Sharon Lee. Sharon den Adel and her "Temptation Limit"

In my spare time I was sorting through the txt in My Documents and found an interesting note: “How to get rid of my wife.” Even the strangest thing is where I got this from. I never had anything to do with married people and actually didn’t want to divorce anyone. The note turned out to be quite interesting and funny. The author approached the matter with feeling, quite seriously, apparently there were good reasons, although he did not offend her.
I was wondering why I couldn’t just say about my reluctance/reluctance/etc. instead of creating a whole system for truly getting rid of your wife? It turned out there are several reasons: if you just say “I have another one, I sleep with her,” then:
1. Divorce is not guaranteed.
2. A scandal is guaranteed.
3. Division of property (if you managed to persuade it)
4. You won’t be able to see the child (if you have one) for the next 20 years.
Actually, you can talk a lot and for a long time, without even taking into account ethical and moral barriers.
I’ll give you the note itself (which prompted me to write this post and something else that I found on this subject on the Internet, of course, all the most “delicious”).

1. What tenderness, given our poverty!
The main thing is not to hurt women’s pride and maintain the appearance of male nobility. This requires patience and a certain acting talent. You must convince your lady that you are unworthy of her. It’s good if you have any natural defects (such as squint, lameness or a hump, or, at worst, an overhanging abdomen or a clearly visible bald spot). Then it won’t be difficult to prove that for such a chic woman like her, appearing in public with you is simply painful, and only natural kindness makes her overcome the feeling of awkwardness every time.
If you were born a sultry handsome man, you will have to pretend to be unworthy in other respects. Your career may not work out (it’s very good if the lady has reached very high career levels). Focus on what should be next to her strong man, who has realized himself in a serious matter, and is not at all a loser like you.
Or the money may suddenly run out without any chance of appearing again. Take her to a dumpling place instead of your favorite restaurant, order one portion and ask for two forks. Hide the car in a friend's garage to enjoy the sweaty bodies of your fellow citizens on a crowded bus with your beloved. On March 8th, give her a plastic hair clip and a single red carnation of the second freshness. Learn to humbly count the change in your pocket and sweat in embarrassment. In the end, it won’t be difficult to convince her that you cannot be a worthy setting for such a diamond.
Mutual enema
Make living together unbearable. Scatter your things everywhere, wander absentmindedly in dirty shoes onto the Persian carpet in the bedroom, accidentally break her favorite vases and cups, bring chili sauce from the supermarket instead of the ordered Tatar sauce, regularly do not screw up the tube of toothpaste, forget to come to a dinner to which she is invited parents, lose your laundry receipts, change TV channels every two minutes from Santa Barbara to Soccer game. Get into the habit of unexpectedly crashing home with a group of loud-mouthed, tipsy friends, and sing “The Reeds Made Noisy” in chorus.
When you wake up before her, immediately turn on the radio at full volume (it is advisable to catch information about the debate in the Duma on amendments to the law on pension provision for citizens). Provoke her to discuss the political situation in the country and carefully explain the state of affairs on the stock exchange.
Announce that with today you will lead together healthy image life. Eliminate from the diet everything that seems tasty to her. Force regular gastric lavage and offer a joint enema. If she tends to be overweight, give her a scale and start by measuring her weight every morning.
My tongue is my enemy
Master the art of casually saying what she doesn't like to hear. For example: “How does this loose-fitting dress suit you, you look so slim in it!” Or: “You look so great in this photo, much better than in life!” You can (but carefully) encroach on the most sacred: “I am so grateful to your mother for remaining silent all evening. My guests took her for smart woman».
Obsessively cite your secretary as an example: “Be sure to ask Lyubochka which cosmetologist she goes to - she has such a wonderful complexion, you can’t tell that you are the same age as her.”
Imaginary affair
If your companion is jealous, poison her life with suspicions. But know how to balance on the edge, without bringing matters to the point of indisputable evidence of your infidelity. Pulling a handkerchief from my pocket business suit, spill a handful of condoms on the floor. Laugh forcefully, announcing that you wanted to give a surprise by decorating your nest with inflated rubber products.
When returning from work four hours late, be distracted and lyrical. Stand thoughtfully by the window. Put on Chopin. Answer questions only after they have been repeated in a raised voice.
Deliberately confuse her habits with habits that are not hers at all: “Do you want coffee without sugar, as usual?” (while she puts down three spoons), “Dance: I bought tickets for your favorite Viktyuk, for Madama Butterfly! How do you hear it for the first time? It’s strange...”, “Do you remember when we met Boyarsky on the street last Wednesday... Oh, wasn’t it with you?”
Get into the habit of disappearing for several hours on a strictly defined day (for example, on Fridays), each time explaining your absence too confusingly. At the same time, it is useful to subscribe her to some women's magazine. In the “Girlfriend” section they regularly explain: if your husband gets into the habit of disappearing on the same day of the week, rest assured that he is having an affair!
Learn to answer any questions in monosyllables phone calls- so that there remains a feeling of some secret, the revelation of which can greatly upset her.
You called me Vasya!
One can, on the contrary, suspect her of infidelity. Meet any new purchase with suspicion: “And who did you buy this French bra for?” Ask a friend to call you regularly and be silent, sniffling in telephone handset. Taking off from your seat at every call, demonstratively try to get ahead of her, and after “alarming” ten times, frantically press the lever and, after a theatrical pause, glare at her with a withering glance: “I assume it’s you.”
Reproach her for being cold, for faking an orgasm, for the fact that now, in order to get pleasure, she seems to need to imagine someone else. The solution may be simple. Let her wake up one fine morning and find you sitting on the edge of her bed, sadly watching her sleep. Tell her, with an effort to restrain your emotions, that she called you Vasya last night. Now you can pack your things with feigned indifference and leave with an offended look.
Nettle cabbage soup
In certain cases, even extravagant techniques are acceptable. Announce that you have joined Vissarion’s sect. Fill your home with pictures of him and related literature. Become stern and ascetic. Make your bed on the floor or specially brought unplaned boards. Intimidate her with talk about the approaching end of the world. Read idiotic books out loud, asking Control questions and forcing you to retell what you heard.
Teach your life partner the secrets of making cabbage soup from nettles and rubbing from bird droppings. Throw all her cosmetics, jewelry and perfume down the garbage disposal, declaring a battle against temptations from the evil one. Return to the travel agency the tickets it purchased to the Canary Islands and announce that you will spend August in a remote monastery, devoting your vacation to self-improvement and the fight against demons.
Meet her remaining friends with questions about faith, fasting and piety. Having eventually been expelled, they will certainly try to “open the eyes” of their beloved friend, because her continued existence with you will quite rightly seem unsafe to them.
What the stars are talking about
You can get into the habit of going to mediums, astrologers and psychics. A good place to start is to demonstrate how your horoscopes differ greatly. Then announce that the stars do not recommend having sex for the next three weeks.
Do not carry out a single order (even the most trivial one, like buying a loaf of bread) without consulting with some witch. Convict her of insincerity, referring to the words of the medium that she actually thinks this, and not that, and is up to God knows what. Let her know that past life were a farmer in Abyssinia, and therefore must immediately leave their urban habits and move to Pupyshevo, on their parents’ six hundred square meters. To be even more convincing, line the windowsill with pots of seedlings and buy a rake.
And fatal passions are everywhere...
Or, through third parties, let her know that you are possessed by some destructive passion. For example - to the game. Let them tell her in vivid colors about how you lose big at the casino every day, but are unable to stop and have already secretly pawned everything in order to win back at roulette. The situation is aggravated by your unexpectedly revealed addiction to cocaine. They whisper in whispers that, being out of your mind, you have already killed one intractable drug dealer.
You can play out a harmful passion of a different kind. Become cold, respond to all her attempts to provoke intimacy with some innocent proposal, like: “Let’s just sit next to each other and talk about the books we’ve read.” Hang a reproduction of a naked boy going through puberty over your side of the bed. Defiantly freeze at the image, openly admiring youthful body and encouraging her to share your admiration.
Place a volume of Verlaine on your bedside table (do not forget to regularly move the bookmark, moving from beginning to end). Start conversations from time to time about the purity, sublimity and sophistication of the relationship between a man and a man, appropriately quoting something from Verlaine. Start showing interest in her creams and rubs, asking which hair removal product is more effective and gentle on getting rid of that disgusting leg hair.
Let her catch you off guard trying on some lingerie. Try to turn this masquerade into a joke, but at the same time be seriously embarrassed and, preferably, blush. To dispel the last doubts, make an agreement with a friend - when she returns from work, she should find curtained windows, burning candles, slightly sipped champagne and a rumpled bed.
Comfort her by explaining that love comes in different forms. That no one despises left-handers because they are not like everyone else. That you struggled with your unconventional nature for a very long time, but nature took its toll. And what now, when everything has been revealed and there is no longer any need to lie, hide your sincere essence, you are truly happy. Offer to remain friends. Yes, one more thing - try not to let the game go too far and make your male colleagues afraid to be alone with you.
As you can see, it is not at all necessary to adopt the rather primitive experience of Bluebeard in order to get rid of an annoying woman. Such radicalism is fraught with criminal liability, and the methods we propose are only pleasure derived from true creativity. Go for it if you are talented.

2. It's better to read it yourself: 12764.html
3. And finally, a little humor on the same topic:
You want to divorce your wife, but she doesn’t give you a reason. What to do?
Let's say you have a spouse. Address her in the past tense, for example, tell her every morning, “When you were still my wife, and not like now.”
Let's say she doesn't listen to your words. Pretend to be a big fan of cleanliness and at three o'clock in the morning start vacuuming the bed and wiping the dust off your wife with a wet rag.
Let's say she doesn't react to this at all. Pay attention to its shortcomings and put yourself first on this list. Repeat as if by chance: “I like everything about you, but, of course, you can’t live with a husband like me.”
Let's say she disagrees with you and says that you are good. Try to dissuade her from this. When returning from work in the evening, throw a brick at the window of your house, and when she looks out after that
to see who is hooligan, shout at the top of your lungs: “Darling, I came to you with greetings.”
Let's say you broke all the windows in the house, and she was not at home at that moment. Decorate the house with flowers, set a table for two with candles, turn on soft music and, when your wife returns, shyly say: “Oh, I wasn’t expecting you today.”
Let's say she pretended she didn't hear and intends to have a romantic dinner with you. Immediately pick up the phone and, in front of your wife’s eyes, say passionately, “Honey, why didn’t you come today, and when can we meet again? I kiss you on the ear, I’ll be waiting. Your cat.” After
Why explain to your wife that your immediate boss called and asked you to stay late at work tomorrow.
Let's say she believed you again. Come the next day at three o’clock in the morning and, smiling stupidly happily, muttering “I worked, I worked, I’m tired like a dog during the mating period.”
Let's say she asked why you smell so nice. Honestly admit that you drank her favorite perfume.
Let's say she admitted that she had long wanted to change this already boring brand. Then read aloud to her a chronicle of fatal traffic accidents and immediately ask: “Honey, why don’t you drive?”
Let's say she doesn't understand hints. Then give up your stupid idea - you won’t find such a wife anywhere else.

The moral, let's say this... if you really decided to take this rather serious step, then it doesn't cost you anything to think again - just one more little time - just remember: why did you even marry her???...
And may all wives in this proud status, future and civilian, forgive me! I truly didn’t wish you harm...the topic was just interesting.

and one last thing...
think about it...who is hurt the most by this?

In the announcement: how to take revenge on your ex (goat).

Every woman, having learned about the existence of another equally beloved person with her life partner, will experience a lot of negative feelings. The first desire to take revenge will be quite natural. But after a while, the woman begins to understand that emotions only interfere with making the right decision. Sometimes it is better to survive betrayal and stay with your loved one. However, you also need to win new girlfriend. How to get rid of your husband's mistress forever and still respect yourself and your partner?

First, you need to be absolutely sure that your partner has someone. You must be armed with facts, not speculation, and the betrayal must be permanent, not just a random one-off. You also need to understand whether you want to be with him after what happened, whether you can sincerely and completely forgive. Anyway living together will never be the same again. But if you are sure of cheating and want your partner to leave the other woman and come back to you, our recommendations will come in handy.

Don’t tell anyone about this, don’t try to ask anyone for advice, this is a family matter, and nothing more. It’s better to figure this out on your own: the situation will be resolved sooner or later, but all initiates will be left with a bad feeling.

Take care of yourself. Change something in appearance, in behavior, become attractive, smart, well-groomed. To do this, you don’t have to spend a lot of money; many things can be done within the walls of your home: play sports, do manicures, pedicures, masks, etc. Interested male glances will instantly affect your self-esteem, your posture will become better, your gaze will become more confident. Next to such a woman, the desire to look for someone on the side will disappear.

Introduce intrigue into your daily communication with your partner, make him jealous, but in doses so as not to go too far. When you become mysterious, you will want to understand you. Occupy your thoughts with yourself and only yourself.

Don't sort things out, don't make scandals. Save complete calm. Such behavior should only pleasantly surprise, but not strain or disappoint. Don't try to date someone else and try to figure it out. Keep calm and cool head.

Become the most desirable woman for your chosen one, so that your husband leaves another and returns to you consciously. If you know someone who crossed your path, study her features that could attract a partner. Appearance, habits, behavior - any fact can be used to update your image.

If your life partner is owner and loves weak women, quit your job and become a housewife, seek help and support, show the power over you.

Stop thinking about cheating, get busy with other, completely unrelated things: renovations, a dacha, children, find yourself a new hobby, go meet old friends, find yourself new friends.

Live a full life, surround yourself positive emotions, smile more often.

Give a romantic evening that turns into an unforgettable night so that everyone except you is forgotten.

If you and your partner have always had stable, confidential communication, discuss with him an affair on the side. Try not to act overly emotional or aggressive.

How to beat another

Which ones exist? effective ways How to make your husband leave his mistress once and for all? We offer short advice from a psychologist, recommendations on how to get rid of an annoying lover:

  • Don't think about her as a living person, think only about the reasons that made your spouse leave for her. Think about how to eliminate the reasons for the trip, and not the person herself.
  • Try to get to know your other half with clean slate. Imagine that your husband is a complete stranger to you. Discover new features in him, study his habits, admire him as if for the first time. Admiration for the stronger sex is very important.
  • Relax somewhere alone. A sense of ownership will awaken in him, he will want to understand what is happening, to catch up with you.
  • Load it to full capacity. Let him repair the taps, change the light bulbs, start raising children intensively, start chopping wood - anything so that at the end of the day he will be so exhausted that there will be no desire to go anywhere. But I just wanted to stay at home and relax. However, do not overdo it - otherwise he will rarely appear at home.

  • If your partner does not know that you know all the adventures, and you know the other lady by sight, try to develop in him disgust towards her: tell him something unpleasant, repulsive about her. Or about her untidiness, uncleanliness, or any diseases (most effectively, sexually transmitted diseases). About promiscuous behavior or strange habits.
  • If your new beloved turns out to be a friend, break off all relations with her, even if she convincingly explains her behavior to you. Guerrilla wars you don't need it.
  • Let your loved one go to the lady of your heart for a few days. Usually they are not ready to tolerate a man in everyday life.
  • If you have influence on your rival’s life, try to send your mistress away from her husband as far as possible. A business trip, an internship, a transfer to a neighboring branch, a tighter work schedule - any means to ensure that meetings are as rare as possible.

3 main choices

  1. Give an ultimatum - so that the husband makes the decision. This step is usually taken out of despair and in the hearts, and emotions are a bad helper. A man can tell you that it's already over, and at the same time go to her, but in a more hidden way.
  2. Give the man the right to choose. If you are willing to stay with him and forgive any wrongdoing, this path is possible.
  3. Show that you feel good yourself. This step is good only if you really feel this way, otherwise the falseness will be visible. Don't start looking for a quick replacement spouse in a panic.

How do you understand that you are still able to restore and maintain a happy family life? If the faithful does not talk to you about what is happening, then he values ​​​​the marriage and is not going to destroy the family. If he told you everything openly, without hiding anything, he may have already made a decision, and not for your benefit.

If, after all the attempts to make your loved one hate his mistress and return to you, you have not achieved the desired result, do not rush to resort to the services of magic. If the husband does not leave his mistress, this may indicate the seriousness of feelings.

Sometimes it happens that a man himself would be glad for his mistress to leave behind, but this will not happen. And he is ready to happily remove the other one from his life, but his girlfriend holds on tenaciously and does not let go of her hands.

If you have a pretty and faithful wife with whom you have been together for a long time and live in a warm relationship, but still something is missing and suddenly a desire arises get rid of your wife, then this article contains a recipe for this disease. All these tips posted on the website have been tested for more than one year and by many married couples. They are passed on from mouth to mouth, from grandfather to grandson, and if the need arises, they can also be used effectively by you. Just don’t forget that it won’t be possible to get back what you lost, or it will be extremely difficult

1. Never ask your wife about her desires. Become a complete egoist, think only about your needs and feelings, so that everything family life spinning around your feet.

2. Force your wife to give up work and stay only at home, since there is quite a large work front here, and let her do it. You yourself are constantly late at work, having come up with a stupid excuse and always repeating that a man’s work comes first.

3. Become incredibly jealous. Demand full reports from any trip to the store, study her phone number and arrange a malicious interrogation “Who is Natasha?”

4. In the meantime, while you are leading a promiscuous sex life, you don’t have to hide it from your wife, but, on the contrary, casually talk about yesterday’s exploits, explaining that you are a man and this is absolutely natural for you. Calls from girlfriends can be received on a landline phone; the wife must understand and accept all male lusts.

5. In order to get rid of your wife, transform yourself for a while into a greedy man who counts every penny and never gives any gifts for no reason. And it is advisable to completely abandon them altogether, since this is a pointless waste of hard-earned money. You should be motivated by the fact that the insane amount of money spent by a woman on a useless blouse can be usefully spent by you with a group of men in a tavern.

6. Completely limit your wife’s communication, prohibit her from visiting her friends, and completely isolate her from fresh gossip. No meetings with classmates, only quick walks to the kindergarten to pick up the child or to the grocery store.

7. Avoiding compliments will help you get rid of your wife, even if she bought you beer, and don’t confess your love even at gunpoint. But later she may have, and sometimes even more serious problems.

8. Having sex should become monotonous and rare. Don’t study anything about this, just try to bring as much pleasure as possible to your loved one, and let your wife be content with what she has. If one day you find her crying, it’s because she has great happiness that she has you. After ejaculation, immediately turn to the wall and fall asleep snoring, no sentimental conversations. Remember, no unnecessary foreplay, follow the principle: done the job, get off the body.

9. You shouldn’t be too neat and clean; if your dirty socks don’t fit under the sofa, you can throw them on the chandelier. Walk around wrinkled and unshaven; men already have more important things to do.

10. To get rid of your wife, come home as often as possible with a group of drunken drinking buddies. In this case, the wife does not have the right to be at the table, because then there will be no one to serve the banquet.

11. Aggression and rudeness should prevail in your character. A good swear word in front of a child will only brighten up the situation. Express your love on her face in the form of black eyes.

12. Excessive affection will also help you get rid of your wife. When communicating with your wife, use words with diminutive suffixes. Turn yourself into a defenseless child for a while, doing nothing around the house.

Many of us women get married a little crazy. Hopes and dreams take precedence over facts and common sense. It seems to us that love will last forever and become stronger and more beautiful over the years. And marriage will decorate a happy relationship with a golden crown.

Unfortunately, statistics say the opposite. In Russia and other CIS countries, about 50% of marriages end in divorce. We are talking about the official termination of the relationship. And how many married men and married women live separately? Or together, but unhappily? Love either passes, or it turns out that it never existed.

Perhaps in Lately you also began to think about whether your husband loves you. This is already an unkind sign, although in any relationship there are periods of temporary cooling of feelings. But if more than 50% of the signs listed below relate to your situation, then you can be sure that there is no love.

Sign 1. Your husband is not protecting you.

A man may be a poor breadwinner for the family, earn little money, shirk homework, find fault with little things. But at the same time love your woman. And the main manifestation of this love is protection.

For example, a wife is verbally attacked by one of her husband’s friends (mother-in-law, a passer-by on the street). Tries to criticize, humiliate or insult. Loving man will always take the side of his woman. At a minimum, he will try to take her to a calm place and put her in order. As a maximum, he will give a brutal rebuff to the attacker, even to the point of swearing and fighting.

If a husband ignores such situations and allows his wife to fend off attacks on her own, he does not love her.

Sign 2. The husband does not set unified goals for himself.

All the interests, goals, dreams, habits of the husband are tied to only one person - him. And if you somehow don't fit into them, well. These are your problems, not your husband's.

For example, a man can quit his previous job and go abroad, because brilliant prospects await him there. At the same time, he doesn’t care about your feelings and opinions. He is ready to easily sacrifice relationships for the sake of his ambitions.

Sign 3. No sex for a long time

This sign indicates a lack of love only when the husband does not have health or work problems.

If your husband is cheerful, energetic, cheerful, but does not want to be with you for several months, you can be sure that he no longer considers you as a life partner.

Sign 4. Rudeness, physical and moral violence

Love is not compatible with assault and humiliation. If your husband beats you, blackmails you, calls you rude and swear words, forces you to do disgusting things - run before it’s too late!

Sign 5. Lack of jealousy

We all remember that the phrase “jealous means he loves” does not pretend to be true and objective. However, the absence of jealousy on the part of the husband in the presence of obvious reasons (for example, when another man is trying to court you, and the husband sees it) should be alarming. Every man, deep down in his soul, is afraid of losing the woman he loves and considers his family. No matter how confident you are in your companion, your soul will still tingle. At the same time, jealousy does not necessarily have to manifest itself in reproaches directed at the woman. This may be temporary fear, isolation, hostility towards a potential rival.

If your husband is not the least bit jealous, it means he is not afraid of losing you. That is, you are not that valuable to him.

Sign 6. Indifferent attitude

For psychological release, all men need to meet with friends, spend time outside the home, or simply stay completely alone for a while.

Nevertheless, evenings together (at least occasionally), interest in the wife’s life, conversations, gifts and other signs of attention are required. If the husband spends more than 60% of his free time outside the home (or hangs out in in social networks And computer games), never asks his partner how her day was, behaves extremely passively, which means he perceives his wife as nothing more than beautiful item interior Or the cleaning lady.

Sign 7. The husband blames his wife for everything and does not admit his own mistakes.

You start nagging your husband: “You’re never home!” And he answered you: “It’s your own fault, I’m just bored with you!”

You: “Why did you deceive me again? It's cruel!". He: “Can you tell the truth? You’ll throw a tantrum for any reason!”

You: “You cheated on me.” He: “What could I do? You dialed excess weight and completely stopped taking care of myself!”

You: “Why did you spend your last savings on a Swiss watch? How can we feed the child now?” He: “You’ve already had enough of it with your child! I’m tired, I want you to take my interests into account!”

And so on. Of course, each incident in itself does not indicate a lack of love. But if your husband constantly reproaches you and believes that there are only two opinions (his and the wrong), then he does not value your relationship. This is the highest form of selfishness. And egoists, as we know, are not truly capable of love.

In any case, it is up to you to decide whether to stay with the person or break off the relationship. But you must remember one important thing. A woman who is not loved by her man begins to quickly fade. Her self-esteem falls, health problems appear, her appearance deteriorates, and interest in life disappears. This state is worse than loneliness. Maybe it’s not worth bearing a heavy cross?

Sharon den Adel (Dutch: Sharon Janny den Adel, born July 12, 1974) is the vocalist and one of the songwriters of the Dutch symphonic metal band Within Temptation. Outside musical career, she runs the company FTX - products for men.

Sharon den Adel was born on July 12, 1974 in the small Dutch town of Woddenksveen - part of the local "suburban belt". Nevertheless, den Adel loves her city - and still lives in the house in which she was once born. Sharon shares her own living space with her colleague and lover, Within Temptation guitarist Robert Westerholt. Her parents live in Kuwait but stay with their daughter whenever they come home. The den Adel family consists of four people: Sharon, her parents and her older brother. "Independent and happy child" also turned out to be very impudent - seeing that her brother was given pocket money, Sharon demanded that she, at that time four years old, be encouraged with a weekly scholarship. The parents agreed, but set the only condition for their daughter - she would spend all her “maintenance” on music. The first album the younger Den Adel bought was Wells's War of the Worlds, interpreted by Jeff Wayne, which Sharon now admits scared the crap out of her.

“There was always music in our house,” she adds. “Yes, I must say that the environment around me was extremely musical.” At the age of 14, she enrolled in a music college - and the youngest of her classmates were at least six years older, and after two girls left the college, den Adel was accompanied only by boys. Then she realized that if her dream of singing as the main thing in life was destined to come true, then she would not have another chance. And Sharon made up her mind: she began singing in the bands of her college friends, encountering new and most different sounds and influences, and eventually found her timidity disappearing. Sharon den Adel probably didn't look too much like Courtney Love, but she couldn't be called overly shy anymore either.

This may seem like a fabrication of a gothic tale, but fate actually threw Sharon a decisive surprise - a meeting on Christmas Eve. Our heroine is 19 years old and sings in a school band. Nothing special, but at least she's doing what she loves, and somewhere in the audience is Robert Westerholt. He likes what he sees - so immediately after the concert he approaches Sharon to say that he did not like it. Now den Adel admits: “Our first conversation was not very good. He came up and said everything that he didn’t like in my speech. That, they say, we need to change this and that, we need to Furthermore and less than that. He was crystal honest, but I was not ready for frankness this kind. Now I understand that men do this all the time: before they tell you what they like, they say the opposite. But then I thought that I enraged him - but it turned out that I charmed him." It would soon become clear that this did not only apply to Sharon's singing talents. One way or another, after three weeks they were in the same group.

13 years have passed since then, and they are still in the same group - and in a group whose discs sell hundreds of thousands of copies. Who would have thought that after all these years spent at Korn and Limp Bizkit, the appetites of Europeans will be able to satisfy the music of the Old World - and not from London or Manchester, but from Berlin, Milan and Helsinki. And even from such remote suburbs as the Dutch Woddenksveen. Besides everything else, we're talking about not about music prepared and packaged according to all the rules of the industry. Not about the subject of a major marketing campaign, which involved a couple of million dollars. This group is here because many people already liked it..

Sharon's vocals play important role in the band's sound, despite the fact that it has never been professionally vocal training. Before becoming a full-time musician, Sharon worked in a modeling agency.

After the success of Ice Queen, she was forced to leave her job. However, their artistic ability she uses it to design costumes for members of Within Temptation.

Sharon Den Adel has collaborated on stage and in the studios with a number of notable bands, including Aemen, After Forever, De Heideroosjes and Delain. She sang vocals. the part of Anna Held in the Avantasia Tobias Sammet project and the part of “Indian Women” in Ayreon, in the album Electric Castle. She performed a piece by the famous Finnish musician, Timo Tolkki Are You The One? She also participated in the creation and provided vocals for the composition entitled In And Out Of Love from the 2008 album Armin Van Buuren under the name Imagine, as well as with the band Voyage on the song Frozen (which is often considered a song by Within Temptation).

Favorite music: Arid, Tori Amos, Heather Nova, Muse, Emma Shaplin, Preisner, Type O Negative, Paradise Lost, Bjork, Alanis Morisette, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, A Perfect Circle, Ayreon, The Verve, Orphanage, Annie Lennox, Enigma, HIM and Bob Marley.

Favorite films: Vidocq, The X-men, Braveheart, Interview with the vampire, Dracula, Legends of the fall, Sleepy hollow, Grease, Lord of the Rings, Gladiator, Dumb & Dumber and Dancing with wolves (+ Ren and Stimpy).