to achieve amazing results and lost more than 15 kg each.

Potap's mother's frank confession

Potap’s mother, Lyusya Potapenko, dotted all the i’s regarding the special relationship between Potap and Nastya in an interview with KP. She said that “Nastya is her son’s muse in life” and even let it slip that this woman is always “nearby”:

But who Lesha takes as an example is Nastya. The woman who is nearby probably didn’t tell him either, like, go ahead, lose weight. She simply did her job, got into the great shape she dreamed of and became an example for him. He is not a fool either - he understood that it was impossible to do otherwise and took care of himself.

Nastya is his muse in every sense of the word. Not only creatively, but also in life. She wonderful person. You know, I bought apples from an old grandmother and asked her: “They’re so beautiful, but are they delicious?” - “Remember this, child, like an animal, like one in the middle.” So Nastya is the same: she is as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside. She is an integral and fair girl, an intelligent, real woman. And most importantly, she has a beautiful soul...

It seemed to us that the mother was pleased with her son’s choice.

I want to include their songs both in good and bad times. bad mood to pick it up. And who would have thought that such a beautiful and popular artist was dissatisfied with her appearance as a child and always wanted to straighten her famous curls. It’s good that now Anastasia realized how attractive she is.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamenskikh

Now Nastya is only 29 years old, she has more to come whole life and of course a dizzying career. With a height of 175, she weighs only 65 kg. Not so long ago, the weight figure was much higher, but Nastya managed to become even more perfect thanks to proper nutrition and constant training.

Height, weight, age, how old is Nastya Kamenskikh, on this moment Anastasia has ideal parameters, although it is worth noting that when her curves were much more curvy, men still liked her and was a popular beauty.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

The beautiful and beloved Nastya Kamenskikh was born in beautiful city Kyiv in 1987, May 4. Her mom also has good voice and has even been a singer in the folk choir named after Grigory Verevka for already for long years, and my father was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team and is generally quite versatile. Nastya was in the family only child, so all the attention was paid only to her.

Nastya participated in an international exchange program for schoolchildren, so she traveled a lot since childhood. And while the other children were playing in the sandbox, Nastya had already visited France and Italy. She didn’t really like Italy in the first country, but the little traveler liked Italy and the family that hosted her fell in love with Nastya, so in the future, every six months she went to visit her second family in Naples. There the girl made friends the same age and spent fun holidays.

Despite the fact that Anastasia’s family was not very wealthy, her parents did everything possible for future star to reveal her talents. From the age of six she attended music school, namely vocal lessons, and also studied ballet and even tennis. It is worth noting that ballet is for girls for a long time was not just a hobby, and she pursued it professionally for eight years.

Despite such a busy hobby, the singer always studied well at the gymnasium. Parents always instilled in the girl knowledge of time management. She knew how to manage her time and, despite her busy schedule, was a successful student. Even now, when Nastya is quite an adult and is already busy with her career, the ability to properly manage time is very useful for her.

After graduating from school, Nastya entered the Faculty of Economics at the Ukrainian-American University. But as we all understand, the girl did not have to work according to her profile.

The biography of Nastya Kamensky allows everyone to believe in themselves. Start of a career musical girl The year 2004 can be noted. Then the 16-year-old girl tried her luck at the Black Sea Games festival and won the grand prix. A year later, an even more significant event occurred in her life, namely in London she was awarded the UBN Awards in the “discovery of the year” category. For Nastya, this became one of the most significant events in her life and she is still very proud of this achievement.

In the same year, the young performer Alexey Potapenko decided to create his own project and show Ukraine what “R&B” is, to introduce the country to a new direction. But for this he needed to find a beautiful talented girl. Friends advised him to take a closer look at the young performer Nastya Kamenskikh, who at that time had already received several awards and captivated the audience with her vocals.

Initially, Potap did not like Nastya. Yes, her voice and appearance were what was needed, but she was too ambitious, argued a lot and had a rather tough character. From the first interview he realized that easy work There's no point in waiting with her. But still he decided to take a risk. Their first song “Without Love” simply blew up the Ukrainian public and they realized that it was worth continuing in the same spirit. The project has started. At first, Potap and Nastya openly hated each other and fought a lot outside of the filming of the video and performances. They both had explosive personalities, so scandals and quarrels were inevitable. But over time, they still worked together, became close and are now best friends. It's funny that after so many years collaboration they did not fall in love with each other, although Nastya is a stunning beauty, and Alexey is a very cheerful and charming guy, but apart from friendship, nothing binds them. Lyosha has a family and he doesn’t look at Nastya like a man.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap

Beginning with adolescence, Nastya was inundated with the attention of the opposite sex. She was slim, tall, with beautiful curls, dark skin and of course beautiful shapes. Everyone wanted to get such a beauty, and she always preferred men older than herself. But over time, she got tired of such a relationship, because as Nastya herself says, she did not feel loved, but more like a toy that was bought in addition to an expensive car and status.

Husband of Nastya Kamenskaya

Nastya’s true love was classmate Vladimir Dyatlov, who fell in love with the girl with all his heart and proved his sincere attitude To her. They were just friends for a long time, but after a couple of years Nastya realized that he was not her friend at all and she had serious feelings for this man. They started dating.

But soon a tragedy occurred that separated the young people different cities, but the relationship remained. One day Nastya, together with Vova, his parents and his two younger sisters, went to celebrate the birthday of one of the sisters, whose name was Marusya. Vova was driving, there were no signs of trouble, but suddenly another car crashed into the car. At that moment, Nastya only remembers how everything began to spin, then she saw the grass, a mangled car, motionless bodies and Vova, who was standing nearby. He quickly came to his senses and helped Nastya get out of the car; her leg was badly injured at the time, and the scar still remains. younger sister Sophia was still able to be pumped out, but even the doctors could not save her parents and Marusya. The tragedy was a great shock for everyone.

After the accident, Vova moved to Nikolaev to study closer to his grandmother, who was left alone. The couple continued to meet and as soon as one of them had a couple of free days, they immediately went to visit each other. But over time, the couple began to quarrel heavily, mainly due to the jealousy of Vova, who was worried about large number fans of Nastya who appeared after her fame. And because of quarreling, the couple broke up in 2009, although they still maintain good, friendly relations and see each other every year.

Nastya Kamenskikh’s personal life is not as radiant as her career. Apart from Vova, Anastasia had no Serious relationships, and she's still alone. Although such a smart and beautiful woman will meet her prince.

Nastya Kamensky's family

Throughout her life, the main things in Nastya’s life were her parents. All colleagues and just friends famous singer they know that she never misses a moment to go home to sit in her own kitchen, gossip with her mother and get good advice from her father. Nastya Kamensky’s family has always supported their daughter in all her endeavors, and it was thanks to them that the girl achieved such heights.

Since childhood, her parents have contributed to the development of their daughter’s talents, and now she has found this very useful. They spent all their strength and even money on the development of their baby, who has now become popular star and helps his parents.

Children of Nastya Kamensky

The children of Nastya Kamensky are still only in the thoughts of the singer herself. At the moment she is not married and there is not even a possible future husband, because at the moment the singer is alone. But still, she is now at an age when she can still pursue her career and not think about children, although, by Russian standards, it’s already time.

U beautiful singer There is still a lot of time ahead to find love, give birth to children, calm down and become a homemaker, but for now she prefers to excite the male consciousness and go about her life, improving her professional skills.

After the singer quickly lost 3 sizes in weight in 2016, many even began to talk about plastic surgery, but in fact, all this is thanks to proper nutrition and regular workouts in the gym. After which the Internet was filled with requests on the topic: “Nastya Kamenskikh lost weight before and after photos.” Nastya has always been fragile and beautiful girl, but while working together with Potap, she spent a lot of time on various concerts, filming, and didn’t even have time to exercise or watch her diet.

They often snacked on fast food, after the next recording, all Nastya wanted to do was come home and lie down in front of her favorite TV series, so the singer began to rapidly gain weight. But in 2016, she decided to change everything and get back into shape. Therefore, she turned to specialists, quality trainers and got her body in order. Photos of Nastya Kamenskikh before and after plastic surgery cannot be truthful, because she has more than once posted videos of her workouts and photos of her nutrition on the Internet, thereby proving that she gets her body through her own labor. You can even find photos on the Internet where Nastya is naked, because the girl has posed a couple of times for explicit magazines.

Instagram and Wikipedia Nastya Kamenskikh

Like many young stars, Nastya is in everyone in social networks, where she shares her thoughts, plans and of course photographs. The singer’s Instagram is replete with bright photographs not only Everyday life, but also photos from filming, training, concerts and various events that the star attends.

It is on Instagram that you can track the changes and progress of the star. Instagram and Wikipedia Nastya Kamenskikh will allow all fans to plunge into life popular singer and learn more interesting details from the life of your idol.

Duet of Nastya Kamensky and Potap Lately are becoming more and more popular. On March 8, 2007, the shooting of Potap and Nastya’s super-hit “Not a Couple” took place. Empire label decided to release full album young artists, and the track “Not a Couple” was designated as the title hit. And thanks to the scandalous video for the song “Not a Couple,” which Nastya also performed with Potap, a truly “star” life began.”

Kamenskikh Anastasia was born on May 4, 1987 in the city of Kyiv. At the age of 5 she went to study in France, but did not stay there for long and soon returned to her homeland. She studied at the Pechersk gymnasium with a specialization in English. Lived in Italy for 7 years. At the age of 15 she graduated from music school. I was a professional dancer and ballet dancer for 8 years. After school, she entered the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute (USA in Ukraine), where teaching is in English.

In 2004 she took part in the Black Sea Games festival. And in 2005 she went to London to receive the UBN Awards as “discovery of the year.” After this, Nastya Kamenskikh reaches a new level of her creative activity. And in this she is helped by the Ukrainian Production Center Music-Motors, headed by Ruslan Minzhinsky.

The first video was shot for the song “What’s the Difference,” in which Nastya showed promise acting skills. This was followed by a joint video with rapper Potap for the song “Without Love”, which became a brilliant hit in Ukrainian show business. And concerts, tours, filming, studios began...

And thanks to the scandalous video for the song “Not a Couple,” which Nastya also performed with Potap, a truly “star” life began.” Everyone started talking about it. Nastya is invited to numerous television shootings, interviews, radio broadcasts, and covers. Nastya Kamenskikh also receives Active participation in the filming of all videos of Empire label artists, which, in addition to herself, includes the group XS, Queen group$, Potap, UGO and New’Z’cool.

As for Kamensky’s personal interests, she loves to travel, loves oriental cuisine and expensive restaurants. Loves money expensive cars and, first of all, what she is doing now. He considers his agreement to work with Potap to be the most reckless act.

Potapenko Alexey was born in Kiev on May 8, 1981. Has two higher education which he combined with music studies. He believes that the Five Stars festival will be a launching pad for conquering the heights of show business.