5 pig names not with human names. For everyone and about everything

Remember this one? Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik will appeal to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg over the Norwegian Supreme Court's refusal to consider his appeal against prison conditions, his lawyer Eistein Sturrvik said on Thursday.

As you remember, he is serving time for the murder of 77 people. In July 2011, he carried out a bombing in Oslo that killed eight people. He then shot and killed 69 more people, many of them teenagers, at a youth camp on the island of Utøya. Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in prison, the maximum possible under Norwegian law.

Let's see which ones inhumane conditions it is contained...

Breivik describes his conditions in prison as "torture". Some time ago he even started a hunger strike, which he promised would not end until “Minister of Justice Anders Anundsen (Norway) and the head of corrections stop treating me like an animal.”

At the same time, Breivik demanded that his PlayStation 2 game console be replaced with a newer third version with “access to adult games” that he could choose himself.

In addition, he asks to improve the conditions of his daily walk, as well as to be given the right to freer communication with the outside world. The Norwegian terrorist is kept separately from other prisoners for security reasons. Breivik claims he has a right to a wider “choice of activities” because of his isolation.

The “Norwegian shooter” is being held in a special section of the Ila prison with increased security measures. According to Norwegian media, he is in a three-room cell with a training simulator, and he is allowed an hour of walks a day in a specially designated courtyard. Communication with prison staff is kept to a minimum - only a few minutes a day.

The administration of this penitentiary institution stated that the prison was ready to accept a terrorist regardless of the court verdict.

One wing of the prison building was specially converted for the terrorist. Breivik is allocated three cells: a bedroom, a room for physical exercise and an office.

All the furniture in Breivik's cells is welded to the floor and made so that he cannot use it as a weapon. Breivik does not have access to the Internet, but he is provided with an offline version of Wikipedia.

Breivik's wing has a separate courtyard in which he can breathe fresh air. The yard is fenced high concrete wall and barbed wire.

In July, Breivik was transferred to another prison while Ila was refurbished.

Let us remind you that Andres Breivik is accused of organizing a double terrorist attack on July 22, 2011, which claimed the lives of 77 people.

And just a year ago, the Oslo District Court recognized that Breivik’s rights were violated in prison. In particular, the court recognized as fair the killer’s statements that Article 3 of the European Convention on the Prohibition of Torture and Degrading Treatment was violated against him. At the same time, the court refused to recognize that in the case of Breivik the right to respect was violated privacy person.

From the decision of the Oslo District Court: “The prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment is a fundamental value of a democratic society. This applies to everyone - even terrorists and murderers."

According to the court decision, the state will have to pay Anders Breivik's legal costs - almost 36 thousand euros.

The name Anders Breivik is probably known to everyone around the world. This is the name of the Norwegian terrorist who, without blinking an eye, became the killer of 77 people, more than 150 people were injured of varying severity. However, the forensic medical examination did not recognize him as crazy. Of course, humanity still cannot understand how a person with a normal psyche could commit such an atrocity, and then admit to committing the crime, but not consider himself guilty. We think you will be interested to know in what conditions this cold-blooded killer lived and was brought up.

Breivik Anders: biography, life story

He was born in 1979, on February 13 in London. His father, Jens David Breivik, is an economist by profession, working at the Norwegian diplomatic mission in the UK, and his mother, Wenke Behring, is a nurse. He had two half-sisters on both his father and mother.

When Anders was not yet two years old, his family fell apart. The mother and two children returned to Oslo and settled in the wealthy Skojen district of the capital; the father remained in England with his daughter from his first marriage. Wenke soon remarried. This time her husband was a military man, a major in the Norwegian army. Jens Breivik also married a second time, to an embassy employee. He never lost contact with his son. Anders spent almost all his holidays at his father's house in Normandy.

Anders Breivik was an obedient child as a child. He first studied at primary school Smestend, then in high school Rice and high school Hartwig Nissen.

Difficulties of character

IN adolescence Anders Breivik became interested in graffiti culture and painted on walls and fences at night. When his father caught him doing this, he was terribly angry with the boy. After this quarrel they practically did not communicate. By the way, during the same period, my father divorced his third wife. Any attempts by his son to renew the relationship were met with hostility. Ian had four children, but he did not maintain a relationship with any of them. Young Anders also found it difficult to communicate with his peers, so after finishing school he decided to get higher education remotely, online at the Norwegian School of Management. Friends say that until the age of 30, he practically did not leave the house, avoiding direct contact with people. He never had a girlfriend, except for some random one-night stands.


Since 1996, Anders Breivik worked for a year as a salesman in one of the consulting companies, and from 1999 to 2003 he was a call center employee at Telia. In 2005, he himself founded a company for processing and storing information data, but it lasted only 3 years and went bankrupt by 2008. Breivik also served in the army, where he learned to shoot. Since 2009, he founded a company that was engaged in growing vegetables, which allowed him to acquire a large number of chemical fertilizers, from which explosives were later made.

Political Views

Unsociable in his youth, Anders in his later years mature age became interested in politics, joined the Progress Party - the largest political association in the country - and enjoyed participating in crowded party meetings. He even held some small positions in the youth wing of the organization. Since the 2000s in his political views There was a sharp shift towards nationalism and extreme radicalism. He had a special hatred for peoples who professed Islam. He was deeply convinced that their presence in his country was destructive for Norway.

And then he publishes a manifesto in which he states that he is disappointed in the peaceful democratic methods of fighting the Islamists and therefore considers armed intervention in this process necessary. He also joins the Norwegian Masonic lodge"Saint Olaf" However, he does not become a convinced Freemason and even criticizes the order, for which the fraternity decides to expel him (2000).

A year later, Breivik’s “search for himself” led him to the Knights Templar organization. Here he received secret name Sigurd. Since he had experience working with a data bank, here he fulfills the same mission, collecting information about certain “interesting” organizations and individuals. Here he becomes even stronger in his anti-Muslim sentiments. In short, before Anders Breivik killed 77 people in one of the most brutal terrorist attacks of the 21st century, his hatred of migrants, especially from Asian countries, has grown to incredible sizes.

Some details from life

By the way, in his youth, one of the few friends of Anders Breivik was a Muslim, a native of Pakistan. It was with him that he began to engage in graffiti. Thanks to his bizarre drawings, Anders received the nickname Mord (translated as “murder”).

The favorite authors of the future terrorist were I. Kant and Adam Smith, and among politicians - Winston Churchill and Vladimir Putin. He also dreamed of meeting Pope Benedict the Sixteenth. Breivik was fond of hip-hop, dancing, went to a shooting club, and played sports. He was not interested in women, he said that they would distract him from his main idea.

Breivik devoted several years of his life to creating a manifesto, which consisted of one and a half thousand pages. He also made a video with summary their theses. The key ideas of his manifesto are the condemnation of multiculturalism, emancipation, homosexuality and decadence.

Psychological picture

After committing a double crime, when Anders Breivik killed several dozen civilians with explosives and small arms, the police, talking about him and his behavior, say that he left the impression of a completely adequate, calm, polite and balanced person, but a little withdrawn and unsociable.

Day of the Crime

During the attack, Breivik wore a Norwegian police uniform. He had a pistol and a carbine as weapons. He also had a fake ID, which he showed at the ferry crossing. Since there had already been an explosion in Oslo and the police were on their heels, he convinced the employees of the ferry station that he was a secret agent and wanted to get to the island of Utøya to ensure the safety of the camp. In this regard, all members of the camp were gathered in one place. And he began firing at live targets. The killings continued for about 90 minutes. After that, as if he had completed an important mission, he surrendered to the police without any resistance.

Anders conditions of detention

After the verdict was announced - 21 years in prison - Breivik was placed in solitary confinement, the area of ​​which was 24 square meters. meters. It consists of a bedroom, a gym and an office. He is not prohibited from correspondence; under the supervision of security, he can walk in the courtyard, play sports, and even receive distance education.

Nevertheless, he was dissatisfied with the conditions of his detention and in 2012 filed a complaint about life in prison. It turns out that he didn’t like the attitude of the guards, the rubber handle on the door that rubbed his hand, or the quality of the food. And imagine, he won the trial. The conditions of his detention were revised and improved, and a large amount of compensation was transferred to his bank account. In a word, today a cold-blooded killer, who, moreover, was not recognized as crazy, lives in conditions that many millions of honest citizens around the world dream of.

IN On this day Breivik committed his crime. For mass murder he received 21 years...
With a touching explanation - “without the right to marry for 10 years for good behavior” but with the possibility of extending the term. Animals... 21 years old, that's about three months for killing one person... He was not recognized as crazy and now he is in a personal prison, more like a sanatorium. He writes books, eats well, but is still dissatisfied with the conditions of detention. About how he managed to carry out a double terrorist attack near KAT...

In principle, this deadline was immediately clear. Largest prison term in Norway - 21 years. For the entire period he will live in a well-guarded building, with views of the city without bars. In a three-room “cell” with an office, a computer, a TV, gym and a swimming pool... and even under the supervision of doctors.

On July 22, 2011, Breivik cynically shot 77 people! At the same time, 34 people were killed between the ages of 14 and 17, and 242 people were injured. And now he is comfortably isolated from society according to a special law (which was adopted purely for Breivik).

But he organized and carried out a double terrorist attack in Norway on July 22, 2011. First he caused an explosion in the center of Oslo...

and then went to a youth camp on the island of Utøya and opened fire on the teenagers. The small island was littered with corpses. In addition, the teenagers believed that he was a policeman who had come to save them, and they themselves came to him for help. When the police arrived on the island, he surrendered without offering resistance. He values ​​his life very highly.

Explaining his actions, Breivik said that in this way he wanted to draw the attention of Norway and Europe to the influx of Muslim migrants and spoke out against multiculturalism, which in his opinion is destructive.

And he killed mostly girls. He listened to music on headphones and shot everyone who got in his way... some even tried to swim away from the island. There were also Chechen children there. Unlike the Norwegians who were fleeing, they did not run away, but threw stones at Breivik from behind cover. He complained about this in court. Once they even hit him in the head... nonhumans... Chechens were also kept in prison, they were believed to be his assistants. Thank God, we later figured out what was what.


He looked like the main character of a Nazi film,” Adrian shows, running his hand over his head. - Blonde hair, combed back, and on his face such a special expression... Stony, or something...

21-year-old Adrian Prakon, a worker at a youth camp on Utøya, and his friends learned about the explosion in Oslo from radio messages: people were confused - they called their friends and cried. The campers were brought together to inform them of what had happened. Adrian remembers that last words at that meeting there were "Remember that Utøya, now may be the most safe place in Norway." Someone called their parents and heard in response: “It’s good that you are on the island, and we don’t have to worry.” But they were all wrong - armed with a semi-automatic rifle and pistol, Anders Breivik at that moment was already mooring to Utøya:

We received a call from the office and were told that a policeman had come ashore to see us,” recalls Adrian Prakon.

Having landed on the eastern shore of the island, Breivik kills the only camp guard and the head of the camp while still on the pier. they thought that he had arrived to reinforce security. And he slowly enters the cafeteria, where at that moment most of the camp’s inhabitants have gathered and are told about the events of the terrorist attack in Oslo. Breivik interrupts the meeting, calls people to him - and calmly opens fire on them...

“I was going to the cafeteria to get information materials to distribute,” says Adrian Prakon, “But suddenly I heard shots and saw people running. They were shot in the back and fell dead right in front of me. I saw the shooter: dressed in a black and red uniform, with slicked hair, he looked like a Nazi. Two people started talking to him, and a second later both were shot...

People run in panic from the cafeteria to the tent camp in the center of the island, seeking shelter there. Adrian ran along with everyone, but halfway there he looked back and hid behind a huge canopy to see what was happening:

The killer approached the tents, slowly raised the flaps, looked inside - and shot. And immediately the inside of the tent was painted red... He carried out the bloody massacre slowly, cold-bloodedly and cruelly. He was so relaxed and calm. He had everything under control. It was clear that he had been planning this for a long time...

Walking through the tent city, Anders Breivik continues to shoot everyone who catches his eye. During the government building bombing, the terrorist was psychologically distant from his victims - but now, as he shoots people on the island, one by one, Breivik is looking them straight in the face...

Those who were not in the tent camp are trying to hide in the forest, behind the camp buildings, in rock crevices. The other part of the camp's inhabitants, including Adrian, runs to the shore, trying to swim away from the island. The young man rushes into cold water as he was - in clothes and rubber boots. He manages to swim about 150 meters, but is still very far from the opposite shore. Adrian realizes that his strength is leaving him - and turns back to the shore, along which Breivik is walking with a carbine in his hands:

He stood ten meters from me, shooting at the swimmers. It’s hard to say whether he noticed me from the very beginning or just at that moment. He looked at the shore and the other swimmers with a long and hard look, looked at me and pointed the weapon in my direction - the barrel was looking straight into my face. I stood in water up to my knees and could not move. I was a real live target and all he had to do was pull the trigger. I remember that I screamed in horror and began to beg: “Please don’t shoot me! Please don’t!”

And for some reason he did not shoot, but turned to the people who were floating away. He shot at them and shouted: “This is the day of your death! I will kill you all!”

I found it difficult to catch my breath. At that moment my legs gave way. Somehow reaching the shore, I collapsed on the pebbles. For some unknown reason I was still alive...

However, this was not the end of the nightmare. An hour later, the terrorist returned to the place where Adrian, along with other survivors, was hiding behind trees and rocks. In the video filmed by Norwegian television crews from a helicopter circling over the island, Adrian is one of the blurry figures in the freeze frame. He watches as one of his friends begs Breivik to spare his life.

The shooting started again - people fell on me as if they had been knocked down, fell into the water... I heard the killer’s breathing, his steps: two meters, one meter... He stood above me. I heard him reload his weapon and realized that it was all over...

Adrian received a bullet in the shoulder almost point-blank. He hid behind a pile of bodies so that the killer would mistake him for dead - and was able to hold out until help arrived. At 18:26, the police anti-terrorism squad "Delta" arrives from Oslo to Utøya: the squad's fighters are divided into two groups of 5 people - one examines the north of the island, the other goes in a southerly direction.

Suddenly I heard screams strangers, - recalls Adrian Prakon. “I raised my head, saw approaching police with machine guns and remembered that that man, the terrorist, was also a policeman. And we all thought: “Oh, my God! These are his accomplices who have come to kill us.” We threw stones at them, cried and screamed. But when these people began to help us cope with our injuries, we realized that these were real policemen...

At 18:33, Anders Breivik surrendered himself - going out to the grove on the southern tip of the island, the police saw a man standing in a clearing with his hands behind his head, in front of whom a weapon lay on the ground. In an hour and a half spent on the island, the terrorist managed to kill 69 people.

Since that terrible July day, Adrian has been haunted by one thought: why did the terrorist spare his life? On April 23, he received an answer to this question. On this day in court, a grinning Breivik said that he would shoot again the inhabitants of the Social Democratic youth camp, even knowing that almost half of his victims were teenagers under 18 years of age. But Adrian Prakon, he changed his mind about killing... because of his appearance. “There were people there who looked more like leftists than others, but unlike the others, this guy looked like an ultra-rightist. When I looked at him, I saw myself in him - and did not shoot at him,” he explained murderer.

If the terrorist had known then who he was going to spare, he would have pulled the trigger without hesitation. Ironically, Adrian Prakon, who seemed “socially close” to the Norwegian racist, is the son of Polish immigrants, and also a homosexual who cannot possibly share Breivik’s ideology filled with hatred and xenophobia. And yet, the killer's mistake saved his life.

And another surviving participant in the youth camp, 23-year-old Chetil Bergheim, upon learning that Breivik was scheduled for a new psychiatric examination, says: “I would be glad to know that a madman shot at us. It’s beyond my comprehension that a healthy person could do such a thing.” .

The country has not seen a tragedy like the one that happened in Norway on July 22 since World War II, Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said during his televised address to the nation.

"This bloody and cowardly attack has not shaken our democratic foundations," he said. "We are a small but proud nation. Bombs and bullets will not keep us silent."

By itself. Breivik later smiled at the trial, yawned and behaved like a film actor after an Oscar. And he had expensive lawyers, who were later paid for in court. And Breivik went to his personal prison.

According to the media, a year of keeping Breivik in such a “personal boarding house” will cost the Norwegian taxpayer 2 million euros per year. At the same time, Breivik himself believes that he did everything right, that he killed out of self-defense and only regretted that he killed so few teenagers. Breivik was unlucky, because the defense asked to find him INNOCENT!

Pokp is sitting, he is active. On November 9, 2012, Breivik sent a 27-page letter to the Norwegian prison service, complaining about prison life. Breivik does not like the attitude of the prison guards, the rubber handle that rubs his hand with prolonged use, the forcedness to shave and brush his teeth under the supervision of guards, and sometimes they bring him cold coffee and butter, which, in his words, “cannot be spread on bread.” In general, Breivik called the conditions in prison “sadistic”...

The photo shows the inhumane conditions of his detention.

On March 15, 2016, a court hearing was held to consider the case regarding the conditions of his detention in prison. On April 20, 2016, a court in Oslo partially upheld Breivik's claim over conditions in prison and ruled that the government must compensate all of his legal expenses - 330,000 kroner (about 40 thousand US dollars).

It turns out that the Norwegians, including the parents of the children he killed, will support him. Perhaps not even for life...

Anders Breivik, a Norwegian nationalist nicknamed the “Norwegian shooter,” carried out terrorist attacks in Oslo and on the island of Utøya on July 22, 2011, which killed about a hundred people. Anders Breivik is also considered the author of the text “2083: Declaration of European Independence,” which contains more than 1,500 pages and substantiates the radical struggle against “Islamization” and the growing influence of Marxist ideas in Europe. Of the contemporary figures that interested him, Breivik especially singled out Pope Benedict XVI and Vladimir Putin. About the latter, Breivik wrote that he is worthy of respect and is very difficult to analyze; in particular, Breivik remained unclear whether Putin should have been regarded as a potential friend or enemy.

Anders Behring Breivik was born on February 13, 1979. In 1980, Fylthcf's parents divorced, and Breivik remained with his mother, who took special care of him. For for long years Anders Breivik lived with her in the wealthy area of ​​Skoen in the west of the Norwegian capital Oslo. Breivik later mentioned that his mother lived with his stepfather, a captain in the Norwegian army, and suffered from brain diseases. Real father Anders Breivik - Norwegian diplomat Jens David Breivik. Both Anders' father and mother supported the policies of the center-left Norwegian Workers' Party.

Anders Breivik was educated at schools in the metropolitan areas of Smestad and Gaustad (the Crown Prince of Norway studied at one of these schools), as well as at the Handelsgymnasium management school in central Oslo, where he reportedly received a master's degree. Until the final break with his father, one of Anders' best friends was a descendant of Pakistani immigrants. At the age of fifteen, Anders Breivik was baptized of his own free will and became a Protestant.

Since the second half of the 1990s, Anders Breivik has shown political activity. Since 1997, Breivik has been actively involved in the activities of the youth wing of the Progress Party, which is the largest right-wing political association in Norway. In 1999, Breivik joined the party itself, in which he paid membership fees until 2004. In 2003, Anders Breivik ran as a PP candidate for the Oslo City Council, but was unsuccessful. In addition, he held a number of small posts of local importance in the party and its youth wing. Breivik remained in the youth wing of the PP until 2007.

In the 2000s, Anders Breivik's views became extremely radical. He described himself as a nationalist and declared hatred of modern multicultural systems and of Muslims, who, in his opinion, were destroying Norwegian society and, under the guise of European passports, supported the al-Qaeda terrorist network. Back in the first half of the 2000s, Anders Breivik became disillusioned with democratic methods of struggle to achieve the goals of the right and recognized the need to use armed methods.

Breivik was also a member of Johannes Lodge Soilene, a Masonic lodge in Oslo. In addition, according to Breivik’s own statement, in 2002 he joined the secret organization “Knights Templar” PCCTS from Norway, which advocated “crusader nationalism”, which was opposed to other nationalist ideologies, in particular, National Socialism. Within the organization, Anders Breivik received the secret name Sigurd and became one of two "Templars" tasked with compiling a "compendium" of information discussed at the organization's meetings. In 2002-2006, Anders Breivik collected the three million euros needed to publish this work. The main work on the “compendium” itself was carried out, according to Breivik, in 2006-2008.

In the second half of the 2000s, Anders Breivik actively participated in Internet forums and, in particular, regularly left entries on the well-known Norwegian right-wing website Document.no and on the Swedish fascist Internet forum Nordisk. At the same time, Breivik communicated with members of the British radical anti-Muslim organizations “English Defense League” and “Stop the Islamization of Europe.” By 2009, Anders Breivik's Christian views had changed significantly. He spoke very negatively of the Protestant church, calling it a "joke" and criticizing "jean-clad priests who spoke in support of Palestine and churches that looked like minimalist shopping malls."

In 2009-2010, Anders Breivik collected email addresses of his possible like-minded people. To find them he used social network Facebook. In 2009, Breivik created the Breivik Geofarm in the town of Rena in Eastern Norway to grow vegetables, as well as melons and tubers, although some sources claimed that hemp was also grown on this farm. Subsequently, the press indicated that work with agriculture gave Anders Breivik the opportunity to work with fertilizers, which could be used as a basis for creating explosives.

In 2010, Anders Breivik bought several weapons, permission to purchase which was given to him because he had completed a hunting course and had also been a member of the Oslo Pistol Club for several years. It was later reported that Breivik was the registered owner of a Glock semi-automatic pistol, a semi-automatic rifle and a shotgun. Anders Breivik's militaristic inclinations were also evident in the fact that, according to neighbors, he liked to dress up in military uniform. At the same time, however, Breivik's friends and acquaintances described him as a polite and calm person.

On July 17, 2011, Breivik opened a blog on Twitter and left a single entry in it - a statement by the British philosopher John Stuart Mill: “One person with faith is equal in strength to a hundred thousand people who have only interests.” On July 22, Breivik distributed on the Internet an English-language work consisting of more than 1,500 pages, called “2083: Declaration of European Independence” and which was a “compendium” of information about the views of the “Templars” on the danger of Islamization and leftist movements in Europe. Andrew Berwick was listed as the author of the text. The introduction to 2083 stated that only half of 2083 was the author's own creation, and the other half was a compilation of other sources. Subsequently, the press also noted that parts of “2083” were actually borrowed from other authors, in particular, from Ted Kaczynski, who single-handedly organized a number of bombings in the United States and was known by the nickname “Unabomber.” In addition to “2083,” Anders Breivik also posted a short video summary of it and a call on conservatives to support “martyrdom” methods of struggle on the Internet portal YouTube.

On July 22, 2011, at around 3:30 p.m., a few hours after the publication of “2083,” an explosion organized by Breivik occurred in the center of Oslo near a government building, as a result of which seven people were killed and several dozen more were injured. About two hours after the terrorist attack in central Oslo, Breivik, dressed in a police uniform, appeared on the small island of Utøya at a youth camp of the ruling Norwegian Workers' Party and shot dozens of people there with automatic weapons, using special bullets that had greater lethal force. The double terrorist attack was the largest in Europe since Islamist bombings on trains in the Spanish capital of Madrid in 2004.

Anders Breivik was detained by police who arrived on the island of Utøya only an hour and a half after the shooting of the youth camp participants began, and after his arrest he declared his readiness to explain his actions. The terrorist assessed his actions as terrifying, but necessary. Some time after the terrorist attacks, new details of Anders Breivik's plans became clear. So, it turned out that he intended to appear in the camp on Utøya during the stay of the famous politician Gro Harlem Bruntland, who repeatedly headed the Norwegian government in the 1980s and 1990s. In addition, Anders Breivik said that he intended to carry out two more explosions in Oslo. On July 25, it became known that Breivik had planned the attacks as a “marketing ploy” that would draw attention to “2083.” The Norwegian shooter will be responsible for his “marketing” according to the very humane Norwegian laws. Anders Breivik does not face the fate of his victims.

Based on materials