Why do you dream of a new women's wristwatch? Why do you dream of a watch according to the dream book?

A watch is a very complex symbol; it is often a key point in a dream and requires detailed analysis.

To dream of a watch means that it is time for you to analyze the influence of your past on the present and the future.

Let's try to figure out why we dream of a wristwatch. This dream suggests that you have a catastrophic lack of time to implement your plans.

To dream of a watch with a missing dial foreshadows troubles, extraordinary events that will happen to you in the near future and will cause severe distress.

The sound of a clock in a dream indicates that someone from your inner circle needs your immediate help, and the sooner you provide it to a person in need, the better it will be for both of you.

Dream book of Nostradamus. Why do you dream of a watch on your hand? This symbol in a dream can be considered a sign that you will receive a quick reward for a job well done. It should be borne in mind that this remuneration will not necessarily be of a material nature.

Hands and palms seen in a dream mean that these symbols are signs of fate. For a woman, dreaming of hands means a loved one.

Washing your hands means liberation from current problems, and having hairy hands means success in commercial affairs and improvement in your financial condition.

You should also pay attention to which hand you dreamed about: the right hand in a dream is a symbol of liberation, while the left hand foreshadows new problems.

Losing an arm in a dream means the loss of someone close to you or a relative, as well as death near you.

To correctly interpret dreams in which a hand is present, you should remember: the right hand symbolizes a friend, assistant, the left hand symbolizes a person close to the heart.

Dreaming of children's hands means and marks positive events in your life, future happiness and a love affair.

Hands covered in blood (injuring your hand) means an imminent quarrel, separation from loved ones.

It is quite difficult to understand, since in all popular dream books this symbol is presented in completely different ways, so it is recommended to associate these interpretations of dreams with events accompanying this symbol and with other objects you dreamed about.

Why did you dream about the Clock (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

A watch in a dream is a symbol of an important person who will bring certain changes to your life.

  • Why do you dream of a large wall clock?- your boss will ask you to make an important decision in record time.
  • A small wristwatch means sudden changes in family life.
  • Why do you dream of a clock that strikes - this is a symbol of the completion of an important task. The dream warns you that there is little time left. If you don't meet the deadline, your success may fall into the abyss.
  • if you dreamed of an expensive wristwatch, expect a visit from some important person who will change your understanding of pressing matters.

Why did you dream about the passage of hours (Psychiatric dream book)

Why do you dream about watches? From time immemorial, watches have been considered a symbol of fleeting time.

  • If you saw a watch, you subconsciously understand that you will soon miss some important chance, if you haven’t already missed it.
  • See how you buy a new watch, You yourself understand that you treat some life moments with carelessness or do not know how to navigate difficult life situations.
  • Seeing a broken watch is a cry from your subconscious that you are no longer the same person you were before. Everything changes, and you have changed, and that's good.

Why do you dream about a Clock (Romantic dream book)

  • If you dreamed of a watch, you will soon become the object of someone's attention. This will lead to a dawn in your personal life.
  • Seeing a large wall clock means a quick meeting with your loved one, family well-being and long, sincere love.
  • You listen to the clock and count how many strokes are left until noon, expect great happiness in your personal life.

Why does a woman dream about a Watch (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

  • Why do you dream of a wristwatch?– there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determining the time in a dream using a watch that does not have a dial,- a harbinger of serious danger.
  • Why dream of the sound of a clock - your life will not get better for a long time. You are destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

The meaning of a dream about a Clock (Russian folk dream book)

Why do you dream about watches? A dreamed clock is a symbol that corresponds in our subconscious with time. In some cases, watches symbolize age. There is a belief that if the clock in the house stops, it is a bad sign.

  • You are afraid of being late and look at your watch all the time - this means that in reality you have a chance that you are afraid to miss.
  • Why dream of breaking your watch in a dream, In reality you find yourself in a difficult, confusing situation.
  • You buy yourself a new watch, indicates your carelessness and inability to cope with the situation that has arisen.

Everyday interpretation of a dream about a Clock (allegory of the writer Aesop)

Why do you dream about watches? According to the dream book, this symbol is associated in our subconscious with time and inevitability. In some cases, watches symbolize age and health. There is a popular belief that if a clock stops in a house, it is a bad sign. It is not customary to give a watch to a newlywed for a wedding, as popular wisdom says: “Happy people don’t watch watches.”

  • If in a dream you are afraid of being late somewhere and always look at your watch, then in reality you have missed your chance, which is rarely given to a person.
  • Dreaming of a stopped clock is a sign of sad news and disappointment.
  • If in a dream you heard the chime of a clock that had stopped long ago,- this threatens you with serious trouble. You or your loved ones may find yourself without a livelihood. You are at risk of serious illness.
  • To dream that you are buying yourself a new watch indicates your carelessness and inability to navigate difficult circumstances.
  • Breaking your watch in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself in a very delicate situation.
  • If in a dream you are afraid of oversleeping and set an alarm on your watch- this means in reality you will experience the bitterness of disappointment and listen to unfair accusations.
  • Why do you dream about a broken watch? It reminds you that nothing stands still, everything changes.
  • You see how The sand is leaking in the hourglass,- this is a reminder to you that time moves inexorably and if you don’t hurry up, your opportunities will be irretrievably lost.
  • You are trying to repair the watch - indicates your fruitless attempts to stop the inevitable.

I had a dream about a Clock (we solve it using the Erotic Dream Book)

  • Why do you dream of a watch? A dream about a watch reminds you of an important matter, your unrealized plans and dreams.
  • If in a dream you hear the clock striking, this means that you are a very sensitive person who reacts to the slightest irritation - some sounds, light touches, timbre of voice.
  • If you dreamed that the clock was running forward, the dream speaks of your disappointment and unsatisfied desires.
  • To see the mechanism of a working clock - everything is in perfect order with your health.
  • Dreaming that the clock is falling behind– you have a long and stormy love affair ahead of you, complete sexual harmony with your new partner.
  • In the same case, if you dreamed of a broken, stopped watch, you can assume that there were also some disruptions in your sex life.

Analysis of a dream in which the Clock was dreamed (interpretation by psychologist Z. Freud)

  • In a dream, winding up the watch on your hand - the dream indicates that you will be rewarded for the work you have done, only this reward is not material.
  • if you dreamed of a large wall or grandfather clock, it means that you will be surprised by sex with a person whom you always thought of as very reserved and dry. It turns out that in an informal setting this person expresses his feelings very clearly, so that there is no doubt about his emotionality.
  • Why do you dream of a tower clock - it means that you have to learn some very important news, and long-awaited one at that.
  • A broken watch is a symbol of bad sex. You are too straightforward and do not want to come to terms with some, in your opinion, eccentricities of your partner, and he, in turn, does not want to give up these quirks. Someone has to take the first step, right?

Interpretation of the Clock from the Wanderer's Dream Dictionary (Terenty Smirnov)

  • Wristwatch – A new daily activity, a symbol of obligations, business meetings, waiting, boredom, haste.
  • Why dream of looking at a watch or finding it - rushing things; events will develop slowly or means the significance of a new period of life.
  • An expensive, beautiful watch is a successful, profitable marriage.
  • Seeing that the clock has stopped means the death of oneself or a very important person, parents.
  • Why do you dream of an hourglass?- a feeling of the transience of your life.
  • I dreamed about a cuckoo clock - long life.
  • Why do you dream of a clock with a pendulum - it can symbolize the work of the heart.

Why do you dream of a Clock (Miller's Dream Book)

  • Seeing a watch in a dream means that you will succeed in playing on the stock exchange.
  • According to the dream book, to dream that you are looking at your watch means that your efforts will be nullified by your rivals.
  • Why dream of breaking a watch - foretells troubles and losses.
  • Break the watch glass- this is a harbinger of your frivolous behavior in an unpleasant society.
  • If a woman loses her watch in a dream, it means that troubles at home will cause misfortune.
  • To imagine that you have stolen a watch means that you have fierce opponents who are trying to tarnish your reputation.
  • Why do you dream of a watch given as a gift?- means that trouble awaits you.
  • If you hear the clock striking, upsetting news is possible.

The meaning of a dream about Wrists (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • If you saw an old clock in a dream, then the dream indicates that the time has come to reflect on your past: did you live with dignity, did you do good or bad deeds, what mark will you leave behind on Earth.
  • If you dreamed of a wall clock, you do not value your life at all. Remember: life is not eternal, and therefore do not let it pass you by.
  • Why dream of a wristwatch - there is very little time left for an important event in your life.
  • Determine time in a dream using a clock, those that do not have a dial are a harbinger of serious danger. The dream prophesies a great tragedy, which you can only survive by turning to God for help.
  • Hearing the sound of a clock in a dream- a prophecy that your life will not get better for a long time. It will seem to you that God has turned his back on you, but this is not so, you are simply destined to go through many trials in order to find peace, tranquility and happiness.

Clocks in night dreams (interpretation of the Esoteric Dream Book)

  • Putting on a wristwatch, seeing it in good working order, leading to coordinated work; you use your time well.
  • Broken, stopped clock- problems with time, you don’t fit into its course. In this regard, you will always be late not only in everyday life, but also when “distributing benefits.”
  • Lose or drop your watch - you have missed time, and your place in both personal and social life will be occupied by others.
  • Why do you dream of a clock on the wall?- a fateful time for you and your family. Be careful, don't miss opportunities, don't ignore dangers.
  • The tower chimes strike and the clock rings for important events in the state that will affect your life. Apparently you lack internal stability in order not to be afraid of any external events.

The meaning of the dream about the Wall (Numerological dream book)

Meanings of dreams with the number "1" on a watch dial

  • Why dream of a large wall clock on which the number “1” stands out clearly means that in one month you will win the attention of the person you really like.
  • If on the watch dial there are no more numbers besides one, then this means that you are too self-confident - moderate your ambitions, otherwise in a month you will quarrel with good friends.
  • If in a dream both hands of the wall clock point to one, then this is a direct indication that you need to start taking action. The people you met last week will become your teachers in a new business and help you earn good money.
  • I dream that the hands on the clock are crooked or broken, then you should not be deluded by the first victory, it will be followed by a streak of failures that will last a whole year.
  • In a dream, turning the clock hands to one o'clock in the afternoon means that in 19 days you will be sued.
  • If the unit on the watch dial stands out clearly, then you will win the case, but if it is written clumsily or carelessly, then you will be a loser, and within a year you will have to clear up this mess.
  • Why dream of an electronic wall clock on which 00:01 is displayed means that in reality you will enter into an argument with your immediate circle and after 64 days you will make an important discovery.
  • If the clock says 01:00, then be prepared to be slandered - don’t be upset, in a month the situation will clear up and everything will fall into place again.
  • You look at the electronic clock and from the numbers displayed on the board, by adding, you get the number “1”, this indicates that in reality you will have to reconsider your goals, they are outdated and you will have to abandon them. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • For women, a dream in which they easily add up the numbers on a clock and get one predicts easy and quick victories on the love front. This is 20:08, 21:07, 09:10 and so on. If in a dream you have difficulty making calculations, then in reality, doubts and self-doubt will prevent you from achieving success in your professional and personal fields.

Meanings of dreams with the number "2" on the clock

  • Looking at a wall clock in a dream and seeing that the number “2” stands out brightly on it means that you are going to be invited to some important event. If it takes place two weeks after you dream about a watch, then as a result you will receive a lot of interesting offers and will be able to choose what business to take on.
  • Looking at a digital watch in a dream and seeing the time on the board, which, as a result of adding its constituent numbers, gives a two, means that you have lost sight of something important to you, and therefore are temporarily out of the game.
  • Why do you dream of a clock, if it shows 00:02, then in 2 days you will be able to visit a government institution that you have not been able to get into for a long time.
  • Spending 2 minutes or 2 hours on something in a dream means that in 2 years you will complete the task that you will take on in 2 days with two like-minded people. This business will be profitable, it will make you not only a financially independent person, but will also bring fame in your professional circle.

Why do you dream about the number “4” on a watch dial?

  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number “4”, this means that you have become too important and respectable, and this prevents you from perceiving new information.
  • If you experience at least some emotions when looking at your watch, then in life you are depressed by your inability to free yourself from the conditions and attitudes that constrain you. But soon a wonderful person will appear in your life, with whom you have already glimpsed 4 times, and will help you fall out of your rut.
  • Why dream of a wall clock, on the dial of which the four stands out clearly, means that you behave so correctly and righteously that there is absolutely nothing to reproach you for, and therefore it is simply ... boring to be with you. People probably see you as some kind of sinless saint.
  • If in a dream you look at the watch dial and in particular at the number “4” with some fear or hostility, then in reality you are tired of being clean and having an unblemished reputation, so meet yourself and allow yourself to relax in a fun company! Moreover, in 22 days you will have a great opportunity to do this.
  • But if in a dream you don’t care what’s on the clock, or you experience a feeling of joy when you look at the number four, then in life you only seem to be a righteous person, in fact you are sinners and how! You just know how to show off. However, advice to you: become yourself, you have already made four unforgivable mistakes!
  • You look at the digital clock and see that 00:04 is displayed on the display, then in 40 days you will get two jobs and will spin like clockwork to get as much money as possible, since the implementation of all your plans for the next 4 months is limited due to a simple lack of money. If you are late for something, then in reality you will not be able to earn the required amount and you will have to borrow the missing money from someone from your circle.
  • If the clock display shows 00:40, then you will buy yourself a computer, a car or a new apartment, and the more pleasant your dream, the more satisfaction you will receive from your purchase in reality. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • I dream that some other time is indicated on the electronic clock, for example, 17:05, 23:44, and so on(when adding all the numbers, the number “4” is obtained), this means that you need to patiently wait for the results of your work, you planted the seed and watered it, nothing more is required from you - wait and do not get ahead of events. You will witness unexpected transformations in other people's personal lives. The main thing is, do not try to forcefully speed up events and interfere with what is happening, as you will only harm yourself and will not experience anything good.
  • If you spend 4 minutes or hours on something in a dream, then in life you will be disappointed in a friend, and this will happen in 4 weeks.

Why do you dream of a watch with the number “5” on the dial?

  • Why dream of looking at a wristwatch and clearly seeing only the number “5” on the dial means that in reality you are trying to look different from the person you really are.
  • If you look at the wall clock and see five on it, then someone from your environment is trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Perhaps this person's phone number ends in "32" or he lives on the 5th floor.
  • You look at your digital watch and see 00:05 displayed on the display, indicating that you want too much in life, your ambitions are too great and conflict with the needs and plans of those around you. Try to moderate your ambitious desires for 5 years, only after this period will you be able to become what you see yourself in your dreams. This is a decoding of what watches mean in dreams.
  • Seeing in a dream an electronic clock display on which 05:00 or 00:50 is brightly lit means a period of forced downtime in business and lack of money. After 14 days, you will have the opportunity to borrow a large amount of money for a long time. If you are confident that you will be able to give it away, then feel free to take the money and do with it what will benefit your business. But if there is even the slightest doubt that you will be able to give this amount, then it is better to endure a difficult period of need, so as not to end up in an even more difficult situation later.
  • Seeing a different time on the electronic clock display, the numbers of which when added together give a five, for example, 17:06, 09:05 and so on, means that in 5 months you will recognize a real strong feeling, but it will only bring you pain, since you will fall in love with a person with whom you will never be able to connect.

Meanings of sleep with the number "6" on the watch dial

  • You look at your watch and see only six on the dial, then you can stop doubting: you did the right thing, and if you accepted the offer that was made to you 6 days ago, then in six months you will reap the benefits and praise yourself for your prudence and wisdom.
  • Why do you dream of a watch on which the number “6” is all twisted or covered with dirt? then your actions and decisions will benefit only you, and everyone else will suffer at your mercy and because of your selfishness.
  • You see that all the numbers on the watch dial are sixes, then this is a sign from above: you take your responsibilities too lightly, so you may not notice that an error has crept into the documents. If you miss it and don’t correct it, then you won’t see a bonus, promotion, or vacation out of turn. So be alert and try to focus your attention on the 15th and 14th of this month. In addition, the whole of June will be tense and troublesome for you, do not relax if you do not want problems at work. For schoolchildren, this dream promises the fulfillment of their wishes if they complete the task they took on 14 days ago.
  • You look at your wristwatch and see that both hands point to the number “6”, then in 6 days you will become the owner of knowledge that will help you achieve what you secretly dream of. For women, this dream promises complete victory in love due to the fact that they will learn the secrets of their rivals and will be able to use them to their advantage. But if The glass on the wristwatch is cracked, then the rivals will also not sleep and will deliver a strong blow.
  • Seeing an electronic clock display in a dream is a warning to you. Pay attention to the time that is displayed on it - this is symbolic. Let's say 00:06 - you made a mistake in a love affair, but oddly enough, your mistake will serve you well and will connect you and your loved one even more tightly.
  • According to the dream book, if you see that 06:00 is displayed on the clock, then be prepared for the fact that in 51 days you will unexpectedly accomplish a real feat and find yourself in the spotlight. Perhaps articles about you will appear in all central newspapers, and your face will flash across all local television channels for several days. Try to stand the test of fame with honor and not become arrogant.
  • Why dream of seeing 17:34 on the clock - it means hard physical labor. For girls, this dream predicts the danger of overwork and prolonged illness.
  • If the clock shows any other time that adds up to a six, for example, 24:00 or 18:33, it means that you are working too hard, your body will soon fail if you do not spare yourself and give in. a good rest for your mind and body. Go to nature, relieve yourself of stress.

Meanings of dreams with the number "7" on a watch dial

  • Looking at a wristwatch in a dream and seeing that there is only one number on the watch dial - “7” - this is your creative nature making itself felt.
  • If you are sad that all the other numbers on the clock are missing, then you have just accepted one proposal in life that worries you extremely, since you are unsure of your strengths and capabilities.
  • If you don’t care or are even pleased that there is nothing else on the watch dial except “7”, then this means that you are ready to put in maximum effort and talent to do what was offered to you. In any case, after 16 days you will receive the first result and understand whether you have taken up your task.
  • If the electronic clock display shows 07:00, then this means that in the next week you will be able to conquer the peaks of Parnassus or shine on stage.
  • You see that on the wall clock both hands point to the number “7”, then in 88 days an important conversation will take place for you, during which you will decide on a serious operation or moving to another city.
  • Why do you dream of an electronic clock on which 00:07 is displayed? It means that a person you barely know hates you. Perhaps it is precisely because you do not perceive him as an enemy that you risk falling into the trap he has prepared. To prevent this from happening, be careful on the 7th, 16th and 25th of the next month.
  • If any other time is lit on the clock, which consists of numbers that when added form a seven, then the entertainment that you have been dreaming about for 7 months awaits you in reality.

Meanings of dreams with the number "8" on a watch dial

  • You look at your wristwatch and notice only the number “8” on it, then this is a symptom of approaching ill health.
  • If there is nothing but eight on the watch dial, no numbers or hands, then you will be seriously ill for a long time, you will have to take a long vacation and move 80 kilometers from your current location. This is an interpretation of what images mean in dreams.
  • You look at the wall clock and see that both hands point to the number “8”, this means that you can count on friendly help and participation in your affairs from everyone who is dear to you. The advice of a person who is 8 or 17 years older or younger than you will be especially important for you.
  • You hear a clock striking 8 times or a cuckoo calling the same number of times, then in reality you can show your artistic talent and become famous for your wonderful performance on stage. This dream is especially good for students of the theater department - it tells them that they have chosen their specialty absolutely correctly.
  • You look at the digital clock and the display shows 00:08, then in 8 days a serious change will happen in your life, one of the people dear to you will go to jail. Be prepared for this test and don't get discouraged.
  • According to the dream book, if you see 01:07 on your electronic watch, then know that your destiny depends on the person you met on July 1 last year. If you are currently in a quarrel with him, then urgently make up!
  • If the clock display shows 00:17, then someone around you who is 17 years old has serious problems. Perhaps these are your children or sisters and brothers. Help them, because it is difficult for them to deal with the problems that have befallen them alone.
  • Why do you dream about 00:26 being displayed on the clock, it means that in life you are connected by common interests with a person who is 26 years old, or you have already been friends with him for 26 years. Perhaps in the near future you will have to do what you love with this person.
  • You see that on an electronic clock any other time that, as a result of adding all its constituent numbers, gives an eight, for example, 17:00 or 19:34, then in reality you will be bored and looking for an opportunity to meet unusual people or do an original business .

Meanings of dreams with the number "9" on a watch dial

  • It’s good to see an ordinary wall clock on which nine stands out clearly - it means that in reality you will take a risky step and do something that no one expects from you.
  • If both clock hands point to nine, then in nine weeks long-awaited guests will come to you or you will receive news that will give you all the trump cards and allow you to win an honorable victory over your competitors and rivals.
  • Why dream of an electronic clock that displays 09.00 or 00.09 means anxious anticipation: do not do anything until you receive a notification that it is time to act.
  • If the digital clock shows 09:09, then you should think about the means by which you are going to achieve your goal.
  • If the electronic watch is broken, then do not hesitate, if you get down to business now, you will soon have a lot of money.
  • Why dream of a cuckoo clock and hear a bird say its “cuckoo” nine times, it means in reality you will fall out of the common cause. If the voice of the cuckoo in the clock is clear, then after a certain time you will return to business, you just need rest. If the cuckoo clock has a hoarse voice, then you will be bypassed and pushed aside, you will lose your place at work, and a split will occur in the family.

Watches play a complex role in our world. Regardless of the type and purpose, they organize life, make it measured or fleeting. In the land of Morpheus, watches also have their own meaning. I often dream about wristwatches. What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream?

Dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Saw a wristwatch? The dream reflects the difficulties and problems happening to you. You won’t get through a difficult stage quickly. You need to feel everything to gain invaluable experience.

Psychological dream book

The dream interpreter encourages you to listen to the clues of fate. Plan your time. There should be enough time for everything.

Beautiful watches or watches of unusual shapes talk about interesting and unusual situations in which you will participate. Don't miss out on the fun.

Gold watch on the hand, having two bottoms, promise financial well-being, respect among authoritative people. In addition, your reputation may become surrounded by gossip and intrigue. Take advantage of your luck and don't give reasons to gossipers.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Gold watch dream about profitable deals or a successful and prudent marriage. Broken wristwatch They prophesy an incomprehensible situation. The problem will need to be solved quickly, with maximum effort.

Watch with missing dial symbolize your dispersion or excessive concentration on something. It's time to learn how to manage time.

If the clock was broken, then expect a whirlwind romance. Clock going backwards, predict a difficult situation. Close people to whom you need to turn will help solve the problem.

Autumn dream book

I dream about the clock before getting rid of something scary or dangerous.

Modern dream book

Working hours promise good luck and health. If the watch was broken, then there will be devastation and failure.

Gypsy dream book

Saw the clock? Reconsider your values ​​and start spending your time wisely. A clock that is in a hurry or moves forward quickly, prophesying approaching death. If your wristwatch is slow in a dream, you will live a long time.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Watch- a symbol of change. If you remember the hour and minute, and also remember the day and month who were on walkers and a calendar, then expect a change at the time you saw.

Miller's Dream Book

Just saw the watch on my hand? There will be luck and winning. If the glass on your watch is broken, then act frivolously, and society will judge you.

If a woman lost her watch in a dream, then she will get a lot of trouble at home. D arry the clock- to trouble.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Gold watch dream about the theft of your property by loved ones or acquaintances. Found a watch? Be punctual. Being late can be bad for your luck.

Gave a watch in a vision? The dream shows that you are deceiving yourself. A broken watch promises sadness and problems.

Esoteric dream book

Wear a working watch? The work will be easy and smooth. A broken clock predicts that you will be late.

Lost or dropped watches talking about lost time. It's time to take care of yourself and your personal life.

Do you want to unravel your dream? Find out why you dream about a wristwatch. Perhaps the dream promises a joyful event or, conversely, trouble? A detailed interpretation can be read in various dream books. It will be very easy to interpret the dream by looking at the dream book; a wristwatch usually means time. You may be wasting too much time. What does it mean for a man choosing a watch in a store? A joyful meeting or maybe a quarrel? The answer can be found in dream books.

Seeing a wristwatch in a dream according to Vanga’s interpretation

Looking at them means that an important event is coming up in your personal life or at work in the near future. Seeing them without a dial and frantically trying to find out what time it is, portends a great tragedy. Only by asking God for help can you survive a difficult period in life. A dream in which you hear the beating or knocking of a clock foreshadows unfavorable changes in life. You will feel hopeless and hopeless, but a dark streak is always followed by a white one, you just need to endure all the trials of life and learn from them. A man buying a women's watch as a gift speaks of a pleasant meeting. A broken dial or torn strap is a dream signifying illness.

What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

  1. To dream of a man looking at a dial means a big win in the lottery or on the stock exchange. Try to remember the hour and minute on the dial - this will help you find out the amount or winning number in the lottery.
  2. If you are the one looking at them, then all your efforts will be in vain, and your competitors will get ahead of you.
  3. A broken dial foreshadows squabbles and gossip, wasted time. Providence advises to be careful in your statements. There is a high chance that your words will be misinterpreted.
  4. Losing them in a dream - for a woman, foreshadows domestic troubles and family problems, which, fortunately, will be quickly resolved. If you dream of an acquaintance who found them and did not return them, this is a two-faced person, beware of him.

Interpretation of the dream wrist watch according to Nostradamus

If you look at the dial, it means that you have very little time to implement your plans. Perhaps you should devote more time to work. Dreaming of a golden dial means that you are giving too much energy to the material world. It's time to think about spiritual food. A man who saw a woman’s watch in his dream or tried it on, in reality can expect problems with his beloved due to jealousy. To dream of a person finding your watch and returning it means that in reality he will provide you with help and support.

According to Hasse's dream book, if you dreamed of a wristwatch

A man in a dream who spends a long time choosing a watch in a store and ultimately buys it means establishing family relationships. A dream about a relative reconciling a wristwatch foreshadows a quick meeting with him. Lose and then find - don’t waste your time, you need to learn to be punctual. A dream about an exclusive handmade product means that an important business meeting with foreign partners or superiors is coming up. This is your lucky chance - show your best side.

A woman’s dream on this topic is a harbinger of family problems. The troubles will end very quickly, you just need to put in a little effort. A man's dream foretells confusion at work. You may have too many things to do at once.

What does a dream about a wristwatch mean according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

A man who sees a dial in a dream can expect profit soon. It is important to remember the exact time - this will help you figure out exactly when changes in life will occur. The numbers can mean the year and month or the month and day of an important event.

They mean time, cooperation, as well as various affairs and undertakings, activities. Often a wristwatch means life and the beginning of a new stage, the general characteristics of which depend on what exactly was given to you in a dream. Female and male, ancient and modern mean different nuances of the situation.

This is why you dream about the wristwatch that was given to you. Notice whether this person is familiar to you or not and what role they play in your life.

From a boss or someone close to you

If in a dream you received a gift from a business partner or boss, then in reality he will give you time, including personal time. The dream book also writes that such a dream means that very soon you will spend most of your time on this activity, since it will be promising and interesting for you.

Also, a beautiful wristwatch given to a woman means a romantic relationship, flirting - it all depends on its value. Although in a dream, receiving a very expensive model as a gift is not always a good sign - it means sacrifice and the fact that over time they will make very big claims against you, depriving you of freedom and obliging you to a lot. Therefore, the dream must be interpreted depending on the possibility of a business flirtation or an office romance with the donor.

Why does a business man dream of receiving a wristwatch as a gift from a female boss? The dream book writes that, most likely, she is counting on you. Pay attention to their design. A sports wristwatch symbolizes that you will have to be active in order to achieve success; an unusual creative watch symbolizes a strange or untimely proposal. Stylish and expensive wristwatches dream of promotion, but luxury and very expensive models mean that the woman has designs on you and her position allows you to make maneuvers.

For example, she may promise you a promotion through intimate relationships or start flirting. In some situations, if she puts a wristwatch on your hand, this means a cunning intrigue, as a result of which you will owe her something. Sometimes, if you have an intimate relationship with this woman in reality, you dream of receiving such a gift from her in anticipation of her pregnancy. A man wearing a woman's watch in a dream means that a certain person will twirl it easily and simply. Sometimes such a dream means marriage and obligation to a woman.

If a girl in a dream receives a beautiful wristwatch from her boss or business partner, this means cooperation with him. But a gift that is too expensive in a dream means intimate proposals or responsibilities. It is possible that you will take some step that will allow your boss to manipulate you.

A sports mechanical or electric watch in a dream means flirting, activity, and sometimes a business proposal and a joint vacation. The dream book writes that receiving them as a gift is a favorable sign.

A girl wearing a men's watch is a sign of business activity, as well as favorable circumstances. Sometimes the dream book interprets such a dream as friendly support. The dream book interprets a gold and very expensive branded model as a sign of responsibilities, marriage with a respectable, influential and wealthy person.

Receiving a watch as a gift from a friend or employee of the same sex is a sign of cooperation and fruitful work. But in some situations, they mean debts that will have to be paid off over a long period of time.

In friendships, love and family relationships

For lovers, giving each other a watch means separation. Such a dream often means waiting. The dream book writes that receiving them as a gift from a loved one means worries and uncertainty in relationships. The more expensive they are, the stronger your passion will be.

Why do you dream of receiving a watch as a gift from your husband or wife? This dream means that you will not be together for long. Sometimes such a dream occurs when a woman is pregnant. If your mother or grandmother gave them to you, then the dream book writes that soon your main time and attention will be focused on her. Also, modern books write that perhaps she will tell you some kind of ancestral secret.