How to make the simplest paper craft. DIY paper crafts: diagrams and templates for children, easy and interesting for children, simple, without glue

Useful tips

You don't have to have a special gift to make something beautiful and unusual. If you know some tricks, you can make something beautiful. decoration for your home or gift, with minimal effort and using very few materials.

On our website you will also find:

Here is just a small part of simple crafts that absolutely anyone can do:

Simple DIY crafts

1. Autumn candles

You will need:

Leaves (real or artificial)

PVA glue (decoupage glue)

Brush or sponge

* Wipe the jar with alcohol to get rid of fats.

*Apply glue to the jar.

*Use straight leaves to decorate the jar.

* You can apply decoupage glue to the glued leaves.

*Add some thread and a candle for beauty.

2. Painted cup

You will need:

Oil markers


* Cut out a stencil of any design or letter from cardboard.

* Place the stencil on the cup and start making dots around it with different colored markers.

Just do it yourself

3. Painted jars

You will need:

Alcohol (for cleaning the jar)

Acrylic paints

Decorations (flowers)

* Clean the jar with alcohol.

* Paint the jar any color and leave to dry.

* You can add a marker to the drink (in this case, there is a relief on the can that can be erased).

* Insert flowers into the vase.

4. Colored sneakers

You will need:

Fabric markers

White (light) sneakers


* Using a pencil, draw the desired design on the sneakers.

* Trace the drawing with a marker and start coloring as you like.

The simplest crafts

5. Craft from wine corks

You will need:

Wine corks


Super glue

* Draw any simple shape on paper - in this example it is the shape of a heart.

* Start gluing the corks to each other (apply glue only to the sides, do not apply to the ends, so as not to stick them to the paper), placing them on the drawing to eventually get a heart.

6. Infinity scarf from an old T-shirt

You will need:

Old/unwanted T-shirt


Thread and needle (sewing machine)

*Trim off the left and right edges of the T-shirt (see image). The width of the T-shirt will then become 35 cm.

* Cut off a small part from the bottom and top (where the neck is).

* Sew both halves from the inside and you will have a scarf.

Easy and simple with your own hands

7. Bright vases made from glass bottles

You will need:

Watercolor paints


Bowl and brush (if necessary)

Syringe (if necessary)

*Pour some paint into a bowl. You can mix several colors to get a different color.

*Pour the paint into the bottle. It’s more convenient to do this with a syringe - you fill the syringe with paint and then inject it into the bottle.

*Turn the bottle until the paint covers the entire glass inside.

* Turn the bottle over and leave it in that position in the sink - excess paint will flow out.

*When the paint is dry, you can add water to the vase and insert flowers into it.

8. Towel dryer

If you have an old ladder, you can Clean it, sand it if necessary, and even paint it. After that, you can put it in the bathroom to hang towels.

Simple paper crafts

9. Garland of paper cups

You will need:

Paper cups

Regular garland

Knife or scissors.

*Make a cross-shaped cut in each cup.

* Insert a garland light bulb into each hole.

* Decorate the room with a garland.

10. Golden canvas

Even if you don’t know how to draw at all, you can make a very beautiful project and decorate your interior with it.

You will need:

2 white canvases

Gold, blue and orange acrylic paint

Sponge brush

*Paint each canvas with 2-3 coats of gold paint - allow the paint to dry after each coat.

* Using a sponge brush, start painting the canvases. One will be blue and the other orange. Make some lines shorter, others longer.

11. Multi-colored keys

If you have several identical keys for different locks, use nail polish to color them. This way you will know which key is for which lock.

Crafts from simple materials

12. Colored candlesticks

You will need:

A wide glass and a narrow glass (or vases of different sizes)

Super glue

Food coloring

* Place the small glass in the large one, and secure both with glue - apply glue to the bottom of the small glass.

* Pour water into the gap between the glasses and add food coloring.

* Place a candle inside a small glass.

13. Vase made from a light bulb

You will need:




Wire (if necessary)

Cover for the base of the vase (if necessary)

Super glue

Gloves and specials goggles (to protect hands and eyes)

* Use pliers to remove the tip of the light bulb.

* Use a screwdriver or pliers to remove excess glass at the base. You may have to get rid of several layers of glass - be careful and attentive.

* Glue the light bulb to the base (plastic cover).

* You can also hang a light bulb - use wire for this.

* You can complicate the task and add an LED light bulb. For this, in addition to the light bulb, you will need small batteries. All instructions can be seen in the video:

Simple crafts for kids

14. Ghost design on a T-shirt

You will need:

Wide adhesive tape

Light T-shirt


* Cut out the details of your ghost from adhesive tape (eyes and mouth, for example)

* Glue all the parts carefully to the T-shirt.

15. Congratulations from the keyboard

This congratulation is very easy to make.

Paper is a universal raw material that is used in a wide variety of areas of human life. In the work of many people, they take this material as a basis. Both adults and children will be very interested to know what crafts can be made from paper.

Original paper products

It’s not at all difficult to make beautiful paper crafts at home. A fair number of all kinds of shapes require drawn diagrams according to which the product is assembled. Armed with a pencil and a ruler, anyone can create a craft using a template. All you have to do is draw a diagram, and you can easily create pieces of furniture or gift boxes, for example.

Each interesting idea has instructions on how to make a craft. It is important to note that the dotted lines of the diagram are fold lines.

Photos of paper crafts, as well as detailed instructions and descriptions of the necessary materials and tools can be found on the Internet. In our article we offer some options for crafts of different levels of complexity.

For the little ones

From a very young age, children begin to show interest in paper. We invite parents and their children to make a bright and beautiful bird. Your baby can use it to play or decorate the room.

Before you start working, you should prepare. You will need a bird template, cardboard, thin paper (square) and colored pencils or markers. Using this template you cut out the bird. Then draw the beak, feathers and tail.

Wings are made from a thin square sheet of paper. To do this, you need to fold it like an accordion and then secure it in the body of the bird in a previously prepared hole.

It is important to remember that the cutting process must take place under the strict supervision of an adult. And don’t forget to explain to your child that after work all tools should be put back in their places.

Decorate the bird by gluing ribbons, sparkles or rhinestones on it.

Three-dimensional paintings

All paper crafts can be simple or complex. Applique is considered one of the simplest techniques for making paper crafts. Children learn this type of creativity in the early stages of their education.

Work algorithm

  • Fold the napkin 4 times and fasten it with a stapler in the middle. Cut the corners to make a circle.
  • Form a flower by separating the layers of the circle.
  • Cut out a few green leaves.
  • Cut out the basket.
  • Glue all the parts onto a sheet of cardboard.

Please note that corrugated paper or foil can be used to make a basket.

Torn paper applique

Another way to applique without using scissors is to work with confetti or torn paper.

To work you must have:

  • glue;
  • torn paper (or confetti) of different colors;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • pencil.

Work algorithm:

  • We put an image on the cardboard.
  • Apply glue to the details of the image one by one.
  • Place pieces of paper or confetti on top of the glue.

If desired, the picture can be decorated with a frame made of any other materials, or inserted into a photo frame. Attach a loop on the back side, and you can hang such a children's masterpiece on the wall.


There are a huge variety of ways to learn how to make paper crafts using the weaving technique. This is a very original approach to creating an exclusive piece.

The simplest technique in this technique is weaving strips in a checkerboard pattern. For those who are not looking for easy ways, working with paper tubes is suitable.

It is worth considering that the properties of the product will depend on the type of material you choose. You can work with:

  • plain paper;
  • newspaper;
  • tape for cash registers;
  • glossy magazines.

This way you will get a durable and high-quality product. Once the product is woven, you can decorate it as you wish. There are no restrictions here.


One of the most complex techniques for working with paper is called origami. Next, we offer a master class on paper crafts using this technique. As an example, we will make chicken.

To work on the product you will need a square piece of thin paper and pencils (black and red).

Algorithm for performing the work:

  • Bend the paper diagonally.
  • Expand.
  • Bend into two equal parts
  • Expand the left and right corners of the square.
  • Bend these corners in the middle so as to combine them and as a result get a pentagon.
  • Fold the top of the cone into the middle.
  • Bend the same cone in the opposite direction, but so that a small corner remains outside the sheet, which will become the beak.
  • Align the left and right edges of the product, but so that the beak is on the left side.
  • Fold the upper right corner into the middle of the product.
  • Bend the lower right corner, which consists of two sheets, outward. When making these movements, it is important to align the lower sides. Also at this time you need to move a small corner beyond the leftmost border. This is how the paws were made.
  • Turn a small corner tail onto the outside.
  • Lower the beak a little.
  • Draw the eyes with a black pencil.
  • Color in the beak with a red pencil.

The magic of origami surprises and intrigues children. Having mastered the technique yourself, you can teach your child to make new interesting toys.

If you show your imagination, you can make whatever you want out of paper. Your craft will be exclusive, first of all, because it is handmade. And it depends only on you how people will see it: color or black and white, flat or three-dimensional. In addition, we now have access to a choice of all kinds of raw materials for creativity and decoration.

Photos of paper crafts

Paper is the most affordable and diverse material for creativity. Plain white paper and a set of colored paper for applique are available in almost all stores. In specialized salons you can find dozens of different types of papers, differing in composition and texture.

Having decided to make paper counterfeits with your own hands, you can give a second life not only to read magazines and newspapers, but also to written notebooks and notebooks, as well as product packaging.

Using paper as an attribute for educational games with kids can train their fine motor skills, the ability to concentrate and develop imagination.

In the content of the creative process of paper crafts for children, you can introduce educational elements of varying complexity, ranging from learning numbers, letters, clocks, arithmetic, names of flowers, animals, etc. - in simple applications and mosaics, and uploading the most complex origami designs for which you need to have an extraordinary gift of spatial imagination and remarkable patience.

Making three-dimensional figures in the origami style, paper models of buildings, cars, ships, and mastering other types of applied paper art, when moving to a professional level, can become not only a lifelong hobby, but also bring considerable income.

For starters, the simpler the better.

When starting to work with paper at any age, it is better to start with easy crafts: simple appliques, openwork cutting and weaving, and also master the basics of origami. It may be interesting to use the papier-mâché technique (multilayer glued shaped paper) and quilling - making figures from twisted strips of paper.

Paper butterflies - endless scope for imagination

Your first experience in making a three-dimensional product could be a butterfly. The basis of this craft is rectangles of paper (equilateral or slightly elongated) folded like an accordion diagonally and fixed in the middle with glue or thread.

You can make the body and legs using wire and the head from beads. The surface of the wings can be painted, decorated with thin openwork cut-outs made of colored paper or beads. By stringing such butterflies on one thread you can make beautiful garlands. Or you can cover part of the wall with such colorful flocks.

The same simple technology for making a butterfly, using a larger number (from 6) layers of corrugated paper, can be used to make decorative balls. In this case, not only the color and size varies, but also the shape of the balls; you can bend the edges of the workpieces in different ways, rounding and stretching them in the right places.

The basis for such balls can be squares, circles, rhombuses and even triangles, superimposed on each other and fixed in the middle. The silhouette of the product can be changed using blanks of different sizes.

This simple paper craft technology is also the basis for making paper flowers. You can start with simple stylized inflorescences, making applications fixed in the center in circles, and then try more complex three-dimensional models of artificial flowers, which are made from special textured paper.

Origami butterfly

In order to learn how to make a craft in the origami style, you first need to remember simple designs: airplanes, boats, frogs, etc., familiar to everyone from childhood.

These traditional patterns can be given new life by using interesting paper textures, decorating the items with paints and beads.

We have to admit that nowadays paper butterflies have overtaken the famous paper airplanes in popularity and are an integral decoration of any girl’s room. Here are step-by-step instructions for paper crafts using this butterfly as an example:

  • 1. Fold the paper square horizontally and vertically, then fold it into a diamond shape, according to two possible options, and also make clear internal folds.
  • 2. Fold the workpiece into a double triangle with free edges in the shape of a boat.
  • 3. Alternately bend the corners of the triangle to the top of one of the sides and bend this side so that you get a wing.

Combined applications - room for imagination

Using glue and scissors, you can make snow from rice, a chicken from threads, a house and a fence from matches, a cat from cotton wool... and this list can be continued indefinitely. The photo shows crafts in which paper appliqué elements are combined with other materials.

Often at school and in kindergarten they give tasks to children, read - to parents, to make crafts on a specified topic, usually for the fall holiday, federal holidays, such as New Year, etc. And here begins the dance of fantasy and the competition of skillful parental hands, we try to remember what we ourselves did in childhood.

But you want the child to also participate in the process and receive pleasure and satisfaction from it. Still, everyone needs creativity. That’s why today I picked up a few fairly simple crafts that you wouldn’t be ashamed to use at a school or kindergarten exhibition. And the baby will be able to repeat this himself, under your strict guidance.

Have you ever cut out snowflakes by folding a piece of paper several times and then cutting out circles and triangles? Most likely yes, and they probably compared later which one turned out more beautiful and more delicate. So the craft that I want to invite you to make is created using this technique.

This basket is suitable for kindergarten and for keeping a small child occupied.

And today we will make a basket.

We need two blanks, as in the photo. I will give you a template, but you can make them yourself; I will also describe the process below.

1.To make them yourself, you need to take a piece of paper and make a 16*16 cm square out of it.

2. And roll towards the middle 4 times.

3. Remember how you made snowflakes as a child. Now we cut off a part from the edge in a semicircle.

It turned out to be a flower.

From each edge between the petals you need to trim a little so that the petals can curl.

4. We also prepare the leaf. Make the leaf square.

We do not cut off a semicircle, but first we need to make a long pestle.

Let's expand.

5. You need a strip of 30*2 cm, glue the handle of the basket.

We decorate it with multi-colored flowers, circles, beads or beads.

We bend the edges of the green leaf.

And glue the basket to the leaf.

You can use this template.

Of course, if the child is small, then you will have to make the blank yourself, but let the baby decorate the basket. He should enjoy this activity.

How to make a watch quickly and easily

And many more can remember how, carried away by the game, they remembered about the craft only for the coming sleep. There is simply no time to stretch out the process: the child has to go to school, and you have to go to work. We need to create something fast, cute and big.

Here is the next version of paper crafts just for this case. It's called "Clock". Depending on the chosen color and decor, this could be a New Year's watch, an autumn holiday, a decoration for a birthday, etc. You can continue the list yourself.

We will need:

  • 4 sheets of A4 colored paper
  • 4 circles with numbers
  • Scissors
  • Strip 20-30 cm long
  • A piece of black construction paper

The basis for the clock is a fan made from sheets folded into an accordion. Let's start making them.

1. We begin to make an accordion; to do this, we fold the sheet in half along the long side.

2. Now fold the fold line to the edge again and repeat again.

3. Unfold and fold the edge in half towards the first fold.

4. And we continue to bend the sheet of paper in this way until we get a smooth, beautiful accordion.

We also fold the remaining 3 sheets.

5. Fold each corrugation in half and find the middle.

6. Now we make a fan, to do this we coat the edge with glue and glue both parts.

This is what the preparation should look like. We form the remaining fans.

7. Now we assemble the clock, for this we glue the fans together.

8. Cut out arrows from black paper.

9. And glue them to the clock.

10. Cover the junction with decor, a circle, a snowflake.

11. Glue the numbers.

12. Glue a strip to hang the clock.

That's all the work!

We make DIY crafts step by step for children from 9 to 11 years old

For older children, nine or eleven years old, I can offer an option for a simple, beautiful craft. But it requires care and accuracy. This is a beautiful ball of paper. You can also decorate a room with it, or you can take it to school for a holiday, or use it to make fruits or vegetables from your homework. And it looks very beautiful and unusual.

By the way, it is done without the use of glue, stapler, or tape. All you need is paper and scissors.

We make blanks as in the photo, you need to make 12 of them.

We cut out the blanks. You can make them yourself, so there is no special template.

To draw them beautifully, I suggest first drawing a pentagon with equal sides, and then using a compass to draw a semicircle with a diameter equal to the width of the side to each side. I hope I explained it clearly. In other words, the pitch of the compass leg will be the same as the width of the side.

Cut straight lines and bend them a little. Now we insert the blanks into each other.

Here is a photo of what the ball looks like in the process.

This is a fairly simple craft, but it requires dexterity and accuracy, so it will be just right for children 9-11 years old. A small child may not be able to cope with this task or may tear the workpiece.

By the way, you can take thicker paper, so the ball will turn out denser.

Corrugated paper cone

Flowers and candy bouquets are usually made from corrugated paper, but we will make a cone. Because boys like to make flowers more, but all children, regardless of gender, can make a spruce branch with cones.

We will need:

  • Corrugated paper: brown and blue (green)
  • Scissors
  • Thread

1. Take a brown roll and cut off one edge without unpacking.

2. Cut the fold to make two strips.

3. Bend the edge 1 cm along the entire length.

4. Now we wrap the tucks along this edge, as in the photo.

5. We begin to roll this ribbon into a cone, leaving only the openwork edge on top.

6. The end of the cone can be tied with a rope, then we wrap it with a strip of blue or green corrugated paper.

7. Now we make twigs from the green strip. We cut the edge wider than the middle.

8. And we roll these strips into pine needles and twist them lengthwise, like a cone.

And here is a detailed video on how to make a bump.

Cardboard crafts for kids 5-6 years old

Well, what to do with small children? After all, they are interested in it in most cases. I offer two simple crafts. Not everyone still knows how to cut exactly along the lines, but they should still like the result. We will make a three-dimensional tree from cardboard and paper and a simple dog using the origami technique.

Cardboard tree

We will need:

  • sheets of paper,
  • cardboard,
  • pen,
  • glue,
  • scissors.

1.Two A4 sheets need to be folded together and folded in half vertically.

2. And draw a tree so that part of the trunk is on the bend. Cut out the workpiece.

3. Fold the tree in half to determine its middle.

4. Now we separate the sheets and get 2 blanks.

We also find the middle of the second tree.

5. Now we retreat 3 mm from the fold for the first workpiece from the bottom to half, and for the second from the top to half.

6. You get two such halves of one tree.

7. Now we transfer these patterns onto cardboard and cut out the trunk.

8. You need to cut out leaves of different sizes from colored paper and glue them to the branches.

Now the tree needs to be assembled by inserting cardboard blanks into the grooves of each other.

You can make flowers or juicy fruits and berries.

Paper craft for kids “Dog”

The entire craft is created from just one piece of paper and is done quickly, the child will not have time to get tired. But diligence must be at the highest level in order to get everything right.

White leaf 10*10 cm.

Fold the leaf diagonally. This will be the head of our dog. Then we fold it again, so we determine the middle.

We wrap the edges, form ears, we do this in any order, but so that the tip extends beyond the sheet.

Now we are making a muzzle; for this we bend the bottom corner a little.

Let's cut out two small circles in advance and draw black pupils in them, these will be the eyes. Cut out a pink tongue and a black nose. And glue it all to the muzzle.

Did your children like the dog?

Paper leaves for school: 4th grade on the theme of autumn

Autumn is usually represented by either colorful leaves or an abundance of fruits and vegetables. We will also recreate it in the form of leaves. But they will be quite labor-intensive, but very beautiful.

Craft “Autumn leaf”

We will need:

  • Need 5 squares 15*15 cm
  • Rectangle 15*5 cm
  • Double sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Stapler

1. Find the diagonal of the square by folding it in half, and then in half again.

2. We make 3 cuts on this triangle, leaving 3 mm from the fold.

We open the workpiece.

3. We begin to glue the corners into a tube. The first layer is to make the middle, using double-sided tape.

4. Turn over and glue the next corners.

5. And glue the remaining two corners, but alternately turning the leaf over.

This is the part of the leaf you will get. We make 4 more such leaves.

6. For the stem, simply twist a tube from a paper rectangle.

We connect the leaves with the stem, securing them with a stapler.

Watch the video on how to make these leaves.

Craft “Wreath of autumn leaves”

And here we will create a whole composition of autumn leaves, it looks very elegant and self-sufficient!

We need 10 squares 8*8 cm. Choose the color of the paper to match the colors of autumn.

Let's start making a yellow leaf.

1.Fold it in half, then fold each side into another half. You will get two large triangles.

2. Turn the leaf over and fold the remaining part to get two small triangles. As shown in the photo. We make 6 such blanks.

3. Now fold the next leaf in half again.

4. We wrap the two edges to make two large triangles and leave them.

5. Now we collect the leaf. We take the first two blanks and one with large triangles, coat the edges and glue it inside the first two blanks, as in the photo. It's like we'll put it inside.

6. Now you need to make a twig. To do this, turn the leaf over to the front side and place another leaf under it.

Glue it.

7. Turn it over to the wrong side and trim the leaf for the branch along the edges of the future leaf. This is necessary so that everything looks neat.

8. Now we wrap the cut edges inward and glue them.

We need at least 8 of these leaves.

Lay out a circle and glue them on top of each other to create a rounded shape for the wreath.

All leaves need to be connected to each other.

Schemes and templates

Most often, it is kids who make crafts, so I want to give here a few templates and diagrams that can be used in joint creativity.

For example, simply trace, attach a blank sheet of paper to the computer, cut out and let your child decorate.

Or suggest gluing butterflies to a piece of paper, but this is more related to appliqués.

Or make a wreath from such leaves.

Patterns of animals and trees.

Or tell your child that the bell is blue, cut it out and color it.

These are the crafts I prepared today to complete your homework or decorate your apartment for the holiday.

You like origami. You are delighted with beautiful paper figures, but you think that it is extremely difficult. Believe me, there is no need to engage in self-deception. In ancient times, monks figured out how to make special figures out of paper, which were intended to decorate temples and conduct religious ceremonies. This is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, and today we will try to prove it to you.

Materials for work

First, we will need to purchase a set of tools for our future work. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of paper. An office one is best because it is quite rigid. It is quite enough for any folding schemes. To connect small parts you will need paper glue, for example PVA or a special glue stick. If you need to connect several blanks of different colors, aerosol glue will come to the rescue; when you use it, you can create unique multi-colored figures.

You can also use other specialized glue masses, especially those that do not leave any marks on the paper or are quite easily removed. At the same time, it is convenient to attach with such glue both outside the product and inside. If the figurine is made of white or gray paper, then you can use spray paint to give the craft the required color. Several types of scissors may be required. Sometimes a cutter comes in handy. This tool aligns the cuts. Be very careful, the blade can be very sharp, otherwise you won’t get a smooth and beautiful cut.

Buy several different lines. They will be useful for making a diagram of the craft, tracking the desired angle during assembly, applying the main part and correctly placing the product on the basis of the panel. Regular pencils or a special pencil will be useful. Experienced origami makers use rhinestones, various ribbons, pieces of fabric, unnecessary beads, beads from other decorations, and much more in their work. All this is suitable for creating unique and original figures.

The right approach to choosing paper

To get results, you should approach the choice of paper with full responsibility. After all, the creation of figures mainly involves bending and folding paper sheets. A lot, if not everything, depends on its quality. The list below will allow you to understand which material is best suited for origami, and which is not suitable at all:

  1. Office paper is quite thick, stiff and quite cheap. The first steps when creating figures should be taken with the help of it. When joining, a piece of paper holds very well, and if the workpiece is damaged, there is absolutely no shame in throwing it away.
  2. Multi-colored office paper - has the same advantages as plain office paper and does not have stains or white stripes on the folds, great for modular origami.
  3. Stickers - great for colorful figures, most often used in modular origami and kusudami.
  4. Colored paper for school is 100% not suitable for this hobby. Thin, not dense, tears easily enough, light stripes remain at the folds.
  5. Foil paper is very thick, almost impossible to tear, and is more often used for making complex circuits and models. If you straighten the fold, hard, dense stripes will remain.
  6. The pages of glossy magazines retain their shape and fold perfectly, and are quite dense.
  7. Banknotes have good strength and perform well on folds. Perfect for creating small exclusive gifts.
  8. Paper intended for origami has several types (double-sided, monotone, etc.), and is found in the form of sets.
  9. Tracing paper - suitable for those who are taking their first steps and decided to test their strength.
  10. Different variations of expensive paper have both advantages and disadvantages and are used only for certain products.

What types of origami are there?

There are several types of origami that help you have a great time, learn how to create jewelry with your own hands, improving your skills and abilities over time. In addition to the well-known origami techniques of the so-called classical direction, there are several alternative ones:

  1. Regular (simple) origami - suitable for those who decided to try themselves in a new business. Assembling the figures does not require any special skills; the folds need to be made towards you with the so-called valley or away from you with the mountain. A good example is the figurine of a crane.
  2. Modular origami (blanks made from modules). The connection is made from several identical parts, called modules, which are folded according to the laws of ordinary origami from a single sheet. They are connected by simple folding. Do not crumble due to friction between individual modules.
  3. Aerogami is a name that speaks for itself. The art of creating airplane figures.
  4. Kusudami is origami using volume; modules are assembled using glue or thread. Most often, crafts are made in the shape of a ball.
  5. Kirigami - making various figures using scissors. Suitable for making holiday cards.
  6. Raw or wet origami. The base is paper moistened with water to give the products a more expressive shape, hardness and clear lines. It is more often found in the manufacture of figurines of animals and unusual plants. The paper must contain water-soluble glue, otherwise the product will inevitably fall apart.

Crane - origami

One of the simplest models, it is believed that if you collect 1000 cranes, your most cherished wish will come true.

Step-by-step instructions for making an origami crane look like this:

  1. Bend the paper sheet diagonally.
  2. We take scissors and cut off all the excess, in the end there should be a triangle left.
  3. Let's make one more fold.
  4. From the resulting triangle (one, since there will be 2 of them), we make a square using the straightening method. On the other hand, we repeat the procedure.
  5. Take the edges from above and gently bend them towards the center.
  6. Bend the triangle located on top.
  7. We unbend it, we form a contour.
  8. Bend the lowest corner horizontally.
  9. Fold the edges towards the center to form a diamond shape. We repeat all steps on the other side.
  10. Take it by the bottom and bend it along the inner counter. The result is a neck.
  11. We also make a tail.
  12. At the neck, carefully bend the beginning to obtain a beak.
  13. We bend the wings using a slight angle.

The crane is ready, you can color it if you wish.

Paper rose

One of the most popular models is the origami rose. It's quite simple to do:

  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half, preferably red. Let's make one more fold.
  2. We open the top layer and flatten the top a little.
  3. Turn it to the other side and flip it over.
  4. We repeat the second step.
  5. Take both corners and bend them towards the top corner.
  6. We bend the resulting triangle in half until we get fold lines.
  7. Pull the corners down, flattening them a little, and open the triangles.
  8. We take the pockets by the upper part and very carefully bend them down.
  9. On the other side, repeat steps 5-8.
  10. Bend the top corner.
  11. Open the bottom part like a notebook.
  12. Stretch and flatten until you get two triangles.
  13. Place the workpiece on the other side.
  14. Raise the triangle to the top.
  15. The lower square located to the right bends strictly diagonally from top to bottom.
  16. Rotate the workpiece 180 degrees and repeat the previous step.
  17. We transfer the product to the left hand, carefully take the walls of the product with the fingers of the other hand and twist it clockwise until we get a rose. We bend the petals with a handle.

Volumetric origami - flower ball

Making a beautiful origami in the form of a flower ball is very simple, the main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions:

  1. Fold the note paper in half in the shape of a triangle.
  2. We bend the edges and press them very firmly.
  3. Bend the right corner back.
  4. Bend the left side of the triangle, folding it in half.
  5. We do the same with the right one.
  6. Then we fold the entire workpiece in half.
  7. We bend the triangle below in half again.
  8. In this case, the larger figure should be on top of the smaller one.
  9. We fold part of the protruding triangle and bend it inward.
  10. One module is ready, we do the same with 4 more sheets. They should all be completely identical.
  11. We glue the modules together or put them on tape.
  12. The first flower is ready, we do the rest in exactly the same way.
  13. You will need approximately 11 of these flowers, connect them together with glue until you get a ball.

Origami in the shape of an Easter egg

To create an egg you need to make about 1000 modules. They will be attached using grooves. Colors and patterns are limited by your imagination. Assembly starts from the top, take 8 modules of the same color and make a circle out of them, add another module between the rows. It turns out two rows of 8 modules. In the next row, two blanks are added between the rows. To increase the volume, it is necessary to add modules in each subsequent row. There should be 32 modules in the middle. The bottom is assembled in exactly the same way, but the number of modules will be reduced.

Once the egg is ready, you can begin making the stand. We take 18 modules and form a circle from them. Modules are inserted into unoccupied spaces in the row. We come up with a pattern by selecting blanks by color. The parts for the central axis of the stand consist of two rows of 12 pieces. To start row number 3, you need to move the modules towards the center, turning them slightly inside out. We lay the finished parts up. We have formed a column. In the middle of the stand there will be 7 rows of modules. The top is assembled in the same way as the bottom.

Modular origami in the form of a white swan

Step-by-step instructions for creating modular origami in the form of a beautiful three-dimensional swan:

  1. We make 458 blanks from plain paper in the form of a triangle. For the beak we make one red one.
  2. We insert two modules with their corners into the pocket of the third.
  3. Add 2 more. We fasten the corners into pockets.
  4. We prepare 3 rows in the same way, for each you will need 30 blanks, close the circle.
  5. We also put on modules for 4 and 5 circles.
  6. Hold the product with your fingers and press on the center, gradually turning it inside out.
  7. We bend the edges of our future swan up.
  8. We make the 6th row, observing the checkerboard order of the pieces.
  9. We are preparing blanks for the wings in the seventh row, for which we put on twelve modules, skipping 2 corners and attaching 12 more. The narrow place left will be the neck, and the widened one will be the tail.
  10. In the eighth row, we reduce the number of modules in the krill by one.
  11. Next, we do the same with each row until one triangle remains.
  12. The tail is made by reducing it by a module in each row.
  13. The head and neck are assembled from 10 regular and one colored blank, red or yellow. The corners of the colored blank must be glued together so that the beak does not split in two. We assemble the neck by inserting the corners into the pockets of the blanks, then gradually bending them.
  14. We put the neck in place.

The swan is ready.

Anyone can learn origami in full, you just need to have a little free time and desire and you will succeed.

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