How to choose a wristwatch? How to choose a women's wristwatch.

The most valuable thing a person has is time. But in order to be its all-powerful master, it is worth spending some of it on choosing the right wristwatch.


Today, in the era of smartphones and wearable gadgets, a watch is needed not only to wake up on time and not be late for an important meeting - it is an important accessory that creates no less than a person’s lifestyle and style.

A watch for everyday use (casual) - simple, comfortable and functional. They are not too expensive, and they are matched to the color of clothing or accessories. Bracelet - leather or metal. The dial is large enough and easy to read.

The watch for a business person is made in a classic form factor and has a discreet design. Preferred dial and strap colors: black, grey, brown, blue. The case is thin, made of stainless steel, gold-plated or gold. The watch should not be cheaper than the suit with which it is worn.

Sports models include shockproof and waterproof properties, as well as wide functionality: built-in stopwatch, chronograph, countdown timer, tachymeter and thermometer. These watches look bright and unusual, and, as a rule, they are worn only for sports training.

Fashion watches are bright, fashionable and unusual, most often designer, with straps of unusual shapes and colors. They are not too expensive because they quickly go out of fashion.

Aviator watches are mechanical, with a large dial and a large crown. As a rule, these are chronographs with luminous hands and numbers. They are worn by older people or romantically minded youth.

A luxury watch is an accessory that shows a high status in society and the same level of income. This is an exclusively mechanical watch, handmade from... the best materials, usually in Switzerland.


A hand-wound mechanical watch is powered by a spring that is wound by hand. Most popular type mechanical watch- self-winding, which is activated by hand movement. The dial of a mechanical watch can be partially or completely skeletonized - the internal mechanism can be partially or completely visible through it.

Quartz watches are battery powered and have an average lifespan of about two years. Quartz movements are easier to use and have higher shock resistance.

The desire to know time is as old as the human desire for the stars. Ancient people determined it by the sun, fire and tides, which, naturally, greatly complicated both the process and the accuracy of measurements. Modern man freed from these antediluvian difficulties - just one glance at the dial is enough to guess the moment with precision to the second.Over time, they have ceased to be just a device: now they can tell everything about their owner, from wealth to style preferences. Therefore, wondering how to choose men's wrist watch, pay attention to every detail. Which ones to choose: quartz or mechanical? You will find out all this now, because the difference is all in the mechanism. The mechanism is the real “heart” of any watch, and its quality and design determine how long and trouble-free your wrist jewelry will serve you. This is a unique job in which each gear has its own place, according to the type of energy used, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

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Men's mechanical watches - reliability and durability , And x work is based on a miniature tight spring, which, during its sequential unwinding, sets the second and minute hands on the dial in motion. The pendulum operates at a clearly defined interval, thanks to which the mechanism determines time. When the spring completely releases energy, they stand up and demand that the mechanism be started. Because this classic version, you won’t see anything other than traditional hands on the dial, and it’s unlikely that you’ll need anything else: such a watch is a respectable thing that doesn’t require high-tech parts. The only drawback of inexpensive mechanics is a slight delay due to uneven unwinding of the spring; the maximum time error is not more than half a minute per day, so it is almost unnoticeable; modern manufacturers successfully correct this drawback by adding automatic winding to the mechanism. True, it is quite heavy for miniatures female models is not suitable, in addition, it does not free you from the need to start such a plant every day. Mechanical watches also have a significant list of disadvantages: they do not tolerate dust well, in a humid atmosphere they give a large time error and are difficult to repair, but this does not make them less popular - they are classics of the genre, which traditional ones are more expensive than others.

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Quartz watch

Quartz watches - precision and modernity, the basis of this type is a regular battery that acts on a quartz crystal. Electrical impulses are transmitted at precise intervals to the motor, and the oscillations help accurately measure time. The advantage of quartz models is the ability to replace standard hands with an electronic dial different colors and backlit. Thanks to the reliability of the oscillating mechanism, such mechanisms are incredibly accurate and are not afraid of the weather, which attracts modern city dwellers, but this also has its drawback: crystals are not as durable as metal, and therefore the wear resistance of quartz models is less. Mechanisms with a digital time indicator are a model for everyone; they are easy to use and suitable for long trips into nature, etc.

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So which ones are better?

As for the mechanism, you have already understood, but choose what is best for you, I personally use quartz watches and am completely satisfied, but as for the rest, there is still something to think about, because the case and coating also play an important role and shape.

Case selection

The case performs two functions at once: protective, protecting the mechanism from dust and moisture, and decorative, decorating any courageous hand. Believe me, it's beautiful appearance does not always indicate quality, so you need to inspect the case very carefully. Cheap models, the price of which often does not exceed several hundred rubles, are made of aluminum, they are light, brittle, easily bent, scratched and usually do not last long. Plastic ones, contrary to popular belief, can be of high quality and even belong to well-known brands. A striking example– Japanese Casio. Decent options start with stainless steel cases; they are wear-resistant, do not rust, and retain their original shape well. This metal is actively used by expensive European brands. A titanium case costs an order of magnitude more, but it lives up to its name; it is unusually strong and at the same time lightweight, which allows it to be used for the production of women's watches. If you cannot determine the composition by sight, it is advisable to read the product documentation.


The coating of the case is another important point in a watch. If additional spraying is not used, mentally give the accessory a plus. This way they will be better preserved, and metal of a different color will not treacherously peek out from under the scratches. This is especially true for the varnish that covers inexpensive models; it wears out quickly and after a month they can be thrown away. If you like a gold-plated model, it is advisable to find out about the thickness of the plating - this is a soft coating, so the more layers, the better. Much depends on the spraying technology, which can be found in the documentation. If you value durability and strength, two are preferred: PDV - vacuum deposition and IPG - ion plasma deposition. Nickel plating looks nice, but it is very treacherous. The metal wears off over time, penetrates the skin and settles in the body. There is a high probability of developing allergies, but for practical people, black chrome spraying is ideal. This is a super-resistant coating that will protect all their parts from scratches and chips for many years.


The shape and size of the case matters if the watch is yours business card, for women there is a chaotic variety of styles, but for men everything is simpler - rectangular or square shapes, moderate colors, massive, laconic. Unusual formats are popular among young people, but they are also quickly going out of fashion. The main thing is that they sit comfortably on the hand, without sticking out beyond the wrist or tightening it. Pay attention to such a small thing as the crown! For convenience, it has a thread and is located just above the middle, but it should be screwed and simply lifted, at your discretion.

The best wrist watches

Now you will find out which company is considered the best and most expensive in the world, as well as the most favorite segment - price-quality ratio.

  • The Emperador Temple – $3.5 million
  • The Aeternitas Mega 4 – $2.4 million
  • Fibonacci Pocket Watch – $2.4 million
  • Tourbillon Diamants – $1.8 million
  • The Sky Moon Tourbillon – $1.1 million

Functional details

The dial and bracelet on your watch need to be selected especially, because they determine how convenient the accessory will be for you. For conservative people, classic numbers without serifs and raised protrusions are suitable. Arrows can have the most different shapes: the main thing is that they are “readable”. If you are planning a tourist trip, you can choose a dial with luminescent coating, so you can determine the time even at the most dark night, protecting fragile hands is no less important. The simplest option is plexiglass, it is inexpensive, but gets scratched by any touch and becomes cloudy over time. Crystal and mineral glass are more durable materials, but the undisputed leader in this rating is artificial sapphire; it is almost impossible to break, scratch, or dent, so you can wear them in either fire or water. Now about the bracelet, its task is to securely but comfortably hold the case on the owner’s hand and at the same time be a beautiful decorative detail.

Bracelet material

Plastic or silicone is an apparently inexpensive, unreliable material that breaks at the first opportunity, so it is undignified for adults to buy it. A classic of the genre - a classic leather strap, which male hand it looks noble and elegant, but this beauty requires sacrifice: the material stretches over time and needs to be replaced. The most popular today is a metal bracelet, in male case– made of stainless steel and titanium. They are durable, resistant to external influences and not too heavy, but it’s better to forget about golden luxury: although such mechanisms look expensive, their heavy weight will not add comfort to your wear.

Length and device of the bracelet

No matter how expensive your watch is, if the bracelet lock is weak, it will not last long; you need to choose a durable mechanism that is convenient and quick to fasten with one hand. The most reliable option for today is a clip - automatic or with a lock. When choosing them, be sure to try them on your wrist, it is better if they are a little larger than they will tighten your hand too much. You can remove the links in the workshop, but you can’t attach additional ones, so it’s better to immediately choose a model of your size. Pay attention to the case fastening; it usually consists of metal “ears” that are attached to the bracelet. Take a closer look at their shape: it is better to choose slightly curved ones so that the body fits tightly to the wrist. The problem with inexpensive mechanisms is that the fasteners often break, making them unusable, so it is advisable to choose screw connections that do not pop out of the body, like screw studs.


Modern people prefer to choose several watch functions at once in order to replace several gadgets with one accessory. Manufacturers provide big choice similar “upgrades” needed in the most unusual conditions:

  1. Backlight necessary to determine time in dark time day, it is activated when you press a button and lasts for several seconds, you should not choose models whose numbers are visible only when the button is pressed - this is inconvenient when your hands are busy. It is advisable to select a constant type of illumination that does not depend on the daylight source: LED, semiconductor. Luminescence is very visually impressive, but if it is not charged enough from the sun, it produces little light.
  2. Calendar- a useful, but very expensive function; in mechanical ones, the simplest calendar is a window in which the date “crawls out” every day. Its disadvantage is that it needs to be configured manually at the end of the month. Therefore, models with “perpetual” calendars are preferable - a mechanism in which the month and day automatically line up on their own; in quartz calendars, the date indicator is a digital display.
  3. Power reserve and second time indicators. The first shows the time until the mechanisms stop, the second allows you to switch between time zones. The indicators are controlled using buttons or additional heads.
  4. – the task is rather entertaining: it allows you to calculate the average speed of the owner. All you need to do is select a time interval and watch the indicators.
  5. Lunar calendar - uh then a miniature dial that shows the lunar day.

Protection level

In order for them to serve for a long time, they must have high level strength, protection from moisture, shock, dust and light; you can swim in sealed mechanisms without fear of their breakage. The secret of the device is in special gaskets between the case, back cover, glass and crown. In this regard, the most reliable is the screw cap, which ensures complete waterproofness, but inexpensive firecrackers often fly out, often throwing out the entire watch contents. The tightness of a watch is measured in atmospheres and is usually indicated on the cover. If you don’t plan to dive to depths, the designation WR will be enough, which means they are not afraid of precipitation. If we talk about shock resistance, the quartz movement is the undisputed leader here. Mechanical ones are too complex in their design and the smallest parts can fly out from an impact. To increase the strength of watches, they are equipped with seals and rubber gaskets, they are checked as follows: from a given height they are thrown onto durum varieties tree and check the level of damage. As practice shows, to buy a watch, you need to immediately take into account many factors, but it’s worth it. Having chosen a high-quality, reliable, beautiful model, you will delight yourself and others for many years.

  • Mechanical watches - a classic based on a spring mechanism. The source of energy is a tightly wound spring. Gradually unwinding, it sets in motion a pendulum, which acts on the wheel mechanism that sets the hands in motion. Although they are characterized by low accuracy, high cost of repair and the need for periodic winding, such watches are considered very prestigious and are not cheap, and mechanical watches do not require batteries or accumulators to operate. The reason for the instability of the mechanics is the fact that it is almost impossible to evenly twist the spring spiral. Accuracy class 1 for mechanics is an acceptable error of +40/-20 seconds per day.

  • Features of mechanical watches:
  • - The need to adjust the exact time, even for models with a self-winding mechanism.
  • - Automatic winding is a certain commitment: the accessory must be worn for at least 8 hours every day, and the dynamics of the owner’s movements must be quite active, because The spring tends to tighten as it moves.
  • - Automatic watches have more impressive dimensions (since there is an additional mechanism).
  • - The mechanism is sensitive to dust, moisture, and temperature changes.
  • - The backlight in this watch can only be luminescent.
  • A good bonus when purchasing is the potential for trouble-free, long-term operation and prestige provided that cleaning measures are carried out (by qualified specialists) and timely maintenance.
  • Quartz watch- the most popular option. The quality of the watch is based on the traditions of the manufacturer, i.e. There is a clear relationship between the prestige of a brand and the level of quality of its products. This also includes electronic wristwatches, equipped with many built-in functions, up to advanced functionality with notebook and built-in calculator. Equipped with an autonomous power source - battery. The operation of the pendulum system in this watch is based on quartz crystals. If we compare them with mechanical ones, quartz ones have significantly greater accuracy: their permissible error is +20/-20 sec/month.

The niche of innovation in the watch world is confidently occupied by electronic wristwatch, which have the following features:

  • - Can be equipped with an additional pointer dial
  • - The accuracy of the electronics is very little dependent on weather conditions.
  • - The display can be easily reset.
  • - Backlight

Why are they? After all, almost any of our mobile device shows the time."

However, followers of wristwatches fundamentally disagree with this, because for many, wearing a watch is an emphasis on status, a tribute to fashion, stylish thing and simply a multifunctional mechanism with which you can quickly find out the time.

What exactly do you need from a wristwatch? how to choose a watch, to enjoy this mechanism long years, will be discussed below.

How to buy a watch

The first question you should ask yourself if you want buy a wrist watch– when and where will I wear them? A watch is not always just a thing that allows us to be punctual, because it can tell a lot about a person’s habits or character.

The main thing in choosing a watch is to choose a model that contains all necessary useful functions. For example, if you wear a watch to play sports, then you need to look at shockproof models, as well as watches that will show your heart rate. And if the watch will serve you more as a fashion accessory, then the main selection criterion will be the appearance of the chosen model, while you don’t have to think too much about such characteristics as water resistance and shock resistance.

Another important parameter of a wristwatch is its cost.

The price of the watch takes into account:

  • Reliability
  • Accuracy
  • Brand
  • Additional options(calendar, repeater, chronograph and others)
  • Material of manufacture
  • Limited series.

Regardless of whether you are buying a women's or men's wristwatch, you must Special attention pay attention to the criteria listed below.

1. Mechanism

Mechanical watches are the best option for organized people who will not forget to wind the watch themselves.

The quartz movement does not require additional winding, and its time error is less compared to mechanical watches. All you need to do is change the battery on time.

2. Bracelet or strap

Basically it's a matter of taste. The leather strap is comfortable and beautiful. The disadvantage of such a strap is that it needs to be changed over time.

The service life of a leather strap depends on the quality of workmanship and varies from 2 to 5 years. Of course, this is an additional expense, but by doing so you will also refresh your watch.

The metal bracelet is practical and adjustable to the desired size. This is a wear-resistant design, and to update it, just apply a light polish.

The disadvantage of the bracelet is that the link connections can break. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to purchase a more expensive bracelet.

3. Housing material

The most popular material for watches is metal. If you take into account price and quality, then the choice falls on stainless steel.

Nothing bad can be said about ceramics, which are now fashionable. Ceramic watches are wear-resistant and very beautiful. They retain their original appearance for a long time and do not even scratch. However, the durability of such watches may not withstand very strong impacts.

4. Coating

On sale you can find wristwatches in almost all colors and shades. The best choice– This is a PVD coating that has excellent strength and durability, and good scratch resistance.

Pay special attention to the number of microns in the spray - the more, the better. Such watches can delight you with their beautiful coating for up to 15 years.

5. Functionality

The functional contents of modern wristwatches can be extremely diverse.

But do you need everything that will be there? After all, it can be: backlight, calendar, second time, tachometer, alarm clock, not to mention modern electronic models that even have their own operating system. Choose the functions you need, because the price of the watch and your comfort depend on it.

6. Brand

Here are some tips on how to how to buy a wristwatch from a good brand.

Opinions about watch companies vary significantly, because everyone has their own object of desire. If someone buys a watch from a luxury company, others cannot afford it, so everyone chooses a watch according to their financial capabilities.

The golden mean is Fashion watches. They are much more affordable than high-end brands, and yet include a variety of (and sometimes very bold) design ideas.

It is known that all the most famous fashion brands have their own wristwatches. These watches are made quite well and from good, durable materials. Well, in appearance, such models are beyond competition, because no one understands styles and new trends better than Fashion brands.

Introducing short video About, how to buy (choose) a wristwatch.

How to buy women's watches

So, let's assume that you have already saved up money and are ready to go shopping to buy Ladies Watch. The following are the main criteria that are important for choosing a watch if you are a woman.

1. Decide on a watch style

This is very important for a woman, because the style of the watch should be combined with her wardrobe. In addition, it is style that can tell a lot about her temperament. These can be styles: romantic, sports, fashion, classic and others.

2. Find the perfect size

Take a closer look at the size of the dial – large models are very popular now.

However, if you have a small wrist, then an overly large mechanism on such a hand will look extremely awkward. Therefore, we recommend choosing a watch that suits your physical characteristics.

Carefully examine how the watch fits on your hand: it should fit snugly, but at the same time move slightly on your hand and not leave a mark from the strap.

3. Decide on a color

Watch fashion has the widest color scheme, For the right choice which you need to decide where you will wear your future watch.

For example, if you want buy women's watches for every day, it is better to choose classic tones: golden, silver, metallic, brown or black. For summer models, light and bright colors. If you wear women's watches on vacation or for a walk, then models with funny pictures and prints will do.

Remember that in any case, the color of the watch should not annoy you. On the contrary, it should lift the spirits and “please the eye.”

How to buy men's watches

Every man, first of all, wants to show his individuality with the help of a watch. A man wearing an expensive watch automatically becomes respected, he is confident and dynamic. Every a real man strives for this, and we will tell you how to buy (choose) men's watches.

Any watch model is individual both in technical and psychological characteristics. Important for men: specifications, material, design and watch brand.

For some representatives of the stronger half of humanity, individuality is an important criterion, for others - the sporty spirit of the watch and elegant design.

However, the “number one” criterion for any man is to emphasize his position in society.

Here are some practical tips on how to how to buy men's watches correctly:

1. Do not buy a watch “in a hurry,” just to quickly resolve this issue. It’s better to save up money for a decent brand so you don’t regret it. unfulfilled dream. As a last resort, you can purchase a used watch, but famous brand, and simply update them in a watch workshop.

2. There will always be a person in life who will criticize your choice, so when choosing a watch, think only about your tastes and preferences.

3. Find the “golden mean”: your watch should combine an expensive mechanism and Beautiful design. Do not forget that no matter how high-quality the mechanism is, it will not be visible (and, conversely, no matter how beautiful your future watch looks, you will not get the proper pleasure from it if it constantly breaks down).

4. The same applies to the manufacturer: no matter how famous the company is, you will not get pleasure from it if you don’t like the design of such a watch.

Interesting Facts! Did you know that Einstein wore one of the most famous and expensive brands - Patek Philippe, and Fidel Castro was a fan of the equally famous Rolex and Omega. So: an expensive watch absolutely does not guarantee you to become a famous scientist or politician.

5. Big watches can be fashionable and beautiful, but don't forget about your wrist size. After all, because of too big clock The shirt sleeves may not be fastened. Do you want to change your wardrobe?

6. Advice! You can insure an expensive purchase and not be afraid that the watch will break or be stolen.

7. Please note that not all colors and materials of the case will be combined with your clothes. Models made of platinum, white gold or stainless steel are considered universal watches that suit any style of clothing.

8. When they say that quartz watch more precisely, hand-wound watches, then most often we're talking about about insignificant quantities, so don't put too much emphasis on it.

9. Maintain on schedule, take care and keep your watch clean, then it will last a very long time.

10. In principle, no one needs very expensive watches, we just often want to have one, but expensive and really high-quality thing. But you don't have to buy it at all expensive brand with unnecessary features or precious materials to satisfy your ambitions.

12. Should not be treated men's watches as an investment. The vast majority of mechanisms do not save long time its value, but there are also truly unique specimens that increase their price over time. But it’s unlikely that you will benefit from your watch; at least your grandchildren will.

How to buy an electronic watch

The principle of the mechanism in electronic watches is no different from quartz models. The only difference is how the information is transmitted to the dial. Nowadays, electronic watches can be found in everyday life. almost everywhere: video cameras, Cell phones, cars, washing machines and other instruments and devices are often equipped with such a mechanism.

But the closest to us physically are wrist Digital Watch. So, How to buy (choose) an electronic watch correctly?

Not only the low price and accuracy, but also variety of functionality We are attracted to electronic watches that can not only show the time, but also have the following functions:

  • Humidity measurement
  • Temperature measurement
  • Alarm
  • Camera
  • Calculator.

And this is just the most common list.

It should also be noted that many models of electronic watches have two ways of displaying time - pointer dial or liquid crystal display.

We advise you to select those functions in your electronic watch that suit your needs. lifestyle. For example, for lovers of outdoor recreation or an avid fisherman, models with a barometer are suitable, and for athletes, models that measure distance or pulse are suitable.

Before buy an electronic watch, be sure to carefully read their description and operating instructions (high-quality watches, even inexpensive ones, always come with instructions).

Special attention should be paid parameters favorite watches. The fact is that it is the parameters that determine the main characteristics of an electronic watch: for example, replacing batteries (You must clearly understand how this happens and whether you can carry out this process yourself).

In addition, electronic watches differ in their beauty. You can choose a watch to suit your own style.

How to buy a gold watch

Gold watches are models with a case and (or) individual parts made of gold. Most often, people who buy a gold watch want a combination of a gold bracelet and a watch. But even here you can get confused by the abundance of choice. So How to buy (choose) a gold watch correctly?