Exercises on the ball. Exercises with a gymnastic ball

What can you do with this bulky inflatable ball that takes up so much space at home?

In fact, a fitball (that’s what this ball is called) is an excellent tool for keeping your body toned. You perform the exercises in a shaky position, which also forces you to maintain your balance. And this is an additional load on the muscles.

By the way, exercises using balls are often performed by athletes during the rehabilitation period after injuries. This is due to the fact that the ball helps reduce the stress on the muscles and spine compared to conventional exercises.

Before we get to the training, let's decide on the size of the ball that you will be comfortable working with.

Most balls come in three sizes:

  • 55 cm - for those who are 150–160 cm tall;
  • 65 cm - for those who are 160–170 cm tall;
  • 75 cm - for those who are 170–200 cm tall.

Based on this list, you can choose the appropriate one. Or there is another screening test that will help determine the ideal ball size for you. All you have to do is sit astride the ball. If your thighs and shins form a right angle, then this ball is the right size for you.

When performing the exercises that we will discuss below, determine the number of repetitions and approaches depending on your level of training. We recommend performing 3-5 sets of 10-20 repetitions of each exercise. Start with a small amount and then build up the load.

Ready? Go.

Lower body exercises

This group of exercises is designed to work the core muscles of the legs.

1. Squats with a ball over your head

This exercise is based on regular squats, the only difference is that you hold the ball above your head with outstretched arms.

2. Wall Squats

This exercise uses a ball to support your back. During the exercise, it should move from the lower back to shoulder level.

3. Squeezing the ball with your thighs

It may look funny, but the exercise works great for the muscles of the hips and lumbar region. Squeeze the ball to maintain balance. Hold this position for 30–45 seconds.

For this exercise, it is better to use a smaller ball than a regular one.

Lie on the floor, extend your arms perpendicular to your body. Place the lower part of your shin and heel on the ball. Using your abs and buttocks, lift your hips off the floor. You will find yourself in a precarious position, so use your outstretched arms to maintain balance.

Exhale and slowly bring your knees toward your hips so that your feet are on the surface of the ball. Hold this position for a second, then inhale and stretch your legs back out. Always keep your hips weighted to give maximum load to the muscles of the buttocks.

5. Squats while holding the ball in front of you

This exercise simultaneously works the muscles of the arms, abs and legs.

6. Lunges with a ball

When performing this exercise, make sure that the knee of the leg standing on the floor does not go beyond the level of the toe. To maintain balance, you can hold on to a support (for example, a chair).

7. Reverse hyperextension

Upper body exercises

This set of exercises works the muscles of the arms and shoulders.

These aren't just the push-ups you might be used to. This is a more complicated version of them because you have to keep your balance.

9. Plank

Unlike the usual plank, which is performed on the floor, this variation puts even more stress on the shoulders and arms. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds if you can.

10. Reverse ball crunches

Yes, and this effective exercise can be performed on a ball.

12. Triceps curl

13. Spire

Exercises for the torso

This set of exercises with a ball is aimed at loading the muscles of the torso.

14. Ab exercise

In the top position, hold until you count to five, and then slowly lower. The number of repetitions is 6–10 depending on your preparation. Pulling your knees towards your stomach

Starting position as for push-ups. Just instead of bending your elbows, tuck your knees under you and straighten your legs back.

18. Raising your knees while lying on the ball

While performing this exercise, you need to press your knees firmly against each other so that your legs do not move apart. To avoid pain, hold a towel between your knees.

19. Exercise for the oblique muscles of the torso

Sit directly on the ball. Hands behind your head. Bring your legs together and lower your feet to the floor. Then simultaneously move your legs to the right and turn your body to the left. Do 12–15 reps on each side.

20. Bend to the side with the ball

It is useful to finish your abdominal exercises with stretching. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the ball above your head, and keep your back straight. Bend over and bring the ball to the outside of your left leg. Keep your back straight as you bend over. Raise the ball again and lower it to the right side.

Exercises on a ball for losing belly fat are quite effective and accessible to everyone, which is very important.

After classes, you will be able to get a beautiful flexible body that will not leave anyone indifferent, because with the help of a fitball you can use much more muscles than during regular training, especially at home.

Exercises on the ball will help you achieve the maximum effect for burning fat in a short time; during exercise, your posture will change and problems with the spine will disappear, and the price of the equipment will pleasantly surprise you.

The main advantages of exercising with a ball

The ball or fitball was invented by Susan Kleinvogelbach, a highly qualified physical therapist.

Its main goal was to help people who had suffered various types of spinal injuries or damage to the central nervous system.

Without any problems, after classes, the muscle corset was strengthened, the vestibular apparatus was developed, and coordination of movements was improved, but soon the fitball began to be used in the sports world.

Abdominal abdominal exercises on a ball help many people lose extra pounds.

It is very convenient for pregnant women to exercise on it, thus strengthening the pelvic floor, thereby facilitating subsequent childbirth.

Fitball was invented for people with spinal injuries

The main thing is to remember that after doing abdominal exercises on a fitball, you will get:

  1. Perfect posture
  2. Muscle tone and strength will increase significantly
  3. The body's endurance will increase
  4. Balance will develop
  5. The back muscles will become flexible, strengthened, and their endurance will be ensured.
  6. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, any pain will go away
  7. Without spending a lot of time, you can lose weight well
  8. Body relief will appear
  9. Metabolism will improve

After training, you will feel much better, your body will always be in good shape, muscle mass will begin to build up instead of fat, blood circulation will improve, and cellulite will disappear.

At the same time, you should always remember about proper nutrition and other ways to correct your figure.

The fitball is quite light, which is why it will not be difficult for you to find a place for it; there will be no big problems or inconveniences, even if you decide to practice exclusively at home.

It is safe for children, very easy to inflate, and equipped with an anti-burst system.

The fitball itself is unique: the equipment allows you to perform a huge number of different exercises.

Its most important feature, without a doubt, is its versatility.

How to choose the right ball for training?

It is very important to choose the right training ball for yourself, because this way the effect increases several times.

First of all, you need to look at the material and manufacturer of the fitball. It should be moderately strong and elastic; it is better that ice-plastic is used in its manufacture.

The ratio of your height should be proportional to the size of the ball. For example, 152 centimeters - 45 centimeters in diameter, 152 - 164 - fitball 55, 164 - 180 - 65 centimeters, 180 and above - 75 centimeters.

Advice: if you make your choice directly in the store, sit down on the ball, your legs should form a right angle, if so, then it suits you 100%.

Of course, if the diameter is large, the ball will be much more stable, and exercises for the abs and buttocks will be much easier to perform.

You can opt for a machine with a textured surface, so you can increase the pleasure of training.

Pay attention to color, it is very important emotionally. Opt for green, blue, red, yellow.

Tip: to get the most out of the exercise, pump up the fitball strongly, you should feel elasticity.

With all these tips, you can find the perfect tool for performing abdominal exercises.

Correct execution of abdominal exercises with a fitness ball

In order for you to get the desired results with abdominal ball exercises, you need to perform each of them correctly.

Now you will learn what variations of training with a fitball are possible and how to use it correctly.

But remember that in addition to this, you need to eat right and drink a lot of water.

It is better to perform the exercises in several approaches, always counting your strength, gradually increasing the load.


To begin, sit on the fitball, gradually move forward with the help of your legs, it should roll to the middle of your back, while your legs remain bent.

Lean your elbows so that your body is level with your legs, place your hands behind your head, begin to reach down, repeating the roundness of the ball, then gradually return to the starting position.

Repeat the exercise several times, taking into account your physical capabilities.

Ab exercise

Lie on the floor, place the ball near you, put your legs on it, and put your hands behind your head.

If you can't keep your balance, grab the table leg. Secure it with your heels and, slowly exhaling, pull your legs towards you, while trying to lift your buttocks.

Stay in this position for a few seconds, you can put your feet on the floor, but do not relax your abs.

Bridge with a riffle

Lying on the floor with your legs bent, place them on the fitball, while resting your heels on it, your body should rise slightly, for better fixation, place your hands along your body, palms down.

Inhaling, lift your pelvis up, exhaling, tighten your abs and buttocks. Then return to the starting position.

Straightening, bending legs

Lie down and fix your position, lean on your bent arms, hold the ball between your ankles, and bend your legs.

Exhaling, lift the ball as high as possible. Perform the exercise several times.


Lie on the ball with your stomach, rest your hands on the floor, slowly move forward on your hands, the fitball should move under your hips or shins.

Start doing push-ups while spreading your arms at the elbows.

Lateral body lift

Rest your right knee on the floor, and your torso on the ball, straighten your left leg, take it to the side, with your toe touching the floor.

Place your hands behind your head or rest the back of your hand against your forehead.

Exhaling, lift your body to a vertical position; you do not need to lift your hip off the ball; gradually return to the starting position.

You can turn around and do the same, only with the load on the other side.

Advice: try to constantly keep your abs tense, this way the effect will come much faster.


Sit down, take a step forward so that you can roll your entire torso down, your buttocks should not touch the ball, and your back - vice versa.

Place your hands behind your head, leaning back slightly, exhaling, raise your head and shoulders, and tense your abs.

So spend a few seconds returning to the starting position.


Stand with your back to the wall, press the ball against it as hard as possible, it is better to put your feet slightly forward, shoulder-width apart, press your lower back to the fitball.

Tightening your abs, slowly squat, pause a little at the bottom point, then rise back up.

If you can do this abs and glutes exercise with a ball without any problems, make it more difficult.

Take dumbbells or weights in your hands, you can also squat on only one leg.

Abdominal slimming ball exercises are very important and really bring the desired effect, and it can be seen on the thighs as well.

After hard training, your buttocks will become perfect, your body will be toned and slender, and fat will disappear from your legs.

Within a month, the result will be visible to the naked eye. So don’t hesitate and start practicing.

If it seems to you that you are not doing it quite right, watch the video of exercises for the press on the ball, and you will immediately be able to understand your mistakes.

Did you know that the fitness ball was invented by Swiss physiotherapist Susan Klein-Vogelbach in 1960? She created this sports equipment for the rehabilitation of people with musculoskeletal disorders. Health-improving gymnastics with fitball gave amazing results, and he became famous throughout the world.

No modern fitness center would be complete without a Swiss ball. This is an excellent simulator for expectant mothers, which will help prepare for childbirth. Additionally, it is widely used for home workouts. With the help of the ball, the figure becomes slim and beautiful, muscles are strengthened, it helps to recover from injury or surgery. Next, we will talk about the exercise plan with a fitball, how to choose a fitness ball and present a set of exercises with a video selection.

Set of exercises

This program includes exercises that are relevant for weight loss. She helps strengthen the muscles of the abs, buttocks, make your posture beautiful, and your figure graceful and flexible.

Rolling a ball with your feet

Lean on, press your feet to the fitball in the calf area, keep your head level, look at the floor. Stay in this position, tense, and slowly bending your knees, pump the ball closer to you. Make sure the ball doesn't slip away. When your knees are fully bent, hold this position for at least 5 seconds and return to the starting position. Number of repetitions - 12 times.

Lateral pull-ups

Lie on your side on the ball, relax your core muscles, feet on the floor, You can lean on a piece of furniture or a wall for stability. Hands behind the head or raised and crossed above the head. Lift your body while tightening your abdominal muscles. Stay in this position for at least 3 seconds and slowly lower yourself down.

Repeat 12 times for each side.

Reverse ball rolls with feet

Lie on your back, rest your shins on the ball and lift your buttocks. The body should be straight, only the buttocks and thighs should be tense. Then begin to roll the ball closer with your feet, and as it approaches, lift your torso even higher. Stay in this position for a moment, and begin to straighten your legs again, rolling the ball away from you. Gradually lower your body to the floor. Repeat 12 - 16 times.

Floor presses

Place your hands on the floor and your feet on the ball, so that your knees are located in its center. Watch your elbows, they should be straight. Do the classic ones. Number of repetitions - 10 - 15 times. The shoulder, pectoral muscles, arms and abdomen are trained.

Strengthening the obliques

Rest your buttocks on the fitball, with your legs bent at the knees. Rise smoothly and turn your torso to the side, keeping your abdominal muscles tense and your back straight. Repeat 12 times.

Balancing on a ball

Rest your body on the fitball, feet on the floor. Try to catch the balance point; to do this, tear off your limbs and stretch. As soon as you can raise your arms, stay in this position for 15 - 20 seconds. Tighten the muscles of your back, stomach, and legs.

After this, you need to roll the ball under the pelvis and try to maintain balance, leaning on your left arm and right leg. The body should be as straight as . Repeat the exercise focusing on your right arm and left leg.

Fitball presses

Rest your palms on the ball, spread your fingers, and rest your feet on the floor (beginners can additionally rest against a closet or wall). Smoothly lower your torso, bringing your chest as close as possible to the fitball, and come back sharply. Repeat 12 - 20 times. Arms, shoulders and chest are strengthened.

Rolling a fitball with your back

Sit on a fitball, feet at shoulder level (a little wider if possible), thighs parallel to the floor. Slowly move forward, moving your legs, lower your torso. The ball should roll over your back. Stop when your back and the back of your head are on the fitball. Try rolling the ball from your right to your left shoulder. Watch your lower back, it should be straight.

Lifting the ball with your feet

Lie on your back, hands on the floor, wrap your legs around the fitball so that it does not fall out. Raise your legs with the ball until your knees are level. Hold this position for at least 5 seconds. Repeat 12 times. The abs and inner thighs are strengthened.

Fitness with fitball for weight loss

Complex for pregnant women

    Sit on the ball, lean forward with your arms outstretched. Then rise up, spread your arms to the sides.

    Sit on the fitball, lean forward and rest your elbows on your legs. This will allow you to relax your back.

    Sit on the ball, lean your hands on it. Turn to the left, place your right hand behind your left leg. Stay in this position for a moment and repeat, but in the other direction. Suitable for stretching back muscles.

    Sit on the fitball with your feet resting on the floor. Then you need to straighten your left leg, leaning on the heel. Smoothly reach towards it with your right hand. Do the same for your right leg.

    The exercise is performed standing, the left leg is in front, and the right leg is behind, with the right hand resting on the ball. Bend your right leg and straighten up. Repeat for the left leg.

    Sit on the fitball, move your left leg to the side. Slowly reach your left hand towards your leg. Repeat for the right leg.

    Stand with your legs slightly apart and rest your hands on the ball. Gently roll it back and forth, while only your arms move, your legs stay still.

    Rest your pelvis on the ball, legs slightly apart. Roll it over so that you are lying on your back. The back is relaxed, the main load is on the legs.

    Sit on the fitball, place your hands on your waist. Spring on the ball forward and backward, then to the right and to the left, and then in a circle.

    Stand, take the ball, stretch your arms. Squeeze it and pull it towards you, then away from you.

Perform each exercise 5 - 6 times.

Exercises for the back and spine

    Lie on the exercise ball with your chest, feet resting on the floor or wall. Place your palms on the ball and spread your elbows. Inhale and lift your body, then exhale and lower. Repeat 8 times.

    Lie with your chest on the ball, body straight. Turn your head back to see your heels - 5 times on each side.

    The starting position is the same, arms along the body. Inhale and lift your torso without using your arms, exhale and lower yourself. Repeat 8 times.

    I.p. the same. Inhale and stretch your arms forward, exhale, lift your body up and bring your arms back. Repeat 20 times.

    I. p. - on the stomach. Place your hands and toes on the floor, bend your arms and stretch your head down, without lifting your legs off the floor. An excellent stretch for the neck and legs.

    Lie on the ball, extend your left arm in front of you. Rise up a little, bring your left hand back, and reach up with your right. Repeat 20 times.

    Place your knees on the floor and hold the fitball with your hands. Reach forward, stretching your spine.

Choosing a fitball

In order for training to be effective, you need to choose the right sports equipment. In this case, size matters: if the ball is large, then you will slide off it and will not be able to reach the floor with your limbs (sitting, lying down), and if it is too small, it will constantly slip out, overloading your legs and joints.

Methods for choosing a fitball

Sit on the ball, feet together, back straight. It is necessary that the knees are at an angle (90°). If this is not the case, then pay attention to the degree of inflation of the ball; it should not bend much or be overly elastic. Try to adjust this indicator; if the degree is not 90, then choose a different ball.

Fitness balls have different diameters: from 50 to 90 cm.

There is a special table of correspondence between human height and ball diameter.

Choose a fitball for your height:

  • up to 155 cm - 50 cm;
  • from 155 to 165 - 60 cm;
  • from 165 to 185 - 70 cm;
  • from 185 to 200 cm - 80 cm;
  • from 200 cm - 90 cm.

Each ball is marked with a maximum body weight.

All beginners are afraid that the ball will simply explode under them during training. But this is not true; the right equipment will easily support you. Those who want to play it safe should pay attention to models marked BQR and ABS - this is a special safety system that prevents an explosion if the ball is damaged.

Types of balls

  • with a smooth surface - this is the most popular model;
  • with horns - this is more of a children's option, also suitable for pregnant women, helps to maintain balance;
  • massage (sensory) with bumps - improves blood circulation during exercise, helps fight cellulite.

Don't forget to purchase a hand pump.

Training secrets

The fitness ball is suitable for training the vestibular system and developing motor coordination, without loading the spinal column. Great for overweight people. Gymnastics with a fitball is necessary for unloading joints, preventing varicose veins, osteochondrosis and arthritis.

Suitable for training individual muscle groups. Its shape allows you to perform exercises in full amplitude and forces you to tense your muscles to maintain balance.

However, to increase the effectiveness of your training, you must adhere to the following rules:

    Choose the right ball.

    Classes should be regular 3 to 5 times in seven days, the number of repetitions should be from 10 to 20 times.

    It is forbidden to eat 3 hours before classes and 2 hours after them. Then have a light protein meal: low-fat cottage cheese, fish and chicken, and low-starch vegetables. This will help you lose weight.

    Effective workouts must make you tired and sweat profusely, otherwise they are pointless. If not, increase the number of reps or sets.

    Start each workout with a warm-up and end with stretching.

    Sweet, starchy and fatty foods are prohibited for those who want to lose weight.


This sports equipment forces the motor, vestibular, visual and tactile apparatus to work simultaneously. All complexes with fitball (except for aerobic ones for weight loss) are gentle and do not exhaust the body. That's why Ball gymnastics is suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and physical condition: infants, pregnant women, the elderly and people who suffer from varicose veins.

Minimal contraindications do exist; training with a fitball is not recommended for people with severe diseases of the heart and blood vessels, intervertebral hernia and internal pathologies. But if you have a strong desire, then perform exercises using a special technique, but only under the supervision of a doctor!

The fitball, or medicine ball, was created as special equipment for exercise therapy - therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics performed for various diseases: musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, digestive, etc.

Now what fitball is is known everywhere: training with fitball is a popular type of physical activity in fitness, yoga, Pilates and other areas.

The benefits of using a fitball

You can perform countless exercises with an exercise ball. Fitball can be called the most universal sports equipment: it is used by women and men of any age and weight category, is prescribed as developmental gymnastics for children, and is also used in exercise sets for pregnant women.

Including fitball in your training complex has many positive aspects:

  • improving coordination and correcting posture;
  • exercises on the ball are suitable for losing weight and toning the body: constantly maintaining tension while performing a training complex increases the number of calories burned;
  • exercises with a ball are good for the spine and joints: by removing the load from them, they promote speedy healing and relief from pain;
  • Exercises with a fitness ball bring the necessary variety to the training process, keeping the athlete motivated and interested.

At the same time, the fitness ball is completely safe: a special abs system protects it from rupture under the influence of static and dynamic loads. This allows the fitball to be used safely by overweight people, as well as older people with fragile bones.

Fitball - health ball

Before you start training, you need to choose the right fitness ball:

  • The size of the fitball should correspond to your height: For short people, small models up to 55-60 cm are suitable; tall people will need a larger ball (60 cm or more). A simple check will help determine whether the ball is suitable: we sit on top of it, if a right angle is formed between the legs and thighs, the size is ideal, but if the knees rise above the hips, the fitball is too small;
  • Fitball can have a different surface: smooth balls are a universal option; models with ears are suitable for beginner athletes and children (they are easier to maintain balance on). Balls covered with rubber spikes intensify the flow of blood to the skin, warm up and massage the body during exercise: therapeutic and restorative gymnastics are performed on such fitballs;
  • The degree of density (pumping) of the ball is independently regulated. This way you can vary the load. For effective weight loss, exercises should be carried out on the most elastic fitball: this makes it more difficult to maintain balance and perform exercises. For beginners, it is better to start with exercises on a weakly inflated fitball.

Stretching with a fitball

Before performing exercises on a gymnastic ball, you need to thoroughly warm up and warm up. Stretching can also be done with a fitball: it will act as a support.

Stretching exercises on a fitball:

  • We sit on the ball with our legs spread wide apart and make several bouncing movements, keeping our back straight;
  • We sit on the floor with our legs spread wide apart, take the fitball in our hands, turn our body towards our left leg and reach for our toes, pulling the ball in front of us. Repeat the movement for the right leg;
  • We sit on the fitball with our legs spread wide apart, without lifting our buttocks, tilt our body to the right and reach with the fingers of our left hand towards our right foot. Repeat with the right hand;
  • Starting position “feet shoulder-width apart”, perform 10 full rotations of the body clockwise (then repeat counterclockwise). We hold the fitball at outstretched arms;
  • Sitting on a fitball, we stretch our legs forward, stretching alternately to the left and right legs;
  • We stand with our legs spread as wide as possible, reaching for the fitball, training the cross splits.

Exercises with fitball for legs

A training complex on a fitball for legs must include the following exercises:

  1. Lunges on the ball– an exercise to develop the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, and is also a great way to develop coordination and balance. Execution technique: stand with your back to the fitball, place your foot on it, foot up, step forward with your free front leg 15-20 cm, bending both legs at the knee. The passive leg is relaxed, the active leg is tense: when lunging forward, you need to lower yourself onto your entire foot, while the knee should not go beyond the level of your toes. Hands rest on your hips: if maintaining balance is too difficult, you can lean them on a chair or wall;
  2. Single leg squats: the ball is on the side, we move our leg to the side and place our foot on it. It is necessary to perform 10-20 squats on the left leg, and then repeat everything on the right leg. During execution, make sure that the knees do not go beyond the level of the toes and shift the center of gravity to the heels, maintaining balance;
  3. Squats with fitball: we squat in a wide stance, holding a fitball in our hands raised above our heads. Throughout the exercise, keep your back straight, do not bring your knees past your toes;
  4. Jump Squats: starting position “feet 1.5 shoulder width apart”, perform a squat as in the previous exercise, only jump up from the bottom point, while holding the ball above your head;
  5. Wall Squats: we stand against the wall, leaning on the ball sandwiched between it and our back, squat until it is parallel to the floor, stay in this position for as long as we can, straining our buttocks.

Exercises with a fitball for the buttocks

With the help of a fitball, you can perfectly work out the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh.

The best exercise for the buttocks on a fitball is the gluteal bridge. Technique:

  • We rest the ball against the wall, lower ourselves onto it with our backs, resting our shoulder blades, the lower back and buttocks do not touch the fitball;
  • Place your legs bent at the knees so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor;
  • We lower our hips as low as possible and slowly lift them up, squeezing our buttocks and holding at the top point for a couple of seconds;
  • You can hold your hands behind your head (this will relieve tension from the neck), or place them on your hips;
  • The exercise can be performed with additional weight (a weight plate weighing from 5 to 20 kg, a heavy bottle, a kettlebell). The weights are placed on the hips.

This exercise has 2 effective modifications:

  • Elevated glute bridge: lie with your back on the floor, rest your feet on the fitball and perform the exercise according to the standard pattern. This increases the range of motion and also perfectly loads the muscles of the buttocks, back of the thigh and legs;
  • Leg raises in a bridge: we take any of the above-described initial body positions to perform a “gluteal bridge” (with your back on a fitball, or resting your feet on it), lift one leg, slightly bending it, and pointing your knee up, and perform the exercise, leaning only on one leg. This way you can work the muscles of the left and right half of the body in isolation, increasing the load on the lagging groups.

Exercises with a gymnastic ball for the abs

Using a fitball, you can effectively pump up your abs at home. The list of the best abdominal exercises with an exercise ball includes:

  • Crunches: lean your lower back on the ball, relax your upper shoulder girdle and back. We cross our arms on our chest, our legs are bent. We perform the usual twisting of the body, rounding the back and straining the rectus abdominis muscle;
  • Corner: lie on the floor, resting your shins on the ball (legs form a corner), raise your body and stretch your hands to your ankles, without lifting your lower back from the floor;
  • You can perform abdominal exercises with a fitball on the horizontal bar: put the ball under the horizontal bar, take the starting position in a hanging position, pick up the ball with your feet and perform twisting or lifting your legs to the crossbar (advanced version);
  • Exercises for oblique abdominal muscles: sit on the ball, close your legs and tense your abdominal muscles. We move the clasped legs to the left, and the arms to the right, maintaining balance with the oblique muscles, repeat for the other side.

Abdominal exercises with a fitball can be made even more effective if you add additional weights and reduce the number of repetitions to 10-12. By exercising regularly, eating well and resting, you can quickly pump up your abs.

Exercises on a gymnastic ball for the upper body

Exercises for the muscles of the chest, arms and shoulder body:

  • Push-ups with emphasis on a fitball with normal hand placement: an exercise aimed at working the pectoral muscles, while by changing the position of the hands (so that the fingers folded together look at each other) you can shift the emphasis to the deltoids;
  • Push-ups from the floor with feet resting on a fitball: The exercise targets the upper pectoral muscles and arms. During push-ups, the body must be kept tense: you cannot bend or hunch over;
  • Plank with medicine ball: can be performed with your elbows or shins resting on the ball. Due to the instability of the projectile, this exercise is much more difficult than a regular plank;
  • Reverse push-ups(for triceps).

If you have additional equipment at home, dumbbells, weights, etc., you can train with a fitball even more effectively:

  • Flying or pressing dumbbells in the “lying” position on the ball;
  • Pullovers with a dumbbell: this exercise is much more convenient to perform on a gymnastic ball, rather than on a regular bench;
  • Press dumbbells or a small barbell (for example, a body bar) while sitting on a ball;

Exercises with a fitball for the back

One of the classic exercises for the back on a medicine ball is hyperextension: it strains the back extensors, tones the latissimus and trapezius muscles.

The exercise is performed in the same way as on a Roman chair, only instead of it there is a medicine ball: resting on the ball with your stomach and hips, we lift your chest up, straining your lower back. To prevent yourself from falling, you can secure your feet by tucking them under the sofa slats or resting them against the wall.

An equally effective exercise for the back and buttocks is reverse hyperextension on a fitball:

  • We lie down on the ball with our stomach, resting our relaxed fingers and toes on the floor. We take a body position in which our arms are level with our shoulders (we roll the ball a little until we achieve the desired position). We rest our palms on the floor;
  • Your thighs should touch the ball, pressing tightly against it. We close our legs and slowly lift them up, tensing our core muscles (abs and back extensors). To shift the load on the buttocks, we slightly bend our knees: if “pumping up” the back is of primary importance, the legs need to be raised straight;
  • At the top point of the lift, you need to linger for 2-3 seconds. The number of repetitions and the “pause” time at the top point depends on the athlete’s level of physical fitness.

This exercise can be performed while lying on a bench or any other support (sofa or bed). In this case, the fitball will play the role of an additional load: it must be held between the legs (at the level of the ankles and shins) when performing hyperextensions.

Almost all of the above exercises with a gymnastic ball can be used for both adults and children. If the ball is used during recovery from an injury or serious illness, as well as during pregnancy, the set of exercises should be discussed with your doctor.

Exercises on a fitness ball turn sports into an exciting game. Such workouts are incredibly beneficial for our body and are suitable for people of all ages. They help improve your balance and balance, lose those unpleasant pounds and gain a beautiful figure. Therefore, if you decide to find a beautiful, fit, slender figure, then exercises on a fitball are exactly what you need.

Exercises on a fitness ball: the benefits of exciting workouts

A fitball (fitness ball) significantly increases the level of load without leading to severe muscle fatigue. Such workouts always bring pleasure and have a positive effect on your figure. By regularly practicing on the ball, you can gain a graceful gait, flexibility and flexibility.

However, you need to practice on the ball regularly, always observing safety precautions. A daily half-hour workout will help you achieve your ideal figure much faster than a long workout once a week. The effect of training will also depend on the chosen ball.

When buying a fitball, you should only look at models with a thick shell. They will last you much longer. It is believed that a fitness ball should withstand up to 300 kg. High-quality products will make classes safe and comfortable. The diameter of the ball is also of great importance. Therefore, when choosing a fitball, you need to take into account your height:

Models with a diameter of 55 cm are suitable for girls shorter than 170 cm;
. balls with a diameter of 65 cm will be the best choice for women over 170 cm tall;
. balls with a diameter of more than 85 cm are suitable for tall girls (over 180 cm).

The ball, which is the perfect size for you, should be comfortable to sit on. In this case, the angle at which your knees are when you sit on the ball should be 90 degrees.

Training program

Must be performed after warming up. As a warm-up, you can perform bends, circular rotations of the shoulders and hips, and squats. The basic set of exercises on a fitball consists of several categories that are aimed at actively working all muscle groups. These include:

Push-ups on a ball. Basic position - legs lie on the fitball parallel to the floor, palms rest on the floor. We perform smooth push-ups, trying to touch the floor with your chin. This exercise perfectly trains the muscles of the abs, arms and chest.
. stretching on the ball. Basic position - legs bent at the knees on the floor, palms resting on the ball. Gradually stretch your arms forward, moving after the ball. It is important to be able to maintain balance. This exercise must be repeated up to 10 times in 3 approaches.
. exercises to train the abdominal muscles of the back. Basic position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees (right angle), on a ball, hands behind the head. Smoothly lift your body off the floor, trying to reach your knees with your chin. We return to the basic position. The exercise must be repeated up to 10 times in 3 approaches.
. gymnastics on the ball. Basic position - lying on your stomach on a ball, legs parallel to the floor. We try to maintain balance for 5-10 seconds. The number of approaches for beginners is 5 times.

Exercises on a fitness ball: abdominal training

Fitball exercises help girls significantly improve the shape of their figure. In this case, a set of exercises can include both exercises to warm up all muscle groups, and classes aimed at qualitatively working out a specific group.

If you want to get a perfectly flat tummy, it is advisable to look at exercises for the lower abdominal muscles:

Basic position - lying on the floor, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. We grab the fitball with both feet, smoothly pulling our knees towards our body. At the same time, slightly raise your lower back. When returning to the starting position, the ball should not come into contact with the floor.
. Basic position - sitting on the floor, legs facing forward, palms resting on the floor, ball sandwiched between the feet. Gently tilt the body back and pull the knees towards it, returning to the base position. When performing the exercise, the stomach should be tucked and the muscles should be tense.
. Basic position - back on the floor, legs straight, hands behind your head. We hold the ball between our feet and lift our legs up. We gradually lift the body off the floor, trying to reach the right knee with the elbow of the left hand and vice versa.

Exciting workouts

Exercise on a fitness ball helps girls improve their figure. They are quite easy to perform even at home. However, if you want to lose excess weight and improve body flexibility, the exercises should be supervised by experienced trainers.

By signing up for the Pineapple fitness club, you can choose the optimal training program for yourself. Special fitness testing will help determine your current level of physical fitness. Classes with fitball can take place both in the form of group and individual training. In addition, the sports club has a modern gym where you can improve your muscle tone or do a good cardio workout. Our qualified trainers will help you lose weight, pump up your muscles, and get a boost of vigor and positive mood.