Learning to play the guitar methodological message. Methodological report on the topic: “Development of basic technical skills in junior guitar students

Blessed is the hour of prayer

The purpose of the lesson:

Introducing to spiritual culture as part of national culture. Forming students' interest in sacred music.


1. Reveal the relationship between the intonation of prayer and music in the works “In Church”, “Morning Prayer” from “Children’s Album” by P.I. Tchaikovsky.

2. Reveal the relationship between poetry and sacred music.

1 part. Prologue.

Teacher Questions:

What was said at this time? Prayer. Today we will talk about prayer.

Part 2. The beginning

Teacher .

Since ancient times, on different continents of the world, people have offered and continue to offer prayers to God. And today we will try to look at the concept of “prayer” in a new way. We will listen to poems dedicated to prayer, listen to and analyze musical works dedicated to prayer. This will help us feel prayer in our souls.

Part 3. Development of actions.


What is "prayer"? (verbal appeal to God)

What do people usually ask God for? (Health, forgiveness, blessings).

And in royal family, despite their complete wealth, they prayed very often; if you remember that prayer is a request, then what could they ask for in the royal family? Now we will listen to the poem “Prayer”, written by Konstantin Romanov, performed by a student in your class, and you will pay attention to the request that a member of the royal family makes to the Almighty.

Teach me, God, to love

With all your mind, with all your thoughts,

To dedicate my soul to You

And all my life with every heartbeat.

Teach me to obey

Only Your merciful will,

Teach me never to grumble

To your arduous lot.

All whom he came to redeem

You, with Your Most Pure Blood,

Selfless, deep love

Teach me, God, to love.

Teacher. What did K. Romanov ask for in his prayer? (about Christian love). Yes, about love that endures everything, forgives everything

When we love our friends and loved ones who treat us well, it’s not much work. It is much more difficult to love enemies with whom you are not friends, with whom you once quarreled, or those who betrayed you.

Service in Orthodox church- first of all, prayers, and now we will listen to the prayer “Let us not separate from the love of God,” which will sound against the backdrop of the view of the temples.

Slide No. 2

Extraordinarily beautiful, harmonious music. What words are born when listening to prayer? (silence, calm, peace). Indeed: blessed is the hour of prayer...

How often do we turn to God with prayers during the day? Probably not every day, but only when it’s really hard and no one can help us...

Now we will listen to a story about one Sunday afternoon a child from an Orthodox family.

Slide No. 3

Notice how often they turn to God in prayer in an Orthodox family. And in the times when P.I. Tchaikovsky lived, this is how every child’s day passed. The composer himself was a deeply religious man. There is a well-known poem by 11-year-old Petya, written in French. Here is the literal translation of these simple, childish, naive lines, imbued with special warmth.

When I pray from my heart,

The Lord hears my prayer.

Our prayer is our support

She is like light, illuminating our soul.

Part 4 Climax.

Today we will listen to Tchaikovsky's works from the "Children's Album", but first let's remember:

How many plays are included in the album? (24)

Is this number of plays random?

(No, it’s no coincidence that there are 24 hours in a day. So that every hour would be interesting for my beloved niece, who was sick and could not leave the house.)

Now let's think about it. Could Tchaikovsky, caring about comprehensive development sick child, forget about the time allotted for daily prayer?

Of course I couldn't! And therefore, the composer devotes 2 plays in the “Children’s Album” to prayer - “Morning Prayer” and “In Church”. Indeed, blessed is the hour of prayer. We will listen to these plays now. And get ready to talk about the mood of the works, what feelings the melody evokes.

Phonogram No. 1 “Morning Prayer” by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds

Questions for students.

What words are born after listening to the work? (study answers)

And what feeling does a melody moving upward leave on a fading speaker? (enlightenment).

What instruments were played? ( Symphony Orchestra).

Absolutely right. How does it happen that a composer wrote a piece for piano, and it is performed by a symphony orchestra? What is the name of the technique when notes are rearranged for another instrument, not the one intended by the author?



Let's listen to the play "In the Church".

Phonogram No. 2 “In the Church” by P.I. Tchaikovsky is playing.

What feeling does this piece leave you with after listening? (quiet, peaceful, calm, it seems that prayer is sounding, the ringing of bells).

This play has an interesting story. The work is based on the original prayer “Have mercy on me, God, according to Your great mercy.”

In each play, it is as if the prayer itself sounds and conveys the state that remains after it.

Why do you think P. Tchaikovsky begins his “Morning Prayer” Children's album”, and ends with the play “In the Church”? (The day begins and ends with prayer.)

Part 5. Fixing the material.

Our conversation about prayer would not be complete if we did not remember the prayer to the Mother of God, the mother of Christ. The image of a mother is a symbol of all that is good, dear, holy, and it is no coincidence that the most sincere, most intimate prayers are heard at the icon Holy Mother of God. Listen to the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary.”

At the last lesson, we began to learn the song “Angel” based on the verses of M. Lermontov’s music. L.Marchenko

Slide No. 5 (with lyrics)

Remind me, please, who is Angel?

(from the Greek “messenger”, supernatural forces, Spirits created by God. At baptism, a Guardian Angel is assigned to everyone).

Working on phrasing in the song “Angel”.

5. Summing up.

Guys, what new have we learned about prayer?

Students' answers.

  1. Prayer is not always words, but always feelings.
  2. There are pieces of music that imitate the intonations of a church choir's prayer.
  3. There are many verses dedicated to prayer.

6. Epilogue.

The bell, merging with prayer,

Touched our souls and hearts.

Prayer to God has a beginning,

But there is no end to this prayer.

You guys keep it in your soul

This spark is God's grace.

Let the lesson remain open -

May the Lord protect you in our world,

And do good deeds.

After all, love has opened up today

Your young, beautiful hearts!

Svetlana Radionova
Summary of a conversation about P. I. Tchaikovsky’s plays “Morning Prayer” and “In Church” from the “Children’s Album” with children 6–7 years old

Summary of the conversation about P's plays. AND. Tchaikovsky« Morning prayer» And "IN churches» from « Children's album» With children 6-7 years old


enriching children with musical impressions through acquaintance with the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky, namely « Morning prayer» And "IN churches»


Improve your ability to understand moods piece of music, its pictorial character

Learn to distinguish means of expression according to character plays

Continue to develop leadership skills conversation about music


Portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky; record player; illustrations on the topic; audio recording « Morning prayer» , "IN churches»

Preliminary work:

Meet some biographical information from the life of P.I. Tchaikovsky;

Hearing individual works in music classes;

View animated film « Children's album» ;

Exercise "Music and Emotions", "My mood"

Progress of the conversation:

The teacher invites the children to the playroom and draws attention to the portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky and illustrations for music « Children's album» .

Guys, you know a lot of people plays from« Children's album» P.I. Tchaikovsky. Let's remember who I wrote this for album the composer and what he talked about in it.

Children's answers.

Pyotr Ilyich understood children well, knew how to rejoice in their joys, and was saddened by their misfortunes. Through music he spoke about childhood joys and sorrows, fun and games, oh native nature, fairy tales, travel. All this fills a child's day. Begins and ends album of prayers - morning and evening. Maybe someone knows what it is prayer?

Children's answers.

Previously, every person’s day began and ended with an appeal to God. IN morning prayer the man thanked God that a new day had come and asked that this day go well. In the evening, he thanked God for the day and asked for a good sleep, asking for forgiveness for his misdeeds (for example, the child did not obey his parents or was capricious, greedy, or got into a fight).

Play which opens « Children's album» P.I. Tchaikovsky, called « Morning prayer» . Ends album by play"IN churches» . It can be assumed that the composer in his album I wanted to talk about one day of a child, filled with different events, games and experiences. Sit back and listen plays that open and close album(two prayers) and tell me if they are similar to each other. (Audio recording plays).

Children's answers.

Yes, both focused plays, in-depth. The chords remind church choir singing. Prayers in church sung in several voices. Each voice sets its own melody. Merging together, they create a beautiful, harmonious sound. (Fragments of audio recording sound).

Are these different in character? plays?

Children's answers.

Yes, « Morning prayer» bright, clean, cloudless. The day is just beginning with peace and joy in your soul. And the evening prayer is more gloomy. It’s dark outside, the child is tired. The day was filled with different experiences. The music is sad, mournful, focused, thoughtful, pleading.

It is interesting that P.I. Chaikovsky used for this plays the melody of a real prayer, which is sung in churches. Therefore, the music sounds serious and strict, not at all childishly. He did not simplify the music he composed for children, but wrote it with the same depth of feeling as "adult".

Listen carefully again to how the ends of both sound plays. (Audio recording plays). Have you noticed any repeating sounds in the bass? But how do they sound in « Morning prayer» and what about in the evening?

Children's answers.

On the background bright melody « Morning prayer» these sounds sound stern and calm, and in the evening prayer - more gloomy, concentrated, tired. The day has faded, the darkness of night is falling, everything is quiet, calms down, freezes...

So you met new ones plays. What was it called play which opens « Children's album» ? Which one the play ends it?

Children's answers.

I'm sure now you will remember that these gave us plays...P. AND. Chaikovsky.


1. Gogoberidze A. G. “Theory and methodology of musical education of children preschool age» . Tutorial for higher education students educational institutions- M.; Publishing center "Academy", 2005

2. Radynova O. P. "Moods, feelings in music". Publishing house: Creative Center Sphere. Series: Musical masterpieces, 2010.