Photos of stunning school teachers on vacation. How to draw a teacher with a pencil step by step

This wonderful holiday of teachers began to be celebrated back in the 80s of the twentieth century, since the times of the USSR. It was celebrated on the first Sunday of October, but after the collapse of the Union, Russia joined international organization UNESCO began to celebrate October 5 along with World Teachers' Day, while most other post-Soviet countries, including Ukraine, left the date unchanged.

What to give your teacher for the holiday?

To congratulate your class teachers or their favorite teachers, children come up with a lot different ideas drawings for Teacher's Day. In these drawings you can read the full extent of the child’s efforts, his skills and the mood that he is trying to convey. After all, even the simplest and most extraordinary picture of a baby can speak of great respect and desire to do a pleasant surprise. Why children's drawing for Teacher's Day was the highest priority gift, this is because there is nothing better, both for parents and teachers, a gift made with their own hands.

Older schoolchildren sometimes come up with and create with the whole class not just drawings, but entire posters for Teacher’s Day, where you can paste photographs, make appliqués, and, of course, draw.

Every year, on this holiday, there is an opportunity to say a few warm words to people who teach at school not only subjects, but also the basics of life. Children's drawings for Teacher's Day are the most important thanks from little charges. Teachers protect, invest knowledge, try to diversify with interesting and fun events school years children, so that they leave a pleasant and unforgettable mark in the life of each student, maximum knowledge, as well as kind and wise parting words for a long, adult life.

In this article we present some drawings for congratulations on Teacher's Day, which children at any age can draw, with varying degrees of artistic skill, with the help of parents or independently.

To start, easy drawing on Teacher's Day, can be presented in the form of a scarlet rose. This flower means respect, love and the desire to convey the warmest and kindest feelings to a dear person.

The second option can be offered as more complex and thematic - a globe drawing fits well with the theme of Teacher's Day. It combines knowledge from all over the world and concepts such as peace and friendship, which teachers teach their students throughout their school years.

Step 1

First you need to draw a large and smooth circle. To do this, you can use a school compass or prepare round object suitable diameter and circle it. For accuracy, you can draw a line for the diameter of the circle.

Step 2

Next, using the same compass, you need to draw semi-rings of a larger diameter, like the support of a globe, and connect it with lines to the “ball” itself. And then randomly with a simple pencil draw the leg itself on which it stands.

Step 3

Now, you need to open the atlas or take a “living globe”, and also use your geographical knowledge (if the student draws primary classes, then parents will have to get the knowledge). First of all, we map the Eurasian continent,

and then Africa, North and South America, unforgettable about Australia, the Arctic and Antarctic, etc.

Step 4

Since making a colored globe is still quite difficult for children, you can shade the land with a simple pencil,

or just make the earth green and color the water blue. If the child has artistic talent or one of the parents has it, then you can decorate the globe almost like a real one.

All you have to do is add a congratulatory inscription and the gift is ready!

Teacher's Day is a wonderful autumn holiday, which is celebrated in early October. On this day, students and their parents congratulate teachers and thank them for their hard work, patience and professionalism. In many schools, on the eve of the holiday, various literary, artistic and musical events are held, in which children perform creative tasks to participate.

On Teacher's Day it is customary to give flowers and gifts. In addition, every teacher will be extremely pleased to receive from the hands of his favorite student beautiful drawing. In this article we will tell you how to draw a children’s drawing for Teacher’s Day yourself, and also offer interesting ideas works that are sure to please any teacher.

How to draw a picture for Teacher's Day step by step?

In order to congratulate your beloved teacher on professional holiday the child can draw for him independently beautiful bouquet roses Such a gift requires certain skills, and small child Of course, you will need the help of your parents. At the same time, high school students can easily cope with this drawing using the following instructions:

With an ordinary pencil you can draw the teacher herself doing her favorite job:

Drawing ideas for Teacher's Day

Of course, the most common theme of congratulations on Teacher's Day in the form of drawings is flowers. They can be depicted any way you like. These can be single flowers, large bouquets, flowering bushes, and much, much more. Most often, children's drawings are made using colored pencils or felt-tip pens, but if there are certain artistic abilities you can use any other technique, for example, painting with gouache, watercolor paints or pastel.

Usually beautiful drawings for Teacher’s Day are designed in the form greeting cards. In this case, the child draws directly on a sheet of cardboard or glues a ready-made drawing to a prepared template. In addition, you need to add original congratulations, which is best written by hand.

On a postcard you can depict not only the flowers themselves, but also plot situation, for example, when students present bouquets to their favorite teacher. You can also use any ideas related to assessments or a class journal in your work. Finally, any teacher will be pleased to receive a congratulation that contains something from the subject he teaches. So, a geography teacher will definitely like a postcard with a picture of a globe, biology - plants and animals, physical education - various sports competitions, and so on.

Today we will draw a teacher in formal suit and with a pointer of only 9 steps, our drawing today will take you about 15-20 minutes of free time. Our lesson is dedicated to the topic of school, which is only a few days away.

On our website you can also find several more drawing lessons with step-by-step tips, which are dedicated to the theme of the school. Among them, as well as a lesson dedicated to September 1 -. To go to drawing one of these lessons, click on its name, highlighted in capital letters.

Before you start work, don’t forget to properly prepare yourself workplace. Take everything you need, namely: a sheet of paper, a simple pencil, an eraser, a ruler and colored pencils. When you have everything you need at hand, you can start drawing.

Stage 1. As in all previous drawing lessons with step-by-step tips on our website, we will begin the first stage by drawing several straight lines and circles (the set of such lines and circles is called an auxiliary frame). This frame will help us draw this picture. The entire auxiliary frame is highlighted in green in the figure below, carefully draw it, observing all proportions (IMPORTANT! We draw the frame barely noticeable, since in the future we will have to carefully erase it with an eraser). When you have drawn all the green lines and a circle, at the same stage we draw the contours of our teacher’s head (they are already highlighted in red).

Stage 2. In the second stage we will draw the face of our kind teacher. Draw slightly raised eyebrows, beautiful eyes, nose and mouth using auxiliary lines perpendicular to each other. Without these auxiliary lines, drawing a face would be much more difficult.

Stage 3. Now let’s draw our teacher voluminous hairstyle. We draw her just as beautifully, as shown in the picture below, not forgetting to draw every small strand of hair to give our teacher even more charm.

Stage 4. We drew the head completely in the three previous stages, now we can move on to drawing the teacher’s torso, as well as her business suit. It is drawing her costume that we will do at this stage. We draw a jacket with a collar and cuffs, and immediately at this stage we will draw part of the teacher’s hand, which is slightly bent; in this hand our teacher will hold a pointer.

Stage 7. Now let's draw part of the skirt from the suit, as well as the long wooden pointer that our beautiful teacher holds in her right hand, bent at the elbow.

Stage 8. The penultimate stage of our drawing is to draw a sheet of paper held by the teacher, on which it is written: “September 1 is the day of knowledge.” You can replace the inscription on this sheet at your discretion, or you can not draw this sheet at all.

Whatever holiday the school celebrates, be it Teacher's Day, March 8, September 1, at the gate educational institution and in its walls there are always posters and drawings depicting the school building at crucial moments in his life. In the background there may be photos or pictures of children or teachers. The traditional plot of the picture is either a school, where beautiful students with flowers are walking, or a building, against which there are images of students in school uniform and teachers who create something together, work, create.

What are they?

On our website you will find beautiful colorful pictures on the theme “Teacher’s Day”, images of students primary school, graduation, etc. Pictures and photos of the school will help create an attractive poster for anyone school holiday. If you are a teacher, now you do not need to cut out images of an elementary school student, teacher, building and other elements from books and magazines school life. Pictures and photos “School” can be printed from our website and then used in work.

The blog contains images not only of students or teachers. Here you can find illustrations of interesting and touching moments from the children’s lives. These are pictures, photos of the school on the theme of graduation, the first arrival at school, the first children's pranks, achievements, victories. Children really appreciate it when teachers are able to emphasize their merits to others.

Selection of materials

How can they be used?

If September 1 is coming soon, you can create a poster or presentation on the topic “Our School.” It is recommended to hang the poster in the hall, corridor or classroom, as well as beautiful pictures a student or elementary school teacher leading first-graders to a lesson can be included in the presentations for the first lesson.

If you want to unite the kids, show them an excerpt from presentations on school topics, start conversations about how good it is to be a united friendly class, how it will help in life, and ask a student to tell what thoughts and impressions he had after watching one of the presentations. Surely they will be tuned in a positive way in relation to classmates.

If graduation is coming soon, the pictures will definitely help to adequately decorate the classroom and hall where the presentation of documents will take place. If March 8 or another holiday not directly related to school topics is coming soon, the illustrations will still be an excellent addition to holiday greetings to teachers.

Download pictures from our website and use them in school practice for children's creativity. With their help, your school will gain new colors.

Komarovsky on the topic

Children's drawings for Teacher's Day can be a wonderful way to congratulate a teacher or decorate school premises.

Enough to spend small competition between the children on the most expressive and beautiful drawing in order to obtain material for creating a truly festive atmosphere.

What can you draw for Teacher's Day?

Pictures for Teacher's Day

As a rule, a characteristic detail of each picture for Teacher's Day is blackboard. It makes the teacher’s image recognizable and helps fill the space of the drawing.

You can depict a smiling teacher next to the board.

The teacher is teaching a lesson.

An integral part of the pictures are also stationery, books, magazines. Using these details, the child can create a stylized image of the teacher, his class, and students.

Nice picture with a kind teacher.

And in this picture, children give flowers and gifts to their beloved teacher.

Drawing “Flowers and gifts for the teacher”

Apple and books are two main symbols of wisdom and learning.

Although distracted from the school theme, they will nevertheless help create a feeling of celebration, lift your spirits, and fill the day with joy.

Drawings for Teacher's Day (ideas for wall newspapers)

A wall newspaper is suitable for congratulating the entire school team if you place it in the hall of an educational institution or teacher's room. Individual congratulatory texts, which students will dedicate to their favorite teachers, will add originality to the overall collage. But when using this idea, you need to make sure that at least a few kind words are dedicated to each of the teachers.

A wonderful idea for a drawing for Teacher's Day - a bouquet of flowers and poems!

Very beautiful wall newspapers and posters are made with a scroll. We write congratulations in verse on the scroll!

Here is a wonderful example of a drawing and appliqué for Teacher's Day!

The idea of ​​decorating a wall newspaper for Teacher's Day with books, a globe, an office and flowers.

A wall newspaper can be decorated with colored three-dimensional letters and a bouquet of flowers with poems.

You can use pictures drawn by different children to create a large communal collage or wall newspaper. In the center of such a collage you can place a congratulatory text, photographs of the class and the teacher himself, and fill the remaining space with pictures. You can create a collage on a chalkboard by attaching pictures and photographs with magnets.

Step-by-step drawings for Teacher's Day

In this section we have collected step-by-step master classes items related to school paraphernalia and the work of a teacher.

For a drawing for Teacher's Day, you may need an example of how to simply and beautifully draw a scroll.

How to draw a globe?

How to draw a book?

Draw a longitudinal line

We draw a spread of pages according to the model in the photo.

Add lines to the right and left - pages.

Draw a semicircle below. We finish drawing the sides. Our book has gained volume.

Let's finish the cover. Draw the contours with dark lines. All that remains is to color the book.

Like this wonderful picture You can make one out of plasticine for Teacher's Day. There are all the attributes: a book, a globe, pencils, a pointer, a twig with autumn maple leaves.

All that remains is to place the picture in a frame - a wonderful gift is ready!

Video master class: “drawing for Teacher’s Day”

Simple drawings:

Owl on books:

Drawings for Teacher's Day reviews:

I think it looks very nice with the scroll (alevita)