Christina: what does this name mean, and how does it affect a person’s character and destiny. The secret meaning of the beautiful girl name Christina

Christina is a mystery person. Either she is at the peak of fame, or she is hiding in the shadows, as if waiting for the right opportunity. Be that as it may, all her life Christina remains the darling of the company and sympathetic person.

Let's find out how else a name influences fate, what interests its owner, with whom she will create strong family relationships and what she will achieve in life.

Origin of the name

It is believed that the female name Christina comes from the Latin Christianus, which translates as “Christian.” According to historical data, Russian peasant women were often called Christinas.

Church name of Christina

The name Christina comes from the church “Khrestina”. Sometimes it is written with an “and”: Christina.

Baby name

The baby named Christina is very active. He rejoices at mom and dad, visiting guests, and any interesting events in his life. But it takes some time for the baby to get used to something new. When you talk to a child, he self-assured, answers competently and without hesitation.

How does a girl behave as a child?

In early childhood, Kristina lives for her own pleasure. She spends her time having fun with her friends. More and more often, the girl turns her attention to the boys: she really wants to make friends with them, try to play something. The boys meet her halfway, and Christina easily enters into conversations.

Some call her a badass: this can be seen both in her manners and in her appearance. But as she gets older, the girl stops being a hooligan. Reasonable thoughts come to her: you need to behave well, because then you will be treated accordingly.

At school the girl is restless; she prefers the company of friends. However, studying is often easy for her, because Christina has a wonderful mind and good intuition.

Characteristics of a name for girls

A girl named Christina is very sweet and pleasant in appearance and in her behavior. People around her think that she is very shy, does not play with anyone, has no friends, but for some reason this is appreciated in Christina. In general, looking at the girl, one gets the impression that she is well-educated and very prudent. This is not a completely correct impression. Apparent shyness is actually a trick: Christina looks at a situation or a person from afar, from the shadows: this way it is easier for her to understand what a person is like and from which side to approach the situation. Christina analyzes well. The girl has an excellent memory.

Characteristics of an adult girl

As already mentioned, Christina likes to either shine or fade into the shadows. And she likes the first option more and more. This woman looking for fame. She feels on a wave when strangers talk about her, when a large crowd looks at her, when she is constantly promoted at work. Because of the desire to be famous, recognizable, Christina loves and exalts herself. She vitally needs praise, but she cannot stand criticism.

If you offend a woman, she will definitely respond. Even if only with words, he will hit them so harshly and painfully that the offender immediately retreats and is unlikely to ever want to touch this person again.

Christina does not allow strangers into her inner world. Therefore, not everyone will immediately guess what she is thinking about, how she evaluates this or that situation. A woman's actions are usually reasonable, since she spends a lot of time thinking about them. Christina will not be scattered; her style is to analyze everything, and only then take a step. If Christina's wishes are not realized, she attributes everything to the failures of fate.

Compatibility with male names

Christina goes well with names such as: Lev, Petya, Senya, Borya, .

You should not enter into a relationship with: Felix, Tolya,.

With whom is a happy marriage possible?

Christinas are very loving and easily fall in love with men. However, if troubles appear in the relationship, if a girl stops feeling the care and affection of her partner, she immediately retreats.

Christina doesn’t like to voice problems in her intimate life out loud. However, such shyness and calmness are only the cover. In fact, the girl has a rather bright temperament. Christina does not demonstrate her passionate nature to everyone. More precisely, no one. But if the relationship with a partner has existed for a long time, the couple has become accustomed to each other, Christina begins to open up.

For Christina, the most suitable man will be the one who will become her protection and support. A girl looks far into the future when she chooses a husband. She is able to hide feelings deep in her heart and give preference to reason. That is, even if a man does not suit Christina in appearance or character, but she sees that he will take big steps forward and make her happy, she chooses him.

Christina's marriage will be happy only if she herself tries very hard to make it so.

For example, with a jealous husband she needs to be more patient, not run into quarrels, more often go to concessions. But the husband must also show tenderness towards his wife and take care of her. Then Christina will give him her whole soul.

Sometimes vanity takes over, and Christina doesn’t even look towards the one who can make her happy. In general, a girl gets married very early, but often quickly becomes disillusioned with marriage.

Professions and career

All Christinas strive to achieve high victories in their lives. To do this they need connections. Usually women with this name try to meet famous people, show business stars and big bosses. Another option is that they choose a modern profession or one that is considered very prestigious.

It doesn't always work out the way Christina wishes. But even if she doesn’t get a job and will only cook soup for her husband and raise children, the woman will still won't stop believing into a miracle.

Christina's health status

Christina should pay a lot of attention to her health. Her body is not so strong as to treat it with indifference.

A girl definitely needs to breathe fresh air and play sports.

They threaten her pneumonia, various infections. In old age, a woman often suffers from osteochondrosis and her teeth are destroyed.

Happy dates

For Christina, the number of luck is six. On dates where the number 6 appears, she is usually lucky.

When you first meet the girl Christina, it seems that she is timid and shy. In fact, in her lively character you can see a lot of energy, impulsiveness, and love of life. With all this, the owner of this name is always practical, very reasonable in her actions. The meaning of the name Christina presupposes observation in a woman’s character, the ability to listen, analyze, and draw the right conclusions.

Kristina Orbakaite - Russian and Soviet pop singer and actress

Origin story

The ancient Greek origin of the name Christina has its own historical background. According to legend, a resident of Rome, Christiania, who lived in the 3rd century, broke pagan statues in her house as proof of her faith in God. For this the woman was executed. Therefore, the meaning of the name Christina is “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.”

According to one version, the name Christina comes from the Catholic names Christiana or Christiana.

Christina is the European interpretation of the name Christina. Most often, girls from simple families were called this because it sounds similar to the word “peasant woman.” In Russia they didn’t remember him for a long time. But when it returned, it acquired a connotation of aristocracy and sophistication. Girls from wealthy families began to be called this name.

We rarely use forms of the name Christina, although there are quite a lot of them: Kristenka, Kristya, Kristyusha, Kristinochka, Kristyushechka, Hristya, Khristonia and others. There are also short forms: Chris, Krestya, Tina.

In English, the word Christina sounds unchanged, but is written – Kristina, Christiana, Christina.

Orthodox name days

All Christines have their own patrons who suffered for their faith. These are the martyrs: Christina of Nicomedia, Christina of Tire, Christina of Lampsaki, Christina of Persia, Christina of Caesarea (Cappadocia).

According to the church calendar, Christina celebrates name days several times a year: February 19, March 26, May 31, June 13, July 24, August 6, 18, October 27, December 15.

Literal interpretation of the name

Deciphering each letter of a name can give a general description of the person who bears it. This interpretation came to us from attempts by linguists to provide a semantic-phonetic analysis. The interpretation of the name Christina by letter is as follows:

K – innate diplomacy, insight

P – patience, compliance without compromising self-esteem

And – spirituality, natural grace, sense of harmony

C – desire for material well-being

T – originality of thinking, creative approach, amorousness

And - repeat

N – honesty, excessive pickiness, criticality

A – leadership qualities, the desire for physical and spiritual perfection.

The feminine principle here is combined with strength of character and the ability to achieve goals by any means.

Characteristics of a name for a girl, girl, woman

Worried about how the girl’s fate might turn out, parents usually try to understand what the name Christina means even before the birth of the child. They should know that the owners of this name will always be in search of something new, interesting, unusual, and the current state of affairs will never suit them.


Kristinochka is her father’s daughter, although her character is more like her mother’s. The baby understands everything literally from the first word, but she carefully thinks through her every action. Therefore, some of her slowness is sometimes mistaken for lethargy.

The characteristic of the name Christina in this case means that for a girl her own world is preferable to playing with her peers. The baby, unlike other children, rejects external manifestations of love and affection. Her timidity and shyness rarely develops into open friendship. It’s better not to offend Kristin, because for this child revenge is a normal phenomenon.

No matter what interesting and exciting subjects are studied at school, they are still not interesting for this girl. This is due to natural laziness. And only her excellent memory helps her out, which allows her to master quite complex subjects.

Young woman

Young Kristina always makes her life bright and exciting. The girl is active, mobile, cheerful. However, she cannot be called emotional or impulsive. The girl is able to correctly assess any situation and draw appropriate conclusions, which is not given to many people in their youth.

A girl who is not particularly confident in herself thinks for a long time about what to do in a given situation. The need to quickly make decisions takes her out of balance.

The characteristics of the name Christina for a young girl mean independence, stubbornness and perseverance. Therefore, she has few real friends. She is surrounded only by the most devoted peers. But the young lady is able to understand that fate largely depends on her character, so she tries to control her emotions.


An adult woman has no time or desire to build castles in the air, because her character is characterized by pragmatism and practicality. No matter how relaxed and sociable Christina may be in company, she is in no hurry to let strangers into her life.

It is important for her to have a professional destiny. But she is in no hurry to get married. Although Kristinka is very amorous, she chooses a partner for a long time, meticulously. Her chosen one should be reliable and strong, with whom she will feel like behind a stone wall. Male names Stanislav, Roman, Khariton, Ruslan, Rodion, Vladimir are well suited to her name.

People around her perceive her as a good housewife, wife and mother. But everyone around her understands that she will never deal exclusively with the house.

The name Christina sounds elegant and aristocratic, so the surnames suit her with the appropriate sound. This is evidenced by such character traits as intolerance towards rudeness, shamelessness, and rudeness.


Among Russian surnames, perhaps the most famous is Orbakaite, a performer of popular songs.

Many creative people bear this name. Such surnames as Alchevskaya, Kosach, Stead, Asmus, Ricci, Liley are widely known.

The first female president of Argentina glorified her name and surname. Cristina de Kirchner received her post through elections.

Today, not every person has an idea that the meaning of the name Christina is a variant of the ancient name Christina, given to girls from European countries at christening. However, it was just taken from the language of ancient Greece. The female name Christina came to the territory of Rus' simultaneously with the advent of the Christian religion, and is translated from the language of ancient Greece as “Christian”.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that in ancient times the female name Christina was given only to girls from the common people, while among the aristocracy this name was not used at all. Over time, women bearing the name Christina practically ceased to be found, since such a name lost its popularity, and in the years after the revolution it was forgotten.

However, then a phonetically deformed version of this name was formed - Christina, which began to be perceived as foreign and possessing a certain aristocracy, and sometimes elitism. For this reason, the meaning of the name Christina and Christina are completely different, i.e. There is a gigantic gulf between these names, which gives every reason to assert that these names are completely different.

Characteristics of the name Christina

The woman bearing the name Christina fully corresponds to this stylish name - this person is quite emotional, whole, and from an early age attracts dreams of a rich, beautiful life. In the process of work, as well as when communicating with practically strangers, he is a reserved person, sometimes somewhat aloof.

Nevertheless, those around her are well aware of the passionate temperament hidden in the woman named Christina behind her deceptive, calm demeanor. This is what makes the meaning of the name Christina so extraordinary. A certain arrogant pattern of behavior, as well as a hot temper, characteristic of every woman bearing the name Christina, is perfectly corrected by excellent upbringing.

In general, a woman named Christina is a rather sociable person, capable of perfectly finding a common language with various people. The amazingly beautiful name Christina is capable of arousing feelings of envy, and sometimes even hostility, in certain individuals; for this reason, its bearer will have to be able to protect herself. Otherwise, a woman named Christina will become a timid, complex person.

In this situation, the meaning of the name Christina will work to the detriment of the bearer. Nevertheless, the strong energy field of this name provides the opportunity for a woman named Christina to have a huge reserve of strength and immunity to stress, for this reason such a nature from a very early age will begin to feel her own chosenness, as well as the desire to find herself in the highest strata of society. Being a simple housewife, a woman named Christina feels her exclusivity.

However, in the process of chasing a distant dream, there is a possibility that a moment will come when a woman named Christina will not see the usual happiness of ordinary people and will not be able to experience the pleasure of everyday small achievements. Here perhaps lies the main secret of the name Christina, which influences her entire life. Contrary to this, a woman named Christina is not only capable of building sand castles, and then just sitting doing nothing, waiting for the time when happiness and success will come into her life.

Characteristics of Christina

On her life's journey, a woman named Christina relies only on her own strength. Thus, she is characterized by such traits as assertiveness, rationality, and sometimes perfectionism. Such a woman is distinguished by the ability to predict events long before they occur; for this reason, the decisions of such a nature are rash only in exceptional cases.

Thus, the secret of the name Christina gives her the opportunity to follow generally accepted moral and ethical standards in her life, respects ordinary family values, and only in exceptional cases can such a person take part in a dubious matter. A woman bearing the name Christina can be confidently “called” a person with a powerful character, who reacts quite painfully to critical remarks and remembers the insults inflicted for a long time.

Nevertheless, even in a very “hot” situation, a woman named Christina will not allow herself to be treated rudely, boorishly and will not tolerate such treatment from other people. Some individuals believe that the woman named Kristinochka is a conservative person, which to some extent corresponds to reality. It is not at all easy for strangers to communicate with a woman named Christina, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described in this article, because... this person does not really trust others and always strives to keep his own soul closed.

The presence of strong convictions, as well as excessive justice, can be a bottomless well of all kinds of difficulties for Kristinochka. Your moral convictions are much more important than friendly feelings, since the woman named Kristinochka firmly follows her own convictions.

Kristinka's childhood

Now we need to try to give the most accurate meaning of the name Christina for a girl in order to help future parents choose the appropriate name. Child Christina is a little talkative and somewhat withdrawn; sometimes it may even seem that she is somewhat inhibited. However, Christina is very savvy and observant, it’s just that most often this child is in her own world, hidden from outsiders’ access.

Nevertheless, like the majority of other children, such a child needs praise and various encouragements, because it is very important for her that both her parents and school teachers think about her. This child should overcome his own shyness, and mom and dad should provide assistance in this matter. In general, the meaning of the girl’s name Christina and her fate are closely interconnected.

Kristina experiences great difficulties in the process of full disclosure in front of strangers, i.e. she needs a longer period to get used to the “fresh” society, especially during adolescence. Christina brings joy to her parents by carefully handling her own toys and things, and over time she is able to shoulder some of the responsibilities around the house.

Thus, the meaning of the name Christina for a girl and her fate give her the opportunity to easily assimilate educational information, especially humanities. Sometimes she is exposed to a variety of hobbies that captivate her to the fullest. Mom and dad should pay attention to the girl’s various talents and make every effort for their further development, while the girl’s sense of purpose need not worry.

Christina's health

As a child, Kristinka is not very healthy, since such a child is quite susceptible to all kinds of infectious and viral diseases. Having become a mature woman, Christina may encounter problems with her joints, lungs, and bronchi.

Thus, a woman bearing the name Christina, the origin and meaning of which is discussed, should pay considerable attention to her own health. Those. she should spend as much time as possible outdoors, sleep at regular hours and follow an exceptionally healthy lifestyle.

Kristina's intimate life

When a woman named Christina falls in love with a member of the opposite sex, she gives him all of herself. Such a person is almost never left alone, and intimacy is not the least important thing for her. The woman named Kristinka lacks tenderness and femininity. In other words, a man may have an opinion of her as an icy, strong person, which sometimes scares the opposite sex away from her.

However, the meaning of the name Christina and her fate show that behind the ostentatious coldness hides a passionate, uncontrollable character, as well as amazing sensitivity. Thus, the happy partner will be the one who is able to see this. Intimate intimacy for a woman named Kristina is a natural continuation of the feeling of love, while sex without such a feeling is completely uninteresting to her.

When she falls in love, Kristinka feels the fullness of her own life and experiences lasting euphoria. To be loved by someone and to love at the same time is the most secret and sincere desire of such a person.

Kristina's career and business

Today, Christina, the meaning of the name whose character is described, gives preference to a modern, and most importantly fashionable profession, while she does not see herself at all in the role of an ordinary worker or housewife. Regardless of the chosen profession, a woman named Kristinka will try to improve her own position in society, and the degree of income plays a decisive role for her.

If such a person becomes a housewife, she will always experience dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction. Thanks to her enormous energy, this woman has amazing aspirations in life. At the same time, Christina, the meaning of the name whose character and destiny are being considered, does not want to be financially dependent on other people, for this reason she is trying to accumulate her own strong financial base.

There are quite a few inexplicable mysteries and secrets that the world around us is rich in, and most of them humanity cannot solve for thousands of years. One of the problems that also has no solution is whether it is possible to influence the future and what factors can play an important role in creating fate. Strange as it may seem, this can be done by unraveling the secret meaning of the name, therefore, parents who have chosen the name Christina for their daughter study the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls extremely carefully and thoroughly.

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl is brief

What is the right thing to do if, from the birth of a child, you want to hope that everything in the future will be cloudless and smooth? Ancient books advise you to penetrate into the secret meaning of the name and try to unravel it - this will certainly help you predetermine a good, comfortable fate for your little one. When choosing the name Christina, the meaning of the name, character and fate can correspond to the hopes of adults - everything will be fine, and there is a lot of evidence on this matter.

The meaning of the name Christina for a girl is briefly “follower of Christ.” In ancient times, this was most often the name given to women who completely devoted themselves to serving the Lord. Most of them preferred to die a martyr's death rather than betray their Teacher.

If you study ancient books, you can see what significance people attached to the secret meaning embedded in the name. It was believed that too much depended on this, and often even fate was predicted by name; huge books were dedicated to these interpretations, which are still very popular and are carefully studied by parents.

What does the name Christina mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

One of the most important points that adults should definitely know about when choosing a name for their little daughter is that it depends on them whether their baby will have patron saints and how many times a year she can celebrate name days. To do this, it is not necessary to study the relevant literature - just look at the calendar or the church calendar, in which everything is described in detail and clearly, and even the dates of name days are noted.

Christina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - these features should worry adults in the first place, which is why the study of the church calendar should be done carefully and thoroughly. First you need to decide what is more preferable for the baby’s family – the number of patron saints or the secret meaning embedded in the chosen name.

What does the name Christina mean for a girl according to the church calendar, and what does it talk about? In its interpretation, Christian literature does not differ from the Greek meaning - “Christian” or “follower of Christ.” Just by the secret meaning it can be determined that Christ himself will be the patron of the baby from the first days after baptism, so you don’t have to worry about the girl’s future - everything will be cloudless for her.

The secret of the name Christina, name day

Despite such a powerful patron, the girl will not have a shortage of guardians, because she will be able to celebrate her name day almost every month. Christina is one of the most common names in the church calendar. The baby will be able to celebrate her birthday in the following months:

  1. January (6th);
  2. February (19th);
  3. March (13th);
  4. May (31st);
  5. June (13th);
  6. July (24th);
  7. August (6th);
  8. October (270th);
  9. December (15th).

The mystery of the name Christina is shrouded in a mysterious curtain, because a lot of inexplicable and strange things are connected with it. In many countries, these saints are revered at many celebrations, and some of them are even considered the patroness of doctors and psychiatrists.

Origin of the name Christina and its meaning for children

How important and even necessary information may be the origin of the name Christina and its meaning for children? If you carefully delve into ancient books, you can find interesting information that not everyone considers this name to be ancient Greek. Often they find Slavic roots in it and assume that it comes from the word “peasant”. It is for this reason that for many years noblemen avoided giving their daughters this name, considering it plebeian. Only recently has it become popular among all segments of the population, and many famous women bear this name.

How important can a baby's name be? Parents can observe her behavior immediately after baptism and notice how quickly she began to change. Whims, sleepless nights, and causeless hysterics disappear. The baby becomes calmer, is happy to stay alone in the room for a while, and shows interest in toys. This is evidence that the baby’s patrons have taken custody of her and are closely monitoring her development and success.

Character of a girl named Christina

What could be the character of a girl named Christina, who has so many patron saints? Parents will certainly be able to be proud of their daughter, because she will have many positive traits:

  1. strength of character;
  2. ingenuity;
  3. kindness;
  4. responsiveness;
  5. the desire to be the best;
  6. friendliness;
  7. ability to listen carefully;
  8. determination;
  9. wit.

What difficulties can await adults in raising a child, and what character traits will bring the most problems? One of the most unpleasant flaws a girl has is arrogance. This can manifest itself not only in relation to peers or classmates, but even parents. That is why every effort should be made to eradicate the unpleasant trait in childhood, otherwise the adult Christina may withdraw into herself and become gloomy and irritable.

Another unpleasant and even dangerous trait for the future is causticity. The girl will learn to play evil jokes on friends, family, and even strangers. Parents will have to have numerous conversations that will partially help get rid of this unpleasant property. Most often, this is enough for the baby to understand that doing this is not only ugly, but also extremely painful for the interlocutor.

The fate of a girl named Christina

How will the fate of a girl named Christina develop over time and how positive and promising will she be? The first thing that deserves attention in a girl’s future is her choice of profession. She will certainly prefer a specialty in which she can make an excellent career and achieve significance in society. It is likely that Christina will become a good politician or diplomat, public leader or even a banker. Regardless of what profession she chooses, the girl will cope with it wonderfully and achieve dizzying success in a short time.

The name Christina means “dedicated to Christ,” “Christian.” The name has its own special history of origin, times of complete disappearance from use and a relatively recent return...

The name characterizes the owner with interesting character qualities and has a beneficial effect on fate, fulfillment in the family and society, and professional activity. And much more.

About everything - in this article.


What does the name Christina mean in Greek? Christina comes from the Western name Christinia, which echoes the word “Christianos”, that is, “Christian”, “Christian”.

In addition to the Greek meaning, the name also has Latin roots - Christ (as one of the names of Christ). What does the name Christina mean in Latin? It is translated as from Greek - “Christian”.

Its owner is aristocratic, stylish, elegant. The most striking character traits are: firmness, cheerfulness, loyalty, responsiveness, sociability, developed intelligence and quick wit. And also touchiness, uncertainty, arrogance.

Currently, the name Christina is very popular in American and European countries.


It appeared in the era of early Christianity. In the 3rd century AD, a woman named Christinia lived in Rome who believed in Jesus Christ.

Just in those days, the main religion of many was paganism - the worship of idols. And therefore there was a persecution of a new religion - Christianity.

The father of the girl Christinia was also an adherent of paganism. As a sign of protest and proof of faith in Christ, she destroyed all the statues of gods in the house.

For this Christina was given over to torture and died a martyr’s death.

Until the end of the 18th century, many girls were given this name, regardless of origin. It was common in Russia and other countries. But by the beginning of the 20th century it ceased to be popular; many simply erased it from memory.

And in the 80s of the 20th century, a new round of revival of the name Christina began as an old canonical one. And to this day it is very popular all over the world. Although it is considered quite rare.

Name day

The memorable day when they remember the martyr Christina and her sacred feat for the Christian faith is August 6. On this day, special services are held in churches and prayers are read.

Other holy women named by this name are also venerated. This happens throughout the year on the following days: February 19, March 26, May 31.

In the Orthodox religion, this name sounds like Christina. When a newborn girl is baptized, she is named this way. Or choose any other church name to perform the sacrament.


What does the name Christina mean for the young owner? She is growing up as a communicative, affectionate, kind and sympathetic child. In the familiar environment in which Christina constantly moves and where she is accepted, she opens up to the very depths of her soul and easily communicates with others - children and adults. If one of her relatives and friends offends her, teases her, becomes upset and remembers this situation for a long time.

At school, Christina is a patient and flexible student, studying subjects with pleasure, conscientiously and persistently (even if something doesn’t work out right away).

Most of all, her creative potential is revealed in the humanities, languages, and economics.

During adolescence, minor problems with studies and classmates may appear. During this period, parents need to treat Christina especially carefully and with understanding. Gradually all problems go away. And she again has a desire to learn, communicate, and make friends.

Since childhood, the girl has been quite healthy, especially if she plays sports (gymnastics, aerobics). But there are problems with the respiratory tract and allergies. Therefore, it is necessary that the air of the area in which she lives suits Christina. Regular physical activity is also recommended.

Kristina in childhood can also be called such affectionate derivatives of the name: Kristinka, Kristinochka, Kristyusha, Kristinushka, Tinochka, Khristinka.

Educational moments

Christina really needs the love of her parents. She needs to feel it. Since the girl has excellent intuitive abilities from birth, she will not ask her parents about this, but will feel their attitude towards her. Christina cares about love without any special external manifestations.

And a girl with this name needs to be praised more often, even for the slightest good deed or demonstrated good quality of character.

Adult Christina

Since studying comes quite easily to the owner of this name (due to the high level of intellectual abilities), and her innate sense of intuitively feeling many aspects of her life is well developed, Christina can sometimes afford to be lazy. And even her favorite hobby will not be able to force her out of this state until she makes an effort on herself.

Adult Christina benefits from walks in the fresh air and various sports: athletics, horseback riding. This will help her be more disciplined and improve her health.

When communicating with people, the owner of the name is very generous in expressing positive emotions, sociability, and responsiveness. Christina, if necessary, can easily put a person in his place if he has offended her.

The secret dream of a woman named Christina is popularity and universal recognition. Therefore, she most often carries out her professional activities in some newfangled field. Tries to communicate with famous and successful people.

In family life, Christina is usually happy. She is a reliable partner for her husband, a good housewife and mother. Raises children strictly, but fairly and with love.

The adult owner of this unusual name is often also called: Chris, Christy, Kristya, Kriska, Tina.

Energy name

What does the name Christina mean for a woman? In its subtle vibrations it carries notes of aristocracy, elitism, style, and attitude towards a high position in society.

Sometimes Christina needs to prove this: to behave correctly, to be able to stand up for herself, to defend her interests, and so on.

Sometimes it may seem that if this is not done, the woman will turn into a notorious lady. But still, the benevolent energy of the name allows Christina to be herself, without falling under the influence of other people who can provoke her and test her strength.

It is the ability to “stand firmly on the ground, on four legs” (eastern wisdom) that helps the owner of the name to resolve any, even very conflicting situations without panic and fear, and quickly make new acquaintances. Although, as a rule, she has several friends - for life.

And Christina does not take rash actions and does not dream in vain. This is one of those women who is able to truly be friends with men.

Christina's character depending on the time of year

The life and fate of a woman with this name can be influenced by the season when she was born:

  1. If in the winter, then she is an extrovert; the most striking character traits are independence, touchiness, temper, and stubbornness.
  2. In autumn - rigor, discipline (which she demands from herself and those around her), low emotionality, good teaching abilities.
  3. In the summer season - a softer disposition (compared to other seasons), goodwill.
  4. Spring - flexibility, creative approach to life, romanticism, sophistication.

Famous women named Christina

The most striking of them:

In addition to what the name Christina means (meaning of the name, influence on character and destiny), there are several more noteworthy points that relate to it:

  • favorable zodiac sign - Virgo;
  • lucky colors - yellow, orange, steel;
  • patron saints - Christina of Persia, Christina of Tire, Christina of Caesarea, Christina of Lampsaki, Christina of Nicomedia;
  • lucky day of the week - Wednesday;
  • lucky mascot stones - amber, jasper.

This is the basic information about the name Christina.