The most beautiful Mongolian men. Beauties of Mongolia with many children

08/04/2013 | Secrets of an experienced fisherman: How to catch fish

A real fisherman is not the one who caught a lot of fish, but the one who convincingly proved that there was no way to catch a fish this time.

Otherwise, every fishing trip would be like going to a fish store and over time we would get bored. There are a number of features of fish that have been most likely proven by scientists during experiments and by fishermen during fishing trips. These qualities are suitable for almost all the fish that we catch in our country, with the only difference being that in some cases fish need to be divided into three classes: peaceful, predatory and moderately predatory (for example, ide, asp, chub, etc. ).

Types of fish and their behavior

So, what do we know about fish, and how can it be useful to us? Ichthyologists have certainly proven that fish have a number of complex reflexes and, in a sense, are “smart,” as fishermen believe. This “intelligence” is inherited, and it becomes clear why European fish, which have more experience communicating with fishermen, are more “smart” than, say, Siberian ones. Fish are quite easy to tame and can regularly come to feed, they respond to knocking, and with special low-frequency vibrations they can be lured to the same place. With age, fish “get smarter”; they have more skills and reflexes. Therefore, juvenile fish always behave more fearlessly, while large and experienced fish feed less often, spend their energy sparingly and behave more carefully, so as not to become prey to other, larger fish.

The vision of all fish in general is significantly inferior to that of humans, but fish have more developed contrast vision. This means that fish are good at distinguishing objects that blend into the background. It is for this reason that fish are able to discern the silhouette of a fisherman on the shore of a reservoir. But the colors and their shades of fish differ by an order of magnitude worse than people. Therefore, it almost doesn’t matter what color clothes you’re wearing on the shore; seeing your silhouette is enough for her to be wary or immediately hide. Therefore, it is not necessary to dress in white to pass for a cloud in the sky, or in green to pretend to be a tree. All you need to do to avoid being seen by the fish is to hide behind the grass or bushes. Fishermen standing in the water or in a boat are much less afraid of fish.

It has also been proven that fish are attracted to a wide variety of objects while moving: rays of light, moving and stationary objects. The fish have developed a reaction during movement with greater sensitivity to perceive the smallest vibrations in the water. If it happens on a river, then they, having caught streams of water with less current strength, are displaced into these streams and, having swum to one underwater object, begin to move to another. This way they save energy and at the same time find shelter for themselves. Scientists call this a rheoreaction. In stagnant bodies of water, fish are also able to pick up various vibrations in the water, which, like an echo, travel through the water and transmit information to the fish about the presence of certain water bodies. Fish move, stopping near grass or snags, hiding in uneven bottoms, and walking in corridors between underwater vegetation. Only small things are spinning in open water near the shore or near the surface.

Fish trails

Moreover, most often, fish living in a certain area of ​​​​a reservoir do not move anyhow, but along some of their own “paths”. This fact has been proven many times by fishermen, and we know for sure that in a section of a reservoir with the same depth and bottom topography there are always “spots” where the fish bite better. Most likely, this is due to the presence of some underwater plant, snags or stones, but more often - with the presence of that very fish trail. I was convinced of this many times when I found this very trail and caught crucian carp well. But as soon as the fishing rod was cast just a meter from the catching point, the number of bites decreased sharply, and sometimes the bites stopped altogether.

Scientific experiments also revealed that dark objects are more interesting to fish than light ones. In some reservoirs this rule works 100 percent, and, for example, fish are much better caught on red or black hooks. Moreover, this even applies to jigs, for which, it would seem, the color of the hook should not matter. The fishermen came to this conclusion experimentally, and most of The jig is also painted in dark and even black colors. But it’s very rare to find dark hooks on jigs, so you either paint the hooks yourself or make jigs with dark hooks. The black color rule applies to most imitations of various underwater insects, and therefore “devils”, “witches” and most mothless jigs are black. As for simulating small fish with spoons and wobblers, in this case a completely different rule works, and therefore all these spinning baits either copy the color of the fish, or provoke the fish to bite with their provocative coloring and other characteristics.

The fact that dark objects attract fish is used, for example, by herons. The birds stand motionless in the water, and the fish instinctively gather around their feet and inevitably become prey for the heron. It has been proven that dark objects placed both in the water and on the surface of the water (for example, balls) can attract fish just as well as bait. Moreover, fish see surface objects even better. So, when fishing, pay attention to this fact.

They argue about tastes, fish - for sure

More than once in my youth I was surprised by fishermen who caught crucian carp or ide and claimed that they should be caught only with the largest worms. Reasoning logically, I understood that such large worms do not and cannot exist under water, and fish are accustomed to eating insects and worms of very small sizes. The experience of many fishermen and ichthyologists has proven me right. When catching peaceful fish, the bait and attachment should not be large (the exception is when small things prevail, and it is not a fact that this helps). As a rule, all peaceful fish do not swallow bait like predators, but rather suck it in. If they don’t like something about the bait, they immediately spit it out, and most often they fail to react to such a bite. A small nozzle (or rather, an ordinary one in size) will be swallowed sooner and more accurately. Moreover, the suction of the bait occurs during active biting, but it very often happens that the fish only lightly pinch the bait, which is why it is not only impossible to hook a fish, but such a worn-out bait has to be constantly changed. In such cases, you need to reduce the size of the hook and attach a very small piece of bait. If the size of the hook matches the fish, the sting also does not have to be hidden in the body of the bait or bait. Of course, this rule does not work for predatory fish - it is common for them to feed on large prey.

We smoothly approached the main trump cards of the fish. Most fish have an extremely developed sense of smell and touch, especially peaceful fish. The organs of smell and touch in fish can be located in the most different parts body, but most often they are found on the skin and antennae. Experiments were conducted and it was found that fish smell bloodworm extract in a ratio of one to a trillion. How much is this in real liters? Approximately one drop per 50 million liters of water. Of course, not all fish have such a sense of smell, but in general, this one does. During experiments it was proven that fish are more attracted to a weak smell. Therefore, 1-2 drops of extract for all the bait you mixed is more than enough. Just like delicious smells that can lure, there are smells that can scare away fish. Extracts with the smell of swimming beetles and other aquatic bugs were specially prepared, and it turned out that these smells repel roaches and crucian carp. It is clear why these fish are afraid of these insects - I have had the opportunity to remove live bait from the girders, which were eaten by swimming beetles by almost a third during the night.

And the fish have Morse code

Fish have a very strong sensitivity to electrical and seismic vibrations. Again, it has been experimentally proven that a pike living in an aquarium standing on a concrete floor picks up a signal from a match falling from a three-meter height (!). Fish react in the same way to earthquakes and thunder and lightning strikes. So the fish probably “hears” our stomping along the shore. Unlike humans, fish hear through the vibrations of water. In cyprinids, acoustic vibrations are transmitted through swim bladder to the inner ear. The fish also detects water vibrations with other organs: the lateral line, nerve endings and balance organs. Thanks to all these organs taken together, coupled with vision, the fish can perfectly navigate in the water and move in a school as a single organism, while performing such coordinated maneuvers that you are simply amazed.

But not only do fish hear signals from other objects, they are also capable of creating electrical, chemical and acoustic signals themselves. Thus, they communicate at a primitive level and give each other signals of danger or the presence of food.

Well, and “for starters” the most difficult thing remains - this is the behavior of each fish individually: its characteristics and fishing tricks. Of course, we will not develop this topic, since this question in itself is worthy of several volumes of books, but there is no need to be afraid of the volume of information, because the vast majority of fishermen do not fish for all types of fish in a row, but prefer to catch certain species of their favorites. tackle using usual fishing methods.

Reservoir and search for the best place

Probably the most painful question for an angler is to identify a body of water where he can conduct his next fishing trip. After all, the type of fish, its size, its bite, and sometimes just a pleasant pastime directly depend on the reservoir, but it in this case less interested. They choose a body of water based on their knowledge and information obtained from the most different sources: the Internet, friends and acquaintances, from local residents. Many fishermen consider the choice of a body of water to be the main and decisive factor in the success of fishing, since the wildest body of water is often replete with not only large, but also “hungry” fish, which will forgive you all your shortcomings: bad gear and little experience. Sometimes this happens, and indeed, anglers do a great job of fishing in distant taiga reservoirs, but even in the fishing reservoir itself there are days when the fish stop biting. I myself have found myself in such situations more than once, and it was not always possible to “get away from zero.”

From personal experience and I know from the experience of other fishermen that, no matter what natural disasters no matter what happens, there will always be a fish and a treasured place on the pond that at least minimally satisfies the desires of the fisherman. But how can you find this “cool” place on a pond? Many fishermen, especially local residents who fish on the same lake from year to year, study the habits and mode of life of some fish so thoroughly that they almost unerringly go fishing in required period and to a proven place, and almost always return with a catch. I have seen this picture many times when village men when meeting, for some reason looking at the sky, they agree with each other: “It’s still early, but in a week it’s time”... And more often than not they turn out to be right.

Of course, you need to look for a fishing spot in a pond based on the type of fish and fishing method. Spinners are looking for one fish, and floaters are looking for something completely different. Anglers on a boat are always in a better position, or even better - on a boat with a motor and, in addition, an echo sounder. Having such an arsenal, it is not so difficult, especially in a relatively small and enclosed body of water (lake), to find fish. But what if you don’t have any fishing equipment? Start with the fact that fish are not evenly distributed throughout the pond. If you swim along the river with an echo sounder, you will find the greatest concentration of fish in the holes (the echo sounder will beep continuously). A considerable part of the fish lives in rivers and near the shore, especially in snags, creeks and various creeks. And although it is not always possible to get to such places by boat with an echo sounder, I assure you, there are fish there.

Another principle almost always works when searching for fish: fish must be looked for in prominent places in the reservoir. What are these places? In a shallow lake there are holes and exits from holes, in a deep reservoir there are shallows (especially not coastal, but underwater hills and “banks” far from the shore are especially good), also pay attention not only to the vertical, but also to the horizontal relief of the reservoir: kinks coastline, bays, mouths of streams and rivulets. And the third sign is various vegetation: grass, overhanging trees or snags sticking out of the water. The most inconvenient from the point of view of finding fish are some lakes with an almost flat bottom, gradually descending from the shore to the center of the reservoir.

Circumstances vary

But, in addition to the above “relief” principles, the distribution of fish throughout a reservoir also depends on many other circumstances. If you try to take into account all the reasons, then, to the surprise of many, there will be so many of them that your head will spin.

Features of the behavior of a particular type of fish. It would be wrong to look for perch in thickets of grass, and catch crucian carp in the current. Having studied the habits of a fish, you can make accurate assumptions about where a given fish can be and where it cannot be at all. With experience and practice you will realize that this is 99% true. We leave one percent for a miracle, which sometimes happens.

Fish size. Large fish are more careful, and it would be more logical to look for, say, a large pike in holes, at the exits from holes, and remember that only in the morning or late evening does this fish leave its usual places and go to smaller ones. Of course, there are exceptions, but they happen very rarely: that’s why they are exceptions. A common example, namely trolling for pike, proves the clear dependence of catching large fish on depth. Any troller will tell you this. Most often, medium-sized pike are caught along the shallow shore and at medium depths, while serious trophy specimens are periodically caught in pits, exits from pits, or when fishing around the perimeter of the pit. It happened, and quite often, to catch pike weighing 5-8 kg in thickets of coastal grass and in water lilies. But, as a rule, this happened in cases where the water depth in these places was at least 1.5-2 meters. Towards the end of summer, as the water level drops, large pike leave these places.

Fish nutrition. The fish changes its stopping places depending on the food item. Pike likes to lie in ambush, and you need to look for it where it is most convenient for it to attack from an ambush. Therefore, you need to throw the bait into clean corridors (“windows”) of grass, do wiring along the grass or snags, etc. Small pike like to stand almost right next to the shore. Perch often follows schools of small fish, and you can track them by the “perch fight” and seagulls hovering over a school of small fish.

Peaceful fish also move around the reservoir in search of food. In the spring, when the water floods, the fish first feed on the flooded meadows, where there is more food, the water is warmer and there is no current; When rivers enter the banks, for the same reasons, fish stay near the shores, where there are more insects falling into the water and shoots of underwater vegetation. The closer to autumn, the fish move deeper and deeper, because all the food begins to concentrate in the holes and in the kinks of the bottom. Of course, in the fall and winter, fish make forays into the shallows, but every fish instinctively fears all kinds of enemies, and such forays are short-lived. In order to understand where to look for a particular fish, you need to find out what it prefers to eat during a given period of the year (sometimes even the time of day matters). For example, an ide can be caught on a worm in the morning, on a horsefly in the afternoon, and in the evening feed on fry.

Nature has different “weathers”

Seasonality - we gradually approached this factor. Cycles of fish activity are associated with the change of seasons, including changes in where fish stay in the reservoir. In the spring, before spawning, on the last ice, the fish actively feeds, and the closer spring is and the thinner the ice, the better the bite. With the appearance of the first banks, fish rush from large rivers into small tributaries and begin to spawn. In lakes, fish spawn most often in shallows, in flooded hummocks, where the water is warmer. The last to spawn are the most heat-loving fish: crucian carp, tench, etc. After spawning, the fish comes to its senses within 1-2 weeks and gradually begins to “peck”. Summer is coming - the most best time for catching all our fish (with the exception of burbot). But no matter how much we would like to stretch out the summer, autumn comes in due time. Heat-loving fish species are active only in the warm season, and as the weather gets colder, their bite becomes worse and worse. In winter, these fish go to pits or bury themselves in mud. Some types of fish hibernate, while others go into a somnambulistic state. Those fish species that remain active in winter are also caught quite unevenly throughout the winter. And winter is usually divided into three periods: first ice, deep winter and last ice.

It may seem to some that seasonality is such a well-known concept that everyone will guess that there will be no bite during spawning, but in the dead of winter you can not go fishing, but wait for a good bite on the last ice. There is, of course, some truth in this, but knowing about seasonality is only half the battle. Every year, depending on weather conditions, an experienced fisherman calculates the approximate timing of the onset of a particular period, for example, first ice, and is the first to get to this “celebration of life.” And there are many such examples. And if fishing is not possible in your area at a given time, you can always go to the north or south of our country. Moreover, such movements 300-400 km from the point of your regular fishing trips take you to other weather conditions and other seasons. Thus, you can shorten or lengthen this or that season. By moving north, we lengthen the period last ice, and after that, moving to the south, we begin fishing in open water.

Water level

The water level affects the bite most directly, and is sometimes a decisive factor. The water level depends not only on the spring, and sometimes on the autumn flood, but also on heavy rains, the release of water from the reservoir, etc. As the water level on mountain rivers rises, the current becomes very strong, the water becomes cloudy before our eyes, and until the end of this flood, fishing is extremely difficult. Approximately the same thing happens on lowland rivers and lakes. During this period, fish are forced to change their mooring sites, change their behavior pattern and even their food supply, and therefore are inactive for some time. As the water level drops, the bite begins to gradually improve. In general, a gradual drop in water always has a stable effect on the bite.

How can an angler use a particular water level? Here is one example: fish instinctively know a certain water level at which, after a flood, they need to begin sliding from flooded meadows and from small rivers to large rivers. I regularly made such observations, and I must say that fish are distinguished by almost perfect scrupulousness. With an accuracy of 5 cm, you can predict the level when a particular fish will begin to slide. For example, I knew at what water level the ide begins to roll down from one small river to big river. Such a move lasts only one, maximum two days, but if you get on this move, you can catch an ide, which I successfully did. Many fishing cooperatives have exactly the same experience; they know at what water level and what kind of fish can be caught in maximum quantities.

Of course, all this data on fishing in each reservoir needs to be remembered, or better yet, written down. Each body of water has its own biological clock. Therefore, if you go fishing in several reservoirs from year to year, try to keep records and record the following data.

  • Date of.
  • Water level.
  • Fishing place.
  • Weather.
  • Tackle (lures or bait).
  • Catch.
  • Notes

As a child and teenager, I kept such notes, and it helped me a lot. Over time, he stopped taking notes, because he could already determine the water level and other characteristics by looking at familiar bodies of water. But over time and with frequent changes of fishing spots, I had to start keeping a diary again. I recommend it to everyone - it’s very, very useful thing, allowing you to increase the efficiency of your trips several times.

Perhaps the last thing that can seriously affect the search for a good fishing spot in a reservoir is weather changes. But this big topic for a separate and very long conversation. We'll talk more about the weather and other factors influencing the bite next time.

Konstantin Fadeev

com published a rating of Mongolian beauties. It included only Mongolian women from China and Mongolia - although its author mentions that total number Mongols of the world - more than 10 million. Of course, the combined rating would be simply immense!

More than 10 million people in the world, mainly in China (6 million), Mongolia (3 million) and Russia (647.7 thousand), speak Mongolian languages. Mongol-speaking peoples are usually called Mongols. In Russia Mongol peoples represented by Buryats and Kalmyks. In Mongolia, 82% of the country's population are Khalkhas (Khalkha Mongols).

Most Mongols profess Tibetan Buddhism, and shamanism is also widespread, the online magazine reports..

The Mongols are the creators of the largest continental state in human history - the Mongol Empire, which was founded by Genghis Khan. The total area of ​​the Mongol Empire in its heyday (1265 - 1361) was 38 million square meters. km. For comparison: the area of ​​Russia, the largest state of our time, is 17 million square meters. km.

The Mongols gave the name Mongoloid race, to which more than a third of the world's population belongs.

This rating presents the most beautiful, in the opinion of Top-Antropos, famous Mongolian women of Mongolia and China. Russian Mongolians, namely Buryats and Kalmyks, are not included in the rating, because Separate ratings on the site are dedicated to girls and women of these nations.

(ARD: we have already mentioned one of these ratings -. In our opinion, it would be worth combining these ratings, although the task is not an easy one - the beauties of our peoples great amount, and such a combined list will be unprecedentedly extensive. Therefore - for now, the word goes to the creators of the rating of the most beautiful Mongolian women of only the two mentioned countries - a look from the outside also deserves attention...).

About the spelling of Mongolian names in the ranking: Mongols first write the middle name, which is usually shortened to one initial letter, and then the name. For example, Chadraabalyn Sodtuyaa is usually spelled as Ch. Sodtuyaa, where Sodtuyaa is a name. The ranking uses the abbreviated spelling of Mongolian patronymics. The names in the ranking are written in Mongolian Cyrillic. The Cyrillic alphabet was adopted as the official script in Mongolia in 1941. Also, the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet is used by some of the Mongols of China.

22nd place. E.Nyamzhav

Winner of the competition "Mongolian Beauty (Mongolian Saykhan Busguy) 1989". Currently a businesswoman. In addition to his native Mongolian, he is fluent in English and Chinese languages. Linkedin social network page -

21st place. D. Dolgion

Miss Mongolia 2012. Represented the country at the Miss International 2012 competition.

20th place. N.Anu

Miss Mongolia 2013. Represented the country at the Miss International 2013 competition.

19th place. A. Tumen-Olziy

Mongolian singer.

18th place. B. Nomin-Erdene

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at international competitions“Asian Supermodel 2011” and “Miss University 2013”. She starred for the Mongolian version of Playboy magazine.

17th place. Ө.Buyankhishig

Mongolian model. Winner of the international competition World bikini model 2011.

16th place. A. Tsevelmaa

Finalist of the Miss World Mongolia 2014 competition.

15th place. Nora Dagwa

The most successful Mongolian model. Works in the USA.

Instagram -

14th place. J.Enerel

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the Miss and Model of the World 2013".

13th place. Tsetsengoo (another spelling - Tsetsengua)

12th place. D. Badamtsetseg

Miss Mongolia 2010. She represented the country at the Miss International 2010 competition, where she won in the “Miss Active” category.

11th place. Soyombo-Erdene Ariunbold

Mongolian model. It was not possible to find a variant spelling of her name in Mongolian, because... the girl now lives in the USA and indicates her name in Latin letters on social networks. Facebook page -

10th place. P. Purevsuren

Mongolian model. Filmed nude.

9th place.

Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at various international beauty contests: “Beauty of Buryatia 2010” (where she won in the “Miss Baikal” category), “Asian Super Model 2010”, “Miss Earth 2012”, “Miss Manchuria 2012”, “Miss Tourism” Queen International 2013” ​​(where she won the “Miss Bikini” category), “Miss World 2014”.

8th place. I.Togsөө

Miss Mongolia 2011. She became the most successful Mongolian at the Miss International competition, winning the title of Second Vice-Miss in 2011, which corresponds to third place. She also took second place in the Miss Friendship International 2009 competition.

7th place. A.Bayartsetseg

Mongolian model. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2014 pageant.

6th place. Ch. Sodtuyaa

Miss Mongolia 2004. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2004 competition, where she reached the semi-finals and won in the Miss Photogenic category.

5th place. H. Badamgarel

Miss Mongolia 2009. Represented the country at the Miss International 2009 competition.

4th place. Yu. Balzhidmaa

Miss Mongolia 2014. Her height is 181 cm, weight 56 ​​kg, body measurements 84-61-91.

3rd place. Sodgerel

Mongolian model. Instagram -

2nd place. Tsetsengua (another spelling - Tsetsengoo)

Chinese actress, known in China as junior Setsengua, so as not to be confused with another actress named Setsengua (she is in 13th place in this rating). The youngest or Baga Setsengua was born in Inner Mongolia. She starred in 10 TV series and films.

The most beautiful Mongolian model

Born on June 5, 1992. She represented Mongolia at the Miss Supermodel Asia 2011 competition (where she became Second Vice-Miss), as well as at Miss Model Of the World 2014 (where she won in the Top Model category). She worked as a model in Russia. She took part in the Miss Russia International 2012 competition, where she took second place. Included in 2014. Friend of the star of the Mongolian pop scene -

Finally, ARD will add that in the opinion of the men of our editorial office, not all the most beautiful Mongolian women. But soon we are committed to correcting this situation and will present our combined rating of Mongolian beauties.

More than 10 million people in the world, mainly in China (6 million), Mongolia (3 million) and Russia (647.7 thousand), speak Mongolian languages.

Mongol-speaking peoples are usually called Mongols. In Russia, the Mongolian peoples are represented by Buryats and Kalmyks. In Mongolia, 82% of the country's population are Khalkhas (Khalkha Mongols).
Most Mongols profess Tibetan Buddhism, and shamanism is also common.
The Mongols are the creators of the largest continental state in human history - the Mongol Empire, which was founded by Genghis Khan. The total area of ​​the Mongol Empire in its heyday (1265 - 1361) was 38 million square meters. km. For comparison: the area of ​​Russia, the largest state of our time, is 17 million square meters. km.
The Mongols gave the name to the Mongoloid race, to which more than a third of the world's population belongs.

This rating presents the most beautiful, in my opinion, famous Mongolian women from Mongolia and China. Russian Mongolians, namely Buryats and Kalmyks, are not included in the rating, because Separate ratings on the site are dedicated to girls and women of these nations.

About the spelling of Mongolian names in the ranking: Mongols first write the middle name, which is usually shortened to one initial letter, and then the name. For example, Chadraabalyn Sodtuyaa is usually spelled as Ch. Sodtuyaa, where Sodtuyaa is a name. The ranking uses the abbreviated spelling of Mongolian patronymics. The names in the ranking are written in Mongolian Cyrillic. The Cyrillic alphabet was adopted as the official script in Mongolia in 1941. Also, the Mongolian Cyrillic alphabet is used by some of the Mongols of China.

22nd place. E.Nyamzhav- winner of the competition "Mongolian Beauty (Mongolian Saykhan Busguy) 1989". Currently a businesswoman. In addition to his native Mongolian, he is fluent in English and Chinese. Linkedin social network page -

21st place. D. Dolgion- Miss Mongolia 2012. Represented the country at the Miss International 2012 competition.

20th place. N.Anu- Miss Mongolia 2013. Represented the country at the Miss International 2013 competition.

19th place. A. Tumen-Olziy- Mongolian singer.

18th place. B. Nomin-Erdene- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the international competitions Supermodel Asia 2011 and Miss University 2013. She starred for the Mongolian version of Playboy magazine.

17th place. - Mongolian model. Winner of the international competition World bikini model 2011.

15th place. Nora Dagwa- the most successful Mongolian model. Works in the USA. Instagram -

4th place. J.Enerel- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at the Miss and Model of the World 2013 competition.

13th place. Tsetsengoo(in another spelling - Tsetsengua) - Chinese actress. Ethnic Mongolian. Born in Guangzhou on January 19, 1950.

12th place. D. Badamtsetseg- Miss Mongolia 2010. She represented the country at the Miss International 2010 competition, where she won in the “Miss Active” category.

11th place. Soyomboerdene Ariunbold- Mongolian model. It was not possible to find a variant spelling of her name in Mongolian, because... the girl now lives in the USA and indicates her name in Latin letters on social networks. Facebook page -

10th place. - Mongolian model. Filmed nude.

9th place. T. Battsetseg- Mongolian model, represented Mongolia at various international beauty pageants: Beauty of Buryatia 2010 (where she won in the Miss Baikal category), Asian Super Model 2010, Miss Earth 2012, Miss Manchuria 2012, Miss Tourism Queen International 2013 (where she won nomination "Miss Bikini"), Miss World 2014.

8th place. - Miss Mongolia 2011. She became the most successful Mongolian at the Miss International competition, winning the title of Second Vice-Miss in 2011, which corresponds to third place. She also took second place in the Miss Friendship International 2009 pageant.

7th place. A.Bayartsetseg- Mongolian model. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2014 pageant.

6th place. Ch. Sodtuyaa- Miss Mongolia 2004. She represented Mongolia at the Miss International 2004 competition, where she reached the semi-finals and won in the Miss Photogenic category.

5th place. H. Badamgarel- Miss Mongolia 2009. Represented the country at the Miss International 2009 competition.

Tsetsengoo) is a Chinese actress known in China as junior Setsengua, so as not to be confused with another actress named Setsengua (she is in 13th place in this rating). The youngest Setsengua was born in Inner Mongolia. She starred in 10 TV series and films.

The most beautiful Mongolian model O.Ariunzul(born June 5, 1992). She represented Mongolia at the Miss Supermodel Asia 2011 competition (where she became Second Vice-Miss), as well as at Miss Model Of the World 2014 (where she won in the Top Model category). She worked as a model in Russia. She took part in the Miss Russia International 2012 competition, where she took second place.