How to learn to joke in modern times. How to learn to make funny jokes in any situation: useful tips

The term itself means “scratched” in Italian and represents special technique decoration of external and internal walls of buildings, known since the Middle Ages.

Sgraffito is, which consists of several layers of multi-colored covering layers applied on top of the soil, with a scratched relief pattern. By definition, this is a direction in monumental and decorative painting.

Due to its high artistic properties and quite acceptable technical specifications modern materials, sgraffito never goes out of fashion. Demand for decoration with complex patterns architectural elements is increasing, and specialists who have worked in this direction feel very comfortable. By the way, the cost of sgraffito depends on the number of covering layers, the design, the quality of the details and starts from 125 USD. per sq.m.

What exactly is the sgraffito technique? In principle, anyone can master it with patience and accuracy. The main requirement for the quality of plaster. To prepare it, lime paste, pure quartz sand, and cement are used. You will also need coloring pigments to color the plaster. To make plaster that imitates natural stone, you will need Portland cement, marble, granite or ceramic chips of 3-5 mm fraction.

To give decorative plaster a “stone-like” color, ocher, red lead, colored cement and other light-resistant and alkali-resistant pigments are used.

There are two methods of applying sgraffito.

To perform sgraffito by sampling the solution, you will need to make a stencil. An awl or thick enough sewing needle We make holes in the cardboard. Before applying sgraffito, prepare the surface by moistening it with water. When the water is absorbed, apply soil, cut it, and let it sit. After this, it must be moistened again and the required number of covering layers of plaster applied to it.

All layers must be smoothed and compacted. For better durability of graffito, it is optimal to apply at least 5 layers. The first covering layer is made thicker than the subsequent ones, usually 5 mm, and subsequent layers are 1-2 mm thick. Next, you need to wait 2 to 4 hours, then apply a stencil and tap it with a gauze swab and chalk.

Now we proceed directly to making sgraffito, cutting out fragments of the design to the depth of the covering layer of the required color. You need to start cutting from the very bottom layer. For this important operation you will need the appropriate tools - knives, scalpels, a set of incisors. Dried mortar does not cut well, so it is important to perform sgraffito before the plaster dries. Then the surface is swept with a brush.

You can make sgraffito by printing a design. The ornament is no longer cut out, but is sequentially stuffed on the wall with multi-colored covering layers. You will need to make different colors for each of the design elements. The design elements on the stencils are cut out completely, leaving the required number of jumpers.

So, we level and rub the top layer of plaster. It will begin to set, then apply a stencil and use a brush to fill in the solution of the desired color with butt blows. Once this layer dries, fill the next element on top of it. Care is required not to go beyond the stencil. Plaster that has spread beyond the edges is immediately removed with a knife until it sets. Thin brush correct the unpainted parts of the drawing.

When caring for sgraffito, it is enough to periodically clean the surface with a bristle brush. If sgraffito is to be repaired, the entire damaged element of the ornament should be renewed.

Knowing how to joke is useful from all points of view. Firstly, men with a sense of humor and the ability to make witty jokes have always enjoyed success with women. Secondly, an appropriate joke can defuse the situation and extinguish the emerging conflict. Thirdly, life is easier for a comedian these days. It is no coincidence that the question of how to learn to joke interests many. We have listed below why a person needs a sense of humor.

  1. It has been proven that a person who looks at many things positively lives longer.
  2. Contrary to the belief that a person who constantly laughs develops wrinkles early, there are observations that when we laugh, we look younger. After all, during laughter, 16 muscles work.
  3. Laughter is accompanied by the release of endorphin, the hormone of happiness.
  4. It is no coincidence that children's hospitals began to hire clowns. A person who laughs often increases their immunity. A funny video shown to adult patients so that laughter has a healing effect on them too.
  5. A person with a sense of humor is successful in society. It is easier for him to make acquaintances with the opposite sex. It is no coincidence that the saying arose: “Smile, and people will be drawn to you.”
  6. Humor - defensive reaction body on life difficulties. If you take everything seriously, your health will not be enough.
  7. Humor will always help a shy guy when communicating with girls. They do not like sad and depressed men, since they themselves are prone to melancholy and despondency. Therefore, often in advertisements on dating sites, girls demand that the man have “CY”.

Is it even possible to develop a sense of humor?

There is an opinion that a person is given a sense of humor from birth, and it is impossible to artificially develop it. Therefore, it is impossible to learn to joke. Psychologists refute this point of view. More precisely, they claim that coming up with jokes does not depend on the presence or absence of a sense of humor. You just need to know a few simple techniques how to learn to joke well and apply them.

A sense of humor is the ability to laugh at oneself or a situation, but not at others. To be able to laugh at yourself, you need to have a positive attitude towards yourself, not engage in self-flagellation if something doesn’t work out, but learn to turn failure into a joke.

In your environment, you need to look for a person who has a strong sense of humor. Look closely at him in a given situation, observe the reaction of those around him, especially girls, to one or another of his attacks. Sometimes ask yourself the question, what would he do in a given situation? Try to copy his behavior while in another company. Gradually, others will begin to perceive a person the way he wants.

Soul of the team

  • How to learn to joke funny and become the life of the party to an ordinary guy? Firstly, there is no need to puff yourself up and squeeze out jokes on topics you don’t understand. It will not be funny at all, but stupid and ridiculous. It's better to shut up and listen. This way people will start to have a good impression of you.
  • Secondly, there is no need to try to look smarter or dumber than you really are. Naturalness is always appreciated. Although, you should have your own view of things, and you should not be shy to express your opinion. But you cannot impose it on others. If your point of view is different from others, it is not their fault.
  • Thirdly, a person who is gloomy, unsmiling, and uncommunicative cannot become the soul of the company. But, being talkative, you don’t need to rattle on and on about your problems or brag about your own achievements. The main task of the one who is considered the soul of the party is to distract others from sad thoughts and infect everyone with a cheerful mood. And for this you need to have a decent supply fun games For the company, funny stories from life and anecdotes, not forgetting to update the repertoire from time to time.
  • The life of the party and the clown are not the same thing. It is impossible to force laughter; this can only be achieved naturally. You won't call positive emotions. If you start joking about the appearance of someone in the company or his material problems. You need to be kind and joke kindly.

Techniques for creating jokes

  1. The joke is good combination words You can practice connecting words. For example, write a sentence in which all words begin with the same letter. Condition: there must be a lot of words, at least ten. Pronouns, conjunctions and prepositions must also begin with this letter. It will only be difficult at the beginning. If you do the exercise regularly, phrases will appear on their own. Gradually the jokes will come out.
  2. A well-known children's game is burime, when one of the two players pronounces any sentence or phrase, and the second adds a phrase of the same size to the rhyme. Sometimes it turns out very funny. If you remember such phrases, you can sometimes use them in the company of friends or in a casual conversation with girls.
  3. In the recent past, the artist Yevgeny Petrosyan had a reprise of “The Clueless Dictionary”, in which he gave familiar and not at all funny words double meaning, for example, watchman - chorus Russian army, or: toothpick – boxing competition, etc. If you independently look for such ambiguous words and, on occasion, use them in speech, you can be considered a great joker. True, some of these words with a “double bottom” sound vulgar, and they can not win the girl over, but push her away.
  4. Another example of ambiguity is the use of homonym words. Famous and very funny jokes about Stirlitz are based on them, like; “There was a blow from the window, he closed the window, the blow disappeared.”
  5. Familiar proverbs and sayings sound funny if one of the words is replaced with a more modern synonym. For example: It’s not like Senka’s hat, it’s not like Juan’s sombrero, or: he’s freaking out about cholesterol (instead of fat).
  6. An interesting technique is what professional joke writers call a “jump.” It is often used by KVN players. The essence of the technique is the inclusion in the description of an object or phenomenon of an unusual epithet, which crosses out all the previous ones. For example: “Only erudite, highly intelligent, rich young people enter the institute.”
  7. Another technique is based on comparing the incomparable. Answers to questions like: “what is common between...” sound funny. for example: what do cheap buttons and golden youth have in common? Answer: both of them have a blast. You can learn this technique yourself if you notice the connection between completely different objects.
  8. If you swap just a couple of words in a phrase or line from a song, you might get funny joke. For example: “I’ll give my wife a drink, I’ll hug my horse...” or “...If he’s on the bed with his beloved, God help him!” (in the original, do not help him, but punish him). Sometimes you can swap words in an ordinary phrase, distorting them: “sabo somoi.” Or the traveler Fedor Konyukhov can become the Groom Fedorov.
  9. Sometimes the technique of hyperbole (exaggeration) and contrast, applied simultaneously, will help out. For example, it’s difficult to say “God’s dandelion” about a very obese elderly lady, but “God’s baobab” is just right. But you cannot use such a joke in a conversation with a girl who is clearly overweight.

The previous techniques are based on the special use of words. To do this you need to be rich enough lexicon. You can enrich your speech by reading books and watching intellectual TV shows.

Literature to help aspiring comedians
  • Famous comedian Mikhail Shats advises starting the path of a joker by reading Ilf and Petrov. And to hone the skill of a comedian on loved ones. By their reaction you can already judge whether the jokes work or not, and whether they are worth trying on friends and acquaintances. To the list of recommended books that will teach you how to learn how to make witty jokes, you can add the works of Yaroslav Hasek, Anton Chekhov, Arkady Averchenko, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Grigory Gorin, Mikhail Mishin and other classics of literature that will “tell” funny jokes.
  • Anecdotes - a genre of oral folk art, which brightens up our gray everyday life. We all try to remember what we read or hear. funny joke, so that later on occasion you can tell it in your company. But in order to learn how to write short funny stories, you need to learn to analyze jokes, to analyze what is comical in a given situation.
  • Useful to collect humorous quotes celebrities to show off their intellect and make a good joke at a convenient moment.
  • It is no less useful to watch comedies, programs like KVN or Comedy Club. Based on the reaction of the jury members, it is easy to determine how funny a particular joke is, and then try to compose a similar one and imagine their reaction to it.
What do you mean, an appropriate joke?
  • You shouldn’t often repeat jokes that have already been made, for example, in KVN. It will work once in a conversation with a girl, but constantly retelling other people’s jokes is not a sign of humor, but of bad taste, like plagiarism in literature or music.
  • You need to learn to be ironic. The essence of irony is to apply epithets that are opposite to reality to any object, phenomenon or situation. For example, to address a liar: “You are our truthful one,” or to call a bully a peacemaker. You need to be careful when using irony towards others so as not to hurt or offend. But it is useful to make jokes and jokes about yourself, for example, having done something stupid, calling yourself a great smart guy.
  • Any joke is good at the right place and on time. It is unlikely that the humor of programmers will be understandable to ordinary workers, and the humor of professors will not be understood by students. Guys sometimes joke about the intellectual abilities of blondes, but it’s hardly worth making jokes about this topic in the company of girls. They may not understand.
  • There are three topics that are considered bad manners to joke about. This is a person’s nationality, religion and appearance.
  • It is unlikely that a sane person would think of making jokes at a funeral. But there are some adherents of black humor who think nothing of humor in a tragic situation.

You also need to develop diction

No joke, even the funniest one, if it is spoken indistinctly, will not achieve the desired effect. You need to develop speech skills.

  1. You need to develop diction. Exist special exercises for development: tongue twisters, pure tongue twisters, quick and clear pronunciation of long scientific terms or words with difficult combinations of sounds.
  2. It is necessary to get rid of speech therapy defects, if any. This is useful not only for the future comedian, but for anyone in general. Many girls refuse to continue dating a guy who completely suits them in appearance when he starts talking and it turns out that he speaks or has a lisp. Finding a speech therapist who can help you cope with the problem is not difficult today.
  3. You need to learn to watch your intonation. If it is monotonous, you need to learn to give speech various shades. This is exactly what they teach in school back in junior classes. But sometimes a joke sounds especially funny if you say it with a straight face.
  4. You need to speak confidently and convincingly, and not mumble. Then those around you will believe that what was said is really funny.

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The ability to joke makes a person attractive and interesting. 7 are described here simple steps, helping you learn to joke and be cheerful in any company and situation.

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Either you have the personal and natural wit to make people laugh, or you are just one person in the crowd laughing at other people's natural wit.

Nothing can look more pathetic than a person trying to joke and be funny, but clearly failing at it.

His jokes are not entirely successful. He says something inappropriate in the hope that he will hear laughter. The joke comes at the wrong time because he can't read the audience correctly.

For those who have not learned to joke “naturally”, the fear of being this pathetic buffoon is enough to always keep oneself in the role of a straight person in any situation. You can be an appreciative audience without the risk of looking ridiculous.

But the point is that we all have a sense of humor inside. Even the most shy and introverted people have the ability to entertain other people with their wit.

You don't have to make jokes and make a funny face all the time. in the world of comedy, he knows how to joke and be cheerful, but more subtle humorists express their humor practically without using facial expressions.

There are so many ways to learn how to joke and make others laugh. Whether you were born with a natural sense of humor or not, you can develop and improve your ability to use your humor to entertain others, become more outgoing, and increase your self-confidence.

So, how to learn to joke:

  1. Be true to yourself

  2. There are different types humor: sharp, eccentric, subtle, etc. To learn how to joke and entertain people, start expanding your types of humor in the direction that feels best for you.

    If you're more introverted or quiet, start with more subtle forms of humor, such as crazy wit or hilarious game process. If something funny happened during your day, tell the story to other people their in your own words, creating a funny moment and anticipation from the audience.

    Sometimes those who are quieter can surprise their listeners with their unexpected wit and humorous observations.

  3. Understand your audience

  4. There's nothing worse than wasting a great joke on the wrong audience. What one person finds funny may be deeply offensive to another.

    Telling a dirty joke in church is not the best best idea. Being sarcastic with someone who takes things literally or is simply insecure can be harmful or drive you apart.

    Before you try to joke and entertain the audience funny story, learn to feel like the person or people you communicate with. If you're just dating these people or don't know them well, stick to safer, more subtle humor until you're sure they appreciate your real edgy humor.

  5. Timing is everything

  6. A funny story told at a funeral becomes ridiculous. If you want to learn how to joke, you must understand that interesting humor at the wrong time becomes a missed opportunity for a good laugh. A joke told in a noisy bar dissolves in noise and music.

    The right timing isn't just about choosing the right time and place for a particular joke, it's also about the right moment. There are nuances of timing that can make a funny situation or story downright funny.

    “You can increase laughter by using a pause to emphasize the delivery of a joke,” says writer John Kande in an article recommended for toastmasters. “For example, you can raise your eyebrows. Sometimes a pause can be used to “take the joke”—a physical response to a situation. Some comedians stop to express laughter, doing a slow, wide one with the audience from one side of the room to the other."

    So, to learn how to make witty jokes, you must remember that choice best moment when you share your humor, and the use of facial expressions in right time, can make the difference between an uncomfortable joke and one filled with stomach-aching laughs.

  7. Be a careful observer

  8. Start paying more attention humor and absurdity of life. Notice how people interact and talk. pay attention to crazy stories happenings in news and world affairs. This will help you learn how to joke correctly about everyday topics.

    Look for humorous, painful truths, or general pitfalls in the areas of life where you find them most often: money, sex, politics, marriage, family and the human condition.

    Some famous comedians have a knack for making jokes about some of the most mundane aspects of life, they find the commonality we all experience and point out the obvious yet absurd aspects of it. They then deliver the joke with a deadpan tone of voice and facial expression that somehow makes it even funnier.

    If you find something strange, insensitive, or funny, chances are others will find it too. Learn to notice some of these humorous subtitles of life and share them with an appreciative audience.

    If you want to learn something, study those who are already successful at it - and that includes learning how to joke. You can easily follow many comedians on YouTube. in social networks and television. Pay attention to what makes you laugh and analyze why it was funny.

    Was it the theme, the context, the presentation, the style of humor? Why did it become funny to you, and how can you make this joke your own?

    Look for comedians whose style and demeanor reflect your personality and sense of humor. This will teach you to be true with your personal wit. Then combine what you observed and develop your own style.

  9. Learn to laugh at yourself

  10. We all love a good laugh. And if a person in a group is able to say something funny or embarrassing about themselves, it will allow other people in your group to treat embarrassing situations as funny stories.

    The ability to confidently joke about one's own shortcomings is extremely attractive quality. Just because you said something humorous about yourself doesn't mean you're pathetic or untrustworthy. This means sharing the human condition with humor, which is inherently flawed and absurd.

  11. Practice and improve

  12. Humor, like everything else, improves with practice. When you're learning to tell jokes, pay attention to which jokes work and which ones don't. Start with a “safe” audience of family or close friends with whom you can joke around without losing your dignity.

    Practice enough that telling funny stories or jokes becomes second nature.

    Improve humorous stories or comments by changing the timing and style of conveying information, as well as using facial expressions and creating intriguing anticipation among people.

    With practice you will master your own style of humor and its delivery, which will unique only for you.

There are many good reasons to learn how to joke. Using humor and jokes makes you more interesting and attractive. This enhances your powers of observation and creativity. This makes you more confident in groups and in one-on-one interactions. It also reduces stress and improves mental well-being.

Learning to joke is about inviting other people to participate in yours safely and happily. inner world. This is creating contact with other people, uniting you and uniting you.

“I love people who make me laugh,” says actress Audrey Hepburn. “I honestly think that’s what I enjoy most, laughing. It cures many diseases. This is probably the most important thing in a person.”

3 Jokes That Will Make People Adore You

If you want to impress someone, you have to make that person laugh. If you want a promotion at work, make him laugh. If you want to pick up the girl you like, make her laugh. As you see, good joke can do real miracles and completely change your life.

How to learn to make funny jokes in any situation: useful tips

Some people have a natural talent for making jokes that make everyone around them practically die laughing. But what should you do? You have no talent and you can't come up with new jokes every minute. But don’t despair - correct the situation and learn to joke!

These useful tips will help you learn how to make correct and funny jokes in any situation, be sure to use them:

Target. Every joke begins with a goal, that is, you must understand what exactly you need to joke about. It could be anything - a place, an idea, the orientation of people. Remember, at the same time you should not insult the people with whom you communicate. For example, you can tell some vulgar joke to your friends, and they will laugh for a long time, but if you tell it to your wife, she will only scold you and scold you.

Realism- no joke will be funny if there is no realism in it. Your humor should be as close as possible to real world, to the things we encounter every day. Use your humor in everyday life situations- for example, after your boss scolded you and your colleagues at a meeting. A little joke will defuse the situation and relieve tension.

Exaggeration. If you used the previous advice about being realistic, don't forget that you need to exaggerate a little. Without doing this, it is unlikely that anyone will appreciate your humor, and besides, it will be difficult to call it humor at all. The joke should be a little bigger than the truth, so don't be afraid to exaggerate. Remember that at the same time it must be believable.

Emotions. There is no need to joke with a wooden face; those around you are unlikely to appreciate it. You have to be emotional, don't be afraid to show your feelings. Smile, because a joke should lift your spirits. People around you will see that you are in a great mood and will change their attitude towards you.

Read jokes. Despite the fact that you still won’t remember all the jokes, knowing them will come in handy more than once. You will remember them in various situations that you will encounter in life. Be sure to read several jokes a day, they will charge you with positive energy for the whole day!

Practice on your relatives. If you are not sure that anyone will like your humor, we advise you to start practicing on those closest to you. They will point out your mistakes and give you some advice, be sure to listen to them.

Watch the programs.
Now on the Internet you can find many programs and TV shows with jokes, for example - Comedy Club. By watching them you will not only learn new things, but also lift your spirits.

Don't tense up. People around you will immediately notice that you are tense and that your jokes are coming out of your strength. You can’t come up with something funny - and there’s no need, just keep silent and wait for something sensible to come to mind.

Self-criticism. You don’t have to joke only at others, sometimes you also need to laugh at yourself. Don't be afraid to criticize yourself in a humorous way; your friends and colleagues will appreciate it. This does not mean that they will mock you, on the contrary - self-criticism makes you respect a person, because not everyone dares to show and talk about their weaknesses.

Come up with your own joke. Of course, you can retell the joke, but then it will be clear that it was not written by you. People love original jokes, not those they’ve heard a hundred times from their friends.

How to learn to joke: master class

Thanks to this video, you will be able to joke correctly without offending your interlocutor. Start practicing today!