How to teach a ten year old girl to twerk. Twerk - where to start learning

- a dance in which the hips and buttocks actively participate. The dance has gained popularity in South America, but there are legends that before American women, twerking was practiced by girls from Africa and sunny Brazil, where the issue of large hips is more relevant than anywhere else.

Why twerk?

Initially, I always wanted to practice some kind of “hot” dances, but I clearly understood that I wanted to practice some kind of modern dances. I didn’t even consider the same ““. I started with a style such as “Shakira-style”, after which I studied a direction such as reggaeton - this is a Cuban type of dance. And then, by chance, I discovered a video of twerking on YouTube and realized that I also wanted to do this.

This was three years ago, and then few people had heard of such a dance, and few people practiced it. I started learning to twerk myself, and attended all kinds of schools and master classes that could offer this type of dance.

What is twerking?

It is important to understand that the dance is quite limited. There are not very many basic movements in it - there are various variations of “hip kicks” and “shakes” of the buttocks. When these movements are mastered, the dancers take movements from neighboring styles, diluting them with twerk.

Most often, twerk is “diluted” with dancehall and hip-hop styles, making twerk more musical and beautiful.

What music do they twerk to?

Initially, twerk was danced to rap and hip-hop, because if you “arrange” it according to dance styles, then it is a branch of these directions. However, you can twerk to almost anything that has a rhythm. For example, we once did an experiment and danced to. It was interesting.

It is believed that by dancing twerk you can quickly lose weight. This is true?

If you study seriously, then, in principle, it is possible. But here it all comes down to regularity and perseverance - if the physical activity is large enough, then you can lose weight with the help of twerking.

But twerking presupposes good physical fitness?

Not always. Students come to me without and we start from scratch. It’s important to understand here that when you start twerking, you won’t be able to dance like a Brazilian girl at your next lesson. It all comes down to work and perseverance. And, after all, the most important thing is desire.

Are there any canonical figure standards for a dancer?

Personally, I have no way or other criteria. If a girl dances twerk for herself, then it doesn’t matter at all what she looks like. However, if you want to twerk professionally, then you should understand that certain appearance criteria exist.

While performing with my twerk team at various events, I noticed an interesting trend. Some customers don’t even want girls with too “big butts” - not everyone still understands that twerking presupposes the presence of that same butt. And, after all, pumped up buttocks are great.

What about ethical issues?

Of course, there are problems such as “what people will say” or “my husband will scold me,” but my students have already decided this point for themselves. Personally, sometimes people write some nasty things to me on the Internet (after all, we have freedom of speech). However, I teach my girls that dirt is not in the dance, but in people's heads.

For me, twerking is an opportunity to use the muscles of my body in an interesting way, in a way that no one else can.

What advice do you have for girls who want to twerk?

Just determination and desire. By and large, nothing else is needed besides this, because many can wait for months and never try.

What does a classic twerk dancer look like?

Usually these are short shorts, a short top so that the tummy is visible. Knee pads, sneakers and, for example, a baseball cap. In the CIS, people often dance in sports black panties so that their butt is completely visible.

Basic movements

Basic movements in twerking include “hitting” and “shaking”.

The booty shake or shake has a large number of variations that, once mastered, can be done in any way you like. You can shake your butt while standing, squatting, or on your head - however you like.

Shaking is based on relaxing the gluteal muscles. We shake our buttocks finely and finely, completely relaxing them. However, it is precisely this movement that very often becomes a problem - we do not know how to relax.

But, as we have already said, all you need to twerk is desire, regularity and the absence of any embarrassment.

Ask the average passerby: “What is twerking?” In response, you will see either bewilderment, or the person will begin to talk with admiration in all the details about this direction in dancing. Twerk has been known to dancers for twenty years, but only after 2013 this dance became popular in all countries of the world. The main movement is to shake the buttocks, while focusing on the hips and the whole body. For most classical dancers or choreographers, twerking is a strange and overt dance, but nevertheless it has become an integral part of the whole culture.

It seems that you need to “kill” a lot of time to master the simplest body movements, but is this true? According to choreographers, you can learn twerking on your own without visiting a dance studio. It is enough to know the basic movements and work on your own physical fitness.

How to learn to dance twerk (twerking, booty dance) at home?

Before posting your dance video on the Internet, it’s better to read the important tips from professionals to make it go faster and more efficiently:

  • Every girl can twerk, and for this it is not necessary to go on a diet or eat buns, gaining extra centimeters on her hips;
  • Every day you need to learn the vocabulary of movements, at least 5 words a day. Knowing the terminology, it will be easier to navigate the choreography;
  • away with all embarrassment and constraint! Twerking is created for self-confident girls, and besides, it teaches you to be sexy;
  • to many spectators it seems that the dancer is shaking his buttocks, but more of a kind of shaking or jolting is felt. You can teach the “fifth point” to jump quite quickly, you just need to first throw it up, and perform the next movement with a smaller scope. When doing this, you need to either speed up or slow down your movements;
  • Your hands will become your assistants in the dance. In order for the movements to be amplitude, it is better to place your hands on your belt, this will help to throw the desired part of the body up;
  • stretch to make your movements more impressive. If you squat lower, spread your legs wider, and relax your arms, the dance will be more organic and dynamic;
  • Since all movements in twerking are performed on half-bent legs, you need to maintain your physical fitness at its best. To do this, you need to constantly pump the muscles in your legs. The dance will look more impressive if they are strong;
  • don’t forget to pump up your abs;
  • since the dance style involves short T-shirts and shorts, a flat tummy and convex forms will only become an adornment of the dancer. Watch your diet so that beautiful shapes do not turn into fatty legs and folds;
  • every movement and dance as a whole should bring only positive emotions. They need to be felt, so step away from the mirror and start dancing!

The fashion for dancing and all kinds of shocking antics changes as quickly as the styles of jeans on the butts of Hollywood stars. Harlem shake, Gangnam style, and now twerking to the delight of fans and in the name of PR. Or do these movements still have real meaning and benefit? It would be good to know the answer before learning how to twerk. In fact, there are benefits from twerking: firstly, for the butt itself, secondly, for the good mood of male spectators and, finally, in order to keep up with trends. Moreover, in the case of twerking, the trend is really interesting and not empty.

Sports clubs and coaches quickly caught on to what was happening and implemented the current trend. Twerk schools are opening one after another and have no shortage of students. Girls who only yesterday dreamed of losing weight to the size of Kate Moss in her youth are now trying to pump up their buttocks and vigorously move them to catchy twerking music. Classes with a trainer are a really effective way to learn twerking, but they are not the only way. You can learn to twerk on your own and twerk at home for your own pleasure until your skill allows you to perform in public.

What is twerk? Is it possible to learn twerking on your own?
The essence of the term “twerk” is explained by its synonyms: booty dance, booty shake, booty dance. Twerking is rhythmic movements of the buttocks, thighs, a little belly and legs, in general, the lower part of the body. At the same time, the torso and arms practically do not participate in the dance (there is a separate direction for them: bub-twerking, or chest dancing). Sexually provocative, twerking was invented a long time ago by women of African tribes, famous for their curvaceous figures, even steatopygia. And it became mega-popular at the same time as the fashion for pumped up butts and physical activity.

Now girls are worried about the question of whether a skinny woman can twerk. We hasten to reassure you: it is not necessary to have dark skin and a big butt to twerk. But it won’t hurt to get a tan and pump up your buttocks. What else do you need to know to learn how to twerk?

  • Booty dance actively uses the muscles of the thighs and buttocks - the largest muscles of the human body. Therefore, the effect of regular twerking is almost the same as that of squats. At the same time, high-quality twerking implies the ability to move both buttocks independently of one another, maintain a fast, continuous rhythm and do the splits. It is not surprising that after the first twerking training, the muscles ache from soreness no less than after intense strength training in the gym.
  • Twerking is useful not only for general physical development, but also specifically for women's health. Dynamic shaking and rotation of the pelvis prevents congestion and circulatory disorders, which is why gynecologists approve of twerking. Psychologists also have nothing against a fun booty dance, since it helps relieve tension, loosen up and get rid of excess shyness.
  • Dancehall, reggae, hip-hop, R'n'B, samba, belly dancing are present in twerking to one degree or another. Accordingly, music for twerking is a synthesis of the listed directions with original developments. The clothing style for twerking is the so-called swag, short shorts and skirts, bright leggings and large accessories. The fashion for twerking and related paraphernalia has spread thanks to the exotic divas Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé and the backup dancers of famous MCs and rappers.
By taking up twerking and setting yourself the task of truly learning how to twerk, you will not only pump up your buttocks, but also train flexibility, stretching, tighten your abs and back, develop a sense of rhythm and mischievous sexuality. Moreover, all this is quite possible to do at home. To learn how to twerk at home, watch twerk videos on YouTube, look for detailed video tutorials on twerking, learn the moves and practice as much as possible.

Twerk training. How do you learn to twerk?
Before you dance twerk yourself, it would be good to have at least minimal physical training. Twerking itself completely replaces fitness and is an alternative to shaping and light strength training; you can burn 500-600 kcal in one session. But at first, untrained gluteal muscles, abs and even calves may ache after a full twerking session:

  • Each booty dance workout begins with a warm-up. By twerking without warming up, you risk injury to ligaments and/or joints and simply not achieving the desired results. To pre-warm up, just do a few squats, bends to the sides, forward and backward. Leaning forward, move your buttocks back as far as possible, and keep your back straight with a arch in the lower back. Do a few stretching exercises and start training directly.
  • Basic twerking training includes practicing the basic booty dance movements: movement and vibration of the buttocks, rotation of the lower back, hips and knees, hip strikes and figure eight. At an advanced level of twerking, dancers learn to isolate the movements of the lower body from movements of the shoulders and arms, move alternately the right and left buttocks, and perform more complex tricks.
  • After working out the movements, the body needs stretching - this is the third stage of twerking training. Stretching relaxes the muscles and reduces subsequent soreness. To stretch your back and hamstrings, lean forward with your legs straight and touch your face to your knees. Lying on your back, place your legs straight behind your head and rest your toes on the floor. Learn to do the splits - first longitudinal, and then transverse.
Twerking training lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour, including warm-up and stretching. The optimal training schedule is 2-3 times a week. The main thing is not to miss rehearsals and not to be lazy in classes, to give your best. This will not be difficult if training gives you pleasure, which largely depends on the coach, team and conditions in the gym. Choose a twerking school to suit your taste, fortunately, this fashionable trend is presented in almost all fitness clubs. Or practice on your own, at home.

How to learn to dance twerk at home?
What do you think it takes to learn how to twerk on your own? Free space at home, comfortable sportswear, time to train is right, but all this is not the main thing. To teach twerking at home, as well as other dance techniques, requires self-discipline. Without it, you will quickly abandon rehearsals and never learn how to twerk. It would be a shame not to finish what you started, right? So don’t be lazy and get started:
Who really shouldn't twerk is people with an unhealthy spine and any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The slightest pain in the back and/or joints during training is a signal to stop and rest, reduce the load, or completely abandon twerking in favor of other, slower and more gentle dance styles. But gender does not at all interfere with learning to twerk - men twerk no worse than women, if only they stop being shy and get rid of stupid stereotypes. Therefore, move your butt with pleasure and benefit, learn to dance twerk for the sake of pleasure and self-confidence!

Twerk is a new trend in modern dance, founded by the world-famous Miley Cyrus. And the topic of twerking has become one of the most popular among modern youth. It was this style that Miley created fashion for, trying to get rid of the boring image of the heroine of the Disney children's channel.

The desire to dance has gripped girls and boys all over the world, while the age of twerk admirers begins at approximately 12 years old.


How quickly something can gain popularity among all young people, regardless of social status and age, can be judged by twerking. In just a short time, the term was included in the online version of the Great Oxford Dictionary.

What does twerk mean? One of its official interpretations is that it is a dance in a provocative manner, which is accompanied by a fairly active movement of the hips in a deep squat. At first, the public reacted to this style a little coldly and even condemningly, but within a few months, fitness classes and dance schools began recruiting groups to study it. And the most amazing thing is that there are still enough people willing to twerk quickly.

How to learn to dance twerk

The technique is quite simple at first glance, but it only seems so. Despite the fact that there are several basic movements, sometimes not everyone can learn them and perform them correctly. This is why many girls attend dance groups to fully master the art of shaking their buttocks.

How to learn to twerk at home? Yes, it’s very simple - all you need to do is follow a few rules:

  1. Place your hands on your hips and sit down. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart, and your feet should be turned out so that your knees are just above them.
  2. To move your hips forward, place your thumbs on your tailbone and apply pressure.
  3. To move your hips back, on the contrary, pull yourself by the pelvic bone.
  4. Remember that a deep squat means you won't be able to move much more than your hips.
  5. When you have already understood how to move your butt correctly, you can place your hands on your knees and turn them so that your wrists are facing outward.
  6. Now increase the pace and you will succeed!

This is just a basic movement, but there are many different twerking techniques. For example, you can dance it against a wall. For convenience, your back is against the wall, your hands rest on the floor, and your legs are raised on the wall. At the same time, they are bent, as if in a squat. You should stand firmly, no need to press your stomach against the wall and try to level yourself. When you bend your legs, you need to move your hips as described above.

The first and most important advice that experts can give in this case is to place your feet shoulder-width apart. If you place them wider or closer together, you won’t get a proper deep squat, and as a result the dance will look a little strange.

Never wear clothes that restrict your movement if you want to learn how to twerk. For beginners, jeans and the like are not suitable - leggings are also better. Among other things, they can effectively emphasize the line of the pelvis.

When dancing against a wall, try not to fall forward - you should rest your hands firmly and remain vigilant. Another important tip is to put your hair in a braid or ponytail. This way they won't get in your face and interfere with your dancing.

Warm up before you dance.

Warm-up for booty dance

How to learn to dance twerk safely? Remember that in this case we will get a huge load on the muscles, so you should first prepare well for the lesson and warm up. You can perform simple bends to the sides, forward and backward, but you should do them slowly and feel how the muscles stretch. You can also clasp your hands behind your back and bring your chest forward, the pelvis should be pulled back strongly - these are the so-called deflections in the lower back. That is, you should go through all the movements of the basic warm-up before dancing.

Before each lesson, you should do a little stretching to warm up your muscles and avoid injury when you dance booty dance. Moreover, in the middle of the lesson itself you should also distract yourself a little and stretch, try to sit on the longitudinal one and then continue dancing again.

Health benefits of twerking

Many people are looking for ways to quickly learn how to twerk, but some don’t even realize how beneficial it is for their health. Firstly, your muscles will always be in good shape. With the help of such a dance, you can fully reveal your sexuality and get rid of many unnecessary complexes.

Rhythmic contraction of the gluteal muscles will help get rid of cellulite, and hip rotation and good stretching will only strengthen your legs. The effect of twerking can only be compared with a good anti-cellulite massage.

Due to constant active movement, your body will become more toned. At the same time, due to increased blood flow, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. A deep squat makes it possible to pump up the muscles of the inner thigh. As a result of such exercises, pain during menstruation is reduced.

Here you could find answers on how to learn to dance twerk, and you can get much more - a beautiful, sculpted figure and a constant good mood. After all, how can you do boot dance and think about life’s problems?

Due to the popularity of outspoken and shocking singers, many today are interested in the dances they perform. The desire to imitate Nicki Minaj, Jennifer Lopez, Miley Cyrus or their followers motivates girls to study. Where to start learning dance so as not to quit after a day, you will learn in this article.

Stretching complex for back and legs

Learning to twerk will be effective if you first prepare your tendons and skeleton for a new type of load. To do this, 2 weeks before starting to learn twerking, start doing “stretching” exercises for your legs and back. Most of the twerking movements involve the hamstrings, so they need to be put in order first.

Hamstring stretch

Lie on the floor, on your back. Stretch your legs in front of you, toes pulled towards you. Raise both legs until they are perpendicular to the floor and grab your shins or thighs with your hands (depending on the stretch). Pull your hips toward you without bending your elbow (just grab your legs higher). You are performed 5-6 times for 8 counts.

Hand exercises

In twerking, movements are often performed with emphasis on the hands. The most recognizable dance position is the handstand against the wall. We recommend starting your training by strengthening your arm muscles so that you can do all the movements without exception.

Horizontal bar

If you have the opportunity to exercise on the horizontal bar, then there will be no problems with strengthening your arms. Grab the bar with a wide grip and pull your legs up as they touch the ground. While hanging, the tendons stretch and the muscles become stronger, the execution time depends on your weight, adjust it yourself. The second option is a pull-up. To begin with, it may be difficult to perform if the muscles are not familiar with such work. Stand on a cabinet or stool, but so that your arms are stretched as if hanging. Next, try to pull yourself up and if it doesn’t work, help yourself with your legs, straightening them.


You can strengthen your arm muscles with regular dumbbells (can be replaced with two 0.5 liter bottles of water). The simplest exercises are bending the arms while lifting dumbbells towards oneself and bending the arms turned to the sides towards the shoulders. As an alternative, push-ups on the knees or on the toes are also suitable.

Exercises for the buttocks

At the initial stage of twerking, you will encounter overload of the buttocks. Therefore, we advise you to do exercises for your butt so that your muscles become more resilient faster. Simple swings of the legs, forward, sideways, backwards; lunges and squats will quickly bring your buttocks to the desired tone.

Choice of clothes

Once you have become more flexible and stronger in your arms, it’s time to start twerking. The first step is . At first, it is better to exercise in knitted leggings or cycling shorts, with well-stitched internal seams. For your torso, choose a tight-fitting T-shirt with a shallow neck so that nothing falls out or rides up.

Group or home activities

It’s better to start twerking in a group, it helps you master the movements faster and not withdraw into yourself if something doesn’t work out. When you are working out with someone, the sight of your partner also not succeeding, as in the video on the Internet, is reassuring. You won't find a twerking class in every city, but you can organize a class with a friend at your home or somewhere else you have access to.