April 1st jokes for mom. April Fool's Day: ideas for jokes and pranks

April 1 breaks all records for the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates make jokes on their boss, schoolchildren make jokes on their teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that’s what April Fool’s Day is for. You can joke about friends and strangers, at home, at work, on a minibus, and not only is it possible, but it is imperative to charge everyone with positivity! The main thing is not to forget: your “victim”’s sense of humor must be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should find it funny (including the victim of the prank). What pranks can you come up with on April 1 for colleagues, friends and family to keep your mood high and remember the holiday for a long time?

World famous April 1st draws

  • fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • UFO sighting in London;
  • photo report “Flying penguins”
  • transition to a new, decimal time measurement system;
  • change in the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and more

We spend a significant part of our time at work, and our colleagues will probably not miss an opportunity to prank you. So be the first.

Box without bottom

It is best to set a scene for the inquisitive ones who poke their noses in everywhere and always. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box without a bottom is installed, but the top must open. The box may have a bright sticker that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!” Fill the box with confetti or similar filling. When the chosen one for the joke appears in the room, it is better to leave to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. You return with a broom for those who are especially curious.

Secretary's Prank

From another office they call a trusting colleague or secretary and seriously inform that they are calling from a telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through the cable to clean the telephone network. Therefore, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them to the floor. It is important not to reveal yourself while the naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

Prank on the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You occupy a colleague’s computer while he is away.
  • Take a photo of the screen using the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphics editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and insert the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the “screen properties” section.
  • Installing a JOKE. bmpbackground.
  • Select all the shortcuts on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the “Taskbar” for full effect.

When the teapot user starts rebooting the computer and running around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help it "arrange icons by" and restore the screen background.

The mouse ran away

For presentation you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague’s computer, but not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) – long and reliable;
  • movable chair on wheels;
  • Ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • A colleague's brilliant absent-mindedness is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Stretch the cord and rope behind the table, secure the other end to the chair so that when the chair is pulled up, the mouse is in its usual place, but with the “tail” stretched. Moving the chair away, the victim pulls the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch it, a colleague grabs the fleeing mouse, the chair moves away with a blow to the knees. The unfortunate colleague looks very funny in these races.

Fatal call

Call the secretary or another employee and introduce yourself as a telephone company lineman repairing a fault on the line. Please ask not to use the phone for ten minutes, as this may cause an electric shock to the electrician. After the set period has expired, you call back to the same number and, when the phone is picked up, you let out a heartbreaking scream.


A cruel, albeit funny, prank for a company with numerous clients. Attach a sign (or just a piece of paper) with the text “Toilet” to the door of the selected office. That's basically the whole joke. But can you imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly barging in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April Fool's Day and friends

April 1st pranks for friends are the funniest, because you know exactly who you can prank and how, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don’t stand on ceremony with our friends, but still know when to stop.

Phone prank

Calling a friend late at night, you ask in a serious voice whether he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, you give advice: “Wash quickly and sleep!”


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then suddenly you fall silent, change your face and scream: “Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta...) there’s a cockroach on your head!” .Do not use for the faint of heart.

Winter diesel fuel

If you happen to meet a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at a gas station, you can prank them by glancing at the gas station with the question: “I hope you are filling up with WINTER diesel fuel?” Before your friend sees through the joke, he will have time to get scared. And for the girl there will be a reason to get acquainted.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he is a smoker. You invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a gift from a distant mutual friend. After smoking a cigarette, in agreement with friends, quietly turn on the music, discreetly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is for everyone to behave as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

Hand your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and ask her to take the bouquet with her. When meeting, an unfamiliar guy takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim does not get too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and hands her his own bouquet.

Fortune telling with matches

Invite your girlfriend or friend to tell fortunes about your future fate. You give a box of matches and ask them to carefully break off the heads. You meticulously inspect the result of the work and ask for it to be remade. Then you insert matches into the victim’s nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so scary?”

How to make a joke at home

April 1st pranks for parents bring a lot of fun, no matter who is pranking whom.

Hello homeless people!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents will not be at home. When they try to open the door, they should be met by an unfamiliar man in shorts with the remark: “What do you need?” To the question: “What are you doing in my apartment?” explains that he purchased it at some real estate office. The duration of negotiations is proportional to the strength of the parents' nervous system, but do not overdo it.


If the door in the kitchen opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and secure as many unbreakable objects as possible to it: spoons, towels... The end of the thread should be secured from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bunch. When the doors are opened, all objects fly apart, and mom will instantly cause a real destruction. True, they can give you a headache too.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, move all the clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when sleepy household members are getting ready for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently watch how they will enjoy the surprise when they get to work.

One size larger

In the evening, put cotton wool or paper in everyone’s shoes and boots, stuffing the socks and making the shoes one size smaller. When your family struggles with putting on shoes, don’t forget to congratulate them on April 1st.

Young hairdresser

A prank for a blonde mom or a dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to take a photo of your dream pink hair.

Focus in the kitchen

Pour water into a saucepan or three-liter glass jar. Cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat tabletop. You can safely pull out the paper - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

School jokes

In any country and at all times, pranks on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, some kind of trick awaited everyone. But even if the teacher is a joker himself, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Mop on the ceiling

A simple and witty prank can be done right in class by writing a note with the text “mop on the ceiling” and asking him to pass it on to a neighbor after reading it. The next time a student looks at the ceiling, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one will be able to write on it, you will have to switch to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you to decide.

There will be no algebra

Even such a joke can upset the educational process. Come to class first and tell everyone who comes in that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Notify teachers that the schedule has been rescheduled. When everyone gets really confused, don't forget to remind them about April 1st.

New diary

Raffles on April 1st for a classmate can be organized like this. Buy a new diary with a cover exactly like your friend's (hopefully it's common enough) and discreetly change it for him. The surprise of both the teacher and classmate when called to the board is guaranteed. I hope they appreciate the joke too.


Attach a notice to the school door with strong glue stating that there will be no classes today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students must show up at 11:00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Heavy bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate’s bag, accidentally left unattended. Watching the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep a serious, imperturbable face. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who's going where, and I'm skiing

Ask your friend to stretch his arms forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and with an innocent look ask the question: “what month is it now?” To the obvious answer that it’s already April, clarify: “Why is he skiing.” The delight of your classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a classmate who is a computer nerd. Tell him about the email and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money transfer. And calmly take out the bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not hysterics, so play kindly with everyone. We also recommend reading What competitions to hold on March 8, read in

Few people like jokes on April 1st. Firstly, they are mostly stupid, secondly, expected and predictable, thirdly, monotonous. Only cynicism can save such a situation. And, fortunately, Russian youth are doing much better with cynicism than with wit. Even textbook pranks for classmates at school, colleagues at work, friends, children and parents on April Fool's Day can be transformed beyond recognition by showing a little imagination, composure and securing the result with dry calculation. The same applies to typical “bearded” SMS jokes: after a little editing they will again become unexpected and quite funny.

Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1st

April 1 is the brightest and most cheerful holiday of the year. On this day you can joke about parents and children, friends and colleagues, close and distant relatives. Even for mom and dad, you can prepare a funny prank that they are unlikely to be offended by. On April Fool's Day, in principle, it is forbidden to harbor a grudge against comedians and jokers. Moreover, if these sophisticated pranksters are not relatives, but desk buddies. Funny jokes for classmates at school on April 1 are an integral part of communication in a team. It should not be neglected. When else will you have the opportunity to poke fun at a nerd or take revenge on a bully with impunity?

The best jokes on April Fool's Day for classmates and classmates

We suggest playing a few funny jokes on April 1 for your classmates or classmates. They will cause laughter and smiles among friends, and sincere surprise among teachers:

  1. Wash the PVA glue bottle and fill it with fresh milk. Sip your drink greedily during class. Rest assured, such an action will cause a lot of suspicious looks and funny remarks from your classmates.
  2. During breaks between lessons, tape the chair to the teacher's desk with stretch film. Wrap the piece of furniture completely on all sides, including everything inside and outside. To remove all the film, the teacher will have to spend 10-15 minutes of the lesson.
  3. Persuade a classmate to take a bag with several sets of men's clothing to the lecture. After the start of the class, one of the classmates should wrap himself in a blanket and enter the classroom with the phrase: “Masha, I forgot my clothes yesterday, did you bring them?” In response, the girl must stand up and give the guy a set of socks, panties, trousers and a T-shirt. After 5-7 minutes, a second classmate enters the audience in the same way, followed by a third. There will be no limit to the surprise of students and teachers!

April 1 jokes for friends - the best ideas for pranks

On April 1, the Lord himself commands to make fun of and joke with friends. Some jokes on April Fool's Day are quite harmless and only make you smile, others force you to wash yourself thoroughly or change your jacket, and others make you think about a retaliatory joke. Just think about it! After all, finding a “fresh” good joke for friends on April 1 is not so easy: everyone is already tired of the best ideas for pranks, and you’re too lazy to come up with new ones!

We offer you several funny ways to take revenge on your insidious prankster friends without spending extra time or additional money.

Fresh jokes and pranks on April Fool's Day for friends

To congratulate your friends on April Fool's Day in a fun and funny way, invite them to visit. Lighten the atmosphere with a light festive dinner and cocktails, and then start the mischief. Don't forget to prepare jokes for April 1 in advance; look for the best ideas for pranks in our selection.

  1. Place the balloon in a cardboard box with low sides. Better yet, tape it down. Cover the top of the figure with cream from a can. Sprinkle the resulting cake with confectionery powder. Invite one of your guests to cut the dessert with a sharp knife. When the balloon bursts, the cream will scatter to all the guests.
  2. Choose an object to joke about. Take a drill and run it a couple of times in front of the victim. Then go behind the guest’s back, poke him between the shoulder blades with one hand (more precisely, a finger), and start the drill with the other at the same minute. The effect will exceed all expectations.
  3. If you have a small child (under 1 year), this joke will definitely come in handy. Seat your guests at the table and go into another room. Pour squash caviar into a clean diaper and take a spoon in your hands. Return to the table with the guests and, with the words “Mmmm, yummy,” start eating caviar from the diaper.
  4. At the end of the evening, carefully place crumpled napkins in all guests' shoes. Tipsy friends will silently try to put on their shoes. Checked!

Unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1

In most cases, unusual April Fool's jokes for colleagues are related to the workplace, personal computer or mobile phone. There are many options for such pranks and most of them have already become outdated. Today you won’t surprise anyone with an office chair covered in toilet paper or an employee’s “canned” head. The same goes for computer accessories. It is unlikely that you will be able to discourage your colleagues with a funny screensaver on your desktop or changing the settings in the mouse control. To find truly unusual jokes for colleagues on April Fool's Day on April 1, you will have to work a little.

The best office pranks for employees on April Fool's Day

And for those who are reluctant to find fresh humor, we have selected a collection of ready-made jokes, jokes and pranks for employees on April Fool’s Day.

  1. Hide the spool of thread in the hem of the skirt, and bring the tip of the thread out with the needle. Ask a colleague to remove a thread from your skirt and enjoy the spectacle of a discouraged assistant.
  2. Before the employee arrives, cover his workplace with photo posters of Justin Biebier with cute lipstick kisses. This joke is especially relevant if your office neighbor is overly serious or brutal.
  3. Tell the late employee that the HR officer came to “his soul.” It’s as if they open a new office in a village (at a distance of at least 300 km) and transfer it as the most unpunctual one. At the same time, maintain a serious look or maintain a grimace of sympathy.
  4. Send a text message to all the men in the office with the text “Honey, I’m pregnant” at different times.

Popular April 1st jokes for mom and dad

On April Fool's Day, the one who suffers the most from jokes and pranks is the one who gets caught first. That is, mom and dad. It is with their parents that teenagers begin to hone the art of sarcasm and the skill of “pranks.” And sometimes, crossing the line of what is permitted, they offend those closest to them with unexpected unpleasant surprises in the form of mended trousers, stained toothpaste or salty tea. As a result, popular jokes for mom and dad end with mom's spoiled mood and dad's being late for work.

This year we suggest putting jokes aside and cheering up parents by reading funny poems over breakfast together. Mom and dad will probably like such comic congratulations on April 1 much more than spilled expensive nail polish or a faucet stained with food coloring.

The most harmless jokes for parents on April Fool's Day

Indeed, funny poems about April Fools' Day jokes are as amusing as the jokes themselves. See for yourself!

The hearing was broadcast live:
Everyone will be given an apartment,
Salaries will increase significantly
And the rent will go down.
And from now on retire
Everyone will buy a car!
April 1, brothers -
A reason to laugh together!

Happy April, 1! Today is April Fool's Day,
They can push you into a puddle for fun,
Friends can play a prank without malice,
The main thing is to take everything with humor!

Joking with your boss can be expensive -
You will be fired for making jokes while smiling.

If a civil servant asks about something,
Jokes are fraught in response to questions.
Can you conceive a child today?
To celebrate the New Year at the maternity hospital.

You can be weird in a public place -
They should be released by May 1st.
In general, don't be bored today:
It's better to laugh than to grumble gloomily!

Mom listened to the forecast:
“There will be a day without clouds and thunderstorms”...
Despite all the threats,
The daughter violated the forecasts:
Not enough for the pot
She's just two steps away -
It was as if the rain had wet my pants.
What can you do, your daughter is a baby...
The grandfather laughed until he cried:
- Apparently, the forecast was false!

The day started in the morning
It seems the same as yesterday
Got up, ate, washed,
Had a quick shave
Just started going out -
Someone started ringing the doorbell.
It turned out to be a postman,
He brought me the summons.
They summon me to court -
This is just the beginning of the day.
But he didn’t panic:
I ran to work.
Missed the bus
Okay, at least I caught a taxi.
But he turned out to be a newcomer
That taxi driver was confused,
I had to get lost with him for a long time,
But we managed to get there.
I'm running to work -
I meet strange looks:
Everyone immediately says when we meet,
It’s like I’m smeared with something.
Even though I washed my face in the morning,
But I got to the mirror:
Everything seems fine
I'll get to work.
Only on the phone
The voice is strange, unfamiliar
I was talking nonsense for a long time
So I missed lunch.
Remaining working day
I understood someone's handwriting
Someone sent me a letter
He called me on a date.
He even indicated the address
But he didn’t sign himself.
With my head already foggy
I was thinking about a strange note,
And I rushed that evening,
To make it to the meeting in time.
Walked around and along,
Even said the password
But no one met
Me in the specified coat.
I was returning home
He was hungry and angry.
Back on the phone again
A familiar voice is heard.
“Well, great, how’s it funny?
Did I trick you well?”
I grabbed my head
And he rolled with laughter,
After all, today, in fact,
It was the first of April...

Funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from parents

Parenting is hard daily work. But if you approach a difficult mission with humor, many everyday situations are easier to overcome. Parents who know how to joke with their children at the right time easily turn the educational process into entertainment. And the International Day of Humor is an excellent occasion to practice your wit, using funny jokes and SMS pranks on April 1 for children from a parent.

Funny jokes in SMS on April Fool's Day for children from parents

Not only children are able to show off their originality and have fun making fun of their parents on the International Day of Laughter and Humor. Sometimes mom and dad, who have a bit of cynicism and creativity, are much more successful at making jokes on their children through funny SMS pranks on April 1st. Eg:

Son, don’t cut your toenails, otherwise they’ve promised ice!

(NAME), urgently buy toilet paper and run home... Otherwise something terrible will happen!!!

I am at Grandma Shura’s cemetery, today is the 5th anniversary of her death. I'll be there soon. I'll bring a lot of tasty things. Kisses, mom.

Vasya, when will the heroin shipment finally arrive?

Oh, sorry, son. It's not for you.

You are earnestly asked to go to the nearest police station and finally pick up your dog!!!

1 calls 2nd! Tomorrow at 13:00 at the same place! Password cockroach! I'll call the secret house in the evening! Let's call the operation Beaver! End of connection!!!

Preparing for the international spring marathon of humor and laughter, find the best jokes for April 1 for friends, classmates at school, and colleagues at work. Don't forget about the pranks for parents and children. Use our selection of SMS for April Fool's Day to cheer up even those who are far from you!

Considering that April Fool's Day is celebrated not for the first time in the world, every year it becomes more and more difficult to play pranks on friends, family or colleagues. Many people have long ago developed an immunity to typical jokes like turning on a drill behind their back and jabbing a finger in the back. Therefore, convincing pranks should be approached creatively.

How to prank your friends

Friendly pranks on April 1 can be of varying degrees "". If you are puzzled by the question of how to prank your friends or girlfriend, you can try a joke using their car. This prank is one of the most flexible and popular.

  • For a harmless prank on April 1, we stock up on large quantities of rolls of cling film.
  • A more sophisticated option is colored stationery stickers. Liquid is also useful for removing sticky glue from stickers from the surface of the car, if your plans do not include ruining your relationship with a friend.
  • The most effective option will require the purchase of chalk spray paint, which is easily washed off with water and does not leave any marks.

A car generously decorated in this way will not leave the car owner indifferent. In 2018, April 1 falls on a Sunday, so your friend or friend won’t be late for work because of the prank. But to prevent the car from sitting like this until Monday, ask for a ride on April Fool’s Day.

Pranks for households

The easiest way is to make fun of your family and friends who live with you. For example, you can play a prank on your dad on April 1 using a “scary communal apartment.”

  • Scan or photograph your old utility bill.
  • In the photo editor you significantly overestimate the amounts in each column.
  • Also add exotic types of services. For example, “installation of video surveillance in the bathroom and toilet” or “planting cacti and ambrosia in the local area.”
Jokes for April 1: "solid package" | Pikabu.ru

You can play a prank on your mother on April 1 using a “solid parcel.” To do this, you will need a heavy brick, which will be packed in a dozen boxes, one larger than the other. The result will be a heavy box, which will only need to be convincingly decorated on top in the style of Russian Post. The return address is a relative from another city or a fictitious organization.

Jokes on lovers


  • Plate
  • 1 cup strawberry jam
  • 2-3 pieces of oatmeal cookies
  • 1 piece of laundry soap


Cookies and soap are broken into pieces measuring 1.5 x 1.5 cm and placed in a plate so that the cookies are on top. Then it is filled with strawberry jam, in which the soap does not dissolve. It is offered to the chosen one for breakfast, and the taste of the soap is not felt at first for about five seconds.

On April 1, you can play a prank on a girl who leaves home to go to the store or on other errands. When she returns, the door will be opened by an unfamiliar man who will convincingly state that he bought this apartment the day before and now lives here. To be convincing, you need a comrade, unfamiliar to the chosen one, and a printed “agreement” on the sale.

Colleagues' prank

You can play a prank on your colleagues on April 1 using their workplace. Cover the computer mouse sensor with electrical tape, after which your colleague will spend a long time looking for the cause of the breakdown in the computer settings. Additionally, tie the mouse wire with a rope to the leg of a rolling chair. Trying to sit down, a colleague rolls back his chair and is amazed at the mouse briskly “running away” from him.

The first of April is a day of jokes and practical jokes. But nowhere does it say that you can only joke about your friends and colleagues. Caring children will always think about how to prank their parents on this amazing, fun holiday.

Figuring out how to prank mom and dad on April 1 will take a little effort. After all, parents require especially reverent attitude and attention. Therefore, pranks should not be topical. The main goal of the April Fool's prank for relatives is to have fun together.

An interesting way to prank your mother can start with preparing breakfast. If you try really hard, you can come up with and prepare a dish with a twist. It could be pepper or garlic, some exotic spices, coconut flakes. It's best if the delicious draw is dessert. Then, after the main breakfast, you can serve it and calmly observe the reaction of those who try this dessert. The most important thing is that mom and other family members will already be full, so it will be a pleasure to refuse such a dessert and laugh at it.

How to make a prank dessert. You need to take one processed cheese and grate it on a fine grater, add more garlic (pass through a press) and finely chopped chili pepper. Now you need to make balls from this mass and roll them in coconut flakes. The dessert will look very appetizing; it must be placed in the refrigerator for at least thirty minutes before serving.

Another interesting way to prank your mother on April 1 requires purchasing an envelope in advance at the post office. You should put a letter in it and write the sender's address. For example, New Technologies LLC. On the first of April, give the letter to mom and say that it arrived yesterday. The letter should contain the following text: “According to article of such and such law, on April 2 of this year a cable will be laid in the courtyard of your house. This work will be large-scale, so to prevent it from damaging the windows of your home, we recommend securing them with tape. If necessary, New Technologies LLC will reimburse you for all financial costs associated with the purchase of adhesive tape. You will have to write a statement and attach a copy of the receipt certified by the store accountant.” If your mother falls for such a prank, you need to prevent her from taking the situation too seriously and quickly tell her what event this prank is associated with.

In how to play a prank on mom and dad on April 1, you need to use as much imagination as possible and your acting abilities. With mom, everything is more or less clear; April Fools' pranks for dad are a little more difficult to come up with and implement.

This method is also suitable for pranking mom at home, but with dad it will look more interesting and unexpected. While the parents are sleeping, you need to sneak into the bedroom and

paint dad's toes. After this, it is important to remove all nail polish remover from the house, and in the morning enjoy dad’s reaction and his findings on how to get rid of unintentional nail decoration.

Another interesting trick is to sew a blanket to a sheet. In the morning, you need to burst into your parents’ bedroom with some spectacular statement and see how they will extricate themselves from this ridiculous situation.

A funny but risky way to prank your mom or dad on the phone is to ask your friend to call your parent and say that tomorrow, April 1, he is called to school. You need to admit to the prank just before you go out, when dad puts on his shoes and scolds him once again. This is a great and fun way to prank your parents over the phone.

A fun and effective way to prank your parents on April 1 is to show up home with a bottle of beer and a cigarette (not lit, of course) in your lips. This method of drawing on April 1 is suitable for those children who usually behave well and do not abuse alcohol.

April 1st pranks for parents can be quite classic. For example, you can glue a toothbrush to a cup along its entire length. You can pump mayonnaise or sour cream into a tube of paste. After the jokes are played, you need to congratulate everyone on April Fool's Day and try to convey your cheerful mood to your parents.

How to prank your parents at home requires just a little imagination. Most traditional pranks, if you look at them from a slightly different angle, will also be relevant for parents. Relatives love not only to laugh at each other immediately after a joke, but also to remember later about funny situations together.

How to prank your mom or dad on April 1st is clear and there are many ways. The main thing here is not to go too far, so that the joke turns out to be equally funny for everyone, does not offend anyone and does not spoil the mood in the morning. Such a prank is masterly and will definitely be remembered for a long time on the good side!

Funny jokes for April 1 are a mandatory attribute of April Fool's Day celebrations in kindergartens, schools, offices, public organizations and enterprises. For the youngest children, simple and light jokes presented in a playful manner are suitable. Older children will enjoy cool, funny and funny pranks that they can use to please their classmates, friends and teachers. Moms and dads will appreciate harmless, humorous congratulations and humorous SMS messages received from children on April 1. The only thing to remember is tact and decorum. Pranks should only provide pleasure, and not turn a person into an object of irony and ridicule.

Funny jokes on April 1 for preschool children in kindergarten

April 1 is a wonderful, cheerful and positive holiday, which is celebrated with pleasure in kindergarten. The script for the program is prepared by teachers and is sure to include funny, amusing jokes that are understandable to preschool children. They are most often served in the form of fun outdoor games in which the maximum number of children takes part.

Examples of funny joke games in honor of April 1 in kindergarten

  • "Make me laugh"- a fun competition suitable even for children from the younger group. A couple of children are chosen to perform, one of whom begins to make funny faces and grimace cheerfully. The task of the second participant is to keep a serious expression on his face for as long as possible and not burst into laughter.
  • "Hare and Carrot"- a cool game that evokes a lot of positive emotions. To participate, the group is divided into two teams. Half of the children are put paper white ears on their heads and asked to sit on chairs placed in the center of the hall. Other kids are blindfolded, given a fresh carrot and told to go feed the “hares.” From the outside, the process looks very fun, however, the teacher must constantly monitor the players so that no one accidentally injures their friends by chaotically waving the carrot in different directions. To avoid potential feeding failures, you can replace the spicy carrots with a more streamlined apple or soft bun. The meaning will not be affected, and unpleasant force majeure will be avoided.
  • "Freeze and don't move!"- active entertainment that requires the mandatory participation of a teacher or animator. An adult dressed as a clown sings a verse of a simple and joyful song. The guys dance on stage or just move chaotically around the hall. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes, and the clown walks among the participants, making faces and trying to make them laugh. Everyone who could not contain their smile is eliminated from the game, and the last remaining participant receives a certificate of honor and a medal for “The Most Serious Kindergartener.”

Short jokes for April 1st at school for classmates - ideas and videos

Funny pranks, sparkling humor and short, funny jokes will turn April 1 at school into the brightest, funniest and most memorable holiday. On this day, laughing at your classmates is not only possible, but also necessary. However, tact and a sense of proportion should also not be forgotten. You should not choose one “victim” from your students and tease him or her in every possible way throughout the day. Such behavior will in no way strengthen relationships in the class, but rather, on the contrary, will make them colder and harsher.

It is best to use jokes of a general nature that do not hurt the pride of students. Let everyone have a reason to smile kindly or even laugh heartily after hearing a funny joke about school life or watching a funny scene about the relationship between teachers and students.

If you want to make fun of your desk neighbor, you can discreetly take his mobile phone and carefully cover the microphone with a piece of transparent tape. When a classmate dials a number but is unable to reach the other party, the result will be a very funny, but completely harmless situation.

The classic version of the joke is to announce to one of your classmates that the director or head teacher is calling him to his place. True, it is very important to speak seriously and naturally, so that the “victim” does not immediately suspect a dirty trick. If everything went smoothly and you believed in the challenge, you should overtake your friend and have time to attach a poster with congratulatory lines in honor of April 1 to the door before he appears in the area of ​​the desired office. Having reached the place, the classmate will see a welcome sign and will be glad that the challenge was false and he is not threatened with a reprimand or scolding for his academic performance and behavior.

Funny pranks and jokes on April 1 for friends

In the company of close friends who have known each other well for a long time, on April 1, funny jokes, amusing pranks and jokes on some frivolous topics are quite appropriate. You can “scare” your friends by sending them an SMS supposedly from a mobile operator, informing them that their number has been disconnected from service due to non-payment of a bill or informing them that their SIM card has won a million dollars, a Mercedes or a trip to the Canary Islands. Such humor will amuse absolutely everyone, but at the same time it will not cause offense or grief.

The topic of marital fidelity is not something to joke about. It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased to hear that their spouse was spotted in a restaurant or motel with an unknown man or woman. Of course, in the end it will turn out that this is not true, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain and the holiday will be ruined.

Illnesses, car accidents and other events of this kind are also not a reason for humor. It is better to choose universal topics that evoke sincere laughter, a kind smile and pleasant feelings.

If you are celebrating April 1 at home, you can make fun of your friends by inviting them to drink a glass of cola with ice. The ice will have to be prepared in advance by freezing Mentosis candies in water. When the water in the glass melts, the cola will react with the sweets and instead of a drink, a person will have a real fountain of sweet water in his hand. True, here it should be remembered that a friend will most likely wet the sleeves of his shirt, so there must be some kind of change of clothes in stock, otherwise further celebration will be very uncomfortable for someone.

Easy April 1st jokes for mom and dad - how to prank your parents

On April 1, it is better to joke with parents very carefully and delicately, because they are terribly worried about their children and cannot always immediately figure out that they are just being played. You shouldn’t call your mom and say that you hit a person, got caught by the police, became the victim of a maniac, or found yourself in the clutches of bandits who want to receive a huge ransom. There is no need to tell dad that his car was stolen, riot police from the tax office came to the place of work, and the computer burned down as a result of a power loss and cannot be restored. Such news can provoke an overly violent reaction in an adult and even lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, when making fun of your parents, observe tact and a sense of proportion, choose pleasant, harmless topics and try to ensure that the humor evokes only positive emotions.

If your mother loves the work of a singer, tell her that he has moved into your building and will now live with you on the same staircase. Or cover the infrared sensor of the remote control with tape and watch as dad tries in vain to turn on the TV. Invisibly coat all the soap with clear varnish and place on soap dishes. Household members will have to rack their brains for a long time over the question of why it doesn’t wash. Such simple and light jokes will create a festive atmosphere, but at the same time they will not offend anyone and will not cause nervous shock or hysteria.

April 1 - Day of Laughter and Jokes: prank script on video

In order for April 1 to be fun, sparkling and bright, you need to carefully prepare for it and think through prank scenarios in advance. On April Fool's Day, all ordinary, everyday activities should be colored with a humorous tone and automatically tuned to the positive. But the most important thing is not to go too far and not offend others with biting irony and sarcasm. Let every prank be only good in nature and give everyone around you a reason to laugh, regardless of age, gender and social status. And you can get new, interesting and funny ideas for pranks from the video below.