The fate of the singer Alsou at the present time. Who is the father of singer Alsou

Alsou Ralifovna Safina is a star who became popular at a fairly young age; she captivated her fans with just two songs, which many still sing to this day.

Besides, she is a person who has not deteriorated or gotten sick star fever, despite its enormous popularity. At the same time, Alsou Safina is known throughout the world not only as a singer, but also as a TV presenter, actress, and performer of tender lullabies.

Alsou is also a loving wife, and also mother of many children, who is raising three children. She is the youngest participant in the Eurovision 2000 contest and the Honored Artist of our country.

Height, weight, age. How old is Alsou (singer)

There is not enough information on the Internet about what famous artist physical parameters, including height, weight, age. How old Alsou (singer) is also a popular question, since she is often perceived as a very young girl from the video “ Winter dream».

At the same time, when comparing Alsou: photos in her youth and now, fans do not understand that the little girl in multi-colored socks has been married for a long time and is raising her own children.

Alsou was born in 1983, that is, she was already thirty-four years old. The zodiac sign Cancer, received by the girl, gave her not only intuitiveness, but also a penchant for creativity, thriftiness, and intelligence.

The eastern horoscope endowed the eastern beauty with the character traits of the Pig, namely love, passion, and compliance.

Many are also in a hurry to find out Safina’s nationality, so that they can report that Alsou is a purebred Tatar. Her height was one meter and seventy-two centimeters, but her weight did not exceed a meager forty-eight kilos.

Biography and personal life of Alsou (singer)

The biography and personal life of Alsou (singer) are those aspects of her life that arouse maximum interest from her fans. It is worth clarifying that the girl was born into a family worthy of respect.

Father - Ralif Safin - famous and wealthy in Tatarstan and Russian Federation entrepreneur, as well as former chairman of the oil company LUKOIL. The man is a billionaire who is involved in social and political activity, he represents Altai in the Russian Federal Assembly.

Mother, Razia Safina, has a higher technical education and works as an architect.

Brother - Ruslan Safin - is also related to Alsou on the paternal side, he is ten years older than the girl, he was educated at the Ufa Oil University, trained in Canada and worked in his father’s company. At the same time, the guy became an entrepreneur and headed a limited liability company.

Brother - Marat Safin - is also six years older than his sister, he received an excellent education, which he received at Oxford. The full name of the famous biathlete studied at the school of economics in the capital of Great Britain. The guy headed the Moldovan sugar business, the shopping and entertainment company and headed the MARR Group company.

Brother - Renard Safin - is the youngest in the family, since he was born in 1996, Alsou nursed him and considered him his most beloved brother. He is a student at the prestigious MGIMO. In 2015, the guy married the daughter of a businessman, Zalina Suleymanova, who is seven years older than him. On the first day of 2016, the couple became the parents of a little daughter, whose name was not disclosed.

Alsou was the only girl in the family; she lived in the Tyumen region, where even fruit did not grow, and tangerines were produced only once a year. The baby was incredibly musical, so her parents bought her a piano and sent her to a music school on the other side of Bugulma. Later, the talented and persistent girl graduated from music and high school in the capital.

Later, the girl continued her education in Denmark and the States, and at the age of ten Alsou began singing on stage children's camp in Switzerland, and all the counselors said that she had a great future. At the age of fifteen, the beauty found her producer Valera Belotserkovsky, and a year later she released Alsou debut video“Winter Dream”, followed by two more and the first album named after the singer.

Three years later, Vadim Baykov became the girl’s producer, who helped record great amount hits and take second place at the Eurovision Song Contest, record an album on English language, at the same time graduate from a prestigious business college in England and the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts on a general basis.

In 2009, the girl became the host of the Eurovision Song Contest and recorded a disc with lullabies. She starred in the films “Ghost Trap” and “Secrets of Palace Coups,” hosted the popular “Saturday Night” program, and constantly released albums and singles.

Alsou has never been seen in stormy and scandalous novels, because she is devoted to her first and only husband. The girl says that she is surrounded by love, so she is not jealous of other girls, but demands a similar attitude towards herself.

She says that in marriage, all personal life stops and focuses on the beloved spouse.

Family and children Alsou (singer)

Family and children of Alsou (singer) is a question to which fans want to know the answers, because they are curious to know how the favorite of millions lives. At the same time, her parents were wealthy and famous parents; they spared no money on the education of their sons and daughter.

The girl came from ancient family, since her grandmothers lived in their homeland all their lives: her mother in Bugulma, and her father in Bashkortostan.

The large Safin family is quite religious, since its members profess Islam. At the same time, the wedding with Ian led to the fact that the guy also converted to Islam, because he did not want to lag behind his beloved. Alsou's father claims that his daughter should receive higher education at a prestigious university, and only then do musical career.

A real example for Alsou is her brother Marat, who married his beloved girl Yulia, became the father of three children and adopted orphanage another boy.

Alsou herself has three children, and she never hid her daughters from fans, but her face little son securely hidden from fans. Children are born in marriage, they are brought up in the traditions of Islam and receive an education that will help them in later life.

Son Alsou (singer) – Rafael Abramov

The son of Alsou (singer) - Rafael Abramov - is the only heir in the family, who was born in 2016. The boy was born in the prestigious Ichilov clinic, located in Israel.

The baby got his name from his paternal grandfather, while Alsou pointed out that she became pregnant with the boy completely by accident, but never hesitated in her choice. The girl has never shown photos or videos with her beloved son, so unscrupulous paparazzi are hunting for them.

However, immediately after the birth of the baby, the singer and actress posted a touching congratulation to him on social networks, which Rafael will read soon.

Daughter Alsou (singer) – Safina Abramova

Daughter Alsou (singer) - Safina Abramova - was born in 2006 in a clinic in America, and her husband Jan Abramov became her dad. The girl got her beautiful Muslim name in honor of his maternal grandfather.

The baby’s name is Arabic; it gave the girl character traits similar to her mother’s, although Safinka’s appearance is similar to her father. She wayward girl, who argues with her mother with all her might and has her own opinion on everything.

Safina reads a lot, practices singing and dancing, draws well and does well at school. She is tall, because she has almost caught up with her mother’s height; the girl often accompanies her mother at official events.

Daughter Alsou (singer) - Mikella Abramova

Alsou's daughter (singer) Mikella Abramova was born in an Israeli clinic in 2008, although her dad hoped for the appearance of the crown prince of his empire. Michella did not immediately receive her name. Because her dad wanted to give her female version her name - Yana or Yanina, but Alsou was categorically against this.

The girl is a copy of her mother, however, she is more active and restless than her sister. Mikella was known in her family and school as a real beauty and talker; she constantly jokes and laughs loudly.

The baby is an excellent student and loves math problems and drawing. The girl went to vocal studio and music school, and recently she amazed her mother’s fans by performing a song with her mother on stage in January of this year.

Alsou's husband (singer) - Yan Abramov

Alsou's husband (singer) Yan Abramov entered the life of his chosen one in 2005, meeting her at a friendly party. He won Alsou’s heart by giving gifts and flowers and singing songs of his future wife from the restaurant stage.

The guy and the girl met for a couple of months and entered into a legal marriage, and came to the wedding the mighty of the world this and show business. It is worth noting that the mayor of the capital himself handed over the marriage certificate, and the guests gave not only ordinary gifts, but also cars, mansions and exclusive jewelry.

Banker Ian decided to arrange a honeymoon for his beloved paradise island Fiji. The guy is not used to retreating and resolutely suppresses all disputes in the family; he believes that the spouse’s persistence should also be aimed at understanding, conversations and love. For eleven years, the guys never fought, and their marriage only gets stronger over the years.

Instagram and Wikipedia Alsou (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Alsou (singer) can be found quite quickly, they are reliable and have already been confirmed on high level. At the same time, the singer does not have any more profiles on social networks, except on Instagram, which has 1,800,000 subscribers.

On Instagram, Alsou Safina posts photos and videos that are dedicated to her personal and creative life, but never before have photographs of her little son been posted in it, because this is taboo.

Wikipedia of the actress and singer is filled with facts about her childhood, parents and brothers, daughters and son, wife and family, discography and filmography, awards and problems with too persistent fans. Article found on alabanza

Singer Alsou has been happily married to businessman Yan Abramov for 11 years. The artist gave her husband three children: charming daughters Safina and Mikella and son Rafael. The family seems ideal, but Alsou admitted that this is far from the case.


On its official page in social network Instagram singer admitted that she does not have a formula for an ideal marriage and that even after 11 years life together she is still learning how to build relationships within the family. Main difficulty is how to overcome crises, quarrels and other problems. According to Alsou, a lot depends on the woman.

“Somewhere you need to remain silent, somewhere you don’t pay attention, somewhere you need to remember and respond in a more appropriate environment😈, somewhere you need to insist on your own. And 👆🏻never forget that we are women💅🏻💄👗👠 Men "They love with their eyes and want to see beauty in front of them. Don't forget to tint your eyelashes, paint your lips, sometimes arrange romantic evenings or weekends especially for two, sending the children to their parents or putting them to bed early," the singer advised.

Alsou noted that it is very important to pay at least a little attention to the interests of the spouse (if the woman does not share them), since devil-may-care attitude can lead to dire consequences. "Show at least minimal interest. Try to understand what he finds interesting in this. This is very important for a man. Otherwise, he will simply look for this attention somewhere else or from another person, maybe from another woman😡 And this is already very bad,” Alsou warned.

The artist concluded that women always need to balance. And another important aspect in a relationship is... time. "Over time, we ourselves often begin to look at many things differently. For example, now I myself am surprised at some things, actions that upset me terribly at the beginning of my life with Ian. And now I remember and think, why did I waste my nervous cells, which, by the way, are not restored👆🏻, to such nonsense, such little things. Now I wouldn’t even attach any importance. But then 🙈,” the artist admitted.

Well, the main thing, according to Alsou, is trust. “Without him, it’s impossible to continue living together. You know, you and I have such a “turbulent” and rich imagination. It happens that we come up with so many things 🙈🙈🙈 that then we no longer remember where it all came from. But in the end , sometimes everything turns out to be completely and completely wrong. But by this moment we have tormented ourselves, tormented our friends, and, of course, managed to annoy our husband and have a fight at the same time!🔫🔫 Trust, but check somehow on the quiet😶 And only then make noise , when there are real reasons for it!😤👊🏼,” the singer wrote.

One of the most successful singers in domestic show business is the charming Alsou. The biography and family of this celebrity are the subject of general discussion. It's not often that we meet people who succeed in everything. Alsou is one of them. She is a successful artist, a wonderful wife and mother, talented singer and just very beautiful girl. Her fate and career will be discussed in our article.


Alsou's biography began in 1983. The future singer was born on June 27 in the city of Bugulma into a fairly well-known (today) family. The girl's father - Safin Ralif Rafilovich - in currently holds the post of senator in the Federation Council of Russia from the Altai Republic, and his mother, Safina Razia Iskhakovna, is an architect. In addition to Alsou, the girl’s parents raised her two brothers - the eldest, Marat (namesake of the famous tennis player), and the youngest, Renard. Until the age of nine, the future celebrity lived with her family in the city of Kogalym ( Tyumen region). The weather conditions in this northern city are harsh. In the cold season, the frost reaches 45 degrees, and in the summer the thermometer rose to the same value, only with a plus sign. The matured singer recalled that she and her family often ate old apples and potatoes with sprouted roots. IN kindergarten the girl under New Year gave paper bag with chocolates and oranges, which she ate little by little for several months, prolonging the pleasure.

Moving time

In 1992, she came to Moscow. The girl’s biography followed a slightly different scenario - now she attended the capital’s music and general education schools. Having barely gotten used to the new life, the girl changed her place of residence again. This time she moved to the USA. Then (six months later) came Copenhagen in Denmark, where future singer lived for a year and a half. Then, in 1995, Alsou entered the British College MPW, which is located in London. There she studied business fundamentals, mathematics and drawing.

Passion for music

Also in early childhood the future singer began to study music. At the age of five, Alsou’s biography was marked by a fateful event - they bought her a piano with the condition that she would certainly learn to play it. The girl kept her promise and persistently attended a music school on the other side of the city. Later she studied music in Moscow and achieved some success in this field.

Alsou's biography new round in 1993. At a Swiss summer camp she performed on stage for the first time. The singer's friend convinced the girl to perform famous song“I Will Always Love You,” which she sang brilliantly at one time Whitney Houston. The performance was a success, but then the future artist did not attach any importance to it. She never thought about becoming a singer and did not plan to get involved in show business, as she was extremely shy and shy.

First steps in show business

Many are interested in Alsou’s biography. Some attribute it to the fact that her father, who by that time had become a rich and influential man, was involved in her career. Of course, in the first couple of days, dad helped the girl as much as he could. However, this is clearly not enough for national love, but Alsou has it. And the singer achieved all this with her own labor and talent.

In 1998, at her brother’s wedding, Alsou publicly performed “I Will Always Love You” again. One of those invited to this event advised the parents to show their daughter to the famous producer Valery Belotserkovsky. So the girl got an audition for one of the leading masters of domestic show business. A man will quickly become convinced that this is a talented singer. He introduced Alsou to Vadim Baykov and Alexander Shevchenko, who wrote many heartfelt songs for her.


Alsou’s biography, which is constantly under the radar of cameras, quickly became popular. In 1999, in winter, the girl’s debut video for the song “Winter Dream” appeared on the screens. This composition instantly became a hit. The producer made a bet on a video based on Nabokov’s “Lolita”, and it was right choice. After the broadcast of this video, everyone recognized and remembered the singer. The first was followed by new videos - for the songs “Sometimes” and “Spring”. Successful start culminated in September 1999 with the release of the singer’s debut album. Then the young star went on her first tour. It was decided that she would perform all her songs without a soundtrack, so a whole team of musicians traveled with her.


Alsou's biography early years was unusually rich. In 1999, she entered into a contract with Universal, involving the release of seven English-language albums. In addition, the girl constantly toured and studied at English school, where no one did her any favors. In 2000, the young singer was entrusted with performing at the Eurovision Song Contest. The most famous artists of Russia competed for the right to represent the country at this prestigious event. However, it was 16-year-old Alsou who managed to win the sympathy and love of the European public. In Stockholm, she performed the song “Solo” and took an honorable second place. For the first time in the history of the competition, a Russian representative achieved such a high result. And the charming Alsou also became the youngest participant in the entire long-term existence of this event. The girl proved to everyone that she is a world-class artist.


After the triumph, singer Alsou plunged headlong into work and study. The girl’s biography continued to develop at a frantic pace. In London, the singer successfully passed her exams and immediately went on tour. In addition, she managed to record her first duet with world celebrity Enrique Iglesias. In 2001, the girl received her first award. And not just anywhere, but on a pretentious World Music Awards. The singer was recognized as the best-selling artist of the year in Russia. Next, Alsou’s English-language disc was released under her own name"Also." Then, in 2001, the singer received a second prestigious award. On MTV she was named the most famous Russian performer. It is noteworthy that in this field she beat out the groups “Bi-2”, “Tatu”, “Mumiy Troll”, as well as the universally revered Zemfira. By that time, Alsou had already successfully graduated from the London College of Art and entered the acting department at the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

The singer decided to learn the basics of acting at a domestic university from the best Russian masters. She motivated her choice by the fact that the Russian theater school is the strongest and most famous in the world.

Personal life

Alsou had many more significant achievements in his musical and artistic career. However, in April 2005, her life changed irrevocably. The girl met her future husband. She was introduced to him by her friend, singer Ariana. Now everyone knows that businessman Yan Abramov is Alsou’s husband. The artist’s biography changed after this meeting. The young people liked each other at first sight. Ian made every effort to please the singer, and after a couple of months he asked her to marry him. The couple got married in March 2006. The ceremony took place not in the registry office, but on the territory of the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. To that significant event We prepared for six months. Alsou took over creative questions, and Ian takes care of all the other concerns. There were about 600 guests at the celebration. The level of this wedding amazed everyone present. Concert hall“Russia” has changed beyond recognition. The foyer was draped with lilac fabric, and on the walls hung portraits of young people in different years. There were flowers everywhere, and the newlyweds' table stood in big flower lotus Even the mayor of the capital came out to congratulate the young family, and the guests were entertained by Al Jerreau and George Benson with their creativity.


Since then, Alsou, whose biography is no secret to anyone, has devoted a lot of time to household chores. They are not a burden to her, because by the age of 23 the girl had already become an accomplished artist and dreamed of a marital relationship. In addition, the singer is Tatar by nationality, and Muslim by religion, therefore she sacredly honors national and family traditions. However, personal life did not interfere at all creative career girls. Alsou’s husband, (the biography of this man is the reason for writing a separate article), supports his beloved in everything. The girl continues to work actively and record new songs.

In 2006, it became known that the singer was pregnant. On September 7 of the same year she gave birth to a daughter, Safina. However, after a few months Alsou appeared in New Year's programs and amazed the audience with her stunning appearance - the singer looked as young, fresh and slender as she was before pregnancy. A year and a half later, in 2008, on April 28, the artist gave birth to her second daughter, Mikella. Family concerns have cooled the singer’s ardor a little, and now she devotes a lot of time to her husband and children. However, even now she continues to delight fans with her creativity. So, in 2010, Alsou recorded two compositions at once: “Sleep, my sunshine” and “I didn’t invent you.”

Name: Alsou (Alsu Abramova)

Age: 35 years

Height: 173

Activity: Singer, actress

Family status: Married

Alsou: biography

Alsou is a successful singer and TV presenter, UNESCO artist for peace. She instantly won the love of Russian listeners after the video for the song “Winter Dream” with and starring was presented on the country’s main television channels.

Childhood and youth

Alsou was born in Tatarstan and professes Islam. In the family of Ralif Safin and Razia Iskhakovna, besides her, there are 2 more sons: the younger Renard and the eldest Marat. His father, a former vice-president of the oil company Lukoil, holds the position of senator from the Altai Republic, and his mother works as an architect.

Music first intervened in Alsou’s biography at the age of 5, when she asked her parents to buy her a piano. She had to promise that she would master it professionally musical instrument. The girl kept her promise and from the age of 5 began to regularly attend music school, which she had to travel through the whole city to get to.

Until the age of 9, Alsou lived in the North. The harsh climate did not indulge in edible delights. The singer’s memory was vividly imprinted on old apples, treated with wax for preservation, and sprouted potatoes. New Year gifts with orange and chocolate content Alsou, like other children from the kindergarten, tried to stretch it out as long as possible, because there was no abundance of fruit in the North.

In 1992, Alsou’s biography continued in Moscow, where the future singer received secondary education and mastered musical literacy. A year later, the girl leaves for America, where she lives and studies in New York for 6 months. The next stop is Denmark, Copenhagen, where she lives for the next six months.

In 1995, Alsou was enrolled in the British MPW College, where the curriculum is exclusively English-language, with an emphasis on business, mathematics and art. Moving to London made the girl nostalgic for home and close people, but soon she adapted and became comfortable among other students. This experience allowed me to gain the maximum base of the English language.

After London College, Alsou entered GITIS on a course with Valentin Teplyakov, where she mastered acting according to an individual plan.


For the first time, Alsou's songs were rated professional musician in 1998. At her brother's wedding she sang "I will always love you,” and the delighted guest on her mother’s side insisted on introducing the young talent to Valery Belotserkovsky, the head of the Megapol production center. Talent was assessed based on the same composition that was played at the wedding.

Alsou's career began with meeting Alexander Shevchenko and Vadim Baikov, whose songs sounded from the lips of the young performer. The singer’s video “Winter Dream” brought the first and loudest popularity. It was released in 1999 and immediately won the hearts of millions of viewers. "Winter Dream" became business card singers.

Alsou's discography is replenished with new compositions - “Spring” and “Sometimes”. Music hits are transformed into videos directed by. In September 1999, fans of the artist already enjoyed the same name debut album, which spread from great success. In the first 6 months, 700 thousand copies were sold.

Alsou - "Winter Dream"

In December, Alsou goes on his first tour to 6 cities in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. A full-fledged team was assembled for the performance, since it was initially agreed that all concerts would be held not with a soundtrack, but live.

The first year of my career was crowned important event: Alsou becomes the first in Russian show business to sign a long-term contract with the world-famous label “Universal”. The project involved recording 7 English-language albums for distribution in 35 countries.

Alsou at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2000

At that time, Alsou was still studying at a British college and could not spend much time in Russia. However, this did not stop her from representing Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2000. The 16-year-old singer had a huge responsibility for the honor of the country. However, her fragile shoulders did not tremble, and the artist worthily defended her right to 2nd place with the composition “Solo”. At the competition she scored 155 points and lost 1st place to a duet from Denmark.

This was the first success Russian performers at Eurovision, which was considered highest achievement Russia on international competition before the victorious performance 8 years later.

Alsou returned to Russia as a winner, about whom the world started talking. In June she went on tour on 11 major cities, and on her birthday she gave free concert V hometown– Bugulma, which attracted 86 thousand spectators. There, the 17-year-old birthday girl received a gift from the local authorities - an honorary title and the keys to a pink Oka car with Alsou license plates. The day before, the artist was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Tatarstan.

Cooperation with “Universal” was noted joint work with world celebrities. Alsou's discography was supplemented with the single “You`re My No. 1” in a duet with. The acquaintance with the Spaniard took place on the eve of his solo concert in Moscow. Later, a video was created for the joint song.

Alsou and Enrique Iglesias - "You`re My No. 1"

On June 28, 2001, Alsou’s discography was replenished with the English-language album “Alsou”, where several compositions are the singer’s original text. Of the Russian-language songs of this period, the musical compositions “When Love Comes to Me” and “Autumn” were especially popular among listeners. These singles were included in the track list of the young performer’s disc “I Dreamed of Autumn,” which was released in 2002.

The year 2003 was repeatedly marked by significant events that were firmly entrenched in Alsou’s biography. In winter, the singer released another studio album, which was called "19".

Alsou - "It's all the same"

In Russia, the number of copies of the collection sold reached 800 thousand. The hits “It’s All the Same” and “Yesterday” were awarded the “Golden Gramophone” awards. At the same time, the artist’s career was marked by the MUZ-TV awards ceremony, where she received an award in the “Best Performer of the Year” category. Among the nominees were also, but from the stage they said: “Alsu”.

The singer was often offered to try herself in a feature film, but somehow things didn’t work out due to her constant participation in other projects. However free time fell before the start of a large-scale campaign, which the performer dedicated to filming in mystical film horror – “Spirit Trap”. IN artistic production Alsou played one of the main roles.

Alsou - "Yesterday"

In September 2004, a presentation of a single entitled “Always On My Mind” took place. In mid-November, the singer appeared in the role of a designer, where she presented models wristwatch made according to her sketches.

Fans got the opportunity to hear the artist’s next disc, “The Most Important Thing,” only in 2008. A long pause in creativity was due to personal changes in Alsou’s life - her marriage, the birth of children. Motherhood also left its mark on the singer’s vocal preferences; in 2011, the performer presented a collection of lullabies “Fairy good night».

Alsou in the film "Secrets of palace coups. Vivat, Anna!"

In 2009, the singer became a co-host of Eurovision in Moscow, then the film was released, in which Alsou starred several years earlier. In February 2010, the celebrity was awarded another rank– “People’s Artist of Tatarstan.”

In 2013, Alsou goes to Baku, where he shoots a video for the song “Stay” and celebrates his anniversary birthday. Later, the artist’s repertoire expanded musical compositions“You are my happiness” and “I can’t stop loving you”, which were awarded at the “Song of the Year” festival.

Personal life

On March 18, 2006, Alsou’s personal life was intertwined in marriage with businessman Yan Abramov, the son of banker Rafael Yakovlevich Abramov, chairman of the Local Credit Bank.

At the time of the wedding, the young man served as chairman of the New Weapons Technologies company. The loving couple prepared for the significant event for more than 6 months and organized a celebration at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.

More than 600 guests attended the event. Alsou and Yan Abramov sat in the center of the hall behind festive table, which was placed in a huge lotus flower.

On the first day of the wedding, Alsou prepared 2 dresses, which were sewn in the workshop of her brother’s wife according to the bride’s original sketches. The first congratulations came from the lips of the capital's mayor. Among the gifts to the newlyweds, guests and parents presented money, Jewelry, Vacation home within the capital and a luxury Bentley car.

On September 7, 2006, Alsou gave birth to a daughter, Safina, at the Cedar Sinai clinic in Los Angeles. In April 2008, the singer gave Safina a sister, who was named Mikella. The second time the singer gave birth in Tel Aviv, at the Ichilov clinic.

In the same year, an Internet stalker was detained who was actively distributing Alsou’s photo and flooding the Network with messages that the singer was allegedly still unmarried and was his fiancée. The attacking fan was arrested.

The third child of Alsou and her husband Ian, son Rafael, was born in August 2016. For the birth, the artist again flew to an Israeli clinic.

Alsou still pleases fans with a happy family life, the secret of which she considers to be the desire to compromise and the spouses’ periodic trips on romantic trips.

Photos of the family often end up on the singer’s personal profile in "Instagram". There, the artist demonstrates an impeccable appearance, appearing in photos both in concert looks and without makeup.

Alsou now

After a short break associated with the birth of her son, Alsou continued her musical career with new strength and ideas. She appears at festivals and concerts and participates in the creation of new songs. In the summer of 2018, the singer and the rapper recorded the track “You and I.”

Alsou and Basta - "We are with you." Festival "New Wave-2018"

The hit was presented as part of concert program music festival"New wave".

20th anniversary creative activity The celebrity was awarded the title “Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.” Alsou received the insignia from the hands of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation

Alsou was born in quite prosperous family. Her dad is an entrepreneur, politician and former vice president of the Lukoil oil company. Mom is an architect. Alsou is the second child in the family. She also has an older brother, Marat Safin, and a younger brother, Renard Safin. Alsou completed 3rd grade in Russia secondary school, and studied for several years at music school in piano class. In 1995, Alsou moved to London, where she continued her studies. Subsequently she acquired the skills of an architect-designer in art college M.P.W.

Star Trek Alsou

At the age of 15, Alsou made her debut with the song “Winter Dream,” which to this day is Alsou Safina’s calling card. In the video, Alsou performed in the image of Nabokov’s Lolita, although the girl herself was not distinguished by “adult” inclinations and interests. At the age of 16, the young show business star had already released an album and in May 2000 Alsou competed for Russia at Eurovision, where she took second place. Before the success of Dima Bilan, Alsou became the first in many years to occupy such a high position.

Alsou became the heroine of show business, but informational reasons appeared only in connection with the singer’s new achievements. Alsou was not involved in any conflict, no rumors were spread about her - a huge rarity for Russian show business. In 2001, Alsou passed the exams at an art college in London and also entered the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

Since 2003, Alsou has also been working on the idea of ​​a new English-language album, Inspired. The vocalist herself became the author of most of the recorded songs.

Alsou on this moment is an Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian pop singer, People's Artist Republic of Tatarstan.

Alsou's personal life

In March 2006, Alsou’s magnificent wedding took place with banker Yan Abramov. The entire elite of Moscow and honored guests came to the wedding. In September 2007, Alsou gave birth to her first daughter, whom she named Safina, which means “ship” in Arabic, and already in 2008, her second daughter was born, who received beautiful name Michella. Alsou does not show her daughters to the public and even refused an offer from one magazine to buy pictures of the babies for $13 thousand. It is likely that this decision was also influenced by Alsou’s demanding husband, who, like a true oriental man, closely monitors social life singer, behind what she says in interviews, and does not let her wife go to social events alone.

Due to the birth of her daughters, Alsou left show business for a while, although she still could not stop being creative. In 2008, the album “The Most Important Thing” was released, and at the end of the same year a disc in the Tatar language “Tugan Tel” was released, which translated into Russian means “native speech”.

Because of worries family life Alsou does not perform, but takes part in recording music. For example, in 2010 Alsou decided to support charity project Pampers and UNICEF “1 package = 1 vaccine” and together with Jasmine, Irina Dubtsova, Tatyana Bulanova and Lera Kudryavtseva recorded a lullaby as part of this initiative.

Full name Alsou

Place of birth Bugulma, Tatarstan

Zodiac sign Cancer

Alsou's husband asks her to become feminine

The family of singer Alsou and businessman Yan Abramov is an example to follow. The young people have been together for 10 years and are raising two daughters - Sophia and Mikella, and are now waiting for a new addition to the family. The star has not yet revealed the sex of the child, but fans hope that Alsou will give her husband a boy. Apparently, Ian loves his wife, but even in the magnificent Alsou he wants to change something.

On April 23, the show business star published a rare photo on Instagram, which was taken 20 years ago. In the photo, tiny Alsou posed in a pink T-shirt and yellow skirt. Bloggers and the show business star herself jokingly noted that the star was “in body.” The celebrity also admitted that Yang asks her to gain weight and, ultimately, gain feminine forms.

“This photo is 20 years old. Dad always says that I had a pretty good appetite and that when I finished eating my dish, I started finishing the ones next to it. P.S By the way, my husband really likes me in this photo. She always asks me to get those curves. Go, understand these men,” Alsou signed the photo.

Let us remind you that Alsou and her husband Yan Abramov have been together for 10 years. The young people are raising two daughters - nine-year-old Safina and seven-year-old Mikella.

Pregnant for the third time, Alsou no longer hides her rounded belly

At the end of April it became known that celebrity Alsou was pregnant for the third time. The celebrity hid her situation from the press for a long time, but in one of the programs on the NTV channel, the star confirmed that she was expecting a child.

“I didn’t think anything through, everything turned out as usual,” Alsou said on the air of the “You Won’t Believe” program.

On May 11, the actress published a “pregnant” photo on Instagram for the first time. Fans, seeing a photo of Alsou in a flowing bright dress and with a rounded tummy, wished her and her unborn baby health, and also began to wonder who the artist would give birth to.

“There are already girls, daddy needs a son,” “Or maybe twins? For example, we went for the 3rd, I really wanted a daughter, since I already have 2 sons. And God sent us two daughters at once,” “The most beautiful girl is a pregnant girl. Alsou you are very beautiful girl. Happiness to you, your daughters and son to you and your husband”, “You read and really... what a person, such are the comments... Beautiful Alsou, the best”, “Congratulations! It will be a boy,” “I’m so happy for you,” “It’s obvious that a boy will be born,” users wrote.

Pregnant Alsou came out with her husband Yan Abramov

Her position as an artist does not prevent her from being creative and leading a glamorous lifestyle. Recently Alsou, together with her husband Yan Abramov, attended a gala dinner in honor of the opening of the Museum of Russian Impressionism in Moscow. The organizer of the evening was billionaire and philanthropist Boris Mints.

Alsou looked great at the event - it’s not for nothing that they say that pregnancy is a beauty. The actress chose a loose-fitting black dress for her appearance, but even this style of dress is no longer able to hide the star’s rounded belly. By the way, from high heels the singer has already refused.

The opening was also attended by Tatyana Navka, actress Tatyana Vedeneeva, journalist Sofiko Shevardnadze and many other representatives of the political, creative and business elite.