This people belongs to the Turkic language group. Turkic and Mongolian peoples of Russia

The influence of a wardrobe on a person is obvious. There are things that make us comfortable, and there are clothes that are repulsive and even depressing. So, for example, many doubt it, because its energy has its own nuances. But as for used things, it’s worth knowing which of them can be worn, and which “second-hand” clothes will bring trouble..

Worn items need to be made “yours”

Experts in human energy say that when you put on someone else’s item, you can easily adopt the energy former owner. This is why many people are afraid to buy things second-hand, thrift stores or borrow from friends. But you should understand that not only bad energy, as many believe, can be expected from someone else’s clothes.

Worn items can also be charged with positive energy potential. So, if someone you know well has sincerely given you things in good condition, which this person for some reason does not wear, should not be refused.

It turns out that together with clothes that someone has already worn before, you can gain success, well-being and health. But to adopt only positive traits, left by the former owner and remove the negative ones, you need to make things “your own.” How can this be achieved?

The answer will surprise you - you need to make three requests to the Universe.

Request #1

Ask higher powers to eliminate the previous bad energy of things. During the process of petition or meditation, placing your right hand on the clothes, form in your own words something like this: “I ask you to remove all the negativity from these things and leave only the good. May they be renewed and bring me only happiness!”

Request #2

Next, you need to ask that other people’s things, which have already gotten rid of the previous negative energy, become “yours.” Think about how clothes are filled with positivity, direct your individual soul vibrations to them. Say something like this: “These are my new things that will make me as comfortable as possible!”

Request #3

The next final petition is to get rid of the alien energy of a thing, not only with the help of requests sent to the Universe. It is also necessary to contact the phantom of the person to whom it previously belonged. Say something like this: “Take back your energy! Free this item from previous connections!”

After all these requests, the thing will definitely become “clean” and 100% yours. You can safely fill it with your own personal energetic positive vibrations.

What other people's things should you not wear?

1. Things of a loser or terminally ill person

Remember that a thing will definitely be charged with negative potential if it belonged to an unsuccessful person who is dissatisfied with life or someone who has a fatal illness. From such a disruptive flow you will not only feel uneasy, but simply unbearable to live, reports JoeInfo journalist Karina Kotovskaya.

You will notice that in all areas of your life failures will literally follow you around. That is why you should not wear the things of a loser or a sick person even after the purification ceremony.

2. Things unknown

Experts on energy flows do not advise wearing things whose owner you know nothing about. You can, of course, try to make such worn clothes “yours” using the above ritual. However, you cannot know that, for example, a given thing is cursed or damaged. Why take the risk?

3. Clothes that were removed from the corpse

The thing that was taken from the corpse has powerful dead energy. Wearing such clothes can cause illness and serious trouble.

Be careful and under no circumstances accept a gift of clothing from someone who is unpleasant or suspicious to you. And if the previous owner has it? It can seriously harm your life if you wear such a thing. Be careful and treat your clothes with dignity.

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Is it possible to wear other people's things, and how can this be dangerous? It is very important to know!!! When someone else'swearnot recommended and even dangerous? 👆 👆 👗 👘

Basic patterns

Any thing is not just a thing, a part of the wardrobe that a person wears on his physical body. When a person wears something, it is filled with his energy and, most importantly, this thing receives the individual energy connections of its owner, temporarily becoming part of his personal image.

That is, any thing you own has an energy-informational connection to you personally, to your consciousness (to thoughts, emotions, personal experiences and problems) and to certain Forces of the Subtle World that protect you. In a sense, we can say that each of your things is a small but source of your energy. That is, the person who started wearing your item has access to your energy, and your energy will somehow influence him.

Whether this influence is good or not depends on many factors.

For example, if two people love each other, and the wife wears her husband's shirt when he is not at home, this is usually not a big deal. She loves him, she misses him masculine energy, and she compensates for this by wearing something filled with his energy. It makes her feel comfortable, and it’s okay for him.

The same can be said about children who love to wear things from their beloved parents. For them, this is just an additional connection to the energies of their mom and dad. Often this can work as compensation for the lack of time for face-to-face communication, etc.That is, wearing another person’s things can also have positive influence. This, among other things, is connecting to the image of another person, and accordingly to his certain qualities that can be learned from him.

For example, when a son tries on military uniform his father or older brother, imagining himself strong and courageous, by this he energetically and informationally connects to the image of a fearless warrior, a man of honor, which is the owner of the uniform. And then he doesn’t just try on someone else’s, he experiences a certain high state, sensation, special energy of courage, honor, fearlessness, and at this moment the corresponding qualities are revealed in his consciousness. This is a moment of education that gives personal and spiritual growth. But you can learn and adopt not only the good, but also the bad.When is it not recommended and even dangerous to wear other people's things?

You shouldn’t wear other people’s things in several cases:

1. If the owner of the item is unwell, ill, or simply very bad person(carries a lot of evil). All things of such a person, as a rule, are filled with heavy, often destructive or simply very negative (dark) energy, from which normal positive person it could be very bad.

If you wear something that is unfavorable or negative person- his problems, illnesses, negative karma, simply destructive energy can have a detrimental effect on you and your destiny. I think you've heard that things can carry a curse, the bearer of which is their owner. Although, again, the thing can be cleansed using a special esoteric ritual.

2. You should not wear things of a deceased person, especially if they were taken from a corpse.

3. There is no need to wear things that are not new if you have no idea who wore them before you. But there is a nuance here, because any thing can be made yours by removing the energy of the previous owner from it and connecting it to your energy. Good esotericists and healers always use such techniques, even when they acquire absolutely new thing in the shop.

If you find some object or piece of jewelry, if someone gave you something, this thing must be energetically and informationally cleaned and connected to your energies.

Is it possible to wear other people's things? How to energetically make a thing yours and remove the energy of another person from it? General scheme.

1. An appeal to the Higher Powers and to the phantom of the former owner of the thing with a request to take away your energy from the thing and all individual connections.

2. Ask Higher power and your personal Patrons - remove or burn all old connections and energy from this thing. All this is done, ideally, in a positive semi-meditative state. You can address in your own words, in the form of a prayer from the heart. Additionally, you can direct your flow right hand on the chosen thing so that the energy of fire flows through you, and all extraneous energy is burned.

3. We ask you to the Higher Powers and your Patrons - to give the object that you are making yours all the energy connections you need, to fill it with positive and individual energy, so that this thing strengthens it as much as possible and is comfortable for you.

But if dark magic is placed on a particular item, the ritual described above will most often not be enough. To remove magic or damage from a thing, you need the work of a specialist.

Each thing has its own energy. They themselves do not possess a biofield, but intensively adopt it from their owners. When purchasing clothes and shoes secondhand, not everyone thinks about whether it’s possible to wear other people’s things and what the consequences might be.

Is it possible to wear other people's things?

Someone else's clothes are not just a thing. It stores the energy of its owner, which is filled with it during wear. She is, as it were, part of him and inextricably linked with him. In addition, clothing itself becomes a source of energy. Therefore, when it gets to another person, it opens access to the energy channels of the former owner. And the saved vibrations will influence the new owner.

It’s good if such clothes are positively charged. She can in a positive way affect life and destiny. What if the charge is negative? Then you can expect troubles and illnesses.

Of course, what also matters here is how strong a person’s aura is and whether someone else’s biofield can influence it.

This is especially true for young people. Is it possible for a girl or boy to wear other people’s things? For example, a girlfriend or boyfriend. After all, young people often change things.

Experts do not recommend doing this, because clothes can convey a bad message that will affect your life or well-being. This is especially true for girls, because clothing can cause damage or the evil eye. For example, “crown of celibacy.”

Alien clothes for children

Many mothers buy clothes secondhand, little thinking about whether it is possible for a child to wear other people’s things. After all, this significantly saves the family budget. In principle, the energy in children under 9 years of age is in most cases positive, so it is not forbidden to do this.

You just can’t take things from sick or dead children, they have a special energy field, contact with which is dangerous for a pure healthy aura. Together with the item, you can purchase and launch a dying program.

Also, you should not take clothes for a child that have been altered from adult items.

Is it possible for the younger ones to wear the clothes of the older ones?

It is a common practice in many families for the younger ones to wear the clothes of their older brothers or sisters. This is beneficial, and parents do not consider it something indecent. In this case, is it possible to put other people’s things on a child, because the clothes are still “our own”?

On the one hand, this is true. Things are already saturated with the energy of the family and can become a powerful amulet. But if children do not get along with each other, then it is better not to pass on clothes by inheritance, but to buy new ones. The same applies if the older child is sick or has died.

What does medicine say?

By purchasing a used item, you are exposed to the possibility that at the same time you will become the owner of some infectious disease. Most often, mycoses (fungal diseases) are transmitted through clothing and shoes. They affect not only nails, but also the skin. You can be treated for years for such diseases. Think about it, do you need it?

For lovers of second-hand shops

Stores selling second-hand items are very popular. After all, for some this is the only opportunity to buy clothes. good quality at an attractive price. This is undoubtedly a big plus. But there are also many disadvantages:

  • Energy. You don’t know who wore this or that thing before you and what charge it carries. If negative, then it may seriously affect you or your life in a negative way. in the best possible way.
  • The illusion of benefit. By purchasing things at a low price, you risk spending more money and buy unnecessary goods. This definitely won’t happen in a regular store.
  • Chemistry. New clothes contain a lot chemical compounds. These are fertilizers, plant protection products, dyes, substances for preserving presentation products. Not in vain new clothes Recommend washing before wearing. In a second-hand store, items have already been washed many times and, it would seem, no longer contain anything harmful. But that's not true. Clothes must be disinfected, especially those coming from abroad. And this “chemistry” is much more aggressive. In addition, it is poorly excreted.


We all have our own special energy, or aura. When we use certain things, they are charged with energy from us and retain it.

By purchasing someone else's item or even borrowing a dress from a friend for a couple of days, we come into contact with someone else's aura. Well, if it is positive, it will not harm, and perhaps will be beneficial. But if the energy of the thing is negative, then we will receive a powerful negative blow to our aura. This, in turn, will not have the best effect on either our health or fate. It’s not for nothing that they say: “To put on someone else’s thing is to try on someone else’s troubles.”

And the stronger the emotions a person experiences, the more strongly they are imprinted on his biofield and the things he uses. Therefore, the most “energetically charged” items are from weddings, funerals and those that belonged to a seriously ill person.


Is it possible to wear other people's clothes and shoes? There are many signs and superstitions associated with this issue.

  • It is believed that by wearing someone's clothes you can change your destiny.
  • You cannot wear the things of a deceased person. A piece of the former owner remains in them; by accepting such a thing, you will take on part of the fate of the deceased.
  • Never give anyone something that you have great importance, dear to you. She is a kind of talisman, a source of strength and positive energy for you.
  • Jewelry stores the energy of everyone who used it. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this aura. Therefore, wearing other people's jewelry can greatly affect future fate, how in better side, and for the worse.
  • By wearing someone else's shoes, you will follow the path of the former owner of these shoes.

How to remove someone else's energy

If you wear other people's things, is there any way to protect yourself? Certainly. There are several ways:

  1. Take the clothes to the church and have them blessed.
  2. Take holy water and sprinkle the products with it.
  3. Smudge with wormwood or incense.
  4. Fire removes someone else's negativity well. To do this, you need a lit church candle move under and over the thing.
  5. Plain water It will also help get rid of other people's energy. You just need to wash your clothes.

You need to make other people's things “your own”

It’s not enough to simply remove foreign energy; you still need to make the thing your own. To do this, in three stages, turn to the Universe with a request:

  1. Ask to neutralize everything bad that is in the energy of this thing. To do this, place your hand on the product, close your eyes and mentally turn to higher powers: “Please remove the negativity from these things. Let all bad things disappear. Only good things will remain. And it will bring me happiness and good luck.”
  2. Next, ask the clothes to become yours and “fill” them with your energy. Imagine how a positive flow flows from you into the thing. Say at the same time: “Now this is mine... (skirt, jacket, etc.). I will feel good and comfortable in it!”
  3. The third step involves getting rid of other people's energy. Imagine a phantom of the item’s former owner in front of you and turn to him: “Take your energy back! Free this thing from its past!”

What things should you absolutely not wear?

  1. Things of a loser or a sick person. Believe it or not, clothes carry the energy of their former owner. And all the negative potential that is inherent in the product will fall on you, or rather on your energy field and will influence it. Accordingly, this will affect the quality of life and well-being.
  2. Things of the unknown. It is also not recommended to wear clothes whose previous owner is unknown. You don’t know what kind of energy it carries. It is quite possible that there may be damage or a curse on it that cannot be removed by ordinary “cleaning”. The consequences of this a rash step may be irreparable.
  3. Belongings of a deceased person. Such clothes have dead energy. By wearing it, you can attract troubles or fatal diseases into your life.
  4. If those who are unpleasant to you or seem suspicious are trying to give you or give you their clothes, then it is better to refuse such a gift. Can't refuse? Take it, but then throw it away without even trying it on.

Someone else's shoes

If everything is more or less clear with clothes, then shoes are a separate issue. In most cases, it is impossible to wash it, which means it is impossible to remove someone else’s biofield. It is difficult to disinfect it from germs, so there is a risk of getting foot disease. But this is not the main thing.

The categorical answer “no” can be heard from orthopedists. We are all unique and individual. The same applies to gait and foot structure. New shoes adapts to the foot of its owner and accepts a certain form, which will no longer change. This is especially true for children whose bones are still soft and in the process of formation.

Therefore, someone else's shoes can be not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous, since wearing them will lead to curvature and deformation of the foot. Fixing this will be difficult, and sometimes impossible.

Question from Larisa: I love wearing my husband’s clothes, T-shirts, T-shirts, trowels, but I’ve heard the opinion that this shouldn’t be done. Please explain, is it possible to wear another person’s things? If not, then why not? Or maybe there are different situations when you can do this and when you can’t. Thank you…

You are absolutely right, situations are different. Sometimes this is even useful, but sometimes wearing someone else’s clothes will definitely be harmful. But there are always some patterns, which we will consider in this article.

Is it possible to wear other people's things? Basic patterns

Any thing is not just a thing, a part of the wardrobe that a person wears on his physical body. When a person wears something, it is filled with his energy and, most importantly, this thing receives the individual energy connections of its owner, temporarily becoming part of his personal image.

That is, any thing you own has an energy-informational connection to you personally, to your consciousness (to thoughts, emotions, personal experiences and problems) and to certain Forces that patronize you. In a sense, we can say that every thing you have is a small but source of your energy. That is, the person who started wearing your item has access to your energy and your energy will somehow influence him.

Whether this influence is good or not depends on many factors.

For example, if two people love each other, and the wife wears her husband’s shirt when he is not at home, this is usually not a big deal. She loves him, she lacks his masculine energy and she compensates for this by wearing something filled with his energy. It makes her feel comfortable, and it’s okay for him.

The same can be said about children who love to wear things from their beloved parents. For them, this is just an additional connection to the energies of their mom and dad. Often this can work as compensation for the lack of time for face-to-face communication, etc.

That is, wearing another person's things can have a positive effect. This, among other things, is connecting to the image of another person, and accordingly to his certain qualities that can be learned from him. For example, when a son tries on the military uniform of his father or older brother, imagining himself strong and courageous, by this he is energetically and informationally connected to the image of a fearless warrior, a man of honor, which is the owner of the uniform. And then he doesn’t just try on someone else’s, he experiences a certain high state, sensation, special energy of courage, honor, and at that moment the corresponding qualities are revealed in his consciousness. This is a moment of education that gives personal and spiritual growth.

But you can learn and adopt not only the good, but also the bad.

You shouldn’t wear other people’s things in several cases:

1. If the owner of the thing is not prosperous, sick, or simply a very bad person (carries a lot of evil within himself). All the things of such a person, as a rule, are filled with heavy, often destructive or simply very negative (dark) energy, which can make a normal positive person feel very bad.

If you wear something from a dysfunctional or negative person, his problems, illnesses, negative karma, simply destructive energy can have a detrimental effect on you and your destiny. I think you've heard that things can be carried within themselves, the carrier of which is their owner. Although, again, the thing can be cleansed using a special esoteric ritual. This can be done, for example, by a good .

2. Most often, you should not wear things of a deceased person, especially if they were taken from a corpse. Why you shouldn’t – read more here.

3. There is no need to wear things that are not new if you have no idea who wore them before you. But there is a nuance here, because any thing can be made yours by removing the energy of the previous owner from it and connecting it to your energy. Good esotericists and healers always use such techniques, even when they purchase a completely new item in a store.

If you find some object or piece of jewelry, if someone gave you something, this thing must be energetically and informationally cleaned and connected to your energies.

How to energetically make a thing yours and remove another person’s energy from it?

An esotericist or a Healer does it something like this! General scheme:

1. Appeal to the former owner of the thing with a request to take your energy from the thing and all individual connections.

2. Ask the Higher Powers and yours personal Patrons– remove or burn all old connections and energy from this thing. All this is done, ideally, in a positive semi-meditative state. You can address in your own words, in the form of a prayer from the heart. Additionally, you can direct your right hand flow to the chosen thing so that the energy of fire flows through you and all extraneous energy of the ball is burned.

05.11.2016 15:04 2486

Why you shouldn't take other people's things

Surely you have heard more than once from your parents that you should not take other people’s things, because it is not good. But why not and why is it not good? Let's think about this topic and try to find the answer to the questions.

In the adult world, if someone takes other people's things without asking, this act is called theft. Because the item was taken secretly, that is, stolen. There is a serious punishment for theft. Children believe that if you are a child, then there is nothing wrong with taking someone else’s thing, for example a toy. However, this is not at all true. No one, neither adults nor children, should take other people's things; in any case, this is very bad.

Doing this makes you jealous, because a person has this thing, but you don’t have it, but you really want it to. For example, there are such situations: one of your classmates brings to school expensive toy(or some other thing) and everyone immediately begins to pay attention and communicate only with him. It’s clear that you begin to envy, because you also really want to be the center of attention. Or another case: the kids are eating chips in the yard, but your parents won’t let you. Well, how can you resist and not take money from your mother’s wallet, which lies quietly on the nightstand in the hallway?

Most likely, such thoughts have crossed your mind at least once. Then you should definitely know that stealing is a disgusting activity and it will not lead to anything good! Learn to control your emotions and desires. After all, in fact, it is not things that are important, but the kind attitude of others towards you. Nobody likes thieves; they are despised and shunned.

Theft is never small or accidental - having stolen a chocolate bar from a store now, in the future a person may want to steal a phone from a passerby, especially if his act in the store went unnoticed, he may think that it will always be like this and he will get away with it. Stealing is very addictive. There is even such a disease - kleptomania, when you cannot resist stealing and get pleasure from it. Such people are treated in special medical clinics.

You are a child and for now all the things you have are bought for you by your parents. If for some reason they are unable to make a purchase or the item is expensive, they refuse you this. This is where this burning desire appears - to get what you want by any means. And your main task is to resist the temptation to get something by stealing.

Imagine this situation: you had several wonderful, delicious candies that were, say, in your backpack. And so you go about your business, leaving your backpack unattended, and when you return, it turns out that someone took your candies. Will you be offended? Of course. So, it’s also offensive to other people when you take their things without any permission. If you don’t want people to do this to you, then you shouldn’t do this to others.

To resist the temptation to take something you like, but at the same time someone else’s, you need to stop every time such a desire arises and put yourself in the place of the robbed person. To do this, remember the thing or toy that is most dear to you. Think about how you will feel if it is stolen? Such suffering and pain of loss is not worth inflicting on other people.

If you really need some thing or toy, then try to find a way to get it honestly. Earn it or earn money to buy it. Just because you're a child doesn't mean you can't make money. Help your parents more diligently in order to receive a long-awaited reward, or learn to make crafts with your own hands that you won’t be ashamed to put up for sale. Add advertising to the sale - tell them that you are earning money for the toy of your dreams and want to buy it yourself. People are responsive, they will appreciate your efforts and help you achieve your cherished goal. But just be sure to consult with your parents and get their approval for such a step.