A game where you have to draw a road for a car. Examples of work in aerial perspective

So, judging by the title, you probably already guessed that in this article we will learn to draw a train and a steam locomotive with carriages.

Train for children

Showing how to draw a train to a child is quite simple.

First of all, it should be explained that it consists of a locomotive that pulls the entire train, as well as trailers that are attached to it.

The drawing will begin with an image of rectangular blanks of a locomotive with a carriage.
Next, the wheels, the window of the locomotive, a pair of windows of the passenger trailer, and the roof are completed.

The composition can already be guessed in the image. More precise details will help to add similarity: the locomotive pipe, the drawn couplings connecting it to the trailer, Railway.

At the end you can add a driver in the cab and steam from the pipe.

Train with carriages

A simple explanation of how to draw a train with carriages, suitable for beginners and more experienced young artists.

You should start with the basic shape of the locomotive: a vertical rectangle with rounded corners. The roof of the vehicle is separated from above, repeating the basic shape.

Then you should draw the locomotive itself in more detail, as shown in the second image.

Now you can start working on the trailers. They are preliminarily indicated schematically. Next, the windows, the bottom of the trailers, and the roof transition line are more accurately marked.

All that remains is to depict the surrounding landscape, as well as the railway along which transport moves. This can be done quite accurately or simply left as a sketch.

Steam locomotive for children

Below is a fairly simple sequence of how to depict a steam locomotive. It will not be difficult for a child to draw such a picture.

First, preparations for railway transport are made. It consists of a main part in the shape of an inverted letter L, wheels, and a lower part above the wheels.

You can add trailers to a ready-made locomotive.

The locomotive itself is ready. You can add trailers to a ready-made locomotive. The third picture shows a simpler cargo trailer in the shape of a rectangle with a roof and wheels.
After it, a passenger carriage is “attached”. Its shape is similar to the previous cargo truck, but features are taken into account: windows, a characteristic roof, stripes on the side.

Steam locomotive with carriages

It’s not difficult to figure out how to draw a steam locomotive with carriages for children, even without special education. To do this, just follow simple recommendations, keeping the sequence.

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a steam locomotive step by step.

Stage 1
First you need to mark out your workspace horizontal line and the vanishing point. Two rays are drawn from this point at acute angles, as shown in the figure.

Stage 2
Pairs of two parallel lines mark the approximate location where the locomotive itself will be depicted.

Stage 3
From the vanishing point, rays are drawn to the corners of the resulting rectangle to outline the perspective. A detailed image of the locomotive is marked.

Stage 4
Vertical lines separate the trailers. From the vanishing point, the reference lines for the main locomotive are marked with a dotted line.

Stage 5
Based on the designated reference lines, the locomotive itself is drawn.

Stage 6
Wheels are added to the schematic image. All that remains is to add transport details, as well as the surrounding landscape with the railway track.

High-speed train

The proposed sequence will help you understand how to draw a train step by step. Having learned to do this, then you can easily draw a peregrine falcon or any other type of high-speed rail transport.

The workspace of the sheet is marked with two intersecting lines. This is shown in the first picture. On one of the formed corners the outline of the composition, as well as its frontal part, is depicted.

Then the train cars are marked between each other and with characteristic lines on the side.

Now it’s the turn of the lower and front parts of the composition. The peregrine falcon is ready.

All that remains is to add color.

Drawing a passenger train

A train set is one of children's favorite drawings. Despite the apparent complexity, understanding how to draw a train with a pencil is very simple. To do this, it is enough to perform several steps sequentially.

First of all, a train is drawn. The diagram presented in Figure 1 is taken as a basis. It is further detailed by adding wheels, the front part, and markings of the driver’s cab.

Following the locomotive, carriages in any desired quantity are indicated. They are also supplemented with the necessary elements: wheels, windows. Rails are drawn.

The similarity with real moving transport will be added by steam from pipes and railway sleepers.

All that remains is to add color and the passenger train is ready!

Train in the subway

You can draw a subway train quite quickly if you act consistently.

First of all, you should mark out your workspace, as shown in the first picture. Then the locomotive is schematically designated.

In the finale, the entire train and the interior of the metro are drawn, and the drawing is filled with color.

This lesson fell into the category of easy ones, which means that in theory it can be repeated by Small child. Naturally, parents can help young children draw the road. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the “” lesson - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you will need

Please note that to complete this lesson you will need several items from different areas drawing.

In order to draw a road we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • Watercolor or oil paints.
  • A clean palette to mix colors and create new combinations.
  • Water for dissolving paints and soaking brushes.
  • Set of brushes. Professionals advise using natural brushes, but beginners can also use synthetic ones.
  • A clean cloth to wipe your brushes.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

True nature in all its beauty can only be revealed if you draw it from life. It will be much better to draw if you look directly at the road. If this is not possible, then they can help regular photos, which are simply in abundance in search engines.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Simple drawings are created using contours. It will be enough for you to repeat what, and only what is shown in the lesson, to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to present that. what do you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try making a sketch not with outlines, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with constant use of this technology, you will see that drawing becomes easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one.

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

Step five.

Now you know how to draw a road and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share this lesson with your friends on social media. networks.

    My daughter was asked something similar at school. Drew the road from the house to educational institution using pencils. It can be colored, it can be simple. Some indicated symbols in the form of house numbers past which the route passed. I think if you need to focus attention on some landmark or a fairly dangerous section of the route, you can highlight it in red, where it is safer - in green. After creating the diagram, we glued it into the diary with dry glue. That's all.

    When you go to school, mark every house, every street you pass. Try to mark them so that they are proportional to their actual size. And then transfer your sketches onto paper in the form of a plan like this:

    It is not necessary to do everything so geometrically accurately and reliably. The main thing is that the number of large objects (houses, gardens, buildings, roads, shops) that you pass on the way to school coincides.

    If you don’t go into details and details, then the road from home to the school itself can be depicted as follows:

    You are required to depict a school, nearby vegetation, benches. And there should be a road leading to the school with space for pedestrians to cross.

    In our city, in almost all schools, starting from the first grade, children together with their parents draw a safe route (if this is possible, of course) from home to school. There were simply many tragic cases when children died under the wheels of a car. That's why parents draw a route with their child and then discuss it in class. A kind of road survival lesson. You can draw roads, a school and all pedestrian crossings. This must be taken very seriously.

    If we're talking about about creating a route sheet for a school student’s diary, then we proceed in a simpler way.

    On the Internet we find a Google map of our street and the streets along the route to school, print out the corresponding section, and mark the route to school on it.

    And if we are talking about simple drawings, then you can already be guided by convenience - what is more convenient for the child to draw - with pencils or paints? Of course, a drawing with paints looks more colorful, but it is difficult to write on it small parts. In this case, drawing with a pencil will allow the child to draw out small details. Only you need to choose bright pencils, not pale ones - then it will be pleasant to draw with them.

    In the picture you can depict houses, trees, roads, cars and buses, and other students. You can detail the drawing with the image of a traffic light on the road or a pedestrian crossing.

    As I understand it, this is a task from junior classes drawing schools?

    Then it's best not to go into detailed plan, the child will not understand it, especially not worth drawing a map.

    The most the best option will draw a school in one corner, and a house in the opposite, spend a little a winding line- the road and on the sides draw objects that the child remembers while walking along this path.

    You can do the following: in Yandex maps or Google Maps, find the place where the school and the child’s home are located, print a map of the area (rather, even a plan) and draw the optimal safe route on it.

    If this is a free drawing and not a plan diagram of the home-school-home route, then there is no need to go into details. Just on a regular sheet of paper, in a free version, draw at least slightly similar silhouettes of the house and school, and the main objects (monuments, fountains, bus stops), and the outlines of the roads, without special adherence to scale.

    We also drew the child’s way from home to school, but we needed more or less exact plan route home-school-home as a real guide for navigation. You can draw it in two ways -

    If you have a printer, you can simply print out a map of this area, opened in Google, in black and white, and color the objects (houses, roads and everything else) at your discretion.

    If you don’t have a printer (like we had), you can simply put a sheet of paper on the screen and carefully draw streets and houses showing through the sheet. Next, paint in the same way with the desired colors. The result will be a fairly realistic scale, at the same time drawn as if independently without special tools. funds - cards, printer, etc. Directly on the drawings, you can use arrows to mark the location of the school and home, and connect them along the shortest and safest route along the road line with a red or other bright felt-tip pen.

    In the explanation of the drawing you should indicate the address of the house, the address of the school and a description of the places where the child should show Special attention when moving.

    The colors of pencils or paints should be somewhat contrasting so that they do not merge into one picture, and it is easier for the child to quickly determine the direction of roads and surrounding objects.

    You can draw a street with houses, trees, highways, pedestrian crossings, traffic lights, cars, and depict a school building in the distance. As a basis for such a drawing, you can take an example from a video depicting a city.

    If the task is simply to create a drawing (for elementary school students), then we do it simply: take pencils or paints and start creating: draw your house in the lower left corner small size. In the upper right we draw a school. Between them there is a road with turns. There are main facilities on both sides of the road. For example, a store, a kindergarten, garages, a park, a river. If the school is nearby, we draw the neighboring houses, yard, trees.

Hello, dear friends!

If you are concerned about the question of how to fill your landscape with depth, space, air and volume, you will be very interested in the material in this article.

This lesson is dedicated to very important things that every novice artist needs to know and definitely use when painting a landscape. If you write in oils, watercolors, pastels, gouache, acrylics or pencils, these rules will definitely come in handy and will be useful.

Landscape and perspective cannot be separated. Impossible to write nice landscape without using the rules of aerial or linear perspective.

Aerial perspective

Aerial perspective is necessarily present in any landscape. What is aerial perspective? To put it simply and literally, the rules of aerial perspective say that:

Foreground and background

Landscape by Levitan “Spring in Italy”. On foreground you can distinguish flowers on branches, boards of a wooden fence, the further from the viewer, the less clear the shapes and strokes.

"Thaw". The trees in the background and the horizon line are barely visible. In the foreground, trunks and branches and even small twigs are clearly visible.

Painting by T. Kincaid. In the foreground you can even make out inscriptions and facial expressions of people, in the background the shapes of houses and windows are barely visible.

In the foreground, you can draw out everything in detail (house bricks, patterns, wood texture, flowers, uneven tree trunks, car designs...) using rich colors. The further you go “deep” into the forest or city, the less clearly depict or omit details, use less bright colors, add a light haze.

Painting technique A la prima

If you keep everything in a landscape in 100% focus, the viewer will get confused and a logical question will arise: “What is the main thing in this picture?” To the human eye It is not common to see a flower up close and one that is 20 steps away equally clearly.

Aerial perspective makes the work more voluminous, spacious, and airy.

Color in aerial perspective

The second rule of aerial perspective reveals the essence of why this type of perspective was called “aerial perspective”?

Everything on our planet is enveloped in air. Accordingly, the further an object is from us, the more air is superimposed on it. For an observer, an object that is located in the distance takes on the color of the air space in which it is located.

Examples of work in aerial perspective

Landscape "Poppy Field". The bushes, hills, and fields in the distance acquired the warm pink-orange hue of the sunset sky and sun.

Landscape by I. Levitan. The trees and hills in the distance are covered in a haze of overcast grayish skies.

Landscape "Cypress trees in the mountains." The mountains in the distance appear blue.

The darker the sky, the more its color and light will be transmitted to everything around you. If you are painting a foggy morning, rainy or snowy landscape, the more haze and inexpressiveness there should be in the distance. Feel free to “blur” everything that is far from the observer.

Landscape “Spring Storm”

In daylight, aerial perspective can be shown schematically like this:

Schematic representation of an aerial perspective in daylight. It's just lines, but it looks like a landscape.

Aerial perspective rule: brown in the distance becomes green, green as it moves away loses intensity and turns blue or cyan.

Linear perspective in combination with aerial perspective will help create an even more realistic landscape, a correct, easy and well-perceived picture.

The basic rule of linear perspective: all parallel lines in the landscape converge at one point.

Linear perspective diagrams

Linear perspective - all parallel lines converge at one point. First stage work on the city landscape.

K. Pizarro “Boulevard Montmartre in Paris.” Parallel lines of houses and roads go into the distance and converge at one point.

Autumn alley L.Afremov. Linear perspective is clearly visible.

When you draw a row of identical trees, lanterns, columns, houses in linear perspective, all of them will visually decrease, going into the distance, into perspective, and the distance between these objects will also decrease.

As an example, “Rain Alley” in the style of Afremov:

“Rain Alley” Each next lantern is closer to the previous one.

The white line is the horizon line, the green dot in the center is the vanishing point, the red lines indicate the height of the lanterns.

How to draw a red tulip

Perspective and perception

When drawing anything in linear perspective, you must know and understand that your viewer's eye will always follow the alley, road or path and arrive at the vanishing point.

Make the road along which the viewer's eye follows interesting, bright, varied, not monotonous, not boring. Or depict something most important, key, interesting to contemplate where the road converges at one point.

Examples of paintings

"Mountains in Bloom" The mountain road leads the eye to a house in the distance.

K. Pizarro “Montmartre at night.” The gaze follows the road and goes into the distance, looking at all the little things along the way: cars, houses, passers-by.

Little artists very often torment their parents with a difficult question for them: how to draw a road and make the landscape complete? At first glance, it seems very difficult to explain this to a child. But in fact, it’s quite simple to do this; the main thing is to know how it’s done and follow a certain algorithm of actions and, of course, use your own imagination.

Let's start by preparing and describing all the materials we need. In order to draw the road we will need: ordinary landscape sheets, a simple pencil, note not colored, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, and all sorts of other materials that will help you subsequently decorate your masterpiece. After you have carefully prepared all the materials we need, we proceed directly to the painstaking work.

How to draw a railroad

First you need to draw a clear horizon line on a sheet of paper. Then schematically depict the railway in direct perspective. Next, you need to move the point at which all the horizon lines converge to the right. After that, you just need to combine all the lines, thus making a road. So, we carefully look at our own drawing, after which we raise the vanishing point above the horizon, and only then we combine the vanishing point with the directions of the road. And now we need to lower the point again, but below the horizon level. We highlight the railway with a felt-tip pen or bright pencil. If you strictly followed the above instructions and completed all the points described above, then everything should turn out beautifully. The wonderful result of our diligent work should be a magnificent railway going somewhere into the distance. Well, the work doesn’t end there, as the final one comes next, but very interesting stage– decorating and coloring your drawing at your own discretion, imagination and desire.