Beautiful words adjectives. List of the best compliments for a girl

Do you want to say something sweet to your beloved, but don’t know how? It's actually not that difficult.

What can I say?

It is not without reason that people say that correctly selected adjectives that characterize a girl can truly work miracles. They will help not only those who are afraid of a cooling relationship, but also people who are just thinking about starting a romantic relationship. But what to do if you are not the talkative type or if your creative spirit has quickly taken flight, taking with it the remnants of your imagination? Don’t be upset, because everything you need for success is already collected here. So just take this knowledge and use it wisely.

A caveat should be made right away: do not use too complex adjectives. The composition and cumbersomeness of a word can not only surprise, but also shock a person. Although the use of such epithets as “angelically beautiful” or “gracefully sexy” is not forbidden. The main thing is to avoid falsehood and use compliments appropriately. Not all the words you said to your past lover are suitable for a new acquaintance. Let's look at this in more detail.

What to say when making a new acquaintance?

All adjectives that characterize a girl on the positive side must be inserted wisely. Too many adjectives will likely make your new acquaintance wary, wondering if you're really just looking for a one-night stand. Therefore, moderate your ardor. Compliments should be soft, neatly screwed into the fabric of the conversation. For example, instead of “I admire your shape, and your gait is just wow, your legs are like a doe’s,” you can say: “It’s rare to meet a girl who knows how to take care of herself so well.” Do you feel the contrast?

With whom you recently made acquaintance, you should not be too intimate. But formality should also be avoided. Don’t forget about such reliable words as kind, sweet, sympathetic, well-read, calm, unpredictable, extravagant. Phrases with them will not seem banal if you say them sincerely, as if by chance. You can think about what you say at home, but it will most likely slip out of your head, so just follow your heart.

What should I say to my beloved?

The lady of your heart has been with you for quite some time and it seems that you need to bring something new into the relationship? So why not start with a compliment? The simplest word can heal and delight. Adjectives that characterize a girl can be very diverse. Here are some examples:

This is just a small list in alphabetical order. You can choose from here adjectives that characterize the girl, you can come up with something yourself. The most important thing is that any pleasant word will definitely respond with gratitude in your own heart, and you will be rewarded.

Everyone has long known that girls love with their ears. They are like flowers, you need to take care of them, give them your love and generously shower them with compliments. Having the gift of eloquence, you can win the heart of any girl. But what to do if nature has deprived a man of such a gift? Using our list of compliments, you can choose beautiful words for any girl.

Most beautiful

Each girl is unique and has her own twist. Sometimes in a fit of emotion it is so difficult to express your feelings correctly and beautifully. Examples of the most beautiful compliments will help melt the ice in the heart of even the Snow Queen:

  1. Your whole image is simply impossible to forget, because your gaze attracts much stronger than any magnet, and your hair smells better than a garden of the most exquisite flowers.
  2. Your figure is like a young birch tree and every man who has ever seen you is trying to find the key to your heart.
  3. They say that ideal women do not exist, but how can they be so mistaken, because my ideal is now standing in front of me.
  4. Every minute after our meeting I enjoy your perfection. You are not only incredibly beautiful, but also with a beautiful and amazing soul.
  5. After I first saw you, I lost my appetite, sleep and peace. All this time I only think about your gentle smile and thoughtful eyes.

In verse

Each of us experienced a joyful moment of love. But what to do when simple words are not enough to describe all the beauty of the chosen one? Any girl has always dreamed of hearing compliments in verse:

In your speeches I want to forget myself,
Listen to your heartbeat every time.
And every minute I'm ready to fall in love,
And plunge into a sea of ​​sweet eyes.
The linen of your hair
I can touch endlessly.
Your soul is pure and flawless,
She intoxicates my heart like wine.

You are harmonious, flawless,
Kind, reliable, cheerful,
In all disputes you are diplomatic,
You can handle any task.
You are a perfect wife
Both daughter and mother are impeccable,
Where needed - strong as a rock,
Where there is no, your soul is full of warmth.


In order for feelings to become brighter and stronger every day, you need to arrange surprises not only on holidays, and say pleasant words to your beloved not only when she is offended. Surprise your girlfriend with a surprise, for example, you can post postcards with 100 compliments around the apartment. For example:

  • Darling;
  • Thoughtful;
  • irreplaceable;
  • mind-blowing;
  • sexy;
  • unusual;
  • sincere;
  • dizzy;
  • unpredictable;
  • stunning;
  • stylish;
  • Thoughtful;
  • good;
  • sensitive;
  • witty.


What girls value most in a man is care and attention. You can pleasantly surprise your loved one by sending compliments via SMS. Eg:

Perfect like a rose
You are the ideal of all men
And in your diamond eyes,
Lost all of myself.

Sweet, beautiful, my beloved.
Nice girl, you've been mine for a long time.
You smell wonderful and have a delicate taste,
And your laugh is always so loud.

The best

It is very important to be able to say the right words at the right time. Not everyone can exquisitely highlight the beauty of a girl. Examples of the best compliments will make a girl's heart beat faster.

  1. Your beautiful eyes drive guys crazy.
  2. You are perfect, one look is enough to fall in love with you for life.
  3. You are the source of my inspiration.
  4. Only when I am with you my life is filled with meaning.
  5. You stand out from the crowd like a precious diamond.
  6. Your gaze is like the ocean.
  7. Even Goddesses are inferior to your beauty.
  8. Your angelic smile has captivated my heart forever.
  9. Every minute of my life you are with me, in my heart.


Girls are unlikely to appreciate compliments in poetry; moreover, they are more likely to scare her away. But cool compliments will make any man stand out from the gray crowd. For example:

  1. Girl, you are 85% beautiful, because I haven’t seen the rest.
  2. Can I hold your hand, because your divine beauty made my legs go weak?
  3. I would like to be your fitness trainer.
  4. There are so many decent women on this planet, but you are indecently beautiful.
  5. Your beauty drove me crazy. Where can I sign up for your fan group?


You can emphasize the uniqueness of a girl and win her affection with the help of unusual compliments. For example:

  1. Today there are two whole holidays. The first is that I met such a beautiful, wonderful girl. And the second is that I managed to talk to you.
  2. My dear, because of your impeccable beauty I lost my sight, but despite this, I will always be devoted to you.
  3. Yummy, you are the most desirable of all women in this Universe.
  4. You are like a hypnotist's pendulum, I can't take my eyes off you.
  5. You are a sorceress! How can you become better every minute?

Hello my dears.

You know, in one book it is written that the Italian language is like candy - it is so pleasant that it simply “melts” in your mouth. And I declare that English gives even more pleasant sweetness when you know beautiful adjectives in English. These are what we will study with you today. We have about 30 adjectives ahead with translation, examples and even voiceovers.

Adjective Example
Bitter- bitter The desert tastes bitter. Are you sure the recipe is correct? - The dessert tastes bitter. Are you sure the recipe is correct?
Curious- curious He was too curious to be an ordinary student. He seemed too interested in everything. - He was too curious to be an ordinary student. It seemed that he was interested in everything.
Adorable- delightful, lovely She looks adorable in this picture. - She looks lovely in this photo.
Cozy- cosy The new house they bought is very bright and cozy. - The new house they bought is very bright and cozy.
Comely- cute, pretty She is so comely when doesn't argue. - She's so sweet when she doesn't argue.
Brave- brave He was as brave as he seemed to be. - He was as brave as he seemed.
Charming- charming She looked so charming in that amazing dress of hers. - She looked so charming in her amazing dress.
Quiet- quiet The place is very quiet. I wish I could spend more time there. - This is a very quiet place. I wish I could spend more time there.
Doubtful- doubtful The results of the competition are doubtful . - The results of the competition are doubtful.
Smooth- smooth The cover of the lake was very smooth. As If the storm has never happened. - The surface of the lake was very smooth. It was as if the storm had never happened.
Delicious- delicious The dinner was absolutely delicious. Will you share the recipe with me? - Dinner was incredibly delicious. Can you share the recipe with me?
Astonishing- amazing The end of the film was completely astonishing . - The ending of the film was simply amazing.
Delightful- delicious It was a delightful meeting. I got acquainted with so many interesting people. - It was a delightful meeting. I met a lot of interesting people.
Lovely- Beautiful What a lovely dress you are wearing! Where did you buy it? - What a beautiful dress you are wearing! Where did you buy it?
Excited- excited He looks very excited. Do you know what happened? - He looks very excited. Do you know what happened?
Convenient- comfortable It is very convenient when you live close to the place of your work. - Living near your place of work is very convenient.
Alluring- charming, attractive The view from the roof was extremely alluring. - The view from the roof was incredibly attractive.
Fancy- fantastic She made such a fancy gift for her. How long did it take her to create it? - She gave her a fantastic gift. How long did it take her to make it?
Attractive- attractive This place seems attractive for many tourists. - This place seems attractive to many tourists.
Apparent- obvious She made it apparent that she was unwilling to go anywhere . “She made it obvious that she didn't want to go anywhere.”
Excellent- fabulous The taste of the wine was excellent. - The taste of the wine was great.
Fabulous- amazing, incredible The performance was fabulous. Music, costumes, scenery - everything was on the highest level. - The production was amazing. Music, costumes, scenery - everything was at the highest level.
Helpful- useful Your advice turned out to be extremely helpful. - Your advice turned out to be incredibly useful.
Modern- modern And there you can watch a modern version of once famous poem. - And there you can see a modern version of a once famous play.
Pleasant- nice It was such a pleasant gift that I couldn’t pronounce a word. “It was such a nice gift that I couldn’t say a word.”
Splendid- delicious What a splendid performance it was! - What a delightful performance it was!
Wonderful- excellent It was such a wonderful evening! - It was an excellent evening.

Eh, I didn’t even want sweets after so many adjectives. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did, and that you will now use them in your speech much more often. By the way, you can find even more descriptive words, but this time relating to people’s characters.

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The main task of every English learner is to simply speak. Even if at first your vocabulary is small, and your sentences are not as sophisticated as you would like. But when the initial stage is passed, you can think about expanding your active vocabulary. For example, how else can you describe a movie you like other than “cool” or “great”? What else can you say about a book other than “interesting”? Let's look at the most useful adjectives that can be useful to you when describing films and books.

Brilliant - brilliant, delightful

Synonyms: “outstanding”, “splendid”, “exceptional”.

If you really liked the acting, the cinematography, any other moment of the film, or the whole picture as a whole, then this adjective is perfect. It belongs to the category “extreme adjectives” - differ in that they express a very pronounced attribute, and the word “very” seems to be included in their meaning initially. Therefore, if we want to strengthen such an adjective, then we need to use “absolutely”, “really”, “totally”, but not “very”.

The acting was brilliant!
I liked this film a lot, it's absolutely brilliant!

Gripping - exciting

Synonyms: "fascinating", "interesting", "intriguing".

An excellent epithet for a story that made you drop everything you were doing and read the book from cover to cover without stopping. And films with such a plot are also not uncommon.

I like detective stories, they are usually so gripping.
We really enjoyed the gripping plot of that blockbuster.

Entertaining - funny, entertaining

Synonyms: “amusing”, “delightful”, “funny”.

Fans of entertaining reading and frivolous films should take note of this adjective. If you recently watched or read something just to relax, you can use the word “entertaining.”

I am tired of reading classical literature at university, so I prefer some entertaining short stories now.
I don"t want to watch anything scary or dramatic, let"s choose an entertaining film.

Hilarious - very funny, hilarious

Synonyms: “comical”, “humorous”, “witty”.

Anyone who prefers comedies or humorous stories will find this epithet useful (by the way, “hilarious” is also an “extreme adjective”). If you laughed until you cried in the auditorium or struggled to hold back so as not to scare others with your laughter while reading on public transport, then you came across something “absolutely hilarious”!

I adore Jim Carrey - he is totally hilarious.
You must read this hilarious book, I"m sure you"ll like it.

Insightful - instructive, with deep meaning

Synonyms: “enlightening”, “revealing”.

Many films and books make us think about something serious and raise questions that are not easy to answer.

This novel is highly praised as an insightful work of literature.
What I really liked about this film was the last speech of the main character - it was so insightful.

Fast-moving - dynamic

Synonyms: “dynamic”, “flashing”.

Are Spider-Man and Superman your favorite heroes? Or maybe you are a fan of the Fast and Furious film series? Now you will know how to characterize action films in which events follow each other at lightning speed.

Why did you like this film? - Well, it's fast-moving and exciting.

Predictable - predictable

Synonyms: “anticipated”, “foreseeable”, “expected”.

It also happens that the plot of a book or film turned out to be not very exciting, and after fifteen minutes you realized, for example, that the killer is a hairdresser. Or vice versa - from the first glance at the main characters it was clear that in the end they would get married. Some people are disappointed by such predictability, while others even rejoice at their ingenuity, but the word “predictable” will be needed in both cases.

The happy ending was quite predictable.

Disappointing - disappointing, unsuccessful

Synonyms: "failing", "mediocre".

The choice of a movie or book is not always successful; sometimes we don’t like what we watch or read at all because we expected more. Note that the suffix “-ing” denotes the quality of the object, while “-ed” denotes the person’s feelings. Therefore, we can say about the film “disappointing”, and about our disappointment - “I am disappointed”.

We were looking forward to watching this film but it turned out to be so disappointing.

Violent - cruel

Synonyms: “brutal”, “cruel”, “savage”.

Everyone has different tastes, some like action movies, some like disaster movies, and sometimes the word “violent” may be needed to describe events or characters.

The plot centers around the investigation of a violent crime.

Truthful - truthful, reliable

Synonyms: “realistic”, “trustworthy”.

A good word to describe books and films that reflect events as they exist in real life, painting a realistic picture of what is happening.

The great actress managed to create a truthful portrait of the queen.
The author gives a truthful description of historical events.

Many of you discuss films and books in English classes via Skype, and now you can surprise your teacher with the new vocabulary you have mastered on your own. But do not forget that only regular practice will transfer new words into the active stock. Practice often - for example, you can describe your favorite movie or book right now.

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Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Attracting the attention of a pretty and good girl is the task and desire of any young man. It is very important to use the right words at each stage of the relationship.

Adjectives for girls when dating

One of the critical moments in a nascent relationship is the moment of acquaintance. The fact is that it is during this often very short period that it is necessary to use the most correct adjectives for girls. Classic is best suited here. You can tell a girl that she is beautiful and elegant.

Of course, if the young lady liked the guy at first sight, then there are much more options here. In this case, you still have to use adequate adjectives for the girl. The fact is that even a very good first impression can be neutralized by just one obscene compliment.

Several first dates

After the young man is able to attract the girl’s attention and she agrees to the first date, he will have to use all his eloquence to ignite a spark of love in her. During this period, it is very important to use adjectives that characterize the girl from the best sides, but you shouldn’t go too far either. The fact is that an overly annoying young man, even if he uses the most wonderful compliments, will not be successful with a girl. This is due to the fact that any sane person will definitely be wary if the interlocutor begins to literally shower her with compliments. Everything should be dosed, especially on first dates. Suitable adjectives at this stage are:

  • lovely;
  • good;
  • interesting;
  • well-read;
  • multifaceted;
  • cheerful;
  • beautiful.

Words for your girlfriend

Here any guy has much greater freedom of choice. Naturally, each representative of the fair half of humanity defines for herself her favorite adjectives. For girls during this period, words with diminutive connotations will be very pleasant. This is due to the fact that adjectives of this kind reflect not only the fact that a girl has this or that quality, but also the young man’s attachment to her. Examples include the following words:

  • beautiful;
  • darling;
  • Darling;
  • magnificent;
  • native;
  • wonderful;
  • mind-blowing.

During this period of a relationship, it is really important to periodically compliment the girl. Adjectives, the list of which is simply huge for this particular time, can be very different. The only thing is that it is better to use private words as often as possible. The point is that adjectives for girls during this period should be selected more carefully. If general words are suitable for first dates, then here it is necessary to start from the specific qualities that the girl really has, and it is desirable that they emphasize her uniqueness.

Words for the bride

During this period, constant compliments to the girl are even more important than before. The fact is that many representatives of the fair half of humanity begin to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of choosing a life partner for themselves at the moment when a proposal from him has already been received and consent has been given. How often the groom compliments the girl (adjectives and others) determines whether she will change her choice at the very last moment.

During this period, it is worth using adjectives that will characterize not only her best qualities, but also how important she is to her fiancé. It is during that period of time when the proposal has already been accepted, but the marriage has not yet been concluded, that it is necessary to use superlative adjectives for girls. Examples of such words include the following:

The most beloved;

The most wonderful;


The only one.

Compliments for your wife

After an official marriage, in many families, contradictions gradually begin to arise and accumulate between spouses. Many of them can be easily smoothed over by simply using the right adjectives for girls who are married. To solve many serious family problems, the spouse will not need to make almost any effort. He will only need to periodically tell his other half about the feelings that he already experiences towards his wife. The whole point is that everyone, even those who have been married for many years, representatives of the fair half of humanity, need to at least periodically hear words of love from their chosen one. Examples of regular adjectives include the following:

  • darling;
  • Darling;
  • native;
  • the most beautiful;
  • sexy.

Compliments for your wife can be very diverse. Here you can use almost any positive adjectives, both in the simple and in the superlative degree.

Which adjectives are better not to use at all?

At any stage of a relationship, girls will not tolerate, first of all, comparisons with other representatives of the fair half of humanity. So you shouldn’t even try to compare your chosen one with anyone else. It doesn’t matter how correct and beautiful the young man chose for girls’ adjectives. He will still be a loser anyway.

At all stages of the relationship, except, probably, the period after the official marriage, there is no need to use adjectives for a girl of an obscene nature. The fact is that they are not suitable for a serious relationship, and many girls consider such words disrespectful for themselves, especially when they come from the lips of a loved one. As for the period when young people have already gotten married and lived for several years, many previously forbidden adjectives and other kinds of compliments become relevant, as they are able to warm up relationships that have begun to cool.

In addition, it is very important with what intonation the guy pronounces the words addressed to his chosen one. The fact is that if you express even the most pleasant adjectives for a girl, but with an indifferent intonation, then the desired effect will not be achieved. It can only make things worse. So you should think about how to speak before complimenting a girl. Adjectives, the list of which is innumerable, spoken with the proper intonation, will become real “cement” for the relationship.