Proper (healthy) nutrition (PP). Guide to proper nutrition for health and weight loss, menu options

Proper nutrition is a diet that promotes the normal functioning, development and renewal of body cells. This concept does not set strict restrictions when creating a menu for every day, but only indicates the principles that help you eat nutritiously, variedly and with health benefits. Therefore, not all diets can be classified as PP.

The site thanks for additions and comments Liliya Karpusevich- President of the National Association of Nutritionists and Dietetics of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Liliya speaker on sports nutrition at KazNU named after. Al-Farabi, food coach, professional nutritionist of the “elite” category. Experience in the field of fitness for more than 8 years, in the field of nutrition for more than 5 years.

Key principles

Most people sooner or later think about changing their eating habits. There are many reasons for this: girls dream of getting rid of subcutaneous fat on their sides and hips, men dream of getting rid of a “beer belly,” and professional athletes use diets to “dry out” their figure for competitions.

There are also those who are forced to turn to nutritionists for serious nutrition-related illnesses. Everyone has one thing in common - the desire to solve their physiological problems. To achieve this, we recommend that you adhere to the principles listed below.

Competent approach

In organizing a healthy diet, the main thing is gradualness and the right psychological attitude. You should not aim at strict restrictions and giving up your favorite foods.

Liliya Karpusevich: “Rule number one! PP is not a diet, but a change in eating habits and lifestyle!”

At first, you shouldn’t even think about calculating the calorie content of the menu. Start simple. For example, use small dishes. This way you will “accustom” your stomach to small amounts of food.

Divide your daily diet into 3 main meals and 2 snacks, or into 5 equal meals. Small meals will help cope with strong feelings of hunger.

At the same time, gradually reduce your consumption of sweets. For example, put not 3 tablespoons of sugar in tea, but two; eat not a whole piece of cake at a time, but half. This way, you will not feel deprived and will soon get rid of “gluttony.”

Approach physical activity carefully. Your task is to smoothly “incorporate” your body into an active lifestyle, and not exhaust yourself on exercise machines. If fitness classes are not available, do simple exercises to lose weight quickly at home. But don’t immediately rush to twirl a hoop around your waist or jump rope. Jumping will put dangerous stress on your joints if you are carrying excess weight. Start small:

  • walk more, walk in the park;
  • use stairs instead of elevators.

Do some light cardio at the gym:

  • exercise on an exercise bike or ellipse;
  • walk along the path.

Approximate calorie count

Don't worry, you don't have to calculate the exact caloric content of each serving. On the Internet you can find tables of caloric content of foods. Compare your daily diet with the data found and calculate the surplus.

To avoid mistakes, first determine your individual calorie needs. To do this, we recommend using the Mifflin-San Geor method. The counting scheme for women is as follows:

  • multiply your own weight by 10;
  • to the resulting value add your height multiplied by 6.25;
  • from the resulting figure, subtract 161 and age multiplied by 5;
  • multiply the total value by 1.2.

Example: we determine the daily calorie requirement for a woman - weight 70 kg, height 170 cm, age 30 years:

(70×10 + 170×6.25 – 30×5 – 161) × 1.2 = 1742 kcal

For convenience, use the calculator and substitute your data:

The coefficient “1.2” indicates physical activity. In the example given, it is minimal (sedentary work). If you play sports, the coefficient will be different:

  • low activity - 1.375 (light exercise, training 1–3 times a week);
  • average - 1.55 (intensive training, 3–5 times a week);
  • high - 1.725 (intensive daily training);
  • extreme activity - 1.9 (strength sports, hard physical work, daily training).

For men the formula is different:

  • multiply weight by 10;
  • to the resulting value add height multiplied by 6.25;
  • from the resulting figure, subtract the age multiplied by 5;
  • add 5;
  • multiply the total by 1.2 (or another suitable factor).

Example: man, age 32 years, weight 80 kg, height 193 cm, 5 intense workouts per week:

(80×10 + 193×6.25 – 32×5 + 5) × 1.55 = 2869 kcal


So, you have calculated your individual calorie needs. What's next? To quickly lose weight, reduce the resulting value by 20%. The final figure will become a guideline for you in building your diet.

The right combination of BZHU

An important principle of a healthy diet is balance. That is, the menu should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. You should not exclude any of these nutrients from your diet. But in order to achieve different goals, BZHU should be correlated differently:

  • Losing weight. To get rid of extra pounds, you need to limit your carbohydrate intake. They are the first to be deposited as subcutaneous fat due to lack of physical activity. Recommended ratio for fat burning: proteins - 30%, fats - 25%, carbohydrates - 45%.
  • Gaining muscle mass. It is known that athletes need more calories to repair and grow muscles. This means their diet should primarily consist of carbohydrates. The recommended ratio in this case will be as follows: proteins - 20%, fats - 30%, carbohydrates - 50%.

Liliya Karpusevich: “Muscles grow on carbohydrates. It is necessary to regularly replenish glycogen stores with carbohydrates. If we increase our protein intake, the body will still convert the excess into glucose for energy.”

Professional bodybuilders use an extreme BZHU ratio to prepare for performances - 60/20/20, respectively. But such a scheme is contraindicated for ordinary people and novice athletes.

Eating plant foods

Fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs should be included in the diet for any type of diet (in the absence of medical contraindications) in order to saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. The fiber contained in these products improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, plant foods stimulate intestinal motility and improve digestion, which contributes to the regular elimination of harmful substances from the body, helps in weight loss and strengthens overall human health.

Eat at least 400 g of fresh vegetables and fruits per day.

Cooking rules

Not only the quality of the products is important, but also the method of their preparation. The following are considered harmful: smoking, frying, deep-frying. If you want to be healthy and beautiful, steam food (for example, in a slow cooker), bake or boil. You can use the grill sometimes.

Eat plant foods raw. If vegetables and fruits are subjected to heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances will be destroyed. However, do not leave dressed vegetable salads for the next day. Prepare small portions at a time.

Liliya Karpusevich: “If you have stomach problems, it’s better to stew or bake. For example, in heat-treated tomatoes and apples the concentration of acids is reduced, which is suitable for erosive gastritis and cholecystitis.”

Menu options for the week

Every person has food preferences. Therefore, there are many menu examples. We offer two diet options for the week: the first is balanced - for people who want to eat as healthy as possible; the second - dietary - for athletes seeking to reduce body fat.

Diet plan for maintaining weight and promoting health

1 - breakfast, 2 - lunch, 3 - afternoon snack, 4 - dinner.


  1. Oatmeal, sandwich with cheese and butter, tea.
  2. Vegetable soup, beef cutlet, green salad.
  3. Casserole of 2 eggs and cauliflower.
  4. Boiled chicken fillet, baked vegetables.
  1. Muesli with milk, apple.
  2. Vegetable soup, potato casserole with minced meat.
  3. Cottage cheese with raisins.
  4. Boiled chum salmon, vegetable and herb salad with butter.
  1. Millet porridge, dried fruits.
  2. Chicken soup with noodles, pilaf with meat.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins and honey.
  4. Cabbage rolls with minced meat.
  1. Scrambled eggs from 3 eggs, black bread, pear.
  2. Chicken soup with noodles, goulash.
  3. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  4. Fish balls, cucumber and tomato salad with sour cream.
  1. Barley porridge, sandwich with cheese and butter, tea.
  2. Ukha, navy-style pasta.
  3. Cottage cheese casserole with raisins.
  4. Baked red fish, stewed vegetables.
  1. Muesli with milk, pear.
  2. Ukha, roast pork and potatoes in pots.
  3. Sweet pies, tea.
  4. Baked chicken with spices, stewed vegetables.


  1. Scrambled eggs from 4 eggs, toast with butter - 2 pieces, tea.
  2. Meat pie, tea.
  3. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  4. Pork cutlets, fresh vegetable salad with vegetable oil.

Liliya Karpusevich: “We choose whole grain bread. It’s high in fiber, which lowers the glycemic index and keeps you full for a longer period.”

Weekly meal plan for losing weight athletes

1 - breakfast, 2 - snack, 3 - lunch, 4 - snack, 5 - dinner.


  1. Oatmeal with milk, green apple.
  2. Meat broth, boiled fish, green salad.
  3. Natural yogurt with pieces of fresh fruit.
  4. Steamed cutlets, stewed vegetables.
  1. Two toasts with butter, the whites of 2 boiled eggs, tea.
  2. Vegetable salad with sour cream.
  3. Pilaf with chicken.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Boiled chicken fillet, stewed cauliflower.
  1. Muesli with milk, pear.
  2. A handful of nuts.
  3. Boiled pink salmon, baked vegetables.
  4. A glass of kefir, a handful of dried fruits.
  5. Cabbage rolls with minced meat.
  1. Scrambled eggs from 3 eggs (1 yolk), ham sandwich, tea.
  2. Fruit salad with yogurt.
  3. Vegetable soup, steamed pork cutlets, green salad.
  4. Cottage cheese.
  5. Vegetable and seafood salad with vegetable oil.
  1. Omelet with milk, orange.
  2. A glass of natural yogurt.
  3. Beef goulash, vegetable stew.
  4. Kefir, banana.
  5. Baked red fish with broccoli and asparagus.
  1. Cheesecakes with raisins and sour cream, tea.
  2. A glass of milk, oatmeal cookies.
  3. Stewed beef with rice, vegetable salad.
  4. Cottage cheese casserole.
  5. Stewed liver, fresh vegetable salad with butter.


  1. Rice porridge with milk, toast with butter and cheese, jelly.
  2. Orange, apple.
  3. Durum wheat spaghetti, boiled cod.
  4. Cottage cheese, a glass of kefir.
  5. Boiled beef, stewed vegetables.

Liliya Karpusevich: “Low-fat dairy products increase insulin. This hormone promotes the accumulation of fluid in the adipocyte (fat cell) and prevents fat burning. Therefore, it is better to choose 3.2–5% milk. The fat component in this case acts as an inhibitor.”

Advice: while on a diet, give yourself small indulgences once a month: a slice of pizza, your favorite dessert, etc. This will make it easier for you to bear the restrictions.

Harmful products

Now let’s figure out what foods you can give up in order to speed up weight loss and improve your well-being. Please note that the list below is advisory in nature and is needed only as a general guide. If, for example, you cannot imagine life without sweet coffee in the morning, replace sugar with a natural sweetener. Or instead of fast food hamburgers, make delicious sandwiches at home.

  • Sweet carbonated drinks. These products contain dyes, flavors, and preservatives that negatively affect the gastric mucosa. In addition, soda contains a huge amount of sugar.
  • Snacks (chips, crackers, French fries and others). Such snacks are prepared in a large amount of fat, so all that the body can get are carcinogens, extra calories, excess fat and salt.
  • Fast food. Most dishes from fast food restaurants are based on white bread, questionable quality meat and fatty sauces. And all this is flavored with a large amount of flavor enhancers and salt. Naturally, with such a combination there is no question of any benefit to the body.
  • Sausages. The chemical industry has long learned to pass off substandard meat production residues as a natural product. Therefore, most often you purchase ground cartilage and skins under the guise of sausage or ham.
  • Mayonnaise. This sauce mainly consists of fats, vinegar and salt, which is bad for digestion.
  • “Quick” lunches - soups, purees, noodles, which just need to be poured with boiling water to be ready. Such food is not suitable for a healthy diet, as it contains low-quality ingredients and a range of chemical additives.
  • Sugar, white flour products. We recommend gradually giving up confectionery products. The combination of sweet and starchy foods enhances the negative effect on the figure.
  • Packaged juices. It has been proven that such drinks practically do not contain essential vitamins and are essentially sweet “water” with the aroma of fruit.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks, when abused, destroy human internal organs. And the gastrointestinal tract and liver are the first to suffer. In addition, alcohol is very high in calories, which affects your figure. Scientists allow you to drink a glass of good red wine with dinner, but not more than 1-2 times a month. And when working on fat burning, it is better to completely eliminate alcohol.

Liliya Karpusevich: “Sugar from carbonated drinks is quickly absorbed by carbon dioxide. This adversely affects the functioning of the pancreas and contributes to the appearance of cellulite in the fair half of humanity. Unscrupulous manufacturers use dehydrogenated vegetable fats, dyes and preservatives in sausage products. This leads to the development of cholesterol plaques in blood vessels and allergies, including intoxication. Alcohol consumption reduces testosterone levels in men, which increases the risk of infertility and impotence. Also, alcoholic drinks promote muscle catabolism in both sexes and an increase in subcutaneous adipose tissue due to hidden calories, reducing fat burning to zero. For comparison: 1 ml of alcohol - 7 calories, 1 ml of oil - 9 calories."

Be careful with muesli. On the one hand, it is a healthy product consisting of cereals and dried fruits. On the other hand, many manufacturers often add sugar and chocolate to the composition, which greatly increases the calorie content of the dish.

  • Don't starve yourself. Eat an apple or a few nuts. When losing weight, be careful with nut mixtures - one handful contains 350 calories - this is one meal.
  • Drink more water. Liquid helps cope with hunger and removes unnecessary substances from the body.
  • Instead of soda, make freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice. But don't get carried away if you're losing weight. There is no fiber in fresh juices (cake), which means you are drinking pure sugar, which means extra calories. One glass of orange juice - 250 calories.
  • Replace coffee with green tea or chicory drink.
  • Eat a varied diet. A diet consisting of chicken breasts and vegetables will quickly get boring.
  • Keep a diary where you will record your weight loss results. Visual indicators will be an additional incentive.
  • Check the ingredients in the store. Avoid substitutes, preservatives, sweeteners, and flavor enhancers.
  • Replace confectionery products with honey and dried fruits (but not more than 30 g per day).
  • Don't be afraid to spend a lot on your diet. You can create an inexpensive and accessible diet that fully satisfies the body’s needs.
  • Get creative. Cooking should not be limited to just cooking. Try to make even the simplest dishes tasty and unusual.
  • Take up a sport, such as bodybuilding. You'll have one more reason to eat healthy. Choose workouts that you like, you won’t be able to do something for long that doesn’t bring you pleasure.
  • If you work in an office and don't have the opportunity to go home for lunch, take a vegetable salad with you in your lunch box and a bottle of clean water.
  • Allow yourself to relax a little during the holidays. Eat a slice of cake or your favorite pizza. You won't get better from this, but you will feel much better.

In general, what is the PP diet and what does proper nutrition have to do with it? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article. You can also find out whether it’s possible to lose weight on energy bars, diet shakes, or whether you can drink beer or eat fat while on a diet?

The mysterious PP diet is deciphered surprisingly simply: a diet is adherence to a certain diet, and PP means proper nutrition. As a result, it turns out that the PP diet is about following a proper diet. With the help of this diet, you can not only bring the metabolism in the body back to normal and thereby increase the immune system, cleanse the body of waste and toxins, but at the same time, without special restrictions and bullying yourself, you can get rid of extra pounds. Such weight loss will only be a joy!

On the PP diet there is no need to arrange fasting days and the diet itself is very varied. So you can easily forget about mono diets and liquid food - all that is required of you is to bring your diet to the diet menu described below.

The content of the article:

PP diet - menu

Since it implies the consumption of certain products in the diet, then, depending on taste preferences and habits, everyone creates a diet menu for themselves, choosing from the recommended products exactly those ingredients that are closer to them.

  • First of all, you should exclude all fatty foods from your diet: fried potatoes, including fries, fast food, crackers in bags, of course, chips, where without it, alcoholic drinks - primarily beer, sparkling water, mayonnaise, cakes , cake and everything in the same spirit.

At first, following PP, the craving for heavy food will be stronger than reason and arguments, but don’t panic, the main thing is to last a couple of weeks, and the desire to eat something tasty and harmful will weaken, and after three months of PP (proper nutrition) you won’t even look at it you will be on the same products that you used before.

  • Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet; they should be at least 20% of your daily diet. Bananas and grapes are best eaten during the day, but apples, pears and citrus fruits can be eaten at any time of the day, except at night. At this time, the body is resting, and everything you eat will settle in your body in the form of fat deposits.
  • While following the PP diet, lean on slow carbohydrates. These include: durum pasta, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, wholemeal bread.
  • Be sure to include salads of cucumbers, carrots, beets and cabbage in your diet. The body spends more calories digesting these vegetables than they contain.
  • Also, the body, despite dietary restrictions, requires animal protein, which must be consumed per day at the rate of one gram of animal protein per kilogram of body weight. It is better to cook foods containing animal protein by steaming, oven, or boiling.

So, where is animal protein found: in cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, meat (it is better to choose lean cuts), poultry. Animal protein should make up at least 20% of the daily diet.

  • Mandatory for PP ( proper nutrition) add olive and flaxseed oils, seeds, red fish and nuts to your diet. You can learn about the benefits of flaxseed oil in.
  • Make it a rule to drink two liters of water a day. No tea, no juice, no coffee, namely WATER. Water has a beneficial effect on metabolism, speeding it up, and at the same time helps eliminate harmful toxins from the body.
  • Towards the evening, reduce your carbohydrate intake to a minimum. In the evening and at night, foods high in protein are preferable. At night, you can drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened hot tea. I myself often noticed that drinking hot drinks reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Place your food on small plates - the portions you eat will be much smaller, and the food will look voluminous. Eat small portions, but often.

Oddly enough, juices sold in stores are prohibited foods. Such drinks do more harm than good.

PP diet – prohibited foods

  • Forget about sausages, sausages and canned goods. Despite its apparent low calorie content, the “Eshki” contained in these products has a detrimental effect on the entire body as a whole.
  • Crackers, dried, dried, salted fish, chips and instant noodles will also not be beneficial - these products whet your appetite.
  • PP () does not tolerate store-bought mayonnaise - due to its insane calorie content (about 600 calories per 100 grams), replace it with low-fat sour cream.
  • Forget about bouillon cubes, replace them with herbal seasonings, marjoram, oregano, allspice and hot peppers. Moreover, hot peppers stimulate the digestive system well.
  • Replace sweets with marshmallows, marmalade, dried or dried fruits: figs, kiwi, dates, prunes, pear, mango, etc. But remember, carbohydrates can be consumed in small quantities.
  • During PP diets Avoid beer completely. Sometimes, if you wish, you can indulge in a glass of red wine, but this also has its pitfalls - alcohol whets your appetite.
  • Don't overuse salt.

We lose weight by following PP (proper nutrition) or 7 myths about diets.

Myth 1: “Weight loss bars”!

In fact, energy bars only contribute to weight gain, as they belong to the group of processed foods.

In a nutshell: processed foods are easily digested by the body, which leads to excess energy in the intestines, resulting in weight gain. If you eat such bars during even the strictest diet, then the results at the end of it may be disappointing, the weight will not go away, and if you do manage to lose it, then it will be much less than calculated by the diet.

Therefore, if you want to lose extra pounds during a diet, then exclude processed foods from your PP (proper nutrition) diet.

Myth 2: “Low-fat foods.”

There is an opinion that by eating low-fat foods, you can get rid of fat. Is this so?

If back in the eighties, nutritionists advised following a diet with a low fat content, or even excluding them, then several decades ago they proved the opposite. For the normal functioning of the body, fats are vital - the optimal functioning of brain activity, the condition of the skin, heart and other organs depend on them. Fats also facilitate the absorption of a large number of vitamins, including Omega 3. And the most paradoxical thing is that fats promote weight loss.

During the digestion of fats, the production of the hormone ghrelin is suppressed (this hormone affects the suppression of hunger), thereby stimulating the release of the peptide (this substance gives a feeling of fullness). Also, consuming fat in small quantities affects the reduction of the overall glycemic index per meal, which in turn affects the long-term feeling of fullness.

Myth 3: “Animal fats and the appearance of cellulite.”

There is a myth that eating saturated fat directly contributes to cellulite. Is this so?

It is the excessive consumption of calories that leads to the appearance of cellulite, and fats only contribute to this. Cellulite is nothing more than a consequence of excess calorie consumption, where no matter in what form fats enter the body in the form of sweets or in the form of French fries, the result is still the same.

However, while adhering to proper nutrition (proper nutrition), saturated (animal) fats must be introduced into the diet in small quantities, as they contribute to rapid saturation.

There is a difference whether you eat two packs of low-fat cottage cheese, which will negatively affect your figure, or whether you eat a small amount of a cottage cheese product, but with a slightly higher calorie content, and quickly get full.

Myth 4: “Stimulating your metabolism helps you lose weight.”

Many have probably heard, eat more often and lose weight. Is it so?

Long breaks between meals have a negative impact on your figure, since after a long period of abstinence from food, a kind of starvation occurs, and when you eventually pounce on food, you absorb it so quickly that the feeling of satiety does not have time to come and overeating sets in - gluttony.

But frequent consumption of food is not an option for those losing weight. If you eat often, then where does the feeling of hunger come from, and hence overeating and excess weight.

Failure to eat main meals and the snacks provided between them contributes to the lack of feelings of hunger and satiety. You need to eat only when hunger sets in, neither earlier nor later.

Myth 5: “Exercise and food without restrictions.”

There is an opinion that if you introduce physical activity into your daily routine, then you don’t need to monitor the calories you eat. Is it so?

It's actually simple. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend in the gym, if the calories you eat exceed physical activity, then the extra pounds will not only not go away, but will also more than settle on your figure.

Physical activity regulates appetite and helps keep the body in good shape, but this does not mean that you can forget about the quantity and quality of food consumed.

Myth 6: “Beer is the enemy of any diet.”

Beer makes you feel better. Is it so?

Any alcohol is quite high in calories - one gram of alcohol contains seven calories. For comparison, the same one gram of fat contains nine calories. Agree, the difference is not significant. For example: carbohydrates and proteins contain only 4 calories per gram.

Draw conclusions. However, alcohol is allowed to be drunk infrequently and in small quantities even during the most strict diets.

Myth 7: “Diet drinks for weight loss.”

With the help of diet drinks you can lose extra pounds. Is it so?

Most researchers have come to the conclusion that both diet drinks, cocktails, and regular juices on store shelves contribute to weight gain.

Diet drinks contain sugar substitutes, which not only hinder weight loss, but also often cause weight gain. These same sugar substitutes stimulate the appetite, which creates a constant desire to “chew” something.

And now for a better understanding PP diets I offer you an approximate menu for the week.

Approximate PP (proper nutrition) diet menu for a week


For breakfast: a portion of boiled rice in water, flavored with a small piece of butter - 150 g, vegetable salad (cucumber, tomato, olive oil dressing) - 150 g, orange or small grapefruit, green tea.
For lunch: steamed fish - 150 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, a small amount of vegetables of your choice - 200 g, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: stewed vegetables - 200 g, a piece of wholemeal bread, tea with lemon.
It’s better to end the first day of proper nutrition with a glass of kefir at night.


For breakfast: a small portion of boiled potatoes, seasoned with herbs - 120 g, boiled chicken breast, sprinkled with grated cheese - 120 g, apple, tea with lemon.
For lunch: a serving of wild rice with vegetables – 170 g, orange, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, mineral water, pear.
At night, you can drink a cup of hot tea.


For breakfast: stewed vegetables – 170 g, a piece of bread with cereals, one boiled egg, some grapes – 80 g, green tea.
For lunch: a piece of boiled meat - 100 g, vegetable salad - 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: a piece of boiled fish - 120 g, a pile of Chinese cabbage - 130 g, toast, green tea.
At night, you can allow a glass of low-fat yogurt.


For breakfast: 2 medium oven-baked potatoes, boiled chicken breast - 150 g, orange, tea with lemon.
For lunch: durum pasta – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 150 g, apple, green tea.
For dinner: cottage cheese 5% - 100 g, grapefruit, mineral water with a slice of lemon.
At night, you can drink a mug of mint tea.


For breakfast: boiled chicken breast – 100 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, a slice of bread, green tea, banana.
For lunch: boiled potatoes with butter – 100 g, cabbage salad – 150 g, green tea, apple.
For dinner: baked fish – 150 g, stewed vegetables – 100 g, mineral water.
A mug of hot tea at night.


For breakfast: steamed green beans with the addition of olive oil - 250 g, boiled egg, banana, green tea.
For lunch: fish baked in the oven – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, tea with a slice of lemon.
For dinner: semolina porridge with water – 150 g, apple, mineral water.
Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.


For breakfast: 2 egg omelet, vegetables of your choice – 150 g, orange, green tea.
For lunch: boiled chicken breast – 150 g, vegetable salad – 150 g, mineral water.
For dinner: chicken broth from breasts with the addition of small pieces of meat - 200 g, a piece of bread, green tea.
At night kefir.

In conclusion, I can say one thing - the PP diet allows you to get rid of 5 kilograms of excess weight in a month, subject to physical activity!

That's all for me! Be healthy, love yourself and your loved ones!

A healthy diet is useful, but it will contribute to weight loss only if it is based on a healthy diet. It already involves not only food that is valuable for the body, but also certain restrictions that will provoke weight loss and a decrease in fat deposits. How are the basic rules of healthy eating adjusted for this purpose?

What is proper nutrition for weight loss

A classic healthy diet is the predominance of natural food over factory food, i.e. reducing the number of products that have a multicomponent chemical composition on the menu. The basis of proper nutrition is food that is of natural origin and therefore does not harm the body: vegetables, fruits, berries, cereals, nuts, herbs. If you eat meat, then it is not processed into sausage. This principle can be seen in all therapeutic diets. However, if a person decides to lose weight, he needs a proper diet that has adjustments to help him lose weight.

PP Basics

Giving up processed foods is not enough to start fighting excess fat. If you are overweight, such nutrition will help you lose kilograms, but not for long: after that you will have to add a few more amendments to your diet, since even on plant foods you can gain weight. If you are thinking about how to lose weight on PP, you should remember a few nuances:

  • A diet should lead to changes in your eating habits, so the correct diet is frequent meals and small portions. You need to learn not to overeat so that your stomach gradually shrinks and you stop being tormented by endless hunger.
  • When losing weight, you need to monitor the fat content of foods: the PP diet involves consuming dietary types of meat (beef, lamb), and the most low-fat dairy products.
  • A large amount of clean water (before meals and between them) is one of the foundations of PN, especially if you are concerned about losing weight: if there is a lack of fluid, fats will not be broken down.
  • Frying is a heat treatment method that you should forget about on a diet. Any product can be steamed, baked, stewed - it will not lose its taste, but will retain its benefits.

Proper nutrition scheme

Filling your refrigerator with natural products is not enough, especially if you are trying to lose weight. A healthy diet requires proper management of resources, i.e. It is wise to schedule your food intake. To do this, you need to calculate your daily caloric intake (but not fall below 1200 kcal), find out how much BJU the PP diet allows you to eat. However, before making calculations, you need to study a classic example of an ideal diet that correctly affects your figure and health:

  • Breakfast: complex carbohydrates + light protein or fruit (if needed).
  • Snack: cereal/dairy group.
  • Lunch: animal protein + complex carbohydrates + vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: plant foods.
  • Dinner: light protein + vegetables.

Healthy eating

This system becomes a diet only after introducing a number of restrictions, and in addition to the points listed above, the following become relevant:

  • a rational approach to calorie consumption - creating a deficit of 15% of the norm;
  • the protein group should be predominantly plant-based;
  • It is advisable to consume carbohydrates during breakfast and lunch;
  • drink 1.5 liters of water (drinks: tea, coffee, juice are counted separately).

What can you eat with PP?

The list of available products is longer than you could imagine, and even if you are planning a budget menu, you will find something to create your diet for weight loss. The only expensive items are fish and seafood, especially if you buy salmon, mussels, etc. However, nutrition will not cease to be correct if you limit yourself to pollock, flounder, chum salmon, and squid. It is also not necessary to buy exotic fruits or several types of greens: inexpensive apples, pears, dill and parsley are no less healthy.

List of prohibited products

A taboo in a healthy diet, as mentioned above, is all food that is manufactured in nature. Those. These are products created by man: any candy, pastries, cakes, even taking into account the presence of natural ingredients in them (cocoa beans, butter, etc.) are a secondary product devoid of beneficial properties. A proper diet for weight loss denies their use, just as it denies the introduction to the menu:

  • fatty meat (stress on the pancreas and high calorie content);
  • smoked products;
  • products made from white flour (secondary “empty” product);
  • alcohol.

How to create a menu for weight loss

To create a diet that will help you achieve a beautiful figure, you need to remember what an ideal PP scheme looks like, i.e. meal breakdowns. Additionally, it is worth relying on the classic rule about the frequency of use of each product group. This way you can make a plan that is right for you. The basic points are as follows:

  • stick to a schedule - sit at the table “by the hour”;
  • do not allow breaks between meals for more than 3 hours - this way you will not feel hungry while on a diet;
  • Try to drink a glass of water or green tea before meals.

PP diet - menu for the week

If PP is perceived as a system for losing weight, the weekly diet will be stricter than if there is no focus on weight loss. The morning meal becomes fixed - it is porridge, which can be sweetened with honey, fruits or nuts as part of the daily caloric intake (breakfast - 300 kcal). The further menu can be created according to your tastes. An approximate option without taking into account a snack (any fruit) is this:


Afternoon snack


Day 1

Vegetable soup with potatoes.

Cereal bread, hard cheese.

Cottage cheese casserole with egg whites.

Day 2

Black rice with mussels.

Baked pear with ricotta.

Steamed salmon with greens.

Day 3

Pasta with zucchini and tomatoes.

Hard cheese, orange.

2 boiled eggs with cucumber.

Day 4

Braised chicken breast with orange.

Vegetable salad.

Bean salad with pepper.

Day 5

Chicken broth, vegetable salad.

A handful of nuts.

Cottage cheese with cinnamon.

Day 6

Buckwheat porridge with green beans.


Boiled squid with tomatoes.

Day 7

Stewed chickpeas with vegetables.

A couple of apples.

Baked pollock with asparagus.

Weekly grocery list

There are more recipes for healthy dishes than you think: they differ from “harmful” ones only by the absence of fatty sauces, fried ingredients and “empty” foods. The basis of a diet based on healthy food is very varied, so you don’t have to repeat your meals throughout the week. The weekly PP program should include:

  • porridge (excluding semolina);
  • soups with vegetable or chicken broth (meat without cereals and potatoes);
  • pasta;
  • vegetables (no potatoes, only fresh carrots and beets; emphasis on cabbage);
  • fruits (emphasis on citrus fruits, green apples);
  • seeds, nuts (no peanuts);
  • hard cheeses;
  • yogurt, kefir (without additives);
  • low fat cottage cheese;
  • chicken meat;
  • fish, seafood;
  • greenery;
  • eggs;
  • bran.

Healthy eating chart for every day

The food pyramid also helps to build the right menu, which clearly demonstrates the essence of a healthy diet with reasonable restrictions. This table is convenient to use to create an individual diet, or to remember how to maintain the health of the body without denying yourself delicious food. It looks like this:


Daily amount

Share of daily food volume

Cereals (cereals, whole grain bread, crispbread), pasta

Up to 6 slices of bread, or up to 180 g of dry cereal, or up to 100 g of pasta

Vegetables (excluding starchy ones), greens

Up to 500 g of vegetables, 1/2 cup of greens.

Meat, fish, poultry

Up to 210 g (in several meals).

Dairy group (lactose-free, low fat)

Up to 3 glasses of milk or fermented milk drinks, or up to 120 g of cheese, or up to 300 g of cottage cheese.

Nuts, seeds


At the moment, the mega-popular trend is proper nutrition. PP promotes not only rapid weight loss, but also improved well-being and appearance. You don't need to follow a grueling diet at all. The main thing is a balanced diet and a clear regimen.

The essence of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition (PN) requires compliance with two mandatory conditions - food intake, as well as balance and naturalness. As for the first component, it will certainly appeal to those who love to eat and constantly chew something. There should be about 6 meals a day, which are taken at intervals of 2.5 hours. This allows you to stabilize your blood sugar levels, so you won't feel painfully hungry. In addition, this eating regimen helps to significantly speed up metabolism. And, of course, the load on the gallbladder is significantly reduced.

The second mandatory rule is that carbohydrates should be consumed exclusively in the first half of the day. But you should end the day by eating protein foods. This is especially true for those who want to lose weight as quickly as possible. And, of course, you will have to forget about harmful products with flavors, flavor enhancers and dyes. You will be surprised that you need much less natural food to fill you up, because your receptors will not be irritated by chemicals.

Basic principles

Nutritionists identify the following basic principles of PN nutrition:

  • first of all, you need to audit your refrigerator and remove all prohibited foods (you shouldn’t frantically finish them, because health and beauty are more expensive than chocolate bars and soda);
  • start your morning with a glass of clean water (after about an hour you can have breakfast);
  • between meals, take short breaks lasting no more than 3 hours;
  • after eating you need to move and not lie down;
  • the last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime;
  • at least a quarter of your diet should consist of plant foods (fruits and vegetables must be raw);
  • fats should account for no more than 20% of the daily diet (the emphasis should be on unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in vegetable oils, nuts and red fish);
  • It should be consumed for breakfast and lunch to saturate the body with sufficient energy;
  • the evening meal should include exclusively proteins;
  • forget about fried foods, because there are many ways to prepare healthy and tasty food (stewing, boiling, steaming);
  • make it a rule to drink two liters of clean water per day;
  • Only vegetables can be used as a side dish for fish and meat dishes;
  • Despite the fact that potatoes and pasta are considered heavy foods, they can be added to soups.

What you can and should eat

Strict diets are gradually being replaced by PP. Proper nutrition is gaining more and more popularity, because it does not set any strict restrictions on food. The list of useful products is quite wide. So, if we are talking about complex carbohydrates, then their source can be oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, boiled rice, as well as bulgur. Occasionally you can eat pasta (but it is better if it is bran or made from wholemeal flour).

For the normal functioning of the body, it is simply necessary to consume fiber in sufficient quantities. It is found in abundance in all kinds of vegetables, herbs and fruits. The main thing is to eat them fresh. And if you heat-treat products, it should be minimal.

If you are trying to lose weight, then protein should be the basis of proper nutrition. If we talk about plant foods, they are found in sufficient quantities in legumes (chickpeas, peas, beans, lentils). It is recommended to eat poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products. As for fats, their sources will be vegetable oils and nuts.

Prohibited Products

The key to an attractive appearance is proper nutrition. PN implies limiting or completely excluding the following foods from the diet:

  • baked goods and pasta (especially those made from premium flour);
  • sweets such as cakes, candies, cookies and so on;
  • juices from the store;
  • sugar (a tablespoon is the maximum allowable amount per day);
  • salt (if you can’t give it up completely, then at least reduce the amount in your dishes);
  • fish and meat in the form of smoked meats, canned food and semi-finished products;
  • coffee.

PP (proper nutrition): breakfast menu

Even after becoming familiar with the principles of proper nutrition, it is quite difficult to create a menu on your own, because not everyone is aware of the energy value of foods and their content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. So, since in the first half of the day the body must receive a sufficient amount of energy, the following dishes can serve as breakfast:

  • sandwiches made from toasted bread with lightly salted fish and lettuce;
  • potatoes with tomatoes (or other vegetables), baked with cheese;
  • oven omelet with herbs.

Lunch menu

Carbohydrates should also predominate in the lunch menu, but proteins are already allowed. The following dishes ideally correspond to these parameters:

  • vegetable puree soup for the first and boiled fish for the second (you can add a side dish of rice);
  • pilaf with chicken without spices, as well as fresh vegetables;
  • boiled meat with a side dish of stewed vegetables.

Dinner menu

If your goal is to lose weight, then for dinner (after 17:00) you should eat exclusively proteins. The following options are possible:

  • oven-baked vegetables (you can add a little unsalted cheese);
  • cottage cheese with fresh fruit;
  • steamed fish and vegetables.

Key points

An extremely important point is a properly designed nutrition program. PP cannot be the same for everyone. Features of the menu and meal regimen depend on the following factors:

  • gender (the male body, in most cases, requires more resources than the female);
  • area of ​​work (even if you want to lose weight, nutrition should compensate for energy costs);
  • age characteristics (the younger the organism, the more resources it requires for life);
  • climatic conditions (the lower the air temperature, the more energy the body needs to maintain normal condition);
  • genetic and national characteristics (may affect metabolic rate).

PP nutrition (recipes for weight loss)

Cooking delicious and healthy meals is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. You will spend much less time at the stove if you switch to PP food. Recipes are given below:

Quick porridge for breakfastA glass of milk, 2 tablespoons of oatmeal, half a banana, frozen or fresh berries, a little honey.In the evening, pour milk over the oatmeal and leave it in the refrigerator. In the morning, heat the mixture on the stove and in the microwave. Add honey, thawed berries, chopped banana and let it brew for about half an hour.
Green soupHalf a kilogram of veal; one bunch each of spinach and sorrel; 2 eggs; a little low-fat sour cream; bulb; vegetable oil (2 tablespoons); salt, dried bay; lemon (quarter); 2/3 cup tomato juice.Set the veal broth to simmer, and in the meantime prepare the roast. Fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan, then simmer it with tomato juice. Chop the greens and add to the boiling broth. After 5 minutes, add the roast, sour cream and chopped boiled eggs. A few minutes before the end of cooking, salt the dish, add bay leaf and the juice of a quarter of a lemon.
Chicken fillet with yogurt sauce2 chicken fillets; one and a half cups of unflavored yogurt; 3 cloves of garlic; a little dill; salt; cucumber; onion.Cook the chicken fillet until boiling, after salting the water. Send the onion in its peel here (make a small cut in it). After 30 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and leave to cool. Mix pre-cooled yogurt with salt, as well as finely chopped dill, garlic and cucumber. Pour the sauce over the plate. Place the fillet on top and top with the yoghurt dressing again.
Oat pancakesEqual amounts of oatmeal and bran; chicken eggs (according to the number of tablespoons of rolled oats).Grind the oatmeal, mix with bran and pour boiling water over it. When the dry ingredients become porridge-like, add the beaten eggs. You need to bake pancakes without adding oil (a non-stick frying pan is suitable for this).

How to switch to proper nutrition

If you want to be slim and beautiful, PP will help you with this. Proper nutrition for weight loss, the menu of which may seem unusual, requires a gradual transition. The following recommendations will help you with this:

  • if you like mayonnaise, replace it with sour cream with salt and garlic;
  • train yourself to eat (first in the form of a salad, and then in its pure form);
  • even if you don’t feel like it, you need to eat at least two fruits daily;
  • use smaller plates than usual;
  • To have a snack while working or watching TV, always keep it on hand;
  • gradually give up sausage, confectionery and other junk food (to begin with, treat yourself once a week, then once a month, and so on).


If you want to be beautiful, then proper nutrition is the ideal option for you. PP does not set any strict restrictions, and most importantly, you do not have to starve. However, you shouldn’t rush headlong into the pool from the very first day. Depending on your health and willpower, switching to PP may take you from a month to six months. In addition, even the most harmful foods should not be excluded from the diet too abruptly, so as not to expose the body to stress. If you really want to fry a full frying pan of potatoes or eat a large piece of cake, you can afford it occasionally. The main thing is to enjoy your food!

Users of the World Wide Web incredibly frequently use a variety of abbreviations in their writing. Sometimes this manner penetrates into oral conversations. Despite the obvious convenience of using abbreviations (you can convey your idea to your interlocutor faster and significantly reduce the time you spend using the keyboard), numerous abbreviations remain incomprehensible to most. The topic of weight loss and a healthy lifestyle is no exception to the general trend, and more and more often the same question is asked on forums: “What is PP in weight loss?”


PP is proper nutrition. Unfortunately, not all women (and men) who are losing weight really know the meaning of this simple phrase. At first glance, it seems that the right foods mean any healthy food, and above all fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. There really is no point in denying the benefits of these products, but proper nutrition is a much more complex system, based not so much on the choice of specific dishes, but on the distribution of nutrients and meals throughout the day.

To lose weight you need to eat

This is exactly what one of the basic principles of PP sounds like. What are diets and fasting? This is an effective way to quickly get rid of kilograms. But at the same time, any diet is also a direct path to regaining lost weight and an additional gain of 2-5 extra kilos. Why? If you understand the principles of the human body, everything complex becomes obvious.

By not receiving enough calories and nutrients, the body automatically reduces its metabolic rate. He decides times are tough and begins storing up any excess calories. This process continues non-stop throughout the diet. While you deny yourself your favorite treats and usual amounts of food, the body actually burns accumulated fat reserves, but very slowly. This is the nature of fat deposits: they accumulate quickly and disappear slowly. But if you even slightly exceed the portion or add a small spoonful of sugar to green tea, excess carbohydrates, from which the body has already become accustomed, will instantly replenish subcutaneous fat reserves. After all, hungry times have come, and any crumbs need to be put aside for later.

That is why, after finishing any diet, the kilograms sooner or later return. It’s good if they don’t bring “comrades” with them: bad skin, cellulite, digestive problems, rare bowel movements, hair loss.

Why does PP work?

And yet, what is PP? The main principle of the diet is to limit fats, carbohydrates and calories in general. The essence of proper nutrition is simple: you need to eat - albeit not very much, but often enough. The ideal scheme for every day looks like this: breakfast, second breakfast (snack), lunch, afternoon snack, dinner. In addition, before going to bed, it is recommended to drink a cup of tea or a glass of kefir. If you exercise intensively, kefir can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese without any remorse.

By getting enough nutrients (provided you follow the variety of your menu) and not being afraid of hunger strikes, the body speeds up its metabolism. This means that any food consumed is broken down into its basic components - proteins, fats and carbohydrates - in record time. Since you're not restricting yourself, your body doesn't have to store every extra calorie. As a result, you get a healthy digestive system, ideally functioning intestines, strong hair and nails, and clear skin. And if you include sports, the excess weight will begin to melt away by leaps and bounds.


Under no circumstances should you skip your first breakfast if you switch to PP. What is proper nutrition without the main meal that triggers your metabolism for the whole day? For breakfast, they eat porridge first: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, millet, barley, wheat, multigrain. Semolina porridge has not been held in high esteem lately, but there is nothing harmful in it. If you have just begun to understand what PP, sports and a healthy lifestyle are, semolina porridge will give your body the energy it needs for effective training and maintaining tone.

In addition to the porridge, you need to eat at least one medium-sized fruit or several small ones. So, oatmeal goes perfectly with fresh apples. When consumed simultaneously, nutrients from both products are absorbed to the maximum.

It is advisable to diversify your breakfast by adding proteins. This could be a hard-boiled chicken egg or a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese or cheese.


A snack, or second breakfast, consists of any dishes rich in simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as fats of both plant and animal origin. This is the time when you can fearlessly eat your favorite sweets, even if you strictly adhere to the rules of PP. What are sweets within the system? This includes dark chocolate, any marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows, dried fruits, halva, Turkish delight and other sweet oriental delicacies. The portion should be small, but satisfying.


The basis of the system begins with lunch, namely the indispensable combination of proteins and vegetables, characteristic only for PP. What is protein? This is the basic material from which muscle tissue is built, as well as most other biological structures. Some diets rely on consuming large amounts of protein. This is wrong and even harmful to the body, since toxins are formed during the breakdown of proteins. If you do not remove protein breakdown products from your body, you can suffer from serious poisoning. Vegetables help remove toxins, so always serve meat and fish with a vegetable side dish. Pasta, potatoes and cereals for lunch are also not prohibited.

Afternoon snack and dinner

Everything is simple here: for afternoon snack and dinner they eat the same foods as for lunch, but without complex carbohydrates (that is, only proteins and vegetables). For those who have just begun to understand what PN is, eating according to a regimen may seem like torture. After all, this is not a diet at all, but a real way of life. Remember: you just have to try, and you will very soon get the taste. Unlike diets, proper nutrition gives a person health and joy of life.